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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A retrospective study regarding the relationship between antenal care (ANC) adequacy and preterm birth

Gwatikunda, Sikhangezile 01 June 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between antenatal care (ANC) adequacy and preterm births. The researcher used the quantitative, descriptive, correlational, retrospective, case control design on a sample size of 40 cases and 80 controls. A checklist was used to collect data at one state hospital in Windhoek. When the Adequacy of Prenatal Care Use (APNCU) index was applied, premature birth was found to be less likely for women in the higher categories of care (OR 0.121; 95% CI 0.124–0.613) as compared to those in the lower categories. Similarly when the Content and Timing of care in Pregnancy (CTP) tool was used; women in the higher categories of care, were less likely (OR 0.114; 95% CI 0.012–1.056) to give birth prematurely as compared to those in the lower categories / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

A theoretical framework for nurse-midwifery practice.

Lehrman, Ela-Joy January 1988 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to test the predicted relationships among a component of nurse-midwifery care, psychosocial health outcomes and other maternal psychosocial variables. The theoretical framework for the research was the Intrapartum Care Level of the Nurse-Midwifery Practice Model, a middle range theory. Previous nurse-midwifery research had been based on theories and models not specific to nurse-midwifery practice. A nonexperimental, correlational design was used, with measures in the last trimester of pregnancy and the first month following birth. The psychosocial variables measured were prenatal care satisfaction, personable environment, positive presence, labor support, transcendence, labor satisfaction and enhanced self-concept. Purposive sampling was used at a birth center in a Southwestern city where women received nurse-midwifery care for pregnancy, labor and birth. The sample of 89 women consisted of 35 primiparas and 54 multiparas, with a mean age of 29 years; 46.1% gave birth at the birth center and 53.9% gave birth at a local hospital. The primary instruments for the research included the Prenatal Satisfaction Questionnaire, the Attitude Toward Issues in Choice of Childbirth Scale, the Positive Presence Index, the Labor and Birth Support Inventory, the Coping in Labor and Delivery Scale, the Labor and Delivery Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Self-Confidence Scale of the Adjective Check List. The secondary instruments, used for the evaluation of construct validity, included the Positive Presence Index - Alternate Format, the Labor and Birth Coping Index, the Labor and Birth Satisfaction Index, and the Self-Concept Index - Alternate Format. Acceptable levels of reliability and validity were obtained for the instruments. The predicted relationships from the Model were tested with causal analysis using multiple regression and residual analysis. The empirical rather than the theoretical model was supported by the data. Prenatal care satisfaction, personable environment, positive presence and transcendence explained 66% of the variance in labor satisfaction, with an additional 2% explained variance with the addition of the situational variable of consultation. Positive presence had the greatest direct effect (B =.70) and also explained 5% of the variance in enhanced self-concept. The empirically significant relationships were clinically relevant.

Psychosocial risk assessment by midwives during antenatal care: a focus on psychosocial support

