Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elementaryschool"" "subject:"secondaryschool""
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Faktorer som kan påverka elevers motivation till lärande : En enkätundersökning bland elever om olika faktorers möjliga samband med elevers skolmotivationGustavsson Lund, Annie, Dahné, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p><strong><strong><p>SAMMANFATTNING</p></strong><p> </p></strong></p><p>Annie Gustavsson Lund , Anna Dahné</p><p><strong><p>Faktorer som kan påverka elevers motivation till lärande</p><p>Factors that can affect students motivation towards learning</p></strong></p><p>En enkätundersökning bland elever om olika faktorers möjliga samband med elevers skolmotivation</p><p>Antal sidor: 24</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Syftet vi har med vår undersökning är att få en större kunskap om möjliga faktorer som kan påverka elevers mo-tivation att lära samt sambanden mellan dessa faktorer. Vi vill även få en djupare kunskap angående motivation och lärande. Frågeställningarna är följande:</p><p>- Vad är motivation och lärande?</p><p>- Vilka faktorer kan påverka elevers intresse samt motivation till lärande?</p><p>- Undersöka vilka samband det finns mellan dessa faktorer.</p><p>För att få svar på dessa frågor har vi genomfört en kvantitativ studie med en enkätundersökning som genomför-des bland 111 elever, fördelade på nio klasser i år tre i Nässjö kommun.</p><p>Resultatet, från vår undersökning, visar att det finns mer eller mindre samband mellan de faktorer som vi valt att undersöka. Högst samband med de beroende variablerna engagemang, motivation, glädje samt intresse visar kon-takten med vuxna på skolan (, 520). Detta tyder på att de vuxna som arbetar på skolan är viktiga för elevernas motivation, engagemang, intresse samt glädjen att gå till skolan. Även föräldrarna spelar en betydande roll. Vän-nerna är viktiga, men med motivationen visades ingen korrelation (, 000). Lärande är en process som pågår hela livet och inte bara i skolan. Skolan är bara en liten del av varje enskild individs lärande vilket sker i alla vardagli-ga miljöer och sammanhang. Lärandet ska utveckla eleven, ge eleven kunskap och verktyg för olika situationer som kan uppstå i livet. Skolans och lärarens viktigaste uppgift är att lära eleverna att lära. Motivation kan beskri-vas som en grundläggande tanke. Motivation är alltså inte i första hand en egenskap. Motivation handlar inte hel-ler om "viljan" finns eller saknas, utan det handlar om bemötande. Motivation är en tolkning som man kan göra av den andres beteende. Detta påverkar hur det fortsatta samspelet kan utvecklas.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
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Faktorer som kan påverka elevers motivation till lärande : En enkätundersökning bland elever om olika faktorers möjliga samband med elevers skolmotivationGustavsson Lund, Annie, Dahné, Anna January 2009 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Annie Gustavsson Lund , Anna Dahné Faktorer som kan påverka elevers motivation till lärande Factors that can affect students motivation towards learning En enkätundersökning bland elever om olika faktorers möjliga samband med elevers skolmotivation Antal sidor: 24 Syftet vi har med vår undersökning är att få en större kunskap om möjliga faktorer som kan påverka elevers mo-tivation att lära samt sambanden mellan dessa faktorer. Vi vill även få en djupare kunskap angående motivation och lärande. Frågeställningarna är följande: - Vad är motivation och lärande? - Vilka faktorer kan påverka elevers intresse samt motivation till lärande? - Undersöka vilka samband det finns mellan dessa faktorer. För att få svar på dessa frågor har vi genomfört en kvantitativ studie med en enkätundersökning som genomför-des bland 111 elever, fördelade på nio klasser i år tre i Nässjö kommun. Resultatet, från vår undersökning, visar att det finns mer eller mindre samband mellan de faktorer som vi valt att undersöka. Högst samband med de beroende variablerna engagemang, motivation, glädje samt intresse visar kon-takten med vuxna på skolan (, 520). Detta tyder på att de vuxna som arbetar på skolan är viktiga för elevernas motivation, engagemang, intresse samt glädjen att gå till skolan. Även föräldrarna spelar en betydande roll. Vän-nerna är viktiga, men med motivationen visades ingen korrelation (, 000). Lärande är en process som pågår hela livet och inte bara i skolan. Skolan är bara en liten del av varje enskild individs lärande vilket sker i alla vardagli-ga miljöer och sammanhang. Lärandet ska utveckla eleven, ge eleven kunskap och verktyg för olika situationer som kan uppstå i livet. Skolans och lärarens viktigaste uppgift är att lära eleverna att lära. Motivation kan beskri-vas som en grundläggande tanke. Motivation är alltså inte i första hand en egenskap. Motivation handlar inte hel-ler om "viljan" finns eller saknas, utan det handlar om bemötande. Motivation är en tolkning som man kan göra av den andres beteende. Detta påverkar hur det fortsatta samspelet kan utvecklas.
