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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'image du médecin dans la littérature russe du XIXe siècle / The image of the doctor in the 19th century russian litterature

Sacré, Natalia 03 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se donne pour enjeu d’étudier la figure du médecin dans la littérature russe du XIXe siècle, à travers deux volets : d’abord la présentation du personnage au sein des différents courants artistiques et ensuite, la formation de son image à travers des données historiques qui mettront en évidence le développement de la pensée scientifique et des théories médicales dominant dans les milieux intellectuels. Dans l’analyse chronologique du personnage, nous nous sommes appuyée sur plus de trente-cinq auteurs et avons sélectionné deux cents œuvres. Ce principe nous a permis de dégager, d’une part son image récurrente à travers le prisme professionnel; d’autre part d’établir les étapes de son évolution dans le système esthétique de chaque auteur. Grâce à l’étude historique des sciences, nous avons établi le lien entre les deux domaines - médecine et littérature. A chaque période marquée par les mutations scientifiques, nous avons voulu démontrer que la littérature s’empare de ces nouvelles données et impose une image du médecin. Les auteurs romantiques, séduits par la vogue des sciences occultes, font naître un héros mystique. Dans la littérature des années 1860, sensibilisée par Les Réflexes du cerveau de Sečenov qui transforme la médecine en symbole des temps nouveaux, le personnage devient actif et vrai porteur des conceptions scientifiques : il figure désormais au centre du sujet narratif. Ainsi cette recherche a-t-elle cerné la spécificité de l’image du médecin qui se forme sous l’influence de la pensée scientifique que les auteurs transposent dans leurs œuvres. Se situant au croisement de la littérature et de la science, le