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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marshallian sources of growth and interdependent location of Swedish firms and households

Sörensson, Robert January 2010 (has links)
This thesis consists of three papers that examine Marshallian sources of growthand interdependent location of Swedish firms and households. Paper [I] examines the impact of static and dynamic knowledge externalitiesand their impact on Swedish market operating firms growth pattern between1997 and 2005. The three types of externalities are: (i) Marshall-Arrow-Romer(MAR), (ii) Jacobs, and (iii) Porter. My empirical findings for the 40 industriescan briefly be summarized in the following points: (i) static MAR, Jacobsand/or Porter externalities are present in all but nine industries; (ii) except for five cases all industries are exposed to one or more of the MAR, Jacobs and/orPorter type of dynamic externalities; (iii) contrary to previous studies but inline with theoretical predictions, we do find positive and significant effects forstatic as well as dynamic Jacobs externalities. Paper [II] focuses on the presence of agglomeration economies in the form of labor pooling and educational matching and their impact on economic growth in Swedish manufacturing and service industries from 1997 to 2005. To accomplish this I employ a translog production function that enables me to decompose the total agglomeration elasticities into returns that accrue to: direct agglomeration effects, an indirect effect of agglomeration at given input levels, a cross agglomeration effect of matching on labor pooling and vice versa. Household services is the single industry where both the labor pooling and matching hypothesis is supported by our data. Publishing is the sole instance of betterinput usage due to matching consistent with the theoretical claim. Paper [III] studies the interdependent location choices of households and firms expressed as population and employment in Swedish municipalities. Using a model of the Carlino-Mills type to investigate the impact of various location attributes such as differences in public revenue and spending patterns, accessibility to jobs and potential workforce, quality of the labor pool, concentration ofcommercial, private and public services. The findings suggest that fiscal factors significantly alters the impact of housing and accessibility attributes compared to exiting studies on Swedish data. Another finding, in line with previous studies, indicate that there is a significant degree of inertia in household and firm location choices.

Goda resultat genom goda gärningar eller snäll sidoverksamhet : Hur strategiskt är H&M:s arbete med CSR?

Larsson, Ebba, Ljungqvist, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Företags sociala ansvar är en fråga som har blivit allt mer aktuell de senaste åren. Det begrepp som oftast används när företagsansvar diskuteras är Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Även om alla inte är överens om att företag ska ta ansvar utöver det lagstadgade arbetar många företag idag aktivt med ansvarsfrågor. Frågan som diskuteras idag är främst hur företag ska arbeta med detta på ett företagsekonomiskt effektivt sätt som gynnar företaget. Michael E. Porter och Mark R. Kramer menar att företag kan uppnå konkurrensfördelar och långsiktiga vinster genom att arbeta med CSR, men att detta arbete måste integreras i företaget. De presenterar fem steg som företag ska genomgå för att arbeta strategiskt med CSR. Dessa är: identifiera skärningspunkter mellan företaget och samhället, välj vilka sociala frågor företaget ska fokusera på, skapa en agenda för sociala frågor, integrera företagets påverkan på samhället med samhällets påverkan på företaget och skapa en social dimension av företagets erbjudande. Klädkedjan Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M) är ett företag som har arbetat relativt länge med ansvarsfrågor och som även säger sig arbeta strategiskt med CSR. Denna uppsats syftar till att utvärdera H&M:s arbete med CSR för att bestämma hur strategiskt detta är utifrån Porter och Kramers modell. För att genomföra detta har en litteraturstudie genomförts där främst H&M:s CSR-rapport från 2008 har använts. Ett ramverk, baserat på Porter och Kramers modell, har utformats och använts för att analysera CSR-arbetet. Uppsatsen konstaterar att H&M har kommit en bra bit på väg med att göra sitt CSR-arbete strategiskt. Företagets mål ligger nära Porter och Kramers idealbild om strategisk CSR och de arbetar aktivt med att integrera CSR-arbetet i verksamheten. Det som saknas i H&M:s arbete för att det ska vara fullt strategiskt är ett större fokus på den påverkan som den omgivande miljön har på företaget.

Edmund Burke and Roy Porter : two views of revolution and the British enlightenment

Polachic, Mark Lewis 20 August 2007
This thesis presents an analysis of Edmund Burke's place in intellectual history by examining his commentary on the French Revolution as well as his role in the Enlightenment itself. In doing so, it brings to bear the previously unexplored ideas of the twentieth-century historian Roy Porter. The thesis proposes that Burke's indictment of French philosophy as the cause of the French Revolution created enduring historiographic connotations between radicalism and the notion of enlightenment. Consequently, British thinkers of the eighteenth-century were invariably dismissed as conservative or reactionary and therefore unworthy to be regarded as enlightened figures. Porter's reconsideration of the British Enlightenment reveals Burke to be a staunch defender of hard-won enlightened values which British society had already long enjoyed.<p>The source material is, for the most part, primary. For Edmund Burke, his correspondence and his Reflections on the Revolution in France. For Roy Porter, his most relevant essays, journal articles and monographs.

