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A phenomenological study of the experience of assets that support learningFerreira, Ilze 02 July 2009 (has links)
The asset-based approach has been studied within the South African context. Up to now, primary school learners’ meaning of the experienced phenomenon, “assets for learning support” however remains an under-explored topic. The intent with this study was to qualitatively explore and discover the essence of the phenomenon, ‘assets for learning support’, as experienced by learners who attend an urban primary school. This phenomenon was explored from an interpretive/ constructivist paradigmatic perspective, which also informed the study’s qualitative methodology. A phenomenological research design was utilised. The study was conducted in a mainstream primary school, situated in an urban context. The participants for this research were eight female participants in Grades 5-7 that were confronted with and overcame extrinsic barriers to learning, while attending an urban primary school. They participated in a focus group discussion within a classroom on the school premises. During the focus group, the learners’ relevant and natural unit of significant statements were listed (horizontalisation) and structured into central clusters of meanings. Textural themes (what) and structural themes (how) were identified. The study found that human resource assets are integrated assets connecting other assets that support learning. The study also found a significant compound effect of assets upon each other. The essence of the experienced phenomenon is that the identified assets (how) interrelatedly mobilise (what) other assets (textural findings) on one of five levels (structural findings) within various systems and contexts, which contribute to mobilise learning support as an asset. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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Concentration et compression sur alphabets infinis, temps de mélange de marches aléatoires sur des graphes aléatoires / Concentration and compression over infinite alphabets, mixing times of random walks on random graphsBen-Hamou, Anna 15 September 2016 (has links)
Ce document rassemble les travaux effectués durant mes années de thèse. Je commence par une présentation concise des résultats principaux, puis viennent trois parties relativement indépendantes.Dans la première partie, je considère des problèmes d'inférence statistique sur un échantillon i.i.d. issu d'une loi inconnue à support dénombrable. Le premier chapitre est consacré aux propriétés de concentration du profil de l'échantillon et de la masse manquante. Il s'agit d'un travail commun avec Stéphane Boucheron et Mesrob Ohannessian. Après avoir obtenu des bornes sur les variances, nous établissons des inégalités de concentration de type Bernstein, et exhibons un vaste domaine de lois pour lesquelles le facteur de variance dans ces inégalités est tendu. Le deuxième chapitre présente un travail en cours avec Stéphane Boucheron et Elisabeth Gassiat, concernant le problème de la compression universelle adaptative d'un tel échantillon. Nous établissons des bornes sur la redondance minimax des classes enveloppes, et construisons un code quasi-adaptatif sur la collection des classes définies par une enveloppe à variation régulière. Dans la deuxième partie, je m'intéresse à des marches aléatoires sur des graphes aléatoires à degrés precrits. Je présente d'abord un résultat obtenu avec Justin Salez, établissant le phénomène de cutoff pour la marche sans rebroussement. Sous certaines hypothèses sur les degrés, nous déterminons précisément le temps de mélange, la fenêtre du cutoff, et montrons que le profil de la distance à l'équilibre converge vers la fonction de queue gaussienne. Puis je m'intéresse à la comparaison des temps de mélange de la marche simple et de la marche sans rebroussement. Enfin, la troisième partie est consacrée aux propriétés de concentration de tirages pondérés sans remise et correspond à un travail commun avec Yuval Peres et Justin Salez. / This document presents the problems I have been interested in during my PhD thesis. I begin with a concise presentation of the main results, followed by three relatively independent parts. In the first part, I consider statistical inference problems on an i.i.d. sample from an unknown distribution over a countable alphabet. The first chapter is devoted to the concentration properties of the sample's profile and of the missing mass. This is a joint work with Stéphane Boucheron and Mesrob Ohannessian. After obtaining bounds on variances, we establish Bernstein-type concentration inequalities and exhibit a vast domain of sampling distributions for which the variance factor in these inequalities is tight. The second chapter presents a work in progress with Stéphane Boucheron and Elisabeth Gassiat, on the problem of universal adaptive compression over countable alphabets. We give bounds on the minimax redundancy of envelope classes, and construct a quasi-adaptive code on the collection of classes defined by a regularly varying envelope. In the second part, I consider random walks on random graphs with prescribed degrees. I first present a result obtained with Justin Salez, establishing the cutoff phenomenon for non-backtracking random walks. Under certain degree assumptions, we precisely determine the mixing time, the cutoff window, and show that the profile of the distance to equilibrium converges to the Gaussian tail function. Then I consider the problem of comparing the mixing times of the simple and non-backtracking random walks. The third part is devoted to the concentration properties of weighted sampling without replacement and corresponds to a joint work with Yuval Peres and Justin Salez.
