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Correlational Analysis of Drivers Personality Traits and Styles in a Distributed Simulated Driving EnvironmentAbbas, Muhammad Hassan, Khan, Mati-ur-Rehman January 2007 (has links)
<p>In this thesis report we conducted research study on driver's behavior in T-Intersections using simulated environment. This report describes and discusses correlation analysis of driver's personality traits and style while driving at T-Intersections.</p><p>The experiments were performed on multi user driving simulator under controlled settings, at Linköping University. A total of forty-eight people participated in the study and were divided into groups of four, all driving in the same simulated world.</p><p>During the experiments participants were asked to fill a series of well-known self-report questionnaires. We evaluated questionnaires to get the insight in driver's personality traits and driving style. The self-report questionnaires consist of Schwartz's configural model of 10 values types and NEO-five factor inventory. Also driver's behavior was studied with the help of questionnaires based on driver's behavior, style, conflict avoidance, time horizon and tolerance of uncertainty. Then these 10 Schwartz's values are correlated with the other questionnaires to give the detail insight of the driving habits and personality traits of the drivers.</p>
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ESSAYS ON JOB-RELATED RISKS AND WORKER SORTINGWicaksono, Teguh Yudo 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines heterogeneity in the value of a statistical life (henceforth VSL) stemming from employer-provided health insurance (henceforth EHI) and worker sorting. The dissertation consists of three essays.
In the first essay (Chapter 2), I investigate the effect of health-driven productivity on the wage compensation for mortality risk, and how EHI influences VSL using the US labor market data. In this chapter I build a framework showing that the level of job risks influences the incentive of employers to provide EHI. The basic notion of the framework is that health insurance is an investment in health and health is a form of general human capital. Employers are willing to invest in employees' health and pay the associated costs as long as they can recoup the costs of health investment. Occupational hazards, however, are harmful to health; productivity gains from health tend to decline as risk increases, resulting in lower health investment made by employers. As a result, the workers in risky jobs have to contribute more to their health investment in the form of lower wages than do workers in safe jobs. This behavioral response pushes down the wage offer curve of the insured in high risk occupations. Consequently, workers with health insurance, on average, accept a lower risk premium, leading to a lower VSL. Empirical findings from this dissertation suggest evidence of heterogeneity in VSL due to health insurance status: the estimated VSL for workers with health insurance is lower than those without one.
In the second essay (Chapter 3), I extend the framework of the second chapter into the United Kingdom (the UK) labor market. Different from the US, the UK has universal health care system in which all eligible individuals (almost all the UK citizens) are covered by publicly-provided health care. This chapter also provides evidence that private medical insurance in the universal health care system affects the risk premium. Despite the fact that the UK and the US have different institutional settings in health coverage, findings from the UK are, to some extent, qualitatively similar to the US.
A major issue in estimates of VSL is that people are not randomly assigned to jobs. That is, heterogeneous people would sort into jobs based on their preferences on risk and safety-related skills. Thus, failure to account for heterogeneity in both risk preferences and safety-related skills will bias the estimated VSL. In the third essay (Chapter 4), I discuss worker sorting and how it may affect the mortality risk premium. In this chapter, I focus on the role of personality traits in safety-related skill and their influence on worker sorting based on job risk. I use Five-Factor Model of personality or also known as the ‘’Big Five” personality traits. The big 5 personality traits are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. In my framework, these personality traits are inputs and the technology of skill formation transforms the traits into safety-related skill.
