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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

群眾外包平台的服務參與良性循環之研究 / A Study of Virtuous Cycle of Service Participation on Crowdsourcing Platforms

李欣穎, Lee, Agnes H.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資通訊的快速發展,使得我們進入一個雲端、社群以及行動的時代,人們利用網際網路便捷的特性,創建各式平台,有效地把大家串聯在一起,從個人、企業、社區、政府到國家。近年來,不論學界或業界人們大量運用群眾外包這個概念,在網路上展開平台革命,用更有彈性的方式來解決各種問題和完成任何事情。然而這種靠著群眾力量而運作的平台,除了現有的外在技術環境(科技)以及引人入勝的產品服務(核心價值),更重要的是有快速應變的配套措施(策略佈局與操作機制),才能夠促使群眾外包平台不斷地隨著人流的成長,產生豐富的資訊流,進而帶動金流,讓平台得以持續壯大。 本研究的主要目的是探索與了解成功的群眾外包平台的經營,如何誘發和刺激群眾外包平台上產品服務提供者(供給方)以及產品服務要求者(需求方)的使用動機,使得該平台能夠維持有一個良好的運作循環、持續成長茁壯。本研究採用質性個案研究,透過少數的文獻和大量的網路、報章、媒體等個案資料,分為兩個階段進行研究。第一階段,根據蒐集的資料,(一)我們建立四種類型的群眾外包平台:資訊型、勞務型、線上和線下型、創造型;(二)找出使用者的平台服務參與之動機與平台供需平衡的經營管理之關鍵因素和概念架構圖。第二階段,我們鎖定四家在台灣的勞務型群眾外包平台,進行專家訪談,透過訪談來驗證並修改使用者平台服務參與之動機和平台良性循環之關鍵因素,更深入地了解(一)群眾外包平台上的供給者多受到內在動機的刺激,而要求者則多受到外在動機的刺激在平台上有服務參與的行為;(二)確認在經營群眾外包平台事,平台受到技術環境、策略佈局和操作機制等三個層面的多個關鍵因素影響,要讓平台朝向良好的正向運作循環經營下去,這三個重要層面的相關的關鍵因素是值得去注意和加強的。簡而言之,透過本研究,能夠幫助學界和業界的群眾外包平台的經營者都更進一步了解群眾外包平台及其成功經營的做法。 / Crowdsourcing is a phenomenon that is receiving attention both inside and outside of academia. With the rapid development of ICT and the prevalence of the Internet, the crowdsourcing platform business model has had a dynamic impact on the market. Crowdsourcing offers a good transactional environment in which to fulfill people’s needs and wants, seizing values from products and/or services that are provided and/or requested in more flexible ways to solve problems and accomplish virtually anything in recent years. However, it is important to understand why participants (on both the supply and demand sides) join platforms to provide and request products and/or services. In addition, the operation of such platforms using the power of crowds includes three dimensions – technology assistance, strategy deployment, and operational mechanisms – to constantly attract and balance the flow of crowds, to generate information flows, and to stimulate the cash flows that allow the platform to continue to grow. The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) to explore what drives people to deliver and capture values by providing and requesting products or services on crowdsourcing platforms and (2) to investigate how to manage a successful crowdsourcing platform by motivating their virtuous cycles. This is a qualitative multiple case study. There are two phases to this research. First, based on information gathered across industries and academia, we categorized crowdsourcing platforms into four major types: Information, Labor, Online plus Offline (OplusO), and Creation. We then revealed platform participants’ motivations for service participation and developed a conceptual framework to manage a virtuous cycle of service participation on crowdsourcing platforms. Second, we focused on Labor crowdsourcing platforms in Taiwan by conducting expert interviews to verify and revise our results from the first phase. This research provides a broader view of crowdsourcing platforms and their types in academia. Providers are typically motivated more by intrinsic motivations (autonomy, safety, and trust), whereas requestors are motivated by extrinsic motivations (such as finding practical (alternative) solutions, building reputation, and creating monetary wealth) in the crowdsourcing platform context. Moreover, this research provides practitioners with realistic management references in the technology, strategy, and operational dimensions to ready the platform and to meet the demand in the market. Technology is at the beginning of adopting crowdsourcing platforms and should be scalable. Scalability of the crowdsourcing platform involves constructing an ecosystem for a good transactional environment that facilitates growth, such that strategy deployment and operational mechanisms play important roles to support.

