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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Perceptions of Gambian Basic and Secondary School Teachers About Outdoor Education

Baldeh, Musa January 2020 (has links)
Outdoor education is believed to be a new teaching approach and method in the education framework which relates to learning through natural places using direct experience. However, the teaching approach that is mostly used in the Gambian schools is based on the traditional approach of teachings as well as many African countries. As a relatively new teaching technique, outdoor education is gaining recognition from many researchers who are developing a keen interest in it. Thus, the aim of the current thesis is to investigate the perceptions of Gambian Basic and Secondary school teachers about outdoor education. in that regard, six (6) Gambian teachers from different teaching subjects, grades, and regions reported their views about outdoor education. A qualitative approach methodology with the use of semi-structured interview was employed to get teachers perceptions. After the data collection, thematic analysis was used for analyzing the collected data from which three (3) themes emerged to report the participants’ opinions. The participants revealed their basic knowledge and perceptions about outdoor education and presented some characteristics and examples of how the practice outdoor education. They emphasized that they view outdoor education as a teaching approach with the use of outdoors. However, according to them, any teaching activity that involves using the outside the four corners of the classroom or the school premises, is considered outdoor education. They noted that outdoor education can take place in the form of excursions, fieldtrips, classes outside the class under a tree or within the school premises. Besides, although the teachers indicated that the main teaching approach, they use is still the traditional teaching and learning approach, they showed willingness to enrich their classes with use of outdoor education. They further revealed that the main places they conduct outdoor education is the school yard, under a tree, a visit to places of interest, excursions to various historical places or museums and the like. The Gambian teachers acknowledged many potentials of outdoor education to the students including stimulation of multi-senses, increased understanding, improved social relation and cooperation, boosting of their health and wellbeing, developing curiosity, and giving students a sense of freedom and happiness. However, participants also revealed several barriers that suppress them from doing outdoor education effectively. Among the barriers mentioned includes, inadequate funding, lack of support from parents and school administrators, lack of pedagogical training, tight schedule, and limited time. Thus, further research is needed to help testifying the results of the current study and give more insight into the field of outdoor education in the Gambia and Africa at large

L’agriculture biologique comme réponse à la pollution de l’eau : apports de la géographie pour comprendre les dynamiques en cours / Organic farming as a response to the problem of water pollution : how geography helps to understand ongoing dynamics

Vincent, Audrey 06 April 2016 (has links)
Alors que les législations françaises et européennes fixent des objectifs ambitieux de protection de la qualité des eaux, les problèmes de pollution par les nitrates et les pesticides utilisés en agriculture persistent en France. Dans ce contexte, l’agriculture biologique qui n’utilise ni produits phytosanitaires ni engrais de synthèse, apparait de plus en plus comme une solution possible pour gérer ces problèmes « à la source ». Un objectif de développement de l’agriculture biologique dans les aires d’alimentation des captages en eau potable a ainsi été inscrit dans la loi Grenelle 1 en 2009. Cette thèse analyse pourquoi et comment l’agriculture biologique s’est trouvée convoquée pour répondre aux problèmes de pollution de l’eau. Elle repose sur une analyse multiniveaux des changements en cours, du niveau global de la conception des politiques publiques jusqu’à celui des agriculteurs, cible principale de cette politique en passant par le niveau territorial de mise en oeuvre de projets associant développement de l’agriculture biologique et protection de la qualité de l’eau. Dans un premier temps, l’évolution des politiques de l’eau et de l’agriculture et des référentiels sectoriels qui les sous-tendent est retracée afin de comprendre comment cette mise en relation entre « agriculture biologique et qualité de l’eau » a pu apparaitre dans l’action publique. Dans un second temps, une analyse de quatre projets territoriaux permet d’étudier comment les acteurs locaux se saisissent de cette convocation et s’engagent dans l’action. Une attention particulière est portée à l’analyse des réseaux d’acteurs impliqués et à celle de la diversité des échelles spatiales auxquelles les projets sont mis en oeuvre. Dans un troisième temps, ce sont les représentations qu’ont les agriculteurs de l’enjeu eau et de l’objectif de développement de l’agriculture biologique qui lui est associé qui sont étudiées. Notre discussion est consacrée aux apports des concepts et des méthodes de la géographie à la compréhension des dynamiques de développement territorialisé de l’agriculture biologique. Enfin, nous ouvrons des perspectives de recherche en termes d’analyse des transitions écologiques de l’agriculture, thématique qui a jusqu’ici été peu investie par les géographes. / The conservation of water resources is a major issue in France because of the increasing problem of water pollution by nitrates and pesticides used in agriculture. In this context, organic farming is seen as a promising solution to this problem because of its Regulation that prohibits the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. In 2009, the Grenelle Law stated that priority should be given to organic farming in water catchment areas. This research aims at analysing why and how organic farming has been called in to tackle water pollution problems. It is based on a multi-level analysis. Firstly, the evolution over time of water and agriculture policies (as well as the sectorial paradigms that underly them) is analysed in order to understand how « organic farming » and « the protection of water ressources » came to be associated in public policies. Secondly, a case study is carried out to analyse how local stakeholders take up this idea in setting up projects aimed at developing organic farming toprotect water quality. Particular attention is paid to investigating the stakeholder networks andthe geographical scales at which the projects are implemented. Thirdly, social representations that farmers have of the water question and of organic farming are studied. To conclude, this work examines the contribution of geography to the understanding of an emerging feature: the place-based development of organic farming to tackle environmental problems. It creates new research perspectives related to the analysis of ecological transitions of agriculture, a topic that was so far largely ignored by geographers.

