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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Métodos de apoio a decisão médica para análise em diabetes mellitus gestacional utilizando a probabilidade pragmática na lógica paraconsistente anotada de dois valores para melhor precisão de resposta. / Methods of support the medical decision for analysis in gestacional diabetes mellitus using the pragmatic probability in paraconsistent logic annotated of two values for better precision of answer.

Paulo Roberto Schroeder de Souza 16 April 2009 (has links)
Vários métodos estatísticos aplicados à medicina diagnóstica sofreram, nas últimas décadas, enormes avanços. Grande parte destes métodos está voltada ao problema de classificar indivíduos em grupos, sendo que os testes diagnósticos ligados a técnicas de Inteligência Artificial compõem nossa principal aplicação desse trabalho. Estes testes estatísticos são descritos como métodos teoricamente capazes de indicar a presença ou a ausência de uma determinada doença, com certa chance de erro. A quantificação destas chances de erro que é, basicamente, o objetivo destes métodos tem servido a inúmeras aplicações e nesse trabalho é utilizada como fonte de evidências para os procedimentos de análises estruturados em Lógica Paraconsistente. Como a Lógica Paraconsistente é uma lógica não-clássica que aceita contradição em sua estrutura sem invalidar as conclusões, e utiliza em suas análises valores evidenciais, aplicamos aqui os conceitos fundamentais de um tipo de Lógica Paraconsistente denominada de Lógica Paraconsistente Anotada com anotação de dois valores LPA2v. Através dos procedimentos estatísticos e os fundamentos da LPA2v o presente estudo objetiva descrever a situação em que o teste produz uma resposta que não é descrita simplesmente como positivo ou negativo, mas por um resultado que pode ser expresso por uma variável categórica ordinal ou por uma variável contínua que pode ser considerada como grau de evidência. Esse processo é realizado utilizando uma dedução lógica que usa os conceitos da Probabilidade Pragmática na qual se pode efetuar uma ligação entre a teoria probabilística de Bayes e os métodos de aplicação da Lógica Paraconsistente Anotada com dois valores LPA2v. Dessa junção surgiram neste trabalho algoritmos Paraconsistentes que descrevem esse processo. Denominamos o processo de adaptação da Teoria de Bayes para a Lógica Paraconsistente de ParaBayes. Para demonstrar os procedimentos que utilizam os conceitos fundamentais da LPA2v em dados probabilísticos foram extraídos valores evidenciais de um banco de dados que se refere à submissão de um conjunto de casos, contendo uma série de evidências e o diagnóstico de Diabetes, em uma comunidade de índias PIMA. São utilizadas no banco de dados índias PIMA as técnicas dos métodos estatísticos e de raciocínio probabilístico de Bayes para levantamento de dados que foram interpretados e modelados como Graus de Evidência capazes de serem analisados pelos Algoritmos da LPA2v. Neste estudo verifica-se que a extração dos Graus de Evidência não invalida as técnicas estatísticas já estabelecidas, mas confere através da LPA2v novas formas de interpretação baseadas nos resultados e produzindo meios que facilitam o tratamento dos dados por ferramentas computacionais elevando o grau de confiança dos diagnósticos. Uma das observações importantes é que o método LPA2v/Bayes proposto utilizado para extrair evidências é capaz de evitar possíveis distorções no formato da curva que possam advir da seleção inadequada de casos de teste. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que em situações nas quais se tenha uma grande quantidade de casos em que as incertezas exijam métodos estatísticos para formar diagnóstico, esta seja uma boa técnica para se adotar em sistemas de apoio a decisão médica. / Several statistical methods applied to the medicine diagnostic suffered, in the last decades, enormous progresses. Great part of these methods come back to the problem from classifying individuals in groups. Tests that use techniques of Artificial Intelligence compose our main main focus. Statistical tests are described as methods capable to indicate the presence or the absence of a certain disease, with a certain chance of error. The quantification of these error chances that is, basically, the objective of these methods has served to countless applications. In this work it is used as source of evidence for the procedures of analysis structured through Paraconsistent Logic. As Paraconsistent Logic is a non-classic logic that accepts contradiction in its structure without invalidating the conclusions and uses in its analysis values attributed to evidences, we applied the fundamental concepts of a type of Logic denominated Paraconsistent Logic Annotated with two values LPA2v. Through the statistical procedures and the foundations of LPA2v the present study aims at describing the situation where the test produces an answer that is not simply described as \"positive\" or \"negative\", but can be expressed by an ordinal variable or by a continuous variable that can be considered as an evidence degree. That process is obtained using a logical deduction that uses the concepts of the Pragmatic Probability where it can make a connection between the probabilistic theory of Bayes and the methods of Paraconsistent Logic, Annotated with two values, LPA2v. Out of that junction Paraconsistent algorithms appeared in this work that describe the whole process. We denominated the process of adaptation of the Theory of Bayes to Paraconsistent Logic of ParaBayes. To demonstrate the procedures that use the fundamental concepts of LPA2v evidence values were extracted from a database comprising a series of evidences and the diagnosis of Diabetes, in a community of PIMA Indians. The PIMA Indian database was a test-bed field for the techniques of the statistical methods and of reasoning probabilistic of Bayes for rising of data that were interpreted and modeled as Degrees of Evidence capable of being analyzed by the Algorithms of LPA2v. In this study it is verified that the extraction of the Degrees of Evidence doesn\'t invalidate the statistical techniques established, but it allows for new forms of interpretations based on the results and producing means that facilitate the treatment of the data, elevating the trust in the diagnostic. One of the important observations is that the proposed method LPA2v/Bayes used to extract evidence is capable to avoid possible distortions in the format of the curve that is usually the result of inadequate selection of test cases. Results suggest that in situations where a great amount of cases have uncertainties this is a good technique to adopt in medical decision support systems.

