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Gouverner l’incertain : adaptation, résilience et évolutions dans la gestion du risque d’inondation urbaine : les services d’assainissement de la Seine-Saint-Denis et du Val-de-Marne face au changement climatique / Governing uncertainty : adaptation, resilience and evolutions in urban flood management : the Parisian suburbs sewer in the face of climate changeRioust, Émilie 10 February 2012 (has links)
Les départements franciliens de la Seine-Saint-Denis et du Val-de-Marne sont exposés au risque d'inondation pluviale urbaine. Ce risque pourrait s'aggraver en raison du changement climatique. Cette thèse propose une lecture sociologique et politique du risque d'inondation pluviale et du changement climatique afin de définir les spécificités des systèmes territoriaux de gestion du risque et le programme politique de l'adaptation au changement climatique. À partir de l'analyse des différents instruments politiques utilisés pour organiser la gestion du risque pluvial et l'adaptation au changement climatique, complétée par des entretiens réalisés avec les professionnels de la gestion urbaine de l'eau et de l’assainissement, les élus locaux et les habitants des zones inondables, cette étude propose de décrire et d'expliquer les pratiques organisées localement pour gérer le risque ainsi que leurs évolutions. Les évolutions à l'œuvre sur les territoires ne correspondent que partiellement à celles promues par la politique d'adaptation au climatique. Elles sont encadrées et contraintes par les ressources et les stratégies politiques des acteurs locaux. Ce travail met en exergue la dimension politique du programme de l'adaptation et des évolutions à l'œuvre au sein des collectivités locales en matière de gestion des risques. Il insiste sur les concepts d'énoncés politiques et d'interactions stratégiques pour étudier les politiques des risques / In Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne (France) several cities are exposed to pluvial flooding. This situation could worsen with climate change. This research develops a social and political perspective of pluvial flooding and climate change risks, in order to define the specificities of local systems which manage pluvial flooding and the contents of the adaptation policy. From the analysis of different policy instruments used to organize pluvial flooding management and climate change adaptation, as well as interviews with urban water management professionals, local officials elected, and citizens who are living in floodable areas, this study describes the local practices and their evolutions. The current evolutions in local practices correspond only partially to those promoted by the climate change policy. The evolutions of risks management practices also depend on resources and political strategies of local stake holders. This work highlights the political program of climate change adaptation and the evolutions in risk management at the local scale. It emphasizes the concepts of policy statements and strategic interactions as keys to analyse risks policies
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The Influence of Infiltration Capacity and Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions on Urban Pluvial FloodingBarkefors, Disa January 2023 (has links)
Urban pluvial floods occur during extreme rain events and both occurrence and magnitude of these floods are expected to increase. Preserving or constructing green areas in urban areas has been shown to mitigate and control these floods. The common way to evaluate flood risks is to set up a rainfall-runoff model, but these studies are often case related and only investigate the soil characteristics for that specific case. Multiple studies have also stated that the difference between major and minor flooding effects is connected to the antecedent soil moisture content. This thesis attempts to investigate how different soil characteristics influencing infiltration affect the hydraulic response in two Swedish urban catchments and if antecedent soil moisture is a critical factor. To evaluate the hydraulic response, a two-dimensional surface runoff model of two different urban catchments was forced with a hyetograph of a CDS-rain with a return period of 100 years. The simulations were conducted with three different soil types for all urban green areas: clay, sandy loam and sand, and three different antecedent soil moisture contents for clay and sandy loam. Flood extent and discharge from catchment area was evaluated, as was flood depth and overland flow in 16 chosen evaluation points. The results showed that with decreasing infiltration rate of a soil and with increasing antecedent soil moisture content, the severity of the flood and discharge at the catchment outlet was increased. It was also concluded that soil type affects flood extent, flood depth, overland flow and discharge from catchment to a greater extent than antecedent soil moisture.
