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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Provedení golfového švihu u pacientů s amputací dolní končetiny / Golf swing in subjects with amputation of lower extremity

Richtrová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
Author: Bc. Michaela Richtrová Tittle: Golf swing in subjects with amputation of lower extremity Objectives: The study aims at evaluation of the technique of golf swing used by patients with a different type and level of lower extremity amputation as compared to able-bodied golfers. Another objective is determination of the relation between individual phases of the golf swing and weight transfer, using different golf clubs, as compared to able-bodied golfers. Method: By its topic the work is a pilot study. The research has been divided into three descriptive case studies. The experimental group included two amateur golfers and one professional golfer. The control group was represented by an able-bodied golfer. Evaluation of kinematic parameters (trajectory of shoulders, hips, knee joints) was based on the Qualysis Motion Capture System. Evaluation of dynamic parameters (weight transfer) in the course of golf swing was made using two dynamometric Kistler platforms. Results: The measuring has demonstrated that in terms of both kinematics and dynamics, the mode of movement of a patient with a trans-tibial amputation during a golf swing corresponds to that of an able-bodied golfer. The same results were achieved by the patient also with the use of another type of golf club. A change, both in terms of...

Debugger interface pro Java PathFinder model checker / Debugger interface for Java PathFinder model checker

Vávra, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to integrate Java PathFinder into Java Platform Debugger Architecture. That is, to allow using Java PathFinder instead of a common Java Virtual Machine for the purpose of debugging Java applications in any modern Java Integrated Development Environment with all its advantages such as various kinds of breakpoints, direct stepping in opened source files, and call stack and object inspection. The resulting work provides users with all the features they are used to while debugging Java applications. None of this requires any external tools, editors or a complicated setup. Therefore, users are able to view, debug and understand the program state while replaying an error trace in Java PathFinder. The key part of the study is an implementation of the Java Debug Wire Protocol Agent as an extension for Java PathFinder. That makes JPF more complete as a Virtual Machine in the eyes of the community and the Java users in general. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

A New Method to Predict Vessel Capsizing in a Realistic Seaway

Vishnubhotla, Srinivas 08 August 2007 (has links)
A recently developed approach, in the area of nonlinear oscillations, is used to analyze the single degree of freedom equation of motion of a oating unit (such as a ship) about a critical axis (such as roll). This method makes use of a closed form analytic solution, exact upto the rst order, and takes into account the the complete unperturbed (no damping or forcing) dynamics. Using this method very-large-amplitude nonlinear vessel motion in a random seaway can be analysed with techniques similar to those used to analyse nonlinear vessel motions in a regular (periodic) or random seaway. The practical result being that dynamic capsizing studies can be undertaken considering the shortterm irregularity of the design seaway. The capsize risk associated with operation in a given sea state can be evaluated during the design stage or when an operating area change is being considered. Moreover, this technique can also be used to guide physical model tests or computer simulation studies to focus on critical vessel and environmental conditions which may result in dangerously large motion amplitudes. Extensive comparitive results are included to demonstrate the practical usefulness of this approach. The results are in the form of solution orbits which lie in the stable or unstable manifolds and are then projected onto the phase plane.

Under huven på Uber : En jämförande studie om kvalitetsarbete i Uber och andra svenska taxibolag / Under the hood at Uber : A comparing study about quality management in Uber and other Swedish Taxi companies

