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La rêverie effrontée de la peinture : la peinture au risque du plaisir / The impudent reverie of paintingDuc, Mylène 07 December 2011 (has links)
La rêverie est pour la peinture une façon de tenter d’échapper avec perversité à la rigueur de l’image. L’agencement des surfaces, les teintes, les effets de matière ne sont que les traces de ses divagations diurnes. Elle trompe celui qui la regarde en apparaissant alanguie et comme endormie. La rêverie de la matière et des surfaces est un détour sur place qui permet d’atteindre ce qui est déjà là comme peut le faire la perversion. L’effronterie s’amuse à sortir de la froide cristallisation de l’image par le jeu des plans qui s’excitent à la surface du tableau. Pour ressentir enfin quelque chose, la peinture est prête à tout : détourner, noyer, feindre la profondeur, s’abandonner, se laisser absorber, quitter la forme et le genre, nier l’autre, etc. Provocation à seulement sentir, l’expérience de la peinture recoupe l’épreuve sensible comme telle et l’incorpore. Elle opère par contagion et non par représentation. Elle rend à la lettre les surfaces sensibles. La toile aussi bien que la peau même du peintre. À la façon de l’amour, elle nous détourne d’un sens transcendant pour « nous confier à l’absence de secret, comme à notre geste le plus propre » . / "Reverie" (daydreaming) is a way for painting to try to escape in a perverse manner from the rigors of the picture. The layout of surfaces, of shades, material effects are but traces of its daytime ramblings. He who watches the reverie is mistaken into thinking reverie appears languid and as if it were asleep. Reverie of material and surfaces is a static detour that lets us reach what is already there, just like perversion can. Impudence plays at turning away from the cold crystallisation of the image by a game between background and foreground that get excited together on the surface of the painting. In order to feel something at last, painting is ready for anything : diverting objects, drowning, feigning depth, letting itself go, letting itself be absorbed, abandoning form and genre, negating others, etc. As a provocation only to be able to feel, the painting experience confirms the test of the senses as such and takes it in. It works by contagion and not by representation. It reproduces down to a letter surfaces open to the senses. The canvas as the painter's own skin. Just like love, it diverts us from a transcendental meaning to "entrust us to the absence of secret just leaving us with our truest gesture" .
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L' imposture scolaire ou l'impasse du désir / The Educational imposture or the desire deadlockAubourdy, Florence 06 December 2013 (has links)
L'école devient le lieu d'un mal-être croissant qui met en péril l'accès égalitaire aux ressources éducatives et pervertit le rapport de l'élève au savoir. Il en résulte une augmentation des phénomènes de soumission, de rejet, de violence, source de tensions et de résistances à l'apprentissage qui se répercutent inévitablement dans la société. Pratiques de l'exclusion, de la ségrégation, de l'orientation, justifications de la logique individualiste et marchande que brandit le monde productiviste actuel. Malentendu fondamental de la notion de différence, de séparation, de coupure qui ébranle les principes mêmes de la raison et développe de manière pernicieuse un malaise, pour ne pas dire une haine de l'école et de l'institution. La réflexion vise à démontrer, à partir des concepts psychanalytiques, comment l'évaluation, nouvelle égérie technico-scientifique, dessine la figure de l'imposture scolaire actuelle par la fabrique d'un regard pervers et une logique d'« enfant dossier ». Cette perversion, à laquelle sont soumises les pratiques pédagogiques, génère une violence symbolique, physique et morale sur un nombre de plus en plus important d'élèves. Cette impasse du désir menace les structures symboliques et la construction même de la pensée. Dès lors, questionner « la Chose » scolaire, à ce point limite entre jouissance et sacrifice, place l'institution scolaire face à cet enjeu : qu'est-ce qui doit prendre fin et mourir pour qu'advienne à nouveau, au travers d'une pensée créatrice d'humanité, le désir d'un monde partagé dans la « grande maison commune »? / School is becoming the place of a growing malaise which endangers the egalitarian access to educational resources and perverts the learner/ knowledge relationship. This causes an increase in cases of submission, rejection, violence, sources of tension and resistance to learning with unavoidable repercussions on society. Acts of exclusion, segregation, imposed career choices, justifications of an individualistic and merchant logic brandished by the current productivist world. A fundamental misunderstanding of the notions of difference, separation, cut-off that shake the very principles of reason and adversely foster an unease, not to mention a hatred of schools and institutions. The thinking aims to demonstrate, based upon psychoanalytic concepts, how evaluation, a new techno-scientific muse, draws out the figure of the current educational imposture through the genesis of a twisted vision and a “case-file child” logic. This perversion permeates pedagogical practices, fostering a symbolic, physical and moral violence for a growing number of pupils. The desire deadlock threatens the very symbolic structures and construction of thought itself. As a consequence, to question the educational “thing”, on the threshold between enjoyment and sacrifice, forces the educational institution to confront the issue: what is it that needs to die a slow death so that can be reborn, through a humanity-bearing way of thinking, the desire for a shared world in “the great common house”?
