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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

International criminal court Proprio motu intervention where a truth commission exists: the Kenyan situation

Kituku, Carolene January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Kenya’s December 2007 Presidential elections sparked a wave of violent clashes over allegations of election rigging. The protests broke out along ethnic lines, causing greater civil unrest. There have been allegations that during these outbreaks of violence crimes against humanity were committed. This violence attracted world-wide concern and was universally condemned. Kenya is loathe to prosecute the perpetrators or those who bear the highest responsibility for the alleged commission of crimes against humanity. It has instead established a national investigatory mechanism, the Kenyan Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (hereafter TJRC). This approach adopted by Kenya has been criticized for the fact that it fosters a culture of impunity. However, the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court (hereafter ICC) has used his proprio motu powers to initiate an investigation of alleged commission of crimes that fall within the jurisdiction of the Court. This research paper has analysed the reasons for the proprio motu intervention of the ICC in Kenyan situation. It also examined whether Kenya was unwilling or genuinely unable to prosecute the perpetrators of the post-election violence of 2007. Furthermore, the paper evaluated the provisions of the Kenyan TJRC, the major shortcomings of the Commission and the challenges it is facing in fulfilling its mandate. In conclusion the paper analysed the relationship between TJRC and ICC and re-evaluate any role that the two bodies could play in dispensing justice in Kenya. But before that, the paper laid down the factual background that led to the proprio motu interevention of the ICC in Kenya where a truth commission had alreday been established. / South Africa


MATHEUS ALMEIDA DALALANA D AMICO 28 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] Desde 1996, a legislação fiscal brasileira permite que as empresas distribuam lucros para os seus acionistas em duas maneiras distintas: Dividendos e Juros sobre o Capital Próprio. Os Juros sobre o Capital Próprio pagos aos acionistas são dedutíveis do imposto de renda da firma pagadora, mas são tributados no nível do acionista beneficiário. Os dividendos pagos, por outro lado, não podem ser deduzidos do imposto de renda da firma pagadora, mas em contrapartida, não são tributados ao nível do acionista. Tudo o mais, há uma vantagem fiscal em distribuir lucros em Juros sobre o Capital Próprio ao invés de dividendos. Entretanto, muitas empresas brasileiras de capital aberto dispensam essa vantagem fiscal ao distribuir lucros exclusivamente via dividendos. Eu proponho que problemas de agência seriam responsáveis por esse puzzle. Caso uma firma opte por pagar dividendos, os custos fiscais de não distribuir lucros em Juros sobre Capital Próprio são igualmente divididos entre todos os acionistas. Os acionistas controladores, por outro lado, arcam com grande parte do ônus fiscal dos Juros sobre o Capital Próprio recebidos caso a firma possua uma estrutura acionária piramidal. Apresento evidência de que tal assimetria na distribuição dessa carga fiscal pode ser a razão pela qual tantas firmas abdicam de distribuir lucros via Juros sobre Capital Próprio. / [en] From 1996 on, tax laws in Brazil allow firms to distribute cash to its shareholders in two ways: dividend payments and interest on equity. Firms that pay interest on equity can deduct them for tax purposes, but they cannot deduct dividend payments. Investors, in turn, do not pay taxes on the dividends they earn, but they do pay on the amount of interest on equity they receive. All in all, there is a tax advantage in paying interest on equity instead of dividends. And yet, many public firms in Brazil forgo the tax benefits of interest on equity. I argue that an agency problem explains this puzzle. If a firm pays dividends, the tax cost of forgoing the corporate tax deduction of interest on equity is split among all shareholders. In contrast, controlling shareholders bear most of the taxes on interest on equity, if the paying firm has a pyramidal ownership structure. I present evidence that this asymmetry on the tax burden may indeed explain why so many firms in Brazil pay dividends instead of interest on equity.


