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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réactivité chimique en phase gazeuse de molécules organiques d’intérêt atmosphérique et astrophysique / Chemical reactivity in gaz-phase of organic molécules of atmospherical and astrophysical interests

Sleiman, Chantal 25 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse reporte l'étude expérimentale de la cinétique en phase gazeuse de plusieurs réactions d'intérêt atmosphérique et astrophysique. La connaissance des constantes de vitesse de ces réactions est utile à la compréhension des processus de synthèse et de destruction des molécules dans l'atmosphère terrestre et dans le milieu interstellaire. Sur le plan atmosphérique, nous avons étudié les réactions d'une série d'hydroxycétones, une sous-famille de COV carbonylés, (4-hydroxy-2-butanone, 3-hydroxy-3-méthyl-2-butanone and 4-hydroxy-4-méthyl-2-pentanone) avec le radical OH et l'atome de Chlore Cl afin de définir leur devenir atmosphérique. Nous avons déterminé les constantes de vitesse des réactions de ces hydroxycétones avec le radical OH en absolue à température ambiante et en fonction de la pression en utilisant la cellule cryogénique couplée à la technique PLP-LIF (Photolyse à Laser Pulsé – Fluorescence Induite par Laser). Les constantes de vitesse des réactions de ces hydroxycétones avec Cl ont été mesurées en relative à température ambiante et à pression atmosphérique en utilisant les chambres de simulation atmosphérique couplées aux techniques analytiques de détection : FTIR et GC-MS. En plus, une étude mécanistique a été menée également afin d'identifier et quantifier les produits issus de ces réactions. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus est discuté et nous a permis d'évaluer les implications atmosphériques de ces hydroxycétones (durée de vie et impact sur l'environnement). Le plan astrophysique, la cinétique des réactions impliquant le radical CN et une série de molécules azotées (méthyamine, diméthylamine, triméthylamine et acétonitrile) ont été étudiés sur une large gamme de température (23 K – 354 K) en utilisant la technique CRESU (Cinétique de Réaction en Écoulement Supersonique Uniforme) et la cellule cryogénique couplées à la technique de détection PLP-LIF. Ces études expérimentales ont été accompagnées par des études théoriques afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes réactionnels. Les éventuelles implications astrophysiques de l'ensemble de ces résultats ont fait l'objet d'une discussion détaillée. / This thesis reports the experimental kinetic study of the gas phase reactions of atmospheric and astrophysical interests. The knowledge of the reactions rate constants is useful to understand the mechanisms of formation and destruction of molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere and in the interstellar medium. On the atmospheric side, we have studied the reactions of a series of hydroxyketones (4-hydroxy-2-butanone, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butanone and 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone), a large category of hydroxycarbonyls with OH radicals and chlorine atoms Cl in order to determine their atmospheric fate. We have measured the absolute rate constants of the reactions of hydroxyketones with OH radicals by using the cryogenic cell coupled to PLP-LIF technique (Pulsed Laser Photolysis - Laser Induced Fluorescence) at room temperature and as function of pressure. The relative rate constants of the reactions of the compounds investigated with Cl atoms were measured at room temperature and atmospheric pressure by using the atmospheric simulation chamber coupled to the analytical detection techniques: FTIR and GC-MS. In addition, a mechanistic study was also conducted in order to identify and quantify the products formed from these reactions. The whole results are discussed in order to assess the atmospheric implications of these hydroxyketones (lifetimes and environmental impact). On the astrophysical side, the kinetic of the reactions involving CN radical and a series of nitrogen-containing molecules (methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine and acetonitrile) was studied over a wide range of temperature (23 K - 354 K) using CRESU technique (a French acronym standing for Cinétique de Réaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme) and the cryogenic cell coupled to the detection technique PLP-LIF. These experimental studies were accompanied by theoretical studies to better understand the reaction mechanisms. Possible astrophysical implications of the whole results have been discussed in this study.

Kinetics and Mechanism of Cu-Catalyzed Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization

Sörensen, Nicolai 26 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Analýza Parkinsonovy nemoci pomocí segmentálních řečových příznaků / Analysis of Parkinson's disease using segmental speech parameters

Mračko, Peter January 2015 (has links)
This project describes design of the system for diagnosis Parkinson’s disease based on speech. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system. One of the symptoms of this disease is disability of motor aspects of speech, called hypokinetic dysarthria. Design of the system in this work is based on the best known segmental features such as coefficients LPC, PLP, MFCC, LPCC but also less known such as CMS, ACW and MSC. From speech records of patients affected by Parkinson’s disease and also healthy controls are calculated these coefficients, further is performed a selection process and subsequent classification. The best result, which was obtained in this project reached classification accuracy 77,19%, sensitivity 74,69% and specificity 78,95%.