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Infiltrationskapacitet för grönytor vid skyfall - Infiltrationsförsök och modellering i MIKE 21Melin, Eva January 2017 (has links)
I världen idag pågår en urbanisering, vilket innebär att fler människor flyttar in till städerna. Det innebär att fler bostäder måste byggas för att uppfylla de nya behoven, och detta görs ofta genom förtätning av redan exploaterade områden. Vid förtätning av bostadsområden ökar ofta andelen hårdgjorda ytor. En hårdgjord yta är en icke permeabel yta där dagvatten inte kan infiltrera ner i marken utan istället bildar ytavrinning. Vattnet som avrinner färdas mot lågpunkter i terrängen vilka riskerar att översvämmas. Klimatförändringar väntas leda till häftigare väder, bland annat i form av skyfall. Kraftigare regn i kombination med större andel hårdgjorda ytor väntas öka risken för pluviala översvämningar. För att undvika pluviala översvämningar krävs strategier för att hantera städers dagvatten. Det existerande ledningsnätet är högt belastat och kombineras med hållbara dagvattenlösningar för att minska avrinningen. Grönytor ses ofta som goda infiltrationsytor, men en osäkerhet råder kring hur effektiva olika typer av grönytor är. Det är därför av intresse att undersöka hur goda infiltrationsytor urbana grönområden är och hur stor betydelse de har vid skyfall för att minimera pluviala översvämningar. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka infiltrationskapaciteten för grönytor på ett antal olika platser i Stockholm. Syftet är vidare att undersöka hur resultaten från fältförsöken kan användas i det hydrauliska modelleringsprogrammet MIKE 21 för att återspegla det verkliga infiltrationsförloppet och därmed få en god bild av hur stora översvämningsriskerna är för olika områden. Totalt utfördes 13 separata mätningar i två grönområden i Stockholm. Vid 11 av mätningarna användes en dubbelringsinfiltrometer och vid två av mätningarna användes en enkelringsinfiltrometer. Mätningarna utfördes under 0,5-2 timmar beroende på vattentillgång. Infiltrationsförsöken visade att det finns en stor variation i infiltrationskapacitet, även inom mycket små områden. De visade också att det finns en tendens till högre infiltrationskapacitet för mindre kompakterade grönytor. Kornstorleksfördelningen och vattenhalten skiljde sig inte nämnvärt mellan de två områdena och dessa två parametrar kunde inte kopplas till någon skillnad i infiltrationskapacitet för de två undersökta områdena. Resultaten från simuleringarna i MIKE 21 visade att vilka värden som anges för infiltrationskapaciteten är av större betydelse än på vilket sätt dessa anges. Resultaten visade också att parametrar såsom vattenhalt och porositet hade en inverkan på infiltrationsförloppet men infiltrationszonens mäktighet hade liten inverkan på resultaten. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att det finns en stor variation i infiltrationskapacitet för grönytor och den osäkerheten påverkar resultaten vid modellering av översvämningsrisker i MIKE 21. / The ongoing urbanization in the world today means that more people are moving into the cities and therefore more housing is required. When building in cities there is a tendency for an increase in impermeable surfaces. An impermeable surface is defined as a surface where no water can infiltrate into the subsurface soil and instead there is an increase in surface runoff. The water flows through the terrain towards low-lying areas, which are at risk for flooding. Climate changes are expected to result in more extreme weather such as extreme rain. An increase in extreme rain in combination with more impermeable surfaces will increase the risk for pluvial flooding. To avoid pluvial flooding different strategies is required to cope with the urban stormwater. The traditional stormwater systems are usually put under high stress and sustainable stormwater management needs to be implemented to decrease the surface runoff in urban areas. Green areas are often thought to be good infiltration surfaces but there is a big uncertainty in regards to exactly how effective different green areas is for infiltration purposes. There is an interest to investigate how good the infiltration capacity is for urban green areas to map and to mitigate pluvial flooding. The aim for this master thesis is to investigate the infiltration capacity through field measurements for two different green areas in the city of Stockholm, Sweden. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate how the results from the field measurements can be implemented in the hydraulic modelling software MIKE 21 to represent the real infiltration pattern in order to map the risk for pluvial flooding for different areas. A total of 13 measurements were conducted in two green areas around Stockholm, using a double ring infiltrometer. For two of the measurements a single ring infiltrometer was used. The measurements were conducted during 0.5-2 h depending on the water accessibility. The field measurements showed that there is a large variability in infiltration capacity, even within very small areas. The measurement showed that there was a tendency for higher infiltration rates for less compacted soil. The grain size distribution showed little impact on the infiltration rate, and so did the water content. The simulations in MIKE 21 showed that the magnitude of the infiltration rate is of greater importance than the way it is implemented in MIKE 21. The results also showed that parameters such as water content and porosity had an effect on the infiltrated volume, but the depth of the infiltration zone had little impact on the results. In conclusion, there is a large variability in infiltration capacity for green areas and this uncertainty does affect the results when modelling the risk for pluvial flooding in MIKE 21.
