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A comparative study of the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of post graduate homoeopathy and post basic nursing students with regard to the adverse effects of vaccination in childrenRohith, Suvishka January 2014 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2014. / Aim of the study
The study aimed to identify the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions amongst post graduate homoeopathy students and post basic primary health care nurses serving in a primary health care setting regarding adverse effects associated with childhood vaccinations.
In this qualitative study 18 participants were selected through purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with each participant. The interviews were recorded and analysed conceptually.
The findings of this study revealed that all of the PHC nursing participants were in favour of the childhood immunisation schedule of South Africa, contrary to the homoeopathic participants where the majority of participants were not in favour of the childhood immunisation schedule. Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions varied amongst the homoeopathic participants in contrast to the PHC nursing participants where there was a much more unified stance and cohesive outcome with regard to their attitudes and perceptions. / M
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Postpone death? : Nurse-physician perspectives on life-sustaining treatment and ethics roundsSvantesson, Mia January 2008 (has links)
The starting point of the present thesis is nurses’ reported experiences of disagreements with physicians for pushing life sustaining treatment too far. The overall aim was to describe and compare nurses’ and physicians’ perspectives on the boundaries for life-sustaining treatment and to evaluate whether ethics rounds could promote mutual understanding and stimulate ethical reflection. A mixed methods design with qualitative and quantitative data was used, including interviews and questionnaires. The health professionals’ experiences/perceptions were based on known patients foremost from general wards, but also intensive care units, at four Swedish hospitals. The first two studies treated the perspective on boundaries for life-sustaining treatment and the last two evaluated philosopher- ethicist led ethics rounds. Analysis of data was performed using a phenomenological approach and content analysis as well as comparative and descriptive non-parametric statistics. In the first study, the essence of the physicians’ decision-making process to limit life-sustaining treatment for ICU patients, was a process of principally medical considerations in discussions with other physicians. In the second study, there were more similarities than differences between nurses’ and physicians’ opinions regarding the 714 patients studied. The physicians considered limited treatment as often as the nurses did. The ethics rounds studies generated mixed experiences/perceptions. It seemed that more progress was made toward the goal of promoting mutual understanding than toward the goal of stimulating ethical reflection. Above all, the rounds seemed to meet the need for a forum for crossing over professional boundaries. The most salient finding was the insight to enhance team collaboration, that the interprofessional dialogue was sure to continue. Predominating new insights after rounds were interpreted as corresponding to a hermeneutic approach. One of nurses’ negative experiences of the ethics rounds was associated with the lack of solutions. Based on the present findings, one suggestion for improvement of the model of ethics rounds is made with regard to achieving a balance between ethical analyses, conflict resolution and problem solving. In conclusion, the present thesis provides strong evidence that differences in opinions regarding boundaries for life-sustaining treatment are not associated with professional status. The findings support the notion of a collaborative team approach to end-of-life decision-making for patients with diminished decisionmaking capacity. There is an indication that stimulation of ethical reflection in relation to known patients may foremost yield psychosocial insights. This could imply that social conflicts may overshadow ethical analysis or that ethical conflicts and social conflicts are impossible to distinguish.
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Collaboration interprofessionnelle entre médecins et ostéopathes impliqués auprès de la clientèle pédiatrique au Québec / Interprofessional collaboration between physicians and osteopaths involved with pediatric population in QuebecMorin, Chantal January 2017 (has links)
