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Functioning and Challenges of Primary Health Care (PHC) Program in Roma Valley, LesothoObioha, EE, Molale, MG January 2011 (has links)
Primary Health Care (PHC) plays a vital role in decentralization of health care services. PHC is designed to
ensure health care coverage at the community level through the involvement of the community in improving their healthy
living. PHC offers treatment and care in continuum that is supported by a facility-linked home- based care system and a
referral system. While PHC is global, its operation and functioning in the area of community health provisioning varies across
communities. The main objective of this study is to find out whether PHC is effective or not in Roma Valley, Lesotho. The study
was carried out in Roma Valley, in the Maseru district of Lesotho. The population for this study includes the nurses under the
department of PHC, village health workers, Chiefs and out-patients from four different villages. Out of this, a sample of thirty
individuals was selected. The data for this study was collected through qualitative research technique, particularly oral interviews
and written records or secondary data sources. The analysis revealed that nurses and village health workers respond to the
social needs and health problems of the community and community members are also involved in improving their health status.
Village health workers face many challenges in their engagement in this system such as not being given incentives for what they
do and often uncooperative disposition of some community members including their leaders. It was also found that they operate
under a lot of stress due to lack of resources.
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La gouvernance locale dans le secteur de l'Education au Mali / Local governance in the sector of the education in MaliTraoré, Moussa Khoré 13 May 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la question de la gouvernance locale dans le secteur de l’éducation au Mali. Elle propose une analyse économique des mécanismes par lesquels les autorités publiques impliquent les acteurs locaux (collectivités territoriales, communautés, services décentralisés et déconcentrés de l’État, ONG…) dans la gestion et la prestation de services publics (éducation). Elle est structurée en trois chapitres, avec comme cadre d’analyse l’économie de l’éducation, l’économie du développement et l’économie institutionnelle. Le premier chapitre donne un aperçu du système éducatif malien à travers quelques indicateurs clés (taux brut de scolarisation, taux net de scolarisation, etc.) et caractéristiques majeures dont les inégalités d’accès. Il mesure également le poids du secteur de l’éducation dans l’économie malienne en termes de dépenses publiques et analyse quantitativement et qualitativement l’offre éducative avant d’identifier les facteurs qui influencent la demande d’éducation des familles.Le deuxième chapitre clarifie le concept de la gouvernance locale et son évolution notamment dans le secteur de l’éducation. Il analyse la gestion du système éducatif malien entre réforme et transfert de compétences et de responsabilités ainsi que les mécanismes de coordination et de coopération entre tous les acteurs. Il décrypte les logiques d’approbation de la gouvernance de l’éducation au niveau local grâce à une étude de terrain menée auprès des acteurs locaux dans la région de Kayes, de Koulikoro, de Ségou, de Sikasso et le district de Bamako.Le troisième chapitre analyse les enjeux et les défis de la gouvernance locale comme stratégie de développement éducatif. Il apporte une contribution à la problématique de la gouvernance de l’éducation par les acteurs locaux, tant en matière d’offre éducative que de scolarisation des élèves au cours de la période 2004-2011. Ensuite, à travers une application économétrique des données de panel, il évalue les effets de l’amélioration de l’offre scolaire sur l’évolution des effectifs. Enfin, ce chapitre évalue le développement de l’éducation au niveau local (région) à travers l’indice de développement éducatif (IDE).Au terme de notre réflexion, nous considérons que la gouvernance locale est un atout pour améliorer certains indicateurs éducatifs, notamment le taux d’accès, le taux de scolarisation, le taux de rétention scolaire, la couverture scolaire du pays etc. Pour autant, à elle seule, la gouvernance locale ne saurait satisfaire ou relever tous les défis éducatifs, tant dans leur dimension quantitative que dans leur dimension qualitative. / This thesis tackles the question of the local governance on the sector of the education in Mali. She propose an economic analysis of the mechanisms by which the public authorities imply the local actors (territorial collectivities, communities, services decentralized and decentralized by the state, the NGO) in the management and the offer of public services (education), while making a contribution of