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This study deals with the insertion of the use of technologies of information and communication (TIC) and of geotechnological resources in the primary school. The aim of the research was to analyze the importance of the geotechnologies resources and of the (TIC) in the context of primary school. Specifically this work intend to: a) verify if the teachers of the area use the resources in their daily professional routine, b) present arguments that justify the importance of the use of these resources to improve the pedagogical practice in the primary school, c) propose pedagogical actions that use the geotechnological resources to develop content in the preschool. Methodologically, the study came from a bibliographic research to identify works already developed in the primary school where technological resources were used. Then, it was applied a questionnaire to seven teachers of public school which work with primary school to know if they use technologies in their teaching routine. From these data it was carried out an argumentative analyzes to present the elements necessary to insert the (TIC) and the geotechnologies resources in this level of teaching. In the work already done it was observed that some teachers already use the resources in class, as tablet or computer, digital blackboard and geotechnologies resource as the cartography, not just in the public school. From de seven teachers interviewed in Santa Maria, few use some kind of resource to improve their pedagogical routine. The use of new resources is fundamental in the primary school once these kids have contact with different kinds of technologies which facilitate their interaction with these and others resources. The biggest difficulty to the use of the (TIC), in the education, still is the resistance and teachers not prepared for that. / Este estudo trata da inserção e do uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) e dos recursos geotecnológicos na Educação Infantil. O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar a importância dos recursos geotecnológicos e das TIC no contexto da Educação Infantil. Especificamente, este trabalho objetivou: a) verificar se professores da área utilizam os recursos no seu cotidiano profissional; b) apresentar argumentos que justifiquem a importância do uso destes recursos para melhorar a prática pedagógica na Educação Infantil; c) propor ação pedagógica que utiliza recursos geotecnológicos para desenvolver conteúdos na Pré-Escola. Metodologicamente, o estudo partiu de pesquisa bibliográfica para identificar trabalhos já desenvolvidos na Educação Infantil e que recursos tecnológicos eram utilizados; após, aplicou-se um questionário para sete professores da rede pública de ensino que atuam na Educação Infantil, para conhecer se utilizam tecnologias no seu cotidiano pedagógico. A partir destes dados, procedeu-se uma análise argumentativa, no sentido de apresentar elementos que tratam da importância de inserir as TIC e os recursos geotecnológicos neste nível de ensino. Em relação aos trabalhos já realizados, observou-se que há professores que utilizam recursos em sala de aula como o tablet ou computador, a lousa digital e recursos geotecnológicos como a cartografia, mas essas experiências não estão restritas às escolas públicas. Dos sete professores entrevistados em Santa Maria, poucos são aqueles que utilizam algum recurso para melhorar o seu fazer pedagógico. A utilização de novos recursos é fundamental desde a educação infantil, tendo em vista que o público (crianças) já nasceu em meio às tecnologias, o que facilita a interação delas com esses e outros recursos. A grande dificuldade, para maior inserção e uso das TIC na educação, ainda é a resistência e a falta de preparo de muitos professores.
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A motivação de professores de música sob a perspectiva da teoria da autodeterminaçãoCernev, Francine Kemmer January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de investigar a motivação dos professores de música que atuam em escolas de educação básica sob a perspectiva da teoria da autodeterminação. Como objetivos específicos, buscou: construir e testar um instrumento para medir a motivação dos professores de música no ambiente educacional; verificar o tipo de motivação (autônoma ou controlada) percebido pelos professores de música que atuam nas escolas de educação básica na região Sul do Brasil; analisar estatisticamente a motivação do professor em relação às variáveis de contexto; e comparar as motivações dos professores de música em relação ao tempo de atuação docente. O referencial teórico utilizado foi fundamentado na teoria de autodeterminação de Edward Deci e Richard Ryan (2008a, 2008b), que analisa as razões pelas quais os indivíduos se envolvem ou evitam determinadas atividades. Essas razões são evidenciadas pelos diferentes tipos de motivação que podem ser distinguidos de acordo com seu nível de autodeterminação, através da satisfação de três necessidades psicológicas básicas: a necessidade de autonomia, a necessidade de