Engaging Community Food Systems through Learning Garden Programs: Oregon Food Bank's Seed to Supper Program

Withers, Denissia Elizabeth 01 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to discover whether learning garden programs increase access to locally grown foods and successfully empower and include food insecure populations. This study examined the Oregon Food Bank's Seed to Supper program which situates garden-based learning in food insecure communities. Through a mixed-methods community-based research process, this study found that community building, learner empowerment and sustainability leadership in place-based learning garden programs increased access to locally grown foods for food insecure populations. When food insecure populations participated in these learning garden programs they often engaged in practices described in the literature as the "web of inclusion" (Helgesen, 1995). When food insecure populations were engaged in these practices, participation in food democracy and food justice increased. Additionally, participation in learning gardens led to sustainability leadership and increased access to food literacy, which led to greater community health and engaged, local community food systems.

A Pedagogy of Hope: Levers of Change in Transformative Place-based Learning Systems

Heaton, Michelle G. 30 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Förutsättningar för en platsbaserad barnkonsekvensanalys : Material och utveckling av ny metod i Håbo kommuns planeringsarbete för att möta barnkonventionen / A Place-based Child Impact Analysis : Material and development of a new method to fulfill the Convention on the Right of the Child in urban planning in Håbo municipality

Carlsson, Alice January 2022 (has links)
Sedan barnkonventionen blivit svensk lag har det ställts högre krav på kommuner att inkludera barn och att jobba för barns bästa i beslut. Från ett planeringsperspektiv kan det vara oklart vad det innebär för planprocessen. För att barnkonventionen ska uppfyllas är det viktigt att skilja på barns perspektiv och barnperspektiv, då den först nämnda jobbar för att planera med barnet och den sist nämnda för barnet. Denna studie utgår från Håbo kommun och undersöker kommunens förutsättningar och utmaningar för att kunna skapa en ny metod, en så kallad platsbaserad barnkonsekvensanalys. En metod som kommunen kan använda sig av i framtida planarbeten för att effektivt kunna inkludera barn. Några av de slutsatser och punkter som bör inkluderas i en platsbaserad barnkonsekvensanalys är bland annat; boverkets rekommendationer, lekvärdesfaktor och barnkonventionen. / Since the Convention on the Rights of the Child has become Swedish law, higher demands have been placed on municipalities to include children and work for the best interests of children in decisions. From a planning perspective, it has been unclear what it means for the planning process. In order for the Convention on the Rights of the Child to be fulfilled, it is important to separate the concepts of children's perspectives and child perspective, as the first mentioned works to plan with the child and the second mentioned works for the child. This study is based on Håbo municipality and examines the municipality's conditions and challenges to be able to create a new method, a so-called place-based child impact assessment. A method the municipality can use in future planning work to be able to effectively include children. Some of the conclusions and points that should be included in a place-based child impact assessment include; the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's recommendations for including children, play value factor and the convention on the right of the child.

