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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centralized Disaster Management Collaboration in Turkey

Hermansson, Helena January 2017 (has links)
Following unprecedented earthquakes in 1999, highly centralized Turkey initiated reforms that aimed to improve disaster management collaboration and to empower local authorities. In 2011, two earthquakes hit the country anew affecting the city of Van and town of Erciş in Turkey’s southeast. In attempts to reduce disaster risk, global disaster risk reduction frameworks and disaster scholars and practitioners advocate collaborative and decentralized disaster management strategies. This thesis investigates how such strategies are received in a centralized and hierarchical national political-administrative system that largely is the anti-thesis of the prescribed solutions. More specifically, this research investigates the barriers and prerequisites for disaster management collaboration between both public and civil society actors in Turkey (during preparedness, response, and recovery) as well as how Turkey’s political-administrative system affects disaster management collaboration and its outcomes. The challenges to decentralization of disaster management are also investigated. Based on forty-four interviews with actors ranging from national to village level and NGOs, the findings suggest that the political-administrative system can alter the relative importance, validity, and applicability of previously established enabling or constraining conditions for collaboration. This may in turn challenge previous theoretical assumptions regarding collaboration. By adopting a mode of collaboration that fit the wider political-administrative system, collaborative disaster management progress was achieved in Turkey’s national level activities. Although there were exceptions, collaboration spanning sectors and/or administrative levels were generally less forthcoming, partly due to the disjoint character of the political-administrative system. Political divergence between local and central actors made central-local collaboration difficult but these barriers were partly trumped by other prerequisites enabling collaboration like interdependence and pre-existing relations. The findings suggest that the specific attributes of disasters may both help and hinder disaster management collaboration. Such collaboration generally improved disaster response. The findings also indicate that the decentralization attempts may have been premature as the conditions for ensuring a functional decentralization of disaster management are presently lacking. Decentralization attempts are commonly suggested to increase local capacity and local participation but the findings of this dissertation suggest that in Turkey, these commodities may currently have better chances of being increased by refraining from decentralization.

Dynamic modeling and feedback control with mode-shifting of a two-mode electrically variable transmission

Katariya, Ashish Santosh 31 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis develops dynamic models for the two-mode FWD EVT, develops a control system based on those models that is capable of meeting driver torque demands and performing synchronous mode shifts between different EVT modes while also accommodating preferred engine operating points. The two-input two-output transmission controller proposed herein incorporates motor-generator dynamics, is based on a general state-space integral control structure, and has feedback gains determined using linear quadratic regulator (LQR) optimization. Dynamic modeling of the vehicle is categorized as dynamic modeling of the mechanical and electrical subsystems where the mechanical subsystem consists of the planetary gear sets, the transmission and the engine whereas the electrical subsystem consists of the motor-generator units and the battery pack. A discussion of load torque is also considered as part of the mechanical subsystem. With the help of these derived dynamic models, a distinction is made between dynamic output torque and steady-state output torque. The overall control system consisting of multiple subsystems such as the human driver, power management unit (PMU), friction brakes, combustion engine, transmission control unit (TCU) and motor-generator units is designed. The logic for synchronous mode shifts between different EVT modes is also detailed as part of the control system design. Finally, the thesis presents results for responses in individual operating modes, EVT mode shifting and a full UDDS drive cycle simulation.

Bridging the Broadband Divide through Universal Service Funds : Key Principles for Broadband Connectivity Projects in Underserved Areas

Joshi, Raoul, Hammarström, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
The rapid emergence of broadband, or always-on Internet, during the course of the last decade, has increased the importance of the so- called information society in urban and industrialized societies world- wide. Liberalized information and communications technology (ICT) market forces worldwide have however failed to supply these services to rural and low-income regions resulting in the so-called digital divide. One financial tool, adopted by many developing nations to drive broadband investments in underserved areas, is the universal service fund (USF), a public fund mainly levying its resources from ICT market players. USFs have previously been used to fund telecom networks but with the growing importance of broadband, structural and regulatory discrepancies are preventing USFs from adequately supporting broadband investments. Currently, little up-to-date academic theory exists within this field; thus, this thesis serves to outline principles that policy-makers and regulators need to consider when designing or reforming universal service fund mechanisms. The research is based on a series of qualitative country case studies investigating policy, procedural, and executional aspects related to USFs and rural broadband. Publicly available material has been complemented with interviews of stakeholders from various levels to establish a holistic empirical base upon which conclusions have been drawn. The conclusions outline principles governing public involvement in USFs, roles played by various stakeholders in the broadband ecosystem, and strategies for rural broadband network deployment. / Framfarten av bredband under det senaste årtiondet har ökat vikten av det så kallade informationssamhället i de industrialiserade och urbaniserade samhällen. Marknadskrafterna inom den liberaliserade informations- och kommunikationsindustrin har dock misslyckats med att göra dess tjänster tillgängliga till glesbefolkade och låginkomstregioner, vilket har lett till en digital klyfta. Ett finansiellt hjälpmedel som många utvecklingsländer har anammat för att påskynda bredbandsinvesteringar i regioner med få bredbandsuppkopplingar är fonder för samhällsomfattande tjänster (USF), som är en offentlig fond vilken får den största delen av sitt kapital genom en pålaga på intäkterna från aktörer inom informations- och kommunikationsindustrin. USF:er har tidigare använts för att finansiera telekomnätverk, men i takt med att bredbandets ökande genomslag i samhället har strukturella och regleringsmässiga problem med USF:erna uppdagats vilka hindrar dem från att effektivt stödja bredbandsinvesteringar. För närvarande finns lite akademisk teori på området, och sålunda syftar denna uppsatts till att tillhandahålla principer vilka beslutsfattare och regulatorer bör efterfölja vid utformning eller reformering av mekanismer för samhällsomfattande tjänster för bredband. Arbetet baseras på en serie kvalitativa fallstudier av länder med policy, procedurella och verkställande aspekter kopplade till USF:er i områden med få bredbandsuppkopplingar i fokus. Material tillgängligt för allmänheten har kompletterats med intervjuer av intressenter från olika organisations- och samhällsnivåer för att skapa en heltäckande empiri på området från vilka slutsatser har dragits. Slutsatserna innehåller principer som rör offentlig inblandning i USF:er, roller för samhällets olika intressenter i ett ekosystem för bredband, samt strategier för utbyggnad av bredbandsnätverk i glesbefolkade områden.

