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A Critical Reappraisal of Self-learning in Health Professions Education: Directed Self-guided Learning Using Simulation ModalitiesBrydges, Ryan 01 March 2010 (has links)
Context: Self-learning (i.e., students learning independently) and clinical simulation are essential components in contemporary health professions education (HPE). Self-learning is discussed often, yet the concept is seldom the target of rigorous study. Likewise, simulation modalities are abundant, though educational theory that guides their use in HPE remains elusive.
Objectives: This dissertation investigates the effects of directed self-guided learning (DSGL) on novice health professions students’ skill acquisition, retention, and transfer in the context of simulation-based education. The objective is to explore how the combination of external direction and student self-guidance influences: students’ cognitive and metacognitive processes, students’ interactions with the learning environment and available resources, and how students learn in different DSGL contexts.
Methods: Three research studies used randomized, controlled experimental designs to address five hypotheses. All studies included a performance assessment one-week after the initial practice session that evaluated skill retention and/or skill transfer. Data analysis employed univariate and multivariate analyses of variance and correlational techniques.
Results: Regarding students’ cognitive and metacognitive processes, the data show a relation between DSGL and goal-setting. The results suggest that self-guided students benefit when they are directed to set goals related to performance processes, rather than performance outcomes. Regarding the learning environment, when students are directed to practice on simulators that increase progressively in fidelity (i.e., realism) they self-guide their advancement between those simulators effectively and display successful skill transfer. Finally, self-guided students that controlled their learning progression and learning sequence selected the theoretically most appropriate practice schedule (i.e., progressive learning). Students in this latter group seemed able, surprisingly, to direct their own self-guidance.
Conclusions: This dissertation adds support to the hypothesis that self-guided students benefit due to their autonomy in controlling practice conditions to meet their own learning needs. Thus, the question of whether or not DSGL is effective, becomes how best to augment the DSGL experience. The instructional design of elements such as goals lists and task structuring (e.g., progressive increases in simulator fidelity) represent techniques that an educator can use to fulfill the role of director in a student’s SGL.
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A Critical Reappraisal of Self-learning in Health Professions Education: Directed Self-guided Learning Using Simulation ModalitiesBrydges, Ryan 01 March 2010 (has links)
Context: Self-learning (i.e., students learning independently) and clinical simulation are essential components in contemporary health professions education (HPE). Self-learning is discussed often, yet the concept is seldom the target of rigorous study. Likewise, simulation modalities are abundant, though educational theory that guides their use in HPE remains elusive.
Objectives: This dissertation investigates the effects of directed self-guided learning (DSGL) on novice health professions students’ skill acquisition, retention, and transfer in the context of simulation-based education. The objective is to explore how the combination of external direction and student self-guidance influences: students’ cognitive and metacognitive processes, students’ interactions with the learning environment and available resources, and how students learn in different DSGL contexts.
Methods: Three research studies used randomized, controlled experimental designs to address five hypotheses. All studies included a performance assessment one-week after the initial practice session that evaluated skill retention and/or skill transfer. Data analysis employed univariate and multivariate analyses of variance and correlational techniques.
Results: Regarding students’ cognitive and metacognitive processes, the data show a relation between DSGL and goal-setting. The results suggest that self-guided students benefit when they are directed to set goals related to performance processes, rather than performance outcomes. Regarding the learning environment, when students are directed to practice on simulators that increase progressively in fidelity (i.e., realism) they self-guide their advancement between those simulators effectively and display successful skill transfer. Finally, self-guided students that controlled their learning progression and learning sequence selected the theoretically most appropriate practice schedule (i.e., progressive learning). Students in this latter group seemed able, surprisingly, to direct their own self-guidance.
Conclusions: This dissertation adds support to the hypothesis that self-guided students benefit due to their autonomy in controlling practice conditions to meet their own learning needs. Thus, the question of whether or not DSGL is effective, becomes how best to augment the DSGL experience. The instructional design of elements such as goals lists and task structuring (e.g., progressive increases in simulator fidelity) represent techniques that an educator can use to fulfill the role of director in a student’s SGL.