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L'Envers de la pornographie : actualité du fanatisme / The Other Side of Pornography : On Current FanaticismDuccini, Bertrand 15 December 2018 (has links)
Il s'agit d'une étude transhistorique des phénomènes de fanatisme selon une perspective psychanalytique. A partir de l'étude d'un corpus littéraire, politique, artistique, cinématographique et de faits historiques ou d'actualité, nous montrons comment le fanatisme s'articule à la manière dont le dispositif symbolique et culturel d'une société contrôle l'évacuation de l'abject sous la forme de l'obscène, dont la pornographie est l'avatar moderne. En dernière instance, cette thèse jette une lumière nouvelle sur l'islamisme radical contemporain. / This research addresses the issue of fanaticism throughout history, from a psychoanalytic standpoint which analyses various speech data: litterature, politics, arts, cinema, historical facts and news items. We intend to demonstrate that fanaticism is linked to the containment of obscenity and abjectness by the symbolic and cultural strutures of society, and that pornography reveals the modern crisis of the abjection containment process. Ultimately, the thesis sheds a new light on contemporary radical jihadism.
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Promoting Sexual Tolerance : A study of Sexual Dissidence in John Irving’s The World According to Garp, The Hotel New Hampshire, and In One Person / Främja sexuell tolerans : En studie av sexuellt oliktänkande i John Irvings Garp och hans värld, Hotell New Hampshire, och I en människaRemåker, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this essay is to show that John Irving uses differentiating sexuality in his novels as a means of promoting sexual tolerance. This is done by using Jonathan Dollimore’s theoretical framework called sexual dissidence, which stems from a deconstruction of the Freudian usage of perversion, and applying this framework to The World According to Garp (1978), The Hotel New Hampshire (1981) and In One Person (2012). The results show that, in these novels, Irving uses sexual dissidence through exaggeration and normalization, thereby promoting tolerance of differentiating sexuality. In conclusion, while the usage of sexual dissidence is present in all three novels, In One Person must be considered the so far clearest example of Irving's usage of sexual dissidence. / Sammanfattning Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att visa att John Irving använder icke-normerande sexualitet i sina romaner för att gynna sexuell tolerans. Detta görs genom användandet av Jonathan Dollimores teoretiska struktur kallad sexuellt oliktänkande, vilken har sitt ursprung i demonteringen av den Freudianska användningen av termen perversion, och applicerandet av denna struktur på Garp och hans värld (1978), Hotell New Hampshire (1981) och I en människa (2012). Resultatet visar att det finns bevis för att Irving använder sexuellt oliktänkande genom överdrift och normaliserande och därigenom gynnar sexuell tolerans. Uppsatsen drar slutsatsen att medan användandet av sexuellt oliktänkande är närvarande i alla tre romanerna måste I en människa betraktas som det hittills tydligaste exemplet på Irvings användande av sexuellt oliktänkande.
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Perversão no Feminino: Do Desejo Neurótico ao Gozo Perverso.Carvalho, Gilzi Franco e Lima 14 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-14 / The present study brings a reflection, from the Psychoanalyst theory, about the
perversion, more specifically about female perversion, its obstructions and
questioning. The study brings a description of the perversion term, used before
with a reductionist vision and later the description made by Freud (1905/2004)
like a psychosexual development process. Even though some authors did not
agree with the female perversion idea, this study presents an analysis of a
clinical case, an adult female subjectivity, with perversion characteristic traces,
that were registered in her talk and her relation with the other one. The goal of
this work is to analyze the presence of the perverse structural traces in a young
woman and to discuss how the perverse dynamic establishes itself on female
subjectivity. To reflect about this question the work has a theory part, in which is
portrayed the female psychosexual development, bringing a reflection in the
respect of the perverse dynamic, as well as construction of perverse traces in
woman. The clinical case study was presented from the reconstruction of the
clinical sessions and the Discussion conducted, articulating the theory with the
dynamic presented by the person. / O presente estudo traz uma reflexão, a partir da teoria Psicanalítica, sobre a
perversão, mais especificamente sobre a perversão feminina, seus entraves e
questionamentos. O estudo traz uma descrição do termo perversão, usado
anteriormente de forma reducionista e posterior descrição realizada por Freud
(1905/2004) como um processo do desenvolvimento psicossexual. Apesar de
alguns autores não comungarem com a idéia de perversão no feminino, este
estudo apresenta uma análise de um caso clínico, uma subjetividade feminina
adulta, com traços característicos da perversão, inscritos em sua fala e em sua
relação com o outro. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a presença de
traços estruturais perversos em uma jovem mulher e discutir como a dinâmica
perversa se estabelece na subjetividade feminina. Para refletir sobre essa
questão o trabalho possui uma parte teórica, na qual é retratado o
desenvolvimento psicossexual feminino, trazendo uma reflexão a respeito da
dinâmica perversa, bem como a construção de traços perversos na mulher. O
Estudo de caso clínico foi apresentado a partir da reconstrução das sessões
clínicas e realizada a Discussão, articulando a teoria com a dinâmica
apresentada pelo sujeito.
