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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Korkeakoulututkintoihin kuuluvan ruotsin kielen taidon osoittaminen:korkeakoulujen ruotsinopettajien käsityksiä virkamiesruotsin merkityssisällöistä ja sen taitotasovaatimusosan toteutumisesta

Niemi, H. (Hannu) 15 January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Focusing on Swedish as the second official language of Finland, this study has two overarching aims. Firstly, it strives to outline and describe what is understood by the so-called Swedish for civil service, i.e., the written and spoken communication skills in the Swedish language laid down by the Act and Decree on State Civil Servants. A second aim involves establishing to what extent proficiency requirements are achieved through compulsory courses at Finnish institutions of higher education. By a government decree issued in 1987, university degrees came to include official recognition of the graduates' Swedish language skills. Thus, universities took on the responsibility of ascertaining whether their students have the skills required by the decree. In this work, the conceptualization and implementation of Swedish teaching are investigated by charting course design, implementation, testing, assessment and grading on a range of courses. A practical framework for this undertaking is provided by language policy legislation, analysis of teacher cognition and proficiency assessments. For evaluation of the results, I have used the CIPP curriculum evaluation model. The Discussion Section presents some suggestions for further measures relating to the acquisition and demonstration of public service Swedish language skills as part of a tertiary level degree. Empirical research material was collected using an e-mail survey sent to Swedish teachers at universities (n = 24) and polytechnics (n = 19), and the thus acquired data were complemented by personal interviews (n = 8). The focus of the survey was on elucidating, first of all, what the respondents understood by the terms Swedish for specific purposes and civil service language proficiency and, secondly, how they assessed goal attainment. Working at universities and polytechnics across the country, the respondents comprised a representative sample. Their responses were analyzed both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective, complemented by phenomenographic methods and content analysis. On the basis of the results, it is evident that responsibility for course planning rests largely with individual teachers or institutions. Moreover, making a clear distinction between Swedish for civil service and Swedish for specific purposes is difficult to the extent that, in terms of teaching and course examinations, many teachers view them as practically synonymous. As a result, testing and assessing whether students have acquired the competence level required by the act rarely conforms to the guidelines of the civil service language proficiency examination. Reading and listening comprehension skills, for example, are not examined by separate standardized tests. Each year, about 20% of students who pass the examinations for the courses do not in reality possess the B1 skill level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), which is required by the civil service examination. These results confirm the assertion that increasing numbers of secondary school graduates who have passed the course of study laid down for B-level Swedish actually have such low language skills that, as degree students, they are unable to reach the proficiency level stipulated by the civil service examination. Follow-up measures to lower the proficiency requirements will be presented in the Discussion Section. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selostaa ja kuvata, mitä valtionhallinnossa vaadittavalla ruotsin kielen suullisella ja kirjallisella kielitaidolla, virkamiesruotsilla, tarkoitetaan ja miten virkamiesruotsin taitotasovaatimus toteutuu korkeakoulututkintoon kuuluvissa pakollisissa ruotsin kielen opintojaksoissa. Vuonna 1987 korkeakouluopiskelijoiden virkamiesruotsin taidon osoittaminen liitettiin asetuksella korkeakoulututkintoihin. Sen jälkeen virkamiesruotsin riittävän taitotason toteaminen on ollut korkeakoulujen itsensä vastuulla. Virkamiesruotsin merkityssisältöjä ja toteutumista tutkittiin kartoittamalla eri koulutusohjelmien ruotsin kielen opintojaksojen suunnittelua, opetuksen toteuttamista, opiskelijoiden kielitaidon testaamista, kielitaidon arviointia ja arvosanan määräytymistä. Tarkastelun viitekehyksen muodostivat kielilainsäädäntö, opettajan ajattelun hyödyntäminen tutkimuksessa sekä kielitaidon arviointi. Tutkimustulosten arvioinnin apuna käytettiin opetussuunnitelmien arviointiin tarkoitettua CIPP-mallia. Lisäksi tutkimuksen pohdintaosassa esitetään korkeakoulututkintoon kuuluvia virkamiehen kielitaitoa ja sen osoittamista koskevia jatkotoimenpide-ehdotuksia. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin sähköpostitse kyselylomakkeilla yliopistojen kielikeskusten ruotsinopettajilta (n = 24), ja ammattikorkeakoulujen ruotsinopettajilta (n = 19) sähköpostitse kyselytutkimuksilla ja aineistoa täydennettiin henkilökohtaisilla haastatteluilla (n = 8). Kyselytutkimuksessa selvitettiin korkeakoulujen ruotsinopettajien käsityksiä erityisalojen ruotsin ja virkamiesruotsin merkityssisällöistä ja taitotasovaatimusten toteutumisesta. Eri puolilla Suomea sijaitsevat kielikeskukset ja ammattikorkeakoulut olivat hyvin edustettuina tutkimusaineistossa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivista ja kvantitatiivista tutkimusotetta. Aineiston analyysissa on fenomenografisen tutkimuksen ja sisällön analyysin sovellusta. Tulosten mukaan korkeakoulututkintoon kuuluvien ruotsinopintojen suunnittelu oli etupäässä opettaja- tai oppilaitoskohtaista. Virkamiesruotsia ja erityisalojen ruotsia oli vaikea erottaa toisistaan, ja ne tarkoittivat monien ruotsinopettajien mielestä samaa asiaa opintojakson opetuksessa ja sen loppukokeissa. Näin ollen virkamiesruotsin taidon testaaminen ja kielitaidon arviointi olivat hyvin harvoin valtionhallinnon kielitutkintoja koskevan ohjeistuksen mukaisia. Korkeakouluissa virkamiesruotsin osuuteen kuuluvaa luetun ja puhutun ymmärtämistä ei testattu erillisillä standardikokeilla. Vuosittain vähintään 20 % korkeakouluopiskelijoista sai tutkintotodistuksiinsa merkinnän virkamiesruotsin hyväksytystä kielitaidosta, jonka taitotaso ei todellisuudessa vastannut säädettyä Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen mukaista vähimmäistaitotasoa B1. Tutkimustulokset tukivat käsitystä siitä, että yhä useampien lukion B-ruotsin oppimäärän suorittaneiden korkeakouluopiskelijoiden kielellinen lähtötaso oli niin alhainen, että he eivät saavuttaneet korkeakoulututkintoon kuuluvien pakollisten ruotsinopintojensa aikana virkamiesruotsiin vaadittavaa taitotasoa. Pohdintaosassa esitetään jatkotoimenpiteitä korkeakoulututkintoon kuuluvan virkamiesruotsin taitotasovaatimuksen madaltamiseksi.