Ehinger, Emma, Söderbäck, Patricia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns statistik som tyder på att det idag är färre människor i Sverige som tar körkort, vilket tros leda till att användandet av taxiverksamheten och kollektivtrafiken kommer att öka, som ett alternativt färdmedel. Digitalisering har i dagens samhälle blivit en större del av människors liv och det har IT-företaget Uber tagit vara på. De har utvecklat en digital plattform där förare kan få kontakt med kunder via en applikation. Uber har en stor mängd förare runt om i världen som styrs genom minimal realkommunikation. Studien kommer att undersöka hur Uber säkerställer kvaliteten på sina tjänster och det kommer att jämföras med andra svenska taxibolag. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kvalitetsstyrning av taxitjänsten utförs i ett plattformsföretag som Uber jämfört med kvalitets styrningen av andra taxibolag i Sverige. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ metod med ett deduktivt synsätt samt ett realistiskt perspektiv. Studien omfattar tre respondenter. Insamlad data bearbetades och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys för att sedan tolkas. Slutligen drogs slutsatser från resultatet och analysmaterialet. Resultat: Studien visar på att de olika bolagen tycks definiera kvalitet på liknande sätt. De kvalitetsförväntningar kunderna har och de kvalitetskrav som bolagen identifierat tycks vara genomgående i de olika bolagen. Taxibolagen skiljer sig dock åt i arbetet med hur det kontrollerar att förarna tillgodoser den kvalitet som bolagen definierat som viktig. Studien har ven kunnat urskilja att arbetet med kvalitetsstyrning skiljer sig beroende på taxibolagens storlek och vilken marknad de agerar på. Resultatet tyder på att vägen framåt för att tillfredsställa kundernas förväntningar på taxitjänsten verkar vara att satsa på tekniskinnovation. Slutgiltigt kan konstateras att skillnaden i hur taxibolagen arbetar med kvalitet tycks bero på bolagen storlek, inte beroende av bolagens affärsmodell. / Background: There are statistics that point out the fact that less people in Sweden today gets a drivers license. This is believed to lead to an increase in taxi services and public transport. In todays society technical innovation has become a big part of people’s lives and this is something the IT-company Uber has taken advantage of. They have developed a digital platform were drivers and customers can connect with each other trough an application. Uber has a big number of drivers all over the world that is managed by minimal direct communication. The thesis will analyse how Uber ensure the quality of their services and how that comperes to other Swedish taxi companies quality control. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how a platform company like Uber works with quality management compared to how other Swedish taxi companies insure the quality of the service. Methodology: The thesis is based on a qualitative method with a deductive approach and a realistic perspective. The study includes three respondents. The collected data was processed and analysed using thematic analysis and then it was interpreted. Finally, conclusions were drawn from the results and the analysed material. Result: The thesis shows that the various taxi companies seem to define quality in a similar manner. The customer’s expectations of quality and the different companies quality requirements appear to be consistent throughout all of the companies. However, the taxi companies differ in how they ensure that the drivers meet the quality the companies have defined as important. The study has been able to distinguish that quality control differs depending on the taxi companies size and the market in which they operate. The results also suggests that the way to satisfy customers expectations for taxi service today seem to be working with technological innovation. The thesis also shows that the differences in quality work seem to depend on the size of the company, not the business model.

Improving the Usability of a Q&A Platform : A design process based on the principles of Lean UX – adapted to a given start-up environment

Müller, Stefanie January 2019 (has links)
This Bachelor thesis is about digital tools for event organisers. The platforms offered by companies serve as digital backchannels that among other things facilitate interactions between audience and stage, for example during live Q&A sessions. This work focuses on the tasks and challenges of moderators on site and aims to develop a system that will optimise their workflows. Therefore, a tool is developed that allows moderators to conduct a Q&A session independently without having to rely on the assistance of an event organiser operating a desktop based platform simultaneously. The analysis addresses the moderator's role and tasks. It turns out that the functions of the platform relevant to the moderator can be combined in a mobile interface that is linked to it. Using a semi- structured expert interview, the feedback from clients of the start-up "Happenn" is gathered, which use the already existing platform of the company. Their platform "Happenn Live" serves as case study for this thesis. On the basis of the findings of the methods adapted to Lean UX, a solution approach in the form of a redesign of the platform and a corresponding mobile application for moderators is conceptualised. The structure and visual design of the platform follows the general design standards for desktop- and mobile-based interfaces. In this way, an improved usability can be achieved by making the platform more user-friendly for the user.