Representação e recuperação de informação em acervos digitais nos contextos da web semântica e web pragmática: um estudo crítico / -

Mota, Denysson Axel Ribeiro 24 September 2015 (has links)
Estudo comparativo das propostas da Web Semântica e da Web Pragmática, com base nas teorias da organização e recuperação de informações, com o objetivo de propor uma modelagem de representação de dados, que inclua contextos, para melhorar a qualidade dos processos informacionais. Dirige-se o foco da pesquisa aos problemas da representação e recuperação de informações em acervos bibliográficos, principalmente com o uso de RDF e Topic Maps. Para isso, são apresentadas as origens da Web Semântica e da Web Pragmática e os conceitos fundamentais relacionados a esse ambiente, tais como linguagem, representação e recuperação da informação e do conhecimento; termos e terminologia; semântica e pragmática. A metodologia do trabalho foi construída a partir da análise e discussão dos conceitos fundamentais, a modelagem em Diagrama Entidade-Relacionamento e a codificação em RDF e XTM para representar contextos, aplicados a um repositório de textos científicos. Com base na análise crítica das propostas de organização e recuperação de informação das Web Semântica e Web Pragmática, apresenta-se uma proposta de representação de informações com contexto que poderá contribuir para melhorar a relevância dos resultados da recuperação de informações na WWW. Os contextos representados são: Citações, Domínio de Origem do Documento, Domínio da Palavra-Chave, Áreas de Formação do Indivíduo, Áreas de Publicação do Indivíduo, Áreas de Publicação da Revista e Interesses do Indivíduo. A pesquisa permitiu observar que há limites para introduzir contextos em sistemas de informação e compreender, também, que termos como semântica e pragmática requerem abordagem crítica. De fato, a operacionalização de conceitos semânticos e pragmáticos ainda está longe de ser realidade nos sistemas de informação contemporâneos no contexto da www. É importante ressaltar que a presente pesquisa tem cunho interdisciplinar por abordar problemas discutidos tanto na Ciência da Computação como na Ciência da Informação. Esta abordagem interdisciplinar ocorre, em primeiro lugar, porque o objeto de pesquisa, embora tenha origem na Ciência da Computação, requer as teorias e métodos da representação da informação estudados na Ciência da Informação para ser desenvolvido de forma adequada. / Comparative study of the proposals of the Semantic Web and Pragmatic Web, based on the information organization and retrieval studies, in order to propose a model that includes contexts to improve the quality of information retrieval processes. Information representation and retrieval in library collections are the focus of the approach, especially with the use of RDF and Topic Maps. For the development of this research, the origins of the Semantic Web and Pragmatic Web and its fundamental concepts such as language, information and knowledge representation and retrieval; terms and terminology; semantics and pragmatics were discussed. The methodology of this work consisted of the analysis and discussion of key concepts, such as Entity-Relationship Diagram modeling and encoding in RDF and XTM to represent contexts, applied to a repository of scientific texts. Based on the critical analysis of proposed information organization and retrieval from the Semantic Web and Pragmatic Web, it is proposed an information representation with context that could improve the of relevance of the results of information retrieval processes in WWW. The contexts represented were: Quotation, Document Source Domain, Keyword Domain, Person\'s Education Areas, Person\'s Publication Areas, Journal\'s Publication Areas and Person\'s Interests. This research allowed to undestand that there are limits to introduce contexts in information systems and that terms such as semantic and pragmatic require critical approach. Indeed, the operationalization of semantic and pragmatic concepts is still far from reality in contemporary information systems in the context of www. This research has interdisciplinary nature by addressing problems discussed both in Computer Science and in Information Science. The interdisciplinary approach was adopted because the object of research, although originated in Computer Science requires the to be appropriately developed, theories and methods of information representation studied in Information Science.

