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Perdegimo sindromas ir jo ryšys su asmenybės bruožais ir patiriama žodine agresija / Burnout and its links with personality traits and verbal abuseSuchodolska, Ivona 13 June 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti patiriamo perdegimo sindromo dažnumą ir intensyvumą tiriamųjų tarpe bei nustatyti jo ryšį su asmenybės bruožais bei patiriama žodine agresija darbe. Tyrime dalyvavo 220 tiriamųjų iš dviejų Lietuvos įmonių, kurių darbo specifika yra klientų aptarnavimas. Perdegimas buvo vertinamas Maslach perdegimo sindromo klausimynu, kurį sudarė 22 teiginiai, matuojantys emocinį išsekimą, depersonalizaciją ir asmeninius laimėjimus (Maslach, Jackson, 1981). Patiriama žodinė agresija darbe vertinama, uždavus tris klausimus (Grandey et al., 2007). Asmenybės bruožai vertinami naudojant NEO PI-R asmenybės klausimyno lietuviškosios versijos (Žukauskienė, Barkauskienė, 2006) sutrumpintą variantą. Tyrimo duomenimis, perdegti labiau linkę nesusituokę, aukštesnį išsilavinimą turintys bei jaunesnio amžiaus asmenys, darbuotojai, bendraujantys su klientais telefonu. Neurotiški ir pasižymintys mažesniu sutariamumu darbuotojai bei patiriantys žodinę agresiją darbe labiau linkę emociškai išsekti bei patirti depersonalizaciją, t. y. perdegti. Taip pat daroma išvada, jog emocinį išsekimą labiausiai galima numatyti iš neurotizmo, o depersonalizaciją – iš klientų patiriamos žodinės agresijos. / The purpose of the study was to assess the frequency and intensity of burnout and evaluate the links between burnout, personality traits, and verbal abuse at work. The sample group was 220 respondents from two Lithuanian companies that work in customers’ service fields. Burnout was measured with Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach, Jackson, 1981), which consisted of 22 items measuring emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. Verbal abuse was assessed with 3 questions (Grandey et al., 2007). Personality traits were measured with shortcut version of the Lithuanian NEO PI-R version (Žukauskienė, Barkauskienė, 2006). The results showed that singles, younger, and higher educated people, or employees who have customer contacts by phone are more likely to burn out compare to others. Employees who are higher in neuroticism and lower in agreeableness, and who experiencing verbal aggression at work are more likely to burn out. Thus, emotional exhaustion could be predicted by neuroticism, while depersonalization – by customer verbal aggression more than personality traits.
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Artimų santykių su sutuoktiniu ir asmenybės ypatumų sąsajos / Correlations between spouses’ close relationship and personality traitsLapajienė, Milena 28 August 2008 (has links)
Problema. Visuomenėje stebima šeimos instancijos destabilizacija ir iš to sekantys negatyvūs padariniai individų psichinei gerovei. Žinodami, kokie sutuoktinių asmenybės ypatumai lemia kokybiškesnius ir stabilesnius artimus santykius, šeimos psichoterapeutai ir kiti specialistai galėtų padėti ugdyti tas pozityvias savybės ar slopinti negatyvių bruožų įtaką. Tam būtina žinoti ir suprasti asmenybės ypatumų ir sutuoktinių artimų santykių dimensijų sąsajas.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sutuoktinių artimų santykių dimensijų (Pasitenkinimo, Neigiamų emocijų, Įnikimo į santykius, Santykių demonstravimo, Vidinio kontrolės lokuso, Išorinio kontrolės lokuso, Motyvacijos, Stabilumo) ir asmenybės ypatumų (Šizoidiškumo, Paranoidiškumo, Narcistiškumo, Asocialumo, Isteriškumo, Ribinės asmenybės, Anankastinės asmenybės, Priklausomos asmenybės, Vengiančios asmenybės) sąsajas.
Metodai. Tyrime naudotas Asmenybės ypatumų klausimynas ir Multidimensinis santykių klausimynas.
Tiriamasis kontingentas. Tyrime dalyvavo 76 tiriamieji, t.y. 38 sutuoktinių poros, kurie priklauso visuomeninės organizacijos ,,Tėvynės Sąjunga“ Kauno skyriui. Tiriamųjų amžius nuo 21 iki 65 metų.
