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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Středoanglické prefigované adjektivní inovace domácího původu (1200-1400) / Middle English adjectival innovations of native origin (1200-1400) formed by prefixation

Ortutayová, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse and describe the Middle English adjectival innovations of native origin coming into existence by prefixation in the period of 1200-1400. The formations are described from the point of view of their word-formation and semantics, the individual word- formation patterns are identified and analysed in terms of their productivity. In the theoretical part we present three points of view - social, typological and word-formational - which allow us to formulate our hypothesis consisting in the assumption that the native prefixation will exhibit gradual signs of decreasing productivity, brought about both by the language-external and language-internal causes - the language being overwhelmed by the an influx of foreign elements due to political and social situation at the time; as well as gradual phonological and semantic non- transparency of the native prefixes. The empirical part is based on the analysis of the 219 adjectives retrieved from the Oxford English Dictionary. Our results show that 7 out of 13 prefixes are decreasing in productivity or unproductive, yet the situation is not homogeneous and we were able to identify eight possible scenarios of development in productivity patterns. Our hypothesis is thus confirmed only partially - both the extra and...

Prefixace v současné španělštině / Prefixation in Contemporary Spanish

Řepíková, Kamila January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis takes a comprehensive look at the matter of prefixation in contemporary Spanish and it is therefore divided into two parts. In the first one, we occupy ourselves with the area of constructional morphology and tackle theoretical matters. From the more general topics of word formation we then proceed to prefixation itself which we then attempt to define and describe in more detail. We outline the issues of concept delimitations, definition of prefixation, classification of prefixes and other controversial matters related to this process in the Spanish language. The second part of the thesis is of a more practical nature. There, we focus on the semantic meanings (locative and gradative) some prefixes may acquire. We then concentrate on specific prefixes (entre-, inter-, sobre-, super-), their distribution among word classes, and finally, using InterCorp, a parallel language corpus, we study Czech equivalents of selected elements.


LIVIA PENEDO JACOB 20 September 2010 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho investiga os processos lexicais pertinentes à formação de novos itens através do não- anteposto a substantivos e adjetivos, incluindo os aspectos semânticos relevantes. Abordam-se inicialmente a derivação e a composição, na medida em que estes macro-processos de formação se colocam como hipóteses alternativas para a explicação do emprego lexical do elemento negativo não, tradicionalmente classificado apenas como advérbio. Expõe-se a visão trazida pela gramática tradicional, concluindo-se que esta não explica o fenômeno de modo satisfatório. Revisa-se a literatura produzida até o momento sobre o não ocorrendo em função diversa da de advérbio, observando-se grande divergência de abordagens. Apresentadas e analisadas as ocorrências do não- anteposto, opta-se pela derivação como explicação mais conveniente para o tópico investigado, que inclui a questão de estabelecer critérios de discriminação entre as construções que constituem novas palavras e as que devem ser excluídas do rol das novas formações. A análise é baseada em dois corpora representativos – o CORPOBRAS PUC RIO e o CORPUS NILC, que foram comparados em relação ao fenômeno investigado. A pesquisa foi parcialmente feita com base nos mecanismos e metodologias ditadas por pesquisadores da Lingüística de Corpus, tendo sido utilizadas ferramentas computacionais e o conceito de corpus definidos por estes autores. A partir da referida análise, verifica-se que nem todos os itens formados por não- seguido por nome configuram novas formações lexicais, uma vez que muitos dos exemplos estudados revelam aspectos sintáticos predominantes. Quanto à questão semântica, concluiu-se que os significados são relativamente delimitados, existindo algumas exceções. A pesquisa aponta ainda para a presença de possíveis aspectos estilísticos nestas formas. / [en] This work investigates lexical processes underlying the formation of não- X nouns and adjectives in Portuguese, taking into account both morphological and semantic aspects. We approach first the two main word formation possibilities, derivation and compounding, as they correspond to the possible alternative hypotheses for the use of não in word formation, since this lexical item is traditionally considered only as an adverb. Traditional approaches to the topic are described and considered insufficient to explain the phenomena in a satisfactory manner. More recent descriptive proposals on the subject are analyzed and their controversies commented upon. The data favor the analysis of não-X constructions in Portuguese as a case of derivation, specially in what concerns the need to establish criteria to classify não-X constructions as new words. The data were collected from two corpora – the CORPOBRAS PUC-RIO and the CORPUS NILC, which were compared as for the phenomena in question. The work is based, to a great extent, on the mechanisms and methodologies proposed by Corpus Linguistics researchers, with the use of computational tools and the conception of corpora as defined by CL authors. As a result of the analysis, it is proposed that not every não-X occurrence constitutes a new lexical item, since many of the studied examples reveal predominance of syntactic aspects. As for the semantic question, it has been observed that the meanings of the não-X constructions are partially predictable, in spite of some exceptions. The research also indicates the presence of some stylistic possibilities for the use of the não X construction.

