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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The apocalyptic tradition in Scotland, 1588-1688

Drinnon, David A. January 2013 (has links)
Throughout the seventeenth century, numerous Scots became convinced that the major political and religious upheavals of their age signified the fulfillment of, or further unfolding of, the vivid prophecies described in the Book of Revelation which foretell of the final consummation of all things. To date, however, an in-depth analysis of the evolution of Scottish apocalyptic belief during the seventeenth century has never been undertaken. This thesis utilizes a wide variety of source material to demonstrate the existence of a cohesive, persistent, and largely conservative tradition of apocalyptic thought in Scotland that spanned the years 1588 to 1688. Chapter One examines several influential commentaries on the Book of Revelation published by notable Scots during the decades either side of the Union of Crowns. These works reveal many of the principal characteristics that formed the basis of the Scottish apocalyptic tradition. The most important of these traits which became a consistent feature of the tradition was the rejection of millenarianism. In recent years, historians have exaggerated the influence of millenarian ideals in Scotland during the Covenanting movement which began in 1638. Chapter Two argues that Scottish Covenanters consistently denounced millenarianism as a dangerous, subversive doctrine that could lead to the religious radicalism espoused by sixteenth-century German Anabaptists. Chapter Three looks at political and religious factors which led to the general decline of apocalyptic expectancy in Scotland during the Interregnum. It also demonstrates how, despite this decline, Scottish apocalyptic thinkers continued to uphold the primary traits of the apocalyptic tradition which surfaced over the first half of the century. Lastly, Chapter Four explains how state-enforced religious persecution of Scottish Presbyterians during the Restoration period led to the radicalisation of the tradition and inspired the violent actions of Covenanter extremists who believed they had been chosen by God to act as instruments of his divine vengeance in the latter-days.

Revisorernas kostnad av att utge en going concern- varning

Gogani, Roya, Nyrén, Jonathan January 2013 (has links)
De uppgifter som revisorn presenterar i sin revisionsberättelse bör intressenter och företag ha förtroende för. Revisorn ska vara en oberoende länk mellan intressenter och företag. Läsaren förväntar sig finna eventuella ekonomiska problem i årsredovisningen. Detta är dock inte alltid fallet. Det är viktigt att revisorerna kan göra en pålitlig bedömning över företagets möjligheter till fortsatt drift. Beslut om going concern-varning måste grunda sig på oberoende och god kunskap om företagets situation. En felaktig going concern-varning kan orsaka problem och intäktsbortfall för både företaget och revisionsbyrån. Intressenterna kan förlora förtroendet för företaget och företaget kan i sin tur byta revisor. Studien fokuserar på huruvida revisorerna kan vara sparsamma med att utge going concern-varning för att inte riskera att förlora företaget som klient och därmed förlora revisionsintäkter. Därför undersöker studien om det finns ett samband mellan förlorade revisionsarvoden och utfärdandet av en första going concern-varning bland svenska företag. Studien vill också visa ifall en going concern- varning ökar sannolikheten för konkurs den s.k. självuppfyllande profetian. Ett bidrag till tidigare forskning är att studien beaktar revisionsuppdragets längd i förhållande till going concern-varning. Från databasen Affärsdata har 432 företag selekterats ut från bokslutsåret 2009. Av dessa hade 216 erhållit en going concern- varning. Denna testgrupp har sedan jämförts med en kontrollgrupp med samma antal som varit finansiellt stressade men inte erhållit någon varning. Studien har använt SPSS som statistiskt program för att kunna göra önskade beräkningar. Studiens resultat visar at det finns ett samband mellan en första going concern-varning och revisorbyte. Studien visar också att längden på revisionsuppdraget påverkar benägenheten att ge en going concern-varning. Däremot finner undersökningen inte något belägg för den s.k. självuppfyllande profetian. / The information that the auditor provides in their audit report should be valid in the eyes of the stakeholders of the company. The auditor should be the independent link between the company and its stakeholders. When reading the audit report, one expects to find all the possible economic problems identified in it, however this is not always the case. It is crucial that the audit of a company’s going concern is reliable. Decisions regarding going concern-modified opinions should be independent and be based on valid information regarding the company’s economic situation. One faulty going concern-modified opinion can set off a whole range of issues and revenue loss for both the company and the audit firm. Consequently stakeholders can lose their trust in the company resulting in a change of audit firm. This thesis is focused on whether or not auditors might be reluctant to hand out going concern-modified opinions in fear of losing a client and the revenue associated with it. Therefore, the thesis investigates whether or not there is a relationship between lost revenue and the first instance of issuing a going concern-modified opinion for Swedish companies. This thesis is also investigating whether the issuance of a going concern-modified opinion will increase the possibility of the company going bankrupt, the so-called self-fulfilling prophecy. A contribution to the previous research regarding the going concern issue is the consideration of audit tenure. We have used 432 companies with fiscal year 2009 extracted from the database Affärsdata. Out of this selection, 216 had been issued a going concern-modified opinion. This test group is then compared to the control group with the same number of companies that were identified as financially distressed but without receiving a going concern- modified opinion. The thesis has used the statistical program SPSS to complete the calculations needed to complete the analysis. The result shows a positive relationship between the first going concern-modified opinion and the change of audit firms. The period of time the auditing requires also effects the predisposition to issue a going concern-modified opinion. However the study was unable to find any statistical evidence for the so-called self-fulfilling prophecy.

