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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An?lise de aspectos ergon?micos do colete t?tico - um estudo de caso na ROCAM-RN

Costa, Karla Cristina Tavares 05 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:26:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KarlaCTC_DISSERT.pdf: 1938449 bytes, checksum: 0e27dc3a5851f96c845df4f136c66e74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-05 / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / This thesis aims to analyze the ergonomic and functional aspects of the motorcycle patrolmen tactical vest and make a contribution to improve their technical and tactical characteristics reconciling pleasantness function, improving working conditions of policeman. The start point of this case study was the following hypothesis : The start point of this case study was the following hypothesis: once the policemen prepare their own tactical vests with layouts created by them. So, if someone observes these layouts, s/he will have an understanding of use of those devices and artifacts questions both positive, and negative. This hypothesis was confirmed by the results, considering that it was possible to understand the use of the tactic vests by means of the Policemen s opinion on issues recognized by themselves. It was also possible to understand that users perform interventions, based on their own inventive or learned from the experience of other policemen / A presente disserta??o tem como objetivo analisar os aspectos ergon?micos e funcionais do colete t?tico dos motopatrulheiros da pol?cia militar do RN e apresentar uma contribui??o visando melhorar suas caracter?sticas t?cnicas conciliando agradabilidade e fun??o t?tica, melhorando as condi??es laborais do motopatrulheiro. Partimos da seguinte hip?tese: Considerando que os policiais customizam seus coletes t?ticos e observando como criam seus layouts e fazem uso dos dispositivos presentes nestas customiza??es, levanta-se a hip?tese de que a partir das observa??es se possa chegar a uma compreens?o do uso destes equipamentos, tanto nos quesitos positivos, quanto negativos. Para se comprovar a hip?tese proposta pela disserta??o, procedera-se a uma an?lise dos resultados obtidos pelas entrevistas no local de trabalho, question?rios, filmagens em v?deo e fotos. Os resultados confirmaram a hip?tese. Conseguiu-se compreender o uso do colete t?tico a partir da opini?o dos usu?rios com rela??o a quest?es por eles mesmos apontadas. Pode-se, ainda, perceber que o usu?rio realiza interven??es baseadas na pr?pria inventiva ou aprendida com a experi?ncia de outro policial

Somatosensory attenuation : Differences in the attenuation of self-generated touch in terms of intensity, pleasantness and ticklishness

Stenegren, Erik January 2021 (has links)
The phenomenon of somatosensory attenuation describes the perception that self-generated touch feels weaker than externally generated touch of identical intensity. Previous studies have shown that besides intensity, self-generated touches feel less pleasant and less ticklish than identical externally generated touches. However, previous studies did not systematically assess attenuation across a range of stimuli that can elicit intensity, pleasantness, and ticklishness more efficiently. This thesis aims to replicate these previous observations across a range of tactile stimuli of different intensities and velocities and investigate whether people who attenuate their self-generated touches to a greater extent do so for all aforementioned qualities. Previous studies have shown that participants with lower levels of somatosensory attenuation have more schizotypal personality traits. Twelve volunteers participated in three perceptual tasks where they received touches on their sole generated either by a robot(External) or the participants(Self). Following the strokes, participants had to rate the sensation from 0(not at all) to 100(extremely). For the intensity task, we manipulated the intensity of the applied forces (1,2,3,4N). For the pleasantness and ticklishness tasks, we manipulated the velocity of the applied strokes (0.3,1,10,30cm/s). After the tasks, participants completed a Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ). Significant somatosensory attenuation was observed in all tasks, but for specific, not all, stimuli: forces of 4N in terms of intensity, strokes of 1cm/s in terms of pleasantness, and strokes of 10cm/s and 30cm/s in terms of ticklishness. These results suggest that the ability to suppress the tactile consequences of self-generated touch occurs in all three tactile qualities.

Färgtemperaturens påverkan på trivsel i bostadsområden / The effect of colour temperature on well-being in residential areas