the problems of the local governance of the education. It is structured in three chapters, whit as frame of analysis the economy of the education, the economy of the development and the institutional economy.The first chapter gives to an overview of the Malian education system through some key indicators (rough rate of schooling, rate net schooling…) and its major characteristics of which inequalities of access. It also measure the weight of the sector of the education in the Malian economy in terms of educational public spending and analyzes quantitatively and qualitatively the educational offer before identifying the factors which influence the request for education of the families.The second chapter clarifies concept of the local governance and its evolution in particular in the sector education. It analyzes the management of the Malian education system between reform and transfer of competence and of responsibilities with the local actors, the mechanisms of coordination’s and cooperation’s. It deciphers the logics of approval of the governance of the education at the local level thanks to a study of ground led in the region of Kayes, Koulikoro, Segou, Sikasso and the district of Bamako near the local actors. The third chapter analyzes the stakes and the challenge of the governance local as strategy of educational development. He makes contribution to the problems of the governance of education by the local actors. It analyzes the contribution of those to the improvement of the educational offer and the schooling of the children during the period 2004-2011. Then, through an econometric application of the given of panel, it estimates the effects of the improvement of the school offer on the evolution of children. Lastly, this chapter evaluates the development of education at the local level through the index of educational development (IDE). In the term of our reflection, we consider that the local governance is an asset to improve certain educational indicators, in particular the rate of access, the rate of schooling, the school rate of retention, the school cover of country etc. for as much, it only the local governance could not satisfy or take up all the educational challenges, as well in their quantitative dimension as in their qualitative dimension.
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Collectivités territoriales et Développement Durable : contribution des technologies de l'information, et de la communication, à la dimension participative d'une politique publique : Lecture d'un projet cyberdémocratique issu d'une démarche d'Intelligence Territoriale / Local government and sustainable development : Contribution of information technologies (ICTs), and communication, for organizing partipatory public policy dimension : A democratic cyber sustainable development project to be read from a territorial intelligence processDéprez, Paul 25 September 2014 (has links)
L’entrée tardive du développement durable en France apporte son lot d’expériences basées sur un cadre législatif en constante évolution et la volonté politique d’orienter les territoires en fonction de leurs problèmes et potentialités. « Penser global, agir local » fait désormais figure de principe pour définir l’action des territoires insérés dans des logiques mondiales mais dont les ressources peuvent être exploitées par la reconnaissance de compétences attribuées aux acteurs locaux. Dès lors, une culture de la participation émerge progressivement au travers de procédures nouvelles vouées à se faire rejoindre l’ensemble des acteurs territoriaux autour de règles communes pour la construction du territoire et en faveur de la connaissance des dynamiques territoriales. Cependant, les multiples injonctions à la participation de la société civile supposent de faire évoluer le territoire dans sa culture, ce que nous proposons par une démarche d’intelligence territoriale. Ce paradigme de recherche suppose donc qu’en préalable à l’établissement d’un processus de communication, issu d’une médiation sociale (Ateliers 21, Conseils de quartier, CIQ, etc.) ou socio-technique (journal municipal, forum électronique, Chat, etc.), le territoire doit constituer son « capital formel » (Bertacchini, 2004) pour permettre aux acteurs locaux d’accepter des règles et procédures communes, d’échanger leurs compétences, de se mobiliser et se rejoindre autour du projet territorial. Or, la constitution du capital formel territorial suppose non seulement que la collectivité échange de l’information sur les dynamiques territoriales à l’oeuvre mais également qu’elle apporte une plus-value à cette information échangée, notamment par l’exploitation de l’ensemble des « ressources communicationnelles des TIC » (Habib & Baltz, 2008). Il s’agit par-là de fournir des connaissances, des outils nécessaires afin que le citoyen se forge une opinion éclairée et mettre l’accent sur l’apprentissage collectif (Manin in Sintomer et Talpin, 2011 ; Urfalino, 2005) de la