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Modeling Multi-centennial Nonstationary Variability in Meteorological Drought and Pluvials: Linking Paleoclimate, Observations, and Future projectionssung, Kyungmin 06 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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[EN] Road security is an actual issue because vehicular accidents are present when traffic conditions are unfavorable. Security in roads may be augmented if drivers could have the means to know potential traffic dangers beyond their relative position, for example, wether the driver is close to a region where the weather may cause to loose control of the vehicle.
The systems presented as solutions to solve vehicle traffic problems and those presented as solution for the drivers needs have in common the simultaneous attention to the vehicle and to the road. These systems are known as Intelligent Transportation Systems-ITS. The final purpose of the ITS is to build a fast, secure, convenient and comfortable transportation system that helps to guarantee the security of drivers in roads, the soustened social economics development and to coordinate the environment conservation whith the human life style.
Environmental surveillance is a fundamental factor to manage a safe vehicle conduction. Rain, wind, snow, fog, etc. are environmental conditions with high probability to cause traffic accidents. These dangers could be diminished or eliminated if drivers may know the road conditions in real time due to weather conditions.
Then, it is necessary to implement weather sensors in order to obtain reliable information about factors modifying road conditions and alter vehicle security. The communication technology and the data aquisition system implemented in these instruments are to be small and easy to interface to a microcontroller, in order to have portable instruments for long time operation. Besides the instrument communications must be in a wireless way, they must be autonomous and, therefore, the consumption must be low. Clearly, the final design is to be of low cost.
This work shows the design of weather sensor for ITS applications that met the above mentioned characteristics. A two case study is proposed and it has been able to introduce design innovations. The main objectives are:
a) To design and test the prototype of a visibilimeter using an universal frequency-to-digital converter and to validate his ITS application.
b) To design and test the prototype of a didrometer using an universal frequency-to-digital converter and to validate his ITS application
Visibilimeters and pluviometers have been used in ITS applications, nevertheless, the new proposed instruments introduce a design innovation given that they use the frequency-to- digital code metrologic paradigm. This new data convertion has many advantages over the data acquisition conventional techniques, consisting of sampling and quantifying analog signals from sensors.
The study presents two specific results:
The design, construction and test of a visiblimeter with the following characteristics:
- visibility measurement range: 41 to 662.5 m,
- Bluetooth transmission range: 100 m,
- application of a universal frequency-to-digital converter as data conversión system,
- innovative optical interference supression techniques,
- calibration from an auto-calibrated transmisometer, and
- characteristics in accordance with ITS standards.
The design, construction and test of an optical disdrometer with the following characteristics:
- resolution: 1 mm·hr-1
- measurement range: 250 mm·hr-1
- Bluetooth transmission range: 100 m,
- application of a universal frequency-to-digital converter as data conversión system
- original algorithm to estimate pluvial precipitation index,
- a design methodology to make possible the fusion of variables in a frequency-to-digital code scheme and
- characteristics in accordance with ITS standards.
The design and test experiences prove the posibility of using universal frequency-to-digital code devices to implement weather instruments for ITS applications. Beside, the new fusion variable and interference supression techniques are destacable issues in the design of a new weather instruments generation for ITS applications. / [ES] Los sistemas que se han presentado como soluciones para resolver los problemas relacionados con el tráfico de vehículos, así como los sistemas que responden a las necesidades de los conductores, tienen en cuenta al vehículo y a la vía simultáneamente y se conocen como Sistemas de Transporte Inteligente (ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems). El propósito final de los ITS es construir un sistema de transporte rápido, seguro, conveniente y cómodo para garantizar la seguridad de los conductores en las autovías, el desarrollo sostenido de la economía social y coordinar la conservación del ambiente con el modo de vida humano.