Mathibe-Neke, Johanna Mmabojalwa 19 March 2013 (has links)
The rationale of any national screening programme is to recognize the benefits for public health, to test a predominantly healthy population including low risk pregnant women, and to detect risk factors for morbidity in order to provide timely care interventions. The South African health care system faces many challenges that undoubtedly impact on maternal health, resulting in poor quality of care and indirectly causing maternal deaths. The government has embarked on a number of initiatives that address women’s psychosocial wellbeing during pregnancy, for example free maternity care, legalizing abortion, expanding on provider-initiated HIV counseling and testing for antenatal patients. These initiatives imply a re-look at antenatal care screening, in order to identify wider determinants of health that may have an impact on a woman’s psychosocial wellbeing. This includes amongst others, poor socio-economic conditions such as poverty, lack of social support, general health inequalities, domestic violence and a history of either personal or familial mental illness, all of which have the capacity to influence a pregnant woman’s decision to utilize health care services. The intention of this study was therefore to establish the extent of psychosocial risk assessment for pregnant women during antenatal care, with a focus on the psychosocial support.Ethical clearance was obtained from the University of the Witwatersrand Human Research Ethics Committee (Protocol no. M081013). A mixed-method approach was applied through combining quantitative and qualitative research techniques, methods and approaches to address psychosocial risk assessment and psychosocial support by midwives during antenatal care. An explanatory sequential design was used. The methodology was aimed at accommodating the diverse population involved in the study, the nature of data being sought and the number of investigations conducted. A fully mixed research approach was implemented interactively through all the stages of the study. The study took place in six phases to meet the purpose of this research. Phase 1 entailed quantitative data collection and analysis; phase 2 qualitative data collection and analysis; phase 3 report writing; phase 4 formulation of guidelines; phase 5 pilot test; phase 6 integration of results and findings, and writing of final report. The philosophical basis of the study is based on the researcher’s values and belief of holism and comprehensive assessment. Much as values are part of the study, the researcher strove to keep values as separate from the research as possible, to minimise researcher bias. The feminist standpoint theory provided the guiding epistemological framework to address the qualitative research questions for this study as the issues regarding reproduction are of central feminist concern. Pragmatism, which is considered a best philosophical basis for mixed-methods as it values both objective and subjective knowledge, was applied in this study. The methodological goal of the study was guided by two paradigms, “constructivist”, which is the basis of qualitative research and “contemporary empiricist” paradigms, which is the basis of empirical analytic research as the study used a mixed-method approach. Although the empiricist lens is the most appropriate for a sequential explanatory design, both paradigms are acknowledged in this study. A quantitative-qualitative data collection and analysis sequence was followed. The sequential explanatory approach was maintained through, for example, collecting and analyzing quantitative data first, followed by obtaining information from midwives through a questionnaire and focus group discussions, and from pregnant women through a questionnaire and focus group discussions, using the same populations. Non-probability purposive sampling was done for all data sources. All data were collected by the researcher.Qualitative data analysis consisted of the identification of themes and relationships through constant comparison of data, which enabled the researcher to establish group and across-group saturation in focus group discussions. Quantitative data was collected through the review of midwifery education regulations, documents and records. Midwives’ questionnaires with a response rate of 46%, questionnaires administered to pregnant women and the review of antenatal cards with a 94% response rate. The data sets provided multiple data sources, a characteristic of the mixed methods approach. Data were analyzed using the Stata Release 10 statistical software package. Data analysis included summary statistics i.e. mean and standard deviation for continuous variables, frequencies and percentages for discrete variables, and Chronbach’s alpha for internal consistency. Confidence intervals of 95% were used to report on discrete variables. Quantitative and qualitative data were initially analyzed separately to develop an understanding of the two data bases before merging the findings and results. The process provided separate and independent results that could be compared for the purposes of corroboration, complementarity and discussion. The results were compared for specific content areas, for example major themes. A tool for psychosocial risk assessment and care was developed in response to the findings from the midwives’ focus group discussions at the three clinics, the expert interviews findings, the cross-sectional survey results from midwives, the self-administered questionnaires for pregnant women, and review of the antenatal cards carried by women during antenatal care. The tool was piloted in the three clinics where data were initially obtained. The general results of the study suggest that depressive and anxiety disorders are common in pregnancy and may be associated with negative experiences during antenatal care. Adequate screening of women and recognition of emotional responses with appropriate interventions are essential to promote a woman’s healthy adjustment to pregnancy. Attempts to minimise high levels of uncertainty, anxiety and depression should be incorporated within routine antenatal care.Midwives should strive to empower women physically and psychosocially in order for women to be able to overcome any barriers to safe motherhood, with emphasis on providing information, in order for them to make informed choices.The findings from the pilot study confirmed that pregnant women experience psychosocial problems which can be identified by the use of a screening tool, howeverthere remains a need to test the tool on a larger sample which might elicit more factors that could hinder or help its implementation. The implication of the findings appears to be that midwives are willing to incorporate the psychosocial assessment tool into routine antenatal care. The findings might be used to advocate for the incorporation of the tool into routine antenatal care. While the use of this antenatal psychosocial pilot tool may increase the midwives’ awareness of psychosocial risks and form a basis for further studies, a bigger sample size and statistical power are required to provide evidence that routine antenatal psychosocial assessment would also lead to improved outcomes for mother and/or child. The final stage of the study, based on research findings, led to the development of guidelines and recommendations for psychosocial care at the midwifery regulation level, midwifery education, clinical practice level and research. Key concepts: Antenatal care; Midwife; Psychosocial risk assessment; Psychosocial support.

Estudo dos casos de sífilis em um município do interior do estado de São Paulo / Syphilis case study in an inland city of the State of São Paulo