logique du développement durable (Angot, 2013).Notre objet de recherche s’intéresse aux collectivités territoriales de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’azur engagées dans un projet de développement territorial durable du type Agenda 21, Plan Climat Energie Territorial et label Action Globale Innovante pour la Région (AGIR). Ce choix nous permet d’approcher le développement durable sous l’angle de la participation des acteurs au travers de démarches participatives spécifiques (de l’information à la concertation), au regard du paradigme de l’intelligence territoriale et de notre domaine de recherche : les sciences de l’information et de la communication. Nous aborderons la question des usages numériques au sein des collectivités territoriales, la production de connaissances formulées dans des contenus et supports numériques, diffusées et échangées au sein des différentes arènes de la société civile. / Due to the late entry of sustainable development spirit and practices in France, territories, according to their problems and potential, have to face evolving legislative framework and political will for their experiments based on. "Think global, act local" principle seems leading and guiding the action of territories inserted in a global logic which can be exploited by the recognition of skills allocated to local actors. Consequently, a participative culture is gradually emerging through new procedures aiming to be joined all territorial actors in connection with common rules for shaping territory and for the knowledge of local dynamics. What we suggest within a process of territorial intelligence, beyond repetitive call for the participation of civil society, is changing territorial culture. This paradigm of research pre supposes that, prior to the establishment of a communication process as result from a social mediation (A21 neighborhood councils, CIQ, etc..) or socio- technical (municipal newspaper, electronic forum Chat, etc..), the territory should build its "formal capital" (Bertacchini, 2004) enabling local actors to accept common rules and procedures, sharing their skills, mobilize with each other and join all through the territorial project. However, setting up the territorial formal capital constitution requires that local authorities exchanges information on territorial dynamics in action, in addition with a credit value to the exchanged information, including operation of the total amount of "communicative ICT resources" available (Habib & Baltz, 2008). We focus providing knowledge and tools enabling citizens to build their own enlighten opinion and focus on collective learning ( Manin in Sintomer and Talpin, 2011; Urfalino 2005) about logical sustainable Development (Angot, 2013). Our object of research is concerned with territorial authorities of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region involved in a project for sustainable spatial development of the Agenda 21 type (A21), Territorial Energy and Climate Plan Action label (PCET), Global Innovative for the Region (AGIR).This choice allows us to approach sustainable development from the perspective of stakeholder participation through specific participatory approaches (information to consultation), under the paradigm of territorial intelligence and our field research: information and communication sciences. We will furthermore discuss the issue of digital uses within local authorities’ organization, production of knowledge contained in digital content and media, and exchanged in different arenas of civil society.
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How sustainable is Gothenburg’s tourism development for local actors? : Researching perceptions in Haga, GothenburgMüller, Kurt January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates the sustainability of Gothenburg’s tourism development for local actors by analyzing their perceptions. Besides covering the underrepresented topic of sustainable urban tourism, this research also follows the aspect of sustainability as a holistic concept. Since Gothenburg has been praised as a sustainable destination for tourists, it is necessary to examine the effects of tourism development on the local community. For this purpose, a qualitative methodological approach was used, consisting of a review of Gothenburg’s tourism strategy and several interviews with local actors from inside and around Haga, Gothenburg. It was shown that tourism development in Haga is believed to contribute to a positive atmosphere as well as the preservation of the area’s character and local economy. Still, there is room for improvement as the direct involvement and information flow were identified as deficient. Following the results, it seems like the sustainability approach of Gothenburg’s tourism development does include the local actors. In general, high interconnectivity between tourism and urban developmentwas shown, which is a typical characteristic of urban tourism.