Typologie des constructions verbales à prédicat complexe : composition verbale en japonais et préverbation en polonais / Typology of complex predicate verbal constructions : verbal compounding in Japanese and verbal prefixation in Polish

Matsumoto, Asuka 26 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à traiter les verbes composés en japonais et les verbes préverbés en polonais comme faisant partie des constructions verbales à prédicat complexe. D’abord, la notion de la formation des mots et, par conséquent, la notion de « mot », sont examinées par les analyses entre les mots (ortho)graphiques et prosodiques ; le problème d’espace entre les mots et différents systèmes d’accentuation sont pris en compte. D’une part, l’analyse des verbes composés japonais remonte jusqu’aux deux premières grammaires au XVIIe siècle, celle de Rodriguez et de Collado, dont la première propose la dichotomie entre les verbes composés à « mode de l’action » et à « particule ». Ensuite suivent les analyses des verbes composés contemporains, avec un accent particulier sur un certain nombre de couples de verbes transitifs et intransitifs en second élément du composé. D’autre part, la typologie des constructions préverbales de la langue polonaise est examinée. Enfin, à travers la comparaison multilingue du Petit prince de Saint-Exupéry entre l’original et deux traductions japonaises et deux polonaises, une typologie des constructions verbales à prédicat complexe est proposée, ce qui fait écho au choix de notre langue de rédaction, le français servant de pivot afin d’examiner diverses constructions verbales de nos langues de comparaison, le japonais et le polonais : composition verbale et construction converbale pour le premier et préverbation et construction infinitivale à semi-auxiliaire pour le second. / This thesis seeks to analyse Japanese compound verbs and Polish prefixed verbs as a part of complex predicate verbal constructions. First, the notion of word-formation and consequently that of word are examined by analyses between (ortho)graphic and prosodical words, which include problems of word space and several accentual systems. Next, this analysis of compound verbs goes back to 17th century with the first two Japanese grammars by Rodriguez and Collado, respectively, where the former proposes a dichotomy between manner of action and particle verbal compounds. Then follows an analysis of contemporary Japanese compound verbs, with particular emphasis on some pairs of transitive and intransitive verbs in the second element of compound. Contrastingly, a typology of verbal prefix constructions in Polish is considered and reviewed. Finally, through a multilingual comparison of The Little Prince, by Saint-Exupéry, using two translations in each of Japanese and Polish, a typology of complex predicate verbal constructions is put forward which corresponds with the language, French, in which this thesis is written and which serves as a pivot for the examination of various verbal constructions of the languages for comparison, Japanese and Polish: verbal compounding and converbal construction for the former, verbal prefixation and infinitival auxiliary construction for the latter.

Lexikální zápor ve španělštině / Lexical negation in Spanish

Malinová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with negation in Spanish, especially lexical negation and negative prefixes. It is divided into two parts: the first one is theoretical which is followed by a practical one, which contains its own research. The aim of the first part is to genereally define negation from the perspective of various disciplines and to characterize the means that are used to create the negative (in Spanish and Czech). The greatest emphasis is placed on word- formation negation, that is why basic word-forming processes are defined here. In the theoretical part, the greatest attention is paid to prefixation: basic categories of prefixes are described with emphasis on negative prefixes. The second part focuses on the research which is based on the work with the language corpus and subsequently the questionnaire, which was created for the purpose of the work. The aim of the practical part is to discover some specifics in the behaviour of individual negative prefixes (a-, des-, in-, anti- and contra-) and their possible interchangeability. Subsequently conclusions are drawn from this part, following the theoretical part and completing the overall view of lexical negation in Spanish.

