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The Late Phrygian Citadel of Gordion, Turkey: A Preliminary StudyFields, Alison L. 04 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Cultic Landscapes Of PhrygiaOzarslan, Yasemin 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines Phrygian cultic sites in Western Phrygia from the perspective of landscape using a range of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) analyses. More specifically, it explores spatial relationships between these cultic sites and the regional geographical context with reference to certain environmental and cultural parameters. These include topography, geology, and distance to settlements, hilltop sites, and ancient roads. A total of 30 Phrygian cultic sites form the primary archaeological evidence. Secondary archaeological evidence covers a range of mound settlements and hilltop sites associated with Phrygian culture. The study heavily relies on the readily available archaeological site data from related publications and recent surveys in the region. Geographic datasets used include ASTER Global DEM and derived surfaces, as well as digital geological and historical maps. This study contributes to our understanding of Phrygian cultic sites by revealing certain patterns as to their locations. It also brings all the available site data from Western Phrygia together for the first time. Ultimately, it suggests that the &ldquo / highlandscapes&rdquo / of Phrygia with spectacular geological formations could have played a crucial role on the cultic site locations.
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ARCHITETTURA DORICA A HIERAPOLIS DI FRIGIA / Doric Architecture in Hierapolis of PhrygiaISMAELLI, TOMMASO 04 April 2008 (has links)
Obiettivo del lavoro è lo studio sistematico di tre complessi monumentali della città di Hierapolis di Frigia (Pamukkale, Denizli, Turchia) caratterizzati dall'adozione dell'ordine dorico, ossia il portico del terrazzo inferiore del Santuario di Apollo, la Stoà di Marmo e le facciate della Via di Frontino. La ricerca, fondata sull'osservazione analitica dei blocchi architettonici, ha mirato a restituire, in prima istanza, l'immagine complessiva dei singoli edifici, con ricostruzioni grafiche delle planimetrie e dei prospetti, ma anche a comprendere la “vita” del monumento, ossia la sua destinazione d'uso ed il suo significato pratico ed ideologico all'interno dell'ambito cittadino. Ampio spazio è riservato inoltre allo studio degli aspetti tecnici e formali, che permettono di fare luce sull'attività delle botteghe locali coinvolte nella lavorazione del marmo e del travertino, con attenzione alle loro relazioni con gli altri centri dell'alta valle del Meandro. L'esame degli edifici ierapolitani si accompagna all'analisi dei modelli architettonici sviluppati nel corso dell'età ellenistica in Asia Minore, al fine di valutare correttamente il ruolo del contesto locale nell'elaborazione di nuovi tipi architettonici. L'inquadramento cronologico dei vari complessi, condotto tramite l'esame dei caratteri formali, dei dati epigrafici e stratigrafici, consente di ampliare la conoscenza della storia urbanistica della città di Hierapolis nel corso del I sec. d.C. / Purpose of the present work is the systematic analysis of three monuments of the ancient city of Hierapolis in Phrygia (Pamukkale, Denizli, Turkey), which are distinguished by the Doric order: the porticus of the lower terrace of the Apollo Sanctuary, the Marble Stoà and the façades of the Frontinus Street. The research is based on the analytic examination of the architectonical blocks and, in the first place, aims at gaining the ancient image of the buildings developing graphic reconstructions of their plans and fronts, but also wants to define the “life” of the monuments, their practical and ideological meaning in the urban context. Special attention is given to the study of the technical and morphological aspects, to understand the relationships of the local workshops with those of the other cities of the Meander valley. The analysis of the Doric buildings of Hierapolis goes together with the study of the architectural patterns developed during the Hellenistic age in Asia Minor, to achieve the correct view of the local context in the creation of new architectonical types. The chronological definition of the buildings, by means of the analysis of stylistic features, epigraphical and stratigraphical data, allows us to define with more details the urbanistic history of Hierapolis during the Ist century A.D.