The Uber Boundary : Contextualizing the Organizational Boundary of a Digital Platform Organization

Furulind, Johanna, Sjöqvist, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Digital platform organizations challenges the organizational landscape by utilizing technology enabling cost efficient transactions. Uber is a commonly known example of such an organization, where tensions have arisen in various local contexts due to that the organization draw their boundary tightly around the platform to the benefit of organizational efficiency. Uber has as a consequence, been highly questioned in its liability of their primary operations: Is it a technology platform, or a transportation firm?   This thesis sets out to answer:  How is the organizational boundary of Uber challenged in various local contexts? The purpose is to provide an explanation towards how the organizational boundary of a digital platform organization could be understood in relation to local context, and how it can or cannot evolve in regards to these contexts. The results show that context matters for the boundary of Uber. In addition, a pattern amongst the context specific events emerged influencing the boundary. These can be categorized into four configurations: Adjusting, Expanding, Withdrawing and Intertwining. Each of the configurations explain the underlying reasons for the varying fluctuations the boundary of Uber show, and thus answer how the organizational boundary of Uber is challenged in various local contexts.

Essays on Platform Markets

Sudaric, Slobodan 01 March 2019 (has links)
Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit Regulierung, Wettbewerb und Konsumentenverhalten in drei unterschiedlichen Plattformmärkten. Kapitel 1 analysiert den Wettbewerb zwischen Netzanbietern und die Zwischenschaltung von Content-Delivery-Networks im Rahmen der Netzneutralitätsdebatte. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass eine Abkehr vom Prinzip der strikten Netzneutralität mit Effizienzgewinnen verbunden ist. Content-Delivery-Networks schaffen dabei einerseits zusätzliche Investitionsanreize für Netzanbieter, andererseits reduzieren sie die Intensität des Wettbewerbs um Endnutzer. Kapitel 2 analysiert den Wettbewerb zwischen werbefinanzierten Online-Plattformen und deren Anreize Nutzerdaten zu sammeln. Die modelltheoretische Analyse legt dar, dass derartige Märkte zu einem Marktversagen neigen, da im Marktgleichgewicht eine ineffiziente Menge an persönlichen Daten gesammelt wird. Dieses Ergebnis rechtfertig Regulierungen im Datenschutzbereich und den Einsatz wettbewerbspolitischer Maßnahmen, wobei dem Marktversagen auch durch die Schaffung eines Marktes für Nutzerdaten entgegengewirkt werden kann. Kapitel 3 analysiert Crowdfunding-Plattformen als Finanzierungsquelle bei unsicherer Gesamtnachfrage. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Nachfrage in Crowdfunding-Kampagnen strategisch reduziert wird um künftigen Preisänderungen entgegenzuwirken. Dies impliziert, dass Crowdfunding-kampagnen nur bedingt geeignet sind um Nachfrageunsicherheit zu reduzieren. / This thesis analyzes regulation, competition and consumer decisions in three distinct platform markets. Chapter 1 studies competition between internet service providers and the interconnection of Content-Delivery-Networks in the light of the net neutrality debate. The results suggest that a departure from a regime of strict net neutrality is associated with efficiency gains. Content-delivery-networks lead to higher incentives for investment on the one hand, however, soften competition for consumers on the other hand. Chapter 2 analyzes competition between ad-based online platforms and platforms’ incentives to collect user data. The model predicts a market failure in this type of environment as the level of data collection in the market equilibrium is inefficient. This result provides a justification for privacy regulation as well as competition policy measures, while the market failure can also be counteracted by establishing a market for personal data. Chapter 3 analyzes crowdfunding platforms as a means to collect funds in light of aggregate demand uncertainty. The results suggest that demand in crowdfunding campaigns is strategically withheld in order to counteract future price changes which implies a limited ability of crowdfunding campaigns to reduce demand uncertainty.

Assessing the use of a semisubmersible oil platform as a motion-based sea wave sensor. / Avaliação do uso de uma plataforma de óleo e gás do tipo semi-submersível como um sensor de onda marítimo baseado em movimento.