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Веза играња дигиталних игара са профилом вишеструких интелигенција ученика виших разреда основне школе / Veza igranja digitalnih igara sa profilom višestrukih inteligencija učenika viših razreda osnovne škole / Relation between digital gameplay and multipleintelligences profile of higher grade elementaryschool studentsAleksić Veljko 15 May 2017 (has links)
<p>Дисертација пружа емпиријски утемељен иновативан и јединствен увид у везу играња дигиталних игара са профилом вишеструких интелигенција ученика виших разреда основе школе. Систематизован преглед литературе реализован у оквиру дисертације указује на чињеницу да се истраживачи слажу у ставу да су дигиталне игре постале методички валидан образовни алат, али да постоји веома мали број емпиријских истраживања посвећених вези између играња дигиталних игара и профила вишеструких интелигенција ученика. </p><p>Истраживање је реализовано на узорку од 1262 ученика узраста од 11 до 15 година из 22 школе у Србији. За потребе истраживања креирани су и евалуирани одговарајући психометријски инструменти. Анализирана је веза профила вишеструких интелигенција ученика виших разреда основне школе са склоностима и навикама играња дигиталних игара. Проучавана је могућност предикције префериране врсте дигиталних игара у зависности од профила вишеструких интелигенција и навика играња дигиталних игара. Утврђено је да је профил вишеструких интелигенција валидан предиктор склоности, навика играња и идентификатор зависности од дигиталних игара.</p><p>Извршена је идентификација зависности од дигиталних игара и анализирана је њена повезаност са профилима вишеструких интелигенција. Анализирани су утицаји појединих социо- демографских фактора на склоности и навике играња дигиталних игара и зависност од дигиталних игара. У складу са циљем и задацима истраживања формиране су хипотезе, које су дискутоване и потврђене. На основу резултата утврђено је постојање везе играња дигиталних игара са профилом вишеструких интелигенција ученика виших разреда основе школе.</p> / <p>Disertacija pruža empirijski utemeljen inovativan i jedinstven uvid u vezu igranja digitalnih igara sa profilom višestrukih inteligencija učenika viših razreda osnove škole. Sistematizovan pregled literature realizovan u okviru disertacije ukazuje na činjenicu da se istraživači slažu u stavu da su digitalne igre postale metodički validan obrazovni alat, ali da postoji veoma mali broj empirijskih istraživanja posvećenih vezi između igranja digitalnih igara i profila višestrukih inteligencija učenika. </p><p>Istraživanje je realizovano na uzorku od 1262 učenika uzrasta od 11 do 15 godina iz 22 škole u Srbiji. Za potrebe istraživanja kreirani su i evaluirani odgovarajući psihometrijski instrumenti. Analizirana je veza profila višestrukih inteligencija učenika viših razreda osnovne škole sa sklonostima i navikama igranja digitalnih igara. Proučavana je mogućnost predikcije preferirane vrste digitalnih igara u zavisnosti od profila višestrukih inteligencija i navika igranja digitalnih igara. Utvrđeno je da je profil višestrukih inteligencija validan prediktor sklonosti, navika igranja i identifikator zavisnosti od digitalnih igara.</p><p>Izvršena je identifikacija zavisnosti od digitalnih igara i analizirana je njena povezanost sa profilima višestrukih inteligencija. Analizirani su uticaji pojedinih socio- demografskih faktora na sklonosti i navike igranja digitalnih igara i zavisnost od digitalnih igara. U skladu sa ciljem i zadacima istraživanja formirane su hipoteze, koje su diskutovane i potvrđene. Na osnovu rezultata utvrđeno je postojanje veze igranja digitalnih igara sa profilom višestrukih inteligencija učenika viših razreda osnove škole.