competência e a necessidade de pertencer ou estabelecer vínculos. A pesquisa apresenta uma abordagem quantitativa e utiliza como método o survey interseccional. Para tanto, foi elaborado e validado um instrumento próprio de medida intitulado Escala de Motivação do professor de Música (EMPM), aplicado via internet a uma amostra de 162 professores de música que atuam em escolas de educação básica em instituições estabelecidas nos estados da região Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva e também inferencial, através dos seguintes testes: coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, análise fatorial, coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, teste t, teste qui-quadrado e teste exato de Fischer. Os dados revelaram que os professores de música apresentam percepção para a motivação autônoma para o ensino. Em relação às variáveis de contexto, foi detectado que o tipo de instituição (pública e privada) não incide sobre a percepção de motivação dos professores de música. Em comparação ao ciclo de vida profissional, os dados mostram que os professores de música apresentaram um aumento da motivação ao longo dos anos, diferentemente do originalmente proposto pela teoria da autodeterminação. Como resultados, esta pesquisa espera contribuir para a compreensão e o desenvolvimento de estratégias motivacionais que possibilitem a promoção de um ambiente educacional propício para poder fomentar a motivação dos professores de música. / The aim of this research was to investigate, under the Self-determination Theory, the motivation of music teachers that work at primary schools. The specific goals were: to build and to test an instrument to measure the motivation of the music teachers at the educational environment; to verify the kind of motivation (autonomous or controlled) perceived by music teachers that work in primary schools in the Southern region of Brazil; to statistically analyze the motivation of the teachers relating to the context variables; and to compare the motivations of music teachers and the years dedicated to teaching. The theoretical reference was based on the Self-determination Theory of Edward Deci and Richard Ryan (2008a, 2008b), that analyze the reasons why individuals get involved in or avoid certain activities. These reasons are put in evidence by the various kinds of motivation that might be distinguished according to their level of self-determination, through the fulfillment of three basic psychological needs: the need for autonomy, the need for competence and the need for relatedness. The research presents a qualitative approach and uses intersectional survey as its method. For the survey, a measuring instrument was developed and validated by the researcher, called Music Teacher Motivation Scale (MTMS). Via internet, it reached a sample of 162 music teachers from primary schools located in the Southern region of Brazil. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, through the following tests: Cronbach’s alfa coefficient, factor analysis, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, t-test, chi-square test and Fischer’s exact test. Data revealed that music teachers present perception to autonomous motivation for teaching. Concerning the context variables, it was detected that the kind of institution (public or private) does not affect the perception of motivation of the music teachers. Comparing the professional life cycle, data show that music teachers presented an increase on motivation throughout the years, contrary to what was originally suggested by the Self-determination Theory. As a result, this research aims at contributing to the comprehension and development of motivational strategies that that allow the fostering of a proper educational environment to foment the motivation of music teachers.
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Cultures pédagogiques et identité professionnelle des professeurs des écoles et des collèges : Etude du rôle des arrière-plans culturels et contextuels dans les constructions identitaires et les relations école-collège / Pedagogical cultures and professional identities of primary and secondary school teachers : Study of the cultural and contextual background in the construction of the identities and the relations between primary and secondary schoolsVolf, Virginie 08 December 2017 (has links)