Implementation and evaluation of a text extraction tool for adverse drug reaction information

Dahlberg, Gunnar January 2010 (has links)
Inom ramen för Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO:s) internationella biverkningsprogram rapporterar sjukvårdspersonal och patienter misstänkta läkemedelsbiverkningar i form av spontana biverkningsrapporter som via nationella myndigheter skickas till Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC). Hos UMC lagras rapporterna i VigiBase, WHO:s biverkningsdatabas. Rapporterna i VigiBase analyseras med hjälp av statistiska metoder för att hitta potentiella samband mellan läkemedel och biverkningar. Funna samband utvärderas i flera steg där ett tidigt steg i utvärderingen är att studera den medicinska litteraturen för att se om sambandet redan är känt sedan tidigare (tidigare kända samband filtreras bort från fortsatt analys). Att manuellt leta efter samband mellan ett visst läkemedel och en viss biverkan är tidskrävande. I den här studien har vi utvecklat ett verktyg för att automatiskt leta efter medicinska biverkningstermer i medicinsk litteratur och spara funna samband i ett strukturerat format. I verktyget har vi implementerat och integrerat funktionalitet för att söka efter medicinska biverkningar på olika sätt (utnyttja synonymer,ta bort ändelser på ord, ta bort ord som saknar betydelse, godtycklig ordföljd och stavfel). Verktygets prestanda har utvärderats på manuellt extraherade medicinska termer från SPC-texter (texter från läkemedels bipacksedlar) och på biverkningstexter från Martindale (medicinsk referenslitteratur för information om läkemedel och substanser) där WHO-ART- och MedDRA-terminologierna har använts som källa för biverkningstermer. Studien visar att sofistikerad textextraktion avsevärt kan förbättra identifieringen av biverkningstermer i biverkningstexter jämfört med en ordagrann extraktion. / Background: Initial review of potential safety issues related to the use of medicines involves reading and searching existing medical literature sources for known associations of drug and adverse drug reactions (ADRs), so that they can be excluded from further analysis. The task is labor demanding and time consuming. Objective: To develop a text extraction tool to automatically identify ADR information from medical adverse effects texts. Evaluate the performance of the tool’s underlying text extraction algorithm and identify what parts of the algorithm contributed to the performance. Method: A text extraction tool was implemented on the .NET platform with functionality for preprocessing text (removal of stop words, Porter stemming and use of synonyms) and matching medical terms using permutations of words and spelling variations (Soundex, Levenshtein distance and Longest common subsequence distance). Its performance was evaluated on both manually extracted medical terms (semi-structuredtexts) from summary of product characteristics (SPC) texts and unstructured adverse effects texts from Martindale (i.e. a medical reference for information about drugs andmedicines) using the WHO-ART and MedDRA medical term dictionaries. Results: For the SPC data set, a verbatim match identified 72% of the SPC terms. The text extraction tool correctly matched 87% of the SPC terms while producing one false positive match using removal of stop words, Porter stemming, synonyms and permutations. The use of the full MedDRA hierarchy contributed the most to performance. Sophisticated text algorithms together contributed roughly equally to the performance. Phonetic codes (i.e. Soundex) is evidently inferior to string distance measures (i.e. Levenshtein distance and Longest common subsequence distance) for fuzzy matching in our implementation. The string distance measures increased the number of matched SPC terms, but at the expense of generating false positive matches. Results from Martindaleshow that 90% of the identified medical terms were correct. The majority of false positive matches were caused by extracting medical terms not describing ADRs. Conclusion: Sophisticated text extraction can considerably improve the identification of ADR information from adverse effects texts compared to a verbatim extraction.

Edmund Burke and Roy Porter : two views of revolution and the British enlightenment

Polachic, Mark Lewis 20 August 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents an analysis of Edmund Burke's place in intellectual history by examining his commentary on the French Revolution as well as his role in the Enlightenment itself. In doing so, it brings to bear the previously unexplored ideas of the twentieth-century historian Roy Porter. The thesis proposes that Burke's indictment of French philosophy as the cause of the French Revolution created enduring historiographic connotations between radicalism and the notion of enlightenment. Consequently, British thinkers of the eighteenth-century were invariably dismissed as conservative or reactionary and therefore unworthy to be regarded as enlightened figures. Porter's reconsideration of the British Enlightenment reveals Burke to be a staunch defender of hard-won enlightened values which British society had already long enjoyed.<p>The source material is, for the most part, primary. For Edmund Burke, his correspondence and his Reflections on the Revolution in France. For Roy Porter, his most relevant essays, journal articles and monographs.