L’ostéopathie connaît une popularité croissante au Québec. Cependant, la collaboration interprofessionnelle (CIP) entre les médecins et les ostéopathes est un phénomène relativement nouveau et encore peu étudié. Cette étude mixte séquentielle explicative vise à : 1) décrire la situation actuelle au Québec en termes de collaboration entre les médecins et les ostéopathes impliqués auprès de la clientèle pédiatrique et 2) explorer les facteurs facilitants et les barrières à la CIP. Méthodologie : Le volet quantitatif a été réalisé à l’aide de questionnaires postaux destinés à tous les médecins et ostéopathes œuvrant auprès d’une clientèle pédiatrique. Vingt et un entretiens semi-dirigés ont par la suite été réalisés. Les données recueillies dans les questionnaires ont été analysées à l’aide de statistiques descriptives et de modèles de régression alors qu’une analyse thématique a été effectuée pour le contenu des entretiens. Résultats : Au total, 274 médecins (14 %) et 297 ostéopathes (42 %) ont complété les questionnaires. Dix de ces médecins et 11 ostéopathes ont participé aux entretiens. Les références en ostéopathie sont associées à la présence d’une relation professionnelle (rapport de cote (RC) 4,10 (intervalle de confiance (IC) à 95 % 2,12; 7,95), p < 0,001), aux consultations personnelles (RC 2,58 (IC 95 % : 1,35; 4,93), p = 0,004), à la pratique en milieu non hospitalier (RC 1,89 (IC 95 % :1,03; 3,47), p = 0,040) et à la connaissance du rôle de l'ostéopathe (RC 1,22 (IC 95 % :1,01 ; 1,47), p = 0,042). Les facteurs facilitants additionnels mentionnés sont les expériences positives rapportées par les parents, la formation antérieure en santé et l’expertise en pédiatrie de l’ostéopathe, le respect des limites professionnelles et la complémentarité des soins, la sécurité perçue de l'ostéopathie ainsi que les demandes de communications interprofessionnelles émises par les parents. Le langage, la difficulté de vulgarisation, le contexte organisationnel et légal, l'incertitude quant aux rôles, la rareté des interactions interprofessionnelles et les données probantes limitées dans le domaine ostéopathique constituent les principales barrières à la CIP. Conclusion : Une certaine collaboration existe déjà entre les médecins et ostéopathes, mais l’optimisation de cette collaboration pose encore plusieurs défis. Dans le contexte actuel de processus d’encadrement de la profession d’ostéopathe par l’Office des professions du Québec et de la création d’un premier programme universitaire, ces résultats pourront guider les efforts visant la promotion d’une collaboration productive et des soins sécuritaires axés sur le patient. / Abstract: Osteopathy is growing in popularity in Quebec. Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) between physicians and osteopaths is a new phenomenon and information about it is scarce. This explanatory sequential mixed-methods study aimed to 1) describe current collaborative practices between physicians and osteopaths involved with pediatric patients and 2) explore enablers of and barriers to the development of IPC. Methods: Postal questionnaires about collaborative practices were first sent to all physicians and osteopaths working with pediatric patients in Quebec. Semi-structured individual interviews were then conducted with a subset of 21 participants. The data collected in the questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression models, while a thematic analysis was carried out for the content of the interviews. Results: A total of 274 physicians (14%) and 297 osteopaths (42%) completed the survey while 10 of those physicians and 11 osteopaths were purposely selected for interviews. Osteopathic referral was positively associated with having a professional relationship (odds ratio [OR] 4.10 (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.12; 7.95), p < 0.001), personal consultation (OR 2.58 (95% CI 1.35; 4.93), p = 0.004), community-based practice (OR 1.89 (95% CI 1.03; 3.47), p = 0.040), and knowledge about role of osteopathy (OR 1.22 (95% CI 1.01; 1.47), p = 0.042). Additional enablers identified by respondents include: positive experiences reported by parents; the osteopath having had pediatric experience or previous training as an allied health practitioner; mutual respect for professional boundaries and complementarity; perceived safety of osteopathy; and parents’ requests for interprofessional communication. The main barriers to IPC include: language; difficulties communicating findings of osteopathic palpation assessment; organizational and legal contexts; uncertainty regarding one another’s roles, lack of interprofessional interactions; and limited scientific evidence. While some collaboration currently exists between physicians and osteopaths, optimizing these relationships and interactions still poses several challenges. In the current context of the pending regulation and standardization of osteopathic training in Quebec, these results could be used to guide efforts to promote productive collaboration and safe patient-oriented care.
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A comparative study of the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of post graduate homoeopathy and post basic nursing students with regard to the adverse effects of vaccination in childrenRohith, Suvishka January 2014 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2014. / Aim of the study
The study aimed to identify the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions amongst post graduate homoeopathy students and post basic primary health care nurses serving in a primary health care setting regarding adverse effects associated with childhood vaccinations.
In this qualitative study 18 participants were selected through purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with each participant. The interviews were recorded and analysed conceptually.
