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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring emotive listening experiences through continuous measurement of self-report and listening profiles / Maria Louisa Schutte

Schutte, Maria Louisa January 2011 (has links)
Training can enable performers to express music in a personal and emotional way while communicating aesthetic impressions to an audience. Little research has been done on the emotive experiences of performing musicians listening to their own performances. The main goal of this study was to develop a reliable way to investigate emotive content of such experiences through a combination of listening profiles and continuous measurement. This empirical, methodological study used a mixed-method design. Responses from formally and informally trained musicians were tested. The methodology consists of two parts: listening profiles (Part I), and the continuous measurement of self-reported emotional response to music (Part II), supported by interviews. Part I consists of a demographic questionnaire, a listening test and a personality test. Part II consists of a computerised questionnaire with four questions: 1) word sorting, 2) word, colours, and facial expressions checklists, which participants use to indicate their emotional responses while the music plays, 3) free description, and 4) rating scales. Data was obtained during three test periods. Part I results revealed that personality, illness, preferences, and psychological factors influence the emotive content of listening experiences. Participants’ response time and manner of word sorting was also supportive of their profiles. Part II results revealed that listeners pay attention to both structural and performance elements as well as emotive content in both prescribed and personal musical tracks. Only a few participants were able to identify the predetermined emotion of the prescribed musical tracks. Participants’ experiences seemed to be influenced by training and personal preferences. Listening to their own recorded performances, informally trained participants were able to focus progressively less on performance elements and more on emotive content, while formally trained participants seemed to focus progressively more on performance elements, and less on emotive content. / Thesis (MMus)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Development of clinically relevant in vitro performance tests for powder inhalers

Wei, Xiangyin 01 January 2015 (has links)
While realistic in vitro testing of dry powder inhalers (DPIs) can be used to establish in vitro–in vivo correlations (IVIVCs) and predict in vivo lung doses, the aerodynamic particle size distributions (APSDs) of those doses and their regional lung deposition remains unclear. Four studies were designed to improve testing centered on the behavior of Novolizer®. Different oropharyngeal geometries were assessed by testing different mouth-throat (MT) models across a realistic range of inhalation profiles (IPs) with Salbulin® Novolizer®. Small and large Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and Oropharyngeal Consortium (OPC) models produced similar ranges for total lung dose in vitro (TLDin vitro), while results for medium models differed significantly. While either group may be selected to represent variations in oropharyngeal geometry, OPC models were more difficult to use, indicating that VCU models were preferable. To facilitate simulation of human IPs through DPIs, inhalation profile data from a VCU clinical trial were analyzed. Equations were developed to represent the range of flow rate vs. time curves for use with DPIs of known airflow resistance. A new method was developed to couple testing using VCU MT models and simulated IPs with cascade impaction to assess the APSDs of TLDin vitro for Budelin® Novolizer®. This method produced IVIVCs for Budelin’s total lung dose, TLD, and was sufficiently precise to distinguish between values of TLDin vitro and their APSDs, resulting from tests using appropriately selected MT models and IPs. For example, for slow inhalation, TLD values were comparable in vivo and in vitro; TLDin vitro ranged from 12.2±2.9 to 66.8±1.7 mcg aerosolized budesonide while APSDs in vitro had mass median aerodynamic diameters of 3.26±0.27 and 2.17±0.03 µm, respectively. To explore the clinical importance of these variations, a published computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model was modified and coupled to accept the output of realistic in vitro tests as initial conditions at the tracheal inlet. While simplified aerosol size metrics and flow conditions used to shorten CFD simulations produced small differences in theoretical predictions of regional lung deposition, the results broadly agreed with the literature and were generally consistent with the median values reported clinically for Budelin.