Cloud application platform - Virtualization vs Containerization : A comparison between application containers and virtual machines

Vestman, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Context. As the number of organizations using cloud application platforms to host their applications increases, the priority of distributing physical resources within those platforms is increasing simultaneously. The goal is to host a higher quantity of applications per physical server, while at the same time retain a satisfying rate of performance combined with certain scalability. The modern needs of customers occasionally also imply an assurance of certain privacy for their applications. Objectives. In this study two types of instances for hosting applications in cloud application platforms, virtual machines and application containers, are comparatively analyzed. This investigation has the goal to expose advantages and disadvantages between the instances in order to determine which is more appropriate for being used in cloud application platforms, in terms of performance, scalability and user isolation. Methods. The comparison is done on a server running Linux Ubuntu 16.04. The virtual machine is created using Devstack, a development environment of Openstack, while the application container is hosted by Docker. Each instance is running an apache web server for handling HTTP requests. The comparison is done by using different benchmark tools for different key usage scenarios and simultaneously observing the resource usage in respective instance. Results. The results are produced by investigating the user isolation and resource occupation of respective instance, by examining the file system, active process handling and resource allocation after creation. Benchmark tools are executed locally on respective instance, for a performance comparison of the usage of physical resources. The amount of CPU operations executed within a given time is measured in order determine the processor performance, while the speed of read and write operations to the main memory is measured in order to determine the RAM performance. A file is also transmitted between host server and application in order to compare the network performance between respective instance, by examining the transfer speed of the file. Lastly a set of benchmark tools are executed on the host server to measure the HTTP server request handling performance and scalability of each instance. The amount of requests handled per second is observed, but also the resource usage for the request handling at an increasing rate of served requests and clients. Conclusions. The virtual machine is a better choice for applications where privacy is a higher priority, due to the complete isolation and abstraction from the rest of the physical server. Virtual machines perform better in handling a higher quantity of requests per second, while application containers is faster in transferring files through network. The container requires a significantly lower amount of resources than the virtual machine in order to run and execute tasks, such as responding to HTTP requests. When it comes to scalability the prefered type of instance depends on the priority of key usage scenarios. Virtual machines have quicker response time for HTTP requests but application containers occupy less physical resources, which makes it logically possible to run a higher quantity of containers than virtual machines simultaneously on the same physical server.

Taking architecture and compiler into account in formal proofs of numerical programs / Preuves formelles de programmes numériques en prenant en compte l'architecture et le compilateur