Laxmyr, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en inblick i hur färgtemperaturen kan påverka personers trivsel i bostadsområden. Detta är för att få en förståelse om hur ljusets färgtemperatur påverkar personers trivsel, positiva eller negativa effekter och vilka skillnader som syns med det olika färgtemperaturerna. Metod: Två metoder användes i studien. Ett frågeformulär skapades med 8 självtagna bilder med tillhörande frågor. Efter att deltagarna svarat på enkäten, genomfördes intervjuer med fem deltagare som valdes ut genom hur det svarade på frågorna och fick utveckla sina svar. Resultat: Resultaten visar att det finns en skillnad mellan varmt och kallt ljus, i hur det påverkar trivseln. Hur det påverkar trivseln beror dock på vad deltagare anser själva är en trivsam belysning. Ur frågeformulär var det en stor variation av deltagare som kopplade låg färgtemperatur till komfort och hemlik atmosfär. Högre färgtemperaturer kopplades mer till trygghet och modernt ljus. Ur intervjuer visade resultatet att fler deltagare föredrar lägre färgtemperatur i bostadsområden, då det känns mer behagligt och mer passande. Färre antal föredrog högre färgtemperaturer och kopplade det till att det lyser upp mer av omgivningen och blev mer följsamt för ögat. Deltagare kopplade mycket till omgivningen då bilderna visade olika områden. Mycket hus, bilar, belysning ifrån hus och grönskan bidrog mycket till att deltagare valde bilderna och kopplade det till hus ljuset spred sig i omgivningen.  Konsekvenser: Studien ger kunskap om färgtemperaturens roll för utomhusbelysning och vikten av den. Detta gynnar boende och gående inom bostadsområden. Genom att veta vilken färgtemperatur som föredras, kan belysning projekteras och planerare kan skapa den belysning som befolkningen anser är nödvändig och trivs bäst med.  Begränsningar: Studien är begränsad till att undersöka endast färgtemperatur i bostadsområden. Intervjuer genomfördes på distans i digital plattform, med hänsyn till rådande situation av covid-19. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain an insight into how colour temperature can affect people's well-being in residential areas. This is to gain an understanding of how the colour temperature of light can affect well-being, whether it affects positively or negatively, if there are differences and in what way it differs. Method: Two methods were used in the study. A questionnaire was created, with 8 self-taken pictures with additional questions. After the participants responded to the questionnaire, interviews were conducted with five participants who were choose by how they answered and were allowed to develop their answers. Findings: The question asked had a broad answer. The results show that there is a difference between low and high colour temperature, how it affects well-being. However, how it affects well-being depends on what the participants consider to be a pleasant lighting. From the questionnaire, there was a large variety of participants who linked low colour temperature to comfort and homely atmosphere. Higher colour temperatures were linked more to security and modern light. From interviews, the results showed that more participants prefer lower colour temperature in residential areas, as it feels more comfortable and more appropriate. Fewer numbers preferred higher colour temperatures and linked it to the fact that it lit up more of the surroundings and became more compliant to the eye. Participants connected a lot to the surroundings as the pictures showed different residential areas. The pictures included a lot of houses, cars, lighting from houses and greenery, which contributed a lot to participants choosing the pictures and linking it to how the light spread in the surroundings. Implications: Conducting a study entails knowledge within the role of colour temperature for outdoor lighting and the importance of having it. This benefits residents and pedestrians in residential areas, by knowing which colour temperature is preferred, lighting can be projected, and planners can create the lighting that the population considers necessary and are most comfortable with. Limitations: The study has mainly focused on the colour temperature in residential area. Interviews were conducted remotely on a digital platform, considering the prevailing situation of covid-19.

Vad utgör och uppfattas som en välutformad gång- och cykelväg? / What constitutes and is perceived as a well-designed walking and cycling path?