Vyjadřování způsobu slovesného děje v češtině, italštině a francouzštině / Expressing Lexical Aspect in Czech, Italian and French

Štelbaská, Kristína January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is expressing lexical aspect in Czech and Italian. The theoretical part describes the aspectuality, at first in general, then in both Czech and Italian language. The first part aims to clarify the notion of grammatical and lexical aspect. The thesis also concentrates on semantics of Czech prefixes. The practical part deals with Czech verbs with multiple prefixes and their counterparts in Italian, or rather the thesis analyses how Italian express the lexical aspect. It is the contrastive analysis. The analysed data originate from the parallel corpora InterCorp version 13. Key words Lexical aspect/Aktionsart, verbal/grammatical aspect, verbs with multiple prefixes, prefixation, parallel corpora, InterCorp, Czech, Italian

Actualisation, intensité et saillance : raz mot autonome et préfixe en russe contemporain / Actualization, intensity and salience : RAZ as word and prefix in contemporary Russian

Kravchenko-Biberson, Olga 28 April 2017 (has links)
A travers l’analyse du fonctionnement de la forme RAZ, qui peut correspondre en russe contemporain soit à un mot autonome, soit à un préfixe, cette thèse se veut une contribution à l’étude de la sémantique des unités polycatégorielles, mais aussi à l’approfondissement des notions d’intensité et de saillance. L’analyse s’appuie sur le modèle général de la construction du sens et de la référence élaboré dans le cadre de la Théorie des Opérations Prédicatives et Enonciatives développée à partir des travaux d’Antoine Culioli et tient compte des conditions discursives (situation, cotexte, contexte) dans lesquelles apparaît RAZ. Elle aboutit à l’élaboration d’une signification invariante pour chacun de ses emplois catégoriels comme mot autonome et comme préfixe. Chaque invariant est défini non comme une valeur abstraite ou une valeur prototypique, mais comme un schéma qui indique le rôle spécifique joué par RAZ dans les interactions avec son cotexte. Les invariants proposés sont élaborés sur des critères distributionnels et formels précis, tels que la sémantique catégorielle de RAZ, sa fonction syntaxique, la nature et la fonction syntaxique de sa portée. On démontre que malgré l’existence de deux étymons à la sémantique différente, une partie des emplois du préfixe raz- est en fait rattachable au mot autonome raz. Ils relèvent d’une même sémantique de l’actualisation, qui est à la base de l’interprétation intensive et des effets de mises en saillance associés à certains emplois de RAZ. De là découle la difficulté à les traiter au niveau lexicographique, car leur description nécessite la prise en compte des facteurs énonciatifs et du contexte d’emploi large. / This thesis analyses the functioning of the form RAZ that in contemporary Russian can be either a word or a prefix, and is intended as a contribution to the study of the semantics of polycategorical lexical items as well as to a better understanding of the notions of intensity and salience. The analysis is based on the model of meaning and reference construction elaborated within the framework of the Theory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operations developed by Antoine Culioli’s associates, and takes into consideration the discursive conditions (situation, co-text, context) under which RAZ occurs. It results in the elaboration of a semantic invariant for each categorical use of RAZ as a word and as a prefix. Each invariant is defined not as an abstract value or a prototypic value, but as a schema that indicates the specific role played by RAZ in the interactions with its co-text. The proposed invariants are developed on the basis of specific distributional and formal criteria, such as the categorical semantics of RAZ, its syntactic function, the nature and the function of its scope. It is demonstrated that despite the existence of two etymons with different meanings, some of the uses of the prefix raz- are, in fact, attachable to the word raz. They emerge from the semantics of actualisation (in Bally’s sense), which is responsible for the intensive interpretation and the effects of salience proper to certain uses of RAZ. Hence the difficulty in treating them on the lexicographic level, since their description requires consideration of enunciative factors and of the wider context.