</p> / <p>Dissertation provides an empirically grounded innovative and unique insight into relations between digital gameplay and multiple intelligences profile. A systematic literature review that was realized in this dissertation points to thefact that researchers agree that digital games became methodically valid educational tool, but that there are very few empirical studies on relations between digital gameplay and multiple intelligences profile of the students.<br />The research sample consisted of 1262 11-to-15- year-old students from 22 Serbian schools. The adequate psychometric instruments were developed and evaluated as part of the research. The relations between multiple intelligence profile of higher grade elementary school students and their gameplay preferences and habits were analyzed. The possibility of predicting preferred digital games genre based on multiple intelligences profile and digital gameplay was examined. It was found that the multiple intelligences profile is a valid predictor of digital gameplay preferences, habits and addiction. The digital games addiction was identified, and its relation with the structure of multiple intelligence profile was examined. The influence of socio-demographic factors on digital gameplay preferences, habits and addiction was analyzed. In accordance with the dissertation objectives and tasks the research hypotheses were formulated, and further discussed and confirmed. The results imply the existence of the relation between digital gameplay and multiple intelligences profile of higher grade elementary school students.</p>
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Digitala verktyg i svensk kommunal grundskola- skillnad mellan stad och landsbygd? : DEN GEOGRAFISKA PLATSENS BETYDELSE FÖR ARBETET MED DIGITALA VERKTYG I UNDERVISNINGENFriman, Katrin January 2023 (has links)
The studys purpose has been to investigate similarities and differences in access to digital tools in Swedish municipal primary school dependent if the scools geographic place is in a bigger town or on the countryside. One of the studys research questions has been to investigate if it´s possible to discover any differences current the teachers attitudes and the pupils use of them in education dependent the schools geograpich place. Our geographical location where we grow up influences and prepare us for a future life in different ways. Different economic, social, political and cultural conditions of places are factors that contribute to children and young being given different conditions in their growing up enviroment accordning to earlier research. The school as an institution has an important role in preparing the future generation with the ICT- skills they will need to live in a digital world. The essay has an interdisciplinary approach where the interdisciplinary discipline child and youth studies form the basis, which is supplemented by the addition of cultural geographical perspectives. My presentation of research overwiew includes previous research from both scienticif disciplines. The methods used for collecting and analysing data is a mixed- method where quantitative data in the form of existing statistics and conducted qualitative semi- structured interviews has been used. The result of the study shows that there is a difference between the town and the countryside in access to broadband which affect the use of digital tools in education in the schools I´ve investigated. They also indicate that it´s a difference in what kind of digital tools the schools placed in different geographic areas have access to. It´s also possible to discover some differences in the pupils use of the digital tools in education, depending on the schools geographic place. Accordning to my results there is a development area int he work with ICT in primary municipal school´s education, that includes the knowledge of the pupil´s socioeconomic backgrounds and geographical conditions to be able to strive for equal conditions for students to become digitally competent citizens in the future.