Soler, Jordi Mas 11 December 2018 (has links)
This thesis assesses the use of the measured motions of a semisubmersible oil platform as a basis for estimating on-site wave spectra. The inference method followed is based on the wave buoy analogy, which aims at solving the linear inverse problem: estimate the sea state, given the measured motions and the transfer function of the platform. Directional wave inference obtained from the records of vessels motions is a technique that has seen its application grow signicantly over the last years. As a matter of fact, its applications in ships with forward speed and ship-shaped moored platforms (such as FPSOs) have provided good results. However, little research has been done regarding the use of semisubmersible platforms as wave sensors. This is due to the fact that these platforms are designed to present no signicant responses when excited by waves. Notwithstanding this, the semisubmersible platforms are characterized by measurable small motions. Moreover, if compared with ship-shaped motion-based wave sensors, the responses of the semisubmersibles are in better agreement with the response characteristics estimations obtained by means of linear hydrodynamic models. In addition, the eminently linear characteristics of the responses often lasts even for severe wave conditions. This feature results in that the semisubmersible platforms stand as a promising wave sensor even for extreme sea states, conditions in which other types of sensors (i.e. buoys, radars) may face diculties. Throughout the text, the main results of this work are presented and discussed. These results are mainly based on a dedicated experimental campaign, carried out with a scaled model of the Asgar-B platform, which is a semisubmersible platform located in the Asgard eld oshore Norway. Regarding the sea states tested during the experiential campaign, they were estimated by means of a motion-based Bayesian inference method, which has been developed for more than then years at the EPUSP. In order to allow the adoption of the semisubmersible platforms as a motion based wave sensors, this thesis provides two signicant improvements of the method: rst, a method to obtain an estimation of the linearized equivalent external viscous damping is provided. This analytical methodology allows to reduce the uncertainty of the transfer function of the platform close to the resonances of the motions and, as a consequence, it increases the accuracy of the inference approach. The second relevant contribution is the development of an alternative prior distribution, which is adopted to introduce the prior beliefs regarding the sea state in the Bayesian inference approach. It is shown that although some aspects of this novel approach require further evaluation in future work, the prior distribution developed has potential to improve the accuracy of wave estimates, and, at the same time, it signi cantly simplies the calibration procedures followed by other state-of-the-art Bayesian wave inference methods. Summing up, the inference approach proposed in this work provides the bases to use each semisubmersible oil platform, which stand as the most common type of oil platforms operated oshore Brasil, as a motion based wave sensor, thus contributing to the possible broadening of the Brazilian oceanographic measurement network. / A presente tese investiga a adoção de plataformas de petróleo semi submersíveis como base para inferência das condições de onda através do monitoramento de seus movimentos. O problema em questão consiste na solução do problema inverso de comportamento em ondas; ou seja, uma vez observados os movimentos da unidade flutuante (e conhecidas suas funções de resposta de movimento), estima-se as condições de ondas que os causaram. Este tipo de método já vem sendo empregado há anos para navios em curso e também para navios convertidos em plataformas de petróleo (os chamados FPSOs) com bons resultados. No entanto, o possível emprego de plataformas semi-submersíveis para o mesmo fim foi muito pouco explorado até o momento. Evidentemente, isso decorre da suposição de que, uma vez que essas estruturas são projetadas com o intuito primeiro de atenuar os movimentos decorrentes das ações de ondas, naturalmente elas não seriam bons sensores para esta finalidade. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese, todavia, contrariam tal suposição. De fato, as semi-submersíveis respondem de forma fraca as ondas, porem esta resposta é mensurável. Não apenas isso, mas, em comparação com os cascos de navios, esta resposta adere melhor às previsões dos modelos hidrodinâmicos lineares a partir dos quais as características da plataforma são estimadas. Ademais, o caráter eminentemente linear da resposta muitas vezes perdura inclusive para condições de ondas severas. Isto, por sua vez, torna as semi-submersíveis promissoras inclusive para a estimação de mares extremos, situação nas quais os outros tipos de sensores (boias, radares) enfrentam dificuldades. Nesta tese, a demonstração destes fatos é sustentada por um extenso conjunto de testes experimentais realizados em tanque de ondas com um modelo em escala reduzida de uma plataforma que hoje opera no Mar do Norte. Para tanto, foi empregado um método de inferência Bayesiana para estimação de ondas em navios que vem sendo desenvolvido na EPUSP há mais de dez anos. Para o estudo das semi-submersíveis o trabalho propõe duas melhorias importantes no método: A primeira consiste em um procedimento analítico para prever o amortecimento hidrodinâmico de origem viscosa dos movimentos observados do casco. Este procedimento permite reduzir as incertezas quanto a função de resposta em condições de ressonância dos movimentos com as ondas e, dessa forma, aumentar a confiabilidade do método. A segunda contribuição relevante é a proposição de uma alternativa para a chamada distribuição a priori originalmente empregada pelo método Bayesiano. Demonstra-se que, embora alguns aspectos desta nova metodologia ainda necessitem de uma avaliação adicional em trabalhos futuros, a nova distribuição tem grande potencial para melhorar a precisão das estimativas de ondas, além de simplificar de maneira significativa os procedimentos atuais de calibração do sistema de inferência. Em suma, o método de inferência aqui proposto abre caminho para tornar cada unidade flutuante de óleo e gás do tipo semi-submersível, um dos sistemas de produção mais frequentes nas costas brasileiras, um eventual ponto de monitoramento de ondas, contribuindo então para a possível ampliação de nossas bases de medição oceanograficas.