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¡§Pervasive Perversion¡¨: Reconfiguring the Subject¡¦s Relationship with the Other in Don DeLillo¡¦s White NoiseLiang, Shuo-en 04 February 2010 (has links)
For the readers of White Noise, the first issue he or she has to deal with is the relationship between the society and the individual. But DeLillo was never straightforward in Jack¡¦s narrative. From time to time, the reader is asked to judge by themselves about the authorial intention and the narrator¡¦s attitude toward the characters¡¦ suffering. As both the narrator and a character, Jack Gladney typifies the tension of locating the hope of resistance in a seemingly hopeless situation. As the narrator, Jack¡¦s attitude toward the corrupting force of the society would seem to vacillate among indifference and affirmation. Yet, his indifference would appear to be sarcastic or even accusatory if one remembers that he or she is reading one of DeLillo¡¦s novels. The interpretive deadlock, then, can be summarized into the following question: if DeLillo intended to posit the possibility of resistance through the process of writing and reading, how can it be realized in the protagonist with whom the reader is invited to identify? Numerous approaches are adopted by the critics, and yet the enigmatic ending of the novel continues to challenge the results of their efforts. With ease, Jack Gladney returns to his normal routine after he nearly kills a man, but it is indicated that he is never the same person as exhibited in the previous chapters.
To determine the nature of transformation and its implication for the existence of hope, this thesis sets out to dissect the important elements in the last chapter. As the novel ends in Jack¡¦s shopping, the chapter two of this thesis traces the influence of capitalism on the characters. It is found that the characters¡¦ enjoyment of the consumerism is correlative with a fundamental imperfection in their sense of self. In narrating the stories about him, Jack Gladney cannot hide his anxiety for failing to be a good professor, husband and father. From a Lacanian perspective, the disjointedness reveals the failure of the system to provide all his needs. Still, Jack and others are spurred to immerse harder in the ever-revolutionizing mode of enjoyment, endlessly deferring from confronting the void inherent in all their pursuits.
Before Jack returns to shop for the last time in the novel, however, he is infected by toxic substance that causes him to eye the capitalist system with suspicion. During the outbreak of the disaster, the New Age belief system, painful enjoyment and environmental crisis are associated with the oppressive force of capitalist development. They all reappear in the end of the novel, yet they are no longer threats for Jack; instead, he finds them enjoyable. In the chapter three of this thesis, my analysis recounts how the characters¡¦ reluctance to depart from their routine of enjoyment contributes to their intentional disavowals of the injuries the system brings to them. In Jack¡¦s case, the biopolitical control that results in the elevation of the status of medical science and enjoyment causes him to resubmit himself more violently to the system. He becomes a killer and enjoys seeing himself as such who seems to contribute to all the subjects in the capitalist society. It is after such sad transformation that the final chapter begins, suddenly deflating the emotional turbulences accumulated throughout the previous chapters. The enigmatic vacuum is still accompanied by signs of Jack¡¦s transformation. However, the omnipresence of death in the chapter seems to weaken the certainty for a pessimistic future of suffering in the capitalist system. Waiting before the checking out point, Jack is in fact facing to the end of vicious circle symbolically. The unfathomable death corresponds with the impossibility the reader encounters when interpreting the text. As the readers cannot determine what will happen after the terminal, they are actually freed from chopping the text for constructing hopes that will be contradicted by the remaining paragraphs at one point or another, while they have to put down the novel and go on living with the similar situations the novel portrays. Herein resides the hope: externalizing the deadlock of life for the reader, the end of White Noise testifies the ongoing procession of human history that cannot be anticipated beforehand.
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Perspectives on female sex offending : a culture of denial /Denov, Myriam S. January 2005 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Dissertation Ph. D.--Institute of criminology--University of Cambridge. / Bibliogr. p. 201-221. Index.
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Vers une approche empirique du sadisme sexuelTurcotte, Yvan, January 2007 (has links)
Thèse (Ph.D.)--Université de Sherbrooke (Canada), 2007. / Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 27 févr. 2008). In ProQuest dissertations and theses. Publié aussi en version papier.