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Revisorns personlighet : Hur påverkar revisorns personlighetsdrag preferens för struktur och bedömning? / The auditor’s personality : How does the auditor’s personality influence preference for structure and judgment?Robertsson, Ester, Gustafsson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Allt mer struktur införs i revisionsbranschen. Revisorer behöver i sitt arbete balansera strukturerade och bedömningsrelaterade arbetsuppgifter för att bibehålla en hög kvalitet i revisionen. Den enskilde revisorn inverkar på processen då personlighetsdrag har visat sig ha samband med vilka arbetsuppgifter som föredras. Syfte: Syftet är att förklara hur revisorns personlighetsdrag påverkar preferens för struktur och bedömning. Teori: Traitteori med fördjupning inom Big Five, yrkesmässiga intressen, komfortteori och definitioner av struktur och bedömning. Metod: I studien används en deduktiv forskningsansats där hypotesprövning används för att pröva ovanstående teorier. Studien är kvantitativ och en enkätundersökning genomförs. Auktoriserade revisorer från Revisorsnämndens lista (2015) ingår i urvalet. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet indikerar att revisorers personlighetsdrag förklarar preferens för struktur och bedömning. Studien presenterar ett positivt signifikant samband mellan öppna revisorer och bedömningsrelaterade arbetsuppgifter samt ett negativt samband med strukturerade arbetsuppgifter. Ett positivt signifikant samband existerar mellan samvetsgranna revisorer och strukturerade och bedömningsrelaterade arbetsuppgifter. Komfort visar sig i studien vara ett alternativt sätt att mäta preferens. Studiens bidrag: Studien bidrar med ett nytt perspektiv inom struktur- och bedömningsdilemmat. Studien ger även rekryterare inom revisionsbranschen en förståelse för personlighetens betydelse i revisorns arbete. / Background: More structure is being introduced in the auditing profession. Auditors need to balance structured and judgment-related tasks to maintain a high quality in the audit process. The individual auditor influences the process as personality traits have been shown to be related to the tasks which are preferred. Aim: The purpose is to explain how the auditor's personality traits influence preference for structure and judgment. Theory: Trait theory with focus on Big Five, vocational interests, comfort theory and definitions of structure and judgment. Method: The study uses a deductive research approach where hypothesis testing is used to test the above listed theories. The study is quantitative and survey method is used. The sample consists of certified auditors from Revisorsnämnden (2015). Result and conclusion: The result indicates that the auditor's personality traits may explain preference for structure and judgment. The study presents a positive significant relationship between auditors that are open and judgment-related tasks, and a negative significant relationship with structured tasks. A positive significant relationship exists between auditors that are conscientious and structured and judgment-related tasks. The study shows that the term comfort is an alternative way to measure preference. Contribution: The study provides a new perspective in the structure and judgment dilemma. The study also gives recruiters within audit companies an understanding in how the personality affects the work of auditors.
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Sveikatai palankaus gyvenimo būdo sąsajos su asmenybės savybėm ir socialiniu palaikymu / Health promoting behavior and it‘s link with personality traits and social supportKučinskaitė, Dovilė 28 August 2008 (has links)
Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais iškilo nauja sveikatai palankaus gyvenimo būdo (sveikatingumo) paradigma, kaip alternatyva ankstesniam tradiciniam ligos-sveikatos modeliui. Naujasis modelis labiau orientuotas į asmens sveikatos išsaugojimą ir leidžia asmeniui pačiam pasirinkti kryptį savo sveikatos išsaugojimui ir asmenybės augimui. Užsienyje siekiant pagerinti studentų studijų ir gyvenimo kokybę vykdomos įvairios sveikatingumo programos ir atliekami tyrimai, siekiant nustatyti įvairius psichologinius ir socialinius veiksnius, susijusius su studentų sveikatingumu. Lietuvoje tai gana nauja tyrinėjimų sritis. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti studentų sveikatingumą, asmenybės savybes ir socialinį palaikymą bei nustatyti sveikatingumo, asmenybės savybių ir socialinio palaikymo sąsajas.