Zvýšení stability chodu odstředivého kompresoru / Extension of Centrifugal Compressor Operational Stability

Růžička, Miroslav Unknown Date (has links)
Centrifugal compressors with high pressure ratio are widely used in small aircraft turbine engines and turbocharges. At high rotational speeds they have narrow stable operating region and commonly used impellers with back swept blades are not able to ensure requested stability. In order to achieve wider stable operating region, some other anti-surge measures can be used, such as an Internal Recirculation Channel (IRC) located in compressor impeller inlet. This thesis deals with an investigation of IRC influence on centrifugal compressor operational parameters. As a first, the various recirculation channel geometry was studied by using of CFD analysis on simplified computational models. Those geometry, which indicated best results in terms of mass flow and looses in channel were used for testing on a model test device. Subsequently the same geometry was tested on real centrifugal compressor in experimental turbine engine to verify influence of IRC on compressor performance map – pressure ratio and efficiency. Simultaneously the CFD analyses of IRC with a 3D model of compressor impeller were performed and results compared with those, gained from measurement on model and compressor. In addition the measurement of flow field downstream the recirculation channel outlet slot with using of 3-hole pressure probe was performed and compared with flow velocity profiles evaluated from numerical simulations.

Creative product assessment in design : Influence of judges’ backgrounds and levels of experience in design

Wojtczuk, Alicja 23 June 2014 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'étudier l'évaluation de la créativité dans le domaine du design. Plus précisément, ce travail se centre sur l'évaluation de productions créatives en design graphique et il repose sur des méthodes complémentaires d'analyse des critères utilisés par des juges. L'approche adoptée vise à explorer les variations de jugements, dans différents contextes d'évaluation, afin d'identifier les facteurs influant sur les critères (ou les « référents évaluatifs ») qui sont pris en considération par les juges. Deux facteurs ont plus particulièrement été pris en compte : les points de vue adoptés par les juges en fonction de leur parcours professionnel (designers, directeurs artistiques, enseignants en design et public visé) et le niveau d'expertise en design (experts affirmés, experts intermédiaires et non-experts).Cette recherche a été réalisée dans différents contextes d'évaluation et elle tente d'identifier les éléments caractéristiques des jugements, selon le profil des juges émettant ces jugements. La première étude vise à comprendre les représentations mentales des juges, en explorant les critères qu'ils déclarent importants pour la créativité. La seconde étude analyse les corrélations entre les scores attribués aux productions en design sur un ensemble des critères, ainsi que les niveaux d'accords inter-juges pour chacun de ces critères. La troisième étude permet une analyse qualitative des verbalisations spontanées exprimées par des juges durant leurs évaluations de productions en design. / The present thesis aims to study creativity assessments in design. More precisely, this research focuses on the evaluation of creative productions in graphic design area and it is based on complementary methods of analysis of used criteria and "evaluative referents". It aims to identify, in various assessment contexts, factors that exert an influence on the judgments of creative productions. It develops a multiple feedback approach by exploring assessments made by judges with different professional backgrounds (designers, art directors, design teachers and targeted audience) and levels of experience in design (asserted experts, intermediary experts and laypeople).The research frame includes different contexts of assessment situations and tries to capture the characteristics of judges' approaches to creativity in design, on the basis of three complementary studies. The first study focusses on judges' mental representations by exploring criteria they declare important to creativity in design. The second study allows an analysis of correlations between scores attributed to design productions with regard to different criteria as well as an analysis of inter-judge agreement on them. The third study aims to perform qualitative analyses of spontaneous verbalizations expressed by judges during their analyses of design outcomes.

Eles e as rádios: perfis de comunicadores bolivianos na cidade de São Paulo / They and the radios - profiles of Bolivian communicators in the city of São Paulo