Model-Driven Software Architecture for the Management of Educational Resources Metadata / Моделом вођена софтверска архитектура за управљање метаподацима образовних ресурса / Modelom vođena softverska arhitektura za upravljanje metapodacima obrazovnih resursa

Abdyssalam Alhaag (Abdyssalam) Amel 31 October 2018 (has links)
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repozitorijumima.</p><p>Metodologija - Postoji potreba da se u digitalnim repozitorijumima obrazovni resursi opi&scaron;u putem skupa metapodataka koji je specifičan za određenog korisnika ili domen. Obzirom da korisnici ne mogu samostalno da ručno vr&scaron;e izmenu softverske aplikacije, pristup predložen u ovoj disertaciji se zasniva na tehnikama modelom vođenog razvoja softvera, koji treba da omogući prilagođavanje softverske aplikacije programski, bez potrebe za razvojem ili naručivanjem nove aplikacije. Da bi se predloženo re&scaron;enje verifikovalo, sproveden je eksperiment koji evaluira njegove karakteristike.</p><p>Rezultati - U disertaciji je predložena softverska platforma za upravljanje obrazovnim resursima opisanim dinamički pro&scaron;irivim skupom metapodataka. Platforma omogućuje kreiranje modela podataka koji se programski transformi&scaron;u u veb aplikaciju za upravljanje obrazovnim resursima. Na ovaj način, korisnik može da kreira sopstveni model metapodataka koji je odgovarajući u određenom domenu.</p><p>Ograničenja istraživanja/implikacije &ndash; Re&scaron;enje verifikovano od strane korisnicima sa određenim tehničkim znanjem. Potrebno je istražiti prikladnost platforme za domenske eksperte sa ograničenim tehničkim znanjem, koji treba da defini&scaron;u nove skupove metapodataka u svom domenu.</p><p>Praktične implikacije &ndash; Re&scaron;enje se može koristiti u digitalnim repozitorijuma koji skladi&scaron;te raznolike obrazovne resurse. Svaki resurs može biti opisan koristeći metapodatke iz domena kojem resurs pripada.<br />Originalnost/vrednost - Digitalni repozitorijumi standardno opisuju obrazovne resurse koristeći neki generalni skup metapodataka, koji je vi&scaron;e fokusiran na fizičke karakteristike resursa, umesto na njihovo značenje. Predloženo re&scaron;enje uvodi proizvoljnu domenski-zavisnu semantiku u opis resursa, čime se unapređuje njihovo dobavljanje.</p>

L’intégration du covoiturage dans le système de mobilité francilien : hybrider le transport collectif et individuel pour asseoir l’hégémonie de l’automobile ? / The integration of carpooling in the Île-de-France mobility systemHybridize the collective and individual transport to establish the hegemony of the automobile ?

