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A case study of curriculum controversy: the Virginia Standards of Learning for history and the social sciencesFore, Linda Compton 27 August 2007 (has links)
Curriculum-making is a political exercise in which various groups in a society struggle over whose knowledge and values will be perpetuated through the school curriculum. As such, curriculum-making sometimes creates controversy. Controversy often accompanies the development of social studies curriculum because the purpose of social studies education is the preparation of the young for citizenship. Individuals disagree over what characteristics define the good citizen, as well as what knowledge and skills are necessary for effective citizenship. This study examines the political dimensions of social studies curriculum making in the controversy surrounding the development of the Virginia Standards of Learning for History and the Social Sciences.
Using historical and qualitative methodology, the researcher collected and analyzed data from public documents, meetings of the Virginia Board of Education and its Advisory and Editing Committees, news articles, and transcripts from semi-structured interviews with eight key participants in the development of the social studies Standards of Learning. Analyses of these data sources showed that two primary groups struggled over control of the process of developing the standards, Governor Allen's education team and the professional social studies community under the leadership of the Virginia Consortium of Social Studies Specialists and College Educators. A third important force in the debate was the Virginia Board of Education, from which a small group of its members authored the final standards document.
Further, this study showed two contextual influences on the Virginia social studies standards. The first was the Reagan rhetoric on academic crisis and educational reform through the establishment of tougher academic standards based on the traditional curriculum. The second was the recent controversy in Virginia over outcomes-based education. These two contextual influences combined to create a distrust of professional expertise.
Three reciprocally related themes emerged from the data. Participants used power, rhetoric, and ideology to define the boundaries of the debate, control the process, name who could participate, and determine the outcome of the development process. Disagreements between the two major sides in the debate involved ideological differences over the nature of knowledge and learning and the nature of social studies education. There were also ideological differences among major participants over social issues like civil rights, gender issues, religion, and religious conflicts. / Ph. D.
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Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - En platsidentitets omvandling / Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde – The transformation of place identityJohansson, Henrik, To, Malin January 2016 (has links)
På grund av globaliseringen har konkurrensen mellan städer på senare tid ökat. Platser kan differentiera sig genom att arbeta med uppmärksamhet, inflytande, marknader, företag och evenemang. Detta medför att platsernas roll har förändrats där det riktas ett rampljus mot konstruktionen av platsvarumärke. Politiska dimensioner och platsens intressenter har betydande roller för ett starkt närvarande platsvarumärket. Genom att undersöka de tre begreppen; platsidentitet, platskultur och platsbild kan komplexiteten i konstruktionen av platsvarumärke tydliggöras. En fallstudie tillämpas för att studera platsvarumärke. Detta fall består av platsen Rosenlund i Göteborg där avgränsningen är projektet “Ett Blomstrande Rosenlund”. För att synliggöra konstruktionen av platsvarumärke tillämpas en identitets-baserad platsvarumärkes modell. Denna modell erbjuder ett sätt att se på platsidentitet som en dynamisk process. Med hjälp av modellen ges ett försök till att se hur de politiska dimensionerna, platsens intressenter samspelar med platsidentiteten, platskulturen och platsbilden. Empirin och analysen visar fragment av den komplexitet som råder i omformningen av ett platsvarumärke. Slutresultatet visar att det fanns en politisk närvaro under hela omvandlingprocessen. Här ser vi även en skiftning av de interna intressenternas inflytande på platsidentiteten. Omvandlingsarbetet visar tydliga tendenser att platsidentitet är en dynamisk process. Dock uppdagas det förutsatta och oförutsedda effekter som konstant influerar platsvarumärket. Här kan praktiken utnyttja erfarenheter och forskning i samband med omvandling av platsidentitet, varpå forma ett effektivare platsvarumärke. / The effect of globalization has tightened the competition between cities. Places are able to differentiate from another through attention, influence, markets, businesses and events. This affects the role of places and stresses the importance of place branding. Political dimensions and stakeholders are critical factors in the construction of place brand. Place identity, place culture and place image are the three elements of place branding which can unravel the complexity of the construction. Case studies are used to assess the complexity of a place. Whereas this case comprises the location Rosenlund in Gothenburg where the project “Ett Blomstrande Rosenlund” is the demarcation of this research. An identity-based model for place branding is used as an analyze tool to visualize how the elements and factors influence each other. This model presents place identity as a dynamic process. The empirical analysis shows fragments of the complexity that exists in the transformation of a place brand. As a conclusion a political presence throughout the transformation process is detected. As well as a shift of influence of the place identity between the internal stakeholders are discovered. The process shows a tendency of place identity as a dynamic process. In the transformation process there are presupposed and unforeseen effects that constantly influences the place brand. Experiences and research within the field of place identity can be used in practise, whereas to create a more effective place brand.The thesis is presented in Swedish.