Souza, Susana Berbert de 12 August 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar um perfil de radiocomunicadores bolivianos que atuam em emissoras voltadas aos imigrantes andinos na cidade de São Paulo. O recorte está focado no papel que os perfilados desempenham como comunicadores, mostrando, assim, as opiniões deles a respeito das rádios, do trabalho que fazem, das dificuldades que enfrentam e do conteúdo que transmitem, com interesse específico nas notícias, a saber, no radiojornalismo. O planejamento da pesquisa foi dividido em quatro fases: elaboração do método, levantamento bibliográfico, a execução dos perfis de dois comunicadores e análise. O método da dissertação foi baseado nas definições de perfis, de Sérgio Vilas-Boas, na escrita literária pautada nas pesquisas de Edvaldo Pereira Lima e Monica Martinez, e na execução de entrevistas semiestruturadas, com base nas definições de César Augusto Bernal Torres. A pesquisa apresenta características do trabalho desses comunicadores, desde a formação até a produção radiofônica, especialmente no jornalismo e o papel que desempenham como radiocomunicadores latino-americanos. / This study aims so present a profile of Bolivian communicators working on radios for Bolivian immigrants in the city of São Paulo. The approach was the relationship of these communicators with the radio and the role they play as communicators, showing their opinion about the radios, about the work they do, about the difficulties they face and the production of news, the radiojournalism. The research was divided into four phases: elaboration of the method, bibliographic survey, the execution of the profiles of two communicators and the analysis. The method was based on the profile definitions by Sérgio Vilas-Boas, in the literary writing based on the researches of Edvaldo Pereira Lima and Monica Martinez, and in the execution of semistructured interviews, based on the definitions of César Augusto Bernal Torres. The analysis of the profiles of Jorge Gutierrez and Jaime Chuquimia was made with the support of the work of André Barbosa Filho, Niceto Blázquez and interviews with others researchers. The research presents characteristics of the work of these communicators and the role they play as Latin American radio communications.

Rinomanometria realizada por meio da fluidodinâmica computacional / Rhinomanometry using computational fluid dynamics

Cherobin, Giancarlo Bonotto 05 December 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A obstrução nasal é um sintoma presente em várias doenças nasais. Este projeto propõe desenvolver uma metodologia para o cálculo da resistência nasal ao fluxo aerífero por meio de fluidodinâmica computacional e comparar os resultados dessa técnica com os da rinomanometria. Métodos: a resistência nasal ao fluxo aerífero foi medida por rinomanometria, experimentalmente e por fluidodinâmica computacional. A influência da segmentação da tomografia computadorizada nas variáveis de fluidodinâmica computacional foi investigada. O modelo computacional de escoamento laminar foi comparado ao modelo de turbulência k-w padrão. Foram analisadas a acurácia, correlação e concordância entre a resistência nasal calculada por fluidodinâmica computacional com aquela obtida por experimento e rinomanometria. Resultados: A resistência nasal provida por fluidodinâmica computacional pode variar até 50% de acordo com os critérios de segmentação da tomografia computadorizada. O modelo de turbulência k-w padrão apresentou acurácia de 93,1%, demonstrando melhor desempenho que o modelo laminar para prever a resistência da cavidade nasal. A correlação entre a vazão em 75Pa obtida por rinomanometria e fluidodinâmica computacional foi alta para ambas as cavidades, Pearson r = 0,75 p < 0,001. Não houve concordância entre a resistência nasal fornecida pelos dois métodos. A resistência nasal por fluidodinâmica computacional é, em média, 65% da resistência por rinomanometria. Conclusão: os critérios para segmentação da cavidade nasal interferem na resistência calculada por fluidodinâmica computacional. A metodologia de fluidodinâmica computacional para calcular a resistência nasal foi validada experimentalmente. O modelo de escoamento turbulento é melhor que o modelo laminar para calcular a resistência nasal. A resistência nasal calculada por fluidodinâmica computacional apresentou alta correlação com a medida por rinomanometria anterior ativa, mas o nível de concordância entre os métodos não permite comparação direta entre os valores obtidos por cada um / Introduction: Nasal obstruction is a symptom present in various nasal diseases. This project proposes to develop a methodology for the calculation of nasal resistance to airflow through computational fluid dynamics and, to compare the results of this technique with those of rhinomanometry. Methods: nasal airflow resistance was measured by rhinomanometry, experimentally and computational fluid dynamics. We investigated the influence of computed tomography segmentation on the computational fluid dynamics variables. The computational model of laminar flow was compared to the kw turbulence model. The accuracy, correlation and agreement between the nasal resistance calculated by computational fluid dynamics was analyzed comparing it with nasal resistance obtained through experiment and rhinomanometry. Results: The nasal resistance provided by computational fluid dynamics can vary up to 50% according to the computed tomography segmentation criteria. The k-w turbulence model showed accuracy of 93.1%, presenting a better performance than the laminar model to predict nasal cavity resistance. The correlation between the flow in 75Pa obtained by rhinomanometry and computational fluid dynamics was high for both cavities, Pearson r >= 0.75 p < 0.001. There was no agreement between nasal resistance provided by the two methods. Nasal resistance due to computational fluid dynamics is, on average, 65% of rhinomanometric resistance. Conclusion: the criteria used for nasal cavity segmentation interfere with the resistance calculated by computational fluid dynamics. The methodology of computational fluid dynamics to calculate nasal resistance was validated experimentally. The turbulent flow model is better than the laminar model to calculate nasal resistance. The nasal resistance calculated by computational fluid dynamics showed a high correlation with the measurement by active rhinomanometry, but the level of agreement between the methods does not allow a direct comparison between the values obtained by each one

