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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teachers' Perspectives on the Acceptability and Feasibility of Wearable Technology to Inform School-Based Physical Activity Practices

Wort, G.K., Wiltshire, G., Peacock, O., Sebire, S., Daly-Smith, Andy, Thompson, D. 20 December 2021 (has links)
Yes / Many children are not engaging in sufficient physical activity and there are substantial between-children physical activity inequalities. In addition to their primary role as educators, teachers are often regarded as being well-placed to make vital contributions to inclusive visions of physical activity promotion. With the dramatic increase in popularity of wearable technologies for physical activity promotion in recent years, there is a need to better understand teachers' perspectives about using such devices, and the data they produce, to support physical activity promotion in schools. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 UK-based primary school teachers, exploring their responses to children's physical activity data and their views about using wearable technologies during the school day. Interview discussions were facilitated by an elicitation technique whereby participants were presented with graphs illustrating children's in-school physical activity obtained from secondary wearable technology data. Interview transcripts were thematically analyzed. Results: Most teachers spoke positively about the use of wearable technologies specifically designed for school use, highlighting potential benefits and considerations. Many teachers were able to understand and critically interpret data showing unequal physical activity patterns both within-and between-schools. Being presented with the data prompted teachers to provide explanations about observable patterns, emotional reactions-particularly about inequalities-and express motivations to change the current situations in schools. Conclusion: These findings suggest that primary school teachers in the UK are open to integrating wearable technology for measuring children's physical activity into their practices and can interpret the data produced by such devices. Visual representations of physical activity elicited strong responses and thus could be used when working with teachers as an effective trigger to inform school practices and policies seeking to address in-school physical inactivity and inequalities.

En studie om hur elever som är bekanta med Blockmodellen väljer att lösa textuppgifter / A study on how students who are familiar with the bar model choose to solve word problems

Rehnholm, Olivia, Ekedahl, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Blockmodellen är en visuell metod som används inom matematik vid arbete med problemlösning och textuppgifter. Metoden utvecklades i Singapore på 1980-talet och har sedan dess visats vara framgångsrik inom matematik. Dess framgång har gjort att den spridits internationellt och även används i svenska skolor. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur elever i årskurs 2 som är bekanta med Blockmodellen väljer att lösa textuppgifter. Syftet uppfylls genom två frågeställningar som berör vilken metod eleverna använder, samt vad som påverkar deras val av metod. Studien genomfördes i två olika klasser med totalt 36 elever. Samtliga elever fick ett antal textuppgifter att lösa och utifrån elevlösningarna valdes tio elever ut för individuella intervjuer. Materialet analyserades utifrån tematisk analys. Studien visar att elever väljer att använda olika metoder för att lösa textuppgifter trots att de är bekanta med Blockmodellen. Vid de individuella intervjuerna framkom det att eleverna valde, enligt dem, den effektivaste metoden för att lösa uppgiften. Eleverna beskrev Blockmodellen som tidskrävande men samtidigt hjälpsam. Genom att använda blocken får de syn på vad som finns, vad som saknas och vad som söks i uppgiften. En slutsats är att elevernas val av metod varierar vilket tyder på att eleverna har olika preferenser när det gäller vilken metod de väljer att använda vid arbete med textuppgifter. / The Bar Model is a visual method used in mathematics when working with problem- solving and word problems. The method was developed in Singapore in the 1980s and has since been shown to be successful in mathematics. Its success has led to its international spread and is now used in Swedish schools as well. The aim of the study is to contribute knowledge about how students in second grade who are familiar with the Bar Model choose to solve word problems. The aim is answered through two questions that concern which method the students use and what influences their choice of method. The study was conducted in two different classes with a total of 36 students. All students were given several word problems to solve and based on the student solutions, ten of the students were selected for individual interviews. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the material. The study show that students choose to use different methods to solve word problems despite being familiar with the Bar Model. During the individual interviews, it emerged that the students chose what they considered to be the most effective method for problem solving. The student describer the Bar Model Bar Model as time-consuming but also helpful. By using the bars, they could see what is present, what is missing and what is being sought. One conclusion is that students' choice of method varies, indicating that they have different preferences regarding which method to use for solving word problems.

