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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Humans and Seagrasses in East Africa : A social-ecological systems approach

de la Torre-Castro, Maricela January 2006 (has links)
<p>The present study is one of the first attempts to analyze the societal importance of seagrasses (marine flowering plants) from a Natural Resource Management perspective, using a social-ecological systems (SES) approach. The interdisciplinary study takes place in East Africa (Western Indian Ocean, WIO) and includes in-depth studies in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Natural and social sciences methods were used. The results are presented in six articles, showing that seagrass ecosystems are rich in seagrass species (13) and form an important part of the SES within the tropical seascape of the WIO. Seagrasses provide livelihoods opportunities and basic animal protein, in from of seagrass associated fish e.g. Siganidae and Scaridae. Research, management and education initiatives are, however, nearly non-existent. In Chwaka Bay, the goods and ecosystem services associated with the meadows and also appreciated by locals were fishing and collection grounds as well as substrate for seaweed cultivation. Seagrasses are used as medicines and fertilizers and associated with different beliefs and values. Dema (basket trap) fishery showed clear links to seagrass beds and provided the highest gross income per capita of all economic activities. All showing that the meadows provide social-ecological resilience. Drag-net fishery seems to damage the meadows. Two ecological studies show that artisanal seaweed farming of red algae, mainly done by women and pictured as sustainable in the WIO, has a thinning effect on seagrass beds, reduces associated macrofauna, affects sediments, changes fish catch composition and reduces diversity. Furthermore, it has a negative effect on i.a. women’s health. The two last papers are institutional analyses of the human-seagrass relationship. A broad approach was used to analyze regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive institutions. Cooperation and conflict take place between different institutions, interacting with their slow or fast moving characteristics, and are thus fundamental in directing the system into sustainable/unsustainable paths. Ecological knowledge was heterogeneous and situated. Due to the abundance of resources and high internal control, the SES seems to be entangled in a rigidity trap with the risk of falling into a poverty trap. Regulations were found insufficient to understand SES dynamics. “Well” designed organizational structures for management were found insufficient for “good” institutional performance. The dynamics between individuals embedded in different social and cultural structures showed to be crucial. Bwana Dikos, monitoring officials, placed in villages or landing sites in Zanzibar experienced four dilemmas – kinship, loyalty, poverty and control – which decrease efficiency and affect resilience. Mismatches between institutions themselves, and between institutions and cognitive capacities were identified. Some important practical implications are the need to include seagrass meadows in management and educational plans, addressing a seascape perspective, livelihood diversification, subsistence value, impacts, social-ecological resilience, and a broad institutional approach.</p>