Transfer the Applications of Information System from Securities Corporation C in Taiwan to It¡¦s Vietnam Branch ¡V A Case Study

Chou, Yu-Pang 20 August 2010 (has links)
This research, by the case study, is to discuss how one finance securities enterprise, under such drastically worldwide changes, inducts the management strategies and the information management system to those in newly-emerging nations ¡V taking Securities Company C in Taiwan and its Vietnam branch as the example - and seeks possible solutions. The study aims not only to help Vietnam branch face the challenges, which possibly appear, but to find the importance of the information system and the core value to Vietnam branch. With such successful experience of transferring the information system, whenever investing on oversea finances securities, one can enhance efficiency of overseas management and competence, creating a win-win situation. In view of commercial tragedies, major Taiwanese securities, with globalization, hope to expand business. They optimistically set out the global layout. Securities Company C just has the opportunity to enter one Vietnam securities enterprise, now a branch of Securities Company C, which may be an important multinational business case study for the Taiwan securities industry in the securities market. From the management level, Vietnam Branch belonging to Securities Company C may face challenges, such as cultural differences, different value cognition, language and communication disorders, which are severe tests. In the scale, scope, and visibility, domestic securities enterprises can not be compared with those of developed countries in Vietnam. Therefore this study explores the possibility of transferring Taiwan information management system abroad and eventually helps Securities Company C¡¦s overseas branch to enhance competence. Securities Company C in Taiwan is famous as an electronic securities corporation, and well-known for the information management system. Now in Vietnam, as we know, larger securities enterprises are either state-owned or professionally foreign capital-managed; the smaller ones are owned by local powerful celebrities with abundant financial resource. Therefore it is not easy for Securities Company C¡¦s Vietnam Branch to compete. This study is to find the possible solution by analyzing all the aspects of this Vietnamese enterprise and transferring Taiwan information management system. It is believed that in near future the Vietnam Branch of Securities Company C can take more advantage in Vietnamese stock market for development and core competitiveness. Therefore, in this study, specific property information applications of securities industry are trying to be transferred to Vietnam Branch. Moreover by SWOT and Five Forces analysis viewed as the successful factors of Vietnam securities, Taiwan securities industry becomes more competitive in Vietnam, not to mention the fact that Taiwan is Vietnam's largest foreign investment country. It is hopefully believed that this study will help improve the identity and visibility of Taiwan Securities corporations in Vietnam, and successfully enter Vietnam securities market.

Research of the R.P.T.I. International L.T.D. the suspended punishment to close down Porter diamond model

Liu, Yung-Chieh 14 August 2012 (has links)
Construction ¡§traffic control system of high-speed road network Northern traffic information management and coordination command center systems engineering" Vendor, RPTI, due to execute his right to stop, causing to others under construction engineering progress into delay or even halt, Furthermore, causing irreparable damage to the public interest. This action will also affect either the progress to be procrastinating, or failure of the entire project of construction plan. In a word, it stalls off the development of the ITS industrial. This paper aimed at studying the case manufacturers suffer administrative relief and derivative right to stop financial crises, and finally to the brink of bankruptcy. Stopped right disputing caused by uncertain legal concept of cognitive difference. Once the vendor has been suspended for the execution of the contract likely to have non-compliance or abuse of the fact that compliance; legal system face the compliance phase of the case as a stop right to the subject, but also derivative is easy to mediation and complaint competing, as well as administrative litigation court rejected status; complaint Review lengthy process to consider the judgment as if the provisions of the appeal decision has resulted in the responsible entity procurement operations distress. The vendor will be published in the Government Procurement Gazette by the responsible organization. As the result, it might be more difficulty to maintain the business; moreover, the published not only announce to loss of right of government bidding; even worse, will affect the company¡¦s Goodwill and survival of business. The Suspended punishment of the Government Procurement Law system, whether is appropriateness, and the further influencing factors of overall competitiveness. Made by MICHAEL PORTER¡¦s diamond theory, "stop right" under the "other external factors opportunities (opportunity and Government policy) "An analysis of the State ITS industrial competitiveness. Diamond combination of the four factors is well and available, but opportunities exist does not necessarily help to enhance the competitiveness of industry, but counterproductive injury, will allow businesses or companies collapse, or even disappear. As the ITS industry as the government established policy of the Department of National Infrastructure, the opportunity this factor evolved out of the results of the company, the enterprise, the whole industry chain and even the country's competitiveness will be immeasurable. Therefore, this article will discuss actual cases of the case manufacturer¡¦s discussion. RPTI is to the brink of bankruptcy, forced to dissolve, engineers, technicians. Subsequently, a large number of employees left, the company¡¦s core values (the process of information technology and intelligent transportation systems technology and system integration capabilities) gone, the competitiveness of the domestic intelligent transportation industry will thus setback