How does becoming and being a professional counsellor affect one’s personal life : a qualitative exploration

Alhanati, Barbara Sampaio 16 July 2009 (has links)
This study investigates the effects that becoming and being a professional counsellor, including training and professional practice, can have on one’s personal life. The significance of this study lies in its contribution to a base of research literature that is starting to form on the personal lives of counsellors. Qualitative methodology and thematic analysis were chosen for this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six professional counsellors, asking them how their training and professional practice has affected their personal lives. Findings revealed participants experienced mostly positive effects, which impacted their personal lives in a variety of ways and in a range of areas. It is suggested that the research be used as part of counsellor training and support programs, as well as to inspire future research on how the profession of counselling psychology comes to affect the professionals engaged with this work.

Étude sur le discours des intervenants de la protection de la jeunesse quant à leur pratique d’accompagnement d’enfants vivant des visites supervisées avec leur(s) parent(s)

Côté Auger, Sarah 09 1900 (has links)
Contexte: La supervision de visites représente une pratique complexe pour l’intervenant qui doit composer avec la souffrance des enfants, des parents et des parents d’accueil, en plus de composer avec les défis et contraintes associés au contexte de visites supervisées et aux conditions de pratique plus larges de la protection de l’enfance. À ce jour, les études se sont surtout intéressées à l’expérience subjective des parents, des parents d’accueil et des enfants. Elles ont permis d’identifier certaines limites dans les services offerts aux jeunes et à leur famille, de même que certains défis dans le travail des intervenants qui œuvrent auprès des enfants dans ce contexte. En contrepartie, nous en connaissons peu sur la pratique des intervenants entourant les visites supervisées et les stratégies mobilisées dans l’accompagnement des enfants. Objectif : L’objectif du présent mémoire de maîtrise est de documenter, à partir de leur discours, la pratique professionnelle des intervenants de la protection de la jeunesse dans l’accompagnement offert aux enfants qui vivent des visites supervisées avec leur(s) parent(s). Plus précisément, il vise à mieux comprendre, comment ceux-ci préparent et soutiennent les enfants aux différents moments des visites supervisées et quels gestes concrets sont posés pour y parvenir. Les retombées du recours à un outil destiné à l’accompagnement de l’enfant dans l’exercice de la pratique de supervision ont également été abordées. Méthode : Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées auprès d’intervenantes (N=10) du CIUSSS CSSMTL issues des équipes enfance. Les entretiens réalisés ont été soumis à une analyse de contenu thématique. Résultats : Les résultats de la recherche révèlent que la pratique d’accompagnement en contexte de visites supervisées se construit à partir d’une interaction entre différents facteurs comme la nature de l’accompagnement offert, la posture de l’intervenant et sa compréhension de l’expérience de l’enfant (en termes de vécu et de besoins). Ainsi, les intervenantes ont généralement rapporté avoir recours à une pratique diversifiée aux multiples visages afin de répondre aux particularités des situations rencontrées et aux besoins identifiés chez les enfants qu’elles accompagnent. L’analyse a également permis de faire émerger le thème de la place occupée par les enfants dans la pratique professionnelle en protection de la jeunesse dans un contexte qui tend à les occulter. Des éléments liés aux caractéristiques personnelles des intervenants et aux aspects cliniques et organisationnels du métier ont émergé du discours des répondantes. Discussion : Cette recherche apporte une meilleure compréhension de la pratique professionnelle des intervenantes qui accompagnent des enfants dans leurs visites supervisées avec leur(s) parent(s). Elle offre des pistes de réflexion pour développer une pratique d’accompagnement et des outils cliniques qui répondent davantage aux besoins des jeunes et qui font sens pour eux. Elle soutient également la pertinence de s’intéresser davantage à la place des enfants dans le travail direct auprès d’eux en protection de la jeunesse et de leur redonner la parole dans la recherche future. / Background: Supervised visits represent a complex practice for caseworkers who have to deal with the suffering of the child, the parents and the foster parents, as well as dealing with the challenges associated with the context of supervised visits and the broader conditions of practice in the child protection services. To date, studies have mainly focused on the subjective experience of parents, foster parents and children. They have identified certain limits in the services offered to young people and their families, as well as challenges in the work of those who accompany children in this context. On the other hand, we know little about the professional practice of caseworkers during supervised visits and the strategies they use to support children in that setting. Objective: The objective of this Master's thesis is to document, from their discourse, the professional practice of caseworkers who support children experiencing supervised visits with their parent(s) in the context of child protection services. More specifically, it aims to better understand how they prepare and support children at different moments of supervised visits, as well as explore what concrete actions are taken in order to achieve those tasks. The outcomes of using a tool designed to support children in foster care experiencing supervised visits with their parent(s) was also discussed. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 caseworkers from the CIUSSS CSSMTL. The interviews were subjected to a thematic analysis. Results: Results reveal that the practice of accompaniment of the child in the context of supervised visits is built from an interaction between different factors such as the nature of the support offered, the caseworker’s attitude and their understanding of the child's experience (in terms of general experience and needs). Overall, caseworkers reported using a diversified practice in order to respond to the particularities of the situations encountered and the needs identified in the children they support. The data analysis also brought out the theme of the place occupied by children in the youth protection system, in a context where practice tends to overshadow them. Elements related to the personal characteristics of the caseworkers and to the clinical and organizational aspects of the profession emerged from interviews. Discussion: This research provides a better understanding of the professional practice of caseworkers who accompany children in their supervised visits with their parent(s). It offers food for thought in order to develop a professional practice and clinical tools that better meet the needs of young people in a way that makes sense for them. It also supports the relevance of taking more interest in the place of children in the youth protection services and in giving them a voice in future research. Keywords: professional practice, direct work with children, caseworkers discourse, supervised visits, child protection.

