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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A fraseologia do futebol: um estudo bilingue português-inglês direcionado pelo corpus / Football Phraseology: A bilingual Portuguese-English corpus-driven study.

Sabrina Matuda 09 August 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar a terminologia do futebol em inglês e português por meio do estabelecimento de equivalentes fraseológicos. A escolha de trabalhar com unidades fraseológicas, e não apenas com termos isolados, deve-se ao fato de acreditarmos que um termo raramente ocorre sozinho. Em outras palavras, é muito provável que este venha acompanhado de um colocado, formando uma colocação e, muitas vezes, seja até parte de uma unidade de sentido maior. Para tanto, a fundamentação teórica embasa-se na Linguística de Corpus, na Terminologia Textual, na Tradução Técnica como ato comunicativo sujeito a condicionantes culturais e no conceito forma-representação. O corpus de estudo possui, aproximadamente, um milhão de palavras em cada língua: 917.073 em português e 1.002.897 em inglês. Cada corpus é dividido em quatro subcorpora: regras do jogo, textos jornalísticos sobre resultados de partidas, narrações minuto a minuto e transmissões sociais. A análise do corpus foi realizada de maneira semiautomática, utilizando o etiquetador Tree-Tagger para fazer a etiquetagem morfossintática dos textos e o programa WordSmith Tools para explorar o corpus. O estudo nos mostrou que a extração de unidades fraseológicas é uma abordagem promissora para a compilação de um glossário que tenha como objetivo registrar o uso autêntico da terminologia técnica - em nosso caso, do futebol. Ao final do trabalho, apresentamos um modelo de glossário bilíngue português-inglês de fraseologias formadas a partir do termo gol, com base na análise realizada. / This study investigates football terminology both in English and in Portuguese and attempts to establish phraseological equivalents. Phraseological units were chosen to the detriment of individual terms because these usually occur in a larger context rather than as isolated lexical items living a life of their own. We believe that a term tends to be accompanied by a collocate, making up a collocation, which is frequently part of an extended unit of meaning. Therefore, the study is based on the notions of Corpus Linguistics and Textual Terminology. To explain cultural differences, technical translation is viewed as a communicative act subject to cultural restraints and the concept of form-representation is called upon to elucidate such differences. Our corpus consists of approximately two million words - 1.002.897 in English and 917.073 in Portuguese. Each corpus is divided into four subcorpora: laws of the game, newspaper reports on match results, live minute by minute commentaries and live commentaries by sports journalists and by football fans via social media like twitter and facebook. The analysis was carried out semi-automatically on tagged corpora, for which we used Helmut Schmids Tree-Tagger and Mike Scotts WordSmith Tools. All in all, the study proved that the extraction of phraseological units is a promising approach to build a glossary which aims at registering the authentic use of specialized language, in this case, the language of football. The study concludes with a model for a bilingual Portuguese-English phraseological glossary with entries made up of the term goal.

Frazeologizmai lietuvių prozos autorių tekstuose ir žodynuose / Phraseological units in Lithuanian prose authors’ texts and dictionaries

Steiblienė, Diana 08 August 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe "Frazeologizmai lietuvių prozos autorių tekstuose ir žodynuose" analizuojami 14 lietuvių autorių 35 – prozos, eseistikos, kritikos – tekstų, kuriuose užfiksuoti 1074 frazeologizmai (3005 jų pavartojimo atvejai). Šio darbo tikslas – nustatyti, kokie frazeologizmų tipai vyrauja lietuvių autorių tekstuose, aptarti jiems būdingus sisteminius požymius (polisemiją, sinonimiją, antonimiją, variantų įvairovę, dažnumą bei sudaromąją leksiką), tuo tikslu lyginant autorių vartojamus frazeologizmus su specializuotuose frazeologizmų žodynuose pateiktais duomenimis. Magistro darbe aptariama autorių frazeologizmų semantinė klasifikacija, jų funkcijos, analizuojami sintaksinės frazeologizmų sandaros tipai ir modeliai, apžvelgiama kilmė. Pateikiamose išvadose teigiama, kad frazeologizmai yra moderniosios prozos autorių kalbinės raiškos sudedamoji dalis, tačiau ji nesudaro specifinio grožinės literatūros frazeologijos posistemio. / Master of Art thesis deals with Phraseological units in Lithuanian prose authors’ texts and dictionaries. There have been analysed 35 prose, essayist, and critics texts written by 14 Lithuanian authors. In the texts, 1074 phraseological units have been found (3005 cases of their usage). This paper aims at identifying the types of phraseological units used in the texts by Lithuanian authors, discussing the most typical systematic features (polysemy, synonymy, antonymy, diversity of variants, frequency, and lexis). In order to achieve this aim, the phraseological units used by the authors have been compared with the data found in specialised phraseology dictionaries. In this paper, the semantic classification of phraseological units and their functions are described, the types and models of syntactic structures of phraseological units are analysed, and their origin is discussed. The conclusion shows that phraseological units are the part of language expression used by modern prose writers. However, this part does not compose a specific subsystem.

