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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rewriting the road (auto)mobility and the road narratives of American writers of color /

Brunnemer, Kristin Carol, January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Riverside, 2009. / Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 224-238). Issued in print and online. Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations.

Why tell the truth when a lie will do? re-creations and resistance in the self-authored life writing of five American women fiction writers /

Huguley, Piper Gian. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Georgia State University, 2006. / Title from title screen. Audrey Goodman, committee chair; Thomas L. McHaney, Elizabeth West, committee members. Electronic text (253 p.) : digital, PDF file. Description based on contents viewed May15, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (243-253).

The hidden depths of popular fiction : a study of two female writers of Wilhelmine Germany, 1890-1914

Stolfa, Sabrina January 2013 (has links)
This investigation presents two literary case studies that demonstrate the heterogeneity of Wilhelmine popular fiction, both in terms of thematic orientation and aesthetic quality. The chosen authors are women from bourgeois backgrounds who were prolific and well-known during their life-time, but who have since been relegated. They target the ‘new middle class’ of that era as their readership and, respectively, represent two important but contested genres of late nineteenth-century popular fiction: Heimatkunst and the Sozialroman. Heimatkunst has been dismissed as a homogeneous propagator of right-wing ideology. Yet the texts of Charlotte Niese evidence ‘resistant practice’ within and against prevailing discourse parameters. Her autobiographical writing demonstrates a type of nationalism orientated in dignity and independence, rather than competition and militarism, while also showing how political indoctrination and imposition poisoned the vernacular social status quo which otherwise managed to integrate antagonistic values and attitudes. Her fictional narratives highlight how writing dubbed Heimatkunst was subject to hybridisation, at times to amount to an approximation of a modernist aesthetic. The Sozialroman has been dismissed as a trivial ‘variety of social recipes’. Luise Westkirch’s narratives, however, incorporate thorough-going social reform. Her shorter narratives include astute, psychologically-based social critique which facilitates insights into contemporaneous preoccupations and slow perceptual changes. Incorporating tenets derived from the German romantic legacy, her narratives challenge dominant discourse parameters directly. In the process, the internationally ubiquitous interpretation of competition and power as basic instinctual drives is deconstructed as an erroneous and self-destructive assumption. Westkirch’s complex narratives establish sub-textual agendas through ‘thematic compounding’ that directs the reader’s attention overtly at one set of issues while covertly commenting on another. In this way, she constructs gender inequality as an indictment of normative socio-political systems. This study therefore argues that popular fiction located in a time of cultural crisis has the potential to make explicit the parameters of the prevailing dominant discourse, against which specific values are articulated. Since a conscious formulation of these parameters is essential to the loosening of any conceptual hegemony, which depends on implicitness, fiction thus situated can yield new perspectives, not only in terms of historical insight, but in terms of conceptual alternatives that also have contemporary relevance.

Self-referential rhetoric : the evolution of the Elizabethan 'wit'

Kramer, Yuval January 2017 (has links)
The thesis traces the evolving attitudes towards rhetoric in the highly-rhetorised English-language prose of the late sixteenth century by focusing on a term that was itself subject to significant change: 'wit'. To wit's pre-existing denotations of intellectual acumen, capacity for reason and good judgement was added a novel meaning, related to the capacity for producing lively speech. As a term encompassing widely divergent meanings, many Elizabethan and early Stuart works explored 'wit' as a central theme or treated the term as significant to explorations of the human mind, its capacity for rhetoric, and the social and moral dimensions of this relationship. The research centres on how 'wit' is seen and how it corresponds to rhetorical wittiness as produced in practice, and questions the implications of this for understanding the social and moral dimensions of the authorial wit. By focusing on the early vernacular manuals of rhetoric by author such as Thomas Wilson and Roger Ascham, on Lyly's and Greene's euphuist prose, and on Thomas Lodge's and Sir Philip Sidney's prose defences of poetry, the first half of the thesis explores the term's conceptual ambiguity. Potentially both reformative and deceptive, this ambiguity becomes a useful tool for the author looking to construct a profitable persona as a Wit, or a brilliant-yet-unruly master of rhetoric. The second half of the research notes how 'wit' tends to outlive its usefulness as a multivalent term in later writings when these seek to move away from the social commodification of an author's rhetoric. Examining Sidney's theological and political aims in The New Arcadia, Thomas Nashe's carnivalesque questioning of the idea of profit, and Francis Bacon's systematic interpretation of Nature, the research suggests that rhetoric and 'wit' maintain both their significance and their ambiguity into the seventeenth century. A meta-rhetorical signpost, 'wit' comes to reflect through its use and disuse both the issues at hand and the inherent self-reflexivity of any attempt to deal directly with rhetoric.