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Limites e fronteiras : perspectivas emancipatórias no povoado São José da Caatinga em Japaratuba, SergipeRibeiro, César Augusto França 30 August 2018 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / We start from the assumption that the current forms, delimitations, limits and borders of the current Brazilian territorial network result from a long process of changes. In this context, the creation of municipalities is a theme that generates endless reflections, given the geographic, political and social character intrinsically found in this theme. In order to contribute to this theme, we propose to analyze the political and daily relations that enable or not the emancipatory intentions in the town of São José da Caatinga in Japaratuba / SE. To do so, we have specific objectives to understand the origins and socio-spatial evolution of the village; to understand the transformations in the laws that deal with municipal emancipation and its implications in the Sergipe territorial network; understand the political-juridical and symbolic-cultural bases that support the demands of emancipation; compare the intended boundaries with the political-administrative boundaries. We use the hermeneutic-phenomenological approach anchored in Heidegger (1989, 2003, 2015), so that it becomes possible to understand the daily relations of the villagers and their territorial aims. The reflections of this study are supported in the territory category, having as main theorists Raffestin (1993) for the analysis of the relations of power; Cigolini (2012), Cataia (2001) and Ratzel (1990) for political-institutional reflections; Dardel (2015), Bonnemaison (2002) and Holzer (1997) for symbolic-identity reflections. Methodologically, the case study was used as a qualitative approach to understand emancipatory phenomena in a particular way in the village. Based on the above, we consider that both the power of constitutional political language and daily relations can build territories in the geographical space. On the one hand, there is the institution of the municipal territory, on the other hand the 'delimitation' that is surrounded by symbolic and identity relations that generate brands in the territory. / Partimos do pressuposto de que as formas, delimitações, limites e fronteiras da atual malha territorial brasileira decorrem de um longo processo de mudanças. Neste contexto, a criação de municípios é um tema que gera infindáveis reflexões, haja visto o caráter geográfico, político e social que intrinsecamente se encontram neste tema. Afim de contribuir com essa temática,nos propomos em analisar as relações políticas e cotidianas que possibilitem ou não as intenções emancipatórias no povoado São José da Caatinga em Japaratuba /SE. Para tanto, temos como objetivos específicos apreender as origens e a evolução sócio espacial do povoado; compreender as transformações nas leis que versam sobre emancipação municipal e suas implicações na malha territorial sergipana; compreender as bases político-jurídica e simbólico-cultural que sustentam os movimentos reivindicatórios da emancipação no povoado; comparar as limites intencionados com as fronteiras político-administrativas. Nos valemos da abordagem hermenêutica-fenomenológica ancorada emHeidegger (1989; 2003; 2015),paraque se torne possível compreender as relações de cotidianidade dos moradores do povoado e os seus quereres territoriais. As reflexões deste estudo estão amparadas na categoria território, tendo como principais teóricos Raffestin (1993) para a análise das relações de poder; Cigolini (2012), Cataia (2001) e Ratzel (1990) para as reflexões político-institucionais; Dardel (2015), Bonnemaison (2002) e Holzer (1997) para as reflexões simbólicas-identitárias.Metodologicamente foi utilizado o estudo de caso como abordagem qualitativa,no intuito de compreender o fenômeno emancipatório de maneira particular no povoado. Com base no exposto consideramos que tanto o poder da linguagem política constitucional, quanto as relações cotidianas podem construir territórios no espaço geográfico. Por um lado, existe a instituição do território municipal, permeada pelos aspectos políticos e jurídicos; por outro, a ‘delimitação’ que é envolta por relações simbólicas que geram marcas identitárias no território. / São Cristóvão, SE
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Dimensões políticas e sociais de um entretenimento audiovisual lucrativo: os Simpsons e as construções imagéticas sobre o BrasilAlmeida, Alessandro de 12 July 2011 (has links)
Although animated sitcom fiction has always been the focus of researchers analysis,
historical studies about animated series aired on TV are still scarce. Moreover, whether
researchers have investigated animated sitcoms, it was not with the intention of
discussing their relation to the images of Brazil and Brazilians conveyed both on TV
and the Internet. Because of that the object of study of this thesis is the discussion of
socio-historical-political dimensions in The Simpsons , a profitable animated sitcom
and a satirical parody of a working class American lifestyle family, whose episodes
have been aired on Brazil and all over the world s TV channels for more than two
decades. Therefore, the corpus of this investigation is some of the series episodes,
notably Blame it on Lisa during which the fictional family travels to Brazil. With the
objective of bringing to light the representations of Brazil in the last decades the