Structure et fonctionnement des services québécois de néonatologie et leurs relations avec la qualité des soins et des indicateurs de santé au travail chez les infirmières

Rochefort, Christian January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Description de la pratique d’ergothérapeutes auprès des personnes présentant des symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques de la démence

Lahaie, Julie 10 1900 (has links)
La gestion des symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques de la démence [SCPD] est une thématique d’actualité, car la démence affecte 7,1 % des Canadiens (Agence de la santé publique du Canada, 2017). Parmi ceux-ci, environ 40 à 60 % présentent des symptômes tels que l’errance, l’agressivité, l’agitation verbale, etc. (Ministère de la Santé et des services sociaux [MSSS], 2012). Plusieurs publications récentes, basées sur un consensus d’experts, suggèrent les bonnes pratiques à privilégier au sujet de cette problématique (MSSS, 2014), cependant la mise en application de leur contenu est peu documentée à ce jour. Les objectifs du présent mémoire sont, dans un premier temps, de décrire la pratique des ergothérapeutes au Québec auprès des personnes présentant des SCPD. Le second objectif est de décrire comment les ergothérapeutes intègrent les résultats probants dans la pratique auprès de cette clientèle. Une étude de devis mixte simultané avec triangulation (Briand & Larivière, 2014) a été réalisée. Un questionnaire en ligne abordant la pratique des ergothérapeutes auprès des personnes présentant des SCPD a été complété par 86 ergothérapeutes. Également, 12 ergothérapeutes ont participé à des entrevues semi-dirigées, pour enrichir les données sur l’intégration des résultats probants dans leur pratique. Les résultats de l’étude mettent en lumière l’importance qu’accordent les ergothérapeutes à l’évaluation du fonctionnement dans les activités de la vie quotidienne en ayant recours à des observations ou des mises en situation. Les interventions privilégiées concernent principalement les modifications de l’environnement. Les résultats indiquent que les interventions préconisées par les répondants sont celles jugées comme étant les moins efficaces, tel que le fait valoir la recension des écrits. Les résultats montrent que les ergothérapeutes ont recours à des interventions pour lesquelles ils perçoivent qu’ils sont compétents. Les ergothérapeutes privilégient l’expérience clinique et les formations antérieures pour guider leur pratique plutôt que la consultation d’écrits scientifiques. Les résultats de ce mémoire fournissent des pistes de réflexion utiles pour guider la pratique des ergothérapeutes pour la gestion des SCPD. Comprendre les facteurs influençant les ergothérapeutes dans leur choix d’intervention à privilégier permet de proposer des solutions pour optimiser l’intégration des résultats probants dans la pratique. / The management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia [BPSD] is a hot topic as dementia affects 7.1% of Canadians (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017). Of these, approximately 40-60% experience symptoms such as wandering, aggression, verbal agitation, etc. (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2017). (MSSS, 2012). Several recent publications, based on a consensus of experts, suggest good practices to be favoured regarding this problem (MSSS, 2014), however, implementation is poorly documented to date. The objectives of this master’s thesis are, first, to describe the practice of occupational therapists in Quebec with people with BPSD. The second objective is to describe how occupational therapists integrate evidence-based results into their practice with this clientele. A simultaneous mixed quote study (Briand & Larivière, 2014) was carried out. An online questionnaire addressing occupational therapist practice with individuals with BPSD was completed by 86 occupational therapists. As well, 12 occupational therapists participated in semi-structured interviews to provide additional information on the integration of evidence-based outcomes into their practice. The results of the study highlight the importance that occupational therapists place on assessing functioning in activities of daily living through observation or role-playing. The preferred interventions mainly concern changes in the environment. The results indicate that the interventions advocated by the respondents are those that were considered least effective as indicated by the literature review. The results show that occupational therapists use interventions for which they perceive they are competent. Occupational therapists favour prior clinical experience and training to guide their practice over consulting scientific literature. The results of this master’s thesis provide useful insights to guide the practice of occupational therapists in the management of BPSD. Understanding the factors influencing occupational therapists in their choice of preferred intervention allows us to propose solutions to optimize the integration of evidence-based results in practice.