Dans la lignée de la création des IUFM (Instituts de formation des maîtres) en 1989, les récentes évolutions du système éducatif français (loi pour la refondation de l’école de juillet 2013) témoignent d’une volonté institutionnelle de rapprocher école et collège et de dépasser le clivage historique qui fait du premier degré l’héritier de l’école du peuple et du second celui des lycées destinés à l’élite. Il s’agit de lever ce qui peut faire obstacle à la continuité école-collège pour une meilleure prise en charge des élèves. Mais cette volonté a-t-elle véritablement permis de dépasser ces antagonismes et d’aller vers une culture pédagogique partagée, voire de fonder une identité professionnelle commune ? L’enjeu de cette thèse est d’identifier les points de rencontre mais aussi et surtout les points de rupture entre professeurs des écoles et professeurs des collèges, afin de mieux comprendre quelle est l’origine de ces différences, comment elles se construisent et quels effets elles produisent, dans le but de mieux savoir comment agir pour lever ces obstacles et améliorer le passage de l’école au collège. Pour cela, trois méthodes de recueil de données ont été utilisées : observations ethnographiques de situations d’échanges entre professeurs des deux degrés sur trois réseaux (milieu favorisé, milieu rural mixte, réseau d’éducation prioritaire), questionnaires (près de 200 enseignants exerçant pour moitié en élémentaire et pour moitié en collège) et entretiens biographiques (10 professeurs des écoles et 11 professeurs des collèges). L’analyse des données a été effectuée de façon qualitative et quantitative (notamment en utilisant les logiciels Statbox et IRaMuTeq). L’identité professionnelle des enseignants a été abordée par le biais des différentes variables la composant : variables personnelles (biographiques), contextuelles (socio-historiques et professionnelles) et pédagogiques (la culture pédagogique). Elles ont été mises en regard, notamment afin de percevoir le rôle des cultures pédagogiques dans les constructions identitaires. Ce travail a montré que malgré des cultures pédagogiques en grande partie commune, les identités professionnelles des professeurs des écoles et des collèges restent marquées par l’histoire des professions dans les représentations qu’ils entretiennent les uns sur les autres, et qu’elles se révèlent de « consistance » différente. Enfin, l’apparition d’une recomposition de l’identité professionnelle chez les professeurs de collège débutants a été mise au jour. / Directly linked to the creation of the IUFMs (Instituts de Formation des Maîtres) in 1989, the recent evolutions in the French educational system (Law of July 2013 for the refoundation of school) show evidence, at the level of the institutions, of the willingness to get a close similarity between primary school and secondary school (named college in France) and to cancel the historical approach which considered primary school as dedicated to the people and secondary school reserved for an elite. The challenge is to remove everything which may be an obstacle to the continuity from primary to secondary in order to take charge of the pupils in better conditions. But has this willingness permitted to really overcome the antagonisms and led to a shared pedagogical culture and even generated a common professional identity ?The aim of this thesis is to identify all the points of convergence but particularly also the disrupting points between teachers in primary and teachers in secondary schools and to understand more precisely what is the origin of the differences, the way they occur and the consequences they produce, in the purpose of knowing much better how to proceed to remove the obstacles and to improve the transition from primary to secondary. Three methods of collection of datas have been used : ethnographical survey of actual relationship between teachers (in both educational levels) in three local education grids (favourable background – mixed rural environment – areas declared as a priority), answers to questionnaires (sent to almost 200 teachers, half of them in primary, half in secondary schools) and biographical interviews (10 teachers in primary and 11 in secondary schools). The datas have been analysed considering both the quality and the quantity (with the use of softwares such as Statbox and IRaMuTeq). The professional identities of the teachers have been examined through consideration of the several variables they are made of : private (biography), background (social, historical and professional), pedagogical (pedagogical culture). They have been compared in order to point out the part played by the pedagogical cultures in the way identity is formed.This survey has demonstrated that, although pedagogical cultures are highly the same, the professional identities of the teachers in primary and of the teachers in secondary schools are still deeply impregnated by the history of the image of the professions with which they both consider each other and that the image has a different « thickness » both sides. The survey has also revealed that young teachers in secondary schools nowadays start developing a professional identity common to both levels.
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Sítě krychle jako prostředek pro rozvíjení geometrického myšlení žáků prvního stupně ZŠ / Cube nets as a tool for the development of geometrical thinking of primary school pupilsKoubová, Zdenka January 2011 (has links)
The diploma theses deals with the koncept of cube net and its use with the primary schoul pupils. More closely it considers creation and application of tasks suitable for natural grasp of the subject for younger students. The conclusions are based both on the outcomes of the experiments with the pupils and on the assesment of author's believes in the course of work on the diploma theses.