The appropriation of African traditional healing by the Zionist Churches: a challenge to the mission churches in Gaborone ”Botswana”

Matsepe, Shale Solomon 30 November 2004 (has links)
The Zionist type of churches under the African Independent Churches have proven to be a force to be reckoned with against the more organized ecclesiastical movements (in particular the Mission Churches). This can be seen in their emphasis around matters related to culture and its methods of healing. As s result this led to the migration of people from the mission churches to these churches and threatened their existence in Botswana. The mission churches have been experiencing the decline in their membership to the Zionist churches because of the lack of openness to the cultural and the value systems of Batswana in Botswana. Mission churches were left with an option of doing introspection and finally acknowledging their failures to contextualise their theology and Christianity among the people they serving. Mission churches ended up opening their doors to the needs of their members. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Church History)

A hermeneutical study of the Midrashic influences of biblical literature on the narrative modes, aesthetics, and ethical concerns in the novels of George Eliot

Law-Viljoen, Bronwyn January 1993 (has links)
The thesis will examine the influence of Biblical literature on some of the novels of George Eliot. In doing so it will consider the following aspects of Eliot criticism: current theoretical debate about the use of midrash; modes of discourse and narrative style; prophetic language and vision; the influence of Judaism and Jewish exegetical methods on Adam Bede, "The Lifted Veil", The Mill on the Floss, Felix Holt, and Daniel Deronda. Literary critics have, for a long time, been interested in the influence of the Bible and Biblical hermeneutics on literature and the extent to which Biblical narratives and themes are used typologically and allegorically in fiction has been well researched. In this regard, the concept of midrash is not a new one in literary theory. It refers both to a genre of writing and to an ancient Rabbinic method of exegesis. It has, however, been given new meaning by literary critics and theoriticians such as Frank Kermode, Harold Bloom, and Jacques Derrida. In The Genesis of Secrecy, Kermode gives a new nuance to the word and demonstrates how it may be used to read not only Biblical stories but secular literature as well. It is an innovative, self-reflexive, and intricate hermeneutic processs which has been used by scholars such as Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, editors of Midrash and Literature, a seminal work in this thesis. Eliot's interest in Judaism and her fascination with religion, religious writing, and religious characters are closely connected to her understanding of the novelist's role as an interpreter of stories. In this regard, the prophetic figure as poet, seer, and interpreter of the past, present, and future of society is of special significance. The thesis will investigate Eliot's reinterpretation of this important Biblical type as well as her retelling of Biblical stories. It will attempt to establish the extent to which Eliot's work may be called midrash, and enter the current debate on how and why literary works have been and can be interpreted. It will address the questions of why Eliot, who abjures normative religious faith, has such a profound interest in the Bible, how the Bible serves her creative purposes, why she is interested in Judaism, and to what extent the latter informs and permeates her novels.