Estudo das unidades fraseolÃgicas na linguagem forense dos juÃzes federais / Study phraseologisms in forensic terms of federal judges

Ana Raquel Montenegro AssunÃÃo 26 February 2007 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as unidades fraseolÃgicas do discurso forense manifestado nos despachos, decisÃes interlocutÃrias e sentenÃas proferidos pelos juÃzes das varas cÃveis comuns da JustiÃa Federal no Cearà em processos protocolados nos anos de 1999, 2001, 2003 e 2005. Inserindo-se no paradigma da Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia (TCT), o estudo dessas estruturas sintagmÃticas transmissoras de conhecimento especializado abrangeu sua identificaÃÃo e categorizaÃÃo segundo critÃrios morfossintÃticos e pragmÃticos e segundo a funÃÃo que exercem no texto especializado. Para realizar a anÃlise, dois instrumentos de pesquisa foram utilizados: o programa de computador WordSmith Tools v.4.0. e fichas que permitiram averiguar a exatidÃo dos dados gerados pelo software e categorizar as estruturas fraseolÃgicas segundo a funÃÃo que exercem nos textos. Os resultados apontam que as unidades fraseolÃgicas do discurso forense se manifestam na forma de colocaÃÃes e de enunciados completos, bem como de fÃrmulas discursivas de abertura e de fechamento. / This work aims at analyzing the phraseology of the judicial discourse. The corpus has been built upon decisions pronounced by judges of the Federal Court in the State of Cearà in lawsuits filed in 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005. Communicative Theory of Terminology has been chosen as the framework for this research, thus meaning that lexical, syntactic and discursive criteria were taken into account in the process of identifying and categorizing the phraseological units. For data analysis, two instruments have been employed: the software WordSmith Tools v. 4.0 and phraseological unit files, which were used for classifying the phrases according to their function in the texts. The results suggest that phraseology in judicial discourse is manifested by means of collocations, clauses and discursive formulas.

Méthodes informatiques pour l'identification des locutions verbales / Computational methods for the identifying of verbal lphraseological units

Priego Sanchez, Angeles Belém 10 September 2016 (has links)
Etudiées par la phraséologie, les locutions verbales sont des composantes de la structure du langage naturel qui expriment une idée ou un concept. Ces structures linguistiques sont des unités lexicales composées par plusieurs mots. Elles sont formées par un verbe et une ou plusieurs variables, dont le signifié global n'est pas nécessairement déduit du signifié de chacun de ses composants.Dans ce travail de recherche, nous proposons une méthodologie informatique permettant l’identification semi-automatique des locutions verbales de l’espagnol mexicain. Cette méthodologie contribue tant au domaine de la linguistique qu’à celui de l’informatique. Nous introduisons des méthodes informatiques supervisées et non supervisées pour l’identification et la validation des “locutions verbales candidates” en corpus des différents domaines.Les contributions de cette thèse sont principalement de quatre ordres : a) des corpus manuellement annotés pour les locutions verbales, en incluant leurs contextes, b) un lexique qui estime la probabilité d’occurrence de ces structures linguistiques dans le corpus du genre journalistique, c) diverses hypothèses pour la validation et/ou identification des locutions verbales en textes bruts, et d) l’analyse de la polarité de celles-ci.Les résultats obtenus, en incluant les hypothèses envisagées dans cette thèse, auront un impact futur sur des différentes tâches, tels que la traduction automatique, la construction des dictionnaires et l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère, pour ne citer que quelques exemples. / Verbal phraseological units are components of the natural language structure, studied by phraseology, which express a concept or an idea. These linguistic structures are multi-word lexical units, made up of one verb and one or more variables, having a meaning which cannot be predicted from the sum of the expression component meanings. In this PhD thesis we proposed a computational methodology for the semi-automatic identification of verbal phraseological units written in Mexican Spanish that aims to contribute in both, the linguistic and computational fields. We introduce unsupervised and supervised computational methods in order to identify and validate “candidate verbal phraseological units” in corpora of different genre.The contributions of this research work are mainly four: a) corpora manually annotated for verbal phraseological units and contexts associated, b) a lexicon in which it is estimated the probability of occurrence of such linguistic structures in a corpus of news genre, c) a number of hypotheses for the automatic validation and/or identification of verbal phraseological units in raw texts, and d) analysis of their polarity.The obtained results, including the hypotheses proposed in the PhD document, will have a future impact in different tasks such as machine translation, dictionaries construction, foreign language learning, among others.

