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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Event Planners' Ratings Of Destination Selection Variables: A Comparison Between Members Of Three Professional Association Groups

Godlewska, Marta 01 January 2006 (has links)
Several researchers have attempted to understand the destination selection criteria that are important to event planners (Crouch & Ritchie, 1998; Getz, 2003; Oppermann, 1996). However, an examination of the previous studies indicated that only limited understanding of the destination selection criteria has been provided. There is little research that compares event planners belonging to different professional associations and their rating of destination selection criteria. This study examined the differences that exist between three groups of event planners in rating thirteen destination selection variables. The study provides more understanding in the search of an optimal combination of destination selection mix based on multiple dependent variables. This study found significant differences in ratings of five out of thirteen destination selection variables by event planners who were the members of three different associations. Therefore it is providing a valuable contribution to the existing body of literature. From a practical standpoint, this study can help by providing information about how planners of different events feel about certain destination criteria at the time a destination selection is made. All parties with a vested interest in the event industry may use this information to appropriately position their services in the market and tailor their products to better compete for the limited number of events in an environment where the space to host such events continues to grow.

Livet mellan stoppen : En diskursanalys kring synen på vardagsliv och mobilitet i Ljungby kommun / Life in between the stations : A discourse analysis of the view of everyday life and mobility in the municipality of Ljungby

Karlsson, Joel, Klasson, Eric January 2022 (has links)
Sedan uppstarten av Sverigeförhandlingen 2014 har diskussionen kring infrastruktursatsningar i Sverige präglats av en ny höghastighetsbana vars syfte är att sammankoppla landets tre storstäder. Sverigeförhandlingens slutrapport (SOU 2017:107) visar på att den tidsmässiga aspekten har varit en ledande faktor vid potentiella spårdragningar, där ett begränsat antal stopp har framhävts som den bästa lösningen för att spara tid. Konsekvenserna blir dock att majoriteten av de svenska kommunerna hamnar utan direkt anslutning till höghastighetsbanan. Tidigare forskning har visat att rörelse och mobilitet är en central del av människors vardagsliv; för att kunna ta oss till arbetet, träffa familj och vänner med mera. Koppling mellan mobilitet och vardag är intressant då tidigare forskning traditionellt sett har tittat på ekonomiska aspekter, spatial rättvisa och klimatfrågor gällande höghastighetståg. Höghastighetstågens inverkan på vardagslivet samt hur orter som blir utan en direkt koppling till tågen påverkas, är mindre utforskat. Därmed skall denna uppsats fylla en identifierade kunskapslucka gällande vardagslivsperspektivet i samband med planeringen av höghastighetsjärnvägar. Uppsatsen avser utreda hur planerare och politiker ser på vardagslivet och hur diskursen är strukturerad. Inom en socialkonstruktivistisk ram och med en diskursteoretisk ansats analyseras diskursen kring vardagsliv bland planerare och politiker i Ljungby ur ett mobilitetsperspektiv. Studiens empiri utgörs av intervjuer och plandokument. Under analysen framgår det att diskursen kan uppfattas som spretig där flera mindre och ingående diskurser utgör mobilitets- och vardagslivsdiskursen i Ljungby. I stora drag kretsar den kring begreppen kollektivtrafik, mobilitet och infrastruktur. Olika teknologiska möjliggörare såsom bilen, E4:an eller höghastighetsbanan har en stor inverkan på vardagslivet i Ljungby med tanke på kommunens utmaningar med kollektivtrafik och geografiska förhållanden. Samtidigt är det inte möjligt att helt fastställa en konstant definition kring mobilitets- och vardagslivsdiskursen i kommunen. Detta beror på att perspektiv, åsikter och uppfattningar är i ständig förändring och så även diskurser. Därför är syftet med uppsatsen att kartlägga denna diskursiva kamp. / Since the start of Sverigeförhandlingen in 2014, the discussion about infrastructure investments in Sweden has been characterized by a high-speed railway with the purpose of connecting the country's three major cities. Sverigeförhandlingens final report (SOU 2017: 107) concludes that the time aspect has been a leading factor in potential rail routes, where a limited number of stops has been highlighted as the best solution to save time. As a result, the majority of Swedish municipalities will end up without a direct connection to the high-speed railway. Previous research has presented movement and mobility as a central part of people's everyday lives, to be able to take us to work, meet family and friends, and so on. The link between mobility and everyday life is interesting as previous research has traditionally looked at economic aspects, spatial justice, and climate issues regarding high-speed trains. The impact of high-speed trains on everyday life and how cities without a direct connection to the trains are affected are less explored. Thus, this thesis aims to fill this identified knowledge gap regarding the everyday life perspective in connection to the planning of high-speed railways. The thesis intends to investigate how planners and politicians view everyday life and how the discourse is structured. Within a social constructivist framework and with a discourse theoretical approach, the discourse on everyday life among planners and politicians in Ljungby is analyzed from a mobility perspective. The empirical study consists of interviews and planning documents. During the analysis, it appears that the discourse can be perceived as scattered, where several smaller and in-depth discourses constitute the discourse of mobility and everyday life in Ljungby. Broadly speaking, it revolves around the concepts of public transport, mobility, and infrastructure. Various technological enablers such as the car, the E4, or the high-speed railway have a major impact on everyday life in Ljungby, given the municipality's challenges with public transport and geographical conditions. At the same time, it is not possible to fully establish a constant definition of the discourse of mobility and everyday life in the municipality because perspectives, opinions, and perceptions are constantly changing and so are discourses. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to map out this discursive struggle.

