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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do impacto da vacina antipneumocócica conjugada na ocorrência de doenças respiratórias em lactentes / Impact assessment of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on the occurrence of respiratory diseases in infants.

Wanderci Marys Oliveira Abrão 15 December 2014 (has links)
Estudos realizados e recomendados pela OMS e UNICEF, indicam alta prevalência de infecções pneumocócicas e meningocócicas, sobretudo em crianças abaixo dos dois anos de idade. O Streptococcus pneumoniae é um dos agentes mais frequentes de pneumonia, otite média aguda (OMA), meningite e sinusite em crianças. O número global de mortes em crianças menores de cinco anos de idade causadas por pneumonia foi de 8,8 milhões, em 2008. O Ministério da Saúde, devido ao alcance de bons resultados com soroconversão por imunização, indicou a implantação das vacinas antipneumocócica 10-valente e meningocócica C conjugadas no calendário vacinal das crianças menores de dois anos de idade. Na presente pesquisa, conduziu-se um estudo transversal com componente retrospectivo desenvolvido nas redes de Atenção Básica e Hospitalar de Guaranésia, cidade de pequeno porte do interior do estado de Minas Gerais. Objetivou-se avaliar o impacto da vacinação na ocorrência de doenças respiratórias em lactentes, considerando o período anterior e posterior à introdução da vacina antipneumocócica 10-valente, no Programa Nacional de Imunização. Na análise estatística definiu-se o período entre 2009 e 2012. O método de estudo adotado foi o um estudo transversal aninhado em uma série temporal, sendo observado que no período pós introdução da vacina antipneumocócica 10 valente conjugada houve uma redução de 40% na prevalência de pneumonia adquirida na comunidade, com diferença estatística entre os dois períodos . Confirmou-se que a oscilação sazonal tem interferência nas doenças estudadas. Em relação ao sexo, constatou-se que o masculino tem predomínio sobre o feminino quanto ao acometimento por pneumonia. Foi observado que o sexo masculino apresentou 28% mais chance de PNM. Em relação à otite média aguda e à rinossinusite, a variável sexo não apresentou predomínio entre elas. Os dados estatísticos, considerando a razão de prevalência (RP = 1,96 (IC95%: 1,52 2,53); p <0,05), sugeriram que não vacinar está associado com a ocorrência de PNM. Constatou-se que a prevalência de PNM foi 70% menor (RP 0,30 (IC95%: 0,24 0,37); p<0,05) nas crianças com vacina em dia comparando-se àquelas com a vacina em atraso, ou seja, manter vacina em dia sugere proteção contra PNM. No entanto, houve 53% menos OMA entre não vacinados do que entre vacinados (RP = 0,47 (IC95%: 0,35 0,64); p<0,05). Diante dos resultados encontrados, pode-se concluir que a vacinação antipneumocócica 10-valente está associada com redução dos casos de pneumonia adquirida na comunidade em lactentes. / Studies and recommended by WHO and UNICEF, indicate a high prevalence of pneumococcal and meningococcal infections, especially in children under two years of age. Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most frequent agents of pneumonia, acute otitis media (AOM), meningitis and sinusitis in children. The overall number of deaths in children under five years of age caused by pneumonia was 8.8 million in 2008. The Ministry of Health due to reach good results with seroconversion by immunization, indicated the implementation of pneumococcal vaccines 10- meningococcal C conjugate and brave in the immunization schedule of children under two years of age. In this research, conducted a cross-sectional study with retrospective component developed in primary care networks and Hospital Guaranésia, small town in the state of Minas Gerais. This study aimed to assess the impact of vaccination on the incidence of respiratory diseases in infants, considering the time before and after the introduction of the vaccine pneumococcal 10-valent, the National Immunization Program. Statistical analysis defined the period between 2009 and 2012. The adopted method of study was a cross-sectional study nested in a time series, it was observed that in the post introduction period of pneumococcal vaccine conjugate 10 brave there was a 40% reduction in the prevalence of community-acquired pneumonia, with statistical difference between the two periods. It was confirmed that the seasonal oscillation has interference in the diseases. With regard to gender, it was found that the male is predominant over females in relation to involvement by pneumonia. It was observed that men had 28% more chance of pneumonia. In relation to acute otitis media and sinusitis, sex does not showed a predominance among them. Statistical data, considering the prevalence ratio (PR = 1.96 (95% CI: 1.52 to 2.53), p <0.05), suggested that not vaccinating is associated with the occurrence of pneumonia. It was found that the prevalence of pneumonia was 70% lower (PR 0.30 (95% CI: 0.24 to 0.37), p <0.05) in children with day vaccine is compared to those of the vaccine in delay, ie to keep day suggests vaccine protection against pneumonia. However, there were 53% fewer of AOM than for unvaccinated vaccinated (OR = 0.47 (95% CI: 0.35 to 0.64); p <0.05). Considering the results, it can be concluded that vaccination pneumococcal 10-valent is associated with reduction of cases of community-acquired pneumonia in infants.