The findings of this study revealed that all of the PHC nursing participants were in favour of the childhood immunisation schedule of South Africa, contrary to the homoeopathic participants where the majority of participants were not in favour of the childhood immunisation schedule. Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions varied amongst the homoeopathic participants in contrast to the PHC nursing participants where there was a much more unified stance and cohesive outcome with regard to their attitudes and perceptions. / M
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Idosos em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva na perspectiva de médicos em hospital brasileiro / Old people in Intensive Care UnitsDias, Maria Angélica Ferreira 14 April 2014 (has links)
O ritmo intenso do envelhecimento populacional no Brasil tem levado a questionamentos sobre o impacto das mudanças demográficas em diferentes âmbitos da Seguridade Social, dentre os quais destacamos a área da saúde e, mais especificamente, as Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Os avanços representados pelos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde, a criação do Estatuto do Idoso e a preocupação com os direitos humanos tornam urgentes reflexões sobre o que se coloca como desafio no atendimento médico à população idosa em UTI. Médicos intensivistas têm sua atuação marcada, dentre outros fatores, pelos sentidos que atribuem à fase da vida e a visão que têm de seus pacientes idosos. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender quais os sentidos que médicos que atuam em UTI atribuem a velho/velhice/envelhecimento e suas relações com as práticas de assistência prestada aos pacientes idosos. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada por meio de observação participante de reuniões de equipes que atuam em UTI de um hospital escola na cidade de São Paulo, e de entrevistas com médicos que compõem estas equipes. Os dados foram analisados sob a ótica Construcionista. Os resultados apontam para a existência de uma polissemia relacionada à velhice, incluindo sentidos que podem produzir práticas idadistas quando não há uma postura reflexiva dos profissionais a respeito do tema, ou quando conflitos decorrentes da complexidade que envolve o atendimento hospitalar em diferentes contextos econômicos se impõem aos profissionais, dificultando o diálogo entre os envolvidos mais diretamente na situação de internação (profissionais da saúde, pacientes, familiares, cuidadores, gestores). Essa nova realidade demográfica deve ser discutida na formação profissional, envolvendo as novas e diferentes demandas da população idosa. Relacioná-las ao respeito ao direito humano à vida e à dignidade, e aos sentidos atribuídos aos profissionais à essa fase da vida, aos velhos e ao processo de envelhecimento, bem como à forma como esses sentidos são produzidos e os seus contextos de produção, pode contribuir para que práticas de exclusão não se (re)produzam. / The intense pace of population aging in Brazil has led to questions about the impact of demographic changes on different aspects of Social Security, among which we highlight the area of health and, more specifically, the Intensive Care Units (ICU). The advances represented by the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS), the creation of the Elderly Statute and the concerns for Human Rights, have sped up reflections on what it is a challenge in the medical care to old people population in the ICU. Intensive care physicians have marked their performance, among other factors, by the meanings they attribute to this stage of life and by the vision they have of their elderly patients. This research aimed to explain which are the meanings attributed by that physicians working in ICUs to old/old people/aging, and their relationship to practical assistance provided to elderly patients. This is a qualitative research, resulting from the participatory observations of teams working at ICU in a university hospital in São Paulo, and from interviews with the physicians who take part in these teams. Data have been analyzed from the constructionist perspective. The results signalize to the existence of an age-related polysemy, including meanings that may produce ageist practices when there is a lack of reflexive posture of professionals about the subject, or when conflicts arising from the complexity that involves inpatient care in different economic contexts are imposed to professionals, impeding the dialogue among those involved more directly in the hospitalization (healthcare professionals, patients, family members, caregivers, managers). This new demographic reality should be discussed during professional training, involving new and different demands of the elderly population. Relate those demands to the respect to the human rights, to life and dignity, and to the meanings attributed by the professionals to this stage of life, to the old people and to the aging process, as well as to the way these meanings are produced and their contexts of production, can contribute to impede the re(production) of exclusionary practices.
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The Assessment and Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Primary Care: A Comparison of Pediatricians and Family Practice PhysiciansClements, Andrea D., Polaha, Jodi, Dixon, Wallace E., Jr., Brownlee, Jan 01 January 2008 (has links)
The adherence to published guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by primary care pediatricians (PDs) and family practice physicians (FPs), particularly those in rural areas, has not been well documented. This study examined survey responses from PDs and FPs who serve southern Appalachia (northeast Tennessee, southwest Virginia and Kentucky, and western North Carolina) regarding key practice parameters in line with the current American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines. Results showed that both PDs and FPs reported adhering to most of the diagnosis and treatment guidelines. PDs were more likely than FPs to report using both parent and teacher input in diagnosis and reported prescribing different medications for ADHD to some degree. Both practice areas reported ongoing access to continuing medical education, which is a means to enhancing care of ADHD patients. Implications for primary care are given with attention to the limited availability of PDs in rural areas and future areas of research in rural mental healthcare are suggested.