Rezultatai. Skirtingi vyrų ir žmonų asmenybės ypatumai susiję su skirtingomis tiek jų pačių, tiek ir sutuoktinio(-ės) artimų santykių dimensijomis. Didžiausią neigiamą įtaką artimiems santykiams turi vyrų ir žmonų polinkis į šizoidinę, anankastinę, ribinę ir vengiančią asmenybes. Asmenybės ypatumų ryšiai su artimų santykių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Background. It is noticeably that family institution is destabilizing in society and this negatively affects individuals‘psychical well-being. Getting known which personality traits determine more qualitive and stabile close relationship, family psychotherapists and other specialists can help to improve individuals those features or to reduce the influence of negative ones. For this purpose it is necessary to establish and understand correlations between spouses’ personality traits and close relationships dimensions. Objective. To establish linkage of spouses’ close relationships dimensions (Satisfaction, Negative emotions, Relationship involvement, Relationship Demonstration, Internal control, External control, Motivation, Stability) and personality traits (Schizoid, Paranoid, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Histrionic, Anancastic, Borderline, Dependent, Avoidant). Measures. Personality Traits Questionnaire and Multidimensional Relationship Questionnaire are used in this study. Participants. This study was composed of 38 married couples (76 adults between 21 and 65 years old), who belong to organization Tėvynės Sąjunga Kaunas section. Results. Different spouse‘s personality traits interrelate differently with their own and with spouse‘s close relationship dimensions. Schizoid, Anancastic, Borderline and Avoidant personality traits interrelate with close relationship most negatively. Correlations vary differently by gender.
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Sąmoningai save žalojančių ir turinčių savižudiškų tendencijų 16-19 metų mokinių asmenybės savybių ypatumai / Personality Traits Characteristics of 16-19 Age School Children with Deliberate Self-harm and Suicidal BehaviorAndrašiūtė, Rosita 29 January 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti save žalojančių ir turinčių savižudiškų tendencijų 16-19 metų mokinių asmenybės savybių ypatumus.
Tyrime dalyvavo 174 mokiniai (71 mergaitė ir 103 berniukai). Siekiant atskleisti paauglių agresyvumo bruožą, buvo pasirinktas A. H. Buss ir M. Perry (1992) Agresijos klausimynas (angl. The Buss–Perry Aggression Questionnaire), tyrime naudojamos dvi agresyvumo skalės: fizinė agresija ir priešiškumas. Savigarbai matuoti, pasirinkta M. Rosenberg (1965) Savigarbos skalė (angl. Rosenberg Self-Esteem). Siekiant atskleisti paauglių saviveiksmingumo bruožą, pasirinkta R. Schwarzer ir M. Jerusalem (1995) Saviveiksmingumo skalė (angl. General Self-Efficacy scale). Impulsyvumo savybei matuoti pasirinkta E. S. Barratt (1995) Motorinio impulsyvumo skalė (angl. Motor Impulsiveness, Baratt Impulsiveness Scale). Neurotiškumo savybei matuoti buvo pasirinkta H ir S. Eysenck klausimyno (EPQ) (1986) neurotiškumo skalė. Sąmoningai save žalojančiam elgesiui matuoti naudota V. Jonušės (2010) sudaryta skalė, o savižudiškų tendencijų turinčiam elgesiui L. Šeibokaitės (2008) sudaryti klausimai.
Rezultatai rodo, kad sąmoningai save žalojantys, turintys savižudiškų tendencijų ir tik turintys savižudiškų tendencijų berniukai pasižymi didesniu nurotiškumo, impulsyvumo, priešiškumo lygiu bei tik turintys savižudiškų tendencijų pasižymi ir didesniu fizinės agresijos lygiu, palyginus su to nedarančiais berniukais. Kontroliuojant savybių tarpusavio ryšius impulsyvumo, fizinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim - to identify personality traits characteristics between 16-19 age school children with deliberate self-harm and suicidal behavior
The study included 174 school children (71 females and 103 males). A. H. Buss ir M. Perry (1992) Aggression Questionnaire was applied to measure school children aggression; two scales used in this study: hostility, physical aggression. To measure self-esteem was chosen M. Rosenberg (1965) Self-Esteem scale. To measure children‘s self-efficacy were applied R. Schwarzer ir M. Jerusalem (1995) General Self-Efficacy scale. Impulsivity was measured by E. S. Barratt (1995) Motor Impulsiveness, Baratt Impulsiveness Scale. To measure neuroticism were applied H and S. Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ) (1986). To measure deliberate self-harm we used the scale created by V.Jonušė (2010), for suicidal tendencies – questions created by L. Šeibokaitė (2008).