Determination of absorption curves, dissolution profiles and establishment of in vitro-in vivo correlation by in silico methods using GastroPlusTM and DDDPlusTM / Determinação das curvas de absorção, perfis de dissolução e estabelecimento de correlação in vitro-in vivo por métodos in silico utilizando o GastroPlusTM e o DDDPlusTM

Duque, Marcelo Dutra 11 April 2016 (has links)
The use of computer programs to predict drug absorption in humans and to simulate dissolution profiles has become a valuable tool in the pharmaceutical area. The objective of this study was to use in silico methods through software GastroPlusTM and DDDPlusTM to simulate drug absorption curves and dissolution profiles, and to establish in vitro-in vivo correlations (IVIVCs). The work presented herein is divided into five chapters and includes the drugs ketoprofen, pyrimethamine, metronidazole, fluconazole, carvedilol and doxazosin. In Chapter 1, simulated plasma curves for ketoprofen matrix tablets are presented and IVIVC was established. The use of simulated intrinsic dissolution tests for pyrimethamine and metronidazole as a tool for biopharmaceutics classification is detailed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, simulation of plasma curves for fluconazole capsules with different dissolution profiles is demonstrated as a tool for biowaiver. IVIVC studies were also conducted for carvedilol immediate-release tablets from dissolution profiles in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 covers the application of simulated dissolution tests for development of doxazosin extended-release formulations. Simulation of plasma curves and IVIVC using the software GastroPlusTM as well as intrinsic dissolution tests and dissolution profiles using the software DDDPlusTM proved to be a tool of wide application in predicting biopharmaceutical characteristics of drugs and formulations, allowing the reduction of time and costs of experimental laboratory work. / O uso de programas de computador para prever a absorção de fármacos em humanos e simular perfis de dissolução tem se tornado uma ferramenta bastante valiosa na área farmacêutica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar métodos in silico por meio dos programas de computador GastroPlusTM e DDDPlusTM para simular curvas de absorção de fármacos, perfis de dissolução e estabelecer correlações in vitro-in vivo (CIVIVs). O material aqui apresentado é constituído por cinco capítulos incluindo os fármacos cetoprofeno, pirimetamina, metronidazol, fluconazol, carvedilol e doxazosina. No capítulo 1 são apresentadas curvas plasmáticas simuladas para comprimidos matriciais de cetoprofeno, sendo estabelecida a CIVIV. A utilização de simulações de ensaios de dissolução intrínseca para os fármacos pirimetamina e metronidazol como uma ferramenta para classificação biofarmacêutica é detalhada no capítulo 2. No capítulo 3, a simulação de curvas plasmáticas a partir de cápsulas de fluconazol contendo diferentes perfis de dissolução é demonstrada como uma ferramenta para bioisenção. Estudos de CIVIV foram também realizados para comprimidos de liberação imediata de carvedilol a partir dos perfis de dissolução no capítulo 4. Já o capítulo 5 trata da aplicação de simulações de ensaios de dissolução para o desenvolvimento de formulações de liberação prolongada de doxazosina. As simulações das curvas plasmáticas, assim como a CIVIV, obtidas com o auxílio do programa GastroPlusTM, além dos ensaios de dissolução intrínsica e os perfis de dissolução obtidos por meio do uso do programa DDDPlusTM apresentaram-se como ferramentas de grande aplicação na previsão de características biofarmacêuticas sobre os fármacos e formulações, permitindo redução de tempo e custo com trabalho experimental em laboratório.