Utilisation des signaux du cerveau (EEG) et vocaux pour la détection et le monitoring des facultés d'une personne

Ben Messaoud, Aymen January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Bases estructurales de la señalización y regulación por nitrógeno y procesos asociados

Tremiño Agulló, Lorena 28 January 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Enmarcada en la línea de investigación de nuestro laboratorio sobre señalización por nitrógeno principalmente en la cianobacteria Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942, con esfuerzos centrados en las proteínas PII y PipX y su red de señalización, esta Tesis amplía el espectro de moléculas investigadas en relación con dicha red. Estudia y caracteriza el miembro no canónico de la superfamilia de la proteína PII denominado CutA, generalmente anotado como de protección frente a metales divalentes, altamente conservado en todos los dominios de la vida (incluidos animales y el ser humano). En ella examinamos la posible protección frente a metales provista por CutA en dos bacterias muy distantes, Escherichia coli y Synechococcus elongatus, usando knockouts para ambas del gen que codifica para CutA. Ni los estudios de complementación en E. coli del gen silvestre ni los observacionales de sensibilidad a metales en S. elongatus han dado soporte a la función anotada para CutA, a pesar de que demostramos mediante seguimiento turbidimétrico que el Cu2+ hace agregar a la proteína CutA pura de S. elongatus (producida recombinantemente) y por tanto se une a ella, aunque con una afinidad baja por comparación con las concentraciones tóxicas de este metal para dicha cianobacteria. Buscando profundizar en el conocimiento de CutA, hemos determinado a muy alta resolución mediante difracción de rayos X la estructura de esta proteína de S. elongatus, sin evidenciar complejo alguno con cobre, pero demostrando que los tres bolsillos intersubunidades en el homotrímero de CutA son capaces de transportar moléculas orgánicas (en nuestro caso Bis-Tris). Estos resultados apoyan una posible función de CutA basada en la unión a estos bolsillos de biomoléculas neutras o positivamente cargadas y capaces de formar varios puentes de hidrógeno con las paredes de potencial negativo y fuerte carácter polar de estos bolsillos. También hemos estudiado la proteína PipY de S. elongatus, identificada recientemente como pareja funcional de la antes mencionada PipX, determinando sus propiedades espectroscópicas, unión de piridoxal fosfato (PLP) y resolviendo su estructura mediante difracción de rayos X. Probamos que PipY es monomérica y que tiene PLP unido. Su estructura no apoya que sea un enzima, siendo aparentemente apropiada para ejercer una posible función en la homeostasis de PLP. Dado que muy recientemente se ha descrito una epilepsia genética humana dependiente de vitamina B6 debida a mutaciones en el gen humano ortólogo de pipY, PROSC (ahora llamado PLPBP; codifica la proteína PLPHP), usamos inicialmente PipY de S. elongatus y luego PROSC humana como banco de pruebas de la patogenicidad de las mutaciones que se han asociado a esta epilepsia, utilizando para ello mutagénesis dirigida y producción de las formas silvestre y mutantes de estas proteínas, comparando sus propiedades. Estos estudios han demostrado la patogenicidad y establecido mecanismos para la misma para cada una de las mutaciones de cambio de sentido de PROSC descritas hasta ahora en esta epilepsia. Nuestros estudios han representado un importante avance en la comprensión de las proteínas de tipo PipY y de la epilepsia asociada a la forma humana de las mismas. / [CA] Emmarcada en la línia d'investigació del nostre laboratori de senyalització per nitrogen principalment en el cianobacteri Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942, amb esforços centrats en les proteïnes PII i PipX i la seua xarxa de senyalització, esta Tesi amplia l'espectre de molècules investigades en relació amb la dita xarxa. Estudia i caracteritza el membre no canònic de la superfamília de la proteïna PII denominat CutA, generalment anotat com de protecció a metalls divalents, altament conservat en tots els dominis de la vida (inclosos animals i l'ésser humà). En ella examinem la possible protecció front a metalls proveïda per CutaA en dos bacteris molt distants, Escherichia coli i Synechococcus elongatus, usant knockouts del gen que codifica CutA per a ambdues. Ni els estudis de complementació en E. coli del gen silvestre ni els observacionals de sensibilitat a metalls en S. elongatus han donat suport a la funció anotada per CutA, tot i que vam demostrar mitjançant seguiment turbidimétric que el Cu2 + fa agregar a la proteïna CutA pura de S. elongatus (produïda de forma recombinant) i per tant s'uneix a ella, encara que amb una afinitat baixa per comparació amb les concentracions tòxiques d'aquest metall per a aquest cianobacteri. Buscant aprofundir en el coneixement de CutA, hem determinat a molt alta resolució mitjançant difracció de raigs X l'estructura d'aquesta proteïna de S. elongatus, sense evidenciar cap complex amb coure, però demostrant que les tres cavitats formades entre les subunitats del homotrimer de CutA són capaços de transportar molècules orgàniques (en el nostre cas Bis-Tris). Aquests resultats donen suport a una possible funció de CutA basada en la unió a aquestes cavitats de biomolècules neutres o positivament carregades i capaços de formar diversos ponts d'hidrogen amb les parets de potencial negatiu i fort caràcter polar d'aquestes cavitats. També hem estudiat la proteïna PipY de S. elongatus, identificada recentment com a parella funcional de l'abans