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Fiziškai neįgalių asmenų aplinkos pritaikymas viešosios, būsto aplinkos ir paslaugų prieinamumo aspektais / Physically disabled persons environment applications public, housing environment and services availability issuesAnusevičiūtė, Karolina 10 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas: fiziškai neįgalių asmenų fizinės aplinkos pritaikymas ir paslaugų prieinamumas.
Tiriamieji: fiziškai neįgalūs asmenys.
Tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti asmenų turinčių fizinę negalę aplinkos pritaikymą viešosios, būsto aplinkos ir paslaugų prieinamumo aspektais.
Tikslui įgyvendinti iškelti šie uždaviniai :
• Nustatyti su kokiomis problemomis susiduria lengvesnės ir sunkesnės negalios fiziškai neįgalūs asmenys judėdami gyvenamojoje, mokyklos ir darbo aplinkoje.
• Išsiaiškinti ir nustatyti kaip pritaikyta būsto aplinka lengvesnės ir sunkesnės negalios asmenims.
• nustatyti paslaugų prieinamumą skirtinguose Lietuvos miestuose.
Probleminis klausimas:
1. Su kokomis problemomis susiduria sunkesnės ir lengvesnės negalios asmenys judėdami savo kasdieninėje aplinkoje?
2. Su kokiomis paslaugų prieinamumo problemomis susiduria skirtinguose Lietuvos miestuose gyvenantys neįgalieji?
Hipotezė: Fiziškai neįgalių asmenų kasdieninė aplinka nepritaikyta jiems laisvai judėti.
Rezultatai: Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai sutampa su kitų autorių atliktais tyrimais, susijusiais su aplinkos prieinamumu asmenims su fizine negalia. Savo moksliniuose darbuose atskleidžia Daugėla ir Žukauskas (2005), kad neįgaliesiems juos supanti aplinka sunkiai prieinama, dėl jos nepritaikymo. Pasak ekspertų, Lietuvoje neįgaliesiems nėra pritaikyta dar nė viena aukštoji mokykla (Babinskienė, 2008).
1. Nustatyta, neįgaliųjų gyvenamojoje ir darbo / mokyklos aplinkoje atsižvelgiant pagal negalės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object: of physically disabled persons in daily environment.
Subjects: Persons with physical disability
Purpose: analysis of individuals with physical disabilities access to the daily environment.
Goals set to the following tasks:
1. Identify the problems faced lighter and more severe disability, physically disabled persons moving residential, school and work environments.
2. Identify and establish house adaptation to more and severe disabled people.
3. Determine the availability of services in different cities of Lithuania.
Question arises:
First, what problems more and severe disabled people facing through their everyday environment?
Second, what are the problems of access to services across different cities of Lithuania for people with different disabilities?
Hypothesis: Daily environment is unsuitable for physically disabled people.
Results: The survey results coincide with other author’s related studies of environmental access for persons with physical disabilities. This research reveals that disabled people surroundings is not easily accessible for them. According to experts, Lithuanian surroundings is not adapted for disabled people and has no higher education institutions that is fully adapted for them. Babinskienės (2008).Daugėla and Žukauskas (2005),
First It was found that people with disabilities in residential and work / school environment is facing the following problems:
• Individuals with more severe physical disabilities are faced with... [to full text]
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Die fisieke vermoëprofiel van 10-17-jarige atlete met fisiese gestremdhede / P. HumanHuman, Petro January 2008 (has links)
According to research (Maher et al. 2007:450), participation in physical activity have health-, psycological, as well as physiological benefits for persons with or without physical disabilities. Participation in physical activity will also lead to improvement of physical fitness. Inactivity is associated with health-related diseases. It is therefore important to improve the physical fitness of athletes with physical disabilities to decrease health risks and to improve their performance in sport.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical fitness levels of 10 to 17 year old athletes with physical disabilies, in order to compile physical-ability profiles for spesific classes of participation. A second purpose was to compile exercise recommendations for specific classes of participation to enchance physical ability and reduce health-related diseases. A group (N=83) was selected by the coaches of selected schools in the Free State and Central Gauteng Provinces. Different racial groups [White (n=36), Black (n=46), Coloured (n=l)] formed part of this group. From this group, 56 boys and 27 girls completed the Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT) (Winnick & Short, 1999).