The results show that boys who deliberately self-harm and show suicidal behavior, and those who have only suicidal tendencies, but don‘t self-harm, have a higher impulsivity, hostility, neuroticism levels and those who have only suicidal tendencies also have higer physical aggression level, compared with boys who don‘t show such behavior. Controlling the relations between personality traits, impulsivity, hostility and physical aggression importance for boys self-harm and suicidal behavior disappears. Boys self-esteem and self-efficacy are not related to boys deliberately self-harm and... [to full text]
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L'évaluation de la structure de personnalité d'un échantillon de fraudeurs québécois judiciarisésGagnon, Sophie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Time perspective: its link to personality traits, age, and gender / Laiko perspektyva: sąsajos su asmenybės bruožais, amžiumi ir lytimiKairys, Antanas 01 October 2010 (has links)
In Lithuania, as well as in other countries, psychological studies on time perspective are still making their first steps. Currently, no theoretical paradigm is extensive enough to serve well as a basis for further fundamental and applied research in this field. The goal of this study was to explore the link between time perspective and personality traits in different gender and age groups. To analyse time perspective and personality traits, two independent studies were carried out (N=636 in Study 1, N=153 in Study 2, samples heterogeneous in terms of gender and age). The findings support the assumption that time perspective might be classified as a personality trait. Time perspective and personality traits were found to be closely related, moreover, the results have revealed certain characteristics of time perspective development. In addition, gender differences in time perspective were explored and, finally, an analysis of the relationship between time perspective and certain behavioural variables (alcohol use, smoking, subjective health rating, etc.) was conducted. / Tiek užsienyje, tiek Lietuvoje psichologiniai laiko perspektyvos tyrimai tik prasideda, nėra nė vienos išbaigtos teorinės paradigmos, kuria remdamiesi šios problemos tyrėjai galėtų telktis fundamentaliems ir taikomiesiems tyrimams. Šio tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti vyrų ir moterų laiko perspektyvos sąsajas su asmenybės bruožais skirtingais amžiaus tarpsniais. Buvo atlikti du tyrimai, kuriuose dalyvavo 636 ir 153 žmonės (abiejų lyčių, įvairaus amžiaus), buvo tirta jų laiko perspektyva ir asmenybės bruožai. Tyrimo rezultatai leidžia daryti išvadą, kad laiko perspektyva, tikėtina, yra asmenybės bruožas. Nustatytos tamprios sąsajos tarp laiko perspektyvos ir asmenybės bruožų, tyrimo rezultatai leidžia spręsti apie kai kuriuos laiko perspektyvos raidos ypatumus. Išnagrinėti laiko perspektyvos skirtumai vyrų ir moterų grupėse, taip pat laiko perspektyvos sąsajos su asmens elgesio kintamaisiais (alkoholio vartojimu, rūkymu, subjektyviu sveikatos vertinimu ir kt.).
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The DSM-5 Dimensional Trait Model and the Five Factor ModelGore, Whitney L 01 January 2013 (has links)
The current thesis tests empirically the relationship of the dimensional trait model proposed for the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders with five-factor models (FFM) of personality disorder (PD). The DSM-5 Personality and Personality Disorders Work Group proposes to diagnose the disorders largely in terms of a 25 trait dimensional model organized within five broad domains (i.e., negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, and psychoticism). Consistent with the authors of DSM-5, it was predicted that negative affectivity would align with FFM neuroticism, detachment with FFM introversion, antagonism with FFM antagonism, disinhibition with low FFM conscientiousness and, contrary to the authors of DSM-5, psychoticism would align with FFM openness. Suggested changes in trait placements according to FFM of PD research were also tested. Four measures of five factor models of general personality were administered to 445 undergraduates along with the Personality Inventory for DSM-5. The results of the present study provided support for the hypothesis that all five domains of the DSM-5 dimensional trait model are maladaptive variants of general personality structure, including the domain of psychoticism; however, the findings provided mixed support for suggested trait placement changes in the DSM-5 model.