Analyse und Abgrenzung rechtssprachlicher phraseologischer Einheiten im Spanischen und Deutschen und ihre Bedeutung für die Übersetzung

Tabares Plasenica, Encarnacion 19 April 2024 (has links)
This paper first of all gives a panoramic overview about the state of studies and investigation of Phraseology of Languages for Special Purposes (LSP). Secondly, a proposal is made for the delimitation and classification for phraseological units in legal context. From an Applied Linguistic and Translation point of view, a reference is being made to German and Spanish language in this field.

Fungování vlastních jmen ve frazeologických jednotkách / Functioning of proper names in phraseological unit

Naydenova, Natalia January 2013 (has links)
(in English): The theme of this thesis project is the "Functioning of proper names in phraseological units". In the study researched phraseological units with proper names (anthroponymes) which are taken from the phraseological dictionary "Russian phraseology: historical and etymological dictionary", ed. V.M Mokienko. The subject of our study is to determine the characteristics of the functioning of proper names in phraseological units, in order to explain and show the translation of the function of proper names, to identify the role of proper names. In the thesis project were performed the following tasks: 1) identify and classify phraseological units with anthroponymes for reasons of their occurrence, and 3) explain by psycholinguistic experiment how the proper name loses its primary function - nominative, getting an evaluation function, and 4) check an acquisition of estimator function by anthroponymes on materials Russian National Corpus. In the study were analyzed 80 phraseological units with anthroponimes, revealed changes in the scope and content of the concept of a proper name in the phraseological unit. Finally, conclusions are made about acquisition the proper name in the frezeologicheskoy unit properties that can be applied to unlimited number of denotations.

Traitement des expressions figées dans la traduction humaine. : Analyse de corpus bilingue français-arabe / Treatment of expressions in frozen human translation : corpus analysis bilingual french-arabic

Sadoudi, Hanane 30 November 2012 (has links)
Cette étude est une approche des divers problèmes que soulève la traduction du figement. Elle se fond sur le cas concret de la traduction français-arabe en analysant un corpus bilingue constitué d’expressions figées en français (langue source) et de leur traduction en arabe (langue cible). Notre travail s’organise en deux parties : dans la première, nous étudions la notion de figement, les différentes structures qu’elle recouvre et la notion de traduction avec les concepts qui lui sont liés à travers les théories linguistiques et traductologiques du 20e siècle. Dans la deuxième partie, nous analysons notre corpus, d’abord pour vérifier qu’il représente bien la catégorie du figement, ensuite pour connaître les stratégies adoptées par le traducteur pour traduire les expressions figées. Le corpus est extrait à partir des articles français du Monde diplomatique et leur traduction en langue arabe dans le même journal / This study is an approach to various problems raised bu the translations of frozen expressions. It is founded on the specific case of the french-arabic translation by analyzing a bilingual corpus composed of idioms in French (source language) and their Arabic translation (targuet language). Our work is organized in two parts ; in the first we study the notion of rigidification and the various structures that it covers, and olso the notion of translation with related concepts through 20th century linguistic and translational theories. In the second part we analyze our corpus : first to make sure it really represents frozen expressions, then to know the strategies adopted by the translator to translate idioms. The corpus is extracted from the articles appeared in the French edition of the le Monde diplomatique and their translations into Arabic in the same newspaper

Estudo das unidades fraseologicas na linguagem forense dos juiÂzes federais / Estudo das unidades fraseolÃgicas na linguagem forense dos juÃzes federais

