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Um hipotético efeito antecipatório anômalo para estímulos aparentemente imprevisíveis poderia afetar a tomada de decisão humana? / Could a hypothetical anomalous anticipatory effect for seemingly unpredictable stimuli affect human decision making?Fábio Eduardo da Silva 02 June 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa focaliza-se em experiências supostamente anômalas, especificamente num hipotético efeito antecipatório anômalo (HEAA) o qual prevê que o sistema nervoso responde de forma diferente antes de eventos calmos versus eventos emocionais, isto ocorrendo sob condições que excluem tendências antecipatórias conhecidas (ex. aprendizado implícito) e pistas sensoriais. Busca, uma possível correlação entre HEAA e a Tomada de Decisão (TD) humana. Considera, em especial, o modelo dos marcadores somáticos sobre TD desenvolvida por Antônio Damásio e colaboradores. Em paralelo com esta exploração teórica, desenvolve um estudo experimental que busca replicar estudos prévios do HEAA, registrando dados fisiológicos de participantes antes durante e depois de observarem fotografias, divididas em calmas e emocionais (eróticas e violentas) sendo que as fotografias emocionais foram acompanhadas por estímulos auditivos. Participaram desse estudo 32 colaboradores brasileiros entre 30 e 50 anos de idade (média de 43 anos) e 16 colaboradores estadunidenses entre 22 e 81 anos de idade (média 48) de ambos os sexos (totalizando 16 homens e 32 mulheres, sendo 10 homens e 22 mulheres do Brasil e 6 homens e 10 mulheres dos Estados Unidos), não se constituindo grupos vulneráveis, não havendo distinção ou seleção por classe social, ou qualquer outro critério. Considerando os 48 participantes, três grupos foram constituídos: (1) - Participantes estadunidenses instruídos quanto ao objetivo específico do teste (n=16); (2) - Participantes brasileiros instruídos quanto ao objetivo específico do teste (n=16); (3) - Participantes brasileiros ingênuos quanto ao objetivo específico do teste (n=16); O grupo (1) participou do experimento desenvolvido no laboratório do IONS, nos EUA, enquanto que os grupos (2) e (3) participaram do experimento no CIPE, Brasil. Foram feitas três hipóteses: H1. Espera-se que a média dos resultados da condutância da pele (do período de 6 segundos que antecede a apresentação dos alvos) seja significantemente maior para os alvos emocionais que para os alvos calmos, considerando-se todos os grupos em conjunto. H2. Espera uma correlação positiva e significativa entre os valores de alerta das fotografias utilizadas (segundo avaliação dos participantes da pesquisa) e os valores médios da condutância da pele relativos aos 6 segundos que antecedem a apresentação das fotografias, considerando-se todos os grupos em conjunto. H3. Considerando a comparação das médias dos resultados da condutância da pele (do período de 6 segundos que antecede a apresentação dos alvos) para os alvos emocionais versus calmos o grupo de brasileiros instruídos terá um melhor desempenho que o grupo de brasileiros ingênuos. Em síntese, os resultados gerais suportam, ainda que moderadamente, a existência do HAAE (Hipótese 1). Explorou-se uma forma alternativa de avaliar a emotividade dos estímulos, feita pelos próprios participantes, a qual não tinha sido até então realizada neste tipo de pesquisa. Mesmo com a refutação da hipótese feita para esta avaliação (hipótese 2), explorou-se caminhos alternativos que podem ser úteis em estudos futuros. Também se confirmou a hipótese 3. Nas explorações livres, sobre fatores de personalidade, absorção e características pessoais, foram encontrados resultados coerentes e díspares com a literatura. Na conclusão sobre as características neuropsicológicas da TD e do HAAE refletiu-se que as semelhanças são favoráveis à perspectiva de um fenômeno modelo integrativo / This research focuses on allegedly anomalous experiences, specifically a hypothetical anomalous anticipatory effect (HAAE) which predicts that the nervous system responds differently before calm versus emotional events, that occur under conditions that exclude known anticipatory trends (eg implicit learning) and sensory cues. Search also a possible correlation between HAAE and human Decision Making (DM). Considers, in particular, the DM somatic markers model developed by Antonio Damasio and colleagues.In parallel with this theoretical exploration, develops an experimental study that seeks to replicate previous studies of HAAE, recording physiological data from participants before during and after observing pictures , divided into calm and emotional (erotic and violent) being that emotional pictures were accompanied by auditory stimuli. There were 32 Brazilian participants between 30 and 50 years of age (mean 43 years), and 16 U.S. participants between 22 and 81 years ( mean 48 ) of both sexes (totaling 16 men and 32 women, 10 men and 22 women in Brazil and 6 men and 10 women in the United States). They do not constitute vulnerable groups, with no distinction or selection by social class, or any other criteria. Considering the 48 participants, three groups were formed: (1) - U.S. Participants instructed as to the specific purpose of testing (n = 16) , (2) - Brazilian participants instructed as to the specific purpose of testing (n = 16) , (3) - Brazilian participants naive as to the specific purpose of testing (n = 16), group (1) participated in the experiment