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Michel Foucault e a medicina: sobre o nascimento da clínica moderna / Michel Foucault and medicine: on the birth of the modern clinicBranco, Rosele Maria 27 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-09-26T10:04:41Z
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Rosele Maria Branco.pdf: 1809219 bytes, checksum: c3df6d4239e08ec9cc217813972cef82 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-08-27 / This work starts from the death experiences and the encounter with Michel Foucault thoughts, to interrogate the medical discursive practices about the pretension of the construction of a totalizing and hegemonic knowledge about the individuals. This thesis followed two parallel projects: one seeking to understand the descriptions of the book Naissance de la Clinique about modern medicine, denominated by Foucault as clinical medicine; and the other, concerned to contribute with medical formation. It was decided to organize the work following Foucault demarcations about the medical knowledge that are, mainly, in the book L’archéologie du savoir, because they made sense to explain the generalized dispersion of the medical knowledge in our days. References to Foucault biopolitics studies were included, whereas this moment indicates another important theme from the reflection about medicine. It was concluded that the power of the medical knowledge is in the way that it perceives, penetrates and approaches the body, even though its truths might be partial and provisory. Two dialogue directions are proposed to a new medical art, more flexible, critical and fair: one in the discussion of the new layers that can be added to the medical knowledge, and another, in the analysis of the experiences of medical practices / Partiu-se das vivências da morte e do encontro com o pensamento de Michel Foucault, para interrogar as práticas discursivas médicas sobre a pretensão da construção de um saber totalizante e hegemônico sobre os indivíduos. A tese seguiu dois trajetos paralelos: um buscando compreender as descrições do livro Naissance de la clinique sobre a medicina moderna, denominada por Foucault de medicina clínica; e o outro, preocupado em contribuir com a formação dos médicos. Apostou- se em organizar o trabalho seguindo as demarcações de Foucault acerca do saber médico que constam, principalmente, no livro L’archéologie du savoir, porque faziam sentido para explicar a dispersão generalizada do saber médico na atualidade. Incluíram-se referências aos estudos biopolíticos de Foucault, visto que esse momento indica outro tema importante da reflexão acerca da medicina. Concluiu-se que a força do saber médico está na forma como ele percebe, penetra e apreende o corpo, a despeito de que suas verdades sejam parciais e provisórias. Propõem-se duas direções de diálogo para uma nova arte médica mais flexível, crítica e justa: uma na discussão de novas camadas que possam ser acrescentadas ao saber médico; outra, na análise das vivências da prática médica
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A gestão da marca do profissional liberal: um estudo de caso na área médica na cidade de São PauloNishioka, Ligia Cristina 18 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-18 / As attitudes and experiences facilitate the purchasing decision process and consumer, brands also assume a very important role for the consumer to decide between the many options available, both for goods and for services. It happens that, in recent years, it has been noticed that brands concept go beyond products and services. Individuals and organizations can also be viewed as a brand. Anyone who is trying to build his career may consider creating your own brand. As manufacturing companies or service providers, the independent professionals also seek to excel in the market and differentiate themselves from other competitors. Therefore, the professional, in order to manage and consolidate his name in the field of work could get efficient results using the same tools used by companies. Accordingly, this paper aims to determine whether physicians, as an independent professionals example, adopt the brand identity tools to his name in order to design professionally. We opted for a qualitative approach with one single case study for physicians profession, in order to understand how these professionals think and act on the matter. From the results, it is concluded that medical professionals do not adopt the brand identity tools to his name to design professionally, and signaled a high degree of resistance to such use / Assim como atitudes e experiências facilitam o processo decisório de compra e consumo, as marcas também assumem uma função muito importante para que o consumidor possa decidir entre as múltiplas opções existentes, tanto para bens quanto para serviços. Ocorre que, nos últimos anos, tem-se notado que as marcas vão além de produtos e serviços. Pessoas e organizações também podem ser vistas como marcas. Qualquer pessoa que esteja tentando construir sua carreira pode pensar em criar sua própria marca. A exemplo de empresas produtoras ou prestadoras de serviços, os profissionais liberais também buscam se destacar no mercado e se diferenciar dos demais competidores. Portanto, o referido profissional, visando gerir e consolidar o seu nome no campo de trabalho, poderia obter resultados eficientes utilizando as mesmas ferramentas adotadas por empresas. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se os médicos, como exemplo de um dos profissionais liberais, adotam as ferramentas de definição de identidade de marca ao seu nome visando projetar-se profissionalmente. Optou-se por um uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa com estudo de caso único cujo objeto é a categoria médica, com a finalidade de compreender como esses profissionais pensam e agem sobre o assunto. A partir dos resultados, conclui-se que profissionais médicos não adotam as ferramentas de definição de identidade de marca ao seu nome para projetar-se profissionalmente, bem como sinalizaram um alto grau de resistência para essa utilização
