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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppfyllelseorten för den förpliktelse som talan avser : Artikel 5.1 b) Bryssel I-förordningen vid avtal om utförande av tjänster

Claesson, Ida January 2010 (has links)
Article 5.1 in the Brussels I-Regulation regulates special rules on jurisdiction for contractual disputes. The aims of this thesis are to determine the location as provided under Article 5.1 b), as the place of performance for the obligation in question. The focus of this thesis is the problems that occur when services, according to the contract, are to be performed in several Member States.

Ett europeiskt småmålsförfarande

Ghajar, Homa January 2010 (has links)
Förordningen om inrättande av ett europeiskt småmålsförfarande (EG) nr. 861/2007 trädde ikraft den 1 augusti år 2007. Förordningen tillämpas fullt ut från och med 1 januari år 2009. Förordningen tillämpas i samtliga medlemsstater utom i Danmark. Förfarandet som inrättas genom förordningen utgör endast ett alternativ till befintliga rättegångsförfaranden. För Sveriges del innebär detta att förordningen ska vara ett alternativ till bestämmelserna i rättegångsbalken. I verkställighetsdelen ska förordningen vara ett alternativ till Bryssel I-förordningen. Förordningens syfte är att förenkla, påskynda samt kostnadseffektivisera handläggningen av småmål. Förordningen gör det även enklare för parterna att få erkännande och verkställighet av ett avgörande i det europeiska småmålsförfarandet i en annan medlemsstat. Förordningen är tillämplig inom privaträttens område, tvisten ska ha en gränsöverskridande karaktär, fordran får inte överstiga 2 000 euro samt domstolen måste vara behörig. Det finns både för- och nackdelar med förordningen utifrån ett svenskt perspektiv. En nackdel kan vara den ökade målströmningen till de allmänna domstolarna, vilket kan vara resurskrävande. Även antalet exekvaturmål i Svea hovrätt kommer förmodligen att öka. Den största fördelen med förordningen är att den har avskaffat exekvaturförfaranden i form av nationella verkställighetsförklaringar. Sådana verkställighetsförklaringar finns dock i Bryssel I-förordningen men på ett mer förenklat sätt. / On the first of August 2007, the regulation of a European small claim procedure (EU) No. 861/2007 entered into force. The regulation is however fully administered from the first of January 2009, and shall be used in all member states, besides Denmark. The small claim procedure composes only an alternative procedure to the member states existing small claim provisions. In Sweden the regulation composes an alternative to the provisions in the Act (1942:740) of procedure. The aims of the regulation are to simplify, precipitate and to make the handling of small claims inexpensive. It also aims to make it easier for the parties to get recognition and enforcement of judgments in the European Union. The regulation is to be used in civil law and has to be a cross-border contention. The claim cannot exceed the limit of 2 000 euro and it has to be a tribunal that carries jurisdiction. From a Swedish point of view, the regulation carries both advantages as well as disadvantages, a disadvantage would be the increased civil action to the common courts and it will be resource-demanding. The quantity of exequatur contention in Swedish court of appeal will most believably also increase. The main advantage of the regulation is the abolishment of the exequatur when the Brussels I, on the other hand, only set out to simplify it.

Procedural and Declarative Memory in Children with Developmental Disorders of Language and Literacy