Nguyen, Thi Minh Tuyen 11 June 2012 (has links)
Sur des architectures récentes, un programme numérique peut donner des réponses différentes en fonction du hardware et du compilateur. Ces incohérences des résultats viennent du fait que chaque calcul en virgule flottante est effectué avec des précisions différentes. Le but de cette thèse est de prouver formellement des propriétés des programmes opérant sur des nombres flottants en prenant en compte l’architecture et le compilateur. Pour le faire, nous avons proposé deux approches différentes. La première approche est de prouver des propriétés des programmes en virgule flottante qui sont vraies sur plusieurs architectures et compilateurs. Cette approche ne considère que les erreurs d’arrondi qui doivent être validées quels que soient l’environnement matériel et le choix du compilateur. Elle est implantée dans la plate-forme Frama-C pour l’analyse statique de code C. La deuxième approche consiste à prouver des propriétés des programmes en analysant leur code assembleur. Nous nous concentrons sur des problèmes et des pièges qui apparaissent sur des calculs en virgule flottante. L’analyse directe du code assembleur nous permet de considérer des caratéristiques dépendant de l’architecture ou du compilateur telle que l’utilisation des registres en précision étendue. Cette approche est implantée comme une sur-couche de la plate-forme Why pour la vérification déductive. / On some recently developed architectures, a numerical program may give different answers depending on the execution hardware and the compilation. These discrepancies of the results come from the fact that each floating-point computation is calculated with different precisions. The goal of this thesis is to formally prove properties about numerical programs while taking the architecture and the compiler into account. In order to do that, we propose two different approaches. The first approach is to prove properties of floating-point programs that are true for multiple architectures and compilers. This approach states the rounding error of each floating-point computation whatever the environment and the compiler choices. It is implemented in the Frama-C platform for static analysis of C code. The second approach is to prove behavioral properties of numerical programs by analyzing their compiled assembly code. We focus on the issues and traps that may arise on floating-point computations. Direct analysis of the assembly code allows us to take into account architecture- or compiler-dependent features such as the possible use of extended precision registers. It is implemented above the Why platform for deductive verification

En jämförande studie i prestanda mellan React Native och Ionic

Stenqvist, Oscar, Claesson, Tommy January 2019 (has links)
Purpose – To examine if there is any difference regarding performance between the two frameworks Ionic and React Native to ease decisions which one to use when developing mobile applications. Method – A comparative study with hypothesis based on earlier studies are tested with different experiments. Findings – Ionic is performing faster in the majority of the experiments, but at the same time its CPU and memory usage is higher. The results also show that React Native is struggling with larger data-sets. Implications – The study is contributing to a wider knowledge about cross-platform frameworks performance, and therefore facilitates the choice on which framework is more preferable to use. Limitations – The study only includes Ionic and React Native, and no conclusions can therefore be applied to any other cross-platform frameworks. The results are not generalizable to cross- platform native vs cross-platform hybrid, or Android vs IOS / Syfte – Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det är någon skillnad prestandamässigt mellan ramverken Ionic och React Native för att utveckla ett beslutsunderlag och underlätta val av ramverk vid utveckling av applikationer. Metod – En jämförande studie som införskaffat en teoretisk bakgrund genom en litteraturstudie, och sedan framställt hypoteser som testats genom olika experiment. Resultat – Studiens resultat visade att Ionic presterade snabbare än React Native i majoriteten av experimenten, samtidigt som CPU och minnesanvändningen var högre. Resultaten beror antagligen på hur ramverken använder sig av olika tekniker som bland annat DOM och virtuell DOM för att rendera saker på skärmen. Resultaten visar också att React Native har stora problem att rendera större datamängder då applikationen låser sig fram till dess att den lyckats rendera allt. Implikationer – Studien bidrar till att bredda kunskapsbasen och underlätta vid val mellan olika ramverk för utveckling av cross-platform applikationer. Begränsningar – Studien avhandlar bara React Native och Ionic som ramverk, inga slutsatser kan dras för skillnader mellan cross-platform native och cross-platform hybrid. Applikationerna är byggda utan tidigare erfarenhet utav ramverken.