Narrative reflections on charismatic discursive practices

Christodoulou, Esther 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose for this research journey was twofold: (1) to discover the power of certain discourses in the charismatic church context and (2) to challenge disrespectful discursive practices in order to co-operate respectful, ethical and caring ways of being. Seven leaders in charismatic churches committed themselves to this qualitative research project. The research process resulted in a confirmation by the participants that some charismatic discursive practices can be abusive and also to the acknowledgement that they too have at times fulfilled the role of abuser, even in unknowingly. This research journey ended in Hope. Hope for more transparency and trust between leaders and members, resulting in more respectful practices. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Les causes de l’impuissance animique : la question du mal chez Freud et Spinoza / The Causes of the Powerlessness of Mind : Freud and Spinoza on Question of Evil

Ledoux, Isabelle 06 December 2014 (has links)
Spinoza, parce qu’il est à la pointe de la pensée scientifique de son époque, Freud, parce qu’il prétend fonder une nouvelle science de la nature sans se référer spécifiquement aux sciences humaines, adhèrent à un modèle épistémologique issu de la science déterministe classique. En étendant son application à l’âme humaine, tous deux ont, chacun à sa manière, bouleversé la conception de l’unité psychophysique de l’individu et proposé de nouveaux modèles de compréhension de ses rapports avec les autres et avec le monde.Or, partir de la question du corps pour remonter progressivement jusqu’à celle du mal, point névralgique de la pensée de la liberté, permet de mettre en évidence ce qui les rapproche et ce qui les sépare. Si, en situant la source de la destructivité à l’intérieur de la psychè et en dialectisant les différentes tendances qui la constituent, Freud adopte une perspective non spinoziste, sa conception de la mémoire, de la représentation, du langage, du rêve et du délire, se rapproche beaucoup de celle de Spinoza et permet d’éclairer aussi bien les virtualités que les points explicites de son système.Inversement, Spinoza, par les choix doctrinaux qui marquent l’évolution de sa pensée comme par les stratégies pédagogique et éthique qu’il met à l’œuvre dans ses textes, produit une illustration en acte de ce qui favorise la puissance de l’âme et de ce qui l’entrave. Sans créditer le mal d’une essence positive, il reconnaît néanmoins à ses principales figures : finitude, privation, crime, une efficience historique, dont la compréhension peut fonder une vigilance prophylactique. / Spinoza, at the top of the scientific thought of his time, and Freud, intending to found a new science of nature without specifically referring to human sciences, adhere to an epistemological model coming from the classical determinist science. Extending its application to the human mind, they both have, each in their own way, drastically changed the conception of the psychophysical unity of the individual and proposed new models of understanding his relationships with the others and the world.And yet, starting with the question of the body to progressively reach the question of evil so problematic for the thought of freedom makes it possible to reveal what separates and brings them closer. Setting sources of destructivity inside the psyche and giving a dialectical representation of its different constituent motions, Freud adopts a non-Spinozist perspective. But his conception of memory, representation, language, dream and delirium, gets closer to that of Spinoza and allows to throw light on potentialities as much as on the explicit points of his system. Conversely, Spinoza, marking the evolution of his thought by doctrinal choices and using pedagogical and ethical strategies in his texts, gives an acting illustration of what favours and hampers the power of the mind. Nevertheless without giving a positive essence to evil, he recognizes the historical efficiency of its main figures: finiteness, deprivation and crime whose understanding can found a prophylactic vigilance.

A pie in a very bleak sky? : analysis and appropriation of the promise sayings in the seven letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3