Development of cognitive abilities in primary school children : master's thesis / Развитие познавательных способностей у детей младшего школьного возраста : магистерская диссертация

Чжан, Ч., Zhang, Z. January 2024 (has links)
Когнитивные процессы взаимно влияют друг на друга как в процессе функционирования, так и в развитии. Ощущение, восприятие и внимание обеспечивают получение первичной информации из внешнего мира, мышление, воображение и память обрабатывают ее, а речь передает эту информацию на уровень второй сигнальной системы, что позволяет ребенку осваивать опыт человечества и общаться. Слаженная работа познавательных процессов влияет на объективное отражение ребенком окружающего мира, развитие его личности и обеспечивает адекватную адаптацию к ней. Актуальность определяется задачами образования на современном этапе развития общества и высокими государственными требованиями к уровню общеобразовательной подготовки учащихся. / Cognitive processes mutually influence each other both in the process of functioning and in development. Sensation, perception and attention ensure the receipt of primary information from the outside world, thinking, imagination and memory process it, and speech transfers this information to the level of the second signaling system, which allows the child to master the experience of humanity and communicate. The coordinated work of cognitive processes influences the child’s objective reflection of the world around him, the development of his personality and ensures adequate adaptation to it. The relevance is determined by the tasks of education at the present stage of development of society and the high state requirements for the level of general educational training of students.

Särskild begåvning - särskilt bemötande? : Föräldrars erfarenhet av skolans bemötande av särskilt begåvade barn

Bergman Åkerman, Lena January 2015 (has links)
Elever med särskild begåvning är en elevgrupp som kan behöva stöd och särskilda anpassningar för att utvecklas optimalt i skolan. Skolverket har nyligen uppmärksammat elevgruppen och tagit fram ett stödmaterial för skolor. Kunskap om dessa elevers behov saknas dock i stor utsträckning hos lärare och specialpedagoger, då den varit begränsad tidigare, både i lärarutbildning och i skolan, även om vissa erfarenheter utvecklats under senare tid. Föräldrar till särskilt begåvade barn har erfarenheter som är viktiga att undersöka för en ökad kunskap. För att skapa förutsättningar för en stimulerande skolgång för elevgruppen behöver specialpedagoger på många håll utveckla ett bra bemötande, här har föräldrar till särskilt begåvade barn erfarenheter som är viktiga att undersöka för en ökad kunskap. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa hur skolan bemött särskilt begåvade barn. Det görs genom föräldrarnas beskrivningar och erfarenheter. Uppsatsen avser att visa på vilka hindrande faktorer som föräldrarna upplevt i möten mellan hem och skola och vilka möjligheter skolan gett för barnets välmående och en gynnsam utveckling. Studien behandlar hur föräldrarna beskriver att de och deras barn har blivit bemötta av skolan, hur skolans bemötande påverkat barnets välbefinnande och möjlighet till utveckling, samt vilka aktiviteter och åtgärder i skolan som har uppfattats som gynnsamma. Kvalitativ intervju och innehållsanalys har använts i uppsatsen. Undersökningen har ett ekologisk systemteoretiskt perspektiv. Sammanlagt har 18 föräldrar djupintervjuats. Studien beskriver skolerfarenheter som gäller 18 barn; 12 pojkar och 6 flickor, med en medelålder på 11,5 år. Resultat visar när det gäller föräldrars erfarenhet av skolans bemötande att lärare, specialpedagoger och skolledning i hög grad saknar kunskap om särskilt begåvade barn. Konsekvensen av det blir att föräldrar behöver ta stort ansvar för att barnets behov av anpassningar tillgodoses. Majoriteten av föräldrarna har erfarenheter av bristande förståelse och stöd från skolan, och av att ha blivit ifrågasatta. Studien visar också att barnets beteende kan påverka hur barnet blir bemött. Det finns stora skillnader i hur barnen blivit bemötta, alltifrån en vilja att förstå och skapa förutsättningar för ett gott lärande, till en avvisande attityd där barnet direkt eller indirekt ifrågasatts. Skolans bemötande har gett konsekvenser av att många av barnen bytt skola flera gånger i syfte att hitta en skola som klarat av att bemöta barnet utifrån dess förutsättningar. Studien visar också att en bristande kunskap och förståelse hos lärare och skolledning ger risk för utanförskap och att barnets kunskapsutveckling inte sker utifrån den potential som barnet besitter. De gynnsamma aktiviteter och åtgärder som framkommit är en flexibel organisation som tillgodoser barnets behov och skapar anpassningar utifrån barnets helhetssituation. De rekommendationer som kan dras från studien är att åtgärder och anpassningar bör utgå ifrån en helhetsbild av barnets situation, vilket innebär att en pedagogisk kartläggning, förutom barnets kunskapsnivå, även bör innefatta barnets sociala situation och emotionella mognad. Föräldrar och elevens erfarenhet är därför viktiga beståndsdelar i den pedagogiska kartläggningen. Uppsatsen har även visat att viktiga områden att studera vidare är hur man identifierar elever med särskild begåvning. En annan viktig frågeställning gäller de elever vars begåvningsprofil visar på mycket god förmåga inom det visuo-spatiala området. I studien finns indikationer på att det är en grupp som riskerar att komma i kläm i skolan.