Η προθηματοποίηση στις νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους : συγχρονική και διαχρονική προσέγγιση / Prefixation in modern Greek dialects : synchronic and diachronic perspective

Δημελά, Ελεονώρα-Διονυσία 05 January 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή επιχειρείται η συγχρονική και διαχρονική προσέγγιση φαινομένων προθηματοποίησης στις νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους. Συγκεκριμένα, μελετώνται τα διαλεκτικά μορφήματα ακρο-, μωρο-, πλακο-, σ(ι)ο-/σα-, χαμο- ως προς την ιστορική τους εξέλιξη, και τις φωνολογικές, δομικές και σημασιολογικές τους αποκλίσεις σε συγχρονικό επίπεδο. Η μετάβαση από τη σύνθεση στην παραγωγή, δηλαδή η προθηματικοποίηση (βλ. Amiot 2005), αποδεικνύει ότι τα όρια ανάμεσα στις δύο διαδικασίες δεν είναι σαφώς διακριτά (Booij 2005, Bauer 2005, Ralli 2010). Κατά την προθηματικοποίηση, ένα μόρφημα αποκλίνει από το λεξηματικό του πρόγονο, χάνει την αυτονομία του (Iacobini 2004) και είναι δυνατό να υπόκειται σε φωνολογικές αλλαγές. Είναι γενικώς παραδεκτό ότι η γραμματικοποίηση επιτελείται, εφόσον πληρούνται ορισμένες προϋποθέσεις (Lehmann 1985, Hopper & Traugott 1983, Hopper 1991, Heine & Kuteva 2002, Heine 2003, Amiot 2005, Giannoulopoulou 2006, Αναστασιάδη-Συμεωνίδη 2008, van Goethem 2008). Οι προτεινόμενες γενικές παράμετροι για την προθηματικοποίηση από τη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία είναι οι ακόλουθες: α) φωνολογική διάβρωση, β) αποσημασιοποίηση, γ) αποκατηγοριοποίηση, δ) περιορισμός συντακτικού βάρους, ε) ανάμειξη, στ) διεύρυνση συνδυαστικών μορφολογικών ιδιοτήτων. Στη μελέτη αυτή, προσπαθώ να απαντήσω σε τρεις σημαντικές ερωτήσεις: α) Ποιες είναι οι εξειδικευμένες παράμετροι που ερμηνεύουν τη μετάβαση από τη σύνθεση στην προθηματοποίηση; β) Οι παράμετροι αυτές είναι ίδιες για όλα τα φαινόμενα γραμματικοποίησης ή περιορίζονται στο πεδίο της μορφολογίας; γ) Ποια είναι η ιεράρχηση των συγκεκριμένων παραμέτρων κατά τη μορφολογικοποίηση; Στο πεδίο της μορφολογίας, υποστηρίζω ότι ο μορφολογικός παράγοντας έχει αποφασιστική σημασία για την περάτωση μιας διαδικασίας μορφολογικοποίησης. Είναι δυνατό άλλες παράμετροι να κινητοποιούν ή να συνεισφέρουν στην εξέλιξη της διαδικασίας, αλλά δεν μπορούν να εγγυηθούν την ολοκλήρωση αυτής. Υπό αυτήν την έννοια, προτείνω ότι οι γενικές παράμετροι που εμπλέκονται είναι η επανασημασιοποίηση και η διάβρωση, ενώ οι εξειδικευμένες μορφολογικές παράμετροι που απαντούν σε τελικό στάδιο της προθηματικοποίησης είναι: α) η αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας, β) η διεύρυνση των μορφολογικών συνδυαζόμενων βάσεων. Τόσο τα εξεταζόμενα διαχρονικά δεδομένα της Ελληνικής γλώσσας, όσο και τα εξεταζόμενα συγχρονικά δεδομένα από τη διαλεκτική ποικιλία της νέας Ελληνικής επιβεβαιώνουν τις παραπάνω θέσεις. / This thesis deals with prefixation cases in Modern Greek Dialects from a synchronic and diachronic point of view. In particular, the following dialectal morphemes: akro-, moro-, plako-, s(j)o-/sa- and hamo- are investigated with respect of their historical development and their phonological, structural and semantic differences in synchronic terms. Prefixization (c.f. Amiot 2005) as a diachronic crossing from compounding to prefixation shows that there is no clear borderline between the two processes (Booij 2005, Bauer 2005, Ralli to appear). According to this phenomenon, a morpheme shows divergence with respect to its ancestor, loses its lexical independence (Iacobini 2004), and may be subject to phonological erosion. It is generally accepted that grammaticalization occurs if certain criteria are satisfied (Lehmann 1985, Hopper & Traugott 1983, Hopper 1991, Heine & Kuteva 2002, Heine 2003, Amiot 2005, Giannoulopoulou 2006, Αnastasiadi-Symeonidi 2008, van Goethem 2008). As far as prefixization is concerned, and with some degree of variation from one author to another, there is more or less agreement on the following general criteria: a) phonological erosion, b) desemanticization, c) decategorialization, d) shrinking of syntagmatic weight, e) coalescence, f) extension of the morphological combinatorial properties. In this study, I try to answer three important questions: a) what are the specific parameters which may induce prefixization out of compounding? b) Are these parameters the same for all the range of grammaticalization phenomena, or are they restricted to morphology? c) Is there a particular order according to which these parameters seem to play a role in morphologization? I argue that if we deal with morphology the parameters which lead to the completion of a morphologization process have to be morphological in nature. Other parameters may trigger the process, or may play a role during the process, but do not guarantee completion. Within this spirit, I propose that the general grammaticalization parameters which are involved in prefixization are desemanticization and phonological erosion, but the specific morphological parameters which are crucial for determining the final stage of prefixization are related to: a) the increase of productivity, b) the expansion of morphological combinatorial properties. Evidence from the history of Greek and its Modern Greek dialects illustrate the above proposals.