Wilson, Mark W. 11 1900 (has links)
This study of the promise sayings elucidates the motif of victory as the book's macrodynamic theme. Through intentional examination, the thesis finds the issue epitomized throughout Revelation on two levels-formally (re structure) and materially (re content). Jesus as Victor over death and the dragon desires the Asian believers to be prepared for his soon coming. The victors are promised eschatological rewards if they overcome various internal and external threats. In mapping out the dramatic scenario Chapter 1 explores afresh such background issues as authorship and audience. The pagan religious environment, represented by the Artemis and emperor cults, is demonstrated to be adversarial. Chapter 2 looks at four situations in Revelationthe rhetorical, historical, apocalyptic, and prophetic. Their composite exigences point to an early dating in the late 60s. Chapter 3 postulates that chiasmus is Revelation's macrostructure, and a chiastic model is proposed. Chapter 4 examines several proposed forms for the seven letters, such as edicts, oracles, and epistles. We conclude that they are a mixtum compositum-best called prophetic letters. Chapter 5 explores the sociological significance of victory in the Greco-Roman world. Through the use of language such as vLKaw and images like the palm branch, John motivates his audience toward the ideal of victory. Chapter 6 investigates the text of the promises and their cotexts as reflected intertextually in traditions of biblical literature. Local references are also determined to contribute to a multivalent interpretation of the promise imagery. Chapter 7 surveys the eschatological fulfillment of the promises, especially in the new Jerusalem. The rewards of spiritual provision, heavenly place, and divine person serve to incite the saints to victory. Chapter 8 investigates the appropriation of the promises for the time and the text world of Revelation. A multiplicity of functions for the promise sayings is established. This study shows that the promises function as prophetic parenesis to help the saints endure the coming tribulation. The possibility and reality of such a fulfillment and the appropriation of the promises allow us to postulate that these promises to the victors are not vain pies in a very bleak sky! / Hierdie studie oor die belofte uitsprake in die briewe aan die sewe gemeentes in Openbaring 2- 3 lig die motif van oorwinning toe as die sentrale tema van makrodinamiese omvang in Openbaring. Deur middel van 'n doelgerigte ondersoek bevind die studie dat die saak van oorwinning die twee brandpunte in die boek Openbaring vorm, naamlik, op formele vlak (re metode en struktuur van Openbaring en van die studie), en materieel (d.i. inhoudelik). Jesus as oorwinnaar oor die dood en oor die draak, koester die sterk begeerte dat die gelowiges van Asie gereed meet wees vir sy spoedige advent. Netsoos die profete van die Ou Testament waarsku Johannes die gemeentes oor die netelige situasie waarin hulle hulself bevind ten opsigte van die sosiale, politieke en religieuse situasie. In hierdie konteks word aan die oorwinnaars bepaalde beloftes van eskatologiese belonings gemaak as hulle die interne bedreigings van valse leringe en van vervolgings van buite sou oork6m. Deur vrugbare gebruikmaking van die perspektief van intertekstualiteit word die siening gesubstansieer dat Johannes se gehoor/lesers daarvan kennis meet neem dat hulle situasie geensins verskil van die lotgevalle van God se volk ender vorige vreemde onderdrukkers socs die Babiloniers nie. Hoe sal die gelowiges hierdie uur van toetsing deurstaan? Ten einde hierdie hele dramatiese scenario uit te stippel, ontgin Hoofstuk 1 opnuut die velde van agtergrond socs outeurskap, eerste gehoor/lesers, en hulle religieuse omgewing. Dit word gestel dat die heidense religieuse omgewing, socs verteenwoordig deur die Artemis en keiserkultus, baie vyandiggesind van aard is. Hoofstuk 2 bekyk en interpreteer vier situasies wat in Openbaring teegekom word, naamlik, die retoriese, historiese, apokaliptiese, en profetiese. Die samegestelde aard van hierdie noodsituasie wys heen na 'n vroee datering van Openbaring, naamlik, in die laat sestiger jare van die eerste eeu, v66r die verwoesting van Jerusalem. In Hoofstuk 3 word beredeneer dat chiasme die mees geskikte beskrywing vir die struktuurvorm van Openbaring is. Met chiasme as heuristiese instrument kan aangetoon word dat die beloftes en hulle vervulling in Openbaring 2-3 ·n beduidende rel in die struktuur van die boek speel. Hierop volg Hoofstuk 4 waarin moontlike literatuurvorms vir die sewe briewe voorgestel word, naamlik, edikte, orakels, en epistels/briewe. Daar word voorgestel dat dit beskou meet word as mixtum compositum wat goedskiks profetiese briewe genoem kan word en wat sewe samestellende uitsprake omvat. Hoofstuk 5 ontsluit die sosiologiese beduidenis van die idee en verskynsel van oorwinning in die Grieks-Romeinse wereld. In Openbaring hou dit in dat Johannes beide verbaal (re die gebruik van die Griekse werkwoord VLKaw) en beeldsprakig (re 'palmtak') sy gehoor ge-inspireer het ten opsigte van die ideaal van oorwinning. Hoofstuk 6 ontleed die teks van die belofte uitsprake, en die ko-tekste soos wat dit intertekstueel weerspieel word in bybelse tradisies. Plaaslike verwysings word oak in ag geneem ten einde tot 'n polivalente interpretasie van die belofte-beeldspraak by te dra. Hoofstuk 7 gee 'n analitiese oorsig van die vervulling van die eskatologiese beloftes, veral ten opsigte van die nuwe Jerusalem. Die belonings van geestelike voorsiening, 'n hemelse woonplek, en van 'n goddelike persoon dien om die heiliges aan te spoor tot oorwinning oar die verbete vyande. Hierop volg Hoofstuk 8 wat die toe-eiening van die beloftes binne die boek Openbaring en vir die tyd en tekswereld van die boek self ondersoek. 'n Veelvuldigheid van funksies, wat verkry word uit 'n multidissiplinere eksegetiese metodiek, word vir die belofte uitsprake vasgestel en beskryf. Hierdie studie toon aan dat die beloftes van oorwinning aan die sewe gemeentes in KleinAsie funksioneer as profetiese vermanings, waarvan die beeldspraak ontleen is aan 'n verskeidenheid van bybelse tradisies. Die vervulling hiervan kan reeds al in Openbaring 19-22 gesien word. Dit toon verder aan dat, anders as in die geval van die gevalle Rome, die heilige stad genaamd Jerusalem op die oorwinnende bruid sal wag. Die moontlikheid en werklikheid van die vervulling en toe-eiening van die beloftes van Openbaring 2-3 regverdig dit om te postuleer dat hierdie beloftes beslis nie ydele 'koeke vir die hiernamaals' (d.i. "pies in the sky") is nie! Nee, die Openbaring aan Johannes was bedoel om 'n profesie van troos vir die volk van God te wees en dit funksioneer beslis as sodanig / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.