carried out in the IONS laboratory in the U.S. , while the groups (2) and (3) participated in the experiment in CIPE, Brazil.Three hypotheses were made. H1. It was expected that the results of the average skin conductance (in the 6 seconds prestimulus period) would be significantly higher for the emotional targets than for calm ones, considering all groups together. H2. It was expected a positive and significant correlation between the values of the alert photographs used (according to the participants evaluation) and the mean values of skin conductance for the 6 seconds prior to pictures presentation, considering all groups together. H3. Considering the comparison of skin conductance mean values (in the 6 seconds prestimulus period) for emotional versus calm targets, the Brazilian participants instructed group would have a better performance than the naive group of Brazilians. In summary, the overall results we found supported, albeit slightly, the existence of HAAE (hypothesis 1). We explored an alternative way to assess the emotionality of the stimuli (by the participants evaluation), which had not been hitherto performed in this type of research. Even with the refutation of the hypothesis made for this evaluation (hypothesis 2), we found alternative paths that can be tested in future studies. We confirmed the hypothesis 3 and in the \"free\" explorations, NEO PI personality factors, personal characteristics and absorption were considered, and we found mixed and consistent results with the literature. Finally, when comparing the neuropsychological characteristics of DM and HAAE we concluded that the similarities are favorable to consider them as an integrative phenomenon
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O desafio moderno e o judiciário: ordem jurídica, tempo, espaço e atuação da justiça / The modern defiance and the judiciary: legal system, time, space and actuation of justice.Ricardo Pereira Junior 31 May 2010 (has links)
O Judiciário sofre crise cujas causas são normalmente atribuídas à falta de infra-estrutura e incapacidade administrativa. Na realidade, a insatisfação decorre da redefinição das funções do Direito, somada à modificação das noções de tempo e espaço do mundo moderno. O câmbio do quadro em que o mundo jurídico opera demanda a revisão dos parâmetros de atuação da Justiça, para atendimento das expectativas de um mundo globalizado, de velocidade acelerada. Iniciamos o estudo do Judiciário nos modelos do estado liberal e do estado do bem-estar social. Em seguida, colocamos as novas demandas jurídicas e sociais que desafiam o funcionamento da Justiça. Há nova configuração normativa, aberta e fluída, com menor precisão na definição de condutas e aceleração da produção de normas. O próprio tempo social experimentou mutação, alimentado pelo movimento da especialização do conhecimento, que adota a urgência como normalidade operacional. Ainda, a diminuição das fronteiras potencializa os contatos humanos, e exige nova forma de regulação, incompatível com a forma tradicional de trabalho do Judiciário. Estruturado como órgão burocrático, o Judiciário não tem condições de ofertar respostas rápidas, fechando-se em um sistema de castas que não se comunicam, e uma estruturação administrativa centralizada e hierarquizada, que tende ao imobilismo. A solução dos problemas do Judiciário passa, por um lado, pelo incremento da profissionalização da magistratura, em seu caráter político, em especial a valorização do espaço de decisão num ambiente de trabalho independente. Por outro lado, passa pela flexibilização da sua administração burocrática, através da racionalização de seus serviços. Somente assim se alcançará a operacionalidade aberta e transparente, que atenda os padrões de qualidade e urgência da sociedade moderna sem prejuízo do viés reflexivo necessário para a produção das decisões judiciais. / The judicial system is currently in a state of crisis. Structural and administration problems are generally given as the causes. The dissatisfaction with its working is, in fact, caused by new configurations of Law in modern society. This change requires revision of Judiciary patterns of work in order to solve the rise of changes and to answer the expectations of a globalized world, which increasingly operates at an accelerated pace. Our work introduces the Judiciary in context of the Liberal and Welfare State. We describe the changes in the nature of Law, now less prescriptive and inspired by principles. We also focus on changes in society, firstly the adoption of urgency within the pattern of work, and, secondly, the diminishing effect of globalization on the world. This new conception of law and society demands new ways of operation, incompatible to the traditional judicial way of work. Currently, the Judiciary has no strength with which to answer those changes. It is structured as a bureaucratic organ, and it is divided in to departments which do not communicate with each other. It also has a centralized and hierarchical administration, tending to paralysis. These problems could be solved by politic valorization of the judicial profession, which would grant greater scope for the judge to decide. Furthermore, administrative flexibility would help to reduce the bureaucratic nature of the Judiciary. In this way, the Judiciary could achieve open and transparent patterns of work, capable of answering the demands for quality and urgency in our modern society.
