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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Färgens transsubstantiation : En studie av bildkonsten i Torgny Lindgrens skönlitterära prosa / The Transubstantiation of Paint : A Study of Visual Art in the Fictional Works of Torgny Lindgren

Alsparr, Staffan January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the function of visual art in Torgny Lindgren's novels Till sanningens lov (1991), Dorés Bibel (2005) and Klingsor (2014) and the short story collection I Brokiga Blads vatten (1999). Visual art in Lindgren's prose is approached both as an instance of description and in terms of an activity and artefact to be viewed, created and interacted with. By studying ekphrases and "iconic projections" based on intermedial theory, the verbal descriptions of art are shown to have a narrative function, whereby the characters viewing or creating the artwork are reflected. A conspicuous trait of the ekphrases and iconic projections are their focus on details.  The area of creation as an activity relates visual art to crafts, cooking and alchemy, with an emphasis on its material aspects. The creation of art investigates the dualism of genuine versus fake, as well as the relationship between art and commerce. Lindgren's stories depict the market as an arbitrary yet powerful force, alongside individual creative forms of resistance to it.  The manner in which artefacts are described evokes the notion of an enchanted object, in accordance with research on the function of art-objects in contemporary fiction. Being able to discern enchantment in Lindgren's works is based on the conversion of one's vision, which in turn is related to one's view of the world as a whole. Conversion is engendered by methods of irony, ambiguity and the elevation of the humble.

Responding to student writing : strategies for a distance-teaching context

Spencer, Brenda 11 1900 (has links)
Responding to Student Writing: Strategies for a Distance-Teaching Context identifies viable response techniques for a unique discourse community. An overview of paradigmatic shifts in writing and reading theory, 'frameworks of response' developed to classify response statements for research purposes, and an overview of research in the field provide the theoretical basis for the evaluation of the empirical study. The research comprises a three-fold exploration of the response strategies adopted by Unisa lecturers to the writing of Practical English (PENl00-3) students. In the first phase the focus falls on the effect of intervention on the students' revised drafts of four divergent marking strategies - coded correction, minimal marking, taped response and self assessment. All the experimental strategies tested result in statistically-significant improvement levels in the revised draft. The benefits of self assessment and rewriting, even without tutorial intervention, were demonstrated. The study is unique by virtue of its distance-teaching context, its sample size of 1750 and in the high significance levels achieved. The second phase of the research consisted of a questionnaire that determined 2640 students' expectations with respect to marking, the value of commentary, their perceptions of markers' roles and their opinions of the experimental strategies tested. Their responses were also correlated with their final Practical English examination results. The third phase examined tutorial response. The framework of response, developed for the purpose, revealed that present response strategies represent a regression to the traditional product-orientated approach to writing that contradicts the cognitive and rhetorical axiological basis of the course. There is thus a disjunction between the teaching and theoretical practices. The final chapter bridges this gap by examining issues of audience, transparency, ownership, timing of intervention and training. The researcher believes that she has successfully identified practical and innovative strategies that assist lecturers in a distance-teaching context to break away from old response blueprints. / English Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (English)

Књижевна дисперзија Борислава Михајловића Михиза / Književna disperzija Borislava Mihajlovića Mihiza / “Literary dispersion of Borislav MihajlovićMihiz”