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Idosos em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva na perspectiva de médicos em hospital brasileiro / Old people in Intensive Care UnitsMaria Angélica Ferreira Dias 14 April 2014 (has links)
O ritmo intenso do envelhecimento populacional no Brasil tem levado a questionamentos sobre o impacto das mudanças demográficas em diferentes âmbitos da Seguridade Social, dentre os quais destacamos a área da saúde e, mais especificamente, as Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Os avanços representados pelos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde, a criação do Estatuto do Idoso e a preocupação com os direitos humanos tornam urgentes reflexões sobre o que se coloca como desafio no atendimento médico à população idosa em UTI. Médicos intensivistas têm sua atuação marcada, dentre outros fatores, pelos sentidos que atribuem à fase da vida e a visão que têm de seus pacientes idosos. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender quais os sentidos que médicos que atuam em UTI atribuem a velho/velhice/envelhecimento e suas relações com as práticas de assistência prestada aos pacientes idosos. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada por meio de observação participante de reuniões de equipes que atuam em UTI de um hospital escola na cidade de São Paulo, e de entrevistas com médicos que compõem estas equipes. Os dados foram analisados sob a ótica Construcionista. Os resultados apontam para a existência de uma polissemia relacionada à velhice, incluindo sentidos que podem produzir práticas idadistas quando não há uma postura reflexiva dos profissionais a respeito do tema, ou quando conflitos decorrentes da complexidade que envolve o atendimento hospitalar em diferentes contextos econômicos se impõem aos profissionais, dificultando o diálogo entre os envolvidos mais diretamente na situação de internação (profissionais da saúde, pacientes, familiares, cuidadores, gestores). Essa nova realidade demográfica deve ser discutida na formação profissional, envolvendo as novas e diferentes demandas da população idosa. Relacioná-las ao respeito ao direito humano à vida e à dignidade, e aos sentidos atribuídos aos profissionais à essa fase da vida, aos velhos e ao processo de envelhecimento, bem como à forma como esses sentidos são produzidos e os seus contextos de produção, pode contribuir para que práticas de exclusão não se (re)produzam. / The intense pace of population aging in Brazil has led to questions about the impact of demographic changes on different aspects of Social Security, among which we highlight the area of health and, more specifically, the Intensive Care Units (ICU). The advances represented by the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS), the creation of the Elderly Statute and the concerns for Human Rights, have sped up reflections on what it is a challenge in the medical care to old people population in the ICU. Intensive care physicians have marked their performance, among other factors, by the meanings they attribute to this stage of life and by the vision they have of their elderly patients. This research aimed to explain which are the meanings attributed by that physicians working in ICUs to old/old people/aging, and their relationship to practical assistance provided to elderly patients. This is a qualitative research, resulting from the participatory observations of teams working at ICU in a university hospital in São Paulo, and from interviews with the physicians who take part in these teams. Data have been analyzed from the constructionist perspective. The results signalize to the existence of an age-related polysemy, including meanings that may produce ageist practices when there is a lack of reflexive posture of professionals about the subject, or when conflicts arising from the complexity that involves inpatient care in different economic contexts are imposed to professionals, impeding the dialogue among those involved more directly in the hospitalization (healthcare professionals, patients, family members, caregivers, managers). This new demographic reality should be discussed during professional training, involving new and different demands of the elderly population. Relate those demands to the respect to the human rights, to life and dignity, and to the meanings attributed by the professionals to this stage of life, to the old people and to the aging process, as well as to the way these meanings are produced and their contexts of production, can contribute to impede the re(production) of exclusionary practices.