A tradução da prosa poética de Katherine Mansfield em português : um estudo comparado

Santos, Patrícia Peter dos January 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa comparativamente as traduções dos contos Bliss, Miss Brill e The Garden Party, da escritora neozelandesa Katherine Mansfield, disponíveis ao leitor brasileiro. Mansfield é escritora de reconhecido talento na literatura de língua inglesa, e sua escrita se caracteriza por textos formalmente bem construídos e por narrativas com pouca ação, nas quais o centro são os conflitos internos dos personagens. A comparação é realizada através da aproximação de trechos selecionados a partir de características formais, ou da tensão relativa ao momento narrado. O objetivo é verificar os procedimentos usados para a tradução da obra da escritora e, por consequência, da imagem da contista delineada e veiculada pelas diferentes traduções. Para tanto, são abordados, entre outros, os conceitos de conto moderno, de prosa poética, de tradução poética, proposto por Mario Laranjeira e de tradução como transcriação, de Haroldo de Campos. Os tradutores estudados neste trabalho são Erico Verissimo, Ana Cristina César, Edla Van Steen, Eduardo Brandão, Julieta Cupertino, Maura Sardinha, Luiza Lobo, Marcos Eugênio Marcondes de Moura e Alexandre Barbosa de Souza. Defensores de diferentes concepções de tradução, cada um dos tradutores deixou sua marca no resultado de seu trabalho, a qual contribui para a construção da leitura que se fará da autora no Brasil. Os textos são analisados à luz do referencial teórico apresentado, sendo apontadas as principais diferenças de tradução. Por fim, apresentam-se as conclusões do trabalho e propõem-se possibilidades de novas investigações. / This thesis presents a comparative analysis of the translations of Bliss, Miss Brill and The Garden Party, short stories written by the New Zealander writer Katherine Mansfield. The corpus includes all the translations of the mentioned short stories available to Brazilian readers. Mansfield is a well known English writer, and her writing presents formally well-constructed texts and stories that show little action, but are full of internal conflicts. The development of this work consists on the approach of selected excerpts, chosen either by their formal characteristics or the tension related to the story. The objective is to verify the proceedures used in the translation of the author´s writing and her image conveyed by the translation selection of words and other linguistic resources. For that, many ideas are taken into account, including, among others, the concept of modern short story, poetic prose, poetic translation, developed by Mario Laranjeira and translation as an act of “transcriação”, developed by Haroldo de Campos. The translators taken into consideration in this thesis are Erico Verissimo, Ana Cristina César, Edla Van Steen, Eduardo Brandão, Julieta Cupertino, Maura Sardinha, Luiza Lobo, Marcos Eugênio Marcondes de Moura and Alexandre Barbosa de Souza. Since each of these translators understands the translation process in a different way, they also create different ways of reading and interpreting the original text. The selected short stories are considered according to the theoretical support and the most important translation differences are shown. At last, the conclusion brings the main ideas developed in the thesis and present new possible studies.

Téma viny v české próze 60. let 20. století / The theme of guilt in Czech prose of the 1960s

HOUZIMOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the theme of guilt in the particular texts edited in the 1960s. The theme is followed with regard to the phenomena of holocaust, transfer of Sudeten Germans, collaboration and communist regime. The ties between actual and fictional world are among others considered with a view to refer to the unique character of totalitarian regimes. One of the aims is to find out parallels between the Nazi and the Communist regime and the interface of their ideologies in terms of analysis, comparison and interpretation of the texts. Simultaneously, the narrative discourse is considered within context of the influence it has got upon the interpretation of guilt. The guilt itself is surveyed with regard to the philosophy of existentialism which contributes to the specification of possible ways of defining the particular offences and their evaluation, and at the same time helps to open new ways of discussion about guilt and possibilities of staying innocent as the significant phenomena not only in the realm of the literature of the 1960s.