由句法角色、語用功能、及社會限制來看插話造成的發言轉換現象 / Turn-talking through interruption - syntactic, pragmatic, and social constraints

王秀如, Wang, Hsiu-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在日常對話中,通常一次只有一個人說話,然而,卻常常發現有不只一個談話者同時說話的情形。這種違反常規的重疊現象(overlappings)可分為疊話(overlaps)跟插話(interruptions)。大部份的學者依據句法結構或音韻觀點來區分疊話跟插話,似仍有遺漏,故本篇論文嘗試依據插話的語意內容來區分這兩種重疊現象,又本文的重點是放在插話的研究,作者試從語法角色(grammatical roles)、順序(linear order)、語用功能、及社會因素來探討插話者如何成功的襲奪被插話者的說話權利。 本篇論文的語料採自十一個雙人面對面的日常對話,其中男生和男生的對話其三份,女生和女生的對話以及男女之間的對話各四份。此分類方式是基於觀察交談者之間性別的異同所帶來的權力(power)以及等同性(solidarity)是否會影響插話的頻率、位置、和語用功能的分配。在語料中將區分所有疊話和插話,同時標記語用功能,及插話者和被插話的性別以便於做統計分析。 本篇論文發現插話現象主要是受順序先後的影響,百分之八十的插話發生在前5到8個位置,且這些位置不受特殊語法角色的限制,此外,插話通常發生在詞組外而非在詞組內。至於插話的語用功能,以做澄清功能(clarification)為最多,反對功能(disagreement)次之,確認功能(confirmation)最少。而單就插話者的性別而言,女生所引發的插話頻率跟男生相近,這可能是由於女生的高教育背景,使女生有獨立思考的能力、較高的社會地位,與充分的發言權,再加上過於強調男女平權,使女生的插話頻率提高。而在考慮插話者與被插話者的性別方面,的確發現了權力的影響力,男生打岔女生的頻率確實高於女生打岔男生的頻率,但兩者差距不大,一方面可能是男生為要表現社會禮儀以示對女生的尊重,另一方面可能是漠視女生的知識能力而不與之爭辯,故其打岔的頻率不如預期的高。 在高教育背景的影響之下,女生開始要求男女平等,進而嘗試跳脫中國傳統性別角色的限制。於是,女生和男生的插話行為將因性別限制的解除而趨於一致。 / Transition of turn in daily conversation is not always rule-governed. Violation of turn-taking rules may result in overlapping, which includes overlap and interruption. Differentiation of the two by syntactic and phonological criteria may sometimes fail. To remedy the problem, it is suggested that the communicative purpose of overlapping should be taken into consideration. That is, if the overlapping evokes cooperation, it should be counted as overlap; if it entails antagonism and competition, it should be judged as interruption. The focus of this study is to find out how syntactic structure, timing, pragmatic functions, and social constraints influence the emergence of interruption. The data needed in this study were collected from eleven dyadic face to face daily conversations, including three male-male conversations, four female-female conversations, and four male-female conversations. In each conversation, interruptions are identified and categorized by their pragmatic functions and by the interrupter's and interruptee's gender. The results of this study indicates that timing is more influential to the occurrence of interruption than the grammatical roles of the syntactic sites in which interruptions take place. It is found that about 80% of interruption occurs in the first eight positions in sentences with transitive verbs and the first five positions in sentences with intransitive verbs. In these positions, grammatical roles of all kinds may appear. In addition, interruptions are found to occur more frequently on syntactic junctures than within syntactic constituents. As to pragmatic functions of interruptions, there is a priority order among three of the pragmatic functions that interruptions serve, with interruption for clarification overrides interruption for disagreement, which suppresses interruption for confirmation. As for the social constraints on interruption, first, females, unexpectedly, interrupt their interlocutors as frequently as males do. Promotion of social-economic status through education and emergence of self-confidence are offered to explain why women initiate many interruptions. On the other hand, superficial courtesy and man chauvinism are provided to explain why men interrupt less often than expected. Next, when both the interrupter's and the interruptee's genders are taken into consideration, the influence of power is revealed only in cross gender conversation, with males' interrupting females more than their being interrupted by females. On the surface, both men and women interrupt their interlocutors. However, underlyingly, men interrupt to show power to control, while women interrupt to show power to resist control. It seems that men, in Chinese society, are still the dominating sex. It is predicted that the power difference between men and women will be alleviated in the future. At that time, the two sexes will share the same patterns of interruptions.

