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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The reception of English fictional and non-fictional prose in Catalonia (1916-38), with particular reference to Edwardian literary culture and associated debates concerning the novel in England, France and Catalonia

Coll-Vinent, Sílvia January 1996 (has links)
The present study opens up the field of Catalan connections with English literature. The importance of Edwardian influences on the general transmission of English authors and works is demonstrated. Original data on the reception of G.K. Chesterton, the Edwardian figure with a most remarkable impact in Catalonia, is brought to light (Chapter 1, Appendix 1), followed by discussion of the presence of H.G. Wells and G.B. Shaw and an account of the reception of Well's early fiction (Chapter 2); their influence sheds new light on the aspiration of an élite to modernise Catalan culture. Catalan translations of English fictional works produced in the period 1918-38 (Chapter 3, Appendix II) are linked to the reception of the roman anglais in the context of the crisis of the roman à thèse, and the meditating influence of French criticism is revealed. The values of romance, adventure, and the common man (from Defoe to Stevenson, from Stevenson to Conrad) constitute the recurrent thread associated with the English tradition and with the Edwardian fictional canon, as these were mediated from France to Catalonia. This panorama of transmission enhances an understanding of Catalan views of the novel, in the light of Edwardian values (Chapter 4), as exemplified in Carles Riba's critical appraisal of two Catalan authors, in the appeal of Joseph Conrad's narrative technique and its influence on J.M. de Sagarra, as well as in the comparison of Frank Swinnerton's Nocturne (a best-seller of 1917) and its Catalan counterpart, M. Teresa Vernet's Les algues roges. This thesis also includes a chronology of the reception of Chesterton and a list of Catalan translations of English works of fiction.

Tradition and poetic experimentation in Gaspard de la Nuit : Aloysius Bertrand and cultural exchange in French romanticism

Gosetti, Valentina January 2013 (has links)
In mainstream literary histories, Aloysius Bertrand (1807-1841) is still remembered as the canonical inventor of the prose poem in France. The established classification of Gaspard de la Nuit (1842) within the realm of the prose poem inevitably involves a retrospective appreciation of Bertrand’s work in light of the better-known authors that succeeded him in the history of this genre, such as Baudelaire and Mallarmé. The result is that Bertrand is often viewed as the inventor and/or the precursor of this genre; an important but, ultimately, minor contributor to its development. This hindsight brings with it a risk of critical anachronism against which Bertrand's contribution is often downplayed, especially because his thematic choices are seen to be outmoded, when compared to works by poets writing decades later. This thesis is a re-examination of Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit, incorporating an analysis of the cultural context that contributed to its production. The central argument is that in order to fairly assess Bertrand’s work, it is crucial to consider the poet’s contribution to, as well as his position in, the wider cultural exchange typical of his time. Using this contextual and historical approach, this thesis examines and challenges some of the main traditional considerations of Bertrand, such as his being a petit romantique, his provincialism, his unoriginality, and his role as the precursor and/or inventor of the prose poem. The overall aim is to assess fairly Bertrand’s unique synthesis of contemporary cultural and literary material with his own original work. By emphasising the crucial role of cultural exchange at the time of Gaspard de la Nuit’s production, we are thus able to begin to understand Bertrand in his own terms, rather than those of his successors, ourselves included, challenging commonly-held views and opening up new avenues for research.

Hat and Man

Corbin, Sean L. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Rapid life changes can lead to a certain amount of cognitive confusion if not full dissonance. Events take on new meaning. Images stand for new ideas. Through prose poetry, surrealism, deadpan humor, and word play, this thesis gives the sudden advent of fatherhood, domestication, intellectual exhaustion, and shifts in mental and physical health new shapes.

Jaunas ir senas žmogus Antano Vienuolio smulkiojoje prozoje / YOUNG AND THE OLD MAN IN ANTANAS VIENUOLIS SMALL PROSE