Manitoba relationship stories: when First Nations and local governments plan together

Koch, Madeleine 25 July 2016 (has links)
As First Nations establish new reserves in urban areas, it creates opportunities for “intergovernmental” land use planning relationships between First Nations and adjacent local governments. However, at present, limited resources exist to guide practitioners through these new relationships. This research explores the practical realities of intergovernmental planning in Manitoba, and analyses current practice’s congruence with pre-established principles for a renewed relationship between First Nations and Non-First Nations. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect “practice stories” about practitioners’ grounded experiences with intergovernmental planning work in Manitoba. Findings suggest that relationship building between local governments and First Nations is taking place largely due to the informal initiatives of individual staff, often in absence of formal organizational support. Despite the challenges associated with this work, intergovernmental planning relationships have promising opportunities to bring about mutual benefits for both parties, and to contribute to reconciliation between First Nations and non-First Nations peoples. / October 2016

Att resa rätt är stort, att resa fritt är större : Kommunala planerares föreställningar om hållbara resor / Travelling right is great, travelling free is greater : Municipal planners’ images of sustainable mobility

Henriksson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Minskning av transporters negativa miljöpåverkan, eller en ökning av hållbara resor, har blivit en allt viktigare fråga för lokala aktörer. Genom samhälls- och trafikplanering ska dagens ohållbara transportsystem bli mer hållbart. Det gör hur planerare i Helsingborg planerar för hållbara resor intressant att studera. Avhandlingen undersöker hur planerare föreställer sig vad hållbart resande är, vilka resenärer det är som bör resa mer hållbart samt hur en hållbar stad kan se ut. Teoretiskt kombinerar avhandlingen ett intersektionellt ramverk med feministisk planeringsteori samt teorier från STS (teknik- och vetenskapsstudier). Det empiriska materialet består av djupintervjuer med sexton planerare, en fokusgruppsintervju samt bildanalys av de planeringsdokument som Helsingborgs stad använder sig av i planeringen för hållbara resor. Framförallt visar avhandlingen att planerare inte betraktar resors negativa miljöpåverkan som ett argument som kan få människor att resa mer hållbart. Istället är det möjligheten att framställa hållbara resor som roliga, hälsosamma, lustfyllda och praktiska som planerare tror kan få helsingborgarna att cykla eller åka mer buss. Men det är bara vissa resenärer som antas kunna ta del av de hållbara resornas positiva värden. Planerarnas föreställningar om bland annat kön, etnicitet och klass är avgörande för hur de förstår hållbara resor. Planerarna menar sammanfattningsvis att det är stort att resa rätt av miljöskäl, men större att fritt välja det mest attraktiva färdsättet. / Demands for sustainable mobility have become an increasingly important issue for local actors. Through city and traffic planning, the current unsustainable transport systems are going to become more sustainable. However, how to define sustainable mobility is disputed. Therefore, how planners in the Swedish municipality of Helsingborg define sustainable mobility makes an interesting case. This thesis examines how planners imagine sustainable mobility, who the sustainable traveler is, and what a sustainable city might look like. Theoretically the thesis combines an intersectional framework with a feminist planning theory and theories from Science and Technology Studies. The empirical material is based on in-depth interviews with sixteen planners, a focus group interview, and visual analyses of the planning documents the city of Helsingborg uses in planning for sustainable mobility. The analyses show that planners do not see the negative environmental impact of traveling as an argument which will persuade people to travel more sustainably. Instead, it is the possibility to construct sustainable mobility as fun, healthy, pleasurable, and practical that planners believe will persuade the inhabitants of Helsingborg to cycle or travel by bus more often. But not all travelers are likely to benefit from the positive values of sustainable mobility. To conclude, when planners imagine sustainable mobility, they imagine that it is good to travel the correct way for environmental reasons, but it is even greater to make independent travel choices, based on what modes of transport attract the most people. / <p>I denna elektroniska version av avhandlingen är bilderna i bilaga 2 uteslutna på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl.</p>