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Le droit selon la musique / Rights and law according to musicVerrey, Arnaud 11 February 2013 (has links)
L'objet de la thèse est de faire une synthèse de la manière dont le droit est représenté dans la musique classique occidentale. Elle constitue une réponse à M. Carbonnier qui, dans son précis de Sociologie juridique, appelle de ses voeux une recherche sur la possibilité pour la musique de "suggérer" du droit. Un premier axe de recherche aura pour ambition - après une confirmation de la présence de phénomènes juridiques et d'acteurs du droit dans des oeuvres musicales - de circonscrire les raisons de la présence du droit dans une oeuvre, ainsi que la place du droit et les fonctions attribuées au droit dans cette oeuvre. Un second axe de recherche consistera, au décours des nombreux moyens utilisés par un compositeur (instrumentation et voix, harmonie et contrepoint, phrases et motifs musicaux) à identifier la façon dont l'écriture musicale représente le droit. Cette partie sera naturellement illustrée par des exemples musicaux. Ces deux premiers axes de recherche sont susceptibles de faire ressortir en facteur commun les différents caractères que la musique attribue au droit (l'importance de consensualisme, un monde contraignant, un cadre formaliste, un milieu conservateur,...) ainsi que la singularité du regard de la musique sur le droit. / This thesis, the subject of which is “Rights and law in according to music” is in response to Mr Carbonnier's “Précis de sociologie juridique” (Précis of legal Sociology) in which the writer suggest doing a research about the rights and law’s representation in music. The aim of this thesis, accordingly, is to enquire whether music does indeed involve rights and law – an associated legal phenomenon – and if so, what extent. In this context, all aspects covered by the terms “rights and law” are considered: the law, the judgement, the contract and the basis of authority – whether human or divine. As used here the term “music” represents solely that which falls within the scope of western classical music, be it of a religious or non-religious nature. The wording “in according to” refers therefore to the different aspects inherent in “the rights and law’s representation in music” which is the subject’s problematic: - rights and law for the use of music: after confirmation of the presence of rights, law and legal actors in the five hundred or so works reviewed, the purpose of this first part is to explain why these legal requirements exist in a musical work, what these requirements define and how they apply in this work. - rights and law concerning musical composition: this second part , based on many of the musical procedures used by composers (instrumentation and voices, the use of harmony and counterpoint, musical phrasing and motifs, expression and rhythm), aims at identifying how the musical composition represents rights and law.
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Light Sheet Based Microfluidic Flow Cytometry Techniques for High throughput Interrogation and High-resolution ImagingRegmi, Raju January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Light allows to non-invasively study the complex and dynamic biological phenomenon undergoing within cells and tissues in their native state. The development of super-resolution microscopes in recent years has helped to overcome the fundamental limitation imposed by Abbe’s diffraction limit, thereby revolutionizing the field of molecular and cellular biology. With the advancement of various super-resolution techniques (like STED, PALM, and 4Pi) it is now possible to visualize the nanometeric cellular structures and their dynamics in real time. The limitations of existing fluorescence microscopy techniques are: poor axial resolution when compared to their lateral counterpart, and their inability to produce high resolution images of dynamic samples. This thesis covers two broadly connected areas of fluorescence imaging techniques while addressing these limitations. First, the PSF engineering and spatial filtering technique for axial super-resolution microscopy and second, the integration of light sheet illumination PSF with microfluidic cytometry for imaging cells on-the-go.