Construction Decision making using Virtual Reality

Swaroop Ashok (8790986) 01 May 2020 (has links)
<p>We make decisions every day, some with the potential for a huge impact on our lives. This process of decision-making is crucial not only for individuals but for industries, including construction. Unlike the manufacturing industry, where one can make certain decisions regarding an actual product by looking at it in real time, the nature of construction is different. Here, decisions are to be made on a product which will be built somewhere in the near future. The complex and interim nature of construction projects, along with factors like time essence, increasing scale of projects and multitude of stakeholders, makes it even more difficult to reach consensus. Incorporating VR can aid in getting an insight on the final product at the very beginning of the project life cycle. With a visual representation, the stakeholders involved can collaborate on a single platform to assess the project, share common knowledge and make choices that would produce better results in all major aspects like cost, quality, time and safety. This study aims at assessing decision-making in the earlier stages of construction and then evaluating the performance of immersive and non-immersive VR platforms.</p> <br> <p> </p>

Représentations sociales de la punition corporelle et pratiques de soutien de futurs psychoéducateurs auprès des familles, dont celles issues des communautés noires

Pelletier Gagnon, Héloïse 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude qualitative porte sur les représentations et les pratiques des futurs psychoéducateurs québécois quant aux situations de punitions corporelles et d’abus physiques rencontrés dans leur pratique professionnelle. Elle permet de s’y intéresser d’abord de manière générale, puis de manière spécifique en abordant la pratique professionnelle en contexte interculturel, soit auprès de familles issues des communautés noires. Les communautés noires sont surreprésentées au sein des systèmes de protection de la jeunesse au Québec, au Canada et ailleurs. À Montréal, elles sont surtout signalées par des professionnels oeuvrant auprès de ces familles, mais l’évaluation mène plus souvent à la fermeture des dossiers que pour les autres groupes ethnoculturels. Il apparaît donc essentiel de s’intéresser aux représentations et aux pratiques des professionnels afin d’éclairer le soutien offert aux familles et l’éventuelle décision de signalement. Un total de vingt-trois étudiants universitaires de deuxième cycle ont pris part à des entretiens de groupe semi-dirigés. Une analyse thématique à catégorisation mixte a par la suite été réalisée. Les résultats mettent de l’avant que les futurs psychoéducateurs rencontrés entretiennent une attitude défavorable à l’égard de l’utilisation de la punition corporelle. Toutefois, leur niveau de tolérance et de compréhension à cet égard est nuancé selon diverses caractéristiques des situations évoquées. L’ajout de la composante culturelle constitue un élément de compréhension supplémentaire qui peut avoir une influence sur leurs pratiques professionnelles. Enfin, la discussion propose des réflexions en lien avec la place à accorder à la culture dans l’intervention et le malaise qui caractérise la pratique professionnelle dans un tel contexte. / This qualitative study looks at the representations and practices of Quebec future psychoeducators in situations of corporal punishment and physical abuse encountered in their professional practice. The study begins by examining the topic generally and then explores it more specifically when the family belongs to a Black community. Black communities are overrepresented in the child protection systems in Quebec, elsewhere in Canada and in other countries. In Montreal, members of these communities are reported mainly by professionals working with them. It would therefore appear essential to take a closer look at professionals’ representations and practices in order to shed light on the support offered to families and the decision to report them or not. 23 master’s-level university students took part in semistructured group interviews. A thematic analysis was then conducted using a mixed-categorization approach. Results suggest that the future psychoeducators surveyed are against the use of corporal punishment, but that their level of tolerance and understanding in this regard depends on various characteristics of the situations described. The cultural component is an additional factor that can help in understanding and that can have an influence on their professional practices. Finally, the discussion offers reflections about the place to be given to culture in the intervention and the unease that characterizes professional practice in such a context.