Einfluß der Laserstrahlformung auf Hornhautprofil und Oberflächenrauheit bei der ohotorefraktiven Keratektomie mit dem 193 nm Excimer Laser

Müller, Bert 14 January 2002 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die Excimer Laser PRK zur Korrektur der geringen bis moderaten Myopie wird als präzises Verfahren der refraktiven Chirurgie angesehen und weltweit angewandt. Die Genauigkeit der PRK nimmt jedoch mit steigender Korrektur ab. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung bestand darin, den Einfluß unterschiedlicher Laserstrahlapplikations- und -formungssysteme auf die korneale Oberflächenstruktur, das Hornhautprofil und die Zielrefraktion zu untersuchen. Materialien und Methoden: Es wurden mit dem Meditec Mel 60 und dem Schwind Keratom, zwei Excimer Laser der Wellenlänge 193 nm, an jeweils 10 enukleierten Schweinehornhäuten eine PRK mit einer Zielkorrektur von -3, -6, -9 D mit einem Ablationsdurchmesser von 6 mm (5 mm - 9D) durchgeführt, ein Silikonabdruck von der Hornhautoberfläche angefertigt und mit einem dynamisch fokussierenden Topometrie System UBM Microfocus vermessen. Hornhautradius, Brechkraft der stromalen Oberfläche, Profilabweichungen von der idealen sphärischen Form sowie Rauheitsparameter der verschiedenen Zonen wurden ermittelt. Ergebnisse: Epithelfreie Hornhäute besitzen ein sphärisches Profil. Der Meditec Mel60 Laser erzielte nach PRK von -3, -6 und -9 D sphärische Profile mit einer durchschnittlichen Refraktionsänderung von -3.4, -6.7 und -8.7 D. Das Schwind Keratom erzeugte eine mittlere Refraktionsänderung von -3.5, -5.8 und 8.4 D, wobei das korneale Ablationsprofil in allen Korrekturgruppen erhebliche Profilabweichungen in Form von zentralen Profilkuppen aufwies. Die durchschnittliche Höhe der zentralen Profilkuppen betrug nach der -3 D PRK 7.39 (±0.34) µm und stieg auf 16.31 (±1.06) µm bzw. 15.06 (±0.96) µm in der -6 und in der -9 D Serie. Die Relation zwischen der Profilkuppenhöhe und der Abtragtiefe lag zwischen 21 - 25% und konnte durch eine Anti-Central-Island Programm (ACI 100%) nur um 4% auf 18-20 % der Abtragtiefe reduziert werden. Die stromale Oberfläche der unbehandelten, epithelfreien Kontrollgruppe hat eine glatte, homogene Struktur. Die Rauheit der stromalen Oberfläche nach Ablation mit dem Meditec Laser war um 50 % stärker ausgeprägt als beim Schwind Keratom. Diskussion: Die Beschaffenheit der stromalen Oberfläche nach der Excimer Laser PRK zur Korrektur der Myopie, wird durch die Rauheitsparameter quantitativ beschrieben und ermöglicht den direkten Vergleich zwischen den Lasersystemen. Die Rauheit ist positiv mit der Ablationstiefe und dem Ablationsdurchmesser korreliert. Je höher eine myope Korrektur angestrebt wird, desto rauher ist die stromale Oberfläche und damit das Risiko, dass sich eine epitheliale Hyperplasie und subepitheliale Trübungen entwickeln, die ursächlich mit den klinisch beobachteten Phänomenen