洪萱 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧財產權利人有多種方式利用其智慧財產權。最直接的方式是將智慧財產權出售予他人,以獲得價金之報酬。權利人透過一次獲得相當金額,而滿足其創新的對價;但也有可能由於創新尚未獲得市場肯定,而無法獲得他人提供足以滿足其目的之對價。另種方式是自行設廠製造,不過,一方面權利人未必有足夠的財力投資於生產,而另一方面權利人未必了解經營或未必有意願承擔經營之風險。折衷的方式就是將智慧財產權授權他人使用,而不移轉所有權,以獲得持續的報酬給付,並不喪失其最終的權利。 然而,智慧財產權具有排他效力,只有特定權利人可以使用,他人除非經過權利人同意,否則無法使用,限制或排除他人進入該智慧財產權所涉及之商品市場與權利人自由競爭,而形成限制競爭之效果。此種結果是賦予具有排他效力之智慧財產權所必然產生者,如果因而被認定違反競爭法,恐將導致智慧財產權之規範目的無法達成。因此,對於「智慧財產權法對於智慧財產權利人之保護」與「公平交易法對於公平交易秩序之維護」兩者界限該如何權衡,當為十分重要的課題。 本文經由探討美國、歐盟及日本等國家現行競爭法對於技術授權行為之規範:美國”Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property(1995)”、” Antitrust Enforcement and Intellectual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation and Competition(2007)”,歐盟” Commission Regulation (EC) No 772/2004 of 27 April 2004 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements”及其Guidelines,日本2007年新修訂「知的財産の利用に関する独占禁止法上の指針」,以及參考我國公平會(Fair Trade Commission)執法實務之案例經驗,俾掌握技術授權行為如何在鼓勵創新與促進技術流通兩者間加以權衡題,進而試就我國技術授權協議案件處理原則(Fair Trade Commission Guidelines on Technology Licensing Arrangements),提供具體修正建議: 一、適用範圍:歐盟及日本於新修訂的技術授權處理規範中,均將適用客體進一步擴大適用至新式樣專利與軟體著作權(software copyright)。然而,我國公平會目前相關案件量甚少,故是否要隨外國立法例擴大適用範圍,應視我國國情及執法實務加以考量,仍有斟酌餘地。 二、建立「安全區」:適度將對於市場競爭程度影響輕微之案件排除,不但增加執法透明度與明確性,同時避免行政資源錯置,應屬可行。衡諸國情及促進產業發展之考量,本文建議立法初期,針對公平交易法第19條限制競爭或妨礙公平競爭行為,於授權人市場占有率10%以下者,認定較無限制競爭或妨礙公平競爭疑慮,而不須加以審查。 三、不須區分黑(違法)、灰(可能違法)條款:現行技術授權處理原則第6點及第7點規定若從法律效果來看,應無區分必要,亦即無區分黑、灰條款之必要。若競爭法主管機關有意區別兩類行為之非難程度,則可在立法說明或處理原則中對於個別行為之競爭評價,詳為敘明,俾讓業者遵循。倘公平會對於特定行為欲採取較為嚴格的執法立場,採取當然違法之判斷者,條文用語應修改為「授權協議當事人○○行為時,即得認定該行為對特定市場供需功能產生影響…」,亦即不須判斷該行為對於市場競爭實質影響程度,只要當事人行為合致構成要件,即屬違法,如此始有區分規範之必要。 四、修正個別條款內容:針對現行第5點至第7點規定,「不構成違法」共11款,及修正後「可能構成違反公平交易法第19條第6款規定」共12款行為類型,就其條文內容或立法說明提供具體修正意見。 五、標準化與專利聯盟(standardization and patent pool):從廣受各界關注的「飛利浦案」,公平會對於科技產業的標準化與專利聯盟情形,如何建構妥適的聯合行為管制模式,首要之務是要確立執法立場。對於專利聯盟可能存有惡性卡特爾之風險,一方面仍保有競爭法主管機關的介入空間,亦不能動輒讓產業承擔過高法律風險,導致阻礙創新或影響商機。美國、歐盟、日本立法例多肯定透過專利聯盟集中授權模式,有助減少交易成本等效益,亦建立不少規範與案例,可供公平會借鏡參考。然而,不能忽視的是我國廠商多處於被授權人地位,在高度仰賴技術輸入之現況,如何確保我國廠商得以在公平競爭環境,得以提升產業發展,競爭法主管機關於制定相關法規時,亦須一併加以重視。

Institutions and “Collective Action” in a transitional country context : managing water resources in the Syr Darya River Basin