For the analysis of the data, the Statistica for Windows computer package, 2008, was used. The physical-ability profiles indicated that most of the athletes have poor aerobic capacity, muscle strength and leg-, hip-, and trunk flexibility. It is further recommended to include 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercises in the programme. To increase muscle strength, 8-12 repetions of an intensity level of 50 - 70 % of the 1RM, 1 - 2 sets and 1 - 2 minutes rest between exercises is recommended. To improve leg-, hip-, and trunk flexibility it is further recommended to inclode stretching of 15 - 30 seconds. These recommendations will improve components of health-related physical fitness and functionality as well as decrease risks of developing health-related diseases. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Die fisieke vermoëprofiel van 10-17-jarige atlete met fisiese gestremdhede / P. HumanHuman, Petro January 2008 (has links)
According to research (Maher et al. 2007:450), participation in physical activity have health-, psycological, as well as physiological benefits for persons with or without physical disabilities. Participation in physical activity will also lead to improvement of physical fitness. Inactivity is associated with health-related diseases. It is therefore important to improve the physical fitness of athletes with physical disabilities to decrease health risks and to improve their performance in sport.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical fitness levels of 10 to 17 year old athletes with physical disabilies, in order to compile physical-ability profiles for spesific classes of participation. A second purpose was to compile exercise recommendations for specific classes of participation to enchance physical ability and reduce health-related diseases. A group (N=83) was selected by the coaches of selected schools in the Free State and Central Gauteng Provinces. Different racial groups [White (n=36), Black (n=46), Coloured (n=l)] formed part of this group. From this group, 56 boys and 27 girls completed the Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT) (Winnick & Short, 1999).
For the analysis of the data, the Statistica for Windows computer package, 2008, was used. The physical-ability profiles indicated that most of the athletes have poor aerobic capacity, muscle strength and leg-, hip-, and trunk flexibility. It is further recommended to include 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercises in the programme. To increase muscle strength, 8-12 repetions of an intensity level of 50 - 70 % of the 1RM, 1 - 2 sets and 1 - 2 minutes rest between exercises is recommended. To improve leg-, hip-, and trunk flexibility it is further recommended to inclode stretching of 15 - 30 seconds. These recommendations will improve components of health-related physical fitness and functionality as well as decrease risks of developing health-related diseases. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Aukštųjų mokyklų fizinės aplinkos pritaikymo vertinimas žmonėms su judėjimo negalia / Evaluation of physical environment adaptation in higher schools for people with mobility disabilitiesBudriūtė, Gabrielė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti aukštųjų mokyklų fizinės aplinkos pritaikymą žmonėms su judėjimo negalia.
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti judėjimo negalią turinčių žmonių problemas, iškylančias dėl nepritaikytos fizinės aplinkos aukštosiose mokyklose. 2. Palyginti aukštųjų mokyklų fizinės aplinkos pritaikymą žmonėms su judėjimo negalia. 3. Įvertinti ergoterapeuto konsultacijų poreikį, pritaikant fizinę aplinką aukštosiose mokyklose.
Tyrimo metodai: remiantis D. Pilipavičiūtės ir G. Ambraso duomenimis sudaryta aukštųjų mokyklų fizinės aplinkos pritaikymo vertinimo rodiklių sistema. Ši sistema atitinka LR ministro įsakymo STR 2.03.01:2001 “Statiniai ir teritorijos. Reikalavimai žmonių su negalia reikmėms” pateiktus normatyvus. Sistemą sudaro 7 vertinamų elementų grupės. Sukurtos 3 anketos. Taip pat buvo atliktas fotografavimas, objektai matuojami metru, statistinė duomenų analizė. Kaune ir Vilniuje išrirti 26 aukštųjų mokyklų pastatai. Tyrimo dalyviai: 24 studentai su judėjimo negalia, 199 įgalūs studentai, 2 darbuotojai.
Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė tai, kad Lietuvoje nė viena iš tirtų aukštųjų mokyklų nėra pritaikyta taip, kad atitiktų visus sistemos normatyvus ir reikalavimus, dėl to studentams su judėjimo negalia kyla sunkumų pilnavertiškai studijuoti.
Išvados: 1. Studentai su judėjimo negalia dažniausiai susiduria su šiomis problemomis: nepritaikytos durys, sunku pasiekti jungiklius, kištukus, nepritaikytos auditorijos. 2. Palyginus ištirtų Vilniaus ir Kauno miestų aukštųjų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of research work: to estimate the adaptation of physical environment in higher schools for people with mobility disabilities.
Tasks of work: 1. To find out the problems caused by physical environment adaptation for people with mobility disabilities in higher schools. 2. To compare the adaptation of physical environment in higher schools for people with mobility disabilities. 3. To assess the need of occupational therapist's consultations, adapting the physical environment in higher schools.
Work methods: according to D. Pilipavičiūtė and G. Ambrasas data, there was composed the higher schools indicators system of physical environment adaptation. The system consists of seven items valued group. There were developed three questionnaires. The objects were photographed, measured with a meter, used the statistical analysis. There were investigated 26 buildings in Kaunas and Vilnius. Study participants: 24 students with mobility disability, 199 igal students, 2 workers.
The results revealed that none of studied higher school is not designed in a way that meets all the standards and requirements of the system, because students with mobility impairments have difficulties to fully study.
Conclusions: 1. Students with mobility impairments face the following problems: not adapted doors, it is difficult to reach the switches, plugs, not adapted the audiences. 2. Compared physical environment adaptation of higher schools, results showed that better adapted are higher schools of... [to full text]
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Ageing and Caring as Couples with DisabilitiesTorgé, Cristina Joy January 2014 (has links)
In gerontology and care research, care is often studied in ways in which older people and people with disabilities are portrayed as dependent on the care of younger or non-disabled people. This thesis, in contrast, studies care provided by people that are both old and have physical disabilities. The thesis explores how care is actualized and experienced by older couples who both have long-term or lifelong disabilities, and investigates the implications of this caring in the couples’ lives. Nine couples between 60 and 84 years old, of whom most had had disabilities for over 20 years, were interviewed as dyads; a process also conjoint interviewing. These interviews were analysed using grounded theory methods of coding and constant comparison. The results of the thesis confirm that it can make sense to be a carer even if one also needs care in everyday life. The analysis considers how conjoint interviewing resulted in relational and performative data about mutual care. The study helps explain the significance helping a partner despite having other sources of formal support and the difficulties of providing this help oneself. Finally, in a study whose participants are growing old together with disabilities, the results also show that the couples could regard themselves as ageing advantageously compared to other groups. Through its focus on caring for and by older people with disabilities, this thesis is at the intersection of social gerontology, care research and disability studies. However, from its interdisciplinary perspective, it can also challenge established discourses in these fields. Specifically, the study problematizes the absence of a care discourse in disability studies and the mostly age- and function-coded ways in which care is discussed in care research. The thesis problematizes dichotomies used in understanding care, such as roles of carers/care receiver and caring/servicing. It also challenges established ways of thinking about successful ageing. Lastly, the thesis contributes to the still growing literature on ageing with a disability. / Gerontologin och omsorgsforskningen beskriver oftast äldre och personer med funktionshinder som mottagare av omsorg från yngre personer eller personer utan funktionshinder. Denna avhandling studerar däremot det omsorgsarbete som utförs av äldre personer med fysiska