Planerares arbetstillfredsställelse inom hemtjänsten i Luleå kommun

Isaksson Nordmark, Ann-Sofie January 2018 (has links)
Planeringen av brukarnas insatser inom hemtjänsten i Luleå kommun har förändrats. Antalet planerare har minskats, deras arbetsuppgifter har utökats och blivit mer strukturerade. Utöver planeringen arbetar planerarna även med omvårdnad hos brukare. Arbetsfördelningen varierar mellan enheterna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka planerarnas arbetssituation och arbetstillfredsställelse, om arbetsfördelningen har inverkan på arbetstillfredsställelsen och om det finns utvecklingsområden för ökad tillfredsställelse. Dataunderlag har samlats in med en webbenkät baserad på mätinstrumentet Measure of Job Satisfaction. Därtill ett antal öppna och slutna frågor angående arbetssituation och arbetsfördelning. Enkäten skickades till 39 planerare med en svarsfrekvens på 61.5% ( n =24). Resultatet visar att arbetssituationen för planerarna varierar vad gäller uppgifter, tidfördelning och hur arbetet är strukturerat. Planerarna är tillfredsställda med förhållanden relaterade till personlig tillfredsställelse, professionellt stöd, framtidsutsikter och standard på arbetet, liksom den övergripande arbetstillfredsställelsen. Planerarna är varken tillfredsställda eller otillfredsställda med förhållanden relaterade till arbetsbörda, utbildningsmöjligheter samt ersättning och lön. Studien visar att arbetsfördelningen har viss inverkan på tillfredsställelsen. Den viktigaste slutsatsen som kan dras av studien är att planerarna har en övergripande arbetstillfredsställelse i dagsläget. Samtliga arbetsfaktorer är av värde att underhålla och utveckla, däremot finns anledning att särskilt se över faktorer som kan få inverkan ur ett kompetensförsörjningsperspektiv. / Planning of the user’s contribution in the home care service in Luleå municipality has changed. The quantity of planners has decreased; their duties have increased and become more structured. In addition to planning, the planners also work with caring for the users. The distribution of labor varies between units. The purpose of this study was to survey the planners work situations and job satisfaction, if the distribution of labor has an impact on job satisfaction and if there are areas which can be developed for increased satisfaction. Data has been collected using a web survey based on the Measure of Job Satisfaction surveying instrument. A number of open and closed questions were constructed regarding the work situation and distribution of labor. The survey was sent to 39 planners with a response rate of 61.5% ( n =24). The results show that the work situation for the planners varies regarding their tasks, time distribution and how the work is structured. The planners are satisfied with conditions related to their personal satisfaction, professional support, prospects and work standards, as well as overall job satisfaction. The planners are neither satisfied nor unsatisfied with conditions related to their workload, educational opportunities as well as reimbursements and salaries. The study shows that the distribution of labor has a certain impact on satisfaction. The main conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that the planners experience overall job satisfaction at the present time. All work factors are of value to maintain and improve, however, there is reason to specifically oversee factors that may impact work satisfaction using a supply of competence perspective.