Fuleki, Blanka 08 1900 (has links)
À la suite de l'effondrement de l'Union soviétique, les états nouvellement formés de l'Asie centrale ont entrepris, à différents niveaux, des réformes de leurs secteurs agraires. Du point de vue de l'utilisation de l'eau d'irrigation, les réformes consistent notamment en des changements aux régimes fonciers et dans la décentralisation de la gestion du système de drainage et d'irrigation. La plupart des institutions qui, durant l'époque soviétique, géraient le système d'irrigation et de drainage ont été abolies. Cela a créé un vide institutionnel et permis le développement d’institutions au niveau local qui puissent être participatives et appartenir aux utilisateurs. Pourtant, le contexte historique et contemporain de la région pose des défis particuliers pouvant nuire à un tel développement. Les associations d'utilisateurs d'eau ou le gouvernement local gèrent l'irrigation et les systèmes de drainage au niveau local. Ces associations représentent souvent des initiatives conduites par les donateurs internationaux. Parallèlement, les institutions informelles et les modes traditionnels de coopération qui ont survécu à l'ère soviétique deviennent importants et quelques institutions créées durant cette ère demeurent toujours pertinentes. Cette recherche consiste à évaluer le rôle d’action collective dans un système de gestion d’irrigation et de drainage dans le bassin versant de la rivière Syr-Darya dans un contexte changeant concernant les droits d’usage de l'eau et de la terre. L'étude cherche à (1) saisir l'importance de l'eau d’irrigation dans les moyens de subsistance des utilisateurs dans la région de recherche; (2) explorer certaines caractéristiques des institutions formelles et informelles à travers lesquelles les fermiers dirigent des systèmes de drainage et d’irrigation; et (3) identifier les institutions qui appuient l'action collective et celles qui entravant son développement. La méthodologie de recherche repose une revue bibliographique et sur un travail de terrain dans la vallée de Ferghana, au Kirghizistan, entre le 30 avril et le 31 juillet 2008. Les résultats de la recherche sont présentés comme une étude de cas. / Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the newly independent countries of Central Asia undertook reforms of their agrarian sectors with varying degrees of speed and depth. In general, the reforms consisted of changes in the nature of land tenure and in the decentralization of irrigation and drainage management. Through these reforms, former state management institutions were abolished leaving an institutional vacuum that presented an opportunity for the development of local-level management institutions. However, the historical context of the region poses particular challenges that may impede users to capitalize on such opportunities.     Water User’s Associations or the local administration manage irrigation and drainage systems at the local level. Water User Associations represent international donor-driven initiatives to introduce equitable, democratic and participative institutions for irrigation and drainage management. There are indications that those informal institutions and traditional modes of cooperation that survived the Soviet era are gaining importance. This study maps out the various institutions, defined as "rules in use", that farmers employ to manage the irrigation and drainage system in the Ferghana Valley within the context of changing land and water rights. The key objectives of the study are (1) to understand the importance of irrigated water for local livelihoods in the research area; (2) to explore certain characteristics of the formal and informal institutions through which farmers manage irrigation and drainage systems; and (3) to depict ways in which “collective action” in irrigation water management can be strengthened. The methodology consists of a synthesis of existing literature and fieldwork in the Ferghana Valley in Kyrgyzstan, from April 30 until 31 July, 2008. The results of the research are presented as a case study.

Wristband Design for Pool Safety System : Redesign of Multifunctional Wearables for Drowning Detection