Dítě na počátku školní docházky / Child in the beginning of school attendance

Jílková, Dana January 2011 (has links)
Anotation The Diploma thesis deals with the transition of a child from nursery school to primary school. The important factor deciding on the entrance to primary school is school maturity and school preparedness. The theoretic part deals with these themes., The theoretic part further describes the characteristics of a preschool child, its entrance to primary school and school attendance postponement. The practical part investigates the whole process of primary school enrollment. It finds out how school mature or immature children are. The basic methods of the research investigation are the orientation Test of School Maturity (Jirásek), observation, casuistical methods of preschool children and conversation with chosen children.

Dítě s narušenou komunikační schopností na prvním stupni ZŠ očima jeho rodičů / Child with Speech Disorders at Primary School as Viewed by Its Parents

Kaletová, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
THE ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the life of children with communicative disability during their education at primary school. It defines communicative disability, etiology, forms and treatment of speech disorders, and further characterizes three specific forms of communicative disability - developmental dysphasia, balbuties and tumultus sermonis. The thesis also presents the specifics of the developmental stage of younger school age, considering the development of children with communicative disability, and tries to clarify what are currently possible ways of educating children with speech disorders. At the same time it outlines the influence of the family environment on the child with communicative disability, its current possibilities and transformations. It uses information mainly from publications dealing with speech therapy and publications dealing with the development and education of children, primarily the children with speech disorders. Moreover it discovers how parents perceive their child with communicative disability in the context of education at primary schools. It examines what type of education parents chose for their child and what are the reasons, and also how the child feels in a class group or a group of peers according to his parents. It is searching for what parents believe is the...

Pedagogický projekt a jeho uplatnění při osobnostním a sociálním rozvoji dětí v mateřské škole / Educational project and its application in personality and social development of children in the pre primary school

Leškaničová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a preschool-aged children and on possibilities of their personality and social development through the educational project in preschool education. The first, theoretical part, deals with the process of socialization which is broadly developing after the start of preschool education. It also presents pieces of information about educational process in pre-primary school related to the importance of the process of socialization in educational practice as well as in relation to contemporary personality approach and comprehensive integrated approach in preschool education. The main focus remains on the possibilities of educational projects in this area. The second, practical part, explores via observation and questionaire methods the personality expressions of children in social interaction and relationships between children. But first and foremost it verifies the benefits of educational projecting for the possibility of intentional work on personality and social development of children in pre-primary school. KEY WORDS socialization, personality of a preschool child, pre-primary school, preschool education, personality model of preschool education, pre-primary school teacher, educational project

Vývoj školství na Svitavsku v letech 1918-1938 / The development of the educational system in the Svitavy region from 1918-1938

Pavlišová, Dana January 2013 (has links)
The project deals with development of school education in the vicinity of the town of Svitavy, Czech Republic, populated by both the Czech and German nations between 1918 and 1938. It is focused on changes in traditional schools as well as on founding new ones for ethnic.