我國務實外交下的援外政策 / Foreign Aid Policy in ROC's Pragmatic Diplomacy

黃雅文, Huang, Ya-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
國際間的互動頻繁,使得國家間的交往成為國家政策目標之一。因此 身為國際社會成員的我國,自不能孤立於國際社會而存在。我國由於國情 特殊,尤其是面對中共的刻意打壓與封鎖,因此對於參與國際社會,宣示 自己為國際社會的成員,一向是我國外交政策的重點所在。為突破外交孤 立的困境,「務實外交」政策便因應而生了!但是中共不願意我國在外交 與國際交往上有所突破,因此對我國之抨擊、打壓與封殺實乃愈加強烈。 在國際交往工具的選擇上,我國由於此種國際環境使然,因此很難運用一 般在正常情形下所使用的外交政策工具。因此「對外援助」政策便成為我 國拓展對外關係的主要政策工具之一。因為不僅可以運用發展與人道等特 質以避開敏感的政治限制,以達到國際交往的實質目的;再者,由於我國 經濟等方面之發展經驗實為其他開發中國家發展之楷模;亦符合「己立立 人,己達達人」之固有明訓。故正當我國擁有適當的經濟力量以作為推行 對外援助的籌 碼,而國際社會又正逢需求之際,因此便可以以此種較為 積極並較具影響力的方式進行國際交往。再者,它亦是我國參與國際事務 、善盡國際責任、提升國際形象與增加國際影響力的 表現。 我國 的對外援助政策始於民國四十七年七月,應越南政府之邀,組派經濟考察 團至越南考察。隔年,我國駐越技術團成立,為我國農技援外之始。民國 七十七年十月成立的「海外經濟合作發展基金」( International Economic Cooperation Development Fund,IECDF)並在經濟部下設立基 金管理委員會開展基金業務,展開對外援助事宜。民國八十五年七月一日 ,財團法人「國際合作發展基金會」成立,整合及統籌我國對外援助事宜 。以使我國的對外援助工作能達到透明化、專業化與效率化。並量力而行 ,認清自己的力量。未來的工作方 向則包括雙邊或多邊技術合作、直 接或間接貸款、直接或間接參與投資、投資或貸款之保證與捐款或實物贈 與、以及其它可行方式。而合作對象則是外國政府、國際組織或國際機構 或其指定的機關或團體。以達我國回饋國際社會、善盡國際責任、重返國 際社會等目的。

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med hörselnedsättning : En samtalsanalytisk studie om begäran om förtydligande / Pragmatic Ability in Children with Hearing Impairment : a Conversation Analytic study of Request for Clarification