Larsson, Jonas, Carlén, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Every year, people are injured or even drowns in pools all over the world. Even in pools with monitoring lifeguards, accidents happen. One reason for submerge injuries or drownings is that they often are silent, which make incidents hard to detect. Lately, more reliable systems for pool surveillance have entered the market: Technology ranging from camera monitoring systems to wearables that detects if a person lying lifeless in the pool. This to, ensure good safety for bathing visitors around the world and make the work of the lifeguards easier. This master thesis project regards the development of a new wristband for a Pool Safety and Drowning Detection System. This involved studying the system, investigate the involved stakeholders, gather information about the current wristband and analyse the current situation. However, the primary focus for this master thesis project has been to create and design a; “One-size fit all” wristband, based on human measures, a more robust design, and with a higher resistance against wear. The master thesis project is done with Sentag AB as clients together with third party developers. Sentag´s system includes three sizes of wristband, sensors in the water to pick up signals, and a central unit from where the system is operated. When the alarm is triggered the wristband sends a signal in the water which the sensors pick up, and pass the information to the central unit, which notifies the lifeguards. Also, the wristbands contain a RFID tag which allows the user to use the wristband as a key card which can be used for lockers, make payments, and passing gates. Sentag aims to be a leader in high quality drowning detection technology on an international market. They want to improve their product to reach a broader market and prevent accidents. The project has followed a human-centred design process to understand the perspective of the lifeguards who operate the system, and also to better understand the users wearing the wristband. The project was performed in five phases, starting with a Project Plan and Research, followed by Context Immersion, Ideation, and Implementation. The work is based on demands form Sentag and third party consultants and findings from the Context Immersion phase where the team interviewed and observed stakeholders, analysed the system, and investigated materials. The team worked iterative within each phase, meaning the methods were repeated if necessary. In the Ideation phase the creative work was performed, and in Implementation phase were prototypes and evaluations performed to find a final solution. The project resulted in a “one-size fit all” wristband concept, which can be worn by people from three years upwards. The new design consists of several parts, most of which is a soft wristband casing, which protects the technology unit against wear and scratches. It is now possible to replace the bracelet without tools, which previously required and exposed electronics. The work presented in 3D visualizations and 3D printed prototype. / Varje år skadas eller till och med drunknar människor i pooler världen över. Även i poolområden med övervakning händer olyckor. En orsak till detta är att drunkning ofta sker helt ljudlöst, vilket gör att incidenter är mycket svåra att upptäcka. På senare tid har mer tillförlitliga system för poolövervakning kommit in på marknaden. Allt från kameraövervakningssystem och personliga larm som upptäcker om en person ligger livlös i poolen. Detta för att säkerställa en god säkerhet för besökare och göra arbetet som badvakt lättare. Detta examensarbete handlar om utveckling av ett nytt armband för ett säkerhetssystem i poolmiljöer. I arbetet studerades nuvarande poolbevakningssystem, intressenter, information om de aktuella armbanden och arbetet omfattade analysering av nuläget. Huvudfokus under detta projekt har varit att skapa och designa ett armband som passar alla och som baseras på människors kroppsmått. Det nya armbandet skulle vara mer motståndskraftig mot slitage. Detta examensarbete utförs med Sentag AB som klienter tillsammans med tredjepartsutvecklare. I Sentags system ingår tre storlekar av armband, sensorer i vattnet för att plocka upp signaler, och en central enhet där systemet styrs ifrån. När larmet utlöses sänder armbandet en signal i vattnet, som sensorerna plockar upp, sensorerna vidarebefordrar informationen till centralenheten, som meddelar badvakterna. Armbanden innehåller också en RFID-tagg som tillåter användaren att använda armbandet som ett passerkort, nyckel till skåp, göra betalningar, och passera grindar. Sentag strävar efter att vara ledande i högkvalitativa drunkningslarm på en internationell marknad. Nu vill de förbättra sin produkt för att nå en större marknad och förebygga olyckor. Projektet har följt en designprocess som är centrerad kring människan för att förstå badvakternas perspektiv som använder systemet, och även för att bättre förstå användarna som bär armbandet. Projektet genomfördes i flera faser där processen började med en projektplan och litteraturstudie, följt av informationsinsamling, Idégenerering och Implementation. Arbetet bygger på önskningar från Sentag och tredjepartskonsulter och den information som framkom under informationsinsamlingen, där gruppen intervjuade och observerade intressenter, analyserade systemet och sökte efter lämpliga material. Processen var iterativ, vilket innebär att metoder som användes inom faserna repeterades efter behov. I idégenereringsfasen skedde det kreativa arbetet och i implementeringsfasen gjordes prototyper, 3D modeller och utvärderingar för att finna en slutgiltig lösning. Projektet resulterade i ett armband med en storlek som kan bäras av alla. Det kan bäras av personer från tre år och uppåt. Den nya designen består av flera delar, varav huvuddelen är ett mjukt armbandshölje, som skyddar teknikenheten mot slitage och repor. Det är nu möjligt att byta ut armbandet utan verktyg vilket tidigare krävdes samt exponerade elektroniken. Arbetet presenterades i 3D visualiseringar och en 3D printad prototyp.