Tyrime dalyvavo 259 studentai ( 136 moterys ir 123 vyrai) iš 4 Kauno mieste esančių universitetinių mokyklų (VDU, KTU, KMU, LŽŪU). Tyrimas atliktas naudojant Penkių faktorių sveikatingumo (Myers, Sweeney), Didžiojo penketo asmenybės dimensijų (Goldberg, 1999), Kasdieninės dvasinės patirties (Underwood, Teresi, 2000), Pasitenkinimo gyvenimu (Diener, 1985) ir Socialinio palaikymo klausimynus (Sherbourne, Steward, 1991). Studentai apklausti universitete paskaitų arba pertraukų metu bei universitetų bendrabučiuose.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad studentų sveikatingumas skiriasi lyties ir studijų profilio atžvilgiu. Studentų asmenybės savybės iš dalies susijusios su sveikatingumu: aukštesni sveikatingumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In recent decades have emerged a new health oriented (wellness) paradigm as alternative to earlier traditional illness – health model. A new model is more oriented to health retention of person and allows him oneself to choose a way to preserve one’s health and personality development. In foreign countries many various wellness programs are managed in order to improve students’ study and life quality, and studies are made in order to measure various psychological and social factors, which are related to students’ wellness. In Lithuania it is a quite new area of studies. The aim of this study is to measure students wellness, personality traits and social support, and to investigate the relationship between students’ wellness, personality trait and social support.
The subjects of the study was 259 students( 136 women ir 123 men) form 4 universities in Kaunas city (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuanian University of Agriculture). Students were asked to fill in the form with consists of Five Factor Wellness Model (Myers, Sweeney), Big Five (Goldberg, 1999), The Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (Underwood, Teresi, 2000), Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, 1985) ir The Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (Sherbourne, Steward, 1991).
The study results indicate a difference between students‘ wellness by gender and study profile. Students‘ personality traits are partially associated with wellness: higher... [to full text]
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Profesionalių vairuotojų darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajos / Relation between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional driversStankevičienė, Džeralda 19 June 2009 (has links)
Kasmet apie pusė milijono žmonių žūsta eismo įvykiuose visame pasaulyje. Dažniausiai į eismo įvykius patenka profesionalūs vairuotojai, nes profesionalus vairavimas sąlygoja daug didesnę riziką nei kitos profesijos. Eismo įvykiai – tai dideli ekonominiai ir socialiniai kaštai visuomenei ir darbdaviams.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti profesionalių vairuotojų darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajas.
Tyrime dalyvavo Lietuvoje dirbantis 181 profesionalus vairuotojas (vyrai) iš įvairaus dydžio organizacijų. Tiriamiesiems anketos buvo pateikiamos tiesiogiai, darbo vietoje, ir iš karto po užpildymo surenkamos. Tiriamieji atsakė į anketoje pateiktus klausimus, siekiant įvertinti darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajas: a) darbo motyvacijai įvertinti sukurtas klausimynas, remiantis V. Vroomo lūkesčių darbo motyvacijos teorija, b) asmenybės bruožams nustatyti naudotas 44 klausimų Didžiojo penketo modelio klausimynas (John ir kt., 1991), c) rizikingam vairavimo elgesiui įvertinti naudotas 24 teiginių vairavimo elgesio klausimynas (Reason ir Parker, 1990) ir informacija apie eismo įvykius bei baudas už kelių eismo taisyklių pažeidimus.
Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad profesionalūs vilkikų vairuotojai, pasižymintys labiau išreikšta ekstraversija, sutariamumu, sažiningumu ir mažiau išreikštu neurotizmu, mažiau rizikingai vairuoja. Tačiau tik mažiau išreikštu sąžiningumu pasižymintys profesionalūs mažųjų autobusų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every year, about half a million people are killed in traffic accidents around the world. In most cases, accidents are of concern to professional drivers, as professional driving involves much greater risk than other professions. Traffic accidents mean major economic and social costs to society and employers.
The aim of the study was to identify the links between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional drivers.
The study covered 181 professional driver (male) employed in various size organizations in Lithuania. Trial questionnaires were distributed to the research individuals directly at their workplaces, and collected immediately after the filling. The respondents answered the questions in the questionnaire aiming to assess the relations between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional drivers: a) questionnaire for the assessment of work motivation was developed on the basis of V. Vroom expectancy theory of motivation, b) personality traits were determined by using the Big Five model Inventory consisting of 44 questions (John et al., 1991), c) risky driving behaviour was determined according to the questionnaire with 24 statements on driving behaviour (Reason, and Parker, 1990) and information about traffic events and penalties for traffic offences.