Karlsson, Christina January 2021 (has links)
Välplanerade, tydliga och säkra gång- och cykelvägar, hädanefter kallat GC-väg, minskar skaderisken samtidigt som det uppmuntrar användandet av gång eller cykel som färdsätt. Utformningen påverkar dock hur olika människor uppfattar och använder GC-vägarna, samt även passager och korsningar. När utformningen är välgjord och lätt att förstå minskar skaderisken för fotgängare och cyklister. Men vad anser människor är en bra utformning? Litteratur granskades för att få en uppfattning om vilka faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen. Tre generella teman, eller kategorier, kunde identifieras: tydlighet, trygghet och trivsel. Under de tre kategorierna kunde sedan 13 påverkande faktorer räknas: skyltning, markeringar, vägtyp, navigation, sikt, hinder, vägbredd, separering för fotgängare, separering för cyklister, trafikljus, allmän utformning, material och färg. En enkätundersökning, som distribuerades online, genomfördes sedan i vilket respondenter presenterades fem bilder på gång- och cykelvägar fotograferade i Gävle centrum. De ombads värdera de 13 faktorerna i bilderna baserat på hur positivt eller negativt de tyckte faktorn var. Resultaten från enkäten sammanställdes både i helhet och separerat efter de två demografiska grupperna Allmänhet och Yrkeskunniga, varav yrkeskunniga ersattes av studenter från Samhällsplanerarprogrammet på Högskolan i Gävle. För att undersöka skillnaden mellan grupperna prövades hypotesen om studenterna uppfattar och värderar utformningarna annorlunda än allmänheten. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns någon signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna även om studenterna var mer positivt inställda till de flesta faktorerna. Beräkningarna som genomfördes visade även på att respondenterna var neutralt inställda till platserna i bilderna där faktorer kopplade till trivsel ofta upplevdes sämst. / Well-planned, legible, and safe walking and cycling paths help in reducing the risk of injury while encouraging the use of walking or cycling as a means of transport. However, design influence how different people perceive and use the paths, passages, and intersections. When the design is well made and easy to understand the risk of injury to pedestrians and cyclists is reduced. But what do people perceive as good design? Literature was examined to get a comprehensive idea of which factors influence the perception. Three general themes, or categories, were identified: clarity, security, and pleasantness. As part of the three categories 13 influencing factors could then be found: signage, markings, road type, navigation, visibility, obstacles, road width, separation of path for walking, separation of path for cycling, traffic lights, general design, material, and colour. An online survey was then conducted in which respondents were presented with five photos of pedestrian and bicycle paths photographed in the city centre of Gävle. The respondents were asked to evaluate the 13 factors in the pictures on whether they found the factor as a positive or a negative influence. The results from the survey were compiled both as a whole and separately according to the two demographic groups General public and Professionals, in which spatial planning students from Högskolan i Gävle functioned as stand-ins for professionals. To investigate the difference between the groups a hypothesis was tested: if the students perceive and value the designs differently. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the groups, even though the students were somewhat more positive towards most of the factors. The calculations that were carried out also showed that the respondents were neutral to the places in the pictures, except for factors linked to pleasantness that were often perceived more negative than the rest.

Etude du contrôle hédonique de la prise alimentaire par l'analyse des potentiels évoqués gustatifs / Study of hedonic control of food intake using gustatory evoked potentials

Jacquin-Piques, Agnès 13 October 2016 (has links)
Les techniques d’électrophysiologie chez les animaux et d’imagerie fonctionnelle chez l’Homme ont permis d’étudier le contrôle hédonique de la prise alimentaire. Ce contrôle hédonique n’a cependant jamais été exploré chez l’Homme par l’étude des potentiels évoqués gustatifs (PEG), de meilleure résolution temporelle que l’imagerie fonctionnelle. Le premier objectif de la thèse a été de mettre au point une technique fiable et reproductible de recueil des PEG, en regard des aires cérébrales gustatives, en réponse à une stimulation sapide. Le deuxième objectif a été d’étudier les variations des PEG en fonction de la valeur hédonique de la prise alimentaire. Le travail de thèse a permis de mettre au point l’enregistrement des PEG, réalisés chez plus de 100 jeunes sujets sains. Les comparaisons effectuées entre les enregistrements cérébraux obtenus en réponse à l’eau seule ou à l’huile de paraffine, solutions non palatables, et après stimulation par une solution sapide ont permis d’apporter des arguments forts en faveur de l’origine gustative des potentiels évoqués enregistrés. L’analyse des PEG a permis de mettre en évidence des modifications de l’activation cérébrale en fonction du plaisir alimentaire, traduites par des changements de latence ou d’amplitude des PEG. Plusieurs situations connues pour faire varier le plaisir alimentaire ont été étudiées : avant/après repas ; stimulation par des solutions sucrées d’intensités différentes ou de valeurs énergétiques différentes ; stimulation par des acides gras. Des PEG en réponse aux acides gras à longue chaine (acides linoléiques) ont été enregistrés par ce biais, renforçant l’hypothèse du «gras» en tant que sixième saveur primaire. / Hedonic control of food intake has been studied using neurophysiological investigations in animals and functional imaging in humans. Gustatory evoked potentials (GEPs), a higher time resolution technique than functional imaging, have never been used for this purpose. The first aim of this thesis was to establish a reliable recording of GEPs in humans, in response to a sapid stimulus. The second aim was to determine the GEPs modifications according to the hedonic value of food intake. GEPs recording was performed in response to an intermittent stimulation of a sapid solution in more than 100 young healthy subjects. The comparisons between cerebral recordings in response to water or paraffin oil, non palatable solutions, and in response to sapid solutions (sucrose, sodium chlorure and fatty acids) allow us to advance strong arguments for the gustative nature of the recorded evoked potentials. GEPs analysis underlined changes in cerebral activation according to the hedonic value of the stimulus. These changes in cerebral activation were highlighted by modifications of GEPs latency or amplitude. Several physiological situations, marked by different pleasantness of food stimulation, were studied: before/after food intake, stimulation by sweet solutions with different concentrations or different caloric contents, stimulation by fatty acids. Moreover, GEPs in response to long chain fatty acids (linoleic acids) were recorded, reinforcing the hypothesis that fatty acids could be the sixth primary flavor.