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Style motivationnel des professeurs des écoles et promotion de l'activité physique en EPS : efficacité d'une formation ancrée dans la théorie de l'autodétermination / primary school teachers' motivating style and promotion of physical activity in physical education : efficacy of a professional training based on self determination theoryEscriva-Boulley, Géraldine 23 October 2015 (has links)
En facilitant la pratique des activités physiques (AP) dès le plus jeune âge, l'éducation physique et sportive (EPS) joue un rôle central dans la promotion de la santé. Pourtant des études montrent qu'une minorité de professeurs des écoles respecte le temps d'enseignement de cette matière prescrit par les instructions officielles. Par ailleurs, si une quantité minimale d'EPS s'avère nécessaire pour espérer recueillir les bénéfices de cette discipline, la qualité des expériences vécues par les élèves durant cet enseignement est cruciale pour leur engagement soutenu et durable dans les AP. Selon la théorie de l'autodétermination (e.g., Deci & Ryan, 2002) – cadre théorique de référence de ce travail doctoral – le style motivationnel des enseignants (soutenant vs. menaçant les besoins psychologiques fondamentaux des élèves) est le levier principal du climat psychologique de la classe et des expériences des élèves. Dans le cadre de cette réflexion sur la quantité et la qualité de l'enseignement de l'EPS à l'école primaire, ce travail doctoral a cherché à répondre à deux questions de recherche : quels sont les facteurs prédisant le temps d'enseignement et le style motivationnel des professeurs des écoles en EPS ? Comment les aider à enseigner plus et mieux l'EPS dans une perspective de promotion de l'AP ? Pour répondre à ces questions une première étude corrélationnelle avait pour objectif d'identifier les antécédents et les médiateurs du temps et du style d'enseignement de l'EPS à l'école primaire. Les résultats ont mis en lumière le rôle prédicteur de la motivation autonome, du sentiment d'auto-efficacité ainsi que des pressions ressenties par les professeurs des écoles sur ces deux variables. Dans une seconde étude adoptant un devis randomisé contrôlé, l'ambition était de tester l'efficacité d'une formation des enseignants au soutien des besoins psychologiques des élèves en EPS, sur le style motivationnel adopté par les enseignants et l'AP des élèves durant les cours d'EPS. Les résultats montrent que comparativement aux enseignants du groupe contrôle, ceux du groupe expérimental ont modifié leur style motivationnel dans le sens d'un soutien plus important des besoins des élèves. Si l'AP des élèves des deux groupes a été peu impactée par la formation, une différence significative est néanmoins ressortie pour le cycle d'enseignement durant lequel les différences au niveau du soutien des besoins étaient les plus importantes entre les deux conditions. Ce travail doctoral met en lumière l'intérêt de prendre en considération les pressions ressenties et les variables motivationnelles pour comprendre les choix des PE concernant la quantité et la qualité de l'enseignement de l'EPS. Il suggère également des pistes d'interventions pour promouvoir une EPS de qualité par l'intermédiaire d'une formation des enseignants focalisée sur les composants d'un style motivationnel adaptatif. / Physical education (PE) plays a central role to promote students' health through physical activity (PA). However, many primary school teachers avoid teaching PE. While an important amount of PE is required to reach benefits from this compulsory subject, the quality of students' experiences during PE is essential to favor students' sustainable commitment to PA. According to self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002), theoretical setting used in this doctoral work, by supporting and/or by undermining students' psychological needs through his/her motivating style, teacher may influence these experiences. This doctoral work investigated this line of research about quantity and quality of PE in primary school. Our ambition was to answer two questions : What are the factors predicting PE duration and primary school teachers' motivational style ? And, how to help them to teach PE more and better in order to promote PA ? To answer these questions our first study (cross-sectional) aimed to identify determinants and mediators of PE duration and of the quality of teaching in PE in primary school. Results highlighted the predictive role of autonomous motivation, self-efficacy, and pressures on quantity and quality of PE. The purpose of our second study (randomized controlled) was to test the effectiveness of a PE training to help primary school teachers to better support their students' psychological needs on teachers' motivating style and students' PA during PE. Results revealed a positive effect of the training on the teachers in the experimental group. The latter, compared to control group, better supported their students' psychological needs. Finally, the results showed that PE training had a little impact on students' PA. Nevertheless PA in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group when the differences between both conditions, on the dimensions of need support were the most important. This doctoral work highlights the interest to take into account pressures and motivational variables to understand teachers' choices about PE duration and motivating style in PE. It also suggests the importance of PE training to modify primary school teacher motivating style toward need support and to promote the quality of PE.
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Gestão municipal no primeiro ciclo do ensino fundamental: impactos da descentralização das escolas estaduais / Municipal management in the first cycle of basic education: impacts of decentralization of the state schoolsVivian de Fátima Amorim 05 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia os efeitos do aumento da proporção de alunos de 1ª a 4ª série matriculados em escolas municipais, sobretudo no que concerne à transferência de gestão de algumas escolas estaduais para a administração municipal. Tal processo ocorreu concomitantemente a perda de autonomia fiscal quanto ao direcionamento dos recursos da educação, devido às regras de alocação impostas pelo FUNDEF. Nesse sentido, ainda que a gestão escolar estivesse mais próxima da população, a destinação da maior parte dos recursos ao pagamento de professores em exercício poderia ser contrária às preferências locais. Primeiramente, existem evidências de que o processo de municipalização implicou piora nos indicadores de rendimento, enquanto que as externalidades positivas associadas à alocação de recursos do FUNDEF parecem ter contrabalanceado a perda de autonomia local. Em segundo lugar, existem indicativos de que um componente específico do processo de expansão da gestão municipal, a descentralização das escolas estaduais, esteja associado à queda das taxas de reprovação, após um período de acomodação. Contudo, os resultados sugerem aumento da desigualdade dos resultados educacionais, uma vez que os efeitos positivos concentram-se em municípios com maiores níveis de renda per capita. / This work evaluates the effects of increasing the proportion of students from 1st to 4th grade enrolled in municipal schools, especially regarding the transfer of management of some state schools to the municipalities. This process occurred concurrently with the loss of fiscal autonomy for direction of education resources due to allocation rules imposed by FUNDEF. In this case, even if the school management was closer to the population, the allocation of most resources to pay teachers in practice could be contrary to local preferences. First, there is evidence that increasing the proportion of students from 1st to 4th grade in municipal schools resulted in worsening performance indicators, while positive externalities associated with FUNDEF\'s resources allocation appear to have counterbalanced the loss of local autonomy. Secondly, there are indications that a specific component of the ongoing expansion of municipal management, decentralization of state schools, is associated with the decrease of failure rates after a period of accommodation. However, the results suggest an increase in inequality of educational outcomes, since the positive effects are concentrated in municipalities with higher levels of income per capita.