Hedenius, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The procedural deficit hypothesis (PDH) posits that a range of language, cognitive and motor impairments associated with specific language impairment (SLI) and developmental dyslexia (DD) may be explained by an underlying domain-general dysfunction of the procedural memory system. In contrast, declarative memory is hypothesized to remain intact and to play a compensatory role in the two disorders. The studies in the present thesis were designed to test this hypothesis. Study I examined non-language procedural memory, specifically implicit sequence learning, in children with SLI. It was shown that children with poor performance on tests of grammar were impaired at consolidation of procedural memory compared to children with normal grammar. These findings support the PDH and are line with previous studies suggesting a link between grammar processing and procedural memory. In Study II, the same implicit sequence learning paradigm was used to test procedural memory in children with DD. The DD group showed a learning profile that was similar to that of children with SLI in Study I, with a significant impairment emerging late in learning, after extended practice and including an overnight interval. Further analyses suggested that the DD impairment may not be related to overnight consolidation but to the effects of further practice beyond the initial practice session. In contrast to the predictions of the PDH, the sequence learning deficit was unrelated to phonological processing skills as assessed with a nonword repetition task. Study III examined declarative memory in DD. The performance of the DD group was found to be not only intact, but even enhanced, compared to that of the control children. The results encourage further studies on the potential of declarative memory to compensate for the reading problems in DD. In sum, the results lend partial support for the PDH and suggest further refinements to the theory. Collectively, the studies emphasize the importance of going beyond a narrow focus on language learning and memory functions in the characterization of the two disorders. Such a broader cognitive, motor and language approach may inform the development of future clinical and pedagogical assessment and intervention practices for SLI and DD.

Processuell generering av oändliga spelvärldar : Praktiska problem och optimering

Olkerud, Marcus, Virke, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Enligt oss så är det största problemet med att processuellt generera en pseudo-oändlig spelvärld i realtid är att få genereringen att ske så sömlöst som möjligt samtidigt som världen upplevs som konsekvent. För att finna lösningar på detta problem så analyserar vi andra studier och spel som utnyttjar processuell generering. Vi använder sedan de metoder och tekniker vi funnit för skapandet av en egen applikation för att få en djupare förståelse för hur dessa fungerar i praktiken och hur mycket varje metod påverkar prestandan. I vår slutsats beskriver vi de problem vi fann, deras orsak och ger förslag på lösningar. På grund av studiens tekniska karaktär så riktar den sig främst till programmerare. Vi hoppas att med denna studie kunna komplettera andra studier inom detta, enligt oss, relativt outforskade område. / According to us, the biggest problem with procedurally generating a pseudo-infinite game world in real-time is to have it generate as seamlessly as possible and keeping the world consistent at the same time. In order to come up with solutions to this problem we analyzed other studies and games which utilize procedural generation. We then used the methods we found in order to create our own application to further understand how they work in practice and how much each method affexts the performance of said application. In our conclusion we describe the problems that arose as well as explain what caused them, as well as present possible solutions to them. Due to the technical nature of this study it is mainly aimed at programmers. We hope that this study can complement other studies within what we think is a relatively unexplored subject.

Grupės ieškinio problemos / Problems of the group action

Bagdonaitė, Lina 09 March 2006 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra nagrinėjamos aktualios grupės ieškinio problemos. Darbą sudaro trys dalys. Pirmoje dalyje yra siekiama atskleisti grupės ieškinio vietą ieškininės gynybos sistemoje, nustatoma grupės ieškinio sąvoka bei esminiai bruožai. Antroje darbo dalyje yra bandoma atriboti grupės ieškinį nuo procesinio bendrininkavimo ir procesinio atstovavimo. Trečioje darbo dalyje yra siekiama nustatyti esminius grupės ieškinio ypatumus bei su jais susijusias problemas. / Substantial problems of group action are being discussed in this master’s writing. The purpose of this writing is to discover and analyze substantial and unsolved implementation problems of group action. Also there is trying to give legal analysis, to determine possible solutions. The basis of this writing is constructed of substantial and in Lithuanian civil process doctrine not discussed questions related to group action. We are trying to analyze foreign legal practice and to find solutions how to eliminate main obstructions in group action process.

The hidden persuasions of algorithms

Burden, Michael P Unknown Date
No description available.

A study of investigating organisational justice perceptions and experiences of affirmative action in a learning and development organisation

George, Munique January 2011 (has links)
There have been good arguments made for the development of aggressive affirmative action policies with the end goal of quickly moving black South Africans into corporate and high ranks within management of organisations. One of the central arguments in favour of aggressive AA policies is the risk of racial polarization post-apartheid should a quick fix not be initiated. It makes good business and economic sense for AA policies to be implemented as black consumers coupled with black managers will have the eventual end point of lower unemployment and crime, through job creation and security of the representative majority.