Vendor Lock-in in the transistion to a Cloud Computing platform

Fawzy Kamel, Menatalla Ashraf January 2015 (has links)
The thesis introduces a study about the vulnerabilities that a company as Scania IT faces towards vendor lock-in in the transition to a cloud computing platform. Cloud computing is a term that refers to anetwork of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data, rather than on a local server or a personal computer. Vendor lock-in is an outcome that causes companies to pay a significant cost to move between cloud providers. The effects that cause vendor lock-in that will be described are portability, interoperability and federation are called the lock-in effects. The goal of the research is to help Scania IT understand the vendor lock-in and the vulnerabilities they can face in the transition to the cloud as well as to clarify the concern that they may have against falling in vendor lock-in. The main purpose of the research is to present the various lock-in effects that are related to the transition from one cloud provider to another and the vulnerabilities that cause companies to fall in vendor lock-in. The thesis presents the reasons that motivates why Scania IT would consider using the cloud and the concerns that they may have against usage of a cloud computing platform. The results will be based on a case study of a similar company that has moved to a cloud provider and specifically Microsoft Azure and an interview of Microsoft Azure point of view with the risk of vendor lock-in. Finally, a process of interviews with different people from Scania IT to extract the current bottleneck in the development process that caused the company to think of a cloud computing platform. The results show that companies should consider many risks and factors while moving to the cloud, as vendor lock-in, cloud maturity index and their IT strategies. As a result, the thesis gives recommendations of the steps needed to minimize the risks of the cloud while maintaining the positivity of the cloud. / Uppsatsen presenterar en studie om de sårbarheter som ett företag som Scania IT har mot inlåsning i övergången till molntjänster. Molntjänster är en term som hänvisar till ett nätverk av servrar som finns på internet för att lagra, hantera och processa data, istället för på en lokal server eller en persondator. Inlåsning är ett resultat i vilket orsakar att företagen behöver betala en betydande kostnad för att flytta mellan molnleverantörer. De effekter som orsakar inlåsning vilket kommer att beskrivas är portabilitet, interoperabilitet och federation, dessa kallas inlåsningseffekter. Målet med forskningen är att hjälpa Scania IT att förstå inlåsning och sårbarheter som de kan möta i övergången till molnet. Dessutom är målet att klarlägga riskerna som de kan ha mot att falla i inlåsning. Det huvudsakliga syftet med forskningen är att presentera de olika inlåsningseffekter som är relaterade till övergången från en molnleverantör till en annan samt de sårbarheter som orsakar företagen att falla i inlåsning. Uppsatsen presenterar skäl som motiverar varför Scania IT ska överväga att använda molnet samt den oro som de kan ha mot användning av en molnleverantör. Resultaten kommer att baseras på en fallstudie av ett liknande företag som har flyttat till en molnleverantör och specifikt Microsoft Azure samt en intervju av Microsoft Azure synvinkel med risken för inlåsning. Slutligen, en rad av intervjuer med olika personer från Scania IT för att extrahera den nuvarande flaskhalsen i utvecklingsprocessen som orsakade företaget att tänka på molntjänster. Resultaten visar att företagen bör överväga många risker och faktorer när de flyttar till molnet, som exempelvis inlåsning, cloud maturity index och deras IT-strategier. Som ett resultat ger examensarbetet nödvändiga rekommendationer för att minimera riskerna för molnet samtidigt som positivitet av molnet.

平台型開放式企業的形塑過程:i mode 與 blade.org 個案探討 / Formation of the open platform:case studies of i-mode and blade.org