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"O valor do aluno" : vestígios de práticas de avaliação na escola primária (Florianópolis/SC, 1911 a 1963) / Student´s value: traces of evaluation practices in primary school (Florianópolis/SC, 1911 to 1963)Silva, Carolina Ribeiro Cardoso da 10 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of present work is to study assessment practices used in primary schools of the Santa Catarina (Brazil´s State), with a focus on school groups, from 1911 to 1963 and inserts it in discussions about culture school´s. In theoretical terms, in addition to references that deal with school culture, were mobilized António Viñao Frago texts that support the reflections on school evaluation and school organization particularly the graduate school. In methodological terms, we adopted an document analysis procedure. In fact, we want to locate traces of evaluative practices, both with regard to harnessing aspects and disciplinary order of school. The documental corpus of research consists of legislation especially education decrees, regiments, regulations, circulars and teaching programs, and school organization/bookkeeping materials such as reports, minutes of meetings, records of educational tests, honor book, book and album terms of inspection. In the State of Santa Catarina, the first school groups were officially created during the Government of Colonel Vidal José de Oliveira Ramos (1910-1914), based on the educational reform of 1911. The benchmarking in this model of "modern school" served at first as a strategy of transforming classes in a homogeneous type according to the degree of knowledge of the students. This practice is based on the belief that the homogeneous grouping would allow greater productivity and effectiveness in teaching. To this end, the school shall establish evaluation tests of knowledge in a regular and systematic way. After that, school life become more and more intensely integrate, settling in the logic of approval of those who get good grades when examined, and of desapproval of those who not achieve the minimum score for promotion purposes. Especially from the 1940 decade, a new homogenization strategy comes into play: the organization of students in selective classes, based on strong, medium and weak, strongly associated with the measurement of individual differences through psychological tests, intended to measure maturity, intelligence and mental age. The use of tests and practice exams can be identified at least until the early years of 1960 decade. It is a period which marks the end of the timeframe of this survey. Beyond the desire
to homogenize the knowledge, through the measurement of school use, the school also wanted to homogenize behaviors. To this end, in addition to assessing the performance about the contents of the education program, the school evaluated the behavior issues, with class frequency as disciplinary strategy. From the collected data, reflections and analyses, we could built up a tripod that supports the organization of the text and structure relationship of evaluation with homogenization, in practices relationships of the evaluation with the school and use the relationship of evaluation and discipline. The work performed, it is evident that these three aspects are important components of culture evaluation in the elementary school. / O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo práticas de avaliação utilizadas em escolas primárias do estado de Santa Catarina, com foco nos grupos escolares, entre os anos de 1911 e 1963 e insere-se nas discussões acerca da cultura escolar. Em termos teóricos foram mobilizados, além de referenciais que tratam de cultura escolar - com destaque para os de autoria de António Viñao Frago - textos que apoiam as reflexões sobre avaliação escolar e organização da escola particularmente a escola graduada. Em termos metodológicos adotou-se a análise documental, que permitiu localizar vestígios de práticas avaliativas, tanto no que diz respeito ao aproveitamento escolar quanto a aspectos de ordem disciplinar. O corpus documental da pesquisa compõe-se de legislação do ensino sobretudo decretos, regimentos, regulamentos, programas de ensino e circulares , e materiais de escrituração/organização escolar, como relatórios, atas de reuniões pedagógicas, registros de exames, livro de honra, livro álbum e termos de inspeção. No estado de Santa Catarina, os primeiros grupos escolares foram oficialmente criados durante o governo do coronel Vidal José de Oliveira Ramos (1910-1914), a partir da reforma do ensino de 1911. A avaliação do desempenho nesse modelo de escola moderna serviu, num primeiro momento, como estratégia de homogeneização, por meio da formação de classes de acordo com o grau de conhecimento dos estudantes. Tal prática aparece associada à crença de que o agrupamento homogêneo possibilitaria maior produtividade e eficácia no ensino. Para tanto, a escola passa a instituir os exames de aferição do conhecimento de maneira regular e sistemática. A partir daí, eles integram cada vez mais intensamente a vida escolar, instalando-se na lógica de aprovação dos que obtêm boas notas quando examinados, e de reprovação no caso de não alcançar a nota mínima para fins de promoção. Especialmente a partir da década de 1940, uma nova estratégia de homogeneização entra em cena: a organização dos alunos em classes seletivas com base na classificação em fortes, médios e fracos, aspecto fortemente associado à aferição das diferenças individuais por meio de testes psicológicos