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Alla pusselbitar behövs : En fallstudie om interprofessionellt teamarbete i äldreomsorgen / All the pieces needed : A case-study about interprofessional teamwork in elderly careOttosson, Alicia, Wetterhall, Malin January 2012 (has links)
When the population is getting older, the need for complex care and nursing interventions in elderly care increases. To create a holistic view of the elder and their life situation, interprofessional team collaboration is often desirable and necessary. Teamwork is often described in positive terms, but previous research has shown that this work method is complicated and requires constant reflection and development. The purpose of this study was to investigate how elderly care teamwork is formed in the interaction between representatives of different professionals. To accomplish this purpose, we have studied how the team members define a well-functioning teamwork and difficulties, and how consensus is achieved in the team. This qualitative case-study combines observation and semi-structured interviews with five informants from different professions working together in an elderly care team: one manager, one assistance case worker, one nurse, one physiotherapist and one of the nursing staff. The results of the study were then analyzed with the terms domain consensus and domain conflict taken from the new institutionalism. The study shows that the informants define a well-functioning teamwork as a work method where openness and mutual respect towards each other’s competence, creates a better holistic view of the elder and their needs. The informants also present teamwork difficulties as disagreements and gabble. The study finally suggests that there is a consensus regarding teamwork goals, and regarding who is entitled to claim knowledge in the different fields of the working area. / I takt med en åldrande befolkning ökar också behovet av komplexa vård- och omsorgsinsatser inom äldreomsorgen. Detta leder till att interprofessionell teamsamverkan i många fall är önskvärd och nödvändig för att skapa en helhetssyn över den äldre och dennes livssituation. Teamarbete beskrivs ofta i positiva ordalag, men tidigare forskning har visat att detta arbetssätt är komplicerat och kräver ständig reflektion och utveckling. Vårt syfte med denna studie har varit att studera hur teamarbete i äldreomsorgen formas i samspelet mellan representanter av olika yrkesgrupper. För att uppnå detta syfte har vi studerat hur teamets aktörer definierar ett väl fungerande teamarbete och svårigheter, samt på vilket sätt det råder samförstånd i teamet. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie där vi genom observation och fem intervjuer med yrkesgrupperna enhetschef, biståndshandläggare, sjuksköterska, sjukgymnast och undersköterska har studerat ett team inom äldreomsorgen. Studiens resultat analyserades sedan utifrån begreppen domänkonsensus och domänkonflikt hämtade ur den nyinstitutionella teorin. Studien visar att informanterna definierar ett väl fungerande teamarbete som ett arbetssätt där öppenhet och respekt gentemot varandras kompetenser bidrar till en ökad helhetssyn över den äldre och dennes behov. Informanterna beskrev i sina intervjuer även att svårigheter i form av meningsskiljaktigheter och ”kackel” kan förekomma. Studien visar slutligen att det råder samförstånd gällande teamarbetets mål, samt gällande vem som har rätt att göra anspråk på de olika kunskaperna inom verksamhetsområdet.
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Ungas syn på yrken i ett mångkulturellt samhälle : Utlandsfödda gymnasieelevers värderingar om yrken och sin egen framtid på arbetsmarknaden / Young people´s views on the profession in a multicultural society : Foreign-born secondary school students values on professions and their own future in the labor marketSköld, Mathias, Darzinskaite, Ruta January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur utlandsfödda gymnasielever ser på yrken och den egna framtiden på arbetsmarknaden. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för att undersöka detta är Brown´s teori om kulturella värderingar och arbetsvärderingar som styr individer i deras karriärsval. Metoden som uppsatsen bygger på är kvantitativ, enkäter har delats ut till utlandsfödda gymnasielever på två olika skolor i stockholmsområdet. I resultatet framgår att yrken med hög status är de yrken som traditionellt sätt har hög status och är välkända yrken internationellt. En slutstats som kan dras är att vid en begränsad kunskap om arbetsmarknaden sker karriärutvecklingen genom en samverkan mellan värderingar och sociala faktorer. Respondenterna är till stor del födda i samhällen som domineras av grupporienterade kulturer där egenskaper som att hjälpa varandra värderas högt vid val av yrke samt yrkens status. Föräldrar har en stor inverkan i respondenternas framtida karriär. Respondenternas framtida yrkesval görs utifrån ett transnationellt perspektiv där de värderar yrken utifrån den kulturella omgivning i vilken de lever nu och i vilken de är födda i. / The aim of the present study is to examine how foreign-born secondary school students look at careers and their own futures in the labor market. The theoretical starting point to explore this is Brown's theory of cultural values and work values that govern individuals in their career path. We used a quantitative method, where surveys were distributed to foreign-born high school students in two different schools in the Stockholm area. The results show that occupations with high status are professions that traditionally have high status and are well-known professions internationally. In conclusion, when the knowledge of the labor market is limited, career development follows through an interaction between values and social factors. Respondents are largely born in societies dominated by group-oriented cultures where properties such as helping each other is highly valued in the choice of occupation and professions status Our results also indicate that parents strongly influence the future career choice of the respondents. Respondents' future career choices are made using a transnational perspective in which they value occupations based on the cultural environment in which they live now and where they were born in.