Andersson, Lisa, Ringbert, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
<p>Different abilities are of importance to pragmatics, there among hearing. Hearing impairment can affect language development and also pragmatic ability. The aim of the present paper was to study the pragmatic ability in terms of request for clarification in children with Hearing Impairment (HI) in conversation with children with no known hearing impairment, henceforth normally hearing (NH). The present study also describes requests for clarification sequentially in detail, and also highlights points where there may be observable differences between children with and without hearing impairment. Eight conversational pairs consisting of one child with HI and one NH child were studied. Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC) was filled out by the parents and teachers of the children with HI in order to complement the description of the pragmatic ability in children with HI. Conversation Analysis was used in order to make the study of interaction as open-minded as possible. The conversation extracts were grouped according to task or non-task oriented interaction based on the activities that occurred.</p><p>The results of the present study showed that the children with HI and NH both used non-specific and specific requests for clarification, and that these types of requests were used in both task and non-task oriented interaction. Children with HI used the non-specific request "sorry?" to greater extent in the extracts than children with NH did. In general, no differences in occurrence of specific requests were seen between children with HI and children with NH. As regards to what happened before and after requests for clarifications, no distinct differences could be established between children with HI and children with NH. In conclusion, it is not certain if and how a hearing impairment have affected the pragmatic ability, although tendencies in the conversation extracts indicated that hearing impairment sometimes affected the interaction.</p> / <p>Pragmatik är beroende av många förmågor, däribland hörseln. En hörselnedsättning kan ha inverkan på den språkliga utvecklingen och även den pragmatiska förmågan. Syftet med föreliggande arbete var att studera den pragmatiska förmågan gällande begärande om förtydligande hos barn med hörselnedsättning (HNS) i samtal med barn utan känd hörselnedsättning, hädanefter normalhörande (NH). Studien ämnade belysa begäranden om förtydligande i sekventiell analys, samt om skillnader mellan barn med HNS och NH kunde ses. Åtta samtalspar bestående av ett barn med hörselnedsättning och ett barn med normal hörsel studerades. Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC) fylldes i av föräldrar och lärare till barnen med HNS för att utgöra ett komplement i beskrivandet av den pragmatiska förmågan hos barnen med HNS. Conversation Analysis användes för att på ett så öppet sätt som möjligt studera interaktionen och se vilka fenomen som förekom. Samtalsutdragen delades in efter uppgiftsorienterade respektive icke-uppgiftsorienterade samtal beroende på vilka aktiviteter som förekom.</p><p>Resultaten av föreliggande studie visade att barnen med HNS och NH använde sig av både icke-specificerade och specificerade begäranden om förtydligande, och att dessa användes i både uppgiftsorienterat och icke-uppgiftsorienterat samtal. Barnen med HNS använde i större utsträckning det icke-specificerade begärandet "va" i utdragen än vad barnen med NH gjorde. Generella skillnader gällande specificerade begäranden kunde inte ses mellan barn med HNS och barn med NH. Inga tydliga skillnader kunde konstateras mellan barn med HNS och barn med NH gällande vad som föregick respektive följde efter begärandena om förtydligande. Slutligen visades att det inte säkert kan sägas om och hur en hörselnedsättning påverkat den pragmatiska förmågan, även om tendenser i samtalsutdragen indikerar att hörselnedsättningen kan ha inverkat på interaktionen.</p>

‘Yo puedo bien español’ : Influencia sueca y variedades hispanas en la actitud lingüística e identificación de los hispanoamericanos en Suecia

Esquivel Sánchez, María Denis January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this research has been to describe and analyse Swedish linguistic and cultural influence, on identification, and idiomatic awareness as well as on the Spanish used by Hispanic Americans who have lived more than 12 years in Sweden.</p><p>The analysis has been carried out within the field of sociolinguistics, specifically in the area of language contact, drawing on methodological aspects of ethno linguistics, sociology of language and cognitive linguistics. The research was divided into two phases. In the first phase, we describe and analyse Corpus 1, consisting of 20 interviews of first generation Hispanic Americans political refugees. In the second phase, we describe, compare and analyse Corpus 2, which consists of 105 questionnaires distributed to first and second generation Hispanic Americans in Sweden.</p><p>The results have shown that in Sweden Hispanic Americans have gradually generated a variety of Spanish which clearly shows features of Swedish culture and language and with an aspect of standardisation due to the fact that in the intercommunication between language speakers of varieties of Spanish certain variations have slowly been eliminated over the course of time. The sociolinguistic situation of the informants has been observed as well as the nature of the immigration and identification and idiomatic awareness in relation to their integration or lack of integration into Swedish society. The use of 38 words with a high level of synonymy was also investigated in order to establish standardisation of these representative words among the varieties of Spanish, spoken in Sweden. Furthermore we have investigated clichés, lexical, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic loans from Swedish as well as Swedish cultural influence on use tense among the informants.</p>

Språkbruk, skämt och kön : Teoretiska modeller och sociolingvistiska tillämpningar / Language use, jokes, and gender : Theoretical models and sociolinguistic applications