Ana Raquel Montenegro AssunÃÃo 26 September 2007 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as unidades fraseolÃgicas do discurso forense manifestado nos despachos, decisÃes interlocutÃrias e sentenÃas proferidos pelos juÃzes das varas cÃveis comuns da JustiÃa Federal no Cearà em processos protocolados nos anos de 1999, 2001, 2003 e 2005. Inserindo-se no paradigma da Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia (TCT), o estudo dessas estruturas sintagmÃticas transmissoras de conhecimento especializado abrangeu sua identificaÃÃo e categorizaÃÃo segundo critÃrios morfossintÃticos e pragmÃticos e segundo a funÃÃo que exercem no texto especializado. Para realizar a anÃlise, dois instrumentos de pesquisa foram utilizados: o programa de computador WordSmith Tools v.4.0. e fichas que permitiram averiguar a exatidÃo dos dados gerados pelo software e categorizar as estruturas fraseolÃgicas segundo a funÃÃo que exercem nos textos. Os resultados apontam que as unidades fraseolÃgicas do discurso forense se manifestam na forma de colocaÃÃes e de enunciados completos, bem como de fÃrmulas discursivas de abertura e de fechamento. / This work aims at analyzing the phraseology of the judicial discourse. The corpus has been built upon decisions pronounced by judges of the Federal Court in the State of Cearà in lawsuits filed in 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005. Communicative Theory of Terminology has been chosen as the framework for this research, thus meaning that lexical, syntactic and discursive criteria were taken into account in the process of identifying and categorizing the phraseological units. For data analysis, two instruments have been employed: the software WordSmith Tools v. 4.0 and phraseological unit files, which were used for classifying the phrases according to their function in the texts. The results suggest that phraseology in judicial discourse is manifested by means of collocations, clauses and discursive formulas.

Madingi dabartinės lietuvių kalbos reiškiniai / Lithuanian language current buzzwords

Vyšniauskaitė, Audronė 27 August 2009 (has links)
Kalbos mada – tai tam tikrų kalbos reiškinių neilgalaikis suintensyvėjimas tam tikru laiku ir tam tikroje aplinkoje. Darbo objektas – madingi dabartinės lietuvių kalbos reiškiniai. Darbo tikslas – aptarti leksikos, frazeologijos ir sintaksės lygmenyse rastus madingų dabartinės lietuvių kalbos reiškinių pavyzdžius, vartojamus 2007–2009 m. spaudoje, televizijoje ir reklamoje. Kalbos reiškinių madingumas nustatytas pagal šiuos kriterijus: dažnumas ir populiarumas, naujumas bei konkurencija. Tyrimas atliekamas aprašomuoju metodu, t. y., surinkti madingų kalbos reiškinių pavyzdžiai apdorojami, aptariant jų kilmę, struktūrą, vartosenos ypatumus ir pan., remiantis leksikologijos ir sintaksės teorine medžiaga bei teoriniais madingų kalbos reiškinių tyrimo aspektais. Analizuojant nustatyta, kad madingi dabartinės lietuvių kalbos reiškiniai lietuvių kalbos vartosenos lygmenyse pasiskirstę taip: madingi leksikos kalbos reiškiniai: lietuviškoji leksika, lietuviškų arba tarptautinių žodžių pagrindu padaryti dariniai, skoliniai, tarptautinių žodžių trumpiniai ir fragmentai; madingi frazeologizmai ir stabilūs žodžių junginiai; madingi sintaksės lygmens kalbos reiškiniai. / Language style – it is a intensification of particular language expressions on particular time and in particular environment within short-term. Objective of work – buzzwors of nowadays Lithuanian language. Aim of work - to discuss examples of buzzwors of nowadays Lithuanian language within lexical, phraseological and syntactical levels, used by press, television and promotion in 2007 –2009 years. Style of language expression defined according following criteria: periodicity and popularity, newness and competition. Analysis is performed by descriptive method, id est collected examples of buzzwors is handled talking over theirs genesis, structure, peculiarity of use and so on, in with reference theoretical material of lexicology and syntactic theoretical material and analysis aspects of popular language expressions. During analysis founded, that the popular Lithuanian language expressions of nowadays in usage of Lithuanian language is situated by following: popular lexis language expressions: Lithuanian lexis, formations or borrowings made on Lithuanian or international words basis, clippings and fragments of international words, combinations of popular phraseological and steady words, popular syntax’s level language expression.