An investigation into the nature of a viable pentecostal hermeneutic

Clark, Mathew S. 11 1900 (has links)
Current pentecostal scholarship is attempting to articulate pentecostal theological distinctives. For hermeneutics, this involves both a descriptive and a prescriptive approach to the use of the Bible. The descriptive approach appraises the historical roots of pentecostalism, which include the Wesleyan I Holiness movement, the radical Reformation, Tertullian and Montanism, and earliest charismatic communities. These understood Christian Scripture as guidelines to a Way of behaviour and testimony, rather than a source-book of doctrine. This 'alternative history' experienced the Enlightenment on a different level to protestantism and fundamentalism. Many of the concerns of historical church theology and hermeneutics during the last centuries are thus not always shared by pentecostals. The choice is: articulate a distinctive pentecostal hermeneutic, or 'borrow' from non-pentecostal theology. The prescriptive approach first investigates some of the latter options: some identify closely with conservative evangelical hermeneutics. Others prefer the political hermeneutic of the socio-political contextual theologies. The burgeoning Faith Movement has influenced many pentecostals. Some pentecostal scholars show interest in 'post-modern' literary theory. A viable pentecostal hermeneutic might be prescribed as follows: It respects the demands of scientific method, not ignoring the concerns of contemporary hermeneutical philosophy and literary theory. It highlights specifically pentecostal concerns: the teleology of any encounter with the text; historical continuity with the early church groups; implementation, demonstration and realisation of the literal intent of the text; the role of biblical narrative in defining experience of God; and the authority granted ongoing revelation via the charismata in the light of the canon. Application of a pentecostal hermeneutic would emphasise an holistic understanding of Scripture, the crucial role of the charismatic community, awareness of issues in the ongoing hermeneutical debate, and the need for the interpreter's personal ongoing charismatic experience. In a distinctively pentecostal exegesis of 1 Corinthians 14 prophecy is discussed as normal liturgical activity, as a confrontation of outsiders and unbelievers, in terms of its regulation, and in the light of spiritual discernment / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Th. D. (New Testament)