research makes use of the internauts speech acts of which emerge their critical discourse
construction of the The Simpsons. The Internet, an interesting locus to reveal Brazil and
its relation to the American production of series, is also used not only in an attempt to
define simpsonized language and discuss the (re)signification of Brazil s imagery as
created by the internauts, but also to put to question concepts such as family, childhood,
criminality, violence, sexuality in children s programs and the lampooning of Brazilian
identity symbols, always treated in an unflattering or negative light, in the search for
larger audiences (Top 30 ratings) and for money, categories also selected for the
development of this work. Still, anthropophagy, a category largely used in Brazilian
literary (con)texts in the beginning of the XX century, supported the analysis of
internauts and actual viewers perception of the series as a point of departure for helping
engender behavior and attitudes that can help rebuild realities, via massive media, even
if inspired by The Simpsons, and mainly based upon criticism revealed by the episode
Blame it in Lisa. On the one hand, the text attests the capacity of Brazilians, by means
of using communicative technologies, for reacting against the negative satirical portrait
of Brazil and Brazilians and on the other, for rescuing this image, even if utilizing that
simpsonized language . Research leads to the conclusion that Brazilian internauts and
actual viewers do not watch The Simpsons passively but stand up against the
unflattering insinuations in relation to Brazilian culture, society, history, folklore, Brazil
and the Brazilian people, and try to rescue those images conveyed by the sitcom
episodes, especially the ones in Blame it on Lisa . And yet, the text evidences that
certain images of Brazil and Brazilians represented in the animated sitcom expresses the
troublesome reality of truthfully and because of that they have become one of the thesis
concerns and another significant aspect to be considered. Such images are the reason for
the investigator s raising relevant questions and his strongly suggesting accurate
reflection and discussion on such a matter. / Embora as séries ficcionais animadas tenham sido alvo de análises pelos pesquisadores,
estudos históricos sobre os desenhos animados da TV são ainda incipientes. Alem disso,
se os pesquisadores investigaram os seriados animados, não foi com a intenção de
discutir sua relação com as imagens de Brasil e de brasileiros veiculados na TV e na
Internet. Por essas razões, o objeto de estudo desta tese é a discussão sobre as
dimensões sócio-histórico-políticas em Os Simpsons , paródia satírica lucrativa sobre
uma família de classe média americana cujos episódios povoaram as telinhas do Brasil e
de outros países por mais de duas décadas. Portanto, o corpus desta investigação são
alguns dos capítulos da série, em especial O Feitiço de Lisa, durante o qual a família
ficcional viaja ao Brasil. Com o objetivo de trazer à luz as representações de Brasil das
últimas décadas, esta pesquisa utiliza a fala dos internautas da qual emerge a construção
de seu discurso crítico sobre Os Simpsons e nosso país. A Internet, lugar para revelar o
Brasil e suas relações com a produção americana de séries ficcionais, é também usada,
não apenas como tentativa para definir linguagem simpsonizada e discutir a
(re)significação da imagem do Brasil como criada pelos internautas, mas também para
repensar os conceitos de família, infância, criminalidade, violência, sexualidade em
programas infantis e o descaso pelos símbolos identitários do Brasil, sempre tratados de
modo negativo e denigritório, na busca por maiores níveis de audiência e dinheiro,
estas, categorias também selecionadas para se desenvolver esta investigação. Também,
a antropofagia, categoria muito utilizada em (con)textos literários brasileiros no começo
do século XX, foi o suporte da análise da percepção dos internautas e telespectadores
sobre a referida série, como geradora de atitudes e comportamentos que ajudam a
reconstruir realidades, via mídia de massa, mesmo se inspiradas por Os Simpsons,
principalmente a partir da crítica revelada no episódio O feitiço de Lisa . O texto,
por um lado, atesta a capacidade dos brasileiros, com o uso de tecnologias
comunicativas, de reagir contra o retrato satírico-negativo do Brasil e dos brasileiros e,
por outro, de promover a retomada dessa imagem, mesmo fazendo uso daquela
linguagem simpsonizada . A pesquisa leva à conclusão de que os brasileiros,
internautas e telespectadores, nem sempre assistem aos episódios de Os Simpsons
passivamente, mas reagem criticamente, posicionando-se contrários às insinuações
depreciativas em relação à cultura, sociedade, história, ao folclore, ao próprio povo
brasileiro e ao Brasil, e tentam resgatar as imagens do Brasil e dos brasileiros veiculadas
na série Os Simpsons, principalmente as exploradas no episódio O Feitiço de Lisa. E, no
entanto, o texto evidencia que certas imagens de Brasil e dos brasileiros representadas
no desenho animado expressam a problemática realidade do Brasil e, por isso, tornaramse
uma preocupação e outro aspecto significante a serem considerados nesta tese. Por
essas razões, essas imagens de Brasil se tornam a razão de o investigador levantar
questões pertinentes e sugerir veementemente reflexões e discussões sérias sobre esse
assunto. / Doutor em História
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