funktionshinder. Avhandlingen behandlar hur omsorg kan se ut och hur den kan förstås hos par där båda har levt långa liv med fysiska funktionshinder. Den studerar också vad den ömsesidiga omsorgen kan ha för innebörder i parens liv. Nio par mellan 60 och 84 års ålder, där många har haft funktionshinder i 20 år eller mer, intervjuades tillsammans som ett par, i s.k. conjoint interviews (parintervjuer). Analysen gjordes med hjälp av analytiska verktyg från grundad teori. Avhandlingens resultat visar att det går att vara omsorgsgivare trots att man själv har omfattande omsorgsbehov. Analysen beaktar emellertid också hur parintervjuerna kan ha bidragit till dessa berättelser av ömsesidig omsorg. Betydelsen av att kunna fortsätta att ge hjälp till en partner trots tillgång till den formella hjälpapparaten och egna svårigheter att ge hjälp diskuteras. Och till sist, trots att informanterna åldras med sina funktionshinder, visar resultaten på att paren anser sig själva att ha ett gott åldrande, och till och med bättre åldrande än andra grupper. Avhandingen befinner sig i gränslandet mellan socialgerontologi, omsorgs-forskning och funktionshinderforskning. Men genom den interdisciplinära ansatsen har några av de etablerade diskurserna inom dessa fält kunnat utmanas. En omsorgsdiskurs har länge saknats i funktionshindersammanhang. Där har istället autonomi och oberoende stått i fokus. Avhandlingens resultat bidrar till en problematisering av de underliggande dikotomier som omsorgsbegreppet bygger på, såsom omsorgsgivare/omsorgstagare och omsorg/personlig service. Resultaten problematiserar också etablerade begrepp inom socialgerontologin som successful ageing (framgångsrikt åldrande eller det goda åldrandet). Till sist bidrar avhandlingen till den nu växande forskningen om att åldras med funktionshinder.
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Coaches of Athletes with a Physical Disability: A Look at their Learning ExperiencesMcMaster, Sarah 08 February 2012 (has links)
Although coaching has become a popular area for research, little is known about coaches of athletes with a disability (Cregan et al., 2007; DePauw & Gavron, 1991, 2005). The purpose of this study was to explore how disability sport coaches learnt to coach and, more specifically, how they learnt through interactions. Recent disability sport research has revealed that coaches work with their athletes to enhance their learning (Cregan et al., 2007; O’Neill & Richardson, 2008); as such, athletes also participated in this study. Data collection included 20 semi-structured interviews and 14 non-participant observation sessions with five coach-athlete dyads. A thematic analysis was conducted (Braun & Clarke, 2006), which revealed that coaches from various backgrounds commonly learnt through informal learning situations, most frequently through interactions with others. It is suggested that organizations nurture these informal situations and offer more disability-specific nonformal and formal situations to enhance coaches’ learning opportunities.
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Vliv prostředí na trávení volného času u osob s disabilitou pohybu. / The influence of environment on leisure activities for people with disability movement.BARTOŇOVÁ, Květoslava January 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the influence of the environment on the passing of free time for physically disabled. The theoretical part concentrates on information about a physical disability, analyses and explains the terminology. Further, it focuses on the features, individual functions and factors of free time. In the practical part, I pay attention to qualitative study, mainly interviews regarding the origin of physical disability, its compensation, self-sufficiency, obstacles, which individuals have to overcome, social system and passing of free time. The findings were analysed and organised in tables. The main aim of the thesis was to ascertain the barriers that occur, point out the ones that aggravate and reduce the quality of life of individuals with physical disability in České Budějovice. In the practical part, I established these assumptions: 1. I have assumed that individuals with physical disability very intensively perceive the financial barrier in the framework of spending free time. 2. I have assumed that individuals with gained physical disability who were actively spending their free time, wish to continue. Both of the set assumptions, after detailed research and summarization of the available data were confirmed.