Delaunay, Teddy 24 September 2018 (has links)
Les initiatives visant à développer le covoiturage au quotidien et sur de courtes distances font l’objet d’une attention croissante d’acteurs privés et publics depuis l’essor de la pratique sur de longues distances. Cette thèse analyse la manière dont les services de covoiturage intègrent le champ de l’action publique et interroge les transformations qu’ils occasionnent sur le système de mobilité en place. La thèse est structurée en quatre parties. Le cadrage théorique et méthodologique précise la démarche de recherche, qui s’ancre sur trois entrées : les relations entre territoire et système de mobilité, le changement dans l’action publique et le processus de diffusion des innovations dans la société. Ces approches théoriques sont mobilisées pour répondre à la problématique et étudier des expérimentations de services de covoiturage dans les franges de l’Île-de-France (partie 1). La seconde partie retrace la généalogie du covoiturage pour montrer comment il s’affirme comme nouvel élément du système de mobilité et comme un objet d’action publique (partie 2). Nous étudions ensuite le processus de diffusion du covoiturage et l’ampleur de son intégration au sein de l’action publique de transport (partie 3) avant d’analyser les transformations provoquées sur le système de mobilité (partie 4).Cette recherche précise comment les politiques publiques de promotion du covoiturage, initialement mises en œuvre pour limiter les externalités négatives de l’automobile, tendent désormais à concurrencer l’offre de transport publique routière. Ce travail montre ensuite comment s’ouvre une fenêtre d’opportunité pour le développement du covoiturage en France et expose les difficultés que rencontrent les acteurs de l’action publique pour s’approprier cette innovation. La thèse rend également compte de l’émergence de nouvelles formes de services de covoiturage, de nature infrastructurelle, qui favorisent la territorialisation des politiques publiques de covoiturage et l’intégration de ce mode dans le champ du service public de transport. Dans un dernier temps, cette recherche montre qu’en tendant vers une hybridation des modèles de transport collectif-public et individuel-privé, le covoiturage ébranle les principes du service public et promeut une représentation libérale de la notion d’intérêt général. Ce faisant, plus qu’il ne remet en cause les logiques sur lesquelles se fonde notre système de mobilité, il participe au renforcement du système automobile. Ce travail mesure ainsi les limites d’une logique de croissance et d’individualisation des services de mobilités et conclut en proposant des pistes pour optimiser le covoiturage en limitant le risque que les gains de performances promis par ce nouveau modèle ne renforcent trop, à terme, les externalités négatives du système automobile / Initiatives aiming to develop carpools on a daily basis have been receiving increasing attention from private and public stakeholders since the rise of long-distance practice. This thesis analyzes how do carpooling services fit the field of public action and the transformations they cause on the mobility system in place. The thesis is structured in four parts. The theoretical and methodological framework specifies the research approach, which is anchored upon three entries: the relationship between the territory and the mobility system, the change in public action and the process of diffusion of innovations in society. These theoretical approaches are mobilized for an-swering to the research question and analyzing experiments of carpool services in the fringes of Ile-de-France (part 1). The second part traces the genealogy of carpooling and demonstrates how it becomes a new element of the public transport system and an object of public policies (part 2). We then study the diffusion process of the innovation and the extent of its integration into the public transport action (part 3), before analyzing the transformations caused on the mobility system (part 4).This research specifies how public policies promoting carpool were originally implemented to limit the negative externalities of the automobile system, and now tends to compete with the public road transport offer. This work then shows how a policy window open for the development of carpooling in France and exposes the difficulties that actors of the public action meets to appropriate this innovation. This research also presents the emergence of new forms of carpool infrastructure-related services, which favors the territorialization of carpool in the public transport policies and the integration of this mode of transport in the public’s utilities. Lastly, this research shows that, by tending towards a hybridization of public-private and individual-private transport models, carpooling un-dermines the principles of public service and promotes a liberal representation of the no-tion of general interest. In doing so, it is more likely that it strengthened the automobile system rather than it modifies it. Finally, this work demonstrate the limits of the growth and the individualization of mobility services and concludes by proposing ways to optimize carpooling by limiting the risk that the performance gains promised by this new model will reinforce, over time, the negative externalities of the automobile system

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