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Läroplanernas och geografiämnets förändring i skolan. : En studie av olika läroplansförändringar och geografiläraresupplevelser av dem.Persson, Lise-Lotte January 2015 (has links)
Den här rapporten tittar på innehållet i de läroplaner som funnits i den svenska grundskolan, från den första som kom 1962 till dagens som infördes 2011.Den behandlar också ämnet geografi, hur ämnets innehåll sett ut och förändrats över den här tiden samt intervjuer med verksamma lärare.Man kan se att läroplanerna inte förändras direkt mycket i sin allmänna del, men att kursplanen förändrats en hel del med förskjutning från kartografi och fokus på närmiljön till en mer teknisk undervisning med fokus på samspel mellan människa natur, vilket även framkommer i de svaren lärarna ger. / This report looks at the content of the curricula that existed in the Swedish primary-schools. From the first one that came in 1962 to the present, introduced in 2011.It also handles the subject geography, how the content has been presented and changed over this period of time. I have also interviewed practicing teachers to see if there are any similarities.One can see that the curriculum has not changed much in its general part, but that the syllabus changed a lot with the shift from cartography and focus on the local environment to a more technical
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Spolupráce mezi základní školou, mateřskou školou a rodinou / Cooperation among primary school, kindergarden and familyMalá, Eva January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is centered on the subject of the form of cooperation between the kindergarten, the primary school and the family to prepare the children and their families for the least problematic transition into primary level education.The theoretical part of the thesis is characterised as focusing on the confluence of pre-school education and primary school education and in particular in this section I measure the depth of understanding of the topic of preparing children for entering schooling. Subsequently I bring attention to the possible risks which can appear when a child starts primary school and I look into the cooperation of the family and the school in the curriculum documentation. In the practical part of the thesis the basis is action research from actual dialogues with teachers who teach the first grades, I attempt to uncover which classifications of cooperation between the kindergarten, primary school and family will have the most positive effect on enabling the smoothest transition to the new environment. I described effective methods of cooperation which will encourage the smoothest induction of children to the new school, and I mention the possibilities of how to inform the family of possible challenges which can appear in certain circumstances. Keywords kindergarten, primary school,...
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Role pedagoga a jeho kompetence při posuzování školní zralosti u zápisu do 1. třídy základní školy / Role of the teacher and his/her responsibility in assessing student's maturity when enrolling in the first grade of primary schoolPeterková, Kamila January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is devoted to the issue of a children enrolment to the first form of a basic school as an important milestone in their life. The theoretical part deals with the topic of the enrolment in its full scale. The author presents an overview concerning the issue of school maturity, school preparedness and their diagnostics. Further she deals with the topic of a postponement of school attendance and legislation. The main chapter of the theoretical part is the topic of competencies which a teacher of primary education should have at disposal during enrolments. In the practical part of this diploma thesis the author gives space to teachers, who, by means of a questionnaire and an unstructured interview, reflect their opinions and feelings concerning their role during enrolments. The author deals with their pedagogical competency. The teachers have an opportunity to present their opinions about the current form of the enrolment procedure. The outcome of this thesis is a discussion about usefulness of the current enrolment procedure and concrete suggestions for a change.
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Žák 1. třídy a jeho adaptace v sociální oblasti z pohledu rodičů a učitelů 1. tříd ZŠ / First class primary school pupil and its adaptation in the social sphere from the perspective of parents and elementary school teachersSoučková, Jaroslava January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the adaptation 1st class primary school pupils, to the school environment in social area. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the process of adaptation pupil to the school environment, it explains the concept of socialization, analyzing school maturity, the readiness and the terms of school education. The practical part is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The method of questionnaire, interview and observation provides the identified data to deal with the issue of adaptation pupil at the 1st class primary school in the social field and analyzes the attitude of parents and first class teachers to the adaptation pupils to the school environment in the social sphere. The aim of the diploma thesis is analyzing the opinion to that issue by parents and first class primary school teachers.
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