The Health Dilemma of Urban Densification : A Study on the Health Effects of Urban Densification in Three Swedish Cities

Runberger, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, Sweden has undergone urbanization, with cities growing and the population increasing. At the same time, there is a great shortage of housing and a great need to expand. As Swedish cities grow, densification has been used as a planning ideal and strategy. This is because densification is in many ways seen as a sustainable way of building. At the same time, research shows that densification can have negative health effects. Therefore, this thesis has investigated whether health aspects are safeguarded in densification processes and how they are safeguarded in three Swedish municipalities, Gothenburg, Malmö and Jönköping.  The study was done through interviews with urban planners at each municipality and by analyzing the municipalities' comprehensive plans. The result of the thesis shows that the municipalities work with the health perspective in planning and the planners are aware of the importance of health issues in the planning process. The municipalities point out that there are health risks with densification, such as loss of green areas, but mention that densification can also have positive health effects such as increased opportunities for mobility. Even if municipalities are proactive, health issues are often de-prioritized in densification processes due to economic or political interests. Mental health issues also receive less attention in the planning process than physical health issues. The conclusion for what needs to be done is that planners need to take a clearer role and address mental health more in densification processes. More research on the health effects of densification is necessary in order to provide planners and decision-makers with clearer guidelines on how planning can safeguard health aspects.

Kontext och värderingar i stadsplaneringen : Experimentell studie med inblick i stadsplanerarens vardag / Context and Values in Urban Planning : An experimental study with insight into the everyday life of the city planner

Hirvonen, Saara January 2022 (has links)
Kontext, värderingar och människors personliga tyckande är något som alltid kommer vara en del av samhället. Stadsplaneringen är en komplex process där olika viljor och intressen konkurrerar och stadsplanerare som tjänstepersoner har en viktig roll. Detta arbete strävar efter att undersöka hur kontext och värderingar påverkar de val stadsplanerare gör i sin vardag. I studien presenteras tre teorier som beskriver kontext och värderingsaspekter i de mänskliga systemen. Med stöd från dessa teorier skapades ett antal experimentella intervjufrågor och tre stycken djupintervjuer genomfördes med stadsplanerare som arbetar inom Stockholms län. Resultatet från de kvalitativa intervjuerna visade att kontext och värderingar spelar roll för stadsplaneringens slutresultat och att speciellt kontext i form av arbetsorganisation har betydelse. På grund av arbetets experimentella karaktär kunde inga allmänna slutsatser kring planerarrollen att dras. En del av arbetet var att testa ifall de valda teorierna och den valda kvalitativa forskningsmetoden var användbara för att undersöka hur de olika aspekterna kring kontext och värderingar hanteras av stadsplanerare. Metoden fungerade någorlunda, men vissa av intervjufrågorna bör utvecklas något. Alternativa metoder, såsom exempelvis fokusgrupper, diskuteras i slutet av arbetet. / Context, values and people's personal opinions are something that will always be a part of society. Urban planning is a complex process where different wills and interests compete and urban planners as officials have an important role. This work strives to investigate how context and values affect the choices city planners make in their everyday lives. The study presents three theories that describe context and value aspects in the human systems. With the support of these theories, a number of experimental interview questions were created and three in-depth interviews were conducted with city planners working in Stockholm County. The results from the qualitative interviews showed that context and values play a role in the end result of urban planning and that special context in the form of work organization is important. Due to the experimental nature of the work, no general conclusions about the planner role could be drawn. Part of the work was to test whether the chosen theories and the chosen qualitative research method were useful to investigate how the various aspects of context and values are handled by city planners. The method worked reasonably well, but some of the interview questions should be developed somewhat. Alternative methods, such as focus groups, are discussed at the end of the work.

What role should the financial planners of ABSA Brokers play when ABSA Business Bank extends credit facilities to its SME customers?