Senzorické a senzitivní dysfunkce u neurodegenerativních postižení bazálních ganglií. / Sensory and sensitive dysfunctions in neurodegenerative disorders of the basal ganglia.

Kopal, Aleš January 2019 (has links)
Complex functions of the basal ganglia are affected by numerous sensory and sensitive stimuli. In our studies, we investigated parameters of sense of smell and vision in neurodegenerative diseases of the basal ganglia - Parkinson's disease (PD) and Huntington's disease (HD). In the first study, we use Odourized Markers Test (OMT) to determine its applicability in PD patients, and to determine whether it distinguishes olfactory disorders between neurodegenerative and other disorders. Results show that OMT is applicable for PD patients and comparable to Sniffin' Sticks as it demonstrates gains of lower scores in PD patients compared to healthy subjects, but they do not differentiate other etiology of olfactory disorders. In the next study, we tested the pleasantness of odor stimulants in PD patients using New test of odor pleasantness (NTOP). We investigated suitability and validity of its use. We found that PD patients had lower odor rating score compared to healthy group correlated with Sniffin' Sticks and OMT. In the following study, we examined whether PD patients with visual hallucinations (PDH+) have structural retinal changes measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and functional retinal changes examined by 2,5% contrast sensitivity test compared to PD patients without hallucinations...

Emotion structure, emotion meaning and emotion episodes of white Afrikaans–speaking working adults / van der Merwe, A.S.