Mingailaitė, Lina 02 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbo tyrimo objektas – Antano Vienuolio smulkioji proza. Analizuojami tokie kūriniai: „Grįžo“ (1908), „Išdukterė“ (1945), „Astronomas Šmukštaras“ (1950), „Samdinė Alena“ (1953), „Vėžys“. Paskutiniajame skyriuje remiamasi ir kitų kūrinių ištraukomis: „Vėlinių vakarą“ (1937), „Užkeiktieji vienuoliai“ (1943 – 1947), „Kruvinoji keršto uola“ (1906). Šio darbo tiriamoji problema ir akstinas tyrimui yra tai, kad daugiausiai Antano Vienuolio kūryba daugiausiai nagrinėta sovietiniu laikotarpiu. Verta pastebėti, kad sovietinė kritika iškelia svarbių tyrimo aspektų, rimtų įžvalgų ir nagrinėjimo vertų klausimų. Tačiau didelė dalis sovietinės kritikos yra jau pasenusi, nebeatitinka šių dienų aktualijų. Kita priežastis – tai trijų dešimtmečių pakeistas požiūris į aptariamojo autoriaus kūrybą. Antano Vienuolio kūryboje pastebimi nauji rakursai, naujos problemos. Todėl yra poreikis nagrinėti autoriaus kūrybą nauju žvilgsniu, gilinantis į patį tekstą, būnant nevaržomam sovietinių kanonų. Analizuojant ir interpretuojant kūrinius pasitelkiamas aprašomasis metodas. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti jauno ir seno žmogaus vaizdavimą Antano Vienuolio smulkiojoje prozoje. Uždaviniai: išsiaiškinti, kaip vaizduojama jaunystės ir senatvės priešybė nagrinėtoje autoriaus kūryboje, išskirti jauno ir seno žmogaus vaizdavimo panašumus ir skirtumus ir nusakyti pasakotojo funkcijas bei pasakojimo skirtumus, pagal pasakotojo amžių. Įsigilinant į Antano Vienuolio tekstus rasta naujos tyrimo medžiagos:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of bachelor thesis analysis – Antanas Vienuolis small prose. There are analysys of texts: „Grįžo“ (1908), „Išdukterė“ (1945), „Astronomas Šmukštaras“ (1950), „Samdinė Alena“ (1953), „Vėžys“. Paskutiniajame skyriuje remiamasi ir kitų kūrinių ištraukomis: „Vėlinių vakarą“ (1937), „Užkeiktieji vienuoliai“ (1943 – 1947), „Kruvinoji keršto uola“ (1906). The problem of analysis is that the most Antanas Vienuolis prose were studying on soviet period. Soviet critics noticed important aspects, major insight and worthy of research questions. But most of soviet criticism are allready aged and are not topical. The other reason – there is a new position to authors prose changed by three decades. There are noted new angles, new problematic in Antanas Vienuolis works. It is important to analyse authors prose by new look, to go to the text, being independent from soviet canons. There are used tyrimo methods like analysis, interpretation and descriptive. The aim of bachelor thesis – to explore young and the old man representation in Antanas Vienuolis small prose. Tasks: explore how youth and old age portrayed opposite in author‘s works. Distinguish young and old man differences and similarities, describe the functions of the narrator under his age. The focus on Antanas Vienuolis texts were found in the new study materials: observed the changing role of the author, works of poetry and the semantic relationship, new interpretations of characters pictures. It is noticed that... [to full text]

Édition critique du manuscrit français 9198 : "La Vie et Miracles de Nostre Dame" de Jehan Miélot

Abd-Elrazak, Loula 01 October 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse était de réaliser la première édition critique du manuscrit français 9198 de la BnF attribué à Jehan Miélot et commandité, au XVe siècle, par Philipe le Bon, duc de Bourgogne. Ce manuscrit contient la compilation intitulée : La Vie et miracles de Nostre Dame qui constitue la mise en prose de miracles en vers du XIIIe siècle. D’un point de vue philologique, le but était d’étudier le rapport entre les formes des textes versifiés en ancien français et les formes en moyen français de la compilation. Le travail philologique comprend la transcription du manuscrit, un apparat critique, un glossaire, un index lemmatisé, l’index des noms propres et une analyse grammaticale des traits dialectaux de l’œuvre qui reflètent la phonétique du dialecte picard. La problématique sur laquelle repose cette recherche est double. D’un point de vue philologique, il est question d’éclairer le rapport entre les formes anciennes, qu’offrent les textes versifiés en ancien français du XIIIe siècle, et les formes modernes en moyen français du recueil de Jehan Miélot. En puisant des exemples à la fois dans les récits de miracles versifiés du XIIIe siècle et dans la compilation du XVe siècle, cette étude permet de situer le recueil dans le contexte de la tradition médiévale des récits miraculaires de la Vierge Marie

Проза Богобоја Атанацковића / Proza Bogoboja Atanackovića / Bogoboj Atanacković Prose Works