Roos, Jacques Thomas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Small and medium enterprises have an important role to play in the South African economy. The success of SME’s will lead to economic growth, that will play a major role in reducing unemployment in South Africa. It will also be the main driver for black economic empowerment. As elsewhere in the world one of the main problems that SME’s face is the need for finance and access to finance. Banks play a major role in providing finance to SME’s by providing different forms of finance to SME’s. The finance that the shareholders / directors can access in their personal capacity plays a critical role in the provision of finance to SME’s. Banks will require security when advancing credit facilities and the security that is offered by the shareholders / directors play an important role in the decision of banks to advance credit. The risk that the banks carry when granting credit facilities to SME’s is reduced when personal suretyships of the directors / shareholders are required. The personal assets of the shareholders / directors are used as security to obtain credit facilities for the SME’s. If the SME’s should fail, the banks will liquidate the personal assets of the directors / shareholders to settle the credit facilities that were granted to the SME’s. Customers are not aware of the dangers when signing surety. Banks have fiduciary duties towards their customers to inform them of any risks and what possible solutions might exist that will minimize the adverse financial effect of such risk consequences. If the surety should die, the bank will have the option to liquidate the assets of the sureties to settle the debts of the entities for which the surety has signed personal surety. Life cover can be affected on the lives of the sureties that will provide the necessary liquidity to settle the debts of the entities without the bank having to liquidate the personal assets of the sureties. Consumer protection has become widespread where the phrase caveat emptor has been replaced by caveat vendor – let the seller be aware. In addition to this the South African Government has also enacted legislation that banks have to adhere to that will lead to customers making informed decisions. The National Credit and the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Acts have been introduced to afford the customer more protection. The banking industry has adopted the Code of Banking Practice which places responsibility on the banks to fully disclose all risks to their customers. It is especially the surety, the person that provides security for the debts of others that now enjoys increased protection. The National Credit Act affords a surety the same protection as the principal debtor and the Code of Banking Practice also contains very specific references with regards to sureties. Banks have become a business and the traditional notion that holds that business ethics and absolute adherence to legislation, industry codes and its own code of ethics will have an adverse effect on business, no longer holds. Many reasons have been given by ABSA Bank as to why the financial planners of ABSA Brokers should not be part and parcel of each transaction where credit facilities are extended to their customers. The reality however is that the Financial Planners must be made part of the process when credit facilities are extended. The Financial Planners must provide a financial needs analysis to the customer that will enable the customer to make an informed decision as to whether to implement life cover or not. By making the financial planners part of the process ABSA Business Bank will ensure adherence to legislation, industry codes and most importantly, it will fulfill the fiduciary duty that it has towards its customers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klein en medium ondernemings (KMO’s) speel ‘n belangrike rol in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. Die sukses van klein en medium ondernemings sal lei tot ekonomiese groei, wat sal bydra tot ‘n afname in werkloosheid in Suid Afrika. Dit sal ook die hoof drywer wees van swart ekonomiese bemagtiging. Soos elders in die wêreld is een van die hoofprobleme wat deur KMO’s in die gesig gestaar word die behoefte aan finansiering en die toegang tot finansiering. Banke speel ‘n belangrike rol in die verskaffing van finansiering deurdat finansiering in verskeie vorme aan KMO’s beskikbaar gestel word. Die finansiering wat aandeelhouers / direkteure in hulle persoonlike hoedanigheid kan bekom speel ‘n kritieke rol in die verskaffing van finansiering aan KMO’s. Banke vereis sekuriteit wanneer kredietfasiliteite beskikbaar gestel word en die sekuriteit wat deur die aandeelhouers / direkteure aangebied word speel ‘n belangrike rol in die banke se besluit om krediet te verskaf. Die risiko’s wat banke loop wanneer kredietfasiliteite aan KMO’s beskikbaar gestel word, word verminder wanneer persoonlike borgskappe van aandeelhouers / direkteure vereis word. Die persoonlike bates van die aandeelhouers / direkteure word gebruik as sekuriteit om kredietfasiliteite vir KMO’s te bekom. Indien die KMO’s sou misluk, sal die banke die persoonlike bates van direkteure / aandeelhouers te gelde maak om die kredietfasiliteite wat aan die KMO’s beskikbaar gestel was af te los. Kliënte is nie bewus van die gevare wat hulle loop wanneer hulle borgskappe verleen nie. Banke het fidusiêre pligte teenoor hulle kliënte om hulle in te lig aangaande enige risiko’s en watter moontlike oplossings daar bestaan wat enige nadelige finansiële gevolge sal beperk. Indien die borggewer tot sterwe sou kom, het die bank die opsie om die bates van die borggewer te gelde te maak om die skulde te delg van die entiteite waarvoor die borggewers persoonlike sekuriteite verskaf het. Lewensdekking kan aangegaan word op die lewe van die borggewers wat die nodige likiditeit sal verskaf om die skulde van die entiteite te delg sonder dat die persoonlike bates van die borggewers te gelde gemaak hoef te word. Verbruikersbeskerming geniet hedendaags voorrang waar die frase 'caveat emptor' - laat die koper op sy hoede wees - vervang is deur 'caveat vendor' – laat die verkoper bedag wees. Hiermee saam het die Suid-Afrikaanse regering ook wetgewing in plek gestel waaraan banke moet voldoen wat daartoe sal lei dat kliënte ingeligte besluite kan neem. Die Nasionale Kredietwet en die Finansiële Adviseurs- en Tussengangerswet is in werking gestel om meer beskerming aan die verbruiker te verleen. Die bank industrie het ook die Kode van Bankpraktyk aanvaar wat groter verantwoordelikhede op banke plaas om alle risiko’s ten volle aan hulle kliënte te openbaar. Dit is veral die borggewer, die persoon wat sekuriteit verskaf vir die skulde van ander persone / entiteite wat groter beskerming geniet. Die Nasionale Kredietwet bied aan die borggewer dieselfde beskerming as die hoofskuldenaar en die Kode van Bankpraktyk bevat ook spesifieke verwysing na die regte van borggewers. Bankwese het ‘n besigheid geraak en die tradisionele siening dat sake etiek en streng onderworpenheid aan wetgewing, industrie kodes en banke se eie etiese kodes ‘n negatiewe effek op besigheid sal hê, dra nie meer water nie. Verskeie redes is al deur ABSA Bank aangevoer oor hoekom die finansiële beplanners van ABSA Makelaars nie deel moet wees van elke transaksie waar krediet aan kliënte verleen word nie. Die realiteit is egter dat die finansiële beplanners deel van die proses gemaak moet word. Die finansiële beplanners moet ‘n finansiële behoefte ontleding aan die kliënt beskikbaar stel wat die kliënt in staat sal stel om ‘n ingeligte besluit te neem om lewensdekking te implementeer al dan nie. Deur die finansiële beplanners deel van die proses te maak verseker ABSA Besigheidsbank nakoming aan wetgewing en industrie kodes. Wat egter meer belangrik is, is dat die bank dan ook sy fidusiêre plig wat die bank teenoor sy kliënte het, sal nakom.