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Formation des stratégies et middle managers /Payaud, Marielle Audrey. January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thèse de doctorat--Sciences de gestion--Lyon 3, 2003. / En appendice, choix de documents. Bibliogr. p. 279-290.
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Smart, sultry and surly a textual analysis of the portrayal of women scientists in film, 1962 - 2005 /Karceski, Julie. Wilkins, Lee. January 2009 (has links)
Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on March 10, 2010). The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file. Thesis advisor: Dr. Lee Wilkins. Includes bibliographical references.
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The Professionalization and Practice of Lactation Consulting: Medicalized Knowledge, Humanistic CareEden, Aimee R. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Breastfeeding support for mothers and their babies historically was the informal work of family and community members. In the United States today, breastfeeding support is embedded in the biomedical system, and is provided by a new allied health professional: the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). This dissertation explores this professionalization of breastfeeding support and the origins of this new profession. It studies how IBCLCs working in the U.S. cultural context perceive and practice the profession and examines the relationship between the profession of lactation consulting and the medicalization of breastfeeding. Oral history interviews with 17 founders of the profession, which was established in 1985, and a content analysis of the professional journal (the Journal of Human Lactation) from 1985 to 2010, allowed me to build the story of how and why breastfeeding support became professionalized and how experiential breastfeeding knowledge entered the domain of expert knowledge. While constrained by the biomedical system in which they created the profession, the founders exhibited a both agency and creativity in their production and reproduction of professional values and practices. Interviews with 30 currently certified IBCLCs and observations of the clinical practice of 3 IBCLCs provided insight into the daily practice of IBCLCs working in different settings--hospitals, WIC clinics, pediatric offices, and private practice. The data collected from these ethnographic methods demonstrated how the medical knowledge base of IBCLCs translates into clinical practice with patients, and allowed me to understand the relationship between the profession of lactation consulting and the medicalization of breastfeeding. While IBCLCs' draw on medicalized knowledge and evidence about breastfeeding and human lactation, their interactions with clients are best described as empathetic and humanistic, and are derived from nursing and mother-to-mother breastfeeding support models rather than from a technocratic, biomedical approach to care. While the appropriation of certain biomedical values and standards helped to legitimize the professionalization efforts of the founders, in practice, lactation consultants apply their medical knowledge and clinical experience in a way that reflects the compassionate, empowering care approach of mother-to-mother breastfeeding support and that thus resists the overt medicalization of breastfeeding.
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"Vi sjunger och spelar tillsammans" : En kvalitativ studie om tillfälliga nätverk och professioners lärande inom äldreomsorgen / "We sing and play together" : A qualitative study of temporary networks and professions learning in elderly careJansson, Mathias, Sjöling, Joakim January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt professioners lärande inom äldreomsorg, förskola och musikskola i det tillfälliga nätverket "sång- och musikstunden" som är en del av projektet "Barn och äldre sjunger tillsamman". Studien är inspirerad av Aktör-nätverksteorin. Studiens är kvalitativ och data har insamlats med hjälp av intervjuer och observationer. Studien har studerat samspelet mellan mänskliga och icke-mänskliga aktanter och hur dessa påverkat det tillfälliga nätverket. Resultatet visar på att aktanterna har betydelse för hur kommunikationen uppstår i det tillfälliga nätverket. Studien har också visat att det tillfälliga nätverket bidragit till lärande hos professionerna som deltagit. / This study examined professions learning in elderly care, kindergarten and music school in the temporary network "song- and music time" as part of the project "Children and the elderly are singing together" The study is inspired by actor-network theory. The study is qualitative and the data was collected through interviews and observations. The study has studied the interaction between human and non-human actants and how these affected the temporary network. The results show that the actants are important for how communication occurs in the temporary network. The study has also shown the temporary network contributed to the learning needs of the profession who participated.