The results of this study demonstrated those professional truck drivers, during more expressed extroversion, agreeableness... [to full text]
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IX-XI klasių mokinių asmenybės bruožų ir motyvacinės orientacijos sąsajos su kūrybinio mąstymo rodikliais / Relationship among students‘ personality Traits and Motivational Orientations with indicators of Creative Thinking in 9th-11th gradesKaraliūtė, Vykinta 07 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti IX-XI klasių mokinių asmenybės bruožų ir motyvacinės orientacijos sąsajas su kūrybinio mąstymo rodikliais.
Tyrime dalyvavo 199 Kauno Antano Smetonos vidurinės mokyklos ir Neveronių vidurinės mokyklos IX-XI klasių mokiniai (berniukai ir mergaitės).
Tyrime buvo naudojamas F. E. Williams Kūrybiškumo įvertinimo testas (angl., The Creativity Assessment Packet), R. R. McCrae ir P. T. Costos Asmenybės bruožų klausimynas (angl., BIG5) ir T. M. Amabile, K. G. Hill, B. A. Hennessey, E. M. Tighe Motyvacijos skalė (angl., Work Preference Inventory (Student Form)).
Tyrimo duomenų analizė parodė, jog didėjant mokinių atvirumo patyrimui rodikliams, didėja jų kūrybinio mąstymo rodikliai – originalumas, išbaigtumas, pavadinimas. Didėjant mokinių ekstraversijos ir neurotiškumo rodikliams, didėja vienas kūrybinio mąstymo rodiklis pavadinimas. Tuo tarpu 2 mokinių asmenybės bruožai: sutariamumas bei sąmoningumas nėra susiję nei su vienu kūrybinio mąstymo rodikliu. Darbe patvirtinta prielaida, jog didėjant mokinių vidinei motyvacijai veikti, didėja jų kūrybinio mąstymo rodikliai – originalumas, išbaigtumas, pavadinimas. O didėjant mokinių išorinės motyvacijos pripažinimo subskalei, mažėja vienas iš kūrybinio mąstymo rodiklių - išbaigtumas. Taip pat iš tyrimo rezultatų matyti, kad vidinė motyvacija veikti veikia, kaip mediatorius, kūrybinio mąstymo ir 3 asmenybės bruožų - atvirumo patyrimui, ekstraversijos ir sąmoningumo - ryšyje. Tačiau išorinė motyvacija nėra asmenybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess relationship among students personality Traits, Motivational Orientations and indicators of Creative Thinking in IX through XI grades.
199 students from IX-XI grades in Kaunas Antanas Smetona and Neveronys secondary schools participated in the study.
F. E. Williams The Creativity Assessment Packet was used to measure indicators of Creative Thinking. R. R. McCrae and P. T. Costos BIG5 Questionnaire was used for personality traits evaluation. T. M. Amabile, K. G. Hill, B. A. Hennessey, E. M. Tighe Work Preference Inventory (Student Form) was used to measure motivational orientation.
The statistic analysis showed that Creative Thinking indicators originality, elaboration and title increase when students openness to experience indexes grow. When students extraversion and neuroticism increase, their indicator for Creative Thinking - title - grows. Student Personalily Traits: agreeableness and conscientiousness are not related to any indicator of Creative Thinking. An assumption that when students intrinsic motivation to work increases, indicators originality, elaboration, title of Creative Thinking go up, was sustained. And when the outward scale of extrinsic motivation increases, students indicator for elaboration decreases. The results showed that intrinsic motivation mediates the relationship between Creative Thinking and openness to experience, Creative Thinking and extraversion, Creative Thinking and conscientiousness. But extrinsic... [to full text]
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Est-ce que l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité des adolescents sont reliés? : relations concurrentes et prospectives dans une étude longitudinale de cinq ansFréchette, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