der myopen Regression, der Abnahme der Kontrastsehschärfe, dem Verlust der bestkorrigierten Sehschärfe und monokularer Doppelbilder in Zusammenhang stehen. Ob der Unterschied der Rauheit von durchschnittlich 50% sich in der Inzidenz der klinischen Komplikationen widerspiegelt, können nur vergleichende Studien belegen. Sicher ist, das die Vorhersagbarkeit des refraktiven Ergebnisses durch die Ablation mit dem Aesculap Meditec MEL 60 Laser besser einzuschätzen ist, als das mit zentralen Profilkuppen komplizierte Ablationsprofil des Schwind Keratoms. / Purpose: To evaluate the predictability of refractive outcome, sphericitiy of corneal profiles and surface roughness parameters after myopic PRK with different, commercially available excimer laser beam delivery and beam shaping systems. Materials and Methods: Myopic Excimer Laser PRK of -3, -6 and -9 D in 6mm ablation zone (5 mm in -9 D) on performed on porcine eyes was performed with the Aesculap Meditec Mel 60, a slit scanning Laser and the Schwind Keratom I, a broad area laser with band mask beam shaping. A silicone replica was obtained to conserve the corneal profile and measured with a dynamic focusing topometry system (UBM Microfocus) to obtain radius, corrected corneal refraction and corneal surface roughness parameters. Results: Untreated corneas of the control group displayed spherical profiles. PRK of intended -3, -6 and -9 D correction with the slit scanning Aesculap Meditec Mel60 excimer laser achieved a refractive change of an average -3.4, -6.7 and -8.7 D respectively without major profile deviations. PRK with the Schwind Keratom, a broad area beam excimer laser resulted a refractive change of -3.5, -5.8 and -8.4 D respectively. The Ablation created considerable central profile deviations representing central islands of 7.39 (±0.34) µm after -3 D, 16.31 (±1.06) µm and 15.06 (±0.96) µm height after - 6 and -9 D PRK, respectively. Mean central island height was 21 - 25% of ablation depth and was reduced by anti-central-island-program to 18-20 % of ablation depth. Stromal surface roughness increased with ablation depth and was significantly rougher after scanning beam ablation compared to broad area ablation. Conclusions: Profile deviations increase with higher corrections and lessen the predictability of the refractive results. The Aesculap Meditec MEL60 Slit scanning system creates predictable spherical corneal profiles. The Schwind Keratom broad area laser create with band mask beam shaping central islands increasing with higher corrections. The application of an Anti-Central-Island Program does not eliminate the central profile elevations sufficiently. Stromal surface was rougher after scanning beam compared to broad area beam ablation.

Avaliação da influência dos estilos cognitivos no perfil do aluno de educação a distância / Evaluating the influence of cognitive styles on the profiles of distance-learning students