The first chapter gives an explicit description on the fundamentals of fluorescence imaging. This introductory chapter includes a variety of optical microscopes, PSF engineering, the resolution limit imposed by the wave nature of light, the photochemistry of the fluorescent dyes, and their proper selection for fluorescence experiments. In addition to the state-of-art imaging techniques, namely Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy and Light Sheet Microscopy, this chapter also gives a brief explanation on the evolution of imaging cytometry techniques. Their high speed analytic capability (i.e sorting and counting) makes this technique an important tool in health care diagnosis and other various biomedical applications. The chapter ends with a discussion on the operating principle of the flow cytometers and their limitations.
The second chapter in this thesis describes the spatial filtering technique for engineering the PSF to eliminate the side-lobes in the system PSF of the 4Pi Confocal Microscopes. Employing an amplitude mask with binary light transmission windows (also called binary filters), the incident light is structured to minimize the secondary lobes. These lobes are responsible for exciting the off-focal planes in the specimen, hence provide incorrect map of the fluorophore distribution in the object. The elimination of the side-lobes is essential for the artifact-free axial super-resolution microscopy. This second chapter describes the spatial filtering technique in details (its mathematical formulation, application in fluorescence microscopy for generation of desired PSF including Bessellike beam). Specifically, spatial filtering technique is employed in 4Pi type-C Confocal Microscope. The spatial mask used results in the reduction of the side-lobes in 1PE case while they are nearly eliminated in 2PE variant of the proposed technique. The side-lobes are reduced by 46% and 76% for 1PE and 2PE when compared to the existing 4Pi type-C Confocal Microscope system. Moreover, OTF of the proposed system confirms the presence of higher frequencies in the Fourier domain indicating high resolution imaging capability.
Apart from the resolution in lateral and axial dimension, achieving high resolution while imaging dynamic samples is another challenge that is limiting the field of fluorescence microscopy to flourish. The third and fourth chapters are entirely dedicated towards the work that was carried out to develop imaging techniques on a microfluidic platform for imaging dynamic samples. The fusion of microscopy and flow cytometry has given rise to the celebrated field of imaging flow cytometry. In recent years, the focus has shifted towards miniaturized cytometry devices. Apart from the reduced cost of the sample reagents and the assays, portability and easy handling make the microfluidic devices more relevant to developing countries. The commercially available cytometers are bulky and quite costly. In addition to these practical concerns, they are complex in operation and limited in performance. Most of the existing cytometers use different inlets for sheath and sample flow to achieve the hydrodynamic focusing of the sample assays in a narrow and confined region. The laser beam in the illumination arm interrogates with the flowing samples at this region and the response is captured by the detection optics. The same principle is extensively used in most of the microfluidic based flow cytometers reported till date. Apart from the hydrodynamic force other effects like electro-osmotic, acoustic, and dielectrophoresis have also been exploited to achieve flow focusing in the microfluidic channel. Despite omitting the necessity of external syringe pump as required in pressure driven based cytometers, they all rely upon point-source based excitation scheme and thereby can not interrogate the cells flowing through the entire microfluidic channel.
The third chapter describes the integration of light sheet illumination PSF with microfluidic flow cytometry for simultaneous counting and imaging cells on-the-go. The chapter starts with the description on photolithography procedure for preparing SU8 master and PDMS casting procedure adopted to prepare dedicated microfluidic chips for the developed imaging system. The research work reported here demonstrates the proof-ofprinciple of light sheet based imaging flow cytometer. A light sheet fills the entire microfluidic channel and thus omits the necessity of flow focusing and point-scanning based technology. Another advantage lies in the orthogonal detection geometry that totally cuts-off the incident light, thereby substantially reducing the background in the acquired images. Compared to the existing state-of-the-art techniques, the proposed technique shows marked improvement. Using fluorescently coated Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, cell counting with throughput as high as 2090 cells/min was recorded. Overall the proposed system is cost-effective and simple in channel geometry. Apart from achieving efficient counting in operational regime of low flow rate, high contrast images of the dynamic samples are also acquired using the proposed cytometry technique.