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Décentralisation et développement : la reconstruction du développement local : cas de la commune rurale de Guidimouni (Niger) / Decentralization and development : the reconstruction of the local development : case of the rural district of Guidimouni (Niger)Ado Salifou, Arifa Moussa 06 September 2012 (has links)
Peut-on parler de décentralisation sans faire le rapprochement avec les questions de développement ? Au Sud comme au Nord, les opinions s'accordent sur le choix des mesures de décentralisations, dans la mise en œuvre des stratégies participatives de développement. S'inscrivant dans une réflexion sur la « bonne gouvernance », la décentralisation prône un nouveau type de développement, mettant en évidence la relation entre gouvernance et gestion des ressources locales d'une société. L'implication des entités territoriales de base aux prises de décisions participe à la (re)construction du développement local. La décentralisation peut-elle servir la dynamique de développement au niveau local ? En dépit des espoirs suscités par la décentralisation, des insuffisances dans sa mise en œuvre sont susceptibles d'influer sur les objectifs de développement. L'exemple de la commune rurale de Guidimouni évoque une situation où la décentralisation piétine encore, du fait notamment du manque d'implication des acteurs locaux, mais aussi de l'absence d'un espace public propice à l'harmonisation des initiatives de développement. Décentralisation et développement sont deux processus complexe, intégrant de multiples variables (économiques, sociales, politiques, culturelles, spatiales, etc.). L'articulation avec le contexte local dans lequel ils sont censés intervenir, révèle les limites des politiques publiques, particulièrement en milieu rural / Can we talk about decentralization without making the connection to development questions? In the South as in the North, opinions agree on the choice of decentralization measures, in the implementation of development participative strategies. Joining a reflection on the " good governance ", decentralization advocates a new type of development, bringing to light the relation between the governance and the management of a society's local resources. Territorial basic entities implication in decision-making participates in the local development (re) construction. Is decentralization useful at a local level in the development process? In spite of the hopes brought by decentralization, incapacities in its implementation may influence development objectives. The example of the rural district of Guidimouni evokes a situation where decentralization still stalls, in particular, because of the local actors' lack of implication, but also because of a public place absence, convenient to the harmonising of initiatives for development. Decentralization and development are two complex processes, integrating several variables (economic, social, political, cultural, spatial, etc.). The coherence with the local context in which they are supposed to intervene reveals the public politics limits, particularly in rural areas
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Cenários contemporâneos da Fronteira Brasil-Argentina : infra-estruturas estratégicas e o papel dos atores no processo de cooperção/integração transfronteiriça / Contemporary settings of Brasil – Argentina boundary : the strategic infra-structures and actors role in the transboundary cooperation/integrationDietz, Circe Inês January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como tema as transformações nas relações fronteiriças Brasil - Argentina ocorridas, sobretudo, a partir da criação do Mercosul. Dessa forma o objetivo geral do estudo consistiu em investigar os cenários contemporâneos que se desenham na fronteira do Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul) com a República Argentina (Misiones e Corrientes), enfatizando a atuação dos atores multiescalares – nos âmbitos do Estado, Mercado e Sociedade Civil – e a implantação e os projetos de implantação de infra-estruturas estratégicas. Os objetivos específicos consistiram em: (a) identificar ações de cooperação e integração estabelecidos entre Brasil e Argentina, assim como também identificar os diferentes atores que realizam ações com repercussões nas questões de fronteira; (b) analisar os distintos cenários em que aconteceu a incorporação de infra-estruturas estratégicas de vinculação física na fronteira, particularmente das pontes binacionais entre Uruguaiana - Passo de Los Libres e São Borja – Santo Tomé; (c) avaliar o papel dos atores locais e locais/regionais das cidades gêmeas (Porto Mauá - Alba Posse; Porto Xavier - San Javier e Itaqui – General Alvear) no processo de organização em prol do projeto de construção das novas ligações viárias sobre o Rio Uruguai. As mudanças que vêm acontecendo com as regiões de fronteira podem ser identificadas a partir dos novos usos políticos e econômicos deste território. No caso estudado, estão entre os novos elementos: a preocupação do Estado nacional com a questão da integração regional, a adaptação e/ou tentativas de modificação da legislação que regulamenta as regiões de fronteira, instalação/ampliação de infra-estruturas aduaneiras, construção de infra-estruturas de conexão, participação de novos atores e a ampliação do comércio de importação e exportação. / The present dissertation has the theme of transformations in the Brasil –Argentina that happened, overall after the Mercosul creation. In this sense, our subject here is to investigate the contemporary setting drawn upon the Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul) and Argentina (Misiones and Corrientes) boundary, emphasizing the multi-scale actors role - in State, Market and Civil Society scope – and the implantation and implantation projects for strategic structures. The specific subjects consisted into: (a) identify cooperation and integration actions established between Brasil and Argentina, as well as identify the different actors doing actions with repercussion in the boundaries questions; (b) to analyze the distinct settings in which happened the incorporation of strategic infra-structures of physical boundary integration, particularly in the binational bridges between Uruguaiana – Passo de los Libres and São Borja – Santo Tomé; (c) evaluate the local and local/regional actor role from the twin cities (Porto Mauá – Alba Posse; Porto Xavier – San Javier and Itaqui – General Alvear) in the organization process toward to the building of new road links over the Uruguay River. The changes happening with the boundary regions can be identified from the new political and economic usages of such territory. In the studied case, amongst the new elements there are: the National State concern about the regional integration issue, the adaptation and/or attempts to modify the boundary region regulation laws, customs infra-structure installation/expansion, connection infra-structures building, participation of new actors and the expansion of importation and exportation trade.