Assumção, Ana Jéssica 24 November 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo tem o propósito de estudar a incidência da sífilis em um município de pequeno porte, localizado no interior do Estado de São Paulo, como cenário de pesquisa para uma realidade que acomete todo o país. Sua análise metodológica foi baseada em entrevistas realizadas com os profissionais de saúde responsáveis pelo cuidado a pacientes com sífilis adquirida, sífilis em gestante (SG) e sífilis congênita (SC) sobre suas percepções profissionais desta Infecção Sexualmente Transmissível (IST). Realizou-se também uma análise aos bancos de dados do governo os quais dispõe de indicadores sobre a incidência da SG e SC no município de estudo e municípios próximos que pertencem a sua regional de saúde. Os resultados sugeriram que o município de Cajobi-SP (local de estudo) e municípios circunvizinhos apresentam subnotificação dos casos potenciais, se comparados as taxas apresentadas por municípios como São Paulo, Campinas e Barretos. Observou-se que a prescrição do tratamento a pacientes com sífilis estabelecido pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS) não atingem mesmo os casos notificados. Acredita-se que há falhas no controle fidedigno de notificações, o que configura subnotificação, bem como na assistência pré-natal. Os dados coletados no banco de dados de indicadores demonstrou que os munícipios da região, em sua grande prevalência não possuem o número de notificações correspondentes ao seu número populacional, o que também aponta para a subnotificação. Dessa maneira, conclui-se que investimentos direcionados a essa situação pelo MS são inadequados e insuficientes. Uma avaliação urgente da situação deve ser realizada para acionar planos que busquem resolver este problema, incluindo uma qualificação técnica de qualidade para equipes técnicas de referência e da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). / This Research has aims to study the incidence of syphilis in a small county located in the interior of the State of São Paulo, as a research setting for a reality that affects the whole country. Methodological analysis was based on interviews with health professionals responsible for the care of patients with syphilis, syphilis in pregnant women (SG) and congenital syphilis (SC) on their professional perceptions of this Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). An analysis was made of government databases which provides indicators on the incidence of SG and SC in the studied city and in nearby municipalities what belongs to the same regional health. The results imply that the city of Cajobi-SP (study site) and the surrounding municipalities have potential underreporting of cases when compared to the rates presented by municipalities such as São Paulo, Campinas and Barretos. It was observed that the treatment prescription to patients with syphilis determined by the Ministry of Health (MS) really do not reach the reported cases. It is believed that there are faults in the Control Trusted Notifications what constitutes underreporting as well as prenatal care. The data collected in the database of indicators showed that the municipalities of the region in their high prevalence do not have the number of notifications corresponding to their population numbers, which also points to underreporting. Therefore, we conclude that investments directed to this situation by the Ministry of Health are inadequate and insufficient. An urgent assessment of the situation must be carried out to trigger plans that seek to solve this problem, including a quality technical qualification for technical reference teams and the Family Health Strategy (ESF).

A importância atribuída aos conteúdos abordados na ficha de acompanhamento dos cuidados para a promoção da saúde da criança na consulta de pré-natal, na Zona Leste de São Paulo / The importance attached to the content covered in the \'Formulary of attendance of the child health promotion care\' in prenatal consultation in the East Zone of São Paulo

Serbonchini, Caroline Alves 21 August 2012 (has links)
Objetivos. Caracterizar um grupo de mulheres gestantes quanto a cuidados da gestação, tendo como foco a promoção do desenvolvimento infantil, e identificar a importância atribuída à inserção desses cuidados como temas das consultas de pré-natal. Método: estudo quantitativo, descritivo e exploratório, realizado em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS), na Zona Leste da cidade de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 96 gestantes, sorteadas dentre as matriculadas na UBS. A coleta de dados se deu por entrevistas, com instrumento baseado na Ficha de acompanhamento dos cuidados para a promoção da saúde da criança. Parte das gestantes respondeu a perguntas abertas adicionais, justificando suas respostas. Realizou-se análise descritiva dos dados mediante frequências absolutas e relativas. As respostas às perguntas abertas foram submetidas à análise temática de conteúdo, obtendo-se categorias empíricas. Resultados: as gestantes tinham idade entre 18 e 42 anos, com maioria abaixo de 25 anos; 66,7% tinham Ensino Médio completo e 30,2% o Ensino Fundamental; 57,3% não exerciam atividade remunerada; 56,2% viviam com um companheiro. Quanto às características reprodutivas, 45,8% estavam na primeira gestação, sendo quatro o maior número de filhos vivos e sete o maior número de gestações. Quanto ao seguimento de pré-natal, houve ausência em gestações anteriores (4,2%) e