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Commitment in students training for caring professions : a focus on student nurses' experience of supportClements, Andrew James January 2012 (has links)
This thesis reports a mixed-method investigation into the relationship between training experiences and commitment in students training for a caring profession such as nursing. There are recruitment and retention difficulties in healthcare care professions (Storey, Cheater, Ford and Leese, 2009) and on nursing courses (Waters, 2006). While extensive research has examined the retention of student nurses, little is known about the antecedents, experience and impact of work commitment in student nurses. The findings of such research have the potential to inform interventions and enhance support structures to improve retention in students training for the caring professions. This programme of research initially aimed to explore the experiences of students training for caring professions, with particular focus placed on nursing students, together with how these experiences relate to commitment. Lecturers and students participated in semi-structured interviews in study 1 and 2 respectively. Issues were identified relating to support, such as peer support and staff-student relationships during placement, as being important to understanding the development and maintenance of commitment in students. Quantitative work in study 3 demonstrated that affective commitment was positively related with wellbeing and help-seeking behaviours, and negatively with turnover intentions. Perceived support was positively related to satisfaction with experiences of training, affective commitment, and help-seeking behaviours. In a longitudinal study (study 4) affective commitment and work-related anxiety-contentment were found to decrease, and turnover intentions increase, between time 1 and time 2, before and after a work placement. Further, satisfaction with placement experiences appeared to causally influence affective commitment. However, study 4 provided only limited support to the findings of study 3, partly due to its limited sample. The findings of this programme of research suggest that placement experiences have important implications for the development and maintenance of student commitment to nursing. An intervention following placement could assist in re-establishing student commitment to nursing if required. It is argued more broadly that it would be of benefit for nursing educators to manage student commitment in order to enhance retention, wellbeing and satisfaction amongst students. These findings also have the potential to enhance insight into the nature and impact of commitment in students training for other caring professions.
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The Making of a National Cadastre (1763-1807): State Uniformization, Nature Valuation, and Organizational Change in FranceSantana Acuna, Alvaro Agustin January 2014 (has links)
How does a cadastre, one of the modern state's most omnipresent and yet self-effacing instruments of power over territory and people, become national? How are the processes of nation-state formation and the rise of modern scientific expertise connected to the nationalization of a cadastre? This dissertation tackles both questions by studying the nationalization of the French cadastre between 1763 and 1807. This is one of the most influential national cadastres for it became the blueprint followed by many emerging nation-states in Europe and beyond.
The literature has explained its nationalization as the outcome of straightforward state centralization. This dissertation, on the contrary, argues that the shift from local cadastres to a national cadastre was the result of a dual uniformization process: political (the spread of a discourse of administrative uniformity) and scientific (the emergence of professional land surveyors). To advance this argument, the dissertation uses historical methods and analyzes unstudied documentation from five archives. Contrary to the available literature, it finds that cadastral nationalization faced royal intendants' resistance (conventionally portrayed as hardcore state centralizers) and benefited from citizens' enthusiastic input (traditionally presented as opponents to projects of territorial nationalization). Furthermore, it finds that cadastral nationalization was implausible without the transformation of land surveying from a local manual art into a national scientific profession: the engineer-geographer. This modern expert produced standardized cadastral facts for the rising nation-state. Hence, the nationalization of the cadastre helped to reconcile the political ideal of revolutionary egalitarianism with the scientific practice of disciplinary impartiality. The approval of the national cadastre in 1807 marked the successful intersection of political and scientific uniformization.
Due to the French cadastre' international influence, this dissertation makes three distinct and larger contributions. First, it brings to the forefront administrative uniformization as an understudied process of nation-state building. Second, it provides a new framework to understand how changes in bodily practices and instruments can enable the emergence of a modern scientific profession. And third it emphasizes that nation-state formation relies not only on the production of standardized individuals (citizens), but also the creation of a standardized "national nature," a lesser-studied phenomenon. / Sociology
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