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Tecnologia assistiva nas classes comuns do ensino regular : contribuições no design de sistemas de mobilidade infantil para auxílio nas interações sociaisSenna, Carlos Eduardo January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta contribuições no design de cadeira de rodas como sistema de mobilidade infantil. A proposta visa favorecer as relações interpessoais existentes nos contextos escolares. Em um primeiro momento, a pesquisa obteve dados a respeito de patentes como indicadores de inovação tecnológica. Utilizou-se esse recurso como estratégia de prospecção para a conceituação do Estado da Arte. Ao verificar as informações contidas nas patentes, investigou-se, também, o grau de inventividade existente nos produtos atuais. A ideia foi a de aplicar as melhores práticas no objeto em questão. Posteriormente, efetuou-se um estudo etnográfico para analisar o cotidiano de uma criança com deficiência física, matriculada na Rede Municipal de Educação de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. Com isso, buscou-se compreender o ambiente a ser trabalhado e coletar informações com familiares e profissionais que lidam com essa criança. Paralelo à realização do estudo, foi utilizado um modelo de referência para a estruturação de um recurso assistivo, praticando intensamente as fases de Planejamento, Projeto Informacional, Projeto Conceitual e Projeto Detalhado, em cooperação com a "voz do usuário" e de seus cuidadores. Ainda na fase conceitual, foi desenvolvida uma solução orientada ao contexto escolar, dedicada às séries iniciais. Como desfecho da presente pesquisa, tem-se o desenvolvimento de uma cadeira de rodas infantil, culminando com a confecção de um protótipo que apresenta diferenciais relacionados à mobilidade e interação. / This dissertation presents some contributions to the design of the wheelchair as a children’s mobility system. The proposal aims at facilitating the interpersonal relations that take place in the school environment. At an early stage, the research obtained data related to patents as technological innovation indicators. This resource was used as a prospecting strategy for creating the State of the Art concept. By checking the information contained in the patents, the level of inventiveness of current products was investigated as well. The idea was to apply the best practices to the object in question. Later, an ethnographic research was conducted in order to analyze the daily life of a child with physical disabilities attending the Municipal Education System of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. Hence, we sought to understand the setting to be worked on and to collect information from relatives and professionals who deal with this child. Along with the development of this study, a model of reference for the structuring of an assistive resource was used, with an intensive practice of the stages of Planning, Information Project, Conceptual Project and Detailed Project, in cooperation with the “user’s voice” and his caretakers. Still at the conceptual stage, a solution oriented towards the school environment was developed, aimed at the early grades of primary school. The outcome of the present research is the development of a pediatric wheelchair, ending in the production of a prototype that features distinguished improvements related to mobility and interaction.
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Geração de diretrizes de projeto com o uso do Design For X para o desenvolvimento de prótese de membro inferior de baixo custo / Generation Project requirements with use of design for x development of lower limb prosthesis low costPerius, Tiago Faria January 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo a geração de diretrizes de projeto para o desenvolvimento de Próteses de Membros Inferiores, que atendesse as necessidades funcionais dos usuários que resulte na simplificação do objeto. Para isso, investigou-se o usuário, percebendo suas necessidades físicas e psicológicas, com conhecimento de leis federais existentes para o auxílio a esse público. Também, foram examinados a anatomia humana e os procedimentos cirúrgicos para a amputação de membros inferiores, a fim de compreender sua influência na concepção de uma prótese. Outro enfoque da pesquisa foi o estudo da biomecânica para reconhecer os movimentos realizados por uma pessoa sadia durante a deambulação, observando-se as etapas da sua marcha em comparação à marcha de indivíduos amputados que utilizavam próteses. Ainda foram analisados distintos tipos de próteses de membros inferiores e a tecnologia empregada em cada uma de suas partes: sistema de encaixe ao coto, joelho protético e sistema pé-tornozelo. Esses estudos originaram dados empregados na aplicação da metodologia do Design for X, para avaliar as próteses atuais em seus aspectos e construção, com o objetivo de gerar diretrizes de projeto para a elaboração de próteses simplificadas. Constatou-se que a aplicação do método originou diretrizes de projeto que poderão ser empregados durante o desenvolvimento de projetos de próteses de membros inferiores, visando à redução de custo do produto. / This research aims to generate design requirements for the development of Lower Limb Prosthetics that meet the functional needs of users, leading to a simplification of the object. For this, we investigated the users regarding their physical and psychological needs, with full knowledge of the existence of federal laws in order to help people. Human anatomy and surgical procedures for lower limb amputation were also examined in order to understand their influence on the design of a prosthesis. Another focus of the research was the study of biomechanics to recognize the movements performed by a healthy person when walking, observing the steps of their march comparing them with the march of amputees who used prosthesis. For the simplified development of prosthesis different types of prosthetic legs have been examined, technology has been employed in each of its parts such as fitting the stump prosthetic knee and the ankle-foot system. These studies yielded useful data used in the application of the methodology of Design for X to assess current prosthetic aspects and construction, to achieve design requirements for the development of simplified prosthesis. It was found that the application of the method originated design requirements that may be employed during the development of lower limb prosthesis projects, aiming to reduce product cost.