小學教師使用教科書的情況及影響因素研究. / Patterns of and factors influencing use of textbooks by primary school teachers / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Xiao xue jiao shi shi yong jiao ke shu de qing kuang ji ying xiang yin su yan jiu.

January 2008 (has links)
Based on these research findings, policy implications for education bureau, school leaders and teachers, and suggestions for further research were addressed. / Textbooks have played an important role in teachers' work. Most of the teachers in mainland China used textbooks adopted by the local district authority, but there has been a huge research gap in empirical study on textbook use in mainland China. This study was guided by three major research questions: How do teachers use textbooks? How do teachers use textbooks in planning and making decisions about classroom teaching? How do different factors influence the use of textbooks? Adopting a qualitative approach of inquiry, this study involved seventeen teachers from three primary schools. Data was generated from participant observation, in-depth interview, and document analysis. / The discussion chapter uses theories of teachers' habitus. Teachers followed a certain set of routines when using textbook, gradually these routines had become a kind of habitus. Habitus became part of school context where primary education was characterized by exam-oriented tradition, trivialization of work, low status of teachers and conservatism. / The research findings suggested that teachers could be grouped into three different categories: dependent-type, adaptive-type and flexible-type. Teachers of different subjects exhibit different levels of dependence on textbooks, with the highest level of dependence among Chinese language teachers who follow closely an instruction routine of recitation. Mathematics teachers came next and then moral education teachers whose flexible teaching style was attributed to the fact that moral education was not an examination subject on a district wide level. Teachers of different age cohorts exhibit different levels of dependence on textbooks. Novice teachers depended on textbooks, while experienced teachers did not fall into a single category of dependence or adaptation. Those Chinese and Mathematics teachers who demonstrated the highest level of flexibility in using textbooks belonged to the intermediate stage between novice teacher and experienced teacher. / Why did teachers use textbooks in this manner? First, examination was a major factor which shaped the pattern of using textbooks. It was a deeply rooted factor because it was internalized as part of teachers' beliefs. Teachers of dependent-type and adaptive-type thought highly of examination, while teachers of flexible-type regarded examination merely as baseline of instruction. The latter had built their teaching styles on what they learned from educational research. School principals played the role of a "gate-keeper" during the process of teacher development and educational research. Another major factor that affected all teachers was the pre-existing condition and emergent behavior of their students. Comparatively speaking, teachers of flexible-type were more responsive to students' needs, and were more concerned about emergent behavior of their students. / 王世偉. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-06, Section: A, page: 1912. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 278-297). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Wang Shiwei.

Primary school teachers' conception of assessment in relation to the implementation of target oriented curriculum (TOC) framework.