Are Place-based Communities Threatened by our Increasing Network Connectedness? Examining the Effect of Internet Use on Students' Psychological Sense of Community

Agyeman-Budu, Esther Akosua 25 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Miljöpedagogers arbete vid våtmarker : “Vi behöver fler som bryr sig om våra våtmarker och vattendrag, ta vara på allt intresse som redan finns bland unga barn” / Environmental educators and wetlands : “More people need to care about our wetlands and watercourses, take advantage of the interest that already exists amongst young children”

Gannfelt, Josefin, Nilsson, Stina January 2022 (has links)
Allt fler bor i urbana områden och vistas mindre ute i naturen. Samtidigt pågårklimatförändringar som bland annat påskyndas av att torrlagda våtmarker släpper utkoldioxid. Den här undersökningen utforskar hur miljöpedagoger arbetar med exkursionervid våtmarker för att stärka barns natursamhörighet, uppmärksamma våtmarkers värden, samthur exkursioner kan bidra i arbetet för Agenda 2030 och Sveriges miljömål gällandevåtmarker. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med miljöpedagoger samt observation av enexkursion vid en våtmark utfördes i undersökningen. Resultatet visar att exkursioner vidvåtmarker kan vara avgörande för barns natursamhörighet, barns förståelse för våtmarkersvärde, samt utvecklande av empatiska beteenden gentemot naturen. Under en exkursion vidvåtmarker får barn vara med och utför åtgärder för att skydda och bevara våtmarker, vilket ären viktig del för att uppnå Agenda 2030 och Sveriges miljömål. Trots att mänskligaaktiviteter vid våtmarker kan vara negativt för den biologiska mångfalden, är exkursionernödvändigt för det framtida arbetet för våtmarkers välstånd. Framtida forskning bör fokuserapå långsiktiga effekter på barn som kontinuerligt får komma ut på exkursioner inaturområden. / The number of people living in urban areas has increased significantly, and they spend lesstime in nature. At the same time climate change is taking place, which is being accelerated,among other things, by drained wetlands that emit carbon dioxide. This study explores howenvironmental educators work with excursions at wetlands to strengthen children's natureconnectedness, pay attention to the values of wetlands, and how excursions can contribute toreaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sweden's environmental goalsregarding wetlands. Semi-structured interviews with environmental educators and anobservation of an excursion to a wetland, were conducted in the study. The results show thatexcursions at wetlands can be crucial for children's nature connectedness, children'sunderstanding of the value of wetlands, and the development of empathic behaviors towardsnature. Through excursions at wetlands, children are involved with the wetlands andmeasures are taken to protect and preserve wetlands, which is an important part of achievingthe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sweden's environmental goals. Althoughhuman activities in wetlands can be detrimental to biodiversity, excursions are necessary forfuture work on wetland prosperity. Future research should focus on long-term effects onchildren who are continuously on excursions in nature.

Unsettling Stories: A Settler Reflection on Narrative Phantasies of Land

Heth, Rebecca Audrey 25 May 2023 (has links)
Modern political and market structures have normalized colonial violence into economic and social realities, while imperial powers still dictate modes of labor and resources extraction that benefit them in the present, but send the physical world hurtling into a future of crisis. Justifying this activity are Western mindsets based in rational exclusivity, which fail to recognize the constructed elements of their reality, instead subjugating and historicizing those with different ontological perspectives. In particular, Western logics have persecuted indigenous populations and their cultural connection to ancestral homelands in order to appease colonial paranoia and reassert exclusive claim to stolen land. This is not materially, ethically, or spiritually sustainable. This thesis examines the ways in which colonial and indigenous ontologies interact in the past, present, and future through identifying the reality-shaping narrative phantasies which shape encounters surrounding land. Phantasies of land and the ecosystems humans are a part of are especially central to how individuals and societies relate to the self, as well as human and non-human others. Through an analysis of the 1843 Thomas Gregory-Pamunkey petitions over claims to the Pamunkey reservation land, this thesis studies how colonial and indigenous phantasies of land interact. It demonstrates that the colonial inability to recognize personal and cultural phantasies often leads to conflict, but an ability to recognize the power of narrative and communicate through alternative ontologies than one's own can lead to successful communication and meaningful relationships, ones which can help those with settler backgrounds to live more ethically and support indigenous resurgence. This thesis offers a theoretical, historical, and practical guide to begin the process of unsettling the self by way of recognizing the constructed narrative phantasies settlers have been accustomed to interpreting the world through, and reflects on ways for settlers to move forward by engaging with land-based ontologies. / Master of Arts / Modern political and market structures have normalized colonial violence into economic and social realities, while imperial powers still dictate modes of labor and resources extraction that benefit them in the present but send the physical world hurtling into a future of crisis. Justifying this activity are Western mindsets based in rational exclusivity, which fail to recognize the constructed elements of their reality, instead subjugating and historicizing those with different perspectives. In particular, Western logics have persecuted indigenous populations and their cultural connection to ancestral homelands in order to appease colonial paranoia and reassert exclusive claim to stolen land. This is not materially, ethically, or spiritually sustainable. This thesis examines the ways in which colonial and indigenous ontologies interact in the past, present, and future through identifying the reality-shaping narratives which shape encounters surrounding land. Stories of land and the ecosystems humans are a part of are especially central to how individuals and societies relate to the self, as well as human and non-human others. Through an analysis of the 1843 Thomas Gregory-Pamunkey petitions over claims to the Pamunkey reservation land, this thesis studies how colonial and indigenous narratives of land interact. It demonstrates that the colonial inability to recognize personal and cultural narratives often leads to conflict, but an ability to recognize the power of stories and communicate through alternative worldviews than one's own can lead to successful communication and meaningful relationships, ones which can help those with settler backgrounds to live more ethically and support indigenous resurgence. This thesis offers a theoretical, historical, and practical guide to begin the process of unsettling the self by way of recognizing the constructed narratives settlers have been accustomed to interpreting the world through, and reflects on ways for settlers to move forward by engaging with land-based worlviews.