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Vivências de médicos oncologistas: um estudo da religiosidade no cuidado existencial em saúde / Experiences of oncologist Physicians : a study of the religiosity in the existential care within health. 2008. 224 p. Dissertation (Masters) Faculty of Phylosophy, Science and Language of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2008.Junqueira, Lilian Claudia Ulian 29 September 2008 (has links)
Atualmente, os profissionais da saúde não vêm sendo preparados para lidar com as dificuldades inerentes à morte e o morrer, no entanto, observa-se que, dentre eles, é o médico que vivencia mais negativamente essa realidade, em detrimento das intervenções psicossociais. A literatura aponta que, crenças e práticas religiosas são importantes na vida de muitos pacientes que procuram assistência, entretanto, muitos médicos e demais profissionais da equipe ainda estão incertos sobre a melhor maneira para abordar questões espirituais e religiosas. Esta pesquisa teve a intenção de compreender a vivência de religiosidade de médicos oncologistas no cuidado com o paciente oncológico. Optou-se pela modalidade de pesquisa qualitativa, na perspectiva da Fenomenologia Ontológica- Hermenêutica de Martin Heidegger, para a compreensão das situações vivenciadas. Foram realizadas entrevistas com oito médicos oncologistas, após a assinatura do consentimento livre e informado. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas na íntegra, seguida de uma leitura ampla. Posteriormente, verificadas as convergências e divergências dos relatos, emergiram as categorias de análise. A análise interpretativa desvelou que os médicos têm uma abertura para a compreensão da dimensão religiosa do paciente, no entanto, a fazem com muita dificuldade e ambigüidade quanto às condutas a serem tomadas. Mostram-se sensíveis a uma nova postura médica que precisa de bases seguras para se solidificar, porém encontra-se em momento inicial, na construção de um novo paradigma, que transita entre o cuidar autêntico e o inautêntico. Revelaram a compreensão da importância de Deus, como facilitador ao enfrentamento da facticidade introduzida pelo adoecer e, paralelamente, relataram que, também buscam e confortam-se em sua relação com a espiritualidade e o transcendente. Diante do desamparo sentido pela angústia, na proximidade da fronteira vida-morte, emergem os modos de existir destes cuidadores, na medida em que deparam-se com a finitude humana. Alguns continuam agregados aos rituais religiosos, como missas, velórios e práticas de rezas como forma de elaboração do luto que vivenciam cotidianamente, assim, conservam a dimensão pública do evento morte. Outros mostram-se em uma postura mais contemplativa diante de um Deus interno, cultivando a religiosidade em seu mundo próprio, sem freqüentarem rituais. Acolheram a necessidade do paciente ser-com-o-divino, nos diversos momentos, ao longo do tratamento. Embora, alguns médicos não se sintam confortáveis, ponderando o valor científico das práticas, não há oposição. Tendo em vista que o cuidado permeia toda e qualquer ação humana, segundo a ontologia de Heidegger, podemos vislumbrar, a partir dos resultados desta pesquisa, filosofias educacionais que envolvam os modos de ser-com e suas implicações para o cuidado e o existir autêntico na relação do médico com a religiosidade. (CAPES). / Nowadays, the health professionals have not been prepared to deal with the difficulties inherent to death and dying, however, it is noticeable that, among them, it is the physician who experiences more negatively this reality, for he is the focus of the patients and their relatives. Literature points out that beliefs and religious practices are important the lives of many patients who look for assistance, however, many doctors and other professionals of the staff are still wrong about the best way of approaching spiritual and religious issues. This research had the aim of comprehending the experience of religiosity of oncologist physicians in the caring of the oncologic patient. We opted for the qualitative research, through the perspective of Martin Heideggers Ontological-Hermeneutic Phenomenology, to understand the situations experienced. We interviewed eight oncologist physicians, after the signature of the informed and free consent. The interviews were recorded and transcribed entirely, followed by a broad reading. After the convergences and divergences of the reports were verified, the categories of analysis emerged. The interpretative analysis unveiled that the physicians have an opening for the comprehension of the patients religious dimension, however, they do it with much difficulty and ambiguity in relation to the actions to be taken. It is a new medical posture that needs safe foundations to solidify, but it is in an initial moment, in the construction of a new paradigm that oscillates between the authentic and non-authentic treating. The Physicians revealed the importance of God as a facilitator to the coping with the adversity of sickening and alongside they reported that they also search for and comfort themselves with their relation with spirituality and the transcendental. In the situation of helplessness caused by anguish, in the proximity to death, these care takers existing forms emerge: some continue attached to religious rituals, such as masses, funerals and praying practices as a way of elaborating the grief that they experience daily, so as to keep the public dimension of the death event. Others show themselves in a more contemplative posture before an inner God, cultivating the religiosity in their own world, without attending rituals. The physicians incorporated the patients necessity of being-with-the-divine, in the various moments along the treatment. Although some physicians do not feel comfortable, considering the scientific value of the practices, there is no opposition. Seen that the care permeates all and every human action, according to Heideggers ontology, we can discern educational philosophies that involve the results of this research and the being-with ways and their implications for the caring and the authentic existing in the relationships between physicians and religiosity (CAPES).
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