na atual (1%); 49% participaram de atividades educativas sobre a gestação e 20,8% sobre o desenvolvimento infantil. Quanto aos cuidados com a gestação, houve respostas positivas abaixo de 70% para os seguintes tópicos: gravidez planejada; evitar esforços excessivos; considerar dor de cabeça forte e inchaço como risco. Entre 70 e 85% das participantes responderam positivamente em relação a alimentar-se, tomar vacinas e evitar contato com substâncias perigosas. Os seguintes itens tiveram respostas positivas em mais de 85% dos casos: realização do seguimento pré-natal; participação do pai na gestação; fazer tratamentos conforme orientações da equipe de saúde; evitar quedas, acidentes, fumar, exames radiológicos, ingestão de álcool, drogas e medicamentos sem receita; identificar perda de líquido, sangramento vaginal e parada dos movimentos do bebê como sinais de risco. Quanto à importância atribuída à inserção de cada tema na consulta de pré-natal, somente o item A gestante sente-se ajudada pela família? resultou em menos de 70 % de respostas positivas. Mais de 85% das entrevistadas concordaram quanto à importância de inclusão dessas questões na consulta. A maior parte das justificativas favoráveis a questionar os temas de cuidado nas consultas considerou a necessidade de o profissional obter informações para nortear sua conduta e de tratar-se de cuidados relacionados ao bom desenvolvimento da gestação e do feto. Quanto às respostas negativas, foram justificadas pela impossibilidade do profissional atuar e também pela experiência relatada pelas gestantes de nunca terem sido abordadas a respeito do assunto nas consultas de saúde. Conclusão: Embora grande parte das gestantes afirme realizar os cuidados necessários para a promoção da saúde e desenvolvimento do feto, alguns baixos índices de respostas positivas indicam situações que demandam maior atenção do serviço de saúde no acompanhamento pré-natal, especialmente para as gestantes que não conseguem garantir todos os cuidados necessários. / Objectives: to characterize a group of pregnant women about pregnancy care, focusing on the promotion of the child development, and identify the importance attributed to the insertion of such care as issues of prenatal consultations. Method: quantitative, descriptive and exploratory, performed in a public Health Unit (in Portuguese, Unidade Básica de Saúde UBS), at the East Zone of the city São Paulo. The study included 96 pregnant women randomly selected among those enrolled at the UBS. The information collection occurred through interviews with instrument based on the Formulary of attendance of the child health promotion care (in Portuguese, Ficha de acompanhamento dos cuidados para a promoção da saúde da criança) with a number of women answering additional open questions, and justifying their answers. We conducted a descriptive analysis of the material by absolute and relative frequencies. The answers to open questions were submitted to thematic analysis by the contents, obtaining empirical categories. Results: patients were between 18 and 42 years old, most under 25, 66.7% had completed high school and 30.2% had only primary education, 57.3% were not waged, 56.2% lived with a partner. In respect to reproductive traits, 45.8% were in the first pregnancy, being four the largest number of living children and seven the largest number of pregnancies. About the prenatal permanence, it did not happen in previous pregnancies (4.2%) and current (1%), 49% participated in educational activities about the pregnancy and 20.8% about child development. For the matter of pregnancy care, positive answers were below 70% for the following topics: unplanned pregnancy; avoid overexertion; considered severe headache and swelling as a risk. Between 70 and 85% of participants responded positively with regard to feeding, vaccinations and avoid contact with dangerous substances. The following items had positive responses in more than 85% of cases: permanence in prenatal consultations, parent involvement during pregnancy, to follow treatment guidelines of the health team; prevent falls, accidents, to avoid smoking, X ray exams, alcohol intake, nonprescription drugs, to identify loss of fluid, vaginal bleeding and stop the baby\'s movements as signs of risk. As regards the importance attributed to the insertion of each topic in the pre-natal consultations, only the item \"Does the patient feel supported by the family?\" resulted in less than 70% of positive responses. With values between 70 and 85% were: avoiding falls, accidents and contact with dangerous substances; to consider severe headache and swelling as signs of risk for pregnancy, and avoid radiological examinations. Over 85% of respondents agreed on the importance of including these questions in the consultation. The most favorable reasons to question the issues of care in the consultations considered the need of information for the professional, to guide their conduct and care. For the matter of negative responses, were justified by the inability of the professional work, and also the experience reported by pregnant women who have never been approached on the subject in health consultations. Conclusion: Although most of the women claim to make the necessary care to health promotion and fetus development, some low rates of positive responses indicate situations that require greater attention from health care in prenatal care, especially for pregnant women who cannot ensure all the necessary precautions.