Plavšić Maja 27 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Autorka ovog rada ima nameru da prikaže delo<br />književnog kritičara Borislava Mihajlovića<br />Mihiza u okviru jedne celine jer su njegovi<br />kritičarski radovi, uglavnom, i dalje rasuti po<br />književnim časopisima. Poseban akcenat je na<br />&scaron;estogodi&scaron;njem delovanju u časopisu &ldquo;Nin&rdquo;<br />(1951-1956) kada je ovaj kritičar stekao<br />reputaciju o&scaron;trog kritičara koji afirmi&scaron;e dobru<br />književnost koja se tek rađala u posleratnoj<br />Jugoslaviji. S obzirom na to da su ovom<br />kritičaru godinama osporavali postojanje<br />poetike i dublje kritičke misli, cilj ove<br />doktorske disertacije jeste da dokaže suprotno i<br />da se delo ovog kritičara sagleda u kontekstu<br />savremene srpske književnosti u čije temelje je i<br />sam utkao svoj pozama&scaron;an literarni opus.</p> / <p>Author of this paper has intention to present<br />opus of literary critic Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz<br />within one place because his critically opus is<br />still scattered in literary magazines. Special<br />focus will be on six years time when he wrote<br />for magazine &lsquo;Nin&rsquo; (1951-1956) and he earned<br />reputation of strict critic who likes very good<br />literature which has been written and published<br />in Yugoslavia after World War II. Lots of critics<br />were denied that Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz had<br />his poetic and serious critical approach so the<br />aim of this PhD theses is to prove the opposite<br />and to illuminate work of this writer in light of<br />modern Serbian literature in which foundation<br />he put his large opus.</p>

Хришћанско и паганско у делу Растка Петровића / Hrišćansko i pagansko u delu Rastka Petrovića

Knežević Ivana 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu jeste identifikacija i osvetljavanje dominantnih obrazaca avangardnog i hri&scaron;ćanskog identiteta u delu Rastka Petrovića. Rastko uvek nastupa sa pozicije nekog ko je blisko upoznat sa umetno&scaron;ću, istorijom i njenim nepredvidivim i nepravednim političkim projektima. Poku&scaron;avajući da rastumači njihove uzroke i posledice, stalno ističe potrebu za integralnim čovekom, kulturom i dru&scaron;tvom uop&scaron;te, kako po pripadnike sopstvenog naroda, tako i na regionalnom i globalnom nivou. Rastkovo opredeljenje da je svet u nastajanju povezan s ideologijom deča&scaron;tva (mladića), znači da je čovek po njemu u događaju Bogomladenca doživeo vrhunac, tj. u potpunosti ispunio cilj ka kome oduvek teži. Su&scaron;tinsko, a ne tek sporedno, akcidentalno određenje čoveka jeste da nadiđe sebe i stremi ka Bogu. Centralnu ulogu u okviru ove transcedencije trebalo bi da ima analiza apriorne strukture čovekovog bića i u njima prepozna otvorenost i sposobnost da se avangardna/hri&scaron;ćanska poruka čuje i adekvatno razume. Rastko u tradiciji vidi istinsko upori&scaron;te transcendencije i afirmacije verodostojnog bića i odgovarajuće slobode gde apsolutna sloboda i apsolutni autoritet nisu suprotstavljena svojstva, već izraz istog bića. Rastkove ideolo&scaron;ke evropske pretenzije mogu se okvalifikovati kao veliki intelektualni napor i pregnuće da se stvori,&nbsp;usvoji i inkorporira jedan novi (obnovljeni) kulturni i religiozni mit koji se kao takav projektuje u praistoriju, a potom samoreguli&scaron;e mnoge savremene fenomene.</p> / <p>The main subject of this PhD thesis was to identify and shed the light on the dominant form of avant-garde and the Christian identity in the work of Rastko Petrovic. Rastko always acted from the perspective of someone who was closely familiar with the art, with history and its unpredictable and unjust political projects. Trying to understand its causes and consequences, Rastko Petrovic has repeatedly stressed the need for the integral and comprehensive man, culture and society in general, both in terms of his own people, and at the regional and global levels. Rastko&rsquo;s commitment to the idea that the emerging World is connected with the ideology of boyhood, means that the man as an individual has culminated in Divine Child event, and only through that event has fully met the purpose towards which it has always aspired. The essential and not only secondary and accidental determination of man is to transcend himself and strive towards God. An a priori analysis should have the central role within this transcendence of the structure of human beings with its ability to recognize in them the openness and the ability to properly hear and understand the avant-garde / Christian message. Tradition is in the eyes of Rastko Petrovic the only true stronghold of such transcendence and affirmation of one true and credible human being and adequate freedom where absolute&nbsp;freedom and absolute authority are not contradictory properties, but an expression of the one same being. Rastko&rsquo;s ideological European claims may be characterized as a great intellectual effort and endeavor to create, adopt and incorporate a new (renewed) cultural and religious myth which, as such, projects in prehistory, and then self-regulates many contemporary phenomena.</p>