Ohlsson, Maria January 2003 (has links)
This thesis deals with jokes and gender as social meaning. Here gender identity is regarded as one kind of social meaning. The gender identity of the individual is produced in interaction with other persons and is also conditioned by cultural codes. Of particular interest is how social identity is constituted by linguistic means. This is discussed using a model of indexicality, i.e. how linguistic features index one or more dimensions of the social context. Especially the indirect and constitutive relations between language and gender are discussed in terms of stances, acts and activities. In this context the speech act joking is seen as an example of a male gender constituent. A second theoretical angle consists of introducing some linguistic theories of humour and applying them to two empirical materials. The first material consists of audiovisual recordings of school pupils’ group discussions with no adult leader present. The pupils work with the same task, both in unisexual and mixed groups. The study focuses on describing how the speakers present suggestions of their own, and respond to the suggestions of others. The suggestions have lent themselves to being grouped into three categories: serious suggestions, playful suggestions, and joking suggestions. Identifying jokes in conversation can be difficult; thus four criteria for joke identification are applied: intention, structure, reaction and convention. Two types of structural criteria are used: semantic and rhetorical. The second material consists of a questionnaire administered to university students, which asks whom the informant apprehends as funny. A general tendency in the answers is that men only mention men, while women single out both women and men. Another tendency is that few women are found in the answers of the questions concerning the mass media, while women mention many funny women in the questions about their own everyday experiences. In this study it is argued that language use not only reflects our place in culture and society but also helps to constitute that place. Women and men encounter different cultural codes, and thus their performance of different speech acts also differs. This has an impact on the speakers’ social identity, one of which is gender identity.

‘Yo puedo bien español’ : Influencia sueca y variedades hispanas en la actitud lingüística e identificación de los hispanoamericanos en Suecia

Esquivel Sánchez, María Denis January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this research has been to describe and analyse Swedish linguistic and cultural influence, on identification, and idiomatic awareness as well as on the Spanish used by Hispanic Americans who have lived more than 12 years in Sweden. The analysis has been carried out within the field of sociolinguistics, specifically in the area of language contact, drawing on methodological aspects of ethno linguistics, sociology of language and cognitive linguistics. The research was divided into two phases. In the first phase, we describe and analyse Corpus 1, consisting of 20 interviews of first generation Hispanic Americans political refugees. In the second phase, we describe, compare and analyse Corpus 2, which consists of 105 questionnaires distributed to first and second generation Hispanic Americans in Sweden. The results have shown that in Sweden Hispanic Americans have gradually generated a variety of Spanish which clearly shows features of Swedish culture and language and with an aspect of standardisation due to the fact that in the intercommunication between language speakers of varieties of Spanish certain variations have slowly been eliminated over the course of time. The sociolinguistic situation of the informants has been observed as well as the nature of the immigration and identification and idiomatic awareness in relation to their integration or lack of integration into Swedish society. The use of 38 words with a high level of synonymy was also investigated in order to establish standardisation of these representative words among the varieties of Spanish, spoken in Sweden. Furthermore we have investigated clichés, lexical, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic loans from Swedish as well as Swedish cultural influence on use tense among the informants.

Barn med språkstörning interagerar : -en samtalsanalytisk studie av samtal mellan barn och barn samt barn och logoped

Emanuelsson, Gabriella, Håkansson, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
This paper explores the interaction of children with language impairment (LI). The present essay is a conversation analytic study of child-child and child-therapist dyads. The aim was to explore in what ways children with LI reach common understanding. Another purpose was to investigate if there are differences in interaction between dyads with children with LI and dyads with children with LI and speech language therapist. Seven children, three girls and four boys, with LI participated in the study. All the children are enrolled at a language unit. The dialogues were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The results revealed no differences in the children’s length of utterance between the child-child dyads and the child-SLT dyads. Another important finding was that it became more of a course of event in the play between child and SLT in contrast to the child-child dyads, where the communication more concerned one or a couple of objects. In general, the children managed to initiate, respond, give feedback, negotiate and make requests of clarification and repair utterances in conversation with each other. One important conclusion is that conversation analysis could be used in identification of strengths and weaknesses in children’s communication. The knowledge from the analyses ought to be applicable in intervention with children with LI. / Föreliggande studie behandlar hur barn med språkstörning interagerar. Vidare är den en samtalsanalytisk studie av samtal barn-barn och barn-logoped. Syftet var att studera hur gemensam förståelse uppnås i kommunikation samt att undersöka om skillnader förelåg mellan de två samtalstyperna. Sju barn, tre flickor och fyra pojkar, med generell språkstörning deltog i studien. Samtliga går på språkförskola i södra Sverige. Samtalen spelades in, transkriberades samt analyserades. Resultaten visade att barnen initierade och responderade, återkopplade, förhandlade, begärde förtydligande samt reparerade yttranden relativt väl. Vidare framkom ingen skillnad i yttrandelängd hos barnen beroende på vem de kommunicerade med. Barnen upprätthöll ett samtalsämne tämligen adekvat. I logopedbarnsamtalen utvecklades samspelet mer till ett längre händelseförlopp, till skillnad från barnbarnsamtalen, där samtalen centrerades kring ett eller ett par föremål. Samtalsanalys förefaller vara ett bra verktyg vid bedömning av kommunikation. Metoden visar barns språkliga styrkor och svagheter i vardagligt samspel. Samtalsanalysens resultat kan därefter användas för att träna social interaktion i vardagen, och där torde logopeden ha en betydande roll gällande handledning av kommunikativ träning.