Trois essais en bio-économie dynamique

Herrmann, Markus January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Optimalizace výuky plavání školních dětí / Training optimization of swimming of school-age children

Hudcová, Stanislava January 2011 (has links)
Subject matter: Training optimization of swimming of school-age children Objectives: The main goal of this research work is to suggest a model of advanced swimming training lessons with school-age children. Swimming training is practised in deep swimming pool. Next goal is to create an inventory of games and game disciplines which are suitable for training in deep water. Through the analysis of specialized literature and realization of experimental education we will be able to formulate new pieces of knowledge and introduce practical experience as a recommendation for practice. Method: The research work will observe swimming skills of school-age children within the advanced swimming training. The method of direct participant observation, measurement and scaling will be used. Results: Check on a model training we find out that advanced swimming trainning practised in deep water requires modifications of didactic methods of swimming skill training and swimming locomotion. Constant training of basic swimming skills, well- considered practises on a shore, motivational games and game disciplines are considered as the most important on the advanced swimming training. Key words: advanced swimming training, games, game disciplines, deep swimming pool/water, unsuitable swimming conditions

Psychická zátěž jako výrazná a neoddělitelná součást práce vodního záchranáře / Psychic load as a distinctive and inseperable component of lifeguarding service

Němec, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Title: Psychic load as a distinctive and inseperable component of lifeguarding service Aim of thesis: Aim of thesis is to explore perception of psychic workload by lifeguards in Czech republic and to extract basic psychological aspects of their job by statistical analysis based on retrieved data. This research also seeks for distinctions in perception of psychic workload between different groups of employees sorted by age, gender, qualification and other characteristics, such as diverse work environment or collective team size, and compares acquired results with other studies targeted on the same problematic in other work branches. Method: To retrieve data were used three questionnaires, which where spreaded electronically in cooperation with secretaryship of Water Rescue Service of Czech Red Cross and tens of pool operators throughout all the Czech republic. All the responses were descriptively and analytically processed using SPSS 17 programme and standardised statistical methods. Results: Results and conclusions will be used to characterise lifeguard occupation in a psychological way and to point out work-related and environment-related factors which have the most significant influence on lifeguards psychic. They will serve as a complementary material for pool operators to help them create more...

Experimental evaluation of heat transfer impacts of tube pitch on highly enhanced surface tube bundle.

Gorgy, Evraam January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering / Steven J. Eckels / The current research presents the experimental investigation of the effect of tube pitch on enhanced tube bundles’ performance. The typical application of this research is flooded refrigerant evaporators. Boosting evaporator’s performance through optimizing tube spacing reduces cost and energy consumption. R-134a with the enhanced tube Turbo BII-HP and R-123 with Turbo BII-LP were used in this study. Three tube pitches were tested P/D 1.167, P/D 1.33, and P/D 1.5. Each tube bundle includes 20 tubes (19.05 mm outer diameter and 1 m long each) constructed in four passes. The test facility’s design allows controlling three variables, heat flux, mass flux, and inlet quality. The type of analysis used is local to one location in the bundle. This was accomplished by measuring the water temperature drop in the four passes. The water-side pressure drop is included in the data analysis. A new method called the EBHT (Enthalpy Based Heat Transfer) was introduced, which uses the water-side pressure drop in performing the heat transfer analysis. The input variables ranges are: 15-55 kg/m².s for mass flux, 5-60 kW/m² for heat flux, and 10-70% for inlet quality. The effect of local heat flux, local quality, and mass flux on the local heat transfer coefficient was investigated. The comparison between the bundle performance and single tube performance was included in the results of each tube bundle. The smallest tube pitch has the lowest performance in both refrigerants, with a significantly lower performance in the case of R-134a. However, the two bigger tube pitches have very similar performance at low heat flux. Moreover, the largest tube pitch performance approaches that of the single tube at medium and high heat fluxes. For the R-123 study, the smallest tube bundle experienced quick decease in performance at high qualities, exhibiting tube enhancement dry-out at certain flow rates and high qualities. The flow pattern effect was demonstrated by the dry-out phenomena. At medium and high heat fluxes, as the tube pitch increases, the performance approaches that of the single tube. All tube bundles experience quick decrease in performance at high qualities. Evidently, P/D 1.33 is the optimum tube pitch for the studied refrigerants and enhanced tubes combinations.