Por lo que se acaba de indicar, resulta necesario contar con sensores climáticos que proporcionen información completa y exacta de los factores que puedan incidir en la seguridad vial. Puesto que este tipo de sensores deben ser portátiles y capaces de funcionar durante largos periodos de tiempo, es necesario que la tecnología de comunicación y el acondicionamiento de la señal del sensor sean lo suficientemente compactos para poderse interconectar con microcontroladores sencillos y de bajo coste. Un sensor inteligente inalámbrico es autónomo y, por lo tanto, su diseño ha de optimizarse para que su consumo de energía sea mínimo. Claramente, la solución material final no debe representar un coste excesivo.
En concreto, se propone el diseño, la construcción y la validación de dos instrumentos de medición medioambiental inalámbricos para sistemas inteligentes de transporte, con características innovadoras de funcionamiento. Estos instrumentos estarían orientados a la seguridad de los automovilistas que circulan en autovías donde el peligro potencial de conducir un vehículo aumenta cuando ocurren condiciones climáticas adversas. Los objetivos planteados son:
a) Diseñar, construir y probar el prototipo de un visibilímetro que utilice un convertidor de frecuencia a código binario y validar su uso en aplicaciones ITS.
b) Diseñar, construir y probar el prototipo de un disdrómetro que utilice convertidores de frecuencia a código binario y validar su uso en aplicaciones ITS.
El trabajo presenta los siguientes resultados concretos:
Diseño, pruebas y construcción de un visibilímetro con las siguientes características:
- rango de medición de la visibilidad: 41 a 662.5 m,
- transmisión Bluetooth de la información hasta 100 m,
- uso de un convertidor universal de frecuencia a código digital como órgano de conversión numérica,
- técnicas originales de supresión de interferencias ópticas,
- calibración por intercomparación con un transmisómetro auto-calibrado y
- autónomo, robusto, compacto y de bajo coste, de acuerdo al estándar ITS.
Diseño, pruebas y construcción de un disdrómetro óptico con las siguientes características:
- resolución: 1 mm·hr-1
- límite superior del rango de medición: 250 mm·hr-1
- transmisión Bluetooth de la información hasta 100 m,
- uso de convertidores universales de frecuencia a código digital como órgano de conversión numérica,
- algoritmo original de la estimación de la IPP,
- directrices de diseño para instrumentos de medición con fusión de variables físicas bajo el paradigma de la conversión frecuencia-código digital y
- autónomo, robusto, compacto y de bajo coste, de acuerdo al estándar ITS.
La experiencia en el diseño de los instrumentos medioambientales propuestos en este trabajo, ha demostrado que es posible cumplir con los estándares exigidos por la aplicación ITS cuando se incorpora el paradigma metrológico de la conversión frecuencia-código digital junto con adaptaciones no convencionales de supresión de interferencias, con lo cual se ha contribuido al diseño de una nueva generación de instrumentos medioambientales inalámbricos útiles en la seguridad en autovías / [CA] La vigilància de les condicions climatològiques és un factor bàsic per aconseguir una conducció segura. Condicions de clima adverses (pluja, vent, neu, boira, etc.) augmenten les probabilitats que es produïsquen accidents de trànsit. Si es disposa de sistemes d'informació a l'usuari que proporcionen l'estat del clima en les carreteres en temps real, es poden reduir considerablement els riscos.
Pel que s'acaba d'indicar, resulta necessari comptar amb sensors climàtics que proporcionen informació completa i exacta dels factors que puguen incidir en la seguretat vial. Ja que aquest tipus de sensors han de ser portàtils i capaços de funcionar durant llargs períodes de temps, és necessari que la tecnologia de comunicació i el condicionament del senyal del sensor siguen prou compactes per poder-se interconnectar amb microcontroladors senzills i de baix cost. Un sensor intel·ligent sense fil és autònom i, per tant, el seu disseny ha d'optimitzar-se perquè el seu consum d'energia sigua mínim. Clarament, la solució material final no ha de representar un cost excessiu.