Responding to student writing : strategies for a distance-teaching context

Spencer, Brenda 11 1900 (has links)
Responding to Student Writing: Strategies for a Distance-Teaching Context identifies viable response techniques for a unique discourse community. An overview of paradigmatic shifts in writing and reading theory, 'frameworks of response' developed to classify response statements for research purposes, and an overview of research in the field provide the theoretical basis for the evaluation of the empirical study. The research comprises a three-fold exploration of the response strategies adopted by Unisa lecturers to the writing of Practical English (PENl00-3) students. In the first phase the focus falls on the effect of intervention on the students' revised drafts of four divergent marking strategies - coded correction, minimal marking, taped response and self assessment. All the experimental strategies tested result in statistically-significant improvement levels in the revised draft. The benefits of self assessment and rewriting, even without tutorial intervention, were demonstrated. The study is unique by virtue of its distance-teaching context, its sample size of 1750 and in the high significance levels achieved. The second phase of the research consisted of a questionnaire that determined 2640 students' expectations with respect to marking, the value of commentary, their perceptions of markers' roles and their opinions of the experimental strategies tested. Their responses were also correlated with their final Practical English examination results. The third phase examined tutorial response. The framework of response, developed for the purpose, revealed that present response strategies represent a regression to the traditional product-orientated approach to writing that contradicts the cognitive and rhetorical axiological basis of the course. There is thus a disjunction between the teaching and theoretical practices. The final chapter bridges this gap by examining issues of audience, transparency, ownership, timing of intervention and training. The researcher believes that she has successfully identified practical and innovative strategies that assist lecturers in a distance-teaching context to break away from old response blueprints. / English Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (English)

A poesia do romance: Memorial de Aires, um caso exemplar

Rodrigues, Lucilo Antonio [UNESP] 02 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-02-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:07:07Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigues_la_dr_sjrp.pdf: 1265381 bytes, checksum: 95543bd0725d905dc0695843c5030ae8 (MD5) / Esta tese tem como objetivo principal o estudo da poesia no Memorial de Aires, de Machado de Assis. Em uma primeira etapa buscou-se refletir a questão da poesia no romance no âmbito geral da prosa romanesca: Mikhail Bakhtin refere-se a essa problemática no ensaio O Discurso no romance. Para ele, a poesia e o romance estariam em campos opostos: enquanto neste se constata uma tendência à fragmentação da linguagem (refletindo, direta ou indiretamente, a estratificação social); naquela, ocorre uma tendência à centralização da linguagem (refletindo os processos sociais mais duráveis). Em razão dessa particularidade a poesia no romance, na grande maioria das vezes, não desempenha um papel de relevo: ou é rechaçada, mediante a ironia, a sátira, a paródia e a análise crítica ou permanece sob a forma de núcleos isolados distribuídos ao longo do texto romanesco. Em alguns casos raros, como no romance Memorial de Aires, a linguagem poética não só é importante enquanto voz isolada, mas também teria uma função determinante na composição geral do estilo deste romance. / The present dissertation has, as a main target, the study of poetry in Memorial de Aires, by Machado de Assis. In its first part, we tried to reflect on the poetry in the novel, in the general scope of the novelistic prose: Mikhail Bakhtin refers to this subject in his essay Discourse in novel. As he considers, poetry and novel would be in opposite fields: while in the last one we confirm a tendency to a language breaking up (reflecting, direct or indirectly, the social stratification), in that one, it occurs a tendency to language centralization (reflecting the more durable social processes). Because of this particularity, poetry in novel, in its great majority, doesn t play a relevant role: either it is rejected by irony, satire, parody and critical analysis, or it remains in the form of isolated nucleus, distributed along the novelistic text. In some rare cases, as in the novel Memorial de Aires, the poetic language is not only important as an isolated voice, but also would have a determining function in the general composition style of this novel.

Ženy ženám: Červená knihovna 21.století / Women for Women: Women's Fiction in 21st century

Rusmanová, Romana January 2018 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na současnou českou literaturu pro ženy psanou ženskými autorkami, a to zejména z hlediska čtenářů jejího dominantního žánru, červené knihovny. Cílem je popsat, jak dané autorky pracují s tradičními schématy žánru, nakolik realizují tradiční narativní schémata a jak tato schémata vnímají čtenářky preferující tento žánr. , Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a výzkumnou část. V teoretické části jsme popsali stručný vývoj žánru jako součásti populární literatury a jeho charakteristické rysy. Základem výzkumné části je sociologické čtenářské šetření rozdělené na kvantitativní a kvalitativní. V kvantitativní části jsme provedli širší čtenářský průzkum formou dotazníků. Kvalitativní část je založena na analýze děl vybraných autorek, kterou jsme vedli pomocí volného hloubkového rozhovoru s úzkým okruhem respondentek. Tímto způsobem jsme analyzovali knihy Otcomilky od Simony Monyové, u knihy Bestiář od Barbary Nesvadbové a Tajné knihy Ireny Obermannové. Klíčová slova: současná česká literatura, červená knihovna, próza, čtenářský výzkum, Simona Monyová, Barbara Nesvadbová, Irena Obermannová Abstract My Diploma thesis is devoted to contemporary Czech literature for women. This type of literature write czech womens authors. We analyze this literary genre (women's fiction) in...