Analyse de la pratique des professionnels de la santé à l’égard des maladies fébriles aigües non paludiques au Burkina Faso

Bottger Garcia, Carol Gira 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Förlusten av animalitet : En undersökning av det levande i och bortom ett människodjurs yrkesliv / The loss of animality : An investigation of the living in and beyond the professional life of a human animal

Teiner, Åse January 2023 (has links)
Denna vetenskapliga essä utforskar begreppet animalitet som en aspekt av det levande som människan delar med andra djur. Essän tar sin utgångspunkt i en protest mot hur människan som djur begränsas inom yrkeslivet. Genom att belysa hur människans traditionella förhållande till andra djur bidragit till ett förnekande av den egna animaliteten, prövar essän en tanke om övertro på mänsklig förmåga och vilka konsekvenser den kan få för den yrkesutövande. Med stöd av posthumanistiska teorier och metoden diffraktion utvecklas begreppet animalitet, vars framträdande mening tolkas ”på andra sidan” om; liv, död, professionalitet, idéhistoria, hundar, djur-etik samt författarens egna gestaltningar och insikter av yrkesutövning inom handledning och utbildning. Avslutningsvis görs en kritisk analys av digitala utbildningars avsaknad av mänsklig kroppslighet. Essäns samlade undersökningar visar en etisk och animalistisk yrkesutövning som behövs för att kunna använda specifika kroppsliga förmågor i syfte att skapa förståelse och trygghet inom fenomenet utbildning. / This scientific essay explores the concept of animality as an aspect of the living that humans share with other animals. The essay takes its point of departure in a protest against how man as an animal is limited in professional life. By highlighting how man's traditional relationship with other animals contributed to a denial of his own animality, the essay tests a thought about over-reliance in human ability and what consequences it can have for the professional. With the support of posthumanist theories and the diffraction method, the concept of animality is developed, whose prominent meaning is interpreted "on the other side" of; life, death, professionalism, history of ideas, dogs, animal ethics as well as the author's own portrayals and insights of professional practice in supervision and education. In conclusion, a critical analysis is made of digital education's lack of human physicality. The essay's collected investigations show an ethical and animalistic professional practice that is needed to be able to use specific bodily abilities in order to create understanding and security within the phenomenon of education.

An Analysis of the Variables in Implementation of the Marzano Causal Teacher Evaluation System in the State of Florida

Phillips, Matthew 01 January 2014 (has links)
This was a non-experimental, mixed methods study to research the different ways in which the Marzano casual teacher evaluation system was implemented in 25 school districts in the state of Florida during the 2012-2013 school year. Based on seven implementation variables, the teacher evaluation systems were compared to the implementation model and research-based best practice. The researcher then sought to determine what relationships may or may not exist in teacher performance ratings between districts that followed the research-based implementation model and districts that did not. Two stated purposes of the Marzano causal teacher evaluation system were to improve the accuracy of teacher performance ratings and to improve the accuracy of feedback provided to teachers. Variation in implementation may possibly occur among school districts. To date no research has been conducted to analyze how variations in implementation may relate to teacher performance ratings. The purpose of this study was to provide data to support best-practice in the implementation of the Marzano causal teacher evaluation system and to guide instructional leaders on the implementation of this evaluation system. The researcher also sought to ensure the Marzano causal teacher evaluation system provides both accurate teacher feedback and accurate teacher evaluations. Data was collected from the Florida Department of Education published reports and information. School district implementation plans were gathered from state submitted documentation. Implementation plans were analyzed and read. Data was collected on a data collection sheet and then analyzed in SPSS using a crosstab Chi square test to determine if a statistically significant relationships existed between districts that followed the research-based implementation model and districts that did not. It was determined that implementation of the Marzano causal evaluation system varies widely. In six out of the seven implementation variables, it was determined that there were statistically significant relationships in teacher evaluation scores between districts that followed the research-based implementation variables and districts that did not. Further research should include validity and reliability studies on the Marzano causal evaluation system. Research should continue to analyze different ways in which the Marzano causal evaluation system is implemented, and what relationship there is between implementation and teacher performance ratings. Research should be conducted to analyze the effectiveness of feedback provided to teachers through the Marzano causal teacher evaluation system. This research indicates that the Marzano causal teacher evaluation system should be used following research based best-practice and how it is intended to be used. The research in this study shows that when implementation variables are altered in the Marzano causal teacher evaluation system, teacher performance ratings may become inaccurate. Based on misunderstandings of the Marzano causal evaluation system, it is recommended school leaders receive additional training on the understanding and implementation of the Marzano casual teacher evaluation system.

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