Connecting to Nature, Community, and Self: A Conservation Corps Approach to Re-engaging At-Risk Youth in Science Education

Linden, Sara Jo 09 June 2016 (has links)
The social and environmental challenges of the coming decades will require that individuals possess environmental literacy: the understanding of natural systems combined with a sense of care for the earth, and the confidence and competency to act on its behalf. At the same time, disengaged youth need education environments that foster belonging and promote affective outcomes. The youth conservation corps model provides a natural context for engaging academically at-risk youth in environmental science education, while fostering connection to nature and student self-efficacy in ways that are experiential, relevant, and relationship-based. The focus of this study was a conservation corps program that integrates habitat restoration fieldwork and environmental science curriculum. The participants of this study were eight high school seniors who participated in the program for credit toward their high school diplomas. Data were collected through both quantitative and qualitative measures. Students completed a pre-test to assess their understanding and application of conceptual knowledge in ecosystem relationships and biodiversity. Upon completion of a six-week curriculum, they completed a post-test assessing knowledge in the same areas, two retrospective pre-post surveys measuring connection to nature and self-efficacy, and a post-evaluation measuring affective outcomes. Individual interviews were conducted in order to provide further insights and to identify elements of the program that contributed to positive outcomes. Results showed statistically significant increases in all outcome areas as well as positive student evaluation of affective outcomes. The outdoor and experiential components of the program were found to contribute most significantly to the positive outcomes.

Trois essais sur l'économie de la migration / Three essays on the economics of migration

Seror, Marlon 04 December 2017 (has links)
Une des marques du développement est la résorption du décalage entre la distribution spatiale de l’activité économique et celle de la population. Cette thèse étudie les conséquences d’une telle résorption sous l’effet de la migration ou d’une redistribution géographique de l’activité économique. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse à la relation entre migrants internationaux et foyers d’origine. Il met en lumière l’importance, pour les envois de fonds et les investissements, des croyances des migrants et de l’asymétrie d’information, aggravée par la distance, entre migrants et destinataires de ces envois. Le deuxième chapitre explore la transformation de l’économie d’accueil sous l’effet d’un afflux de migrants venus des campagnes en ville, en Chine. Il mesure d’abord leur impact sur le marché du travail à destination, puis examine comment ils affectent l’allocation des facteurs de production et les contraintes rencontrées par les entreprises sur les marchés du travail et du capital. Le troisième chapitre étudie l’impact sur le long terme d’un vaste programme d’industrialisation réalisé en Chine, et montre un retour de fortune. Ce renversement est imputé aux distorsions introduites sur le marché du travail local par la présence de grands complexes manufacturiers. Ce chapitre met en évidence le rôle de la migration pour surmonter ces imperfections et amener l’étape ultérieure de la transformation structurelle : le passage de l’industrie lourde à la production de biens de consommation et de services. / A key characteristic of the process of economic development is the shrinking spatial mismatch between economic activity and population. This thesis analyzes what happens when this spatial mismatch is reduced, as people’s places of residence and work or the geographical distribution of economic activity is altered. Chapter I deals with the relationship between international migrants and their households of origin. It sheds light on the importance for remittances and investments of migrants' beliefs and the information asymmetry between remittance senders and recipients that distance aggravates. Chapter II explores the transformation of the receiving economy due to an influx of rural-to-urban migrants in China. It first quantifies the effect of immigrants on the labor market at destination, and then investigates their impact on the reallocation of production factors and factor-market constraints faced by urban firms. Chapter III focuses on the long-term impact of a large industrialization plan in China. It reveals a reversal pattern due to the distortions in local labor markets induced by the presence of big plants. It highlights the role of migration in overcoming such imperfections and in bringing about the later stage of structural transformation—from heavy industry to consumption goods and services.

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