A prosa de ficção nos jornais do Maranhão Oitocentista

Souza, Antonia Pereira de 10 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-07-31T12:21:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 8020077 bytes, checksum: 8f330e400dafe642eaebcb4b7d8bb7ea (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-31T12:21:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 8020077 bytes, checksum: 8f330e400dafe642eaebcb4b7d8bb7ea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-10 / The newspaper was the main support for the circulation of writing and dissemination of literary work in nineteenth - century Brasil. In view of this finding, this research was developed with the objective of investigating the circulation and dissemination of prose fiction in the newspapers of São Luís and de Caxias, in the First Cycle of Literature in Maranhão (1832-1868), considering the Maranhão political-social context and the possibility of the formation of a Literary System of Maranhão, in this textual form, in order to know better the History of Reading and Literature, in this state, in the nineteenth century. It is a study in primary source, since newspapers were used; As well as bibliographical, since books, journals, theses, dissertations and articles were also searched, involving qualitative and critical-analytical procedures. The theoretical foundation is based on Cultural History, History of Brazilian Literature, History of Maranhão Literature, History of Reading and History of Newspapers. As for Cultural History, the notions of practice, appropriation and representation, studied by Roger Chartier (2001; 2002; 2004, 2005; 2011), were followed, according to which literary objects are studied as a result of the cultural practices of an era. For the History of Brazilian Literature, we take as reference the texts of Antonio Candido (2012), regarding the Brazilian literary context, in the nineteenth century. In relation to the History of Maranhão Literature, the main basis was the essay by Antônio dos Reis Carvalho (1912), who presents this literature by canonical bias; Followed by the study of Ricardo André Ferreira Martins (2009), about newspapers as sources of this literature, but also valuing the canon. On the History of Reading and the Newspapers, the ideas of Socorro de Fátima Pacífico Barbosa (2007, 2005, 2013), Márcia Abreu (2007), Marisa Lajolo and Regina Zilberman (1996) and Marlyse Meyer (2005) were used. Specifically, regarding the Maranhão newspapers, the main references were the studies of Joaquim Serra (2001) and Quincas Vilaneto (2008). / O jornal era o principal suporte de circulação do escrito e de divulgação do trabalho literário no Brasil do século XIX, em vista dessa constatação, foi desenvolvida esta pesquisa, com o objetivo de investigar a circulação e a divulgação da prosa de ficção, nos jornais de São Luís e de Caxias, no Primeiro Ciclo da Literatura no Maranhão (1832-1868), considerando o contexto político-social maranhense e a possibilidade da formação de um Sistema Literário do Maranhão, nessa forma textual, a fim de que se conheça melhor a História de Leitura e da Literatura, nesse estado, no século XIX. Trata-se de um estudo em fonte primária, visto que foram utilizados jornais; bem como bibliográfico, uma vez que foram também pesquisados livros, revistas, teses, dissertações e artigos, envolvendo os procedimentos qualitativos e crítico-analítico. A fundamentação teórica é pautada na História Cultural, História da Literatura Brasileira, História da Literatura Maranhense, História da Leitura e História dos Jornais. Quanto à História Cultural, foram seguidas as noções de prática, apropriação e representação, estudadas por Roger Chartier (2001; 2002; 2004, 2005; 2011), segundo as quais os objetos literários são estudados como resultado das práticas culturais de uma época. Para a História da Literatura Brasileira, tomamos como referencial os textos de Antonio Candido (2012), a respeito do contexto literário brasileiro, no século XIX. Em relação à História da Literatura Maranhense, a principal base foi o ensaio de Antônio dos Reis Carvalho (1912), que apresenta essa literatura pelo viés canônico; seguido pelo estudo de Ricardo André Ferreira Martins (2009), a respeito dos jornais como fontes dessa literatura, mas também valorizando o cânone. Sobre a História da Leitura e dos Jornais serviram de apoio as ideias de Socorro de Fátima Pacífico Barbosa (2007, 2005, 2013), Márcia Abreu (2007), Marisa Lajolo e Regina Zilberman (1996) e Marlyse Meyer (2005). Especificamente, a respeito dos jornais maranhenses, as principais referências foram os estudos de Joaquim Serra (2001) e de Quincas Vilaneto (2008).

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