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Temperament and Personality Traits as Predictors of Preschool ODD Symptoms, Longitudinal Course, and ImpairmentZastrow, Brittany L 01 January 2014 (has links)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is commonly conceptualized as a disorder of negative affect and low effortful control. Currently, it is unclear whether temperament and personality traits associated with negative affect and effortful control can be useful assessment tools for identifying ODD early during development. This study examined the relationship between temperament and personality traits and ODD in a clinical sample of preschoolers. Results suggest that, at this age, temperament and personality traits of negative affect and neuroticism and effortful control and conscientiousness/agreeableness are not associated with one another. High negative affect, low conscientiousness, and low agreeableness were all specifically associated with the angry/irritable (vs. argumentative/defiant, vindictive) ODD symptom domain; however, the traits did not predict change in symptoms over time. Lastly, low conscientiousness predicted ODD-related impairment, while negative affect and agreeableness interacted to predict impairment such low agreeableness appears to be a primary pathway to impairment, and high negative affect appears to be a secondary pathway. Overall, this study suggests high negative affect, low conscientiousness, and low agreeableness are associated with ODD. Early assessment of these traits may be clinically useful in identifying children at risk for ODD, given that they may be early markers for ODD symptoms and impairment.
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Whiplash injury : a clinical, radiographic and psychological investigationPettersson, Kurt January 1996 (has links)
Whiplash injury is a common and troublesome disorder and approximately 10-40 per cent of its victims develop chronic symptoms. The annual incidence is estimated at 1/1000 inhabitants and the prevalence at 1%. The cause of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury is still unknown and no effective treatment has been presented so far. The present study is divided into two parts; the first part includes clinical, radiographic and psychological investigations, and the second part the effect of surgical intervention as well as intervention with medication. MRI studies (n=39) showed a larger proportion of pathologic findings compared to normal subjects, but no correlation with initial neurologic deficits was found. At the 2-year follow-up all patients with disc herniations with medullary impingement had persistent symptoms. Three patients had disc herniations that deteriorated from slight and moderate initial changes on the MRI to severe changes with medullary cord impingement. This deterioration might be a first sign of disc degeneration. Thus our results indicate that disc pathology is a contributing factor in the development of chronic symptoms. Measurements from standard lateral radiographs taken in neutral position were evaluated (n=48). A graphic digitizer connected to a microcomputer was used and the sagittal diameters were determined. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that the spinal canal was significantly smaller in patients with persistent symptoms indicating that a narrow spinal canal is unfavourable in patients subjected to whiplash injury. A psychological investigation (n=70) revealed no relationship between pre-existing personality traits and persistent symptoms. In our study, whiplash patients showed no differences in personality traits compared to normal controls. Our results after discectomy and anterior cervical fusion (n=20) because of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury were not satisfactory. We noticed that about half of the cases had less headache and neck pain but no beneficial effects on radicular pain, vertigo, visual and auditory symptoms were observed. Based on the criteria of a surgical evaluation, two patients were classified as good, nine as fair and nine as poor. A prospective randomised double-blind study of high-dose methyl-prednisolone compared to placebo was conducted (n=40). A clinical follow-up with repeated neurological examinations and a standardised questionnaire including VAS-scales and a pain sketch form were used for the evaluation of initial symptoms, before drug administration and at the follow-ups at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 6 months after the injury. At the 6-month follow-up there was a significant difference between the actively treated patients and placebo concerning disabling symptoms defined as inability to return to previous work, number of sick-days and sick-leave profile. All the actively treated patients had returned to work and none had multiple symptoms though three of them complained of intermittent neck pain. Our conclusion is therefore that acute treatment with high-dose corticosteroids might be beneficial to the prevention of disabling symptoms after whiplash injury. / <p>Härtill 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Sales performance : A study of the correlation between personality traits and sales performance in the Swedish car dealership market.Andersson, Johan, Carlson, Adam, Monié, Robert January 2015 (has links)
Background: When a company is employing new salespeople, much is expected from these. The company is hoping that the new candidate is going to perform well and contribute to the fullest. One of the big questions that the organization has to face is how to evaluate and sift through sales candidates in order to find the best suited one. Previous studies have shown to some extent that a person's personality can be connected to how well they are performing in different occupations. One commonly used framework for assessing personality is the Five Factor Model (FFM) which is able to account for different traits without overlapping. One way to assess a person's personality traits is by the use of the big five inventory questionnaire (BFI). Purpose: To describe if there is a correlation between personality traits and sales performance in the Swedish car dealership market.Method: The research was a quantitative study of two Swedish car dealerships, where 60 out of 72 employees at Hedin Bil & Holmgrens Bil answered the BFI questionnaire. The response rate was 83%. The survey was sent out by mail to the two companies whose responsible managers divided their sales staff in three different groups (good performing, average performing and bad performing) according to the company's organizational goals.Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that one of the hypotheses was supported and four rejected by the salespeople participating. The only hypothesis that was supported was that Neuroticism would correlate negatively with sales performance.