Diagnostics spectroscopiques de plasmas d'argon à la pression atmosphérique en présence d'espèces réactives

Durocher-Jean, Antoine 03 1900 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat caractérisent de manière cohérente la physique des plasmas d'argon à la pression atmosphérique en présence d'espèces réactives. Ces travaux sont motivés par les lacunes manifestes de la compréhension des plasmas froids à la pression atmosphérique, celles-ci étant en grande partie dues au nombre restreint de techniques de diagnostic permettant de les caractériser. Dans ce contexte, des diagnostics optiques permettant l'obtention des propriétés fondamentales (température du gaz et des électrons, densité d'états excités) sont d'abord développés et validés tant pour les plasmas microonde que pour les décharges à barrière diélectriques d'argon à la pression atmosphérique. En particulier, une méthode couplant des mesures d'émission optique des transitions 2p-1s de l'argon à un modèle collisionnel-radiatif décrivant la population des niveaux émetteurs 2p permettant d'obtenir la température des électrons est présentée, de même qu'un moyen d'obtenir la température du gaz à l'aide de mesures d'élargissement spectral de raies et la densité d'états métastables de l'argon à l'aide de mesures de spectroscopie d'absorption par diode laser accordable en longueur d'onde. Par la suite, ces diagnostics optiques sont employés pour étudier l'influence de l'ajout de gaz diatomiques dans un plasma microonde, mettant en évidence l'efficacité avec laquelle ils en viennent à dominer la cinétique de la décharge en absorbant la majorité de la puissance fournie au plasma. Une comparaison entre le bilan de puissance des électrons qu'ils permettent de calculer à celui d'un diagnostic électrique est également effectué dans le cas d'une décharge à barrière diélectrique d'argon en présence de précurseurs d'anhydrides. Finalement, les propriétés fondamentales de deux conffgurations de jets de plasmas s'écoulant dans l'air ambiant, l'une radiofréquence, l'autre microonde, sont également examinées. Dans le premier cas, les effets de l'air ambiant sur ces propriétés sont mis de l'avant, alors que dans le second cas, la position d'injection du précurseur organosilicié HMDSO dans le jet de plasma est évaluée pour le dépôt de revêtements fonctionnels sur des substrats de verre. Ces derniers travaux révèlent l'obtention d'un revêtement antibuée dans des conditions opératoires spécifiques, un résultat fort prometteur pour l'industrie du verre. / The research done in this Ph.D. thesis consistently characterizes the physics of argon plasmas at atmospheric pressure in the presence of reactive species. This work is motivated by the obvious deficiencies in the understanding of cold plasmas at atmospheric pressure, which are largely due to the limited number of diagnostic techniques used to characterize them. In this context, optical diagnostics allowing the obtaining of fundamental properties (gas and electron temperature, number density of excited species) are first developed and validated in a microwave argon plasma as well as in a dielectric barrier discharge in argon at atmospheric pressure. In particular, a method coupling optical emission measurements of argon 2p-1s transitions to collisional-radiative modelling of the emitting 2p levels is presented in order to get the electron temperature, as well as a means to obtain the gas temperature by the spectral broadening of emission lines and the number density of argon metastable states from tunable laser diode absorption spectroscopy measurements. Subsequently, these optical diagnostics are used to study the influence adding diatomic gases in microwave argon plasmas, highlighting the efficiency with which they start dominating the discharge kinetics by absorbing most of the supplied power. A comparison between the electron power balance calculated from such optical diagnostics to that obtained from electrical diagnostics is also made in the case of an argon-based dielectric barrier discharge with anhydride precursors. Finally, the fundamental properties of two plasmas jet configurations (one radiofrequency, the other microwave) expanding in ambient air are also examined. In the first case, the effects of ambient air on these properties are featured, while in the second case, the injection position of the organosilicon precursor HMDSO in the plasma jet is studied for the deposition of functionnal coatings on glass substrates. The latter reveals the obtaining of an antifog coating under specific operating conditions, a very promising result for the glass industry.

Die kinematische und statische Analyse eines Biglide-Getriebes mit Hilfe der Programme Mathcad und GeoGebra

Kerle, Hanfried 07 June 2017 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt die kinematische und statische Analyse eines Biglide-Getriebes mit fünf Gliedern und zwei Schubantrieben zur Führung eines Punktes in der x-y-Ebene. Als mathematische Hilfsmittel werden die beiden Programme PTC Mathcad Prime 3.1 und GeoGebra 5.0 eingesetzt, die sich einander in hervorragender Weise ergänzen. Dabei ist Mathcad hier vorwiegend für Matrizenrechnungen und GeoGebra besonders anschaulich für geometrische Grundaufgaben mit Animationen zuständig. Die Effizienz der vorgestellten Algorithmen und Hilfsmittel wird anhand zweier Anwendungsbeispiele aufgezeigt.

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