En concret, es proposa el disseny, la construcció i la validació de dos instruments de mesurament mediambiental sense fils per a sistemes intel·ligents de transport, amb característiques innovadores de funcionament. Aquests instruments estarien orientats a la seguretat dels conductors que circulen en autovies on el perill potencial de conduir un vehicle augmenta quan ocorren condicions climàtiques adverses. Els objectius plantejats són:
a) Dissenyar, construir i provar el prototip d'un 'visibilímetre' que utilitze un convertidor de freqüència a codi binari i validar el seu ús en aplicacions ITS.
b) Dissenyar, construir i provar el prototip d'un 'disdrómetre' que utilitze convertidors de freqüència a codi binari i validar el seu ús en aplicacions ITS.
Els instruments de mesura de visibilitat i precipitació pluvial ja s'han utilitzat en aplicacions ITS, no obstant això, els proposats en aquest treball resulten innovadors, ja que s'han dissenyat segons el paradigma meteorològic de la conversió de freqüència a codi digital. Aquest tipus de conversió numèrica posseeix diversos avanços sobre la tècnica convencional de la conversió de senyals analògiques a senyals digitals mitjançant dispositius electrònics que guarden els valors i els donen sentit.
El treball presenta els següents resultats concrets:
Disseny, proves i construcció d'un visibilímetre amb les següents característiques:
- Rang de mesurament de la visibilitat: 41 a 662.5 m.
- Transmissió 'Bluetooth' de la informació fins a 100 m.
- Ús d'un convertidor universal de freqüència a codi digital com a òrgan de conversió numèrica.
- Tècniques originals de supressió d'interferències òptiques.
- Calibratge per comparar amb un transmisómetre ja calibrat I autònom, robust, compacte i de baix cost, d'acord a l'estàndard ITS.
Disseny, proves i construcció d'un disdrómetre òptic amb les següents característiques:
- Resolució: 1 mm·*hr-1.
- Límit superior del rang de mesurament: 250 mm·*hr-1.
- Transmissió 'Bluetooth' de la informació fins a 100 m.
- Ús de convertidors de freqüència a codi digital com a òrgan de conversió numèrica.
- Algorisme original de l'estimació de la IPP.
- Directrius de disseny per a instruments de mesurament amb fusió de variables físiques segons el paradigma de la conversió freqüència-codi digital i autònom, robust, compacte i de baix cost, d'acord a l'estàndard ITS.
L'experiència en el disseny dels instruments mediambientals proposats en aquest treball, ha demostrat que és possible complir amb els estàndards exigits per l'aplicació ITS quan s'incorpora el paradigma metrológico de la conversió freqüència-codi digital juntament amb adaptacions no convencionals de supressió d'interferències, amb la qual cosa s'ha contribuït al disseny d'una nova generació d'instruments mediambientals sense fil / Barrales Guadarrama, R. (2016). MONITORIZACIÓN DE LOS PARÁMETROS CLIMÁTICOS Y MEDIOAMBIENTALES RELACIONADOS CON EL TRÁFICO DE VEHÍCULOS. SENSORES CLIMÁTICOS Y MEDIOAMBIENTALES INALÁMBRICOS PARA SISTEMAS INTELIGENTES DE TRANSPORTE [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63276
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Produção do Espaço Urbano em Bauru : do subterrâneo à superfície /Catelan, Márcio José. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Encarnação Beltrão Sposito / Banca: Everaldo dos Santos Melazzo / Banca: Wilian Ribeiro da Silva / Resumo: A urbanização contemporânea articula-se às dinâmicas do modo capitalista de produção, o qual direciona esse processo sob a perspectiva de uma economia política da urbanização compreendida conjuntamente com uma economia política da cidade. Por conta disso, a estruturação dos espaços urbanos e os objetos que os constituem não podem ser tomados, nem analisados, como simples objetos estruturantes da base material, tendo em vista que a produção do espaço urbano sob tais perspectivas os envolvem como meios de reprodução do capital, sendo que, não somente o solo urbano, mas todos os meios que o caracterizam como um ambiente construído, também se tornam meios de consumo urbano. Esse consumo pode ser visto a partir de duas dimensões: a individual e a coletiva. Nessa dissertação, trabalharemos com os meios de consumo coletivo - as infra-estruturas, os equipamentos e os serviços urbanos -, que adquirem características e importâncias peculiares no cotidiano das cidades o que, na pesquisa realizada, foram tomados em sua dimensão econômica. Porém, muitos fatores estão presentes na distribuição dos