LEONARDO ALVES DA SILVEIRA 21 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho busca analisar a divergência observada, quanto à aplicabilidade do prêmio de risco por tamanho, entre a proposta apresentada pela TBG – Transportadora Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil e a resposta da ANP - Agência Nacional de Petróleo para estimação do custo de capital próprio que balizará a tarifa máxima de transporte de gás natural para a empresa regulada. Tanto a TBG quanto a ANP adotaram o Capital Asset Price Model – CAPM como modelo para estimação do custo de capital próprio, no entanto, a proposta da TBG considerou o prêmio de risco por tamanho, ao passo que a resposta da Agência Reguladora não acatou a inclusão desse prêmio, conforme consta na nota técnica nº 007/2018-SIM de 16 de julho de 2018. Para analisar a divergência em relação ao prêmio de risco por tamanho, foi o utilizado modelo de três fatores de Fama e French (1993), que considera, além do risco sistemático adotado no CAPM, os fatores tamanho e índice B/M (book-to-market) para mensuração do custo de capital próprio. Os resultados encontrados, com base no modelo de três fatores de Fama e French (1993), não indicam aplicabilidade do prêmio de risco por tamanho para estimação do custo de capital próprio no mercado regulado de transporte de gás natural, pois os coeficientes dos fatores small minus big (SMB) e high minus low (HML) não apresentaram resultados com significância estatística para diversas das carteiras analisadas. Adicionalmente, as empresas de menor porte (small) e de alto índice B/M (high) apresentaram, entre julho de 2009 e junho de 2018, retornos médios inferiores às empresas maiores (big) e de baixo índice B/M (low), não evidenciando a existência de prêmios de risco por tamanho e por valor. / [en] The purpose of this study is to analyze the divergence observed regarding the applicability of the size risk premium, between the proposal presented by TBG - Brazilian Transporter Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil and the response of ANP - National Petroleum Agency, in the estimation of the cost of equity that will define the maximum rate for the transport of natural gas to the regulated company. Both TBG and ANP adopted the Capital Asset Price Model (CAPM) model, however, TBG proposal considered the size risk premium while ANP response did not accept the inclusion of this premium as stated in technical note no. 007/2018-SIM of July 16, 2018. To analyze this divergence was used the Fama and French three factor model (1993) that considers, besides the systematic risk adopted in the CAPM, the factors size and B/M (book-to-market) index for measuring the cost of equity. The results obtained, based on Fama and French three factors model (1993), do not indicate the applicability of the size risk premium for estimative of the cost of equity in the regulated natural gas transportation market, since the small minus big (SMB) and high minus low (HML) factor s coefficients did not present statistical significant results for some of the analyzed portfolios. In addition, smaller and high B/M companies presented, between July 2009 and June 2018, lower average returns than bigger and low B/M companies, not evidencing the existence of size and value risk premiums.


FLAVIA DOS SANTOS CORPAS 10 September 2018 (has links)
[pt] Arthur Bispo do Rosario: do claustro infinito à instalação de um nome é um estudo que aborda a vida e a obra de Bispo do Rosario. Partindo da distinção fundamental, evidenciada pelo próprio fazer de Bispo do Rosario, entre objeto e obra de arte, investigamos a articulação entre delírio e fazer de objetos na instalação de um nome como suplência, como sinthoma, conceito desenvolvido por Jacques Lacan. Tal distinção foi essencial para abordar de que forma Bispo do Rosario foi capaz de inventar para si, por meio do delírio e da produção de objetos, alguma estabilização, sua possibilidade de ancoramento no mundo. Empreendemos ainda uma leitura desses objetos, como obras, e uma reflexão sobre o nome que se instala também no campo da arte, a partir da articulação entre psicanálise e arte e da noção de acumulação. Ao final deste percurso foi possível propor a possibilidade de convergência entre a leitura clínica e a da obra de arte, esclarecendo que tal convergência não se presta à uma mera explicação da singularidade do artista através da obra ou seu oposto, a explicar a obra através da singularidade do artista. / [fr] Arthur Bispo do Rosario: du cloître infini vers l installation d un nom est une étude de la vie et de l oeuvre d Arthur Bispo do Rosario. En partant de la distinction fondamentale, mise en évidence par le travail même de Bispo de Rosario, entre objet et oeuvre d art, nous avons chercher à en savoir davantage sur l articulation du délire et de la réalisation d objets lors de l installation d un nom en temps que suppléance, en temps que sinthome, concept développé para Jacques Lacan. Une telle distinction fut essentielle pour aborder la façon selon laquelle Bispo do Rosario fut capable de s inventer, par le bais du délire et de la production d objets, une certaine stabilisation, sa possibilité d ancrage dans le monde. Nous entreprîmes aussi une lecture de ces objets en temps qu oeuvres et une réflexion sur le nom qui s installe aussi dans le champs de l art à partir de l articulation entre la psychanalyse et l art ainsi que la notion d accumulation. À la fin de ce parcours, il nous fut possible de proposer la possibilité de convergence entre la lecture clinique et celle de l oeuvre d art, laissant claire qu une telle convergence ne consiste pas en une simple explication de la singularité de l artiste à travers l oeuvre ou son opposée, expliquer l oeuvre à travers la singularité de l artiste.