The doctrine of forum non conveniens and its suitability within the application of the Brussels I instruments

Markgren, Karolina January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Learning to think, thinking to learn : dispositions, identity and communities of practice : a comparative study of six N.Z. farmers as practitioners.

Allan, Janet K January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this research is to explore the question of how farmers learn, in constructing knowledge both in and for practice. It seeks to identify how they gain new ideas, make changes, develop to a level of expertise and who and what contribute to this process. The rapidity of change in a high tech environment, combined with globalisation, the new economy and the knowledge age, means that farmers are living their lives in 'fast forward' mode. There is so much new technology, research and development available that the ability to identify information relevant to a particular farming practice and to process it to knowledge is an increasing challenge. Six central South Island (N.Z.) farmers were selected purposively as case studies. The range of case profiles provides for comparison and contrast of the relative importance of formal qualifications, differences between sheep/beef farmers and dairy farmers, levels of expertise, age and experiences. The self-rating of the farmers enables a comparison of lower and higher performers, identifying characteristics which enable insight into why some farmers consistently lead new practice and why others are reluctant followers. The research is qualitative in design and approached from a constructlVIst and interpretive paradigm. Socially and experientially based, it seeks to understand the experiences of the subjects through in-depth interviews and observations. This study identifies farmers as social learners although working independently, in relative geographical isolation and often, social isolation. It concludes that these farmers learn through participation in the practice of farming. This practice includes a constellation of cOmInunities of practice, which may be resource-rich or resource-poor, depending on the range and depth of the farmer's involvement. Through full and committed participation in these practice communities and associate constellations, the practitioner's identity evolves, encouraging new practices, ideas and innovation. This study emphasises that expertise is not a permanent state but requires evolving identity, knowledge and dispositional ability; for maintenance and growth within a culture of practice. Emergent grounded theory suggests that dispositional knowledge underpins construction and use of all knowledge; that construction and use of high-order propositional and procedural knowledge requires higher-order dispositional knowledge and that mastery is developed through evolving identity, dispositions, leadership and learning, socioculturally constructed through resource-rich constellations of communities of practice.

Procedūrinė humanoidų animacija / Procedural humanoid animation

Tamulionis, Andrius 01 July 2014 (has links)
Šokis ir aerobika yra judesių programų pavyzdžiai - jos susideda iš tam tikra tvarka surikiuotų, pakartotinai naudojamų komponenčių. Norint efektyviai modeliuoti tokias programas, reikalinga formali žmogaus judesių notacija. Pasinaudoję esamomis priemonėmis (3D modeliavimo įrankiai, OGRE grafikos variklis, H-Anim) ir sukūrę savas, realizavome procedūrinių humanoido animacijų veikimo schemą. Ji leidžia sudaryti žmogaus judesių programą ir yra nesunkiai suprantama net ir tiems, kurie neturi animacijos ar trimačio modeliavimo patirties. Procedūrinės animacijos užrašomos XML formatu. Jas pavaizduoja mūsų peržiūros programa. Formatas leidžia abstrahuoti judesius į "procedūras", juos apjungti į sekas ir kaupti judesių bibliotekas. Turint pavienių judesių komponentes, procedūrinės animacijos kūrimas, pildymas ar keitimas yra žymiai paprastesnis ir lankstesnis, be to, tokia animacija yra nepriklausoma nuo humanoido modelio geometrijos. / Dance and aerobics are examples of movement programs – they consist of reusable components laid out in particular order. Efficient modeling of such programs requires the usage of some formal movement notation. With the help of existing tools and standards (3D modeling packages, OGRE graphics engine, H-Anim), as well as utilizing the ones we designed ourselves, we have implemented procedural humanoid animation schema. It allows for creating human movement programs and is easy to grasp even for those with no experience in animation or 3D modeling. Procedural animations are written in XML and visualized by our viewer software. Using our format, one can abstract movements into "procedures", combine them into sequences and store them in movement libraries. With all the individual movements at hand, creating, extending and modifying a procedural animation is much more simple and flexible. Moreover, this kind of animation is independent of model's geometry.

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