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La colonisation militaire en Phrygie et son impact (IVe s. av. J.C.- IIIe s. après J.C.) : dynamiques spatiales, économiques et sociales / The military colonization in Phrygia and its impact (IVth c. BC.- IIIrd c. AD) : spatial, economic and social dynamicsRoux, Michel 16 June 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier sur le long terme, depuis la fin de l'époque achéménide jusqu'à celle du Haut-Empire (aux alentours de 235 après J.-C.) l'implantation de troupes et de vétérans perses, gréco-macédoniens, thraces, lyciens et romains, puis de leurs descendants, dans l'espace phrygien, région quelque peu marginale située dans le centre-ouest de l'Anatolie. Après avoir dans la première partie identifié et justifié stratégiquement les différents lieux d'installation, elle examine l'impact économique de celle-ci au travers de l'étude de la mainmise sur la terre et ses productions, du rôle des soldats en tant que producteurs et consommateurs et de leur implication dans la sécurisation du territoire. Sur un plan social, le quotidien des militaires, des vétérans et de leurs familles est ensuite examiné, de même que les formes prises par leur domination sur le reste de la population et leurs choix religieux. Le tout s'appuie sur un vaste corpus de plusieurs centaines d'inscriptions et de monnaies. / The objective of this thesis is to study on the long term, since the end of the achaemenid period until that of the roman Top-empire (near 235 AD) the setting-up of persian, greco-macedonian, thracian, lycian and roman troops and veterans, then of their descendants, in the Phrygian space, a little marginal region situated in west central Anatolia. Having in the first part identified and justified strategically the various places of installation, it examines the economic impact of this one through the study of the seizure by the earth and its productions, the role of the soldiers as producers and consumers and of their implication in the reassurance of the territory. On a social plan, the everyday life of the servicemen, the veterans and their families is then examined, as well as the forms taken by their domination on the rest of the population and their religious choices. The whole is based on a vast corpus of several hundred inscriptions and coins.
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ARCHITETTURA IONICA A HIERAPOLIS DI FRIGIA / Ionic architecture in Hierapolis of PhrygiaBOZZA, SARA 08 March 2016 (has links)
La ricerca di dottorato si inserisce nel quadro delle attività della MAIER – Missione Archeologica Italiana a Hierapolis di Frigia (Pamukkale, Turchia) e nel filone degli studi di architettura antica relativi ai complessi edilizi dei centri microasiatici. Vengono analizzati, in particolare, alcuni edifici e materiali architettonici di ordine ionico emersi dalle recenti indagini di scavo, allo scopo di fornire una ricostruzione dei monumenti nella planimetria e negli alzati, ma anche delle loro funzioni e le destinazioni d’uso; parallelamente si è sviluppata l’analisi del linguaggio formale delle architetture, allo scopo sia di definire le cronologie degli edifici sia di inserirli nel più ampio fenomeno della decorazione architettonica microasiatica, rintracciandone gli eventuali modelli, anche in rapporto al complesso problema dell’attività delle maestranze, per fornire un quadro aggiornato delle modalità di impiego dell’ordine ionico a Hierapolis di Frigia nel corso dell’età imperiale. La ricerca ha affrontato i due complessi santuariali del centro cittadino: nel Santuario di Apollo vengono analizzati il Tempio C, una serie di eccezionali capitelli ionici con collarino decorato e un consistente gruppo di elementi architettonici riferibili ad un portico di temenos (di ordine corinzio); nel Ploutonion si sono indagati alcuni materiali riferibil invece ad un portico ionico, posto a coronamento del theatron rituale. / This doctoral research is part of the activities of MAIER – Italian Archaeological Mission in Hierapolis of Phrygia (Pamukkale, Turkey) and of the investigation field on the ancient architecture in Asia Minor. Some buildings and architectural blocks of Ionic order, recently discovered, are analyzed in order to achieve a reconstruction of the monuments, not only of the plan and elevation, but also of the ancient functions and use of the buildings. The stylistic analysis is also very important, to determine the chronology of the monuments and to relate the Ionic architecture of Hierapolis with the other urban centres in Asia Minor and their architectural tradition during the Imperial period. The dissertation is focused on both the sanctuaries of Hierapolis: in the Sanctuary of Apollo, the research analyzes the Temple C, a series of Ionic capitals with decorated hypotrachelion, and a group of architectural blocks from a (Corinthian) temenos portico; in the Ploutonion, the focus is on a series of blocks from an Ionic Stoa, related to the cultic theatre.