Um estudo caso-controle da efetividade da vacina polissacarídica antipneumococo em adultos infectados pelo HIV, São Paulo, Brasil / A Case-control study of the Effectiveness of the polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine among HIV-infected persons in São Paulo, Brazil

Veras, Maria Amélia de Sousa Mascena 08 August 2005 (has links)
Introdução: Pessoas infectadas pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) têm alto risco de desenvolver doença pneumocócica. Infecções invasivas pelo Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococo) lideram a morbidade e a mortalidade entre crianças, idosos e pessoas com doenças de base que comprometem o sistema imune ou diminuem a função esplênica. A infecção pelo HIV está associada a um aumento de até dez vezes na incidência das pneumonias bacterianas no mundo. S. pneumoniae é o agente mais comum identificado. A imunização contra S. pneumoniae tem sido recomendada para indivíduos infectados pelo HIV em vários países, incluindo o Brasil, onde a vacina de polissacarídeos antipneumococo com 23 sorotipos (PPV-23) está sendo utilizada desde 1993. A efetividade da vacina de polissacarídeos antipneumococo varia entre 60 a 80% entre adultos com função imunológica relativamente normal. Entre adultos infectados pelo HIV, os estudos realizados até o momento apresentam resultados inconclusivos ou mesmo contraditórios. Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a efetividade da vacina de polissacarídeos antipneumococo 23-valente (PPV-23) em uma amostra da população adulta infectada pelo HIV, em São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo de caso controle, tipo caso-incidente, entre adultos infectados pelo HIV, em São Paulo. A exposição é ter sido vacinado com a vacina 23 valente e o desfecho é infecção invasiva causada pelo S. pneumoniae. Caso: pessoa infectada pelo HIV, >=18 anos de idade, com doença invasiva por pneumococo, diagnosticada por meio de cultura positiva (isolamento de S. pneumoniae) em material biológico obtido de qualquer fluido corporal normalmente estéril. Controle: pessoa infectada pelo HIV, com >=18 anos de idade, recebendo cuidados nas mesmas instituições, sem doença invasiva por pneumococo, com o mesmo nível de células T CD4+ no mesmo período do diagnóstico do caso, estratificadas por faixas (CD4<200; CD4>=200<=499; >=500) cels/mm3. Foram conduzidas análise univariada e regressão logística condicional. Resultados: 79 casos e 241 controles foram incluídos, média de 39 anos, 63% do sexo masculino, mais de 50% com escolaridade entre média e fundamental, 63,5% brancos, 19% vivendo em condições precárias de habitação. Idade, sexo e raça não diferiram entre casos e controles. Bacteremia foi a manifestação clínica mais freqüente. Fatores de risco associados à doença pneumocócica incluíram: uso de alcool, de drogas injetáveis, ter menor nível de escolaridade, condições precárias de habitação, contato próximo com criança <10 anos e hospitalizações prévias por pneumonia. O uso de anti-retrovirais e a vacina antipneumocócica estiveram associados com uma diminuição do risco. A efetividade da vacina foi de aproximadamente 65% (OR=0,35 IC95%:0,18-0,70). Após ajustar por alguns fatores associados à doença invasiva (uso de drogas injetáveis, hospitalização prévia por pneumonia e uso de ARV), o possível efeito protetor da vacina (OR=, EV=54%) perdeu sua significância estatística (IC95% 0,27-1,13). Amostras de 47 casos foram sorotipadas. Conclusão: Este é o primeiro estudo a avaliar a efetividade da vacina de polissacarídeos antipneumocócica entre os indivíduos infectados pelo HIV no Brasil, e a incluir dados sobre a distribuição dos sorotipos de pneumococo neste subgrupo. A vacina anti-pneumocócica e o uso de anti-retrovirais atuaram como fatores protetores contra doença pneumocócica invasiva. Estes resultados reforçam a recomendação do uso da vacina no Brasil, e indicam a necessidade de estudos com amostras maiores que possam elucidar de forma inequívoca o efeito da vacina antipneumocócica entre portadores do HIV / Background: HIV-infected individuals are at increased risk of bacterial pneumonia in general and of pneumonia due to S. pneumoniae in particular. S. pneumoniae is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children, elderly and those with underlying conditions that compromise the immune system or diminish the splenic function. HIV infection is associated to a tenfold increase in the incidence of bacterial pneumonias worldwide and S. pneumoniae is the most common causal agent identified. Immunization against S. pneumoniae with Polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for use in HIV-infected adults in Brazil. The effectiveness of PPV23 ranges from to approximately 30 to 80%, among those with normal immune function. Among HIV-infected adults, studies have suggested contradictory or inconclusive results. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of the 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine among HIV-infected adult patients in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A prospective matched case-control study among HIV-infected adults in São Paulo. Exposure is vaccination with PPV-23 and outcome is invasive disease. Case definition: HIV-infected individual over 18 years old, with invasive pneumococcal disease, defined as recovery of S. pneumoniae from a normally sterile site (e.g. such as blood, pleural fluid, spinal fluid, pericardial fluid). Controls: HIV-infected individuals over 18 years of age, with o history of documented or strong suspicion of invasive pneumococcal disease, receiving medical care at the same group of institutions, matched to the cases by level of CD4 lymphocyte cell counts, according to the following (<200; 200=500 cells/mm3), measured during the same period. Results: 79 cases and 241 controls were included; mean age of 39 years; 63% male; education level lower than high school for 50% of the sample; 63,5% whites, 19% reported living in \"sub-standard\" housing. Bacteremia was the most frequent clinical manifestation. Risk factors associated with invasie disease: alcohol use, IDU, lower level of education, \"sub-standard\" housing, close contact with child less than 10 years old and previous hospitalization with pneumonia. ARV use and pneumococcal vaccine were associated to decreased risk. Overall vaccine effectiveness was 65% (OR=0,35 IC95%:0,18-0,70). After adjustment for confounding factors (IDU, hospitalization with pneumonia, and ARV use) the point estimate for the effectiveness of 23-valent polysaccharide against all invasive pneumococcal infection was 45% (95% CI: <0% to 73%). Isolates from 47 were available for serotyping. 40 (85%) were of serotypes included in the PPV-23. All 11 isolates from previously vaccinated cases were of serotypes included in the vaccine. Conclusion To our knowledge this is the first study to evaluate vaccine effectiveness among HIV-infected persons in Brazil and the first to include data on pneumococcal serotype distribution among HIV-infected adults in Sao Paulo. Although we were not able to provide definitive answers regarding vaccine effectiveness among the specific population, we reinforce the role of anti-retroviral therapy on preventing invasive disease. Our findings support the continuity of the recommendation on immunizing HIV-infected patients with the polysaccharide vaccine at the same time that reinforces the need of more data on the subject