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Processo de prescrição e confecção de recursos de tecnologia assistiva para educação infantilRocha, Aila Narene Dahwache Criado [UNESP] 24 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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rocha_andc_me_mar.pdf: 890473 bytes, checksum: cbf2261681f6399a36aefea6c46c1de6 (MD5) / Tecnologia Assistiva é uma área do conhecimento, de característica interdisciplinar, que engloba produtos, recursos, metodologias, estratégias, práticas e serviços que objetivam promover a funcionalidade, relacionada à atividade e participação de pessoas com deficiência, incapacidades ou mobilidade reduzida, visando sua autonomia, independência, qualidade de vida e inclusão social. A tecnologia assistiva vem conquistando um espaço importante na educação proporcionando ao aluno com deficiência acessibilidade para o desenvolvimento de diferentes habilidades. A literatura tem discutido os benefícios do uso da tecnologia assistiva na Educação Infantil independente de condição física, intelectual ou emocional do aluno com deficiência, proporcionando a esse aluno acesso aos pré-requisitos para leitura e escrita e inserção social. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever o processo de prescrição e confecção de recursos da tecnologia assistiva para crianças com paralisia cerebral no contexto da Educação Infantil. A coleta de dados deste estudo foi dividida em cinco tarefas: na tarefa 1 a finalidade foi entender a situação, ou seja, obter informações a respeito das crianças e o seu contexto escolar e nas tarefas 2, 3, 4 e 5 o pesquisador teve como procedimentos gerar ideias, escolher as alternativas viáveis e representar a ideia para construir o recurso de tecnologia assistiva. Os procedimentos pertinentes à coleta de dados foram realizados nas escolas de dois alunos com paralisia cerebral selecionados. Os procedimentos foram registrados por meio de filmagem, diário contínuo, gravação das entrevistas e protocolo de registro e após a transcrição das fitas de áudio e vídeo as informações foram compiladas em um único documento escrito. A partir deste documento, foi realizada análise de conteúdo,... / Assistive technology is an area of knowledge, interdisciplinary feature which comprehends products, resources, methodologies, strategies, practices and services that aim to promote capability related to activity and participation of people with disabilities, impairments or limited mobility targeting their autonomy, independence, quality of life and social inclusion. Assistive technology has gained an important status in education, providing access to disabled students to the development of different skills. The literature has discussed the benefits of using assistive technology in preschool programs regardless the physical, intellectual or emotional conditions of the disabled students, giving these students access to the requirements for reading and writing and social inclusion. The objective of this study was to manufacture assistive technology resources for children with cerebral palsy in the context of preschool education. The data collection of this study was divided into five tasks: task 1 aimed to understand the situation, that is, gather information about the children and their school context and in tasks 2, 3, 4 and 5 the researcher had to generate ideas, choose feasible alternatives and present the idea’s prototype to build the assistive technology resource. The relevant procedures for data collection were conducted in the schools of the two selected students with cerebral palsy. The procedures were registered by continuous daily filming, recording of interviews and registration protocol and after the transcription of audio tapes and video, the information was compiled into a single written document. From this document, a content analysis was performed, establishing categories and subcategories that were submitted and outlined as representatives by the indication of judges in the area. The results derived from this analysis... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below)
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