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Application de Riemann-Hilbert-Birkhoff / Riemann-Hilbert-Birkhoff mapPaolantoni, Thibault 20 December 2017 (has links)
L'application exponentielle duale est une façon d'encoder les matrices de Stokes d'une connexion sur un fibré trivial sur la sphère de Riemann avec deux pôles : un pôle double en 0 et un pôle simple en l'infini.On donne ici une formule pour l'application exponentielle duale comme une série formelle non commutative. D'autres généralisations de cette formule sont données. / The exponential dual map is a way to encode Stokes data of a connection on a trivial vector bundle on the Riemann sphere with two poles: one double pole at 0 and one simple pole at infinity.We give here a formula for the exponential dual map expressed as a non commutative serie. Others generalizations of this formula are given.
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Komplexní studium Rukopisu dzikovského se zaměřením na grafickou, jazykovou a textovou analýzu české sbírky kázání / A Comprehensive Study of The Dzikowian Manuscript Focusing on a Graphic, Language and Textual Analysis of the Czech PostilSvobodová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Mgr. Andrea Svobodová Komplexní studium Rukopisu dzikovského se zam ením na grafickou, jazykovou a textovou analýzu eské sbírky kázání A Comprehensive Study of The Dzikowian Manuscript Focusing on a Graphic, Language and Textual Analysis of the Czech Postil Abstract The thesis submits a comprehensive philological analysis of the Dzikowian Manuscript, an insufficiently explored late medieval manuscript containing two postils, de tempore in Latin and de sanctis in Old Czech. The thesis aims to specify the place of this work in the context of medieval preaching, to critically review the previous research and to find new paths of research in evaluating this work. It is divided into three chapters, their common topic being attribution of both the postils on the grounds of codicological, content, and especially language features. Special emphasis is put on description of non-standard language phenomena, their interpretation being a key factor for transcription rules (one of the main results achieved apart from precising probable dating and localisation is a complete transcription of the Old Czech postil). The phenomena described enrich the existing inventory of deviations from the standard language and call for relating to other sources traditionally categorised as dialectal and thus for elaborating diachronic...
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<p>A wireless revolution has occurred resulting in the formation of a proverbial backbone of wireless devices that our everyday functionality, productivity, and general way of life have become dependent. Consequently, victimizing an already constrained and finite wireless spectrum with further demands for increased bandwidths, greater channel capacities, and an insatiable plea for faster access rates. In-band full-duplexing (IBFD) is an innovative and encouraging technology that aims to answer this tacit mitigation call by bolstering spectral efficiency through simultaneous same frequency band transmission and reception. Conventionally, transceiver-based systems have their respective transmission and reception dictated by occurring in either disparate time slots (half-duplex) or distinct frequencies (out-of-band full-duplex). By achieving simultaneous same band communication, a theoretical doubling in spectral efficiency is rendered feasible. However, transmitter to receiver leakage, or self-interference (SI), remains the most barring frustration to IBFD realization. Being locally generated, SI is considerably stronger (often 50-100dB) than the desired signal-of-interest (SOI). Left unresolved, this unwanted energy saturates the receiver’s amplifiers and desensitizes its analog-to-digital converters. Thus, rendering the SOI unintelligible. Therefore, a means of self-interference cancellation (SIC) is necessitated to suppress any polluting SI to levels that of or below the receiver’s noise floor.</p><p></p>In this thesis an in-depth history of in-band full duplex technology is first presented, followed by a condensed examination of the SIC domains. Pertinent theory is presented pertaining to noise analysis and estimation relevant to a proposed IBFD transceiver architecture. Finally, a modelled simulation of this transceiver, developed in MATLAB, is presented. Subsequent results detailing an investigative study done on a fully adaptive tapped-branch analog self-interference canceller are shown. Said canceller’s variable phase and amplitude weights are set via real-time training using gradient descent algorithms. Evaluation of the results reveal marginal effect on the SIC efficacy due to transmission path nonlinearity and noise distortions alone. However, expansion of model consideration for conceivable cancellation hardware nonlinearities reveals an indirectly proportional degradation of SIC performance by up to 35dB as distortion levels vary from -80 dBm to -10 dBm. These results indicate consideration of such non-idealities should be an integral part of cancellation hardware design for the preclusion of any intrinsic cancellation impediments.