Cost-effectiveness analysis of 10- and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in Peru

Mezones Holguín, Edward, Canelo Aybara, Carlos, David Clark, Andrew, Bess Janusz, Cara, Jaúregui, Bárbara, Escobedo Palza, Seimer, Hernandez, Adrian V., Berhane, Yemane, Vega Porras, Denhiking, González, Marco, Fiestas, Fabián, Toledo , Washington, Michele, Fabiana, Suárez, Víctor J. 24 November 2015 (has links)
Objective To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of introducing the 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) versus the 13-valent PCV (PCV13) to the National Immunization Schedule in Peru for prevention of pneumococcal disease (PD) in children <5 years of age. Methods The integrated TRIVAC vaccine cost-effectiveness model from the Pan American Health Organization's ProVac Initiative (version 2.0) was applied from the perspective of the Government of Peru. Twenty successive cohorts of children from birth to 5 years were evaluated. Clinical outcomes were pneumococcal pneumonia (PP), pneumococcal meningitis (PM), pneumococcal sepsis (PS) and acute otitis media from any causes (AOM). Measures included prevention of cases, neurological sequelae (NS), auditory sequelae (AS), deaths and disability adjusted life years (DALYs). A sensitivity analyses was also performed. Findings For the 20 cohorts, net costs with PCV10 and PCV13 were US$ 363.26 million and US$ 408.26 million, respectively. PCV10 prevented 570,273 AOM; 79,937 PP; 2217 PM; 3049 PS; 282 NS; 173 AS; and 7512 deaths. PCV13 prevented 419,815 AOM; 112,331 PN; 3116 PM; 4285 PS; 404 NS; 248 AS; and 10,386 deaths. Avoided DALYs were 226,370 with PCV10 and 313,119 with PCV13. Saved treatment costs were US$ 37.39 million with PCV10 and US$ 47.22 million with PCV13. Costs per DALY averted were US$ 1605 for PCV10, and US$ 1304 for PCV13. Sensitivity analyses showed similar results. PCV13 has an extended dominance over PCV10. Conclusion Both pneumococcal vaccines are cost effective in the Peruvian context. Although the net cost of vaccination with PCV10 is lower, PCV13 prevented more deaths, pneumococcal complications and sequelae. Costs per each prevented DALY were lower with PCV13. Thus, PCV13 would be the preferred policy; PCV10 would also be reasonable (and cost-saving relative to the status quo) if for some reason 13-valent were not feasible. / This study was presented at 9th International Symposium of Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases, Hyderabad, India, March 2014, and supported by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation of Peru (CONCYTEC) and International Clinical Epidemiology Network (INCLEN Trust) / This study was made possible through the financial support of the Instituto Nacional de Salud (National Institute of Health, Lima, Peru) and the PROVAC Initiative of the Pan American Health Organization (Washington, DC, USA).