Further, visualization of intra-cellular organelles is achieved during flow in light sheet based high-throughput cytometry system. The fourth chapter demonstrates the proof of concept of light-sheet-based microfluidic cytometer in conjugation with 2π/3 detection system for high-throughput interrogation and high resolution imaging. This system interrogates the flow channel using a sheet of light rather than the existing point-scanning based techniques. This ensures single-shot scanning of specimens flowing through the microfluidic flow channel at variable flow rates. In addition to high throughput counting at low flow rate, visualization of the intra-cellular organelle (mitochondrial network in human cancerous cells) during flow is achieved with sub-cellular resolution. Using mitochondrial network tagged HeLa cells, a maximum count of 2400 cells/min at the optimized flow rate of 700 nl/min was recorded. The 2π/3 detection system ensures efficient photon collection and minimal background caused by scattered illumination light. The other advantage of this kind of detection system which includes 8f detection optics, is the capability to produce variable magnification using the same high NA objective.
This thesis opens up in vivo imaging of sub-cellular structures and simultaneous cell counting in a miniaturized flow cytometry system. The developed imaging cytometry technique may find immediate applications in the diverse field of healthcare diagnostics, lab-on-chip technology, and fluorescence microscopy. The concluding chapter summarizes the results with a brief discussion on the future aspects of this field (e.g., live-cell imaging of infectious RBC in microfluidic device and 3D optical sectioning of flowing cells). The field of imaging flow cytometry has immense applications in the overlapping areas of physics and biology. The hydrodynamic forces which are used to achieve flow focusing of the sample assays can have an adverse effect in the cell morphology, thereby altering the cellular functions. Light sheet based cytometry system lifts off the requirement of flow focusing and ensures a single shot scanning of entire samples flowing through the microfluidic channel. The similar concept can be used to study the developmental biology of an entire organism, such as C. elegans. This enables the direct observation of developmental and physiological changes in the entire body. Such an organism can be kept alive for a longer duration in microfluidic chambers, and the neural development and mating behaviors can be extensively studied.
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Fenomenofonen : En undersökning om ljud på webbenJóhannsson, Arnar Steinn January 2015 (has links)
Ljud har en förmåga att påverka våra känslor. Begreppet ljudwebb är framtaget till denna undersökning och syftar på de ljudlagda applikationer som, i och med den tekniska utvecklingen, har börjat dyka upp inom webben. Ljudwebben har fått sitt namn från ljudfilmen, de filmer som började experimentera med ljud under filmindustrins tekniska revolution runt 1930-talet. Syftet med denna undersökning är att utforska vad ljudets känslopåverkande egenskaper kan bidra med inom webben. Genom att utgå från fysiker-filosofen Karen Barads tankar om det ständigt rekonstruerande fenomenet samt filosofen Sarah Ahmeds kritik mot den fenomenologiska orienteringen lyder undersökningens frågeställning. “Hur kan fenomenet ljudwebb gestalta tillstånden orientering och desorientering? De insikter som uppkom under undersökningens teoretiska fördjupning har resulterat i den webb-baserade ljudinstallationen Fenomenofonen. Utöver ljudatmosfärer gestaltar Fenomenofonen intra-aktion, orientering och desorientering. Undersökningen bevisar att ljud kan användas som verktyg inom webbproduktion för att påverka användarens känslor. I och med marknadens efterfrågan på sinnesupplevelser inom webben kommer ljudwebben med stor sannolikhet att fortsätta expandera. Det kommer att leda till ett ännu mer påfrestat ljudlandskap, men även en rikare kultur och många arbetsmöjligheter för ljud-designers, programmerare och kompositörer. / Sound has a strong potential to influence our feelings. The concept of sound-web is developed for this study and refers to the sound-designed applications which have started to appear at the web due to new technological possibilities. Its name is inspired by the concept of sound film, the category of movies that began experimenting with sound, due to their technical film revolution back around the 1930´s. The purpose of this study is to explore what sound, with its possiblility to affect human emotions, can contribute within the web. This investigations survey question was produced by applying theories from physicist-philosophist Karen Barad's thoughts about the constantly reconstructive phenomenon and from the philosopher Sarah Ahmed's criticism of the phenomenological orientation and is as follows: How can the phenomenon of sound-web produce orientation and disorientation?. The insights that arose during the theoretical investigation resulted in a web-based sound installation named the Phenomenophone. In addition to generate sound atmospheres, the Phenomenophone, produces intra-action, orientation and disorientation in a way that make these specific subjects more understandable in a psycological way. The survey proves that the sound can be used as a tool in web production to affect the users feelings. The sound-web will most probably expand even more in the future. It will lead to a more contaminated soundscape but a richer cultural environment and many job opportunities for sound-designers, programmers and composers.