Brković Mirjana 09 July 2010 (has links)
<p>U tezi se analizira mesto i uloga Bogoboja Atanackovića (1826&ndash;1858) u istoriji srpske književnosti. Na osnovu književne recepcije njegovog rada ustanovljeno je da spada u pisce koji su prvo bili preterano hvaljeni, a potom potpuno omalovažavani. Atanacković je imao za cilj da obrazuje i zabavi svoje čitaoce, a stavovi koje je zastupao u svojoj poetici pokazuju da je poznavao savremena mu pedago&scaron;ka stremljenja. Spada u pisce koji su pisali za ženski deo publike i za omladinu. Na Atanackovića su uticali srpski pisci prethodnih epoha i njegovi savremenici, prvenstveno Branko Radičević, potom savremeni mu mađarski, nemački, ruski i francuski pisci, kao i usmena narodna i građanska lirika. U svoja dela unosio je opise događaja iz revolucije 1848&ndash;1849. godine. Njegov doprinos razvoju srpske književnosti ogleda se u napu&scaron;tanju vojvođanskog dijalekta u skladu sa reformom srpskog jezika Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića, kombinovanju sentimentalno-romantičarskih stilskih postupaka sa prvim elementima realizma u srpskoj prozi, kao i okretanju temama iz savremenog života i uno&scaron;enju socijalnih pitanja u književnost, dok je u putopisima koristio meditativno-reporterski stil i epistolarnu formu.</p> / <p> The position and the role of Bogoboj Atanacković (1826&ndash;<br /> 1858) in the Serbian literary history is analysed in the<br /> thesis. On the ground of the literary reception of his work<br /> it has been found out that he belongs to the group of<br /> writers who were at the beginning praised too much, and<br /> later on completely disdained. Atanacković aimed to<br /> educate and entertain his readers, and the attitudes he<br /> supports in his poetics shows that he was familiar with the<br /> contemporary pedagogical teachings. He was writing for<br /> the female part of the audience and for the youth.<br /> Atanacković was influenced by the Serbian writers of the<br /> previous epochs along with his contemporaries, first of all<br /> Branko Radicević, also the contemporary Hungarian,<br /> German, Russian and French writers, as well as the oral<br /> folk and urban lyrics. In his works he described the events<br /> from the 1848&ndash;1849 revolution. His contribution to the<br /> development of the Serbian literature is seen in<br /> abandoning the Vojvodina dialect in accordance with the<br /> Vuk Stefanović Karadžić&rsquo;s reform of the Serbian<br /> language, combining of the sentimental and romantic<br /> style with the first elements of realism in the Serbian<br /> prose, also in turning to the themes from the<br /> contemporary life and including the social aspects into the<br /> literature, while in the prose accounts of his travels he<br /> used meditative-reporter style and the epistle form.</p>

A Hero in Our Time: Stories of the Fictionally Subversive Soviet Woman of the 1980s

Burns, Ladonna Michelle, Burns, Ladonna Michelle January 2016 (has links)
Citizens who lived in the Soviet Union in the early 1980s did so amid a changing political atmosphere. For their extreme patience, they were rewarded with new policies (after 1985) that promised less censorship and more openness from the government to the people. The Soviet woman received special attention and promises in the shape of new reforms in the social spheres of education and employment. As often happens with political change, there were unintended results. As the policy of glasnost' or "openness" attempted to create and provide new possibilities for women, the unforeseen byproduct of the change was that a non-idyllic and even subversive female emerged in literature and society. This thesis will explore the prevailing cultural attitudes surrounding women before glasnost', as well as glasnost' itself and its policies affected the cultural attitudes as they related to the traditional woman's role in society. The thesis will also examine how glasnost' enabled the literary debut of the subversive female character, and foster this previously forbidden type and other prohibited topics. Finally, the discussion will turn to the immediate aftermath of glasnost' with some observations about the stunted position of the Russian woman in literature, and in society, after the breakup of the Soviet Union.This thesis will include brief studies of published shorter works-all by contemporary female Soviet writers of the 1980s-and their fictional characters. As the gender specific deep-seated beliefs, proverbs, laws and anecdotes connected to the "suggested" ideal life of the virtuous Soviet females are analyzed, the thesis will show how these fictional characters' behaviors directly and indirectly allowed Russian contemporary female writers to challenge taboo subjects within Russia through a new literary category of alternative women's prose.

Le découpage narratif dans les romans en prose du XIIIe siècle : l'exemple du Perlesvaus

Payant, Caroline January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La prosa de intensidades en la narrativa de Alberto Ruy Sánchez : un habitar poético del mundo

Gingras, Mario January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

La littérature du refus en pays dominés : entre continuité, invention et utopie

Hanet, Frédérique Elsie January 2003 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

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