Estratégias de compreensão de expressões idiomáticas por não nativos do português brasileiro / Comprehension strategies idioms by not native brazilian portuguese

Martins, Vicente de Paula da Silva January 2013 (has links)
MARTINS, Vicente de Paula da Silva. Estratégias de compreensão de expressões idiomáticas por não nativos do português brasileiro. 2013. 412f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2013. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-06-06T15:07:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_vpsmartins.pdf: 2571509 bytes, checksum: e7ef78c8eefc25e370780c1c44175fac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-06-06T17:14:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_vpsmartins.pdf: 2571509 bytes, checksum: e7ef78c8eefc25e370780c1c44175fac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-06T17:14:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_vpsmartins.pdf: 2571509 bytes, checksum: e7ef78c8eefc25e370780c1c44175fac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / This research general objective was to investigate tactics and strategies of idiomatic comprehension used by 20 Lusophone African university students, from Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau, non-native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). For the construction of the research hypotheses, psycholinguistic theories of phraseological processing, such as the ones promoted by Bobrow and Bell (1973), Irujo (1986), Cacciari & Tabossi (1993), Flores d'Arcais (1993), Cooper (1999), Crespo and Caceres (2006) and Detry ( 2010) and, in the phraseological field, Casares (1950) 1969), Gross(1996); Corpas-Pastor (1996), Iñesta Mena and Pamies Pertrán (2002), Mellado Blanco (2004), Montoro Del Arco (2006); García-Page Sánchez (2008); Olza Moreno (2011); Alvarado Ortega (2010) and Luque Nadal (2012). A verbal protocol think aloud through which were carried out three experiments that have contemplated 18 idiomatic expressions of frequent use in Brazil, divided into three phraseological categories was designed from models of experiments developed by psycholinguists was elaborated and applied to the subjects of the research: (1) zoomorphisms; (2) somatics: and (3) Special (botanics, clothins, gastronomic) results of the research have confirmed the hypotheses that expressions designate names of animals (zoomorphisms) and parts of the body (somatics) favored the weak idiomatic expression (transparency) by its semantical analysis or semantical compositionality, except for the mum’s the word (fazer boca de siri) which word siri is not found in the vocabulary of Creole languages (Cape Verdean and Guinean). Between the special expressions, fazer boca de siri was considered opaque since the informants have ignored the meaning given by Brazilians to the expression. It has confirmed a hypothesis that the strategies related to the use of context are the most commonly used by non-natives of PB, to reach at the meaning of the expressions. Among the special expressions, rasgar seda was considered opaque since the informants have ignored the meaning given by Brazilians to the expression. It has confirmed a hypothesis that the strategies related to the use of context are the most commonly used by non-natives of PB, to reach at the meaning of the expressions. The results also indicate that the phraseological processing does not follow a single upward direction (bottom-up) or downward (top-down), but that exist a constant inter-relationship between tactics and strategies in comprehension of idiomatic expressions / Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo geral investigar táticas e estratégias de compreensão de expressões idiomáticas utilizadas por 20 estudantes universitários africanos lusófonos, oriundos de Cabo Verde e Guiné-Bissau, falantes não nativos do Português Brasileiro (PB). Para a construção das hipóteses da pesquisa, recorreu-se a teorias Psicolinguísticas do processamento fraseológico, nomeadamente Bobrow e Bell (1973), Irujo(1986), Cacciari e Tabossi (1993), Flores d’Arcais (1993), Cooper (1999), Crespo e Caceres (2006) e Detry (2010) e, no campo fraseológico, Casares ([1950] 1969), Gross ( 1996); Corpas-Pastor (1996), Iñesta Mena e Pamies Pertrán (2002), Mellado Blanco (2004), Montoro Del Arco (2006); García-Page Sánchez (2008); Olza Moreno (2011); Alvarado Ortega (2010) e Luque Nadal (2012). A partir de modelos de experimentos desenvolvidos por psicolinguistas foi elaborado e aplicado aos sujeitos da pesquisa um Protocolo Verbal think aloud através do qual foram realizados três experimentos que contemplaram 18 expressões idiomáticas de uso frequente no Brasil, divididas em três categorias fraseológicas: (1) zoomorfismos; (2) somatismos; e (3) Especiais (botanismos; indumentismos; gastronomismos). Os resultados da pesquisa confirmaram hipóteses de que expressões que designam nomes de animais (zoomorfismos) e partes do corpo (somatismos) favorecem a idiomaticidade fraca (transparência) por sua analisabilidade ou composicionalidade semântica, com exceção da expressão fazer boca de siri cuja palavra siri não é encontrada no vocabulário das línguas crioulas (cabo-verdiana e guineense). Entre as expressões especiais, rasgar seda foi considerada opaca por os informantes desconheceram o sentido dado pelos brasileiros à expressão. Foi confirmada a hipótese de que estratégias relacionadas ao uso de contexto são as mais utilizadas pelos não nativos do PB, para chegar ao sentido das expressões. Os resultados apontam também que o processamento fraseológico não segue uma única direção ascendente (bottom-up) ou descendennte (top-down), mas que existe uma inter-relação constante entre táticas e estratégias na compreensão das expressões idiomáticas.

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