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Cenários contemporâneos da Fronteira Brasil-Argentina : infra-estruturas estratégicas e o papel dos atores no processo de cooperção/integração transfronteiriça / Contemporary settings of Brasil – Argentina boundary : the strategic infra-structures and actors role in the transboundary cooperation/integrationDietz, Circe Inês January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como tema as transformações nas relações fronteiriças Brasil - Argentina ocorridas, sobretudo, a partir da criação do Mercosul. Dessa forma o objetivo geral do estudo consistiu em investigar os cenários contemporâneos que se desenham na fronteira do Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul) com a República Argentina (Misiones e Corrientes), enfatizando a atuação dos atores multiescalares – nos âmbitos do Estado, Mercado e Sociedade Civil – e a implantação e os projetos de implantação de infra-estruturas estratégicas. Os objetivos específicos consistiram em: (a) identificar ações de cooperação e integração estabelecidos entre Brasil e Argentina, assim como também identificar os diferentes atores que realizam ações com repercussões nas questões de fronteira; (b) analisar os distintos cenários em que aconteceu a incorporação de infra-estruturas estratégicas de vinculação física na fronteira, particularmente das pontes binacionais entre Uruguaiana - Passo de Los Libres e São Borja – Santo Tomé; (c) avaliar o papel dos atores locais e locais/regionais das cidades gêmeas (Porto Mauá - Alba Posse; Porto Xavier - San Javier e Itaqui – General Alvear) no processo de organização em prol do projeto de construção das novas ligações viárias sobre o Rio Uruguai. As mudanças que vêm acontecendo com as regiões de fronteira podem ser identificadas a partir dos novos usos políticos e econômicos deste território. No caso estudado, estão entre os novos elementos: a preocupação do Estado nacional com a questão da integração regional, a adaptação e/ou tentativas de modificação da legislação que regulamenta as regiões de fronteira, instalação/ampliação de infra-estruturas aduaneiras, construção de infra-estruturas de conexão, participação de novos atores e a ampliação do comércio de importação e exportação. / The present dissertation has the theme of transformations in the Brasil –Argentina that happened, overall after the Mercosul creation. In this sense, our subject here is to investigate the contemporary setting drawn upon the Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul) and Argentina (Misiones and Corrientes) boundary, emphasizing the multi-scale actors role - in State, Market and Civil Society scope – and the implantation and implantation projects for strategic structures. The specific subjects consisted into: (a) identify cooperation and integration actions established between Brasil and Argentina, as well as identify the different actors doing actions with repercussion in the boundaries questions; (b) to analyze the distinct settings in which happened the incorporation of strategic infra-structures of physical boundary integration, particularly in the binational bridges between Uruguaiana – Passo de los Libres and São Borja – Santo Tomé; (c) evaluate the local and local/regional actor role from the twin cities (Porto Mauá – Alba Posse; Porto Xavier – San Javier and Itaqui – General Alvear) in the organization process toward to the building of new road links over the Uruguay River. The changes happening with the boundary regions can be identified from the new political and economic usages of such territory. In the studied case, amongst the new elements there are: the National State concern about the regional integration issue, the adaptation and/or attempts to modify the boundary region regulation laws, customs infra-structure installation/expansion, connection infra-structures building, participation of new actors and the expansion of importation and exportation trade.