Aspectos da imagem corporal da gestante nos três trimestres da gravidez, implicações na assistência pré-natal / Aspects of the body image for pregnant women in the three trimesters of pregnancy: implications for prenatal care

Savastano, Helena 10 December 1981 (has links)
Foi feita uma revisão da literatura sobre gravidez, relacionada com a imagem corporal, com a obesidade e com o desenho da figura humana e também uma revisão daquela que diz respeito à procedência do método psicoprofilático na assistência pré-natal e sua tendência atual. Em seguida, em um estudo prospectivo, através de um questionário específico, caracterizou-se uma população de vinte gestantes com assistência psicoprofilática (APPN) e outra de dezoito gestantes, sem esta assistência e que são de nível sócio-econômico médio e alto. Finalmente, analisou-se o desenho da figura humana que elas fizeram nos três trimestres da gestação. O instrumento utilizado foi o Teste da Imagem Corporal da gestante (ICG). O ICG consta da técnica do desenho da figura humana de Karen Machover (desenhe uma figura e agora a do sexo oposto), acrescida da técnica de Helena Savastano (agora desenhe a senhora). Este desenho da auto-imagem possibilita à pessoa projetar a sua própria configuração em um plano da realidade presente mais consciente - a gestação. Uma das conclusões do questionário foi que, nas primigestas, o entusiasmo do casal e o apoio do marido são estímulos para que a mulher sinta-se \"grávida bonita\" e aprecie a sua nova estética mais do que as com mais de uma gestação. Destacam-se quatro das conclusões do teste ICG: 1º) A projeção inconsciente da figura feminina tende a se igualar, em percentual, com a projeção consciente, principalmente nos desenhos das gestantes que se submeteram ao atendimento psicoprofilático. 2º) Acrescentam-se as ansiedades das gestantes aquelas relacionadas com as modificações do esquema corporal. 3º) O segundo trimestre da gestação mostra ser o período em que se concretiza a situação de crise. 4º) O amadurecimento psicobiológico se processa no decorrer da gravidez. As gestantes com APPN vencem esta crise com menos conflitos do que as gestantes sem APPN. Sugere-se ser necessário que os Serviços de Saúde Materna tenham recursos, a fim de manterem equipes profissionais especializadas em proporcionar atendimento psicológico às gestantes, como medida de prevençao primária. Sugere-se, também, a continuação do estudo com o ICG nos três trimestres da gestação com a finalidade de pesquisa e como complemento do diagnóstico da personalidade. / The literature on pregnancy related to corporal image, obesity and to the drawing of the human figure, as well as that refering to the provenance of the psychoprophylactic method in pre-natal care and its present trends, was reviewed. After that, in a prospective study undertaken by means of a specific questionnaire, a population of twenty pregnant women submitted to psychoprophylactic care and another of eighteen who were not undergoing this method were characterized. Finally, the drawing of the human figure performed by these two populations throughout the three trimesters of pregnancy was analysed. The instrument used was The Pregnant Woman\'s Corporal Image Test. This consists of Karen Machover\'s drawing of the human figure technique (draw a figure and now of the opposite sex) to which iS added Helena Savastano\'s one (and now draw yourself). This self-image drawing allows the person to project her own configuration in the most conscious present reality - the pregnancy. The populations thus studied were of the middle and upper socio-economic classes. One of the conclusions drawn from the questionnaire was that, in those women expecting for the first time, the couples\' enthusiasm and the husbands\' backing were most stimulating towards these women actually feeling pretty and enjoying their new aesthetics far more than those who had been through several pregnancies. The following were the four main conclusions drawn from The Pregnant Womants Corporal Image Test: 1st - The unconscious projection of the female figure tends to be equal, in percentage, to the conscious projection, especially in the drawings of those submitted to psychoprophylactic care. 2nd - Anxiety of the expectant mothers is added onto by further anxiety due to changes in the corporal scheme. 3rd - The second trimester proves to be the period in pregnancy where the crisis situation is established. 4th - Psychobiologic maturation is processed throughout pregnancy. The expecting mothers undergoing psychoprophylactic care overcome this crisis with less conflicts than those who are not. It is suggested that Maternal Health Services should have resources in order to maintain specialized professional teams supplying psychological care to pregnant women, as a primary prevention step. It is also suggested that further studies be undertaken as regards The Pregnant Woman\'s Corporal Image Test in the three trimesters of pregnancy pursuing research and as a complement to personality diagnosis.

Desvelando os segredos do feto: experiências de mulheres grávidas submetidas ao ultra-som obstétrico / Unveiling the secrets of a fetus: pregnant womens experiences related to ultrasound exams in prenatal care

Geocze, Caroline 13 August 2009 (has links)
Introdução O ultrassom obstétrico é um exame de diagnóstico do pré-natal e oferece resultados que podem alterar o desfecho da gravidez. Apesar da crescente atualização da tecnologia e de seu uso, os aspectos emocionais das futuras mães são pouco investigados. Objetivo Investigar como as mulheres submetidas ao exame vivenciam o procedimento, a relação que estabelecem com os membros da equipe de saúde nesse contexto e os possíveis riscos associados à tecnologia. Métodos Pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, mediante aplicação de questionários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com questões em aberto, iniciada após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e consentimento esclarecido das entrevistas. Os sujeitos são 20 mulheres primigestas pacientes de um centro de saúde da cidade de São Paulo. A interpretação do material coletado seguiu os ensinamentos da análise de conteúdo. Resultados As entrevistadas atribuíram um caráter polissêmico a ultrassonografia, tema que foi influenciado por questões sociais, médicas, psicológicas, religiosas, éticas e morais. O procedimento foi descrito como algo prazeroso, mas que envolve possíveis riscos, desde a falácia tecnológica até a descoberta de malformações fetais. O relacionamento com a equipe de saúde, especialmente com o ultrassonografista, foi visto como fundamental para a qualidade do exame. Percebeu-se que o exame é capaz de gerar ansiedade nas mulheres, que precisam recorrer a novos procedimentos para se sentirem tranqüilas. Conclusão o exame de ultrassom é um divisor de águas na gravidez. As mulheres sbem sobre suas funções diagnósticas, precisando de novos escaneamentos para verificar a saúde de seus bebês. Os efeitos do escaneamentos podem ser nocivos às mulheres. A equipe de saúde precisa estar ciente desse fato, discutindo os objetivos e possibilidades da tecnologia com as gestantes. / Introduction Obstetric ultrasound exams are part of prenatal care, and offer results that can change the outcome of pregnancy considerably. Despite the widespread use, and constant up-dating of this technology, emotional aspects of future mothers remain to a great extent yet to be researched. Aim Investigate how pregnant women experience this exam, the relationship that they maintain with the health team in this medical context, and their opinions about possible risks associated to the procedure. Methods Qualitative inspecting research, using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with open questions. The data was collected only after the approval from the Ethical Committee, and following the womens informed consent. The subjects in the study are 20 first-time mothers under care at a health center in the city of São Paulo. The material was transcribed, subsequently analyzed. Results Ultrasound was described by the interviewees in a polysemic way, and was influenced by social, medical, psychological, religious, ethical, and moral factors. The procedure was described as pleasant, but the women felt it could also involve potential risks, such as technical failure, and the detection of malformations in the fetus. The relationship with the health team throughout the investigation, especially the ultrasonographist, was fescribed as a fundamental element for the quality of the exam. It could be noted that this exam can cause anxiety in the expectant mothers, which, in turn, can lead them to submit themselves to other medical procedures in their search for reassurance. Conclusion An ultrasound exam can change the pathway of pregnancy. The women investigated know about the diagnostic function of the procedure, and often resort to new screening tests to verify their babys health conditions. The effects of such tests may be harmful for women. The health team needs to be aware of this potential damage in order to discuss the exam in realistic terms with the women and their family so they know what the exam can and cannot really achieve, that is, the function and possibilities of this technological tool.