Canonicité de la Conférence des évêques / Canonicity of the Conference of bishops

Malonga Diawara-Doré, Charlemagne Didace 12 September 2012 (has links)
Comme son titre l’indique, la présente thèse porte sur la canonicité de la Conférence des évêques. Elle vise à réfléchir au degré d’autorité decette nouvelle institution spécifiquement latine. La Conférence des évêques est devenue un organe permanent, alors que le Synode desévêques né en 1965 sous le pontificat de Paul VI n’a pas reçu cette caractéristique. La Conférence des évêques est-elle une expression de lacollégialité épiscopale ? Le Concile Vatican II (1962-1965) l’a admise comme l’une des composantes de cette collégialité. Vatican II l’aconsacrée et institutionnalisée (Constitution Lumen Gentium et Décret Christus Dominus), mais sans parvenir à lever toutes les questionsliées à son autorité et à sa juridiction. Le Synode des évêques de 1969, dont le thème annoncé était précisément la collégialité vécue, a aussiabordé la question des Conférences épiscopales. À cette Assemblée synodale, le débat a concerné principalement les moyens à mettre enoeuvre pour réaliser une coopération réelle et efficace entre Rome et les Conférences épiscopales et pour garantir une meilleure autonomie àces Conférences, sans pour autant entraver la liberté du Pape, ni porter atteinte à l’autorité de l’évêque diocésain. Il s’en est suivi une plusgrande détermination des principes qui régissent d’une part les relations entre les Conférences épiscopales et Siège apostolique, et d’autrepart les liens des Conférences épiscopales entre elles.Mais ce débat n’a toujours pas été tout à fait dirimé, surtout quant à l’autorité magistérielle de la Conférence des évêques. La qualificationjuridique en 1983 par les soins de la codification latine semble n’avoir pas suffi. Témoigne de ce malaise persistant le Synode des évêques de1985. Celui-ci a formellement demandé une réévaluation de l’institution de la Conférence des évêques : « Puisque les Conférencesépiscopales sont particulièrement utiles, voire nécessaires dans le travail pastoral actuel de l’Église, on souhaite l’étude de leur « status »théologique pour qu’en particulier la question de leur autorité doctrinale soit plus clairement et plus profondément explicitée, compte tenude ce qui est écrit dans le décret conciliaire Christus Dominus n° 38 et dans le Code de droit canonique, can. 447 et 753 ». Cela aoccasionné deux efforts institutionnels, l’un consultatif (L’Instrumentum laboris de 1987 de la Congrégation pour les évêques), l’autre décisionnel (le Motu proprio Apostolos suos de 1998). Dans cette dernière norme de requalification théologique et juridique, le Pape Jean-Paul II réaffirme de manière plus décisive la spécificité de la Conférence des évêques. Ce vaste dossier peut sembler redondant et lancinant. Les chercheurs peuvent constater que le problème de l’autorité de la Conférence des évêques s’avère encore difficile à trancher. En effet, les principaux paramètres de l’édifice ecclésial ne sont-ils pas profondément interrogés ? / As it is suggested within the title, the present thesis focuses on the canonicity of the Conference of bishops. It aims to reflect the degree ofauthority of this new specifically Latin Institution. The bishops Conference has become a permanent body, while the Synod of bishops whichwas born in 1965, under Pope Paul VI did not receive this feature. Is the Conference of bishops an expression of episcopal collegiality? TheSecond Vatican Council (1962-1965) was admitted as a component of this collegiality. Vatican II was consecrated and institutionalized(Constitution Lumen Gentium and Decree Christus Dominus), but failed to raise any issue relating to its authority and jurisdiction. The 1969Synod of bishops, whose theme was announced, more precisely lived collegiality, also addressed the question of episcopal conferences. Atthe Synod Assembly, the debate has mainly concerned the means to implement in order to achieve a real and effective cooperation betweenRome and the bishops' conferences, and to ensure greater autonomy to these conferences, without impeding the freedom of the Pope, orundermining the authority of the diocesan bishop. There ensued a greater commitment to the principles which govern, on the one hand, therelationship between the Episcopal Conferences and the Apostolic See, and on the other hand, the links between the different episcopalConferences.But that debate has still not been completely invalidated, especially as it refers to the teaching authority of the Conference of bishops. Thejuridical qualification, in 1983, through the efforts of the latin codification seems to have been insufficient.The Synod of Bishops, in 1985, demonstrates this persistent discomfort. It has formally requested a reassessment of the institution of theConference of bishops: « Since the Episcopal Conferences are particularly useful, even necessary in the current pastoral work of theChurch, we want to study their theological " status " so that in particular the issue of their doctrinal authority would be more clearly anddeeply explained, taking into account what is written in the conciliar Decree Christus Dominus, item N° 38 and in the Code of Canon Law,can. 447 and 753 ». This situation derived to two institutional efforts: an advisory one (The Instrumentum laboris of 1987 of theCongregation for bishops), then another one, a decision (the Motu proprio Apostolos suos 1998). In this last theological standard and juridicalrequalification, Pope John Paul II reaffirms, more decisively, the specificity of the Conference of bishops. This extensive file may seem to beredundant and haunting. Researchers can notice that the problem of authority of the Conference of bishops remains difficult to determine. Infact, are the main parameters of the ecclesial structure not deeply questioned ?