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Simulation numérique directe de l'effet Leidenfrost / Direct Numerical Simulation of the Leidenfrost EffectRueda Villegas, Lucia 10 December 2013 (has links)
Lorsqu'une goutte impacte une surface chaude dont la température est bien plus élevée que la température d'ébullition du liquide, une couche de vapeur se forme et elle lévite au dessus de la surface: ce phénomène est appelé "Effet Leidenfrost". Dans cette étude, un nouvel algorithme permettant de modéliser les régimes d'évaporation et d'ébullition à l'interface liquide/gaz a été développé. En effet, dans certaines situations où les conditions thermodynamiques à l'interface sont très hétérogènes, la distinction entre les régimes d'évaporation et d'ébullition n'est pas toujours possible. C'est le cas de l'impact d'une goutte sur une surface chaude en régime de Leidenfrost. Dans ce cas, l'ébullition se produit dans le film de vapeur saturée piégé entre la goutte et la paroi, tandis que sur le dessus la goutte s'évapore au contact de l'air ambiant. De ce fait, l'ébullition et l'évaporation peuvent survenir simultanément dans différentes régions de la goutte. Les méthodes numériques classiques ne sont pas en mesure de prendre en compte ce régime transitoire. Par conséquent, un nouvel algorithme a été développé pour y parvenir. Cet algorithme a été utilisé pour simuler le rebond d'une goutte axisymétrique en régime de Leidenfrost. Les résultats sont ensuite comparés à des données expérimentales. / When a liquid droplet impacts on a heated surface at a temperature much higher than the liquid's boiling point, it floats above the surface due to a vapor layer formation: this phenomenon is called the Leidenfrost effect. In this study, we propose a novel numerical method which allows dealing both with evaporation and boiling regimes at the interface between a liquid and a gas. Indeed, in some specific situations involving very heterogeneous thermodynamic conditions at the interface, the distinction between boiling and evaporation is not always possible. It can occur when a droplet impacts a hot surface in the Leidenfrost regime. In this case, boiling occurs in the film of saturated vapor which is entrapped between the bottom of the drop and the plate, whereas the top of the liquid droplet evaporates in the contact of the ambient air. Thus, boiling and evaporation occur simultaneously on different regions of the droplet when it impacts a heated surface. Usual numerical methods are not able to perform computations in this transient regimes, therefore, we propose in this study a new numerical method to achieve this challenging task. This algorithm is used to simulate an axisymmetric impact of a liquid droplet in the Leidenfrost regime for different Weber numbers and the results of this simulations are compared with experimental data.
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Životní postoje a hodnoty vybraných skupin adolescentů / Life attitudes and values of selected groups of adolescentsMatys, Radim January 2016 (has links)
The thesis called "Life attitudes and values of selected groups of adolescents" deals with comparison of changes through longitudinal study in chosen indicators of value orientation and actual life attitudes of adolescents, who are situated in educational institution and being at the same time students of high school preparing themselves for future career. The results are compared with the survey, which was carried out between the years 2009 - 2010. The arrangement of gained data has a character of comparative study, which evaluates an occurrence of certain aspects in respondents' hierarchy of values and maps their shift in a certain period of time. The theoretical part is concerned with attitudes and value orientation, their elements and formations; furthermore it structures a phenomenon of adolescence in general, which is compared in selected indicators with specifically selected groups, which are the subject of the survey. For a better insight into the problematic, the conclusion of the theoretical part specifies an environment of an institutional education and its basic characteristics. The issue is observed from pedagogical, psychological and anthropological point of view. These views offer treatises about possibilities and resources affecting an education in devices for juveniles, whose...