meios de consumo coletivo. Para debatê-los, escolhemos duas infra-estruturas na cidade de Bauru (SP), as constituintes das redes de drenagem pluvial e de pavimentação das vias públicas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The contemporary urbanisation is articulated to the dynamics of the capitalist mode of production that directs the process under the perspective of a political economy of urbanisation understood beside a political economy of the city. Because of this, the structuring of urban spaces and the objects that constitute them cannot be took nor analysed as simple structuring objects of the material basis. The production of the urban space under such perspectives takes these objects as a way of reproducing capital because not only the urban soil but also all the means that characterise it as a built environment become means of urban consumption. This consumption can be seen through both the individual and the collective dimensions. In this master thesis, we analyse the means of collective consumption - the infrastructures and the urban equipments and services -, which acquire peculiar characteristics and importance in the city daily life and are took, in the research, in their economic dimension. However, many factors are involved in the distribution of the means of collective consumption. For debating them, we have chosen two infrastructural objects of Bauru city: the pluvial drainage and the paving public paths networks... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Manejo de ?guas pluviais urbanas: estudo de bacias de amortecimento na regi?o metropolitana de S?o Paulo / Handling urban pluvial waters: study of stilling basins in the metropolitan area of S?o PauloMartins, Paulo Alexandre Gouveia 07 November 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-11-07 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / In the rainy periods, the city of S?o Paulo becomes a scenario for constant social and economical impacts before the damages caused by the inundations. This fact is associated, among other reasons, to an expressive land occupation and soil water-sealing and to the occupation of the areas under risk of inundations the meadows and bottoms of valleys. The research below analyzes the different concepts for handling pluvial waters under the scope of reflections relative to the infrastructure works and public actions addressed to prevent inundations. We tried to present the hygienist vision regarding the increase in water conductivity up to the new environmental vision of sustainable rain water handling, highlighting the use of non-structural measures. For such an effect, we used as case study the Basin of C?rrego Cabu?u de Baixo located at the northwest area of the city of S?o Paulo that, for a long time, was object for punctual interventions with predominance of canalization works and, in the end of the nineties, it counted with the implementation of non-conventional measures that took into account the planning of land occupation and the reservation of pluvial waters. Through the evaluation of this experience we look for identifying the permanencies and ruptures in the treatment related to the subject of inundations. / Nos per?odos de precipita??es, a cidade de S?o Paulo torna-se cen?rio de constantes impactos sociais e econ?micos frente aos preju?zos causados pelas inunda??es. Esse fato est? associado, entre outros motivos, a uma expressiva ocupa??o e impermeabiliza??o do solo e ? ocupa??o das ?reas de risco de enchentes as v?rzeas e fundos de vales. A pesquisa que se segue analisa as diversas concep??es de manejo de ?guas pluviais no ?mbito das reflex?es relativas ?s obras de infra-estrutura e a??es p?blicas destinadas ? preven??o de enchentes. Buscou-se apresentar desde a vis?o higienista do aumento da condutividade hidr?ulica at? a nova vis?o ambiental do manejo sustent?vel da ?gua precipitada, com ?nfase no uso de medidas n?o-estruturais. Nesse sentido, foi utilizado como estudo de caso a Bacia do C?rrego Cabu?u de Baixo localizada na regi?o noroeste da cidade de S?o Paulo que, durante muito tempo, foi objeto de interven??es pontuais com predomin?ncia de obras de canaliza??o e, no final dos anos 90, contou com a implementa??o de medidas n?o convencionais que levaram em considera??o o planejamento da ocupa??o do solo e a reserva??o das ?guas pluviais. Atrav?s da avalia??o dessa experi?ncia busca-se identificar as perman?ncias e rupturas no trato com a quest?o das enchentes.