Selon plusieurs auteurs, l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité sont des construits fondamentaux nécessaires à l’adaptation psychosociale des individus. Bien que plusieurs études menées à partir d’échantillons d’adultes aient démontré des liens significatifs entre ces deux construits, peu d’entre elles ont tenté de vérifier si ces relations pouvaient être observées aussi chez les adolescents. De plus, un nombre très restreint d’études ont étudié la question de savoir si les relations entre l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité étaient significatives de façon prospective avec un intervalle de temps entre les évaluations. Enfin, les études disponibles ne permettent pas de déterminer si les relations entre l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité sont différentes selon le sexe. La présente étude visait à combler ces vides. Les objectifs étaient, d’une part, de déterminer s’il existe des relations prédictives concurrentes et prospectives entre l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité chez les adolescents et, d’autre part, de vérifier si ces relations sont différentes entre les garçons et les filles. Les données utilisées proviennent de l’étude longitudinale de la Stratégie d’intervention agir autrement (SIAA). Un large échantillon d’adolescents évalués une première fois en secondaire un et réévalués à nouveau quatre ans plus tard en secondaire cinq a été employé. À la première vague de collecte de données, seule l’intelligence générale a été évaluée, tandis qu’à la deuxième vague, autant l’intelligence générale que les traits de personnalité l’ont été. La modélisation par équations structurales sur des variables latentes a été utilisée pour tester les différentes hypothèses de recherche. Les résultats ont démontré que, sur le plan concurrent, l’intelligence générale et tous les traits de personnalité considérés sont reliés significativement de façon positive, ce qui va partiellement à l’encontre des données obtenues à partir des échantillons d’adultes. Sur le plan prospectif, les résultats ont confirmé que les corrélations diminuent avec le temps, et ce, pour presque tous les traits étudiés. Finalement, les modèles d’équations structurales multi-groupes ont confirmé la présence de différences significatives entre les garçons et les filles pour certains traits de personnalité. Dans l’ensemble, bien que plusieurs résultats de la présente étude obtenus à partir d’un échantillon d’adolescents soient conformes à ceux observés auprès d’échantillons d’adultes, certaines différences intéressantes sont observées. / According to several scholars, general intelligence and personality traits are fundamental constructs that are necessary for individuals’ psychosocial adjustment. Even though several studies showed significant relations between these constructs in adults’ samples, very few attempted to demonstrate if these relations can be observed in adolescents’ samples. Moreover, very few studies verified if these relations between general intelligence and personality traits were also significant prospectively with a time interval between assessments. Furthermore, the available studies do not allow determining if the relations between general intelligence and personality traits are different across gender. This study aimed at filling these gaps. The objectives were to determine if there were concurrent and prospective relations between general intelligence and personality traits in adolescents, as well as to determine if these relations were different across boys and girls. Data were drawn from the New Approaches New Solutions (NANS) longitudinal study. A large sample of adolescents first assessed in grade one, and re-assessed four years later in grade 5 was used. At the first wave of data collection, only general intelligence was assessed, while at the fifth wave, both general intelligence and personality were assessed. Structural equation modeling on latent variables was used to test the different research hypotheses. The results demonstrated that concurrently, general intelligence and all personality traits considered are significantly positively related, which partially contradict data from adults’ samples. Prospectively, the results confirmed that correlations decreased over time for almost all personality traits. Finally, multiple-group structural equations models confirmed there are significant differences between boys and girls for some personality traits. Overall, despite several results converge with those observed with adults’ samples, some interesting differences can be observed when adolescents are studied.