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Recherches sur les fortifications d'Anatolie occidentale et centrale au début du premier millénaire av. J.-C. (Xe-VIe s.) / Research on Western and Central Anatolian Fortifications in the Early First Millennium BC. (10th-6th cent.)Vergnaud, Baptiste 22 June 2012 (has links)
La présente thèse vise à apporter des éclaircissements sur la réapparition du souci défensif, sa matérialisation et son évolution en Anatolie occidentale et centrale au début du premier millénaire av. J.-C. (Xe-VIe s.). Le territoire soumis à l’examen comprend la Phrygie, la boucle de l’Halys, la Carie, la Lydie, l’Ionie, l’Eolide et la Troade. Cette étude s’intéresse en premier lieu aux différentes méthodes de fortification utilisées au cours de cette période. Par l’examen des principales caractéristiques architecturales des murs de défense (techniques de construction, dispositifs défensifs), cette étude cherche à déterminer de quelle manière ces nouvelles constructions s’inscrivent dans la tradition architecturale anatolienne et dans quelle mesure leurs concepteurs contribuèrent à l’évolution de celle-ci en adoptant et en transformant les méthodes de fortification qui en sont issues. La construction d’un rempart, parce qu’elle impliquait de nombreux acteurs, était un fait de société majeur. Par leur conception, les techniques utilisées pour leur construction, leur emprise dans le paysage, les murailles sont des monuments chargés de symboles et des témoins privilégiés de l’histoire des sociétés qui les ont construites et perfectionnées. Au-delà des considérations archéologiques, cette étude s’attache donc aussi à replacer la construction de fortifications dans le contexte militaire mouvementé de l’Anatolie préclassique et tente également d’évaluer l’impact d’un tel projet de construction dans l’histoire politique et sociale des populations anatoliennes de l’âge du fer. / This thesis aims to shed light on the reappearance of defensive concern, its materialization and its evolution in Western and Central Anatolia in the Early First Millennium BC. (10th-6th c.). The area under consideration includes Phrygia, the Halys bend, Caria, Lydia, Ionia, Aeolis and the Troad. This study focuses primarily on the various fortification methods used during this period. By examining the main architectural features of defensive walls (building techniques, defensive components), this study seeks to determine how these new constructions inherited from the Anatolian architectural tradition and how their designers contributed to make it evolve by adopting and transforming some of its principles. The construction of a wall, because it involved many actors, was also major social phenomenon. Iron Age fortifications sometimes bear witness to the history of the various populations who built and perfected them. Hence, beyond archaeological considerations, this study also aims to place the construction of fortifications in the military context of the tumultuous pre-classical Anatolia. It also attempts to evaluate the impact of such a construction project on the sociopolitical history of Anatolian Iron Age populations: Greeks, Lydians, Phrygians and Carians.
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La sépulture collective 163D de la nécropole nord de Hiérapolis (Phrygie, Turquie, période Augustéenne -VIIe s. de notre ère) : fouille et enregistrement des dépôts, gestes et pratiques funéraires, recrutement / Collective burial 163D in north necropolis of Hierapolis (Phrygia, Turkey, Augustan period – 7th century ad) : excavation, analysis and interpretation of funerary treatment and burial practicesLaforest, Caroline 15 December 2015 (has links)
Les cités antiques d’Asie Mineure comprennent à leurs périphéries de vastes ensembles funéraires dont seulsl’épigraphie et les monuments, pour la plupart pillés anciennement, sont généralement étudiés. Les modalités de dépôts et degestion de ces tombes, a priori collectives, n’ont jusqu’alors pas ou très peu été analysés. La découverte d’une chambresouterraine (tombe 163d) non pillée dans la « Nécropole nord » de Hiérapolis (ancienne province de Phrygie dans le sud-ouestde la Turquie), a été l’occasion de mettre en oeuvre une analyse archéo-anthropologique afin d’aborder le fonctionnement de cetype de tombe. Cette investigation a impliqué de reprendre et d’achever la fouille initiée en 2003, nécessitant quatrecampagnes (2010-2013) au cours desquelles une stratégie d’intervention adaptée aux contraintes de temps imposées a étéélaborée dans le cadre de la Mission Archéologique Italienne de Hiérapolis. Après avoir défini le cadre chronologique del’utilisation de la tombe, notre travail s’est attaché à comprendre les modalités de dépôts des défunts (traitement du corps,milieu de décomposition, mode d’inhumation) mais également les gestes témoignant de la gestion et de la dynamique del’espace funéraire. L’analyse stratigraphique des dépôts a démontré que la tombe avait été utilisée entre la périodeaugustéenne et le début du VIIe siècle, afin d’accueillir les restes de 293 individus. Au IIIe siècle, une famille juive la rachète,comme l’indiquent les inscriptions gravées sur le monument. L’étude taphonomique des squelettes empilés en connexionanatomique a révélé que la majorité des dépôts avait été réalisée dans des cercueils. Il est apparu, d’une part, que la famillejuive a laissé une partie des os des premiers occupants en place, conformément aux lois romaines définissant le sepulchrumcomme locus religiosus, et, d’autre part, que la gestion des os disloqués reposait davantage sur des considérations pratiquesliées au volume des os que sur le souci de conserver l’individualité des sujets inhumés. Ces conclusions permettent d’apporterde nouveaux éléments de discussion sur les relations entre les différents groupes religieux vivant à Hiérapolis à traversl’organisation des espaces funéraires et, plus largement, sur les pratiques funéraires pendant l’antiquité romaine et la périodeprotobyzantine en Asie Mineure. / The roman cities of Asia Minor are surrounded by vast necropolises, amongst which funerary complexes are mostoften plundered. While monuments and inscriptions have been studied in great detail in the past, the depositional context andfunerary treatment of the dead and the management of collective burials have not been submitted to detailed analysis. Thediscovery of Tomb 163d, a subterranean funerary chamber not plundered in the North Necropolis of Hierapolis (ancientprovince of Phrygia, in the South-West of Turkey) provided a unique opportunity to apply archeo-anthropological analysis inorder to understand funerary treatment and burial practices. This study reinvestigated the excavations which took place in2003, to complement another four campaigns (2010-2013). For these excavation campaigns a specific intervention strategywas developed as part of the Archeological Italian Mission of Hierapolis. After discussing the chronological framework, thisstudy analyses funerary treatment (modes of inhumation, body treatment, depositional context) as well as the burialmanagement to the management within the dynamic of the funeral space. The stratigraphic analysis demonstrated that thegrave was utilized from the Augustan period to the 7th century and contained 293 individuals. During the 3rd century, a Jewishfamily rebought the tomb for further use, as indicated by the inscriptions engraved on the monument. The taphonomic study ofthe articulated skeletons revealed that the majority of the deceased were buried in wooden coffins. It appeared that the Jewishfamily left some skeletal remains from the first occupiers in situ, in accordance with the Roman law defining the sepulchrum asa locus religious. However, the management of human remains was more related to practical considerations, linked to thevolume of the remains, than to the concern of respecting the deceased. By analyzing and interpreting the organization offuneral spaces, the conclusions of this study provide new evidence on relationships between different religious groups living inHierapolis, and on aspects of burial practices during Roman Antiquity and Proto-Byzantine period.