Santos, Elaine Maria dos 02 March 2007 (has links)
Com o significativo crescimento da Educação a Distância (EAD) surge uma preocupação, que é a validação da qualidade dos cursos e da aprendizagem dos alunos. Uma alternativa promissora é a criação de cursos mais customizados, mas para isso é necessário conhecer as preferências individuais dos alunos, e uma das ferramentas é a identificação de seus estilos cognitivos. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência dos estilos cognitivos no perfil do aluno de cursos da modalidade a distância. Optou-se por uma pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, visando obter maior familiaridade com o problema e possibilidades para descrever o fenômeno dos estilos cognitivos na EAD, utilizando um instrumento psicométrico traduzido. A amostra foi constituída por 103 alunos, distribuídos entre os cursos de Administração, Tecnólogo em Gestão Financeira e Computação. Os resultados confirmam que os alunos possuem estilos cognitivos diferentes, o que reforça a necessidade de cursos mais individualizados, com estratégias de aprendizagem diversificadas, respeitando e valorizando as características individuais dos estudantes. São discutidas as implicações dos achados, bem como as diferenças significativas entre os estilos cognitivos e o perfil dos alunos nos três cursos estudados. / With the significant increase in Distance Learning (DL), a new concern arises: the validation of programs\' quality standards and students\' learning. A promising alternative is the design of more customized programs for which purpose it is necessary to learn about students\' individual preferences, and one of the tools that can be used is the identification of cognitive styles. Hence, this study aimed at evaluating the influence of cognitive styles on the profile of students in DL programs. An exploratory descriptive investigation was conducted for better acquaintance with the problem and the possibility to describe the cognitive style phenomenon in DL by using a translated psychometric instrument. The sample consisted of 103 students from the Business Administration, Financial Management and Information Technology DL programs. The results confirmed that students have different cognitive styles, which reinforces the need for more individualized programs with diversified learning strategies that respect and value students\' individual characteristics. Implications of the findings as well as the significant differences between cognitive styles and the profiles of students from the three programs studied are discussed.

GamiProM: a Gamification Model based on Profile Management

Dalmina, Leonardo 26 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-05-07T13:43:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo Dalmina_.pdf: 3273879 bytes, checksum: df157a5701b423e92352934d75e44473 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-07T13:43:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo Dalmina_.pdf: 3273879 bytes, checksum: df157a5701b423e92352934d75e44473 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-26 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O uso de elementos de design de jogos em contextos não relacionados a jogos, definido como gamificação, está sendo cada vez mais usado para aumentar a motivação e o engajamento dos usuários quando eles precisam executar uma tarefa em um ambiente não relacionado a jogo, como o local de trabalho, a escola ou uma aplicação de software. No entanto, quando a gamificação precisa ser implementada, um desafio enfrentado pelos desenvolvedores é identificar quais elementos do jogos engajarão efetivamente os usuários de um software com base em seus perfis de usuário e características motivacionais. Frequentemente, muitas pesquisas tendem a não incluir ou apenas apoiar os tipos de usuário e fatores motivacionais mais comuns. Em resposta a este desafio, esta dissertação propõe um modelo de gamificação genérico intitulado GamiProM que permite um desenvolvedor de software criar uma solução gamificada adaptativa para qualquer área fazendo uso de ontologias e regras, visando fornecer representação do conhecimento bem como adicionar um valor semântico à informação gerada pela gamificação e gerenciamento de perfil. O modelo é avaliado com um teste de correlação que identifica a existência de qualquer associação entre as necessidades psicológicas básicas dos usuários e suas motivações coletadas com a aplicação gamificada, desenvolvida para implementar o modelo proposto. Os resultados mostraram que as motivações coletadas dos perfis gamificados dos usuários têm uma correlação acima de 80% com as necessidades psicológicas básicas analisadas. / The use of game design elements in non-game contexts, defined as gamification, is being increasingly used to raise the motivation and engagement of users when they have to execute a task in a non-game environment, such as the workplace, the school or a software application. However, when gamification needs to be implemented, a challenge faced by developers is to identify what game elements will effectively engage the users of a software based on their user profiles and motivational characteristics. Often, many researches tend to not include or only support the most common user types and motivational factors. In response to this challenge, this thesis proposes a generic gamification model entitled GamiProM that allows a software developer to build an adaptive gamified solution for any area by making use of ontologies and rules, aiming to provide knowledge representation as well as add a semantic value to the information generated by gamification and profile management. The model is evaluated with a correlation test that identifies the existence of any association between the basic psychological needs of the users and their motivations collected with the gamified application, developed to implement the proposed model. The results showed that the motivations collected from the gamified profiles of the users have a correlation above 80% with the basic psychological needs analyzed.

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