黃繼平, Huang, Ji Ping Unknown Date (has links)
自從二十世紀末以來,管理學者就開始高倡環境不再穩定,企業必須做出相應的改變,才能維持競爭優勢,持續生存下去。為了適應當今的動盪環境,企業發展出網絡式組織的型態,甚至形成跨越組織、互補共存的「平台」與「社群」。同時,企業也發覺自己無法掌握所有的創新靈感、人才、資源,必須跨越組織的疆界,向外尋求協助,進行「開放式創新」。新型態的組織正在成形,尤其發生在高知識密集或者高科技產業中。台灣以高科技產業聞名事業,供應鏈佈局全球,不久的未來(甚至是現在)極有可能產生諸多新型態的組織,因此我們不得不重視這樣的趨勢。 本論文在文獻探討的部分,把焦點放在三大議題上:開放式創新、平台企業、協作社群。吾人試圖尋找這些互異現象的整合架構,從學者的文獻中規納理論架構,找出形塑「開放平台」的重要面向,分別是「核化」與「拔尖」。接著以NTT DoCoMo從1990年代開始發展的i-mode平台,以及IBM在2005年成立的Blade.org社群作為分析個案,用以證實該理論架構的可行性。 最後,本論文歸納出以下結論:首先,企業建構平台時,須運用組織內部資源,但擺脫組織惰性;其次,當企業本身對平台控制程度高時,由企業來形塑平台的使命陳述。企業本身對平台的控制程度低時,平台需要有替代機制,為平台擬定發展方向;第三,發展平台須掌握最小限度的控制,最大程度的發揮;第四,尋求外部連結必須儘量跨越產業,讓平台有更多不同的應用,使平台擴大;第五,平台的形塑過程是個動態過程。 / Management scholars claim the business environment has been dramatically change since the end of 20th century. Enterprises have to respond the transformation of such environment in order to pursue the sustainable advantage and constant deveplopment. To adapt to the dynamic and using knowledge efficiently and effective, enterprise has changed from bureaucracy to networking and cross-boundary organization, which are the so-call platform or community type organization. In the meantime, enterprises gradually find out that they are unable to deal with all the ideas, human resources and corporate assets. Instead, they have to cross the boundary, seek assistance from outside innovators. New type of organization is going to emerge, especially in the knowledge-intensive or high technology industries. Taiwan is world-famous for its development of high technology industry. Also, networking connections among the high-tech companies are widely expanding all over the world. Therefore, it is expectable that the new type of organization will be formed in Taiwan in the near future, and it worthwhile for us to pay attention to the trend. In the content of this paper, the literature review is primarily focused three major issues: open innovation, platform enterprises and collaborative communities. This paper has tried to put the three different kinds of system into an integrated framework, together with inclusion from the scholars' theories, to conclude that an open platform can be formed in two dimensions. These two dimensions are called "coring" and "tipping". To conduct a case study, the research also chose for purpose of analysis and attempted to prove the feasibility of the integrated framework. The cases were obtained from business operational phenomena of companies respectively: i-mode which is owned by NTT DoCoMo, and Blade.org, which is owned by IBM. The research came to the conclusions in five aspects. First, while building the open platform, enterprise should manipulate the resource of the existing business and try to shed the inertia as well as the bureaucracy. Second, a platform leader has to mould the mission statement for the platform controlled by the leader in a great degree. If the platform is not close to the leader, the leader has to create a substitute institution to replace the function of the leader. Third, a manager has to maintain minimum control to facilitate the members of the platform to develop the function and performance heartily by their own. Fourth, a platform leader should try its best to connect with the outside innovation across the industries and develop various applications for easy access. Fifth, formation of the open platform is always a dynamic process.

Middle-Hauterivian to Lower-Campanian sequence stratigraphy and stable isotope geochemistry of the Comanche platform, south Texas

Phelps, Ryan Matthew, 1982- 11 July 2012 (has links)
Carbonate platforms contain a wealth of information regarding the changing biota, sea level, ocean-chemistry, and climate of the Cretaceous Period. The Comanche platform of the northern Gulf of Mexico represents a vast, long-lived carbonate system that extended from west Texas through the Florida panhandle. In central and south Texas, excellent outcrops and an extensive suite of subsurface data provide an opportunity to document the evolution of this system, from the shoreline to the shelf-margin and slope. This study examines the changing facies, platform morphologies, and shelf-margin architectures of the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic, middle-Hauterivian to lower-Campanian interval. Stratigraphic results are integrated with stable-isotope geochemistry to document the detrimental effects of oceanic anoxic events on the carbonate platform. Seven second-order, transgressive-regressive supersequences of 3-14 Myr duration are defined in south Texas using sequence stratigraphic analysis of shelf-interior facies successions. Second-order supersequences are subdivided into several third-order depositional sequences of 1-3 Myr duration. In these sequences, facies proportions and stratal geometries of the shelf-interior are found to be the result of changing platform morphology and temporal evolution from distally-steepened ramp to rimmed-shelf depositional profiles. Shelf-margin trajectories, stratigraphic architectures, and facies proportions are a function of long-term accommodation trends expressed in second-order supersequences. These characteristics are modified by lateral variability in the underlying structural/tectonic setting and localized syndepositional faulting. The stratigraphic equivalents of oceanic anoxic events 1a, 1b, 1d, 2, and 3 are documented in the Cretaceous section of south Texas. These oceanic anoxic events coincided with maximum flooding zones of supersequences and are linked to carbonate platform drowning events on four separate occasions. The occurrence of oceanic anoxic events is found to be a fundamental driver of carbonate platform morphology, faunal composition, and facies evolution in transgressive-regressive supersequences of the northern Gulf of Mexico. / text