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med hörselnedsättning : En samtalsanalytisk studie om begäran om förtydligande / Pragmatic Ability in Children with Hearing Impairment : a Conversation Analytic study of Request for Clarification

Andersson, Lisa, Ringbert, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
Different abilities are of importance to pragmatics, there among hearing. Hearing impairment can affect language development and also pragmatic ability. The aim of the present paper was to study the pragmatic ability in terms of request for clarification in children with Hearing Impairment (HI) in conversation with children with no known hearing impairment, henceforth normally hearing (NH). The present study also describes requests for clarification sequentially in detail, and also highlights points where there may be observable differences between children with and without hearing impairment. Eight conversational pairs consisting of one child with HI and one NH child were studied. Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC) was filled out by the parents and teachers of the children with HI in order to complement the description of the pragmatic ability in children with HI. Conversation Analysis was used in order to make the study of interaction as open-minded as possible. The conversation extracts were grouped according to task or non-task oriented interaction based on the activities that occurred. The results of the present study showed that the children with HI and NH both used non-specific and specific requests for clarification, and that these types of requests were used in both task and non-task oriented interaction. Children with HI used the non-specific request "sorry?" to greater extent in the extracts than children with NH did. In general, no differences in occurrence of specific requests were seen between children with HI and children with NH. As regards to what happened before and after requests for clarifications, no distinct differences could be established between children with HI and children with NH. In conclusion, it is not certain if and how a hearing impairment have affected the pragmatic ability, although tendencies in the conversation extracts indicated that hearing impairment sometimes affected the interaction. / Pragmatik är beroende av många förmågor, däribland hörseln. En hörselnedsättning kan ha inverkan på den språkliga utvecklingen och även den pragmatiska förmågan. Syftet med föreliggande arbete var att studera den pragmatiska förmågan gällande begärande om förtydligande hos barn med hörselnedsättning (HNS) i samtal med barn utan känd hörselnedsättning, hädanefter normalhörande (NH). Studien ämnade belysa begäranden om förtydligande i sekventiell analys, samt om skillnader mellan barn med HNS och NH kunde ses. Åtta samtalspar bestående av ett barn med hörselnedsättning och ett barn med normal hörsel studerades. Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC) fylldes i av föräldrar och lärare till barnen med HNS för att utgöra ett komplement i beskrivandet av den pragmatiska förmågan hos barnen med HNS. Conversation Analysis användes för att på ett så öppet sätt som möjligt studera interaktionen och se vilka fenomen som förekom. Samtalsutdragen delades in efter uppgiftsorienterade respektive icke-uppgiftsorienterade samtal beroende på vilka aktiviteter som förekom. Resultaten av föreliggande studie visade att barnen med HNS och NH använde sig av både icke-specificerade och specificerade begäranden om förtydligande, och att dessa användes i både uppgiftsorienterat och icke-uppgiftsorienterat samtal. Barnen med HNS använde i större utsträckning det icke-specificerade begärandet "va" i utdragen än vad barnen med NH gjorde. Generella skillnader gällande specificerade begäranden kunde inte ses mellan barn med HNS och barn med NH. Inga tydliga skillnader kunde konstateras mellan barn med HNS och barn med NH gällande vad som föregick respektive följde efter begärandena om förtydligande. Slutligen visades att det inte säkert kan sägas om och hur en hörselnedsättning påverkat den pragmatiska förmågan, även om tendenser i samtalsutdragen indikerar att hörselnedsättningen kan ha inverkat på interaktionen.

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