Van der Merwe, Aletta Sophia January 2011 (has links)
Emotion research is an important research topic, thus making the measurement of emotion in the workplace crucial. In attempting to study, understand and measure the role of emotions in the human condition, various researchers have identified different theoretical models to manage the information they have gathered and the observations they have made. In order to study or scientifically investigate any human behaviour, it is essential that such behaviour can be measured, if not quantitatively, then at least qualitatively. However, what one finds with regard to emotion research and measurement are two–dimensional models. The existing affect has been described with a choice of two dimensions and structures, i.e. circumplex, positive and negative affect, tense and energetic arousal, and eight combinations of pleasantness and activation. These two dimensions and structures measure a person’s experiences and, thereafter, report them. The question is if these two–dimensional emotion models are sufficient to cover the broad and often complex dynamics of emotions. The start of multiple–emotion dimension models were reported by researchers, who identified a three–dimensional structure in the emotion domain that is suggestive of the Evaluation–Potency– Activation (EPA) dimensions in the connotative or affective meaning of words. However, in recent studies the sufficiency of two–dimension models to comprehensively investigate emotions was questioned. The three–dimensional emotion model was replicated in cross–cultural similarity sorting studies by other researchers. The similarity sorting studies also indicate the importance of studying emotions in specific cultural contexts. Studying emotion in different cultures is especially relevant in a country such as South Africa that has a variety of cultures and eleven official languages. Researchers followed an approach that studied the meaning of emotion in different cultural groups in the context of 144 emotion features using a componential emotion theory approach. Researchers argue in the groundbreaking research that was published in Psychological Science that emotion meaning has more than only two dimensions. The approach postulated by researchers was tested in a student population of three language groups, namely Dutch–, Englishand French–speaking students. According to researchers this is an empirical and theoretical method to study the meaning of emotions across cultures. However, apart from studying the meaning of emotions in specific cultural groups, research also attempts to determine the meaning of emotion in the natural contexts in which they occur. The relevant natural contexts for the field of Industrial Psychology are the work contexts. It is therefore also important to investigate the categories of emotion episodes in the work environment. The general goal of this study was therefore a) to investigate the emotion lexicon in the white Afrikaans–speaking working adult language group, b) to determine the cognitive emotion structure of this cultural group, c) to investigate the meaning of emotion as comprehensively as possible (multidimensional models of the meaning of emotion), and d) to determine the meaning and content of emotion episodes in the workplace. Research Article 1 The research was subsequently presented in two independent phases. Firstly, a free listing of emotion terms was compiled, and secondly the emotion terms were prototypically rated by Afrikaans–speaking people in South Africa. Both of these were then used as measuring instruments. A survey was designed to explore the research objectives utilising availability samples in two studies. The participants in the free–listing (N=70) and in the prototypicality (N=70) study consisted of native Afrikaans–speaking employees. The sample consisted of participants from the white ethnic group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, North–West and KZN provinces and use was made of an availability sample. After conducting the research, the emotion terms with the highest frequency, as identified during the first study, the free listing task, were to be happy (gelukkig wees), be sad (hartseer wees), love (liefde), anger (kwaad) and hateful (haatlik). The emotion terms with the lowest scores as identified during the free listing were uncomfortable (ongemaklik), painful (seer), be hurt (seergemaak wees), sympathetic (simpatiek) and shout/yell (skreeu). Correspondingly, the five (5) prototypical terms with the highest scores in Afrikaans were nice (lekker), fed–up/had enough (gatvol/“genoeg gehad”), loveable (liefdevol), anger (kwaad) and to be scared (om bang te wees). The five (5) least prototypical terms from the list generated in the free listing task were: unstable (onvas), bashfulness (skugterheid), captivation (geboeidheid), envy (naywer) and delight (opgetoënheid). From the information obtained in this research it was revealed that the emotion terms nice (lekker), fed up/had enough (gatvol/“genoeg gehad”) and loveable (liefdevol) are at this stage unique to the white Afrikaans language group. These terms had not been reported in any previously conducted prototypical studies. The results of this study contribute to a cross–cultural understanding of the emotion concepts within the Afrikaans–speaking language groups in South Africa. Research Article 2 A survey design was used to achieve the research objectives utilising availability samples in a series of one study. The participants of the Similarity study (N=131) consisted of native Afrikaans–speaking employees. The sample consisted of participants from the white ethnicity group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, North– West, KZN and Northern Cape provinces and use was made of an availability sample. Results of Multidimensional Scaling revealed a three–dimensional cognitive emotion structure. The first dimension was the evaluation–pleasantness dimension. This dimension evaluates the pleasantness versus the unpleasantness of an emotion. This dimension is characterised by intrinsic appraisals of pleasantness and goal conduciveness and action tendencies of approach versus avoidance. The second dimension that emerged was a power–control dimension. This dimension is characterised by appraisals of control, how powerful or weak a person feels when a particular emotion is experienced. This includes feelings of dominance or submission, the impulse to act or withdraw and changes in speech and parasymphatic symptoms. The third dimension which emerged was an activation–arousal dimension. According to other researchers this arousal dimension is characterised by sympathetic arousal, e.g. rapid heartbeat and readiness for action. This study produced a cognitive emotion structure in a white Afrikaans–speaking working adult population in South Africa. To add value to the field of Industrial Psychology, the threedimension structure (evaluation–pleasantness, power–control and activation–arousal dimension) that was found, is very important and valuable when studying the meaning of emotion and can consequently be used as a reference for other emotion research constructs. If it is accurate as stated in literature, there are three and not only two emotion dimension structures, and researchers are missing out on a bigger picture for not drawing on the experience of emotion sufficiently. Research Article 3 A survey design and an availability sample (N=120) in the Eastern Cape, Free State and Gauteng provinces in South Africa was utilised for this study. The Meaning Grid was translated and backtranslated and adapted for use in Afrikaans. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients were obtained for the emotion terms. According to the results of the Meaning Grid instrument, the following emotion terms were the highest: disgust (afkeur) 0,95; pleasure (plesier) 0,94; stress (stres) 0,92; happiness (blydskap) 0,91; joy (vreugde) 0,91; fear (bang) 0,91; anger (angstig) 0,91 and hate (haat) 0,90. The emotion terms that scored the lowest with the Meaning Grid instrument were compassion (medelye) 0,79; pride (trots) 0,79 and contempt (minagting) 0,74. Out of the 24 emotion terms of the Meaning Grid instrument, 8 terms were above 0,90 and 13 were between 0,80 and 0,89. Only 3 terms were between 0,74 and 0,79 [compassion (medelye), pride (trots) and contempt (minagting)]. A three–factor solution was found which represented four emotion dimensions (evaluation, arousal/unpredictability and power) that were universal to the emotion structures found in European samples. Factor scores of the 24 Meaning Grid emotions indicate a three–factor solution that explained 62,2 % of the total variance. The first factor was labelled evaluation and explained 43,0% of the variance, the second factor was labelled arousal/unpredictability as it was a combination of arousal and unpredictability and explained 11,0% of the variance, and the third factor was labelled power and explained 8,2% of the variance. This study followed an approach that investigated the meaning structure of emotion in the sample group in the context of 144 emotion features using a componential emotion theory approach. Different researchers argued that emotion meaning has more than only two dimensions. A three–dimensional emotion structure was found that was universal to the emotion structures of three language groups in a European sample. Therefore, the meaning of emotions for this sample group is far more complex than the two–dimensional emotion models that are found in literature. According to the componential emotion theory approach, the 144 emotion features are very important building blocks for Industrial Psychology when studying the meaning of emotion. Research Article 4 A survey design was used in this research study. The Episode Meaning Grid was administered and participants reported on the two intense emotion experiences at work (in total 358 episodes). Employees rated their emotion experiences on features based on the componential emotion theory and also described the emotion events in their own words. The participants in the emotion episodes (N=179) study consisted of native white Afrikaans–speaking working adults. The sample consisted of participants from the white ethnicity group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Free State and North–West provinces and use was made of an availability sample. The results indicated a three–dimensional structure (evaluation–pleasantness, activation–arousal and power–control dimension) was identified within a white Afrikaans–speaking working adult language group. The first dimension was an evaluation–pleasantness dimension. The second dimension was an activation–arousal dimension. The third dimension was a power–control dimension. Regarding the reporting of emotion episodes one hundred and ninety seven respondents reported 84 satisfying emotion episodes and 267 less satisfying emotion episodes that took place at work. Nine different categories of episodes for satisfying emotions experienced were mentioned. It consists of behaviour of work colleagues, acts of boss/superior/management, goal achievement, receiving recognition, workplace policy, task recognition, personal incidents, emotion involvement and subordinate behaviour. The three highest categories of satisfying emotions episodes were “Goal Achievement” (N=31), “Receiving Recognition” (N=20) and “Personal Incidents” (N=10). Goal achievement describes situations where job related targets or goals were met, and receiving recognition refers to positive feedback from managers, supervisors and work colleagues on meeting targets. Nineteen different categories of episodes for less satisfying emotion episodes were mentioned. It consists of behaviour of work colleagues, acts of boss/superior/management, lack of goal achievement, lack of receiving recognition, workplace policy, task requirement, personal incidents, emotional involvement, subordinate behaviour, workload, work mistakes, customer behaviour, external environment, lack of control, physical well–being, involvement in disciplinary action, workplace strikes, wellness of colleagues and unfairness in the workplace. In the categories of less satisfying emotions episodes, the three highest were “Behaviour of Work Colleagues” (N=58), “Acts of Boss/Superior/Management” (N=47) and “Task Requirement” (N=33). The first two categories are appraised less satisfying behaviour towards oneself or others by work colleagues, managers, supervisors and customers. In terms of the categories of satisfying and less satisfying emotions episodes, less satisfying emotion episodes outnumbered satisfying emotions episodes by three to one. By making use of a multi–componential emotion model, the results confirm that the four factors of pleasantness, power, arousal, and unpredictability, in that order of importance, are essential to satisfactorily determine the emotion experience and meaning of emotion terms. A threedimensional emotion structure (evaluation, arousal and power) was found after determining the meaning of emotion in the natural contexts in which they occur. The answer to the question if these two–dimensional emotion models, as stated in literature, are sufficient to cover the broad and often complex dynamics of emotion, is certainly no. Recommendations for the organisation and future research were made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Emotion structure, emotion meaning and emotion episodes of white Afrikaans–speaking working adults / van der Merwe, A.S.