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Des pensées criminelles et des traits de personnalité de fraudeurs incarcérés, sous l’angle de la psychopathiePaquette, Eve 09 1900 (has links)
L’élaboration de programme d’interventions propres aux fraudeurs soulève la question de la particularité de leur personnalité. Des écrits suggèrent que la personnalité des fraudeurs présenterait des similitudes avec les traits psychopathiques. L’objectif de l’étude est donc de décrire et d’explorer ces traits chez des fraudeurs spécialisés incarcérés, et ce, à l’aide des questionnaires Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) et Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles (PICTS). Trois groupes de détenus (35 hommes, 17 femmes) ont rempli les questionnaires: fraudeurs spécialisés (n=23), autres délinquants sans crimes violents (ASV, n=19) et autres délinquants avec crimes violents (AAV, n=10). Un groupe d’étudiants (n=430) a aussi complété le PPI, permettant ainsi d’ajouter un groupe de comparaison. Les analyses ont permis de constater que le groupe de fraudeurs diffère peu des autres groupes quant à leurs traits psychopathiques. Cependant, ils sont moins enclins que le groupe d’AAV à adopter des pensées criminelles, fréquentes chez les psychopathes. / Developping specific intervention programmes for frauds raises the issue of personality characteristics. Studies suggest that the personality of fraudsters presents certain similarities with psychopathic traits. The goal of the study is to describe and explore the personality of incarcerated specialized fraudsters by using psychometric tests such as the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) and the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles (PICTS). Three groups of inmates (35 men, 17 women) completed the questionnaires: fraud specialists (n = 23), offenders who committed non-violent crimes (n = 19) and offenders who committed violent crimes (n= 10). A group of students (n = 430) also completed the PPI, thereby adding a comparison group. Analyses revealed few differences between the psychopathic traits of fraudsters and those of the other groups' respondents. However, it was revealed that fraudsters were less likely to adopt criminal thoughts, common in psychopaths, than are the respondents from the AAV group.
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Questionnaire d'attitudes et de préférences éducatives des intervenants (QAPÉI) : structure factorielle et relations avec les traits de personnalitéPoitras, Mélanie 11 1900 (has links)
La psychoéducation de même que plusieurs approches théoriques en psychologie clinique suggèrent que l’intervenant constitue un élément actif fondamental des interventions auprès des individus en difficulté. Parmi l’ensemble des caractéristiques des intervenants qui sont utiles de considérer, les attitudes et préférences éducatives des intervenants apparaissent importantes puisqu’elles peuvent être reliées à un bon appariement avec un milieu d’intervention donné, au sentiment d’efficacité professionnelle et, ultimement, à l’efficacité d’une intervention. Or, très peu d’instruments psychométriques d’évaluation validés existent pour évaluer ces construits importants. Cette étude visait principalement à effectuer un examen préliminaire des propriétés psychométriques de la version française du Questionnaire d’attitudes et de préférences des intervenants (QAPÉI; Jesness & Wedge, 1983; Le Blanc, Trudeau-Le Blanc, & Lanctôt, 1999). Le premier objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer si la structure théorique originale était reproductible empiriquement ou si une structure factorielle alternative était nécessaire. Le deuxième objectif était d’évaluer si les attitudes et préférences éducatives des intervenants étaient reliées à leurs traits de personnalité. L’échantillon utilisé était composé d’intervenants faisant partie de Boscoville2000, un projet d’intervention cognitive-comportementale en milieu résidentiel pour les adolescents en difficulté. Des analyses factorielles exploratoires ont démontré que la structure théorique originale n’était pas reproduite empiriquement. Une structure alternative en cinq facteurs a été recouvrée. Cette structure alternative était plus cohérente sur le plan conceptuel et démontrait une bonne adéquation aux données. Les facteurs identifiés ont été nommés Distance affective, Évitement thérapeutique, Exaspération, Permissivité et Coercition. Des analyses corrélationnelles ont démontré que ces échelles d’attitudes et de préférences éducatives étaient reliées de façon conceptuellement cohérente aux traits de personnalité des intervenants, ce qui appuie la validité de critère de la nouvelle structure de l’instrument. / Psychoeducation and several clinical psychology theoretical approaches suggest that the interventionist constitute a fundamental active ingredient of psychosocial interventions for individuals with adjustment problems. Among the various characteristics of interventionists there are useful to consider, attitudes and preferences in interventions are important because they can be related to an adequate matching in a given intervention milieu, to professional self-efficacy and, ultimately, to the intervention efficacy. However, there are very empirically-validated psychometric instrument to asses these important constructs. The main aim of this study was to make a preliminary evaluation of the psychometric properties of the French-Canadian version of the Counselors’ AIttitudes and Preferences Questionnaire (“Questionnaire d’attitudes et de préférences éducatives des intervenants”, QAPÉI; Jesness & Wedge, 1983; Le Blanc, Trudeau-Le Blanc, & Lanctôt, 1999). The first objective was to assess if the original theoretical structure could be reproduced empirically, or if an alternative factor structure was necessary. The second objective was to assess if interventionists’ attitudes and preferences were related to their personality traits. The sample that was used was composed of interventionists from Boscoville2000, a residential cognitive-behavioral intervention program for adolescents with serious adjustment problems. Exploratory factor analyses demonstrated that the original theoretical structure was not reproduced empirically. An alternative five-factor structure was recovered. This alternative structure was more conceptually coherent and provided a better fit to the data. The identified factors were labeled Affective distance, Therapeutic Avoidance, Exasperation, Permissiveness, and Coercion. Correlational analyses demonstrated that attitudes and preferences scales were related in a conceptually coherent way to interventionists’ personality traits, which supported the criterion-related validity of the instrument new structure.