Subsective gradience in 2nd participles : an aspectual approach to adjectival passives and attributive participles in English

Aljohani, Samirah January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the adjectival passive, in accordance with Beedham's (2005, 1982) analysis of the passive as an aspect, with the caveat that telicity is an optimal, not sufficient, condition. The affinity of the adjectival passive with attributive participles and the existence of implicit agents in adjectival passives has divided opinion amongst linguists. The thesis deploys grammaticality judgment questionnaires surveying 1043 2nd participles and a corpus-based study investigating 1035 2nd participles. A subsective gradience (Aarts 2007, 2006, 2004) is modelled on five morpho-syntactic properties of 2nd participles: attributive function without modification, attributive function with modification, adjectival, verbal and prepositional passive, measuring formally the ability of 2nd participles to function like adjectives. The thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter one introduces the research questions, adjectival passives and theoretical background. Chapter two reviews the aspect analysis, telicity, offers a qualification, and sets the theoretical approach. Chapter three is about the data and methodology. Chapter four discusses the affinity between adjectival passive and attributive participles. Chapter five discusses subsective gradience. Chapter six discusses the implications of the findings. Chapter seven gives a summary and conclusion. The empirical findings in our study provide further evidence in support of a subsective gradience in 2nd participles indicative of how ‘adjectival' a participle can be, on a continuum or gradient ranging from ‘verby' 2nd participles – relatively low compatibility with adjectival properties – to very adjectival 2nd participles. 2nd participles in this study are shown to have an inherent meaning of ‘action + state'. 2nd participles which form adjectival passives function attributively and form verbal passives. However, a 2nd participle functioning attributively does not entail that it will form an adjectival passive. There is evidence that attributive un- participles can host manner adverbials. It was also found that the interpretation of attributive participles goes beyond a simple passive/perfect dichotomy, and there are cases whereby a 2nd participle modifies an NP that is not an argument of the corresponding verb. This study makes a contribution to the wider analysis of the adjectival passive and provides further support for the similarity between adjectival and verbal passives.

Productivity Measurements Applied to Ten English Prefixes : A comparison of different measures of morphological productivity based on ten prefixes in English

Joandi, Linnéa January 2012 (has links)
Morphological productivity is difficult to define and describe. Nevertheless have several measures been proposed by scholars, in order to quantify this notion. This paper investigates ten common English prefixes with meanings related to degree or size. The aims of the study are (1) to review several measures of morphological productivity, (2) via a sample of corpus occurrences of ten prefixes, to calculate productivity figures using five different measures of productivity, and (3), perhaps most importantly, to discuss the differences and similarities of the five measures. The results suggest that while several of the measures are quite similar (e.g. type frequency and hapax legomena frequency), other measures are different (e.g. 'Productivity in the narrow sense'). While three of the measures could be said to provide information concerning past or 'factual' productivity, two of the measures seem instead to indicate an aspect of productivity that is referred to as 'potential' productivity.

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