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Cenários contemporâneos da Fronteira Brasil-Argentina : infra-estruturas estratégicas e o papel dos atores no processo de cooperção/integração transfronteiriça / Contemporary settings of Brasil – Argentina boundary : the strategic infra-structures and actors role in the transboundary cooperation/integrationDietz, Circe Inês January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como tema as transformações nas relações fronteiriças Brasil - Argentina ocorridas, sobretudo, a partir da criação do Mercosul. Dessa forma o objetivo geral do estudo consistiu em investigar os cenários contemporâneos que se desenham na fronteira do Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul) com a República Argentina (Misiones e Corrientes), enfatizando a atuação dos atores multiescalares – nos âmbitos do Estado, Mercado e Sociedade Civil – e a implantação e os projetos de implantação de infra-estruturas estratégicas. Os objetivos específicos consistiram em: (a) identificar ações de cooperação e integração estabelecidos entre Brasil e Argentina, assim como também identificar os diferentes atores que realizam ações com repercussões nas questões de fronteira; (b) analisar os distintos cenários em que aconteceu a incorporação de infra-estruturas estratégicas de vinculação física na fronteira, particularmente das pontes binacionais entre Uruguaiana - Passo de Los Libres e São Borja – Santo Tomé; (c) avaliar o papel dos atores locais e locais/regionais das cidades gêmeas (Porto Mauá - Alba Posse; Porto Xavier - San Javier e Itaqui – General Alvear) no processo de organização em prol do projeto de construção das novas ligações viárias sobre o Rio Uruguai. As mudanças que vêm acontecendo com as regiões de fronteira podem ser identificadas a partir dos novos usos políticos e econômicos deste território. No caso estudado, estão entre os novos elementos: a preocupação do Estado nacional com a questão da integração regional, a adaptação e/ou tentativas de modificação da legislação que regulamenta as regiões de fronteira, instalação/ampliação de infra-estruturas aduaneiras, construção de infra-estruturas de conexão, participação de novos atores e a ampliação do comércio de importação e exportação. / The present dissertation has the theme of transformations in the Brasil –Argentina that happened, overall after the Mercosul creation. In this sense, our subject here is to investigate the contemporary setting drawn upon the Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul) and Argentina (Misiones and Corrientes) boundary, emphasizing the multi-scale actors role - in State, Market and Civil Society scope – and the implantation and implantation projects for strategic structures. The specific subjects consisted into: (a) identify cooperation and integration actions established between Brasil and Argentina, as well as identify the different actors doing actions with repercussion in the boundaries questions; (b) to analyze the distinct settings in which happened the incorporation of strategic infra-structures of physical boundary integration, particularly in the binational bridges between Uruguaiana – Passo de los Libres and São Borja – Santo Tomé; (c) evaluate the local and local/regional actor role from the twin cities (Porto Mauá – Alba Posse; Porto Xavier – San Javier and Itaqui – General Alvear) in the organization process toward to the building of new road links over the Uruguay River. The changes happening with the boundary regions can be identified from the new political and economic usages of such territory. In the studied case, amongst the new elements there are: the National State concern about the regional integration issue, the adaptation and/or attempts to modify the boundary region regulation laws, customs infra-structure installation/expansion, connection infra-structures building, participation of new actors and the expansion of importation and exportation trade.