January 1997 (has links)
by Cheung Wai-wan Vivian. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-137). / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.ii / ABSTRACT --- p.iii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.vi i / Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION / Chapter 1.1 --- Background and problem of the study --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Purpose of the study --- p.4 / Chapter 1.3 --- Significance of the study --- p.4 / Chapter 1.4 --- Definition of terms --- p.5 / Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE / Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.9 / Chapter 2.2 --- The changing paradigms of assessment in the past decades --- p.10 / Psychometrics --- p.11 / Educational measurement --- p.12 / Chapter 2.3 --- The nature and purposes of assessment --- p.12 / Chapter 2.4 --- Assessment in relation to different learning models --- p.14 / Traditional models of learning --- p.14 / Cognitive and constructivist models of learning --- p.15 / Chapter 2.5 --- Major forms of educational assessment --- p.16 / Norm-referenced versus cri terion-referenced assessment --- p.16 / Formative versus summative assessment --- p.18 / Performance versus authentic assessment --- p.19 / Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY / Chapter 3.1 --- The examination culture of Hong Kong --- p.21 / Chapter 3.2 --- The Target Oriented Curriculum (TOC) of Hong Kcng --- p.24 / Chapter 3.3 --- The Targe´tؤoriented Assessment (TOA) and its relation with learning and teaching --- p.26 / The Targe´tؤoriented Assessment (TOA) --- p.26 / Chapter 3.4 --- Role of teachers in Target-oriented Assessment --- p.29 / Chapter 3.5 --- Some possible factors affecting teachers' conceptions towards assessment within TOA --- p.31 / Chapter 3.6 --- Curriculum implementation and the factors affecting teachers' attitudes towards implementation --- p.32 / Chapter 3.7 --- Research on teachers' conceptions of assessment --- p.34 / Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- METHODOLOGY / Chapter 4.1 --- Research questions of the study --- p.37 / Chapter 4.2 --- Theoretical considerations of the choice of interview type and interview questions --- p.38 / On the choice of interview type --- p.38 / On the choice of interview questions --- p.39 / The ordering of interview questions --- p.41 / Considerations before and during interviews --- p.41 / Chapter 4.3 --- Subjects --- p.42 / The pilot study --- p.42 / The main study --- p.43 / Chapter 4.4 --- Procedures --- p.44 / The pi1ot study --- p.44 / The main study --- p.44 / Chapter 4.5 --- Data analysis --- p.45 / Chapter 4.6 --- Interview questions for the pilot study --- p.46 / Description of the interview questions --- p.47 / Chapter 4.7 --- The pilot study --- p.49 / The standardized open-ended interview --- p.49 / The use of controlled contexts in eliciting responses --- p.49 / The finalization of interview questions for the main study --- p.50 / Chapter 4.8 --- Interview questions for the main study --- p.51 / Chapter 4.9 --- Limitations --- p.52 / Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION / Chapter 5.1 --- "Teachers' perception of the purposes of educational assessment, and the relationships between teaching, learning and assessment" --- p.53 / On the purposes of educational assessment --- p.53 / On teachers' definition of educational assessment --- p.55 / On the relationships between assessment and teaching --- p.56 / On the relationships between assessment and learning --- p.58 / Sommary --- p.59 / Chapter 5.2 --- Analysis of teachers' conceptions of educational assessment --- p.59 / The focus of educational assessment --- p.59 / On the choice of assessment activities --- p.62 / Summative versus formative assessment --- p.64 / On the collection of learning evidence --- p.67 / On the reporting of assessment results --- p.69 / Summary --- p.71 / Chapter 5.3 --- Holistic categorization of teachers' conceptions towards assessment --- p.73 / The criterion-referenced-and-qualitative conception --- p.76 / The norm-referenced-and-quantitative conception --- p.77 / The pseudo-criterion-referenced-and- qualitative conception --- p.79 / Chapter 5.4 --- Self-reported factors affecting teachers' conceptions towards assessment --- p.83 / Chapter 5.5 --- Teachers' knowledge of the major forms of assessment --- p.86 / Chapter 5.6 --- Teachers' attitudes towards the implementation of TOC --- p.89 / On the necessity of implementing TOC --- p.89 / On the worthiness to implement TOC --- p.92 / On teachers' choice of the types of curriculum --- p.95 / Chapter 5.7 --- The relationship between teachers' conceptions of assessment and their views towards the implementation of TOC --- p.97 / Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- "CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS" / Chapter 6 1 --- Conclusions --- p.102 / Chapter 6.2 --- Implications --- p.107 / Chapter 6.3 --- Recommendations --- p.111 / Chapter 6.4 --- Future research --- p.113 / APPENDICES / Chapter A. --- Questionnaire on the personal particulars of TOC teachers participated in the study --- p.115 / Chapter B. --- Questionnaire on the personal particulars of non-TOC teachers participated in the study --- p.116 / Chapter C. --- Controlled contexts used in the interview --- p.117 / Chapter D. --- Characteristics of TOC and non-TOC teachers participated in the pilot study --- p.122 / Chapter E. --- Background information of TOC and non-TOC teachers participated in the main study --- p.123 / Chapter F. --- Profiles of conceptions of assessment of TOC and non-TOC teachers participated in the main study --- p.125 / REFERENCES --- p.131

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