Crisis and form in Ingeborg Bachmann's late verse and prose : an aesthetic examination of the poetic drafts of the 1960s

McMurtry, Aine January 2008 (has links)
This thesis demonstrates the aesthetic impact of crisis on Ingeborg Bachmann's late verse and prose. It examines poetic drafts written during a period of personal breakdown in the 1960s, which have largely been received as documents of personal suffering, and identifies these texts as a radical stage of writing that was to prove formally significant for Bachmann's development of the prose "Todesarten"-Projekt. This thesis draws on the new material made available with the publication of these poetic drafts to chart the genesis of Bachmann's acclaimed late oeuvre. By selecting and grouping lyric fragments, the thesis defines recurrent features in this verse and accounts for the texts as a body of writing that forms a radical, yet undocumented, part of this oeuvre. In terms of both their form and of their content, the fragmentary drafts are shown to reflect new engagement with aspects of experience conventionally excluded from High Art. In light of Bachmann's growing preoccupation with the need for aesthetic engagement in the post-war era, close readings reveal how she set about taking her subjective suffering as a basis for a critique of the social order. The thesis outlines how, during the 1960s, Bachmann pioneered a symptomatic expressive mode that - in the disrupted form of the writing - found an indirect means of manifesting the wider origins of subjective disturbance. The ambiguous aesthetic status of these poetic drafts, which were never finished by Bachmann, is related to an inability to establish structural distance from crisis in lyric form. Building on its readings of the poetic drafts, the thesis traces Bachmann's prose experimentation with the same motifs. It identifies how, ultimately, the prose medium enabled the author to resolve problems of aesthetic form raised in the verse. Parallels with the work of other writers and thinkers illuminate the development of a reflexive mode where sophisticated aesthetic strategies enable the oblique expression of cultural critique.

Exempla im Kontext : Untersuchungen zur Sammelhandschrift Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, mgf 863 aus dem Strassburger Reuerinnenkloster

Studer, Monika Beatrice January 2012 (has links)
The manuscript Berlin, SBB-PK, mgf 863 was written in about 1430 to 1435 and contains more than 600 short narrative texts in German prose (with some Latin insertions). Among them is the collection of the ›Alemannische Vitaspatrum‹ as well as an additional, extensive and multifarious exempla corpus, which mostly contains translations from well-known Latin collections such as – for example and most prominently – Caesarius' of Heisterbach ›Dialogus miraculorum‹. Because of the specific composition of the corpus and its large extent, mgf 863 builds an excellent basis for the investigation of exempla, a text type which has not received much attention in German studies. The manuscript was probably produced in Strasbourg where it belonged to the library of the nuns from the convent of St Mary Magdalen. It contains a large quantity of textual material with close links to Strasbourg in terms of content or history of transmission. My primary interest is in the texts in the manuscript, in their contents and interdependencies, as well as in their history and their contextualization in, for example, groups of manuscripts, exempla tradition and religious practice. The project aims at a contribution to exempla research as well as to literary and religious life in Strasbourg in the late Middle Ages. My approach comes primarily from literary studies, but also uses palaeographical, textualcritical, and historical methods. The thesis combines case studies of the transmission of individual exempla or groups of exempla with general research into the history of texts (›Textgeschichte‹) and the history of transmission (›Überlieferungsgeschichte‹) of German prose exempla. A repertory in the appendix provides an overview of the manuscript's content. It helps to orientate within the study; furthermore, with over 600 entries, it provides a tool for the identification of German exempla.