La città da energivora a nodo attivo delle reti di produzione e di scambio energetico / Towns, Cities and Urban Areas. From Energy Consumers to Renewable Energies Producers

VENUTA, MARIA LUISA 13 July 2007 (has links)
Il concetto di rete dell'informazione può diventare uno schema logico con cui descrivere l'evoluzione delle politiche sulle energie rinnovabili e sulla sostenibilità? La ricerca è stata svolta analizzando l'architettura delle due reti (internet e reti energetiche) e l'evoluzione del bene prodotto e distribuito nella rete energetica, l'energia, esplicitando l'accessibilità da parte della distribuzione mondiale delle risorse petrolifere tradizionali e delle risorse rinnovabili. La struttura metodologica del progetto di ricerca si basa due tipi di analisi teorica: 1) l'analisi della nascita delle società in rete attraverso le teorie di Manuel Castells (concetto di spazio di flussi) e di Saskia Sassen e l'evoluzione delle città (cap.2 e cap.5) 2) le analisi dei flussi dei materiali e delle energie avendo come riferimento metodologico l'approccio ecologico ideato dai ricercatori dell'istituto per il Clima, l'Ambiente e l'Energia di Wuppertal, Germania (cap.3 e cap.4) La contraddizione tra città innovative e città che sono ai livelli di enormi discariche o di baraccopoli è esposta nel cap.6 attraverso casi studio e progetto dei Programmi Europei. Nell'ultimo capitolo (cap.7) si riassumono le ipotesi di partenza e i risultati della ricerca e si espongono le questioni aperte. / Can internet logic scheme be used as a basis to describe public policies evolution on renewable energies production and sharing in urban areas all over the world? The research project analyses the two networks (internet and energetic grids) architectures in actual and future urban areas. This analysis is connected with present and future forecasts energy productions from traditional fuels and from renewable sources. Theoretical analysis is conducted following a double conceptual pathway: - societal networks (Manuel Castells theory) and urban areas evolution (Saskia Sassen and Mike Davis) in order to picture the evolution of cities and towns in modern economies and in developing countries (Chapters 2 and 5); - Material and Energy Flow Analysis (approach by Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy) applied to renewable energy (Chapters 3 and 4) In Chapter 6 case studies are exposed on the deep cleavage between two different worlds: innovative, rich towns on a side and the landfills cities, slums on the other side. In the last part hypothesis and thesis are put together and open questions are explained (Chapter 7).

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