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L’organisation des comportements d’attachement chez l’enfant avec des troubles spécifiques du développement du langage / The organization of attachment behaviors in children with specific language impairmentGomes, Valéria 12 January 2015 (has links)
Dans cette étude, nous avons cherché à caractériser le profil linguistique et le développement d’une population portugaise d’enfants ayant une perturbation spécifique du développement du langage (TSDL) et à analyser, dans le contexte de la théorie de l’attachement, la façon dont ces enfants porteurs de TSDL utilisent la mère comme base sûre, en les comparant à des enfants sans perturbation du langage. D’un autre côté, nous avons étudié la valeur prédictive de l’attachement et des variables développementales dans les compétences linguistiques des enfants. Nous avons retenu comme sujets de notre recherche, 83 dyades mère/enfant, les enfants étant âgés de 4 /5 ans, partagés en deux groupes. À travers les diverses mesures du langage et du AQS (Waters, 1995), il a été possible de vérifier que ces enfants :1) présentaient à l’âge mental propre de la maternelle (préscolaire), des changements sévères du langage, bien que leurs profils soient très hétérogènes ;2) étaient surtout des garçons, d’un ratio de 3:1 ; 3) révèlent une qualité de sécurité de l’attachement à la mère, inférieure comparativement à leurs pairs sans changement au niveau du langage, ainsi que moins de comportements d’attachement, telles que l’interaction douce, la proximité et le contact physique avec la mère.Nous avons également vérifié que l’attachement et les variables de consommation maternelle de tabac pendant la grossesse, la relation avec les amis et les antécédents familiaux de perturbation du langage sont des prédicteurs des difficultés linguistiques de ces enfants, ainsi que des durées d’acquisition du langage, ce qui explique une variance entre 7% et 21%. / This study aims to characterize the linguistic and developmental profile of a population of Portuguese-speaking children with specific language impairment (SLI) and analyze, within the context of attachment theory, how the SLI child uses his mother as a secure base, compared to children without language disorders. In the other eAs a final point, we tried to study the predictive value of attachment and developmental variables in the language skills of children. The participants of our study were 83 mother-child dyads (children aged 4-5 years), divided into two groups. Through various measures of language and AQS (Waters, 1995), we found that these children: 1) present, in pre-school age, severe alterations of language, though their profiles are very heterogeneous; 2) are mostly boys, with a ratio of 3:1; 3) show a lower quality of attachment security, when compared with their peers without language alterations, as well as less attachment behaviors, such as smooth interaction, proximity and physical contact with the mother. It was also found that attachment and tobacco use, relationship with friends and family background are predictors of the linguistic difficulties of these children, as well as of language acquisition timing, explaining 7% to 21% of the variance.
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Politique publique en matière d’éducation en Haïti et phénomènes de violence en milieu scolaire / Public policy in education in Haiti and violence within schools.Jeune, Meniol 02 December 2014 (has links)
Nous avons retenu un maximum de réponses qui constituent, au vu des résultats, les déterminants majeurs du phénomène de violence scolaire en Haïti : l’usage de la violence verbale, morale et physique. Les résultats de cette recherche mettent en évidence les implications, au plan éducatif, de la prise en compte des représentations des élèves et des enseignants. Ils mettent par ailleurs en exergue un point névralgique pour l’école qui doit garantir la discipline nécessaire à la vie collective tout en respectant les principes démocratiques qui consacrent les droits et libertés de chacun.L’interprétation des propos des élèves et des enseignants ayant participé à cette recherche permet d’ébaucher des réponses qui tiennent compte de leurs attentes et répondent à la fois aux exigences de rigueur d’un établissement d’enseignement et aux principes démocratiques du droit. Quant à la politique publique en matière d’éducation, l’Etat haïtien est très faible, il n’a pas les personnes aux places qu’il faut. Le statu quo est gardé. Pour y remédier, l’Etat doit mettre en œuvre une politique éducative qui vise à redonner à l’éducation son vrai sens et sa vraie valeur c’est-à-dire former l’être pour devenir le citoyen non violent de l’avenir. / We selected maximum responses are, in view of the results, the major determinants of these phenomena: the use of verbal abuse, the use of psychological violence and even physical violence.The results of this research highlight the implications to educational level, taking into account the representations of students and teachers. They shall also highlight a hotspot for the school to ensure the necessary discipline in community life while respecting the democratic principles that enshrine the rights and freedoms of everyone.The interpretation of what students and teachers who participated in this research allows to draft responses that take into account their expectations and meet both the requirements of a rigorous educational and democratic principles of law school.As to public policy in education, the Haitian state is very low, it was not the right people to their right place. So doing, the situation remains untouchable. To remedy this, the state must implement an education policy that aims to give education its true meaning and its true value is to say form be to become citizens of tomorrow and not violent.