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Comparison of knowledge, attitudes and practices on prevention and control measures in dengue infection between families with or without dengue cases after “El Niño Costero” phenomenon at the District of Palpa - Ica during January's 2019 / Comparación de los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de prevención y control del dengue en familias que han presentado o no han presentado casos de dengue después del Fenómeno del Niño Costero en el distrito de Palpa - Ica durante el mes de enero del 2019Cruz Cutty, Lourdes Marylin, Baella Vigil, Gilda Viera Milagros 11 November 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Dengue is an endemic disease in Peru and is considered a public health problem. During and after the “El Niño Costero” phenomenon in 2017, the Department of Ica presented 4384 cases of dengue, the highest number of cases in this region. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted and included all the families in the district of Palpa, Ica. The main exposure was the report of a previous dengue infection of any family member and we want to find an association with the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices about dengue. Results: We found that the participants who had been exposed to dengue had a 63% higher probability (PR: 1.63; 95% CI: 1.02 - 2.58) of having a high level of knowledge about dengue in comparison with the participants of families who did not have a history of dengue. For the levels of attitudes (PR: 0.90; IC 95%: 0.60 – 1.35) and practices (PR: 0.88; IC 95%: 0.51 – 1.51) no statistically significant differences were found. Conclusions: Our study found that previous exposure to dengue is associated with a high level of knowledge but, it is not associated with a high level of attitude or practices in families in the district of Palpa-Ica. / Introducción: El dengue es una enfermedad endémica en el Perú y es considerada un problema de salud pública. Durante y después del fenómeno del niño costero en el 2017, el Departamento de Ica presentó 4384 casos de dengue, el más alto número de casos en esta región. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico de tipo transversal que incluyó a familias del distrito de Palpa, Ica. La exposición principal fue tener antecedentes de infección por dengue en algún miembro de la familia y se buscó su asociación con el nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre dengue que tenía el entrevistado. Resultados: Se encontró que los participantes que sí han tenido antecedente de dengue tienen un 63% más de probabilidad (RP: 1.63; IC 95%: 1.02 – 2.58) de tener alto nivel de conocimientos sobre dengue en comparación con los participantes de familias que no tuvieron antecedente de dengue. Para el nivel de actitudes (RP: 0.90; IC 95%: 0.60 – 1.35) y prácticas (RP: 0.88; IC 95%: 0.51 – 1.51) no se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones: Nuestro estudio encontró que el antecedente de dengue de algún miembro de su familia se asocia a un alto nivel de conocimientos; sin embargo, no se asocia a un alto nivel de actitudes o prácticas en las familias del distrito de Palpa, en la región de Ica. / Tesis
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Modelamiento hidráulico para el control y prevención de inundaciones mediante el uso de Hec-Ras 2d en la zona urbana del río Piura / Hydraulic modeling for flood control and prevention using hec-ras 2d in the urban area of the piura riverAlvarez Montero, Gabriela Fiamma, Moreno Cueva, Carlos Alvaro 15 July 2021 (has links)
Los desastres ocasionados por las inundaciones son cada vez más comunes alrededor del mundo, tal como ocurre en la parte Occidental de América del Norte y Sur, debido a la presencia del Fenómeno “El Niño” (FEN), que provoca un aumento de las precipitaciones y caudales de los ríos provocando inundaciones. Por este motivo, en el presente trabajo se ha realizado la simulación numérica de inundación frente a eventos extremos como El Niño, con la finalidad de disminuir el área y nivel de inundación ante probables y distintos eventos en zonas cercanas a los cauces de ríos. Se ha empleado datos hidrológicos de caudales promedios y máximos instantáneos de un periodo de 40 años.