Untersuchungen zum dynamischen Verhalten schwimmender Offshoregründungen

Adam, Frank 20 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Durch Umwandlung unterschiedlichster Formen von Energie in mechanische oder elektrische Energie wird die Menschheit seit Jahrhunderten bei der Umsetzung von Arbeitsprozessen im Alltag und bei der industriellen Nutzung unterstützt. Strömende Medien wie Wasser oder Wind gelten dabei als die ältesten Energielieferanten. Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird das Konzept einer zugspannungsverankerten Plattform für Offshore Windenergieanlagen (WEA) vorgestellt, wobei neben den, für diesen Plattformtyp typischen, vertikalen auch geneigte Verankerungselemente Verwendung finden. Diese Art der Verspannung einer zugspannungsverankerten Plattform, respektive ’Tension Leg Platfrom’ (TLP) ist bisher von keiner Quelle bekannt und stellt ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal dar. Folglich sollen Untersuchungen zum dynamischen Verhalten schwimmender Gründungen für Offshore WEA, im Speziellen zu einer TLP mit vertikalen und geneigten Ankerelementen, im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmalig vorgestellt werden. Die Plattform ist ein modular gestaltetes Tragwerk bestehend aus großen Rohren und mit integrierten zylindrischen Auftriebskörpern. Diese erzeugen im Transportzustand der Plattform vom Hafen zum Einsatzort und im Betriebszustand innerhalb eines Windparks den nötigen Auftrieb. Infolge der speziellen Art der Verspannung werden die Bewegungen der TLP durch die, aus den Belastungen resultierenden, Seildehnungen dominiert. Damit stellte die TLP im Vergleich zu anderen schwimmenden Gründungen ein bewegungsarmes System dar. Inhalt der hier vorgelegten Arbeit sind Untersuchungen zum dynamischen Verhalten schwimmender Offshoregründungen, im speziellen einer TLP für Windenergieanlagen. Es wurden unterschiedliche Tragstrukturen für TLP-Systeme entwickelt und im Rahmen von Modellversuchen getestet. Den Kern der Arbeit bildet der Vergleich des dynamischen Tragverhaltens der unterschiedlichen Plattformen unter Berücksichtigung der geometrischen und strukturellen Randbedingungen.

Automatic generation of software applications

Liang, Dong 07 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) allows moving the software development from the time consuming and error-prone level of writing program code to the next higher level of modeling. In order to gain benefit from this innovative technology, it is necessary to satisfy two requirements. These are first, the creation of compact, complete and correct platform independent models (PIM) and second, the development of a flexible and extensible model transformation framework taking into account frequent changes of the target platform. In this thesis a platform-based methodology is developed to create PIM by abstracting common modeling elements into a platform independent modeling library called Design Platform Model (DPM). The DPM contains OCL-based types for modeling primitive and collection types, a platform independent GUI toolkit as well as other common modeling elements, such as those for IO-operations. Furthermore, a DPM profile containing diverse domain specific and design pattern-based stereotypes is also developed to create PIM with high-level semantics. The behavior in PIM is specified using an OCL-like action language called eXecutable OCL (XOCL), which is also developed in this thesis. For model transformation, the model compiler MOCCA is developed based on a flexible and extensible architecture. The model mapper components in the current version of MOCCA are able to map desktop applications onto JSE platform; the both business object layer and persistence layer of a three-layered enterprise applications onto JEE platform and SAP ABAP platform. The entire model transformation process is finished with complete code generation.