Visualization of Dynamic Memory in C++ Applications / Visualisering av Dynamiskt Minne i C++ Applikationer

Salén, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Optimized memory management is important for a demanding application to achieve high-performance results. But un-optimized or unwanted memory behaviors can usually be difficult to detect without an overview of how memory is structured during run-time. This thesis explores real-time visualization of dynamic memory allocation for applications using the memory pool allocation technique. In the thesis, technical and graphical challenges are described together with their solutions and the design choices that were made. The final result is a program that can visualize dynamic memory management in real time, with the focus on displaying a detailed and comprehensive memory overview that preserves the level of detail over time. / Optimerad minneshantering är viktig för att uppnå hög prestanda i en krävande applikation. Men att upptäcka icke optimerade eller oönskade minnesbeteenden kan vara svårt utan en visuell översikt över hur minnet är strukturerat under programmets exekvering. Denna avhandling undersöker hur dynamisk minnesallokering kan visualiseras i realtid för applikationer som använder allokeringstekniken minnes\-pool. I avhandlingen beskrivs tekniska och grafiska utmaningar tillsammans med deras lösningar och de designval som gjordes. Slutresultatet är ett program som kan visualisera dynamisk minneshantering i realtid och som fokuserar på att visa en detaljerad och omfattande minnesöversikt som bevarar detaljeringsgraden över tiden.

Modelagem baseada em agentes para avaliar a sustentabilidade da exploração do palmito jussara por comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo / Agent-based modeling as a tool to evaluate the sustainability of Palmito Jussara extraction by traditional communities in Ribeira Valey, São Paulo

Lima, Raoni Venturieri de Andrade 24 October 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou reproduzir, a partir de simulação computacional utilizando modelagem baseada em agentes, a dinâmica do sistema sócio-ecológico que conecta comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, ao palmito jussara (Euterpe edulis Martius), espécie considerada ameaçada de extinção e cuja exploração, atualmente, pode ser descrita como uma Tragédia dos Comuns. Com base na teoria acumulada de recursos comuns, em dados empíricos do sistema social quilombola e na dinâmica populacional do palmito, simulamos o impacto de duas políticas públicas distintas de gestão do recurso: a primeira é a proibição estatal de exploração do mesmo, que criminaliza os palmiteiros e não está surtindo os efeitos desejados de preservação; a segunda, projeta um cenário hipotético no qual o Estado flexibiliza as regras de exploração e permite que a comunidade gerencie o recurso. Ao comparar o estoque final de palmito jussara para diversos cenários, concluimos que existe um grande potencial para que a gestão comunitária do recurso traga benefícios econômicos às famílias quilombolas, ao mesmo tempo em que contribui para a preservação do mesmo na natureza. / This study intended to use agent-based modeling to reproduce the dynamics of the social-ecological system that connects the quilombola communities that live in the Ribeira Valley, São Paulo, to the palm tree Euterpe edulis Martius, an endangered species highly valued for its heart of palm, which has being heavily harvested and can be considered an example of a Tragedy of the Commons. Based on the theory on common-pool resources, empirical data regarding the quilombola social system and on the palm tree population dynamics, we simulate the impact of two different public policies towards the palm tree conservation: the first scenario is the current total-prohibition of extraction policy, which marginalize harvesters and is not working prom an environmental perspective; the second scenario simulates a hypothetical situation in which allows the community to explore and manage the resource. After comparing the final stock of Euterpe edulis for many conditions, we may conclude that there is a great possibility that community-level management is more able to bring economic benefits to the quilombola families, while also help to preserve the species.

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