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Esgotamento sanitário a vácuo: descrição e comparações econômicas / Vacum severage technology description and economic evaluationResende Filho, Anabi 23 September 2009 (has links)
A escassez de água no planeta já é uma realidade pontual, inclusive já despontando no horizonte, em nosso país, fora do polígono da seca: na região metropolitana de São Paulo, o modelo de adução, a partir de bacias circunvizinhas, está perto de exaurir, pelos custos que esse tipo de solução adotada desde a época do império romano acarreta nas tarifas para o consumidor final. Assim, a busca pelas chamadas soluções racionais têm, cada vez mais, ganhado adeptos e, dentre estas, a que se tem mostrado mais eficiente e mais eficaz é a tecnologia do esgotamento sanitário a vácuo, visto ser a bacia sanitária a responsável por aproximadamente 40% do consumo residencial de água, e por um percentual semelhante também em edifícios comerciais. A partir do estudo de caso no edifício-sede da Secretaria de Orçamento Federal SOF, em Brasília, foi constatada economia de 30% no consumo médio de água, medido em metros cúbicos, depois da implantação do sistema a vácuo - em substituição ao sistema gravitacional, ocorrida em janeiro de 2008 a par de um aumento de apenas 2% no consumo de energia elétrica, medido em kWh, não produzindo ônus, por força do contrato com a concessionária local de eletricidade, do tipo azul. Foram feitas, ainda, comparações com alternativas de abastecimento, quais sejam água de reuso e o aproveitamento de águas pluviais, este mais comum no Brasil embora nitidamente mais recomendável para construções com até dois pavimentos, enquanto aquele, por enquanto, pode ser considerado uma prospecção teórica para as condições de nosso país / The water shortage in the planet is already a punctual reality that is already rising in our country outside the drought polygon (in northeastern part of Brazil). In the metropolitan area of São Paulo the adduction model coming from the neighboring basins is on the brinks of exhaustion, because this kind of solution costs, adopted since the Roman Empire times, brings up to tariffs to the final customer. In this manner, the search for the so called rational solutions has gained more and more followers and among these the one that has shown more efficiency and accuracy is the vacuum sewerage technology, considering that sanitary basin is responsible for almost 40% of the residential water consumption and a similar percentage occurs also in trade buildings. Taking the case study in the headquarter building of Secretaria de Orçamento Federal (SOF), in Brasília, it was verified a 30% economy in the average water consumption, measured in cubic meters, since the vacuum system was established (replacing the gravitational system), on January 2008, informed about only 2% increase in the electricity consumption, measured in kWh, it means that there was no effective increase in the electricity bill, once the local provide company contract, of the blue type, has foretold small oscillations in the supply without deduction on the bill. It was still done some comparative descriptions with others alternatives water supplies, whichever be grey water and rainwater harvesting, this one widely used in Brazil although it is more suggested to up to two floor buildings while the other, for the time being, can be considered as a theoretical prospection in our country
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Mapeamento da suscetibilidade a eventos perigosos de natureza geológica e hidrológica em São Carlos - SP / Susceptibility mapping of geological and hydrological dangerous events in São Carlos - SPEiras, Cahio Guimarães Seabra 07 July 2017 (has links)
Com a urbanização crescente no Brasil, o mapeamento de eventos perigosos mostra-se cada vez mais necessário para que se reduzam transtornos socioeconômicos nos municípios brasileiros. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi elaborar mapas de suscetibilidade a eventos perigosos de natureza geológica e hidrológica, para a área urbana e de expansão urbana (148,97 km²) do município de São Carlos – SP. A análise foi feita em ambiente de SIG (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica), e combinou abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas de mapeamento de eventos perigosos, propostas pelo Working Group Committee on Risk Assessment (1997). Como método, analisou-se a freqüência dos eventos históricos em função da área (km²) dos condicionantes cartografados nos mapas temáticos (probabilidades iniciais). Os condicionantes foram analisados isoladamente e combinados, na forma de classes de terreno. O inventário dos registros históricos (482 registros) dos eventos foi feito com os dados de jornais, defesa civil e imagens de satélite entre os anos de 1965 a 2016. Foram elaborados os mapas de suscetibilidade para: movimentos de encosta, erosão pluvial, solos colapsíveis e enchentes/inundações. O método utilizado mostrou-se eficiente, visto que os objetivos da pesquisa foram alcançados. Foi possível validar os mapas de suscetibilidade, com