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江有誥《諧聲表》研究 / The study of Jiang Yougao's(江有誥)Pictophonetic Table(〈諧聲表〉)王思齊, Wang,Siqi Unknown Date (has links)
溯往而知來,本論文對於檢討諧聲研究方法的理論與應用具有補充和參考意義。 / Rhyme and pictophonetic characters are the two pillars of the study of ancient sound, and it is the internal systematic materials of Chinese. In view of this, its importance is much higher than the borrowed character(假借字), shengxun(聲訓), duruo(讀若), youyin(又音) and so on. Among them, pictophonetic characters are particularly critical because of its simultaneous reflection of all aspects of Chinese ancient sound. And since the Qing Dynasty,they have received so much attention. Confucian scholars in Qing Dynasty made a large number of pictophonetic table|(「諧聲表」), and use them to discuss the ancient rhyme, such as Duan Yucai(段玉裁). Modern scholars such as Klas Bernhard Johannes Karlgren put forward the pictophonetic principle(「諧聲原則」) to discover the important value of pictophonetic characters in the study of consonants. Using the pictophonetic principle(「諧聲原則」) to discuss the ancient sound, scholars always have different findings.
Pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」) uses less to accomplish more, links a series of ancient rhyme. In Qing Dynasty, Jiang Yougao(江有誥) divide rhyme accurately, his Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉)is the most sophisticated.
This paper focuses on the content, accomplishment and contribution of Jiang's Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉). We discusses the form of fanqie(反切),the phenomena of pictophonetic characters, the origin and evolution of pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」), and we also observes the ancient rhyme and tone. The full text is divided into six chapters.
We believe that the main innovation and value of this paper lies in the following aspects:
1、Complement the previous lack of study about Jiang Yougao's(江有誥) Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉), and we give a comprehensive discussion.
Jiang's research is highly respected, but people gave more attention to the poem rhyme and discussed about pictophonetic characters less. Even if there is involved, but also mostly local discussion or macro discussion.
For the first time, we have comprehensively, systematically and in-depthly reviewed Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉) of Jiang Yougao(江有誥), discussing the the form of fanqie(反切), the phenomena of pictophonetic characters. We analyze the phonetic materials of Pictophonetic table (〈諧聲表〉); explore the phenomenon seen in Jiang's Pictophonetic table (〈諧聲表〉). There are patent errors in Jiang's Pictophonetic table (〈諧聲表〉), and we complement and revise it.
We believe that this paper is a systematic research of Jiang's Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉), which is helpful for the scholars to discuss the pictophonetic characters phenomena and to discuss the ancient phonology and other related works.
2、Put forward a new point of view and discuss the achievements of Jiang Yougao's (江有誥)Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉) from academic perspective.
The previous discussion of pictophonetic characters rarely involved to the differences and the various different reasons behind the differences.
We chose the point of the view making pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」), put Jiang Yougao's(江有誥) Pictophonetic table(〈諧聲表〉) into the the evolution of Qing Dynasty pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」)sequence, we catch the internal research of the text as a starting point, put it into the study of the history of the view of pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」). We campare Duan Yucai(段玉裁), Wang Li(王力), Zhou Zumo(周祖謨), Dong Tonghe(董同龢)'s pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」)in different aspects such as pictophonetic characters, principles, the choice of materials, different understanding about characters’shape. We gave the judgment about Jiang Yougao(江有誥) in the history of pictophonetic table(「諧聲表」), also about the achievements, value and status.
We believe that this paper can give the reference to the theory and application of research for pictophonetic characters.
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