The Key Success Factors and Developing Strategies of Festivals in Taiwan

Hsu, Hui-Cheng 18 August 2008 (has links)
The Executive Yuan of Taiwan has launched many policies to encourage the county and city governments to develop their own different festivals. This new movement has pushed the festival industry, a new subsidiary industry of MICE, to a new phase of rapid growth. However, from 2005, the development of festivals in Taiwan has met some problems and hazards after a rapid growth in quantity and scale. It will be very helpful to enhance the quality and competitiveness and to develop the internationalization of Taiwan festivals if we can analyz and research the developing processs, key success factors and developing strategies of Taiwan festivals industry. A successful festival not only consists of good planning and execution but also the attractive and unique topic and content. Therefore, it will become an important topic for research on key success factors of Taiwan festivals. This research will focus on three different cases of festivals, Pingtung Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival, Kaohsiung Lantern Festival and Kaohsiung International Container Arts Festival. Some key success facets and factors of festivals will be analyzed by AHP(Analysis Hierarchy Process). The interviewees include festival industry corporations, governments and non-profit organazations. The quality analysis and AHP questionnaire has been used to analyze the key success factors and the key points of managing Taiwan festival. At last, this research also discussed the competitiveness of whole festival industry in Taiwan by using the tools of Diamond Model of Competitiveness of Michael Porter. We also summarized many experts¡¦ viewpoints to a six developing strategies, those are developing a systemic research on festivals, enforcing the planning and management of festivals, setting rules of festivals and festival organizations, promoting festival brands, enriching the interchanges of international zones, and enforcing variable marketing and promotions. Seven developing trends of internationalization, marketing, uniqueness, industrilization, variablization, centralization and regulationalization have also been presented. It will be very meaningful and helpful if some useful strategies and directions have been used from this research by the governments, corporations, and other parties that involved in the festival industry in Taiwan.

Core Competences Construction of the Medium Securities Investment Trust - IBT Asset Management Co,.Ltd.

Han, Jing-tang 25 August 2008 (has links)
Abstract The peak time for the security investment trust company number is in 2004 and 2005, with a total of about 45 companies at that time. However, the number of companies are decreasing. Presently, only 39 in the security investment trust industry are continuing. Observing the current situation of the security investment trust industry, it could be found that companies with large asset size are permanently staying large. In addition, companies in the behind sector are facing difficulties with management, abatement of cash flow and deterioration of constitution that all cause a vicious cycle. This research is studied by quality methodology, through initial data from in-depth interviews and secondary data of the industry. The analyses of Porter¡¦s Five Forces and external industry environment are used in order to understand the competition of the security investment trust industry and its profitability in a long-term. By in-depth interviews, the analyses of competitor benchmark and core competences are diagnosed so as to find out reasons why these behind sector companies in the past can reach the top 10 in the asset scale now. Eventually, core- competences and direction of constitution for medium size firms can be built via case studies. The result of this study discovers that core competences of a company are formed by its own advantages, and core competences of an enterprise are built via an enterprise¡¦s strategic resources. The leverage and consolidation for resources can help to create sustainably competitive advantages. By attestation and conclusion, these top 10 companies are able to properly implement enterprises¡¦ resources for product innovation, trade record and channels. They all have clear strategic positions and distinctive business models.

Edwin S. Porter and the origins of the American narrative film, 1894-1907

Lévy, David. January 1983 (has links)
This study examines the traditional claim that in 1903, while an employee of the Edison Manufacturing Company, Edwin Stanton Porter discovered the principle of editing construction which made possible the fictional motion picture narrative. It will show that Edison studio policy in the period would have discouraged such an achievement and that the crucial first step in the elaboration of the early film narrative was the development of a compositional aesthetic derived from the staged or 'fake' newsreel. Based on that aesthetic between 1904 and 1907 film directors including Edwin Porter turned out a short-lived, tableau-action narrator-dependent story film in actuality style that became the basis of the nickelodeon boom dating from 1906. The social and industrial pressures engendered by that success led to the fragmentation of the complete action tableau and the displacement of the tableau narrative by a shot-dependent, autonomous narrative constrained by the formal features of actuality composition. The final chapter analyzes a leading example, the 1907 emergence of parallel editing in the production of one-reel screen tales of last-minute rescue.

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