esmentada PipX, determinant les seves propietats espectroscòpiques, unió de piridoxal fosfat (PLP) i resolent la seva estructura mitjançant difracció de raigs X. Vam provar que PipY és monomèrica i que té PLP unit. La seva estructura no recolza que sigui un enzim, sent aparentment apropiada per a exercir una possible funció en l'homeòstasi de PLP. Atès que molt recentment s'ha descrit una epilèpsia genètica humana dependent de vitamina B6 deguda a mutacions en el gen humà ortòleg de pipY, PROSC (ara anomenat PLPBP; codifica la proteïna PLPHP), fem servir inicialment PipY de S. elongatus i després PROSC humana com banc de proves de la patogenicitat de les mutacions que s'han associat a aquesta epilèpsia, utilitzant mutagènesi dirigida i produint les formes silvestre i mutants d'aquestes proteïnes, comparant les seves propietats. Aquests estudis han demostrat la patogenicitat i establert mecanismes per a la mateixa per a cadascuna de les mutacions de canvi de sentit de PROSC descrites fins ara en aquesta epilèpsia. Els nostres estudis han representat un important avanç en la comprensió de les proteïnes de tipus PipY i de l'epilèpsia associada a la forma humana de les mateixes. / [EN] In the context of research of our laboratory on nitrogen signaling mainly in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942, with efforts focused on the PII and PipX proteins and their signaling network, this Thesis extends the spectrum of molecules investigated in relation to such network. It studies and characterizes the non-canonical member of the PII protein superfamily named CutA, a highly conserved protein in all domains of life (including animals and humans) which is generally annotated as protecting against divalent metals. We examine the possible protection provided by CutA against metals, using knockouts for the CutA-encoding gene of two phylogenetically distant bacteria, Escherichia coli and Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942. Neither complementation studies in E. coli by the wild-type gene, nor observational studies of sensitivity to metals in the S. elongatus knockout have supported the function annotated for CutA, although we show by turbidimetric monitoring that Cu2+ causes aggregation of pure S. elongatus CutA (produced recombinantly) and therefore binds to it, although with a low affinity by comparison with the concentrations of this metal that are toxic for this cyanobacterium. Aiming at getting further insight into CutA, we have determined at very high resolution, by X-ray diffraction, the structure of this protein of S. elongatus, failing to observe Cu2+ bound in this structure, but showing that the three pockets formed at intersubunit boundaries in the CutA homotrimer are capable of transporting organic molecules (in our case Bis-Tris) without inducing conformational changes in the protein. This finding supports a possible function of CutA based on the binding to these pockets of neutral or positively charged biomolecules capable of forming several hydrogen bonds with the pocket walls, which are endowed with negative potential and have a strong polar character. We have also studied the PipY protein of S. elongatus, recently identified as a functional partner of the aforementioned PipX, determining its spectroscopic properties, binding of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) and solving its structure by X-ray diffraction. We prove that PipY is monomeric and has PLP attached. Its structure does not favor an enzymatic role of PipY, being more appropriate for exerting a possible function in the homeostasis of PLP. Given the very recent description of a human vitamin B6-dependent genetic epilepsy associated to mutations in the human orthologue of the pipY gene, PROSC (now called PLPBP, encoding the PROSC protein, now named PLPHP), we used first S. elongatus PipY and afterwards and more extensively human PROSC to test by site-directed mutagenesis the pathogenicity of the mutations that have been associated with this epilepsy. These studies have demonstrated the pathogenicity and established mechanisms for this pathogenicity for each of the missense mutations reported thus far in patients with PROSC-associated epilepsy. Our studies represent an important advance in the understanding of PipY-like proteins and of epilepsy associated with the human form thereof. / Para la realización de esta Tesis, Lorena Tremiño Agulló ha disfrutado de una Beca de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) (BES-2012-058304) otorgado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo en el grupo 739 del CIBERER-Instituto de Salud Carlos III (IP, V. Rubio) y se ha enmarcado dentro de los proyectos: -“Luz estructural sobre señalización y regulación por nitrógeno y sobre biosíntesis de arginina/urea, sus errores congénitos, y su conexión con biología del envejecimiento”, (BFU2011-30407) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (Investigador principal,V. Rubio). -“Una mirada molecular al control de la detoxificación de amonio y a sus patologías y errores congénitos, y a la señalización por amonio. En busca del papel de la proteína CutA”, (BFU2014-58229) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (Investigador principal, V. Rubio). -"BioMeder. Genes, proteínas y rutas de señalización en enfermedades raras" (PrometeoII/2014/029) de la Conselleria d'Educació de la Generalitat Valenciana (investigadores, P. Sanz, A. Marina y V. Rubio). / Tremiño Agulló, L. (2019). Bases estructurales de la señalización y regulación por nitrógeno y procesos asociados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/117999 / Compendio