Van der Merwe, Aletta Sophia January 2011 (has links)
Emotion research is an important research topic, thus making the measurement of emotion in the workplace crucial. In attempting to study, understand and measure the role of emotions in the human condition, various researchers have identified different theoretical models to manage the information they have gathered and the observations they have made. In order to study or scientifically investigate any human behaviour, it is essential that such behaviour can be measured, if not quantitatively, then at least qualitatively. However, what one finds with regard to emotion research and measurement are two–dimensional models. The existing affect has been described with a choice of two dimensions and structures, i.e. circumplex, positive and negative affect, tense and energetic arousal, and eight combinations of pleasantness and activation. These two dimensions and structures measure a person’s experiences and, thereafter, report them. The question is if these two–dimensional emotion models are sufficient to cover the broad and often complex dynamics of emotions. The start of multiple–emotion dimension models were reported by researchers, who identified a three–dimensional structure in the emotion domain that is suggestive of the Evaluation–Potency– Activation (EPA) dimensions in the connotative or affective meaning of words. However, in recent studies the sufficiency of two–dimension models to comprehensively investigate emotions was questioned. The three–dimensional emotion model was replicated in cross–cultural similarity sorting studies by other researchers. The similarity sorting studies also indicate the importance of studying emotions in specific cultural contexts. Studying emotion in different cultures is especially relevant in a country such as South Africa that has a variety of cultures and eleven official languages. Researchers followed an approach that studied the meaning of emotion in different cultural groups in the context of 144 emotion features using a componential emotion theory approach. Researchers argue in the groundbreaking research that was published in Psychological Science that emotion meaning has more than only two dimensions. The approach postulated by researchers was tested in a student population of three language groups, namely Dutch–, Englishand French–speaking students. According to researchers this is an empirical and theoretical method to study the meaning of emotions across cultures. However, apart from studying the meaning of emotions in specific cultural groups, research also attempts to determine the meaning of emotion in the natural contexts in which they occur. The relevant natural contexts for the field of Industrial Psychology are the work contexts. It is therefore also important to investigate the categories of emotion episodes in the work environment. The general goal of this study was therefore a) to investigate the emotion lexicon in the white Afrikaans–speaking working adult language group, b) to determine the cognitive emotion structure of this cultural group, c) to investigate the meaning of emotion as comprehensively as possible (multidimensional models of the meaning of emotion), and d) to determine the meaning and content of emotion episodes in the workplace. Research Article 1 The research was subsequently presented in two independent phases. Firstly, a free listing of emotion terms was compiled, and secondly the emotion terms were prototypically rated by Afrikaans–speaking people in South Africa. Both of these were then used as measuring instruments. A survey was designed to explore the research objectives utilising availability samples in two studies. The participants in the free–listing (N=70) and in the prototypicality (N=70) study consisted of native Afrikaans–speaking employees. The sample consisted of participants from the white ethnic group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, North–West and KZN provinces and use was made of an availability sample. After conducting the research, the emotion terms with the highest frequency, as identified during the first study, the free listing task, were to be happy (gelukkig wees), be sad (hartseer wees), love (liefde), anger (kwaad) and hateful (haatlik). The emotion terms with the lowest scores as identified during the free listing were uncomfortable (ongemaklik), painful (seer), be hurt (seergemaak wees), sympathetic (simpatiek) and shout/yell (skreeu). Correspondingly, the five (5) prototypical terms with the highest scores in Afrikaans were nice (lekker), fed–up/had enough (gatvol/“genoeg gehad”), loveable (liefdevol), anger (kwaad) and to be scared (om bang te wees). The five (5) least prototypical terms from the list generated in the free listing task were: unstable (onvas), bashfulness (skugterheid), captivation (geboeidheid), envy (naywer) and delight (opgetoënheid). From the information obtained in this research it was revealed that the emotion terms nice (lekker), fed up/had enough (gatvol/“genoeg gehad”) and loveable (liefdevol) are at this stage unique to the white Afrikaans language group. These terms had not been reported in any previously conducted prototypical studies. The results of this study contribute to a cross–cultural understanding of the emotion concepts within the Afrikaans–speaking language groups in South Africa. Research Article 2 A survey design was used to achieve the research objectives utilising availability samples in a series of one study. The participants of the Similarity study (N=131) consisted of native Afrikaans–speaking employees. The sample consisted of participants from the white ethnicity group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, North– West, KZN and Northern Cape provinces and use was made of an availability sample. Results of Multidimensional Scaling revealed a three–dimensional cognitive emotion structure. The first dimension was the evaluation–pleasantness dimension. This dimension evaluates the pleasantness versus the unpleasantness of an emotion. This dimension is characterised by intrinsic appraisals of pleasantness and goal conduciveness and action tendencies of approach versus avoidance. The second dimension that emerged was a power–control dimension. This dimension is characterised by appraisals of control, how powerful or weak a person feels when a particular emotion is experienced. This includes feelings of dominance or submission, the impulse to act or withdraw and changes in speech and parasymphatic symptoms. The third dimension which emerged was an activation–arousal dimension. According to other researchers this arousal dimension is characterised by sympathetic arousal, e.g. rapid heartbeat and readiness for action. This study produced a cognitive emotion structure in a white Afrikaans–speaking working adult population in South Africa. To add value to the field of Industrial Psychology, the threedimension structure (evaluation–pleasantness, power–control and activation–arousal dimension) that was found, is very important and valuable when studying the meaning of emotion and can consequently be used as a reference for other emotion research constructs. If it is accurate as stated in literature, there are three and not only two emotion dimension structures, and researchers are missing out on a bigger picture for not drawing on the experience of emotion sufficiently. Research Article 3 A survey design and an availability sample (N=120) in the Eastern Cape, Free State and Gauteng provinces in South Africa was utilised for this study. The Meaning Grid was translated and backtranslated and adapted for use in Afrikaans. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients were obtained for the emotion terms. According to the results of the Meaning Grid instrument, the following emotion terms were the highest: disgust (afkeur) 0,95; pleasure (plesier) 0,94; stress (stres) 0,92; happiness (blydskap) 0,91; joy (vreugde) 0,91; fear (bang) 0,91; anger (angstig) 0,91 and hate (haat) 0,90. The emotion terms that scored the lowest with the Meaning Grid instrument were compassion (medelye) 0,79; pride (trots) 0,79 and contempt (minagting) 0,74. Out of the 24 emotion terms of the Meaning Grid instrument, 8 terms were above 0,90 and 13 were between 0,80 and 0,89. Only 3 terms were between 0,74 and 0,79 [compassion (medelye), pride (trots) and contempt (minagting)]. A three–factor solution was found which represented four emotion dimensions (evaluation, arousal/unpredictability and power) that were universal to the emotion structures found in European samples. Factor scores of the 24 Meaning Grid emotions indicate a three–factor solution that explained 62,2 % of the total variance. The first factor was labelled evaluation and explained 43,0% of the variance, the second factor was labelled arousal/unpredictability as it was a combination of arousal and unpredictability and explained 11,0% of the variance, and the third factor was labelled power and explained 8,2% of the variance. This study followed an approach that investigated the meaning structure of emotion in the sample group in the context of 144 emotion features using a componential emotion theory approach. Different researchers argued that emotion meaning has more than only two dimensions. A three–dimensional emotion structure was found that was universal to the emotion structures of three language groups in a European sample. Therefore, the meaning of emotions for this sample group is far more complex than the two–dimensional emotion models that are found in literature. According to the componential emotion theory approach, the 144 emotion features are very important building blocks for Industrial Psychology when studying the meaning of emotion. Research Article 4 A survey design was used in this research study. The Episode Meaning Grid was administered and participants reported on the two intense emotion experiences at work (in total 358 episodes). Employees rated their emotion experiences on features based on the componential emotion theory and also described the emotion events in their own words. The participants in the emotion episodes (N=179) study consisted of native white Afrikaans–speaking working adults. The sample consisted of participants from the white ethnicity group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Free State and North–West provinces and use was made of an availability sample. The results indicated a three–dimensional structure (evaluation–pleasantness, activation–arousal and power–control dimension) was identified within a white Afrikaans–speaking working adult language group. The first dimension was an evaluation–pleasantness dimension. The second dimension was an activation–arousal dimension. The third dimension was a power–control dimension. Regarding the reporting of emotion episodes one hundred and ninety seven respondents reported 84 satisfying emotion episodes and 267 less satisfying emotion episodes that took place at work. Nine different categories of episodes for satisfying emotions experienced were mentioned. It consists of behaviour of work colleagues, acts of boss/superior/management, goal achievement, receiving recognition, workplace policy, task recognition, personal incidents, emotion involvement and subordinate behaviour. The three highest categories of satisfying emotions episodes were “Goal Achievement” (N=31), “Receiving Recognition” (N=20) and “Personal Incidents” (N=10). Goal achievement describes situations where job related targets or goals were met, and receiving recognition refers to positive feedback from managers, supervisors and work colleagues on meeting targets. Nineteen different categories of episodes for less satisfying emotion episodes were mentioned. It consists of behaviour of work colleagues, acts of boss/superior/management, lack of goal achievement, lack of receiving recognition, workplace policy, task requirement, personal incidents, emotional involvement, subordinate behaviour, workload, work mistakes, customer behaviour, external environment, lack of control, physical well–being, involvement in disciplinary action, workplace strikes, wellness of colleagues and unfairness in the workplace. In the categories of less satisfying emotions episodes, the three highest were “Behaviour of Work Colleagues” (N=58), “Acts of Boss/Superior/Management” (N=47) and “Task Requirement” (N=33). The first two categories are appraised less satisfying behaviour towards oneself or others by work colleagues, managers, supervisors and customers. In terms of the categories of satisfying and less satisfying emotions episodes, less satisfying emotion episodes outnumbered satisfying emotions episodes by three to one. By making use of a multi–componential emotion model, the results confirm that the four factors of pleasantness, power, arousal, and unpredictability, in that order of importance, are essential to satisfactorily determine the emotion experience and meaning of emotion terms. A threedimensional emotion structure (evaluation, arousal and power) was found after determining the meaning of emotion in the natural contexts in which they occur. The answer to the question if these two–dimensional emotion models, as stated in literature, are sufficient to cover the broad and often complex dynamics of emotion, is certainly no. Recommendations for the organisation and future research were made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

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