Avaliação da resposta humoral à vacina pneumocócica conjugada 7-valente em crianças com asma moderada em uso de corticóide inalatório e em crianças com fibrose cística / Humoral immune response to 7-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine among children with moderate asthma in use of inhaled glucocorticosteroids and cystic fibrosis children

Adriana Melo de Faria 19 November 2009 (has links)
As infecções pneumocócicas são uma importante causa de morbi-mortalidade entre as crianças. Até 2000, era disponível apenas a vacina pneumocócica polissacarídica 23valente, de uso a partir dos 2 anos de idade. Essa vacina era recomendada para crianças com fibrose cística (FC) e para as asmáticas em uso de corticóide oral, dentre outras recomendações. A partir de 2000, licenciou-se a vacina pneumocócica conjugada 7valente, com grande impacto contra infecções causadas pelos sorotipos vacinais. Nos países onde as crianças não são universalmente vacinadas com essa vacina, as recomendações permanecem as mesmas. Atualmente, os adultos asmáticos estão incluídos nas recomendações para vacinação pneumocócica nos EUA. Há poucos estudos sobre o risco de doença pneumocócica em crianças asmáticas per si e naquelas com fibrose cística e sobre a resposta à vacina pneumocócica conjugada. Salienta-se que ainda não há um critério estabelecido para avaliar a resposta sorológica a essa vacina. Recentemente, foi sugerido o critério de 0,35mcg/ml por Elisa para se correlacionar com proteção para doença invasiva pneumocócica. Objetivou-se determinar a concentração dos anticorpos contra os sorotipos vacinais contidos na vacina pneumocócica conjugada 7valente em crianças com asma moderada em uso de corticóide inalatório e em crianças com fibrose cística; avaliando-as pelos critérios de 0,35mcg/ml, 1,3mcg/ml e aumento de 4 vezes o título pós em relação ao pré-vacinal, para cada sorotipo e para a vacina, considerando-se a positividade para 5 sorotipos. Foram avaliadas 18 crianças em cada grupo. A mediana da idade foi de 82,5m nas asmáticas e 69,5m naquelas com FC. Foi colhida amostra para sorologia pré-vacinação e outra após 2 doses da vacina conjugada. As concentrações de anticorpos para os sorotipos vacinais foram quantificadas pelo Elisa. Para 0,35mcg/ml de corte, a grande maioria nos dois grupos já era positiva à inclusão para os sorotipos vacinais e à vacina. Considerando-se o valor de 1,3mcg/ml, entre os que eram negativos, as crianças asmáticas responderam entre 66,7% (9V) e 100% (14), e as com FC, entre 50% (19F) e 100% (6B e 14); e, em relação à resposta vacinal para esse nível, as asmáticas apresentaram 81,8% de resposta, enquanto as com FC, 91,7%. Avaliando-se pelo aumento de 4 vezes o título pós em relação ao pré-vacinal, a melhor resposta aos sorotipos, nos asmáticos, foi de 33,3% (4, 6B, 14 e 18C), e a nos com FC, 61,1% para o 6B; em termos de resposta vacinal, obteve-se 16,7% e 44,4%, para as asmáticas e aquelas com FC, respectivamente. Não houve interferência da vacinação prévia com a vacina pneumocócica polissacarídica. As medianas dos títulos pós em relação aos pré-vacinais, para os sorotipos, nos dois grupos, apresentaram um aumento significante. Apesar de boa parte das crianças apresentarem uma positividade elevada à inclusão, aquelas que eram negativas tenderam a apresentar uma boa resposta à vacina. / Pneumococcal infections are an important morbi-mortality cause among children. Until 2000, it was only available the 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine for children over two years old. This vaccine was recommended for cystic fibrosis (CF) children and to asthmatics children in use of oral corticosteroids, among other recommendations. From 2000, it was licensed the 7-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine, with a great impact against the infections caused by the vaccine serotypes. In the countries that dont make a universally use of this vaccine for children, the recommendations remain the same. At the present time, asthmatic adults are included for the pneumococcal vaccine recommendations in the United States. There are few studies about pneumococcal disease risk with cystic fibrosis children and asthmatics, per si, and about the conjugated pneumococcal vaccine response. It points out that there are no a definitive criteria or evaluation established for the serology response for this vaccine. It was suggested, recently, that the level of 0,35mcg/ml, measured by ELISA, is adequate to correlate with the invasive pneumococcal disease protection. The goal of this study was to determine the antibodies concentration of the seven vaccine serotypes from 7-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine among children with moderate asthma in use of inhaled corticosteroids and with cystic fibrosis. It was considered the dosage 0,35mcg/ml and 1,3mcg/ml levels and the four-fold increase between pre- and post-immunization concentrations levels, to each serotype and to the vaccine (positivity for five serotypes or more) for positivity. Eighteen children were included in each study group. The age median was 82,5 months for the asthmatics and 69,5 months for the CF children. A blood sample was taken for pre-immunization serology and a second one after the second vaccine dose was given. The antibodies concentrations for the vaccine serotypes were measured by ELISA. Considering the 0,35mcg/ml levels, the majority of children, in both groups, was positive for vaccine serotypes and for the vaccine as well in the beginning. At the 1,3mcg/ml level, among the children with negative serology, asthmatic children responded between 66,7% (9V) and 100% (14), and those with CF, between 50% (19F) and 100% (6B e 14). Related to the vaccine response for this level, the asthmatics had a 81,8% response, while the CF childrens response was 91,7%. Evaluating for the four-fold increase between pre- and post-immunization concentrations, the best response observed for the vaccine serotypes was 33,3% (4, 6B, 14 e 18C) for the asthmatics. In the CF group the best result was 61,1% (6B). In terms of the vaccine response, it was observed that 16,7% and 44,4% were the results for both the asthmatics and CF group, respectively. The polysaccharide vaccine didnt interfere in the results. The medians of the pre- and post-immunization antibodies concentrations for the vaccine serotypes, in both groups, were significantly increased. Despite those children that were already positive for the criteria evaluated, at the first moment of the study, for those children that were negative, the majority had a positive serology towards the vaccination response.