Avaliação do conhecimento dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde sobre a assistência pré-natal / Assessment of knowledge of Community Health Workers on prenatal care

Bonifácio, Lívia Pimenta 27 February 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A assistência pré-natal é fundamental no controle e na minimização dos riscos à saúde da mulher e da criança. Além disso, o pré-natal tem como intuito aproximar a gestante dos serviços de saúde para contribuir na melhora da qualidade de vida da mulher no ciclo gravídico puerperal. A oferta e o acesso ao cuidado pré-natal aumentaram, mas garantir a qualidade desse cuidado ainda é um grande desafio. Para isto é necessária uma mudança sensível na prestação de serviços de saúde adequados e na atitude e eficiência do trabalho dos profissionais de saúde. Faz parte da atribuição dos profissionais envolvidos na Atenção Primária orientar e auxiliar no pré-natal. Uma figura chave nesse contexto é o Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) que possui grande contato com a comunidade e que pode ser um importante aliado nessa estratégia de assistência à gestante. Objetivo: Avaliar o grau de conhecimento dos ACSs das unidades de saúde de Ribeirão Preto - SP em relação à Assistência Pré-Natal. Método: Um questionário foi construído especificamente para o propósito deste estudo transversal cuja investigação é fundamentada na mensuração do grau de conhecimento em relação à assistência pré-natal de 194 ACSs. O questionário avaliou cinco blocos, incluindo: 1) atribuição geral do ACS; 2) abordagem inicial da gestante; 3) exames e vacinas recomendados à gestante; 4) sinais e sintomas de risco para a gestante e seu bebê e sinais de trabalho de parto e 5) orientações gerais à gestante. Pontuações foram estabelecidas para cada bloco em escala de 0 a 10. As pontuações foram agrupadas em conhecimento alto e baixo nos blocos 2 e 5, e para os três blocos restantes as pontuações foram agrupadas em conhecimento baixo, médio e alto. Dados demográficos (idade, sexo, raça/cor, escolaridade, classificação socioeconômica, vínculo institucional e anos de atribuição como ACS e na unidade atual) também foram coletados. A análise descritiva foi realizada. Além disso, a proporção de pessoas com diferentes níveis de conhecimento foi comparada através de cada variável demográfica, separadamente para cada bloco de conhecimento, usando os testes qui-quadrado (2) e teste exato de Fisher. Resultados: De maneira geral, a maioria dos ACSs obteve nível alto de conhecimento nos blocos 1 (43%), 2 (59%) e 5 (83%). Entretanto, no bloco 3 a proporção de pessoas com nível alto de conhecimento sobre os exames e vacinas recomendados foi de 35 e 40% respectivamente. Apenas 24% dos participantes apresentaram nível alto de conhecimento no bloco 4. A análise bivariada dos dados sugere, estatisticamente, que as mulheres têm maior chance de possuir conhecimento alto em relação aos homens. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados sugerem que o ACS, em especial o ACS do sexo feminino, possui grande potencial como apoio na assistência voltada a gestante. Os achados ajudam a traçar e estabelecer um guia de capacitação aos ACSs nas áreas de conhecimento que requerem atenção maior e mais específica, para que assim eles possam ter maior conhecimento sobre o assunto e sintam segurança em passar as orientações de forma adequada / Introduction: The routine prenatal care is critical in reducing health risks in women and their children. Prenatal care visits also create opportunities for the pregnant woman to be educated in health lifestyle choices. Whilst the availability and access to prenatal care services have been improved, the quality of care remains a major challenge. To address this problem sensible changes are needed in the provision of prenatal health care and training of health professionals involved. One of the responsibilities of primary health care professionals is the provision of prenatal care. A community health worker (CHW) with his/her frequent contact with populations, works to improve health outreach efforts, and thus may be a key role player in prenatal care. Objective: This study aimed to assess knowledge on prenatal care of the CHW health units of Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo state). Methodology: A questionnaire developed specifically for the purpose of this cross-sectional study was used to ascertain the degree of knowledge on prenatal care of 194 CHWs. The questionnaire assessed five blocks of knowledge, including: 1) general responsibilities of CHWs; 2) the initial contact with a pregnant woman; 3) lab exams and vaccinations recommended for pregnant women; 4) pregnancy complications and signs of labor and 5) lifestyle considerations for pregnant women. Possible scores for each block ranged from 0 to 10. Responses were categorized into high and low levels for knowledge on blocks 2 and 5, and for the remaining three blocks responses were grouped into low, medium and high levels. Demographic data (age, gender, race, educational levels, economic status, institutional link and numbers of years of experience in community health work and in the current health care unit) was also collected. Descriptive analyses were conducted. Moreover, proportions of people with different levels of knowledge were compared across each demographic variable, separately for each block of knowledge, using chi-square and Fisher-exact tests. Results: Overall, the majority of CHWs had high levels of knowledge in blocks 1 (43%), 2 (59%) and 5 (83%). However, in block 3 the proportions of people with high levels of knowledge on exams and vaccinations were 35 and 40% respectively. Only 24% of the participants had the high level of knowledge in block 4. Stratified data analyses suggest that females were statistically more likely to have high levels of knowledge. Conclusion: The results suggest that the CHW, and especially female CHWs, have an important role in assisting pregnant women in the community. The study indicates the areas of knowledge that require more specific attention of training providers