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Da perversão-polimorfa à estrutura perversa: um estudo sobre a possibilidade de haver mulheres estruturalmente perversas / From the polymorphous perversity to the perverse structure: a study on the possibility of having women structurally perverseLigia Gama e Silva Furtado de Mendonça 08 April 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese é um prolongamento de uma pesquisa em psicanálise sobre perversão e mulheres iniciada no curso de Especialização e estendida no Mestrado. A partir da constante afirmação no campo lacaniano sobre a inexistência de mulheres estruturalmente perversas, traçamos um percurso sobre o estudo da perversão em Freud e Lacan para interrogarmos a possibilidade de haver mulheres perversas. Para isso, no primeiro capítulo, aprofundamo-nos na teoria da sexualidade freudiana, diferenciando perversidade de perversão e delimitando a distinção entre perversão-polimorfa e estrutura perversa através dos conceitos de fixação e exclusividade, presentes em Freud desde 1905, e do mecanismo perverso (Verleugnung), proclamado por Lacan, mas presente na obra freudiana. Investigamos também neste capítulo a importância das fantasias de espancamento (FREUD, 1919) e da vivência edipiana para o entendimento acerca das perversões. A partir disso, analisamos o fetichismo e os pares de opostos, sadismo-masoquismo (esmiuçando as obras de Marquês de Sade e Sacher-Masoch, responsáveis pela origem dos termos), e voyeurismo-exibicionismo. O segundo capítulo foi dedicado, de maneira geral, à fantasia. De início percorremos o conceito em Freud e Lacan para, posteriormente, através do entendimento sobre fantasia, pensarmos sobre os atos. Em seguida, examinamos a definição de homem e mulher para a psicanálise, diferente daquela utilizada pela biologia, para interrogarmos a possibilidade de uma mulher ser perversa. Na terceira parte desta pesquisa, utilizamos a história de duas mulheres, Gertrude Bainszewski e Suzane von Richthofen, avaliamos o caso Violette de André (1995) e ponderamos sobre a personagem Erika Kohut de A professora de piano (2001) para pensarmos sobre a teoria até então apresentada / This thesis is an extension of a research in psychoanalysis about perversion and women started in the Specialization course and extended in the Masters. From the constant affirmation in the Lacanian field about the lack of women structurally perverse, we followed the course on the Freud and Lacan study of perversion to question the existence of structurally perverse women. To do this, in the first chapter, we pursued the Freudian theory of sexuality, distinguishing perversity of perversion and delimiting the difference between polymorphous perversity and perverse structure through the concepts of fixation (Fixierung) and exclusivity, present in Freud since 1905, and the perverse mechanism (Verleugnung), proclaimed by Lacan, but current in Freudian work. This chapter also researched the importance of the text A child is being beaten (FREUD, 1919) and the Oedipal experience to understand the perversions. From there, we analyze the fetishism and the pairs of opposites, sadism-masochism (scrutinizing the works of Marquis de Sade and Sacher-Masoch, responsibles for the origin of the terms) and voyeurism-exhibitionism. The second chapter was dedicated generally to fantasy. We start this concept in Freud and Lacan to subsequently think about the acts. Then, we examine the definition in psychoanalysis of man and woman, different from that used by biology, to question the existence of perverse women. In the third part of this research, we use the story of two women, Gertrude Bainszewski and Suzane von Richthofen, evaluate the Violette case from André (1995) and we ponder the character of Erika Kohut in The piano teacher (2001) to think about the theory presented so far
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Há mulher na estrutura perversa? / Is there woman in the perverse structure?Ligia Gama e Silva Furtado de Mendonça 01 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação propõe-se a discutir a existência de mulheres estruturalmente perversas a partir da teoria psicanalítica, sobretudo através das contribuições indispensáveis de Freud e Lacan. Inicialmente, ao estudar a perversão, há a dificuldade de isolá-la como uma estrutura específica distinguindo-a da psicose e da neurose a partir do ponto de vista fenomenológico devido à manifestação polimorfa-perversa da sexualidade humana. No entanto, uma das questões discutidas ao tratar este tema tão nebuloso é se há mulher na estrutura perversa, ou se as posições perversas seriam apenas restritas ao homem. Logo, para esta pesquisa, fez-se necessário, além de abordar as questões referentes à mulher, entender o percurso freudiano no estudo da perversão, desde os seus primeiros usos até a sua formação conceitual. Para isso, é preciso compreender os diversos usos do vocábulo Verleugnung em Freud e o estudo de Lacan que, por sua vez, consolida o termo como um mecanismo perverso. Examinando acerca do fetichismo e dos pares de opostos freudianos que as questões decorrentes da aproximação entre mulher e perversão se perfizeram. Finalmente, mostrou-se essencial abordar a discussão quanto à clínica da perversão e ilustrar a teoria tratada através de casos da literatura e de exemplos oriundos da arte.
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