Holistic Evaluation of Peer Writings by Able and Less Able Readers in Eighth and Tenth Grades

Peters, Elaine 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the use of general impression scoring by teachers and students, and to compare the criteria used in evaluating student writings. Subjects for the study were 40 eighth grade and tenth grade students of varying reading ability in regular English classes in a suburban school district. Teachers and students evaluated two sets of writings in the narrative, classificatory and descriptive modes, generated by ninth grade students in regular English classes in the same school district. In addition, a comment, citing criteria upon which evaluation was based, was made on each writing. The design for this study was an extended factorial analysis. A three way analysis of variance was computed for ability and grade for each level of quality of writing in each mode of discourse. Six hypotheses were tested. Hypotheses one and two dealt with comparison of ratings by students who differed by ability and grade. No significant differences were found. Hypotheses three and four dealt with interaction between grade, ability and mode of discourse. No significant interaction was found. Hypotheses five and six dealt with differences in evaluations between teachers and students of varying ability. A significant difference was found in how teachers and students evaluate writing (p .01). Examination of criteria used in evaluating writings indicated that teachers consistently referred to elements of the text. Students also made text-based comments. In addition, students responded subjectively, referring to common experience, interest, and memories cued by the text.

The Relationship of Robert Greene and Thomas Nashe, 1588-1590: An Episode in the Development of English Prose Fiction

Koenig, Gregory R. (Gregory Robert) 12 1900 (has links)
Robert Greene began collaborating with Thomas Nashe as English prose was turning away from the style and subject matter of Lyly's Euphues (1578) and Sidney's Arcadia (1590). When Greene and Nashe came together in London, the two writers appear to have set the tone for the pamphleteers who would establish the realistic tradition that contributed to the development of the novel. Greene's Menaphon (1589) may be a satire representing his abandonment of courtly fiction. The influence of the Marprelate controversy is reflected in Greene's appeals to the pragmatic character of the emerging literate middle class. Greene's Vision (1592) appears to be Greene's affirmation of his critical philosophy at a point of stress in the authors' relationship.

Žánrová a tématická specifika ruské prózy devadesátých let 20. století / Genre and Thematic Specification of Russian Prose of the Nineties of the 20th Century

Kastnerová, Erika January 2011 (has links)
The desintegration of the USSR, the resulting release of censorship, and the related publication of earlier prohibited texts, as well as the new charakter of the book market entirely tranformed the shape of the literary field of the nineties. This thesis concerns itself with a specific segment of the professional literary production of this period. With its topic, this work aspires to contribute to the serious research of the little explored postcommunist period in the Russian literature. In order to assess and interpret the evolution of opininions in this period of time, the chosen method is the one of commented overview of literary criticism and of literary-theoretical texts published mainly between 1986 and 2000 in Russian publications (mostly in so-called "thick magazines"). The thesis focuses on studies interested in the work of the middle and younger generation of the Russian prose writers, and more precisely on studies concerning the structural aspects of the literary situation in the nineties. On the background of the specific cultural and social situation, the method of the ample commentary is an appropriate way regarding how to interpret the literary theorists' basis of thoughts and opinions, and at the same time how to affect these experts' relationship to the new tendencies in the...

Literární venkov v protektorátní kinematografii / Literary country in protectorate cinematography

Svěcená, Dobroslava January 2013 (has links)
(in English): This paper deals with the beginnings of nationally-emancipatory and patriotic expressions, which became part of the Czech rural prose during the nineteenth century and which are reflected as nation-defending tendencies in protectorate cinematography by a medium of film adaptation in the twentieth century. The paper intends to interconnect both of these historical periods. Due to the political and social reasons there was increased amount of revivalist ideals of the national rural life in the classic Czech rural prose as well as in the films. The ideals came from national historical traditions and from the cult of the nature and countryside, in which the topos of a "little cottage" ("idyllic place") played the major role. These elements became part of the self-image of the Czech people during the rise of the modern Czech nation (i.e. from the beginning of the nineteenth century till the World War I) and were intensified in the era of national menace during the protectorate. Last part of the paper, which uses the example of the writer Božena Němcová and her novel Babička, shows the concrete expressions of these ideals, that became part of her cult during the decades.

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