"O processo de trabalho das enfermeiras na assistência pré-natal da rede básica de saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto" / The nurses work process in antenatal care in the basic health network of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. 2005.

Brienza, Adriana Mafra 15 July 2005 (has links)
A perspectiva da assistência pré-natal vem se consolidando nas investigações da área de saúde com vistas a promover o reconhecimento social e visibilidade dos trabalhos executados por profissionais da saúde. A proposta deste estudo é compreender o processo de trabalho das enfermeiras na assistência pré-natal da rede básica de saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto, buscando identificar as ações desenvolvidas no atendimento às mulheres. Pressupomos que a atuação da enfermeira proporciona uma apreensão mais ampliada das necessidades da gestante, sendo um dispositivo que favorece a perspectiva de transformação do processo de trabalho. O referencial teórico baseou-se no processo do trabalho em saúde e na assistência pré-natal. Utilizamos a metodologia qualitativa e a técnica do grupo focal como procedimentos para a coleta de dados. Os sujeitos do estudo foram cinco enfermeiras que atuam no referido serviço. A análise de conteúdo foi utilizada para sistematizar os dados qualitativos. Identificamos que a apropriação da assistência pré-natal pela enfermeira foi estimulada pela política da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, por meio da criação de um protocolo assistencial, sinalizando uma nova construção e concepção na assistência às mulheres. As enfermeiras evidenciaram potencial para um “novo" trabalho na assistência pré-natal, pontuando aspectos que não eram rotineiros na oferta do serviço de saúde, como trabalho em grupo e a assistência à mulher vítima de violência. Foram valorizados aspectos socioculturais e o trabalho em equipe, identificando possibilidades para uma aproximação da integralidade da assistência, pela vinculação e centralidade do usuário. / The perspective of antenatal care has become increasingly consolidated in health research, with a view to promoting the social recognition and visibility of health professionals’ work. This study aims to understand nurses’ work process in low-risk antenatal care in the basic health network of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, as well as to identify what actions are realized in care delivery to these women. We start from the premise that nurses’ actions provide for a broader understanding of pregnant women’s needs, as a tool that favors the perspective of work process transformation. The theoretical framework was based on antenatal care and on the health work process. Data were collected through qualitative methodology and the focus group technique. Study participants were five nurses who work at the above mentioned service. Content analysis was used to systemize qualitative data. Nurses’ appropriation of antenatal care was stimulated by the Municipal Health Secretary’s policy, which created a care protocol that pointed towards a new construct and conception in care for pregnant women. The nurses demonstrated their potential to accomplish a “new" job in antenatal care, indicating non-routine aspects in health service delivery, such as group work and care for women who were victims of violence. They attached value to socio-cultural aspects and teamwork, identifying possibilities to get closer to integral care, bonding and user centrality.

Avaliação do perfil psicossocial das gestantes atendidas na rede básica de saúde do município de Catanduva-SP / Evaluation of the psychosocial profile of pregnant women attended in the primary health care service at Catandura, state of São Paulo, Brazil