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Barnumo efekto sąsajos su asmenybės bruožais ir pasitikėjimu psichologiniu testavimu grupėse, gavusiose skirtingo pobūdžio asmenybės aprašymus / The Barnum effect’s links to personality traits and confidence in personality testing in groups receiving different types of personality feedbackPoškus, Mykolas Simas 03 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo atskleisti skirtingo pobūdžio stimulais iššaukto Barnumo efekto sąsajas su asmenybės bruožais ir pasitikėjimu psichologiniu testavimu. Atlikti du tyrimai. Pirmu tyrimu aiškintasis „Jūsų NEO išvados“ teiginių suvoktas pageidaujamumas bei tinkamumas apibūdinti daugumą žmonių; pagal tai buvo sudaroma stimulinė medžiaga antram tyrimui. Pasirinkta patogioji imtis, apklausti studentai (N=101, amžiaus vidurkis 20 metų, SD=2.91). Tyrime naudoti NEO-FFI asmenybės klausimynai ir iš „Jūsų NEO išvada“ teiginių sudarytos anketos. Antrame tyrime tirtos Barnumo efekto sąsajos su pasitikėjimu psichologiniu testavimu ir asmenybės bruožais, grupėse, kurioms buvo suteikiamos skirtingo pobūdžio asmenybės išvados (tikros, aukšto bazinio validumo, socialiai pageidaujamos ir invertuotos). Pasirinkta patogioji imtis, apklausti studentai (N=243, amžiaus vidurkis 19.54 metų, SD=1.65). Tyrime naudotas NEO PI-R asmenybės klausimynas, trumpa anketa požiūriui į psichologinį testavimą įvertinti bei modifikuotos „Jūsų NEO išvados“. Aptikta, jog skirtingo pobūdžio asmenybės išvadų vertinimai iš esmės nesiskiria, tik invertuotos asmenybės išvados vertinamos kiek prasčiau. Barnumo efektas siejasi su asmenybės bruožais, šios sąsajos skiriasi tarp skirtingas išvadas gavusių asmenų grupių. Pasitikėjimas psichologiniu testavimu neturi įtakos Barnumo efektui, tačiau Barnumo efektas gali šiek tiek pagerinti pasitikėjimą psichologiniu testavimu. / The aim of this study was to reveal the Barnum effect’s links to personality traits and confidence in personality testing in groups receiving different types of personality feedback.
Two studies were carried out. In the first study, we assessed the perceived social desirability and generalness of the statements, presented in the “Your NEO Summary” sheet. This study determined the statements that were used in the second study as stimuli. A convenience sample of university students was chosen for the study (N=101, mean age was 20 years, SD=2.91). The NEO-FFI personality questionnaire and a questionnaire, constructed from the “Your NEO Summary” feedback statements were used in this study.
In the second study the Barnum effect’s links to personality traits and confidence in personality testing in groups receiving different types of personality feedback were examined. A convenience sample of university students was chosen for the study (N=243, mean age was 19.54 years, SD=1.65). In this study the NEO PI-R personality questionnaire, a short form for assessing confidence in psychological testing and a modified “Your NEO Summary” sheet were used.
There were no differences in perceived accuracy of real, general, or socially desirable personality feedback, only inverted personality feedback was perceived as less accurate than the other three types of feedback. It was found that the Barnum effect is linked to personality traits and these links differ between different groups that... [to full text]
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