線上遊戲之雲端服務平台發展研究 - 以台灣Z公司為例 / A research on development of the online game cloud service platform - a case study of Taiwan's Z Company

傅慧娟, Fu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文將針對線上遊戲產業之雲端運算服務平台之發展進行研究與探討。從線上遊戲產業發展的現況與趨勢中,看到線上遊戲仍是市場的主流,更是付費機制的成熟產品,但也看到新興遊戲如SNS網頁遊戲、App遊戲的衝擊下,線上遊戲已不再是大型遊戲或是只有大型公司才有能力開發製作的產品,而中小型團隊也開始蜂擁加入開發的行列。 在線上遊戲產品開發流程與產業價值鏈的文獻探討中,看到線上遊戲的開發與營運價值單元,且這些價值單元都是非常符合雲端運算的功能與架構,並再透過詳細解析產品開發流程與營運價值鏈的每個環節中去對應雲端運算架構與功能,分析雲端運算對線上遊戲之開發端及消費端所提昇之價值與效益面,以及線上遊戲之雲端運算服務平台的可能功能與服務模式。 線上遊戲因為具備文件、物件資料量龐大、即時運算需求極高、中小型開發團隊須降低軟硬體開發成本需求殷切以及需要共用之伺服器軟硬體環境,還有備援且不允許因維運、修改、除錯等而可能停機或當機之風險產生等特性,使得在這一波雲端運算的潮流與趨勢中,選擇提供線上遊戲開發與營運之雲端運算平台服務,應是一項可預期的發展機會。 本研究最後透過一家已推出線上遊戲雲端運算服務平台的個案研究,再呼應前面線上遊戲與雲端運算功能與架構的關聯框架及分析,最後提出對個案公司應以大量即時運算為核心能力,提供跨業服務、以核心技術發展技轉與合作營運模式、結合HTML5或Yahoo的YUI等技術,全力搶攻新興連線遊戲市場、研發雲端Server端引擎產品等建議外,也對線上遊戲之雲端運算服務平台提出可發展SaaS、PaaS、IaaS等各別專業及可具備彈性且可發展成機動組合的混合型雲端服務模式之結論與建議等。 / This report is the research and investigation of the cloud computing platform development in online game industry. We find that online game is still the mainstream as well as a developed product under the paid mechanisms through the condition and trend of online game industry. However, because of the impact of SNS website game and App game, the online game no longer just a hug online game or develop by big companies, instead the medium and small groups can develop the online game as well now. We find out that there are some unites in the literature investigated the development process and industrial value chain of online fit in with the function of cloud computing and its framework. In addition, we will do the detailed analysis of production developing process and operation value to correspond to the function and framework of cloud computing, analyze the value and benefit the cloud computer can do to improve the beginning and consumption-side of online game and its possible function and service mode for online game. The online game needs huge quantity of data in document and object, so the need of instant cloud computing is high. For that reason, when develop the software and hardware, the medium and small groups need to reduce the cost. Moreover, they need the server that can use in both new software and hardware, the backup, un-interruptible power supply and the feature of operating normally while doing the maintenance, modification, debug, etc. So, in the trend of current cloud computing, one of the predictable development opportunity is have the cloud computing platform service that can help to develop and operate online game. In the end, the study will take the case study of cloud computing platform that have released online game as example, correspond to the relevant framework and analysis from the previous online game and the function and framework of cloud computing and finally give the suggests and conclusion to the case company, which is taking great amount of instant cloud computing as core ability, provide cross-field services, use core technology development transformation and cooperation service mode, The use of HTML5 or Yahoo's YUI technology put in all effort to earn the new market of online game and research and develop the cloud computer server engine. Other than that, we also bring up the individual professional service that can develop in the cloud computing platform of online game such as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and the suggestions and conclusions relate to the flexible and assembling-based complex cloud service.

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