as características do meio físico observadas em trabalhos de campo e dados de ensaios geotécnicos. Os eventos mais críticos para o município são as enchentes/inundações e alagamentos, erosões pluviais e movimentos de encostas causam pequenos transtornos, principalmente em consequência do relevo suave da região. Apesar da base cartográfica estar na escala 1:10.000, os mapas são apresentados na escala 1:20.000, com o objetivo destes serem impressos em papéis no formato A1. / With the increasing urbanization in Brazil, hazardous events mapping has become increasingly necessary to reduce socioeconomic disorders in Brazilian citys. The main goal of the research was to elaborate susceptibility maps to dangerous events of geological and hydrological nature, for the urban area and urban expansion (148,97 km²) to the city of São Carlos - SP. The analysis was done in a GIS environment (Geographic Information Systems), and combined qualitative and quantitative approaches of hazardous events mapping, proposed by the Working Group Committee on Risk Assessment (1997). The frequency of historical events was analyzed according to the area of the conditioners mapped on the thematic maps (prior probabilitys). The conditioners were analyzed separately and then combined, in the form of land classes. The inventory of historical records (482 records) of events was done with acquired data from newspapers, civil defense and satellite images between the years 1965 to 2016. Susceptibility maps were developed for slope movements, water erosion, collapsible soils and floods. This method proved to be efficient, since the research objectives were achieved. It was possible to validate the susceptibility maps, with the characteristics of the physical environment observed in field work and geotechnical data. The most critical events in São Carlos are floods, rainfall erosions and slope movements cause minor damage, as a result of the region\'s soft relief. Although the cartographic base is in the 1:10.000 scale, the maps are presented in the 1:20.000 scale, with the purpose of being printed on A1 format paper.
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Pesquisa de Carrapatos e Riquétsias no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Itutinga - Pillões, São Paulo / Research on ticks and Rickettsias in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Itutinga Pillões, São PauloGuilherme Sakae Sabatini 26 February 2010 (has links)
As riquétsias são pesquisadas por muitos grupos em diversas regiões do mundo, pois podem infectar os humanos e animais. No período de julho de 2008 a junho de 2009 no Núcleo Itutinga Pilões, localizado no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, foram realizadas coletas mensais de carrapatos (455 adultos, 1939 ninfas e 46 bolos de larvas) distribuídas por seis trilhas distintas. No presente estudo constatou-se a existência de cerca de treze espécies de carrapatos no local (A. aureolatum, A. brasiliense, A. dubitatum, A. fuscum, A. incisum, A. longirostre, A. naponense, A. nodosum, A. ovale, Ixodes aragaoi, Ixodes loricatus. Haemaphysalis juxtakochi e Riphicephalus sanguineus) As espécies de maior expressão foram: A. incisum, frequentemente presente em antas, seguido por H. juxtakochi e A. ovale. Encontramos R. parkeri , R. belliie R. amblyommii. Em A. ovale infectados com a R. parkeri, tivemos uma prevalência de 11,7% para o ambiente e 15,3% para os carrapatos coletados em hospedeiros cães. O R. sanguineus que se coalimentou com A. ovale em cães também estava infectado com R. parkeri. Podemos concluir que indivíduos que freqüentem a região onde encontramos o A. ovale infectado pode adquirir bactérias do Grupo Febre Maculosa. / Rickettsia has been receiving attention from several researcher groups around the world, once these bacteria can infect animals and human being. In this study, monthly, during the period of July, 2008 and June, 2009, was carried out at Núcleo Itutinga Pilões, localized in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, a field research when ticks were collected from vegetation in six specific trials into the forest, overall were collected 455 adults, 1,939 nymphs and 46 larval agglomerates ticks. This study found out 13 different tick species (A. aureolatum, A. brasiliense, A. dubitatum, A. fuscum, A. incisum, A. longirostre, A. naponense, A. nodosum, A. ovale, Ixodes aragaoi, Ixodes loricatus. Haemaphysalis juxtakochi e Riphicephalus sanguineus). The majority found species were: A. incisum, H. juxtakochi and A. ovale. Three Rickettsia species were found naturaly infecting ticks in the park: R. parkeri, R. bellii e R. amblyommii. A. ovale ticks showed a R. parkeri infection prevalence of 11.7% for free-living ticks and 15.3% for ticks collected upon dogs. Ticks R. sanguineus collected feeding upon the same dogs as A. ovale were also found infected with R. parkeri. Since A. ovale ticks can attach onto human being, we predict that visitors of this park might be exposed to Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia infected ticks.
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