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What does it take for local actors in Hammarby Sjöstad to cut the consumption-based emissions by half till 2030? : A backcasting study on a local climate transition following Carbon Law / Vad krävs av lokala aktörer för att halvera de konsumtionsbaserade utsläppen till 2030? : En backcastingstudie på en lokal klimatomställning enligt Carbon LawOlson, Petter January 2019 (has links)
How many local actors need to do what to reduce Hammarby Sjöstad’s climate impact till 2030 in alignment with "Carbon Law”, i.e. halving the citizens’ consumption-based emissions every ten years? This is demonstrated in a backcasting study of the city district. The local actors’ reduction potentials concerning ground transport, food, housing, aviation and other consumption are explored in individual transitions. The quantitative city district scenario scales up the individual transitions to city district level, asking how many local actors must do how much, starting when, for the Sjöstad’s target to be reached? The overarching backcasting has both prognostic and explorative elements but is essentially normative. It is both quantitative and qualitative, addressing the two main questions what does it take and by whom? The result shows that the city district’s aim is feasible only if Stockholm City and other external actors fulfil their climate targets and the technological development continues to advance. These are external contributions shaping the local actors’ field of options. Furthermore, the result shows that a vast majority of the households must utilize a substantial part of their full potential for the target to be met. New organizational models and actor networks must also emerge for the transition to launch. The scenario’s qualitative part illustrates the need for energy managers, local supermarkets, car sharing companies etc. to become agents of change. The transition is further catalyzed by local network builder and transition agent ElectriCITY. / Hur många lokala aktörer behöver göra vad för att minska Hammarby Sjöstads klimatpåverkan till 2030 i linje med "Carbon Law", det vill säga att halvera invånarnas konsumtionsbaserade utsläpp vart tionde år? Detta demonstreras i en backcastingstudie av stadsdelen. De lokala aktörernas reduktionspotential för marktransporter, livsmedel, bostäder, flyg och övrig konsumtion utforskas i enskilda omställningar. Det kvantitativa stadsdelsscenariot skalar upp de enskilda omställningarna till stadsdelsnivå och frågar: Hur många lokala aktörer måste göra hur mycket, och när för att Sjöstadens Carbon Law-mål ska nås? Den övergripande backcastingstudien har både prognostiska och explorativa inslag men är huvudsakligen normativ. Den är både kvantitativt och kvalitativt då den både adresserar frågan Vad krävs det och av Vem? Resultatet visar att stadsdelsmålet endast är möjligt att nås om Stockholms stad och andra aktörer uppfyller sina klimatmål och den tekniska utvecklingen framskrider. Detta är externa bidrag som formar de lokala aktörernas handlingsutrymme. Vidare visar resultatet att en majoritet av hushållen måste utnyttja en betydande del av sin fulla potential för att målet ska nås. Nya organisationsmodeller och aktörsnätverk måste också utvecklas för att omställningen ska ta fart. Scenariots kvalitativa del illustrerar behovet av att exempelvis energiförvaltare, lokala livsmedelsbutiker och bilpoolsföretag blir förändringsagenter i omställningen. Övergången katalyseras vidare av den lokala förändringsdrivaren och nätverksbyggaren ElectriCITY.
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The EU´s Collective Use of Force : Exploring the Factors behind its First Military OperationsEngberg, Katarina January 2011 (has links)
The EU has since 2003 carried out six military operations. This thesis seeks to determine the circumstances under which the EU will, or will not, undertake military operations. It does so through the study of two main cases of EU military operations: the case when an operation was planned in the Lebanon war 2006 but did not occur, and the positive case of EUFOR RD Congo that same year which did occur. Three additional cases are presented. An analytical tool built on the techniques of defence planning and concepts derived from the scholarly literature is applied to the cases for the purpose of identifying the main driving and inhibiting factors behind the operations. The functional theme of the use of force and the organizational theme of the multilateralisation of intervention serve as the main scholarly concepts. The interaction between the intervener and the local actors, as well as between political and resource factors, is introduced in order to create an integrated framework for the analysis of the dynamics at play in the EU’s use of force. The limitations to the "jus bellum" tradition is noted in the analysis of the EU´s operations that have situated themselves in a low-to-middle bandwidth in terms of interests and risks at stake. Among the findings, the growing importance of local actors in shaping the room for the EU´s deployment of military force stands out, as do resource constraints, in the EU´s case primarily in the form of its limited command and control structures but also through the overstretch of the global pool of expeditionary forces felt around 2006. As seen from the organizational perspective, the EU´s first military operations can best be understood in the context of the increasing role of regional security providers in an unofficial division of labour with regard to the multilateralisation of intervention. / <p>Avaliable in revised and extended version: "The EU and Military Operations. A comparative analysis".</p><p>http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415821360</p><p> </p>
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