Customer relationship management: A financial perspective

Lowther, Dwain Eldred 01 January 2004 (has links)
This paper focuses on methods for financial institutions to perform precise customer level analysis to anticipate customers' evolving financial needs and maximize the lifetime value of each customer relationship. The paper proposes software packages that analyze customer relationship management from a financial perspective.

The Place of Female Architecture as a Design Language : A study into the progression of the female architect and the variables of the feminine architecture in Sweden

Noorzadeh, Rana January 2022 (has links)
100 years after the official acceptance of women into higher architectural education in Sweden’s technical institutions, I have tracked and summarized the progress of not just female students and female employees within the architecture industry, but also the extent of the creative space offered for women throughout the years to express their individual styles. This has been with the intention of detecting a female design language that can be read in the Swedish city, starting from Sweden’s earliest female pioneer in the late 1890s. The study relates the female design language to openness and fluidity, and the feminine sense of caring for the social experience taking place within urban spaces. This is naturally not the case for every woman and is just a common pattern detected throughout different architectural eras. Results show a rapid progression of women within statistical numbers of both educational institutions and architecture firms. This number is, however, one dimensional and does not accurately represent positions of power - which appear to be male dominated - and its impact on the Swedish urban city. The modern woman, as it turns out, does not face the struggles of the pioneers. She is, on the other hand, placed within the box of large architecture corporations, and in that way loses her personal touch and sense of style in her professional work.

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