destinados a medir maturidade, inteligência e idade mental. O uso de testes e a prática dos exames podem ser identificados pelo menos até os primeiros anos da década de 1960, período que marca o fim do recorte temporal desta pesquisa. Além do desejo de homogeneizar o conhecimento, por meio da aferição do aproveitamento escolar, a escola também desejava homogeneizar condutas. Para tanto, além de avaliar o desempenho quanto aos conteúdos do programa de ensino, a escola avaliava os quesitos comportamento, frequência e aplicação, como estratégia disciplinar. A partir dos dados levantados, das reflexões e análises, construiu-se um tripé que apoia a organização do texto e se estrutura na relação da avaliação com práticas de homogeneização, na relação da avaliação com o aproveitamento escolar e na relação da avaliação com a disciplina. No trabalho realizado fica evidenciado que esses três aspectos representam importantes componentes da cultura (de avaliação) escolar da escola primária.
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Didaktická doporučení pro výuku problematiky HIV/AIDS na základní škole / Didactic recommendation for teaching HIV/AIDS issue at a primary schoolMatějíčková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis puts as its goal to define didactical recommendations for teaching HIV/AIDS issue at a primary school and thus provide support for effective teaching about this topic. It presents information about the analyzed issue and by using quantitative anonymous questionnare research among pupils of eighth grade of three chosen primary schools, it determines their knowledge and attitudes towards the HIV/AIDS topic. Based on the results of applied pre-test research it puts forward the proposal of a teaching unit which is then realized in the target group. Then by means of post-test examination, it is verified how effective the designed teaching unit was and how much in contributed to increasing the knowledge of the respondents. Realisation of the teaching unit increased their knowledge by about 37.5% (from the former 54.2% of correct answers to knowledge-based questions to 91.7%) and it can therefore be considered as effective. The main topics of the teaching unit were the diagnostics of HIV positivity, the question of curability of HIV/AIDS, development of the epidemiological situation, difference between the terms HIV and AIDS and the means of transmission of the HIV virus. The benefit of this thesis is a description of a teaching unit focused on the HIV/AIDS issue, including methodical...
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Porovnání vybraných vyučovacích metod v učení o přírodě na 1. stupni ZŠ. / Comparison of chosen teaching methods in learning about nature at primary schoolKARDOVÁ, Dana January 2007 (has links)
Diploma thesis work with chosen teaching methods which are used in learning about nature. This diploma thesis contains many instruction, recommendatious for teaching nature studies at primary school. It also contains a review of books, requisites and didactical plays which can be insert into seperate lessons. At the end there are single results of tests, which lead to comparison of chosen methods of student´s working, which are used by acquireing knowledge about nature. According to the results we can find out also the successfulness of solving separate types of questions in the test.
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Využití exkurzí do ZOO Ohrada v prvouce a přírodovědě. / The usage of Ohrada ZOO excursions in the Homeland study and Biology lessonsKNÍŽOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation describes various possibilities of utilization of Ohrada ZOO excursions in the primary school lessons of the Homeland study and Biology and reports a metodical instruction for their organization including potential aplication of acquired knowledges in intredisciplinary links. Excursion projects are designed according to obligatory standards of sheduled RVP documents and ivolve four ZOO excursions for primary school students (2., 3.and 4.year).
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