Subcellular trafficking of proteolipid protein (PLP/DM20) and novel mechanisms of ER retention in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease / Subcellular trafficking of proteolipid protein (PLP/DM20) and novel mechanisms of ER retention in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease

Dhaunchak, Ajit Singh 26 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Detekce logopedických vad v řeči / Detection of Logopaedic Defects in Speech

Pešek, Milan January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with a design and an implementation of software for a detection of logopaedia defects of speech. Due to the need of early logopaedia defects detecting, this software is aimed at a child’s age speaker. The introductory part describes the theory of speech realization, simulation of speech realization for numerical processing, phonetics, logopaedia and basic logopaedia defects of speech. There are also described used methods for feature extraction, for segmentation of words to speech sounds and for features classification into either correct or incorrect pronunciation class. In the next part of the thesis there are results of testing of selected methods presented. For logopaedia speech defects recognition algorithms are used in order to extract the features MFCC and PLP. The segmentation of words to speech sounds is performed on the base of Differential Function method. The extracted features of a sound are classified into either a correct or an incorrect pronunciation class with one of tested methods of pattern recognition. To classify the features, the k-NN, SVN, ANN, and GMM methods are tested.

Tailored Silica Polymer Composites and ABA Type Copolymers: Polymerization Kinetics, Structural Design, and Mechanical Properties / Maßgeschneiderte Silica Polymer-Komposite und ABA-Blockcopolymere: Polymerisationskinetik, Strukturelles Design und Mechanische Eigenschaften

Rotzoll, Robert 18 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Aplikace statistické analýzy řeči pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí / Application of statistical analysis of speech in patients with Parkinson's disease

Bijota, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with speech analysis of people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. Purpose of this thesis is to obtain statistical sample of speech parameters which helps to determine if examined person is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Statistical sample is based on hypokinetic dysarthria detection. For speech signal pre-processing DC-offset removal and pre-emphasis are used. The next step is to divide signal into frames. Phonation parameters, MFCC and PLP coefficients are used for characterization of framed speech signal. After parametrization the speech signal can be analyzed by statistical methods. For statistical analysis in this thesis Spearman’s and Pearson’s correlation coefficients, mutual information, Mann-Whitney U test and Student’s t-test are used. The thesis results are the groups of speech parameters for individual long czech vowels which are the best indicator of the difference between healthy person and patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease. These result can be helpful in medical diagnosis of a patient.

Implementace detektoru klíčových slov do mobilního telefonu (Symbian 60) / Keyword Spotting Implementation to Mobil Phone (Symbian 60)

Cipr, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
Keyword spotting is one of the many applications of automatic speech recognition. Its purpose is determining spots in given utterance in which some of the specified words were spoken. Keyword spotting has a great potential to enhance performance of new applications as well as the existing ones. An example could be a mobile phone voice control. Due to OS Symbian's coming to the market it is even possible for end user to implement a keyword spotting for a mobile phone on his or her own. The thesis describes theoretical prerequisites for keyword spotting and its implementation. Firstly the OS Symbian is presented with respect to the given task. Secondly each step of keyword spotting process is described. Finally the object design of keyword spotter is presented followed by implementation description. The thesis concludes with results review and notes on possible improvements.

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