Para la caracterización morfológica de la zona se ha empleado información de un modelo de elevación digital del terreno (DEM), obtenido del satélite SPOT-7, de resolución de 6x6m. La información hidrológica fue procesada mediante el método de Gumbel para obtener los caudales de simulación para periodos de retorno de 2, 5, 10, 50, 100 y 500 años. La modelación numérica fue realizada empleando HEC-RAS 5.0.7, con lo que se obtuvo el área de inundación para el FEN 2017 y se utilizó la imagen satelital SENTINEL-2 para validar el modelo.
Asimismo, se modeló eventos extremos con periodos de retorno mayores a 10 años, ya que sus resultados son relevantes para la implementación de obras de protección ribereñas, en lugares estratégicos identificados por su mayor vulnerabilidad. Finalmente, dichas obras lograron mitigar el impacto generado al disminuir en un porcentaje el área inundada en la zona de estudio, desde la represa “Los Ejidos” hasta el puente Bolognesi en la provincia de Piura. / Disasters caused by floods are increasingly common around the world, such as the case in the western part of North and South America, due to the presence of the “El Niño” phenomenon, which causes an increase in rainfall and flow rates. The rivers causing floods. For this reason, this present work has carried a numerical simulation of flooding in the face of extreme events such as El Niño, with the purpose of reducing the area and level of flooding before probable and different events in areas close to riverbeds. Hydrological data of average flows and instantaneous maximums over a period of 40 years has been used.
For the morphological characterization of the area, information has been used on a digital terrain elevation model (DEM), obtained from the SPOT-7 satellite, with a resolution of 6x6m. The hydrological in-formation was processed using the Gumbel method to obtain simulation flows for return periods of 2, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 years. The numerical modeling was carried out using HEC-RAS 5.0.7, the flood area for FEN 2017 was obtained and compared with the SENTINEL-2 satellite image for validation.
Likewise, extreme events were modeled with return periods greater than 10 years, since their results are relevant for the implementation of riverine protection structures, in strategic locations identified with greater vulnerability. Finally, these works managed to mitigate impact showing reduction in a percentage of the flooding area in the study area, from “Los Ejidos” dam to Bolognesi Bridge, in the province of Piura. / Tesis
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Návrh sacího traktu s variabilní délkou pro experimentální zážehový motor / Design of Intake manifold with variable length for experimental SI engineJelínek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This thesis discusses of the intake tract four-stroke ignition internal combustion engine and the filling efficiency and opportunities to increase this efficiency and consequently to optimize the course of torque and power at the specified serial engine. 3D model is the last point of this thesis.
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Corporeal punishment and child abuse : a pastoral perspectiveBrown, Samuel Jacob January 2013 (has links)
For many decades, violence that is perpetuated by parents and loved ones against
children in the name of physical child discipline or corporal punishment, has been a
major concern for various governments and church leaders among most nations of the
world. This does not only take into account hitting or beating a child with a stick, belt,
slapping, or choking, but also spanking; especially when it is aggressive or excessive
(Bradshaw 2009; Straus 1994; Kanyandago in Waruta & Kinoti 2005, Wolfe 1991; Carl
1985). A very prominent and highly respected religious figure, here in South Africa,
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, made the following notable assertion to show his
support towards the elimination of the practice of corporal punishment in the home: I support the Global Initiative to eliminate all corporal punishment at home, at
school, in institutions and community. … Progress towards abolishing corporal
punishment is being made, but millions of the world’s children still suffer from
humiliating acts of violence and these violations …can have serious lifelong
effects. Violence begets violence and we shall reap whirlwind. Children can be
disciplined without violence that instills fear and misery, and I look forward to
church communities working with other organizations to… make progress
towards ending all forms of violence against children. If we really want a peaceful
and compassionate world, we need to build communities of trust where all
children are respected, where home and school are safe places to be and where
discipline is taught by example” (http://www.rapcan.org.za/wgpd/documents:
Waterhouse 2012. Retrieved 23th February 2013).