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Pharnabaze et les Pharnacides : une dynastie de satrapes sur les rives de la Propontide (Ve-IVe siècle av. J.-C.) / Pharnabazus and the Pharnacids : a dynasty of satraps on the shores of Hellespontic PhygiaKlein, Alexis 29 May 2015 (has links)
L’objet de cette étude est de réexaminer l’histoire de la famille de gouverneurs perses qui ont détenu l’office de satrapes de Phrygie Hellespontique sous l’Empire achéménide aux Ve et IVe siècles avant J.-C., et d’évaluer leur influence sur la sphère politique égéenne et anatolienne. Étant donné que l’étude des Pharnacides n’est pas seulement une étude généalogique, mais qu’elle comporte des questions d’ordre politique, il nous faut distinguer leur rôle de satrapes de l’histoire de leur famille. Nous traitons donc dans un premier temps les origines des Pharnacides. Ensuite, nous présentons une chronologie des satrapes de Daskyleion, traités sous l’angle politique. En troisième partie, il est question de mettre en avant les caractéristiques des détenteurs de l’office satrapique de Daskyleion. Enfin, la dernière partie a pour but de présenter ce que nous avons pu déduire sur la notion de famille chez ces notables perses et de mettre en avant la place des femmes, tout en présentant un épilogue de leur destin après la chute de l’Empire achéménide. / The purpose of this study is to reexamine the existence of the family of Persian governors, who were in charge as satraps of Hellespontic Phrygia in the age of the Achaemenid Empire in the Vth-IVth C. BC. and to assess their influence on Egean and Anatolian politics. As the examination of the Pharnacids is not only a genealogical study, but includes also political topics, it is necessary to distinguish their role as satraps from their family history. Accordingly, the first part addresses the origins of the Pharnacids, followed by a chronology of the satraps of Dasykleion from a political point of view. The third part exposes the permanent and recurrent features among the titleholders of the satrapy of Daskyleion. Finally, the last part presents our conclusions on the notion of family among the prominent Persians and focuses on the role of women, and it ends with an epilogue on the family’s fate after the fall of the Achaemenid Empire.
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Attitudes towards the Past in Antiquity. Creating Identities : Proceedings of an International Conference held at Stockholm University 15-17 May 2009Alroth, Brita, Scheffer, Charlotte January 2014 (has links)
This volume brings together twenty-eight papers from an International conference on attitudes towards the past and the creating of identities in Antiquity. The volume addresses many different approaches to these issues, spanning over many centuries, ranging in time from the Prehistoric periods to the Late Antiquity, and covering large areas, from Britain to Greece and Italy and to Asia Minor and Cyprus. The papers deal with several important problems, such as the use of tradition and memory in shaping an individual or a collective identity, continuity and/or change and the efforts to connect the past with the present. Among the topics discussed are the interpretation of literary texts, e.g. a play by Plautus, the Aeneid, a speech by Lykurgos, poems by Claudian and Prudentius, and of historical texts and inscriptions, e.g. funerary epigrams, and the analysis of the iconography of Roman coins, Etruscan reliefs, Pompeian and Etruscan frescoes and Cypriote sculpture, and of architectural remains of houses, tombs and temples. Other topics are religious festivals, such as the Lupercalia, foundation myths, the image of the emperor on coins and in literature, the significance of intra-urban burials, forgeries connected with the Trojan War, Hippocrates and Roman martyrs.
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