Prophetic theology in the Kairos tradition : a pentecostal and reformed perspective in black liberation theology in South Africa

Morris, Allen William 31 October 2019 (has links)
This study focused on the ‘silence of the prophets’ in the post-apartheid era. It sought to understand why the prophets, who spoke out so vehemently against the injustices of apartheid, did not speak out against the injustices of the government after 1994 even when it became blatantly apparent that corruption was beginning to unfold on various levels, especially with the introduction of the so-called Arms Deal. Accordingly, the study singles out Drs Allan Boesak and Frank Chikane who were among the fiercest opponents of the apartheid regime before 1994. The study traced the impact of the ideological forces that influenced Boesak and Chikane’s ideological thinking from the early Slave Religion, Black Theology in the USA and Liberation Theology in Latin America. Black Theology and Black Consciousness first made their appearance in South Africa in the 1970s, with Boesak and Chikane, among others, as early advocates of these movements. In 1983, Boesak and Chikane took part in the launch of the United Democratic Front (UDF) in Mitchells Plain, Cape Town. This movement became the voice of the voiceless in an era when the members of the African National Congress (ANC) and Pan African Congress (PAC) had been sent into exile. It also signalled a more inclusive and reconciliatory shift in Boesak and Chikane’s Ideological thinking. Whereas Black Consciousness sought to exclude white people from participating in the struggle for liberation, the UDF united all under one banner without consideration for colour, race, religion or creed. After the advent of liberation in South Africa in 1994, it became increasingly obvious that corruption was infiltrating many levels of the new government. But the prophets were silent. Why were they silent? The study presents an analysis of the possible reasons for this silence based on interviews with Boesak and Chikane as role players and draws conclusions based on their writings both before and after 1994. Overall, the study concluded that they were silent because they had become part of the new political structures that had taken over power. To sum up, the study demonstrates the irony of prophetic oscillation and concludes that no prophet is a prophet for all times. Thus, as a new democracy unfolds in South Africa, the situation demands new prophets with a new message. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Phil. (Theology)

An investigation into the nature of a viable pentecostal hermeneutic

Clark, Mathew S. 11 1900 (has links)
Current pentecostal scholarship is attempting to articulate pentecostal theological distinctives. For hermeneutics, this involves both a descriptive and a prescriptive approach to the use of the Bible. The descriptive approach appraises the historical roots of pentecostalism, which include the Wesleyan I Holiness movement, the radical Reformation, Tertullian and Montanism, and earliest charismatic communities. These understood Christian Scripture as guidelines to a Way of behaviour and testimony, rather than a source-book of doctrine. This 'alternative history' experienced the Enlightenment on a different level to protestantism and fundamentalism. Many of the concerns of historical church theology and hermeneutics during the last centuries are thus not always shared by pentecostals. The choice is: articulate a distinctive pentecostal hermeneutic, or 'borrow' from non-pentecostal theology. The prescriptive approach first investigates some of the latter options: some identify closely with conservative evangelical hermeneutics. Others prefer the political hermeneutic of the socio-political contextual theologies. The burgeoning Faith Movement has influenced many pentecostals. Some pentecostal scholars show interest in 'post-modern' literary theory. A viable pentecostal hermeneutic might be prescribed as follows: It respects the demands of scientific method, not ignoring the concerns of contemporary hermeneutical philosophy and literary theory. It highlights specifically pentecostal concerns: the teleology of any encounter with the text; historical continuity with the early church groups; implementation, demonstration and realisation of the literal intent of the text; the role of biblical narrative in defining experience of God; and the authority granted ongoing revelation via the charismata in the light of the canon. Application of a pentecostal hermeneutic would emphasise an holistic understanding of Scripture, the crucial role of the charismatic community, awareness of issues in the ongoing hermeneutical debate, and the need for the interpreter's personal ongoing charismatic experience. In a distinctively pentecostal exegesis of 1 Corinthians 14 prophecy is discussed as normal liturgical activity, as a confrontation of outsiders and unbelievers, in terms of its regulation, and in the light of spiritual discernment / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Th. D. (New Testament)

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