However, in spite of the various voices and movements against corporal punishment of
children; especially the aggressive form of this practice (as will be analyzed later on in
this study), the practice is still a common phenomenon in many African countries,
including South Africa. Furthermore, as some research studies have shown, a literalistic
view of certain texts of Scriptures in the OT (which are mostly from the Book of
Proverbs) do not only seem to influence the widespread of corporal punishment of
children, but also the abuse of this form of physical discipline (e.g., Prov. 13:24; 22:15;
23:13-14, 22:15) (Bradshaw 2009; Capps 1995; Straus 1994; Greven 1991). This
assumption seems plausible, seeing that as Tripp T & Tripp M (2008:138) rightly allude
to, as Christians, “God’s Word is our rule for faith and practice.” The authors, also
expressed that, “the Biblical laws and standards sound oppressive and strict in our lawless, arrogant, twenty-first century culture.” However, it is important to also
acknowledge that we, as Christians, can be wrong in our interpretation and application
of certain Scriptures; thereby, leading to flawed practices (Pohlmann 2007; Pollard
1997). As Pollard (1997:91) has rightly observed, “Clearly, both personal experience and
church history teach us that we can be wrong. It is vital, then, that we have a genuine
humility as Christians. We must recognize our fallibility, and constantly reassess what
we believe.” In other words, there are many well-meaning Christian parents who have
put their children in harm’s way by frequently administering spanking to them in ways
that are, evidently, excessive or aggressive: while claiming that they are obeying
scriptural injunction on child discipline, and are also doing it for the moral and ethical
good of their children (Bradshaw 2009; Greven 1991).
The researcher, himself, was brought up in a Christian home; where the use and abuse
of both high violence (e.g., beating a child with belt, stick, etc) and low violence (e.g.,
forcefully beating a child with bear hand) methods of physical child discipline were the
order of the day (or a frequent occurrence). Furthermore, his well-meaning father often
seemed to find justification for his actions based on scriptural grounds. Incidentally, the
researcher noticed that this form of child discipline also seems to be widely used by
many parents in his local church and many other Christian parents, whom he has come
in contact with. And many of these parents seem not to be aware of the immediate and
long term negative effects that aggressive corporeal punishment has on their children.
The widespread of this phenomenon (corporeal punishment of children) and the
traumatic impact it has on children, has led the researcher to do this research study in
his local church context (a Pentecostal church), and to develop/propose a biblically
sound or balanced model of pastoral care that can help pastors in rendering effective
care, to those faced with this problem situation within the church. The theoretical frame work of this research study is based on Pollard’s model of positive
deconstruction, as well as some contributions from Straus’ book Beating the Devil out of
Them; Corporal Punishment in American Families. The purpose for choosing Pollard’s
model of positive deconstruction was to help the researcher in: 1) Identifying the
underlying worldview. 2) Analyzing the worldview. 3) Affirming the elements of truth in it
(as every world view has some truth in it that needs to be recognizes and affirmed,
which makes the process positive and 4) discovering the error in the worldview. These
are the four elements in the process of positive deconstruction, as proposed by Pollard.
Straus explores the phenomenon of corporal punishment and the traumatic effects of
this method of child discipline both in term of its immediate and long term harm (later in
life or in adulthood) psychological harm to children.
The research methodology that was employed by the researcher in carrying out this
research study is qualitative. Consequently, questionnaires were given out to 50 parents
in the researcher’s church to fill. Also, one-on-one interviews were arranged with four
parents, two children, and also with two pastoral caregivers in the church, on the issues
of corporal punishment and child abuse within the Christian home. / Dissertation (MA Theol)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Sféry vlivu? reklama na YouTube a fenomén hipster / The Channel of Influence? YouTube Advertising and the Hipster PhenomenonHoráková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This research seeks to address the topic of the influence of the YouTube advertising on society as seen by the members of hipster subculture. This work aims to explore the attitude of hipsters towards the YouTube thanks to an analysis of the interviews and also with the help of a theoretical framework of core concepts such as subculture, hipster, lifestyle or advertising practices. The reason I address hipster attitudes is the fact, that hipster phenomenon has become widespread nowadays. Moreover, those individuals are associated with skeptical stance towards the mainstream trends. Therefore, I have decided to confront the ostensibly distrustful view of hipsters towards YouTube as a representative of modern mainstream and then analyze self-proclaimed attitudes of hipsters as such.
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