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Asmenų, patyrusių apatinių galūnių amputaciją, asmenybės bruožų, streso, susijusio su liga, įveikos strategijų ir depresiškumo sąsajos / Relationships between personality traits, stress, caused of illness, coping strategies and depressiveness among people with lower limb amputationsDirsytė, Inga 03 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: Atskleisti asmenų, patyrusių apatinių galūnių amputaciją, asmenybės bruožų, streso, susijusio su liga, įveikos strategijų bei depresiškumo sąsajas.
Tyrime dalyvavo 70 asmenų, patyrusių apatinių galūnių amputaciją (53 vyrai, 17 moterų). Tyrime buvo naudojami trys klausimynai: 1. COPE (angl. Coping Orientation of Problem Experience)- streso, susijusio su liga, įveikos strategijų nustatymui. 2. „Penketo svarbiausių“ bruožų klausimynas- The Big Five Inventory (BFI) 3. HAD (Hospital Anxiety and depression scale)- depresiškumo matavimui.
Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad didesnį depresiškumą prognozuoja mažiau adaptyvių bei adaptyvių į emocijas nukreiptų įveikų naudojimas, mažesnė laiko trukmė (iki 6 mėn.) praėjusi po amputacijos bei labiau išreikštas neurotizmo bruožas. Tuo tarpu mažesnį depresiškumą prognozuoja didesnis sutariamumo bruožo išreikštumas.
Didėjant ekstraversijos bruožo išreikštumui dažniau naudojama į problemą nukreipta įveika ir rečiau naudojama mažiau adaptyvi įveika. Sąžiningumo bruožo didėjimas siejasi su mažiau naudojamomis mažiau adaptyviomis įveikos strategijomis bei dažniau naudojamomis adaptyviomis į problemą nukreiptomis įveikos strategijomis. Didėjant neurotizmo bruožo išreikštumui dažniau renkamasi mažiau adaptyvią įveiką bei rečiau renkamasi adaptyvią į problemą nukreiptą įveiką. Atvirumo patyrimui bruožo išreikštumo didėjimas siejasi su adaptyvių įveikų naudojimu. Tuo tarpu sutariamumo bruožo didėjimas siejasi su dažniau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of research was to examine associations between personality traits, stress coping strategies, caused by the illness and depressiveness among people with lower limb amputations.
In this study were examined 70 patients (57 men and 17 women) who experienced a lower limb amputation.
In this research were used three questionnaires: 1.COPE (Coping Orientation of Problem Experience)- to identify stress coping strategies. 2. „The Big Five Inventory „(BFI) 3. HAD (Hospital Anxiety and depression scale) to measure a level of depressiveness.
The results showed that depressivity is predicted by the using of maladaptive and adaptive emotion -focused coping strategies, neuroticism and the duration of time after amputation. Shorter time (up to 6 months) predicts more depressive symptoms than longer time. Meanwhile, the lower depressivity predicts conscientiousness.
Extraversion is associated with frequently used adaptive problem focused coping strategies and rarely used maladaptive coping strategy. Conscientiousness personality trait is associated with reduced use of maladaptive coping strategies and frequent use of adaptive problem- focused coping. Neuroticism is associated with increased use of maladaptive coping strategies and reduced use of adaptive problem- focused coping. Openness to experience is associated with the use of adaptive coping strategies . Meanwhile conscientiousnessis associated with frequent use of adaptive problem- focused coping and rare use of... [to full text]
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