Morandin, Karina Martins Molinari 20 October 2010 (has links)
O bem-estar psicossocial da gestante deve ser valorizado, de forma a proteger a mulher de resultados desfavoráveis à gestação. O estresse, o apoio social, e o desequilíbrio emocional como construtos do bem-estar psicossocial são preditores de complicações na gravidez. Este estudo descritivo, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa buscou avaliar o perfil psicossocial das gestantes atendidas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde do município de Catanduva - SP e identificar fatores de risco para a percepção de estresse, autoestima e apoio social. Metodologia: Fizeram parte do estudo 227 gestantes com idade gestacional a partir de 20 semanas, as quais freqüentaram consultas de pré-natal na rede básica de saúde do município e no ambulatório de assistência pré-natal de alto risco. Foram utilizados durante a entrevista dois instrumentos para a coleta de dados: Formulário sobre Dados de Identificação socioeconômicos, clínicos e obstétricos e fatores de riscos psicossociais na gestação e o Prenatal Psicossocial Profile - PPP, validado e adaptado para a cultura brasileira, cuja consistência interna foi confirmada através do alpha de Cronbach. O PPP avalia o perfil psicossocial de gestantes, composto por 44 itens, divididos em 4 subescalas (estresse, do apoio social do companheiro e apoio social recebido de outras pessoas e autoestima). Análise dos dados: estatística descritiva, análise de variância (teste F de Snedecor) valores de p 0,050 foram considerados estatisticamente significantes e teste de comparações múltiplas de Scheffé. Resultados: a maioria das gestantes apresentou baixos níveis de estresse (media de 18,7 e dp ± 5,5), moderado nível de autoestima (media de 29,2 e dp ± 3,2) e expressou altos níveis de satisfação com o suporte social recebido do companheiro (média de 51,6 e dp ± 16,9) e de outras pessoas (média de 50,1 e dp ± 16,2). Foram encontrados elevados níveis de estresse estatisticamente significantes entre as gestantes com idade superior a 35 anos (p=0,007); ausência de parceiro (p=0,028); multiparidade (p<0,001); ter passado pelo processo de parturição (qualquer tipo de parto) (p<0,001); aborto (p=0,016); problemas com o RN (p=0,029); complicações em gestações anteriores (p=0,006); e na atual (p=0,004); perda de alguém especial (p<0,001); história de violência física (p<0,001); e emocional (p<0,001); violência na gestação (p<0,001). Menor apoio recebido do companheiro mostrou-se significante entre gestantes sem parceiros (p=0,001) e com restrição de crescimento intrauterino (p=0,006). Menor apoio recebido de outras pessoas mostrou-se significante entre gestantes com restrição de crescimento intrauterino (p=0,013) e com história de violência emocional (p=0,029). Baixa autoestima foi identificada entre gestantes multíparas (p=0,044); qualquer tipo de parto, (p=0,036); problemas com o RN (p=0,016); complicações em gestações anteriores (p=0,027); história de violência (p=0,043) e história de violência emocional (p=0,001). Conclusão: Este estudo demonstra que as gestantes atendidas no SUS do município estudado apresentam riscos para o bem-estar psicossocial que podem repercutir na saúde, aumentando a vulnerabilidade para resultados adversos à gravidez. / Psychosocial well-being during pregnancy should be valued in order to protect from unfavorable outcomes related to pregnancy. Stress, social support, and emotional imbalance as constructs of psychosocial well-being are predictors of pregnancy complications. This descriptive transversal study, a quantitative approach aims to assess the psychosocial profile of pregnant women attending the National Health System in Catanduva a city in São Paulo state, Brazil, and identify risk factors for stress perception, self-esteem and social support. Methods: Study participants were 227 pregnant women with 20 weeks gestational age, which attended local antenatal consultations in primary care network and outpatient high risk prenatal care. During the interview we used two instruments for data collection: Form Identification Data on socioeconomic, clinical and obstetric and psychosocial risk factors in pregnancy and the Prenatal Psychosocial Profile - PPP, validated and adapted to Brazilian culture whose internal consistency was confirmed by Cronbach\'s alpha test. The PPP assesses the psychosocial profile of pregnant women, comprising 44 items divided into four subscales (stress, social support received from partner and from others and self-esteem). Data analysis: descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (Snedecor F test) p values 0.050 were considered statistically significant and multiple comparison Scheffé test. Results: Most patients showed low levels of stress (mean and SD of 18.7 ± 5.5), moderate level of self-esteem (mean and SD of 29.2 ± 3.2) and expressed high levels of satisfaction with social support received from their partners (mean ± SD of 51.6 and 16.9) and others (mean ± SD of 50.1 and 16.2). We found high levels of stress were statistically significant among pregnant women over 35 years old (p = 0.007), absence of partner (p = 0.028), multiparity (p <0.001), having gone through the process of parturition (any type of delivery ) (p <0.001), abortion (p = 0.016), problems with RN (p = 0.029) complications in previous pregnancies (p = 0.006) and current (p = 0.004), loss of someone special (p < 0.001), history of physical violence (p <0.001) and emotional (p <0.001); violence during pregnancy (p <0.001). Less support from partner was significant among pregnant women without partners (p = 0.001) and intrauterine growth restriction (p = 0.006). Minor support received from others showed significant among women with intrauterine growth restriction (p = 0.013) and with a history of emotional abuse (p = 0.029). Low self-esteem was found among multiparous women (p = 0.044), any type of delivery (p = 0.036), problems with RN (p = 0.016) complications in previous pregnancies (p = 0.027), history of violence (p = 0.043) and a history of emotional abuse (p = 0.001). Conclusion: This study shows that pregnant women enrolled in the SUS from the municipality presented a risk to the psychosocial well-being that may impact on health, increasing vulnerability to adverse outcomes of pregnancy.

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