Impact d’une infection par le virus grippal de type A sur la myélopoïèse / Impact of influenza A virus infection on myelopoiesis

Beshara, Ranin 26 October 2018 (has links)
L’infection par le virus de la grippe, ou le Myxovirus influenzae de type A (IAV), constitue l'une des causes les plus importantes de maladies des voies respiratoires dans le monde. Elle conduit également à des épidémies récurrentes avec des taux élevés de morbidité et de mortalité. Des surinfections bactériennes, principalement causées par Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonie), sont souvent associées à la grippe et contribuent de manière significative à l’excès de mortalité. La perturbation de l'intégrité des tissus pulmonaires et la diminution de l'immunité antibactérienne au cours de l'infection par IAV sont à l’origine de la colonisation et à la dissémination des bactéries.L'infection grippale entraîne une altération profonde du compartiment de cellules myéloïdes pulmonaires caractérisée par une altération numérique ou fonctionnelle des cellules sentinelles - les macrophages alvéolaires et les cellules dendritiques conventionnelles (cDC) - et par un recrutement de cellules myéloïdes inflammatoires -les neutrophiles, les monocytes inflammatoires ou encore les cellules dendritiques inflammatoires.Les cellules myéloïdes sont originaires de la moelle osseuse (MO). Lors d’infections, la myélopoïèse peut être profondément affectée afin de maintenir la production et la mobilisation de cellules myéloïdes inflammatoires au niveau du site d’infection. A l’heure actuelle, les conséquences de l’infection grippale sur la myélopoïèse restent encore mal connues.Dans notre projet, nous rapportons que l'infection grippale conduit à une diminution transitoire du nombre de cDC (cDC1 et cDC2) dans les poumons qui coïncide avec une chute dans la MO, du nombre de progéniteurs/précurseurs impliqués dans la génération des cDC (CDP, pre-cDC et plus particulièrement les pre-cDC1). Cette diminution de la "DCpoïèse" est associée à une accélération de la génération des monocytes, i.e. monopoïèse. La différenciation altérée des cDC est indépendante des cytokines pro-inflammatoires et n'est pas due à un dysfonctionnement intrinsèque des précurseurs de cDC. De façon intéressante, nous rapportons que ces altérations au niveau de la MO sont associées à une diminution de la production de Flt3-L ou Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand, un facteur crucial pour la différenciation des DC. La supplémentation en Flt3-L au cours de la grippe rétablit la différenciation des progéniteurs de cDC dans la MO et restaure le compartiment des cDC pulmonaires. De façon intéressante, cette restauration s’accompagne d’une protection partielle contre l’infection pneumococcique secondaire caractérisée par une réduction de la charge bactérienne, une amélioration de la pathologie pulmonaire et une survie prolongée. / Influenza type A virus (IAV) infection, is one of the most important causes of respiratory diseases worldwide. It also leads to recurrent epidemics with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Secondary bacterial infections, mainly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia), are often associated with influenza and contribute significantly to excess mortality. Disruption of lung tissue integrity and impaired antibacterial immunity during IAV infection participate in bacterial pulmonary colonization and dissemination out of the lungs.Influenza infection leads to a profound alteration in the pulmonary myeloid cell compartment characterized by numeric or functional alteration of sentinel cells (alveolar macrophages and conventional dendritic cells (cDC)) and recruitment of inflammatory myeloid cells (neutrophils, inflammatory monocytes and inflammatory dendritic cells).Myeloid cells originate from the bone marrow (BM). During infections, myelopoiesis may be profoundly affected in order to maintain the production and mobilization of inflammatory myeloid cells to the site of infection. At present, the consequences of influenza infection on myelopoiesis remain poorly understood.In our project, we report that influenza infection leads to a transient decrease in the number of Cdc (cDC1 and cDC2) in the lungs, and severely impairs the number of BM progenitors committed to the DC lineage (CDP, pre-cDC and, most importantly, the cDC1-biased pre-DC lineage). This reduction was associated with an increase in the production of monocytes in the BM (monopoiesis). The altered cDC differentiation was independent of pro-inflammatory cytokines and was not due to an intrinsic dysfunction of cDC precursors. Defective DC genesis during influenza was associated with a decrease in the production of the key cDC differentiation factor, Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (Flt3-L). Importantly, Flt3-L overexpression during influenza restores the differentiation of BM progenitors into cDC - a phenomenon associated with repopulation of cDC in the lungs. The restoration of pulmonary cDC associates with a partial protection against secondary pneumococcal infection characterized by reduced bacterial loads, improved pathological outcomes and prolonged survival.

Avaliação do impacto da vacina antipneumocócica conjugada na ocorrência de doenças respiratórias em lactentes / Impact assessment of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on the occurrence of respiratory diseases in infants.

Abrão, Wanderci Marys Oliveira 15 December 2014 (has links)
Estudos realizados e recomendados pela OMS e UNICEF, indicam alta prevalência de infecções pneumocócicas e meningocócicas, sobretudo em crianças abaixo dos dois anos de idade. O Streptococcus pneumoniae é um dos agentes mais frequentes de pneumonia, otite média aguda (OMA), meningite e sinusite em crianças. O número global de mortes em crianças menores de cinco anos de idade causadas por pneumonia foi de 8,8 milhões, em 2008. O Ministério da Saúde, devido ao alcance de bons resultados com soroconversão por imunização, indicou a implantação das vacinas antipneumocócica 10-valente e meningocócica C conjugadas no calendário vacinal das crianças menores de dois anos de idade. Na presente pesquisa, conduziu-se um estudo transversal com componente retrospectivo desenvolvido nas redes de Atenção Básica e Hospitalar de Guaranésia, cidade de pequeno porte do interior do estado de Minas Gerais. Objetivou-se avaliar o impacto da vacinação na ocorrência de doenças respiratórias em lactentes, considerando o período anterior e posterior à introdução da vacina antipneumocócica 10-valente, no Programa Nacional de Imunização. Na análise estatística definiu-se o período entre 2009 e 2012. O método de estudo adotado foi o um estudo transversal aninhado em uma série temporal, sendo observado que no período pós introdução da vacina antipneumocócica 10 valente conjugada houve uma redução de 40% na prevalência de pneumonia adquirida na comunidade, com diferença estatística entre os dois períodos . Confirmou-se que a oscilação sazonal tem interferência nas doenças estudadas. Em relação ao sexo, constatou-se que o masculino tem predomínio sobre o feminino quanto ao acometimento por pneumonia. Foi observado que o sexo masculino apresentou 28% mais chance de PNM. Em relação à otite média aguda e à rinossinusite, a variável sexo não apresentou predomínio entre elas. Os dados estatísticos, considerando a razão de prevalência (RP = 1,96 (IC95%: 1,52 2,53); p <0,05), sugeriram que não vacinar está associado com a ocorrência de PNM. Constatou-se que a prevalência de PNM foi 70% menor (RP 0,30 (IC95%: 0,24 0,37); p<0,05) nas crianças com vacina em dia comparando-se àquelas com a vacina em atraso, ou seja, manter vacina em dia sugere proteção contra PNM. No entanto, houve 53% menos OMA entre não vacinados do que entre vacinados (RP = 0,47 (IC95%: 0,35 0,64); p<0,05). Diante dos resultados encontrados, pode-se concluir que a vacinação antipneumocócica 10-valente está associada com redução dos casos de pneumonia adquirida na comunidade em lactentes. / Studies and recommended by WHO and UNICEF, indicate a high prevalence of pneumococcal and meningococcal infections, especially in children under two years of age. Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most frequent agents of pneumonia, acute otitis media (AOM), meningitis and sinusitis in children. The overall number of deaths in children under five years of age caused by pneumonia was 8.8 million in 2008. The Ministry of Health due to reach good results with seroconversion by immunization, indicated the implementation of pneumococcal vaccines 10- meningococcal C conjugate and brave in the immunization schedule of children under two years of age. In this research, conducted a cross-sectional study with retrospective component developed in primary care networks and Hospital Guaranésia, small town in the state of Minas Gerais. This study aimed to assess the impact of vaccination on the incidence of respiratory diseases in infants, considering the time before and after the introduction of the vaccine pneumococcal 10-valent, the National Immunization Program. Statistical analysis defined the period between 2009 and 2012. The adopted method of study was a cross-sectional study nested in a time series, it was observed that in the post introduction period of pneumococcal vaccine conjugate 10 brave there was a 40% reduction in the prevalence of community-acquired pneumonia, with statistical difference between the two periods. It was confirmed that the seasonal oscillation has interference in the diseases. With regard to gender, it was found that the male is predominant over females in relation to involvement by pneumonia. It was observed that men had 28% more chance of pneumonia. In relation to acute otitis media and sinusitis, sex does not showed a predominance among them. Statistical data, considering the prevalence ratio (PR = 1.96 (95% CI: 1.52 to 2.53), p <0.05), suggested that not vaccinating is associated with the occurrence of pneumonia. It was found that the prevalence of pneumonia was 70% lower (PR 0.30 (95% CI: 0.24 to 0.37), p <0.05) in children with day vaccine is compared to those of the vaccine in delay, ie to keep day suggests vaccine protection against pneumonia. However, there were 53% fewer of AOM than for unvaccinated vaccinated (OR = 0.47 (95% CI: 0.35 to 0.64); p <0.05). Considering the results, it can be concluded that vaccination pneumococcal 10-valent is associated with reduction of cases of community-acquired pneumonia in infants.

Genetic influences on vaccine response in children

Baynam, Gareth January 2008 (has links)
Vaccination is one of the most efficacious public health interventions1 and has been increasingly used to combat non-infectious diseases. Mechanisms underlying vaccine responses overlap with those regulating immune responses in health and disease. Therefore, an understanding of mechanisms underpinning these responses will have broad implications. Variation in immune response genes contributes to impaired vaccine responses2-4. Understanding the contribution of genetic variants to vaccine responses is likely to be particularly important in early life given the generalized functional immaturity of the immune system in infants and the highly variable kinetics of its maturation over the first few years of life5-7. However, studies of genetic influences on early childhood vaccine responses are scarce. Since a number of genes from several pathways are likely to be important, a targeted approach is necessary. This thesis explored the effects and interactions of genes associated with atopy, as atopy, or the genetic risk for it, has been associated with modulation of early childhood vaccine responses. This thesis aimed to: 1) investigate genetic variants associated with atopy on early childhood vaccine responses; 2) examine interactions between these genetic variants and non-genetic factors; 3) approach developmental genetic influences on genetic effects and their interactions; and 4) extend findings on vaccine responses to other immunological phenotypes and disease outcomes.

Hospitalizations associated with pneumococcal infection within the Medicare population among vaccinated and non-vaccinated patients

Webb, Silky Fanyelle 01 June 2007 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Streptococcus pneumoniae is the primary causative agent of pneumonia in older adults. Vaccination is the only tool to protect against pneumococcal infection; however, vaccination rates remain far below the Healthy People 2010 objective of 90% coverage. The number one reason for such low rates is attributed to controversy over the protective efficacy of the vaccine in preventing nonbacteremic pneumonia (eg, community-acquired pneumonia [CAP]). OBJECTIVES: The primary objectives of this study were to assess the incidence of pneumonia, pneumonia requiring hospitalization, and pneumonia hospitalization costs. METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study of Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 years in 2003, subjects were selected based on exposure status. Exposure was defined as receipt of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23). Vaccinated persons were then matched 1:1 on gender and the presence of any comorbidity to unvaccinated persons. Subjects were followed up for 1 year (January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004). The primary outcomes were pneumonia, pneumonia requiring hospitalization, and hospitalization costs. Mantel-Haenszel chi-square or logit was used to estimate the relative risk (RR) associated with vaccination and each outcome and Proc Ttest was used to test the difference between mean hospital costs of the vaccinated and non-vaccinated. RESULTS: During the follow-up period, 443 patients were diagnosed with pneumonia; 266 had previously been vaccinated and 177 had no documented receipt of prior vaccination. Results of the Chi-square analysis revealed a significant association between vaccination and the risk of pneumonia, as the vaccinated were 50% more likely to develop pneumonia than were the non-vaccinated (Adjusted RR: 1.50; 95% CI: 1.25, 1.81). Approximately 67% of patients diagnosed with pneumonia required hospitalization; of which, 183 were previously vaccinated and 115 had no documented receipt of prior vaccination. There was no association between vaccination and risk of pneumonia requiring hospitalization (P value 0.4001). However, the vaccine was associated with a significant reduction in hospital costs (P value 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that use of the vaccine may be associated with cost savings due to a reduction in hospitalization.

Drug resistant patterns of invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infections in the State of Florida in 2003

Drennon, Michael T 01 June 2006 (has links)
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major bacterial pathogen which causes pneumoniae, meningitis, otitis media, and bacteremia. Currently there are two vaccines available, Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPV) for adults and the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) for children. The PCV vaccine was developed in 2000 specifically for children and infants due to the ineffectiveness of the PPV vaccine in children. This is a cross sectional study of invasive S. pneumoniae in Florida during 2003. This study is designed to determine the population characteristics, clinically relevant antibiotic resistance patterns and specific risk factors for development of antibiotic resistance of invasive S. pneumoniae. Participants for the study of antimicrobial resistance will be selected if they are positive for invasive S. pneumoniae, and have been reported to the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Epidemiology with a laboratory specimen collection date in 2003. A total of 1056 cases were reported. The incidence of invasive S. pneumoniae was calculated. Logistic regression was used to find an association between each risk factor and invasive S. pneumoniae. 95% Confidence Intervals were calculated to determine statistical significance. The incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease was calculated to be 6.61 per 100,000 persons (95% CI 6.21 -- 7.01). The incidence of drug resistant S. pneumoniae was calculated to be 3.3 per 100,000 persons (95% CI 3.03 -- 3.59).The incidence of penicillin resistant S. pneumoniae (PRSP) was estimated to be 2.6 per 100,000 persons (95% CI 2.37 -- 2.87). Fifty percent of the cases qualified as Drug Resistant S. pneumoniae (DRSP), being non-susceptible to one or more antibiotics as defined by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Age, race, gender, county and month of occurrence were evaluated as risk factors for DRSP. Only month of occurrence was determined to be a risk factor. Compared to current studies and previous results for Florida, it appears that Florida has a decreasing incidence of antibiotic resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. I believe that this is due to the use of the PCV vaccine.

An Examination of the Socio-Demographic Characteristics Associated with Adult Vaccination Prevalence for Preventable Diseases in the United States

Mastrodomenico, Jessica 15 May 2010 (has links)
JESSICA MASTRODOMENICO An Examination of the Socio-Demographic Characteristics Associated with Adult Vaccination Prevalence for Preventable Diseases in the United States Background: An estimated 50,000 adults in the United States (U.S.) die each year from one of 10 vaccine preventable diseases. For those who survive vaccine preventable infections, health care costs and loss of income become more significant. While children in the U.S. aged 0-2 exhibit vaccine prevalence rates of almost 90%, some adult vaccine prevalence rates in the U.S. population are reported to be nearly 30-40% less than the goals set forth by Healthy People 2010. The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between socio-demographic characteristics of U.S. adults and adult vaccination prevalence for pneumococcal, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, and pertussis. Methods: Data from the 2008 National Health Interview Survey were assessed examining various health indicators and characteristics of non-institutionalized adults and children. The sample was restricted to adults ≥18 years of age. Odds ratios were calculated and multivariate logistic regression was also conducted. P-values of <0.05 and 95% confidence intervals were used to determine statistical significance. Results: There were 21781 total observations; 19.3% received the pneumococcal vaccine, 9.4% received the hepatitis A vaccine, 27.2% received the hepatitis B vaccine, 55.1% received the tetanus vaccine, and 15.2% received the pertussis vaccine. Of the socio-demographic characteristics examined, age, health insurance, marital status, and education were significant for either all five or at least four of the vaccines included in this study. As one might expect those who reported health insurance and those who had a higher level of education usually had a higher likelihood of vaccine receipt as compared to those without health insurance and those with less than a high school education. Age associations varied due to age-related recommendations for certain vaccines such as pneumococcal (recommended for adults ≥65). Compared to the married population (referent), marital status results varied, but for reasons unclear. Whites, the referent group, were the most likely to be vaccinated as compared to Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos, and Asians. Hispanics/Latinos typically had the lowest likelihood of vaccination in this examination. Conclusions: This study further explores the impact of socio-demographic disparities on vaccination status and adds new information to the literature regarding adult vaccination rates for preventable diseases. While research exists related to strengthening interventions such as patient reminder systems, those who do not see the same health care providers on a regular basis remain at risk for lower vaccination prevalence. It is important to better understand the role of social determinants of health, specifically in terms of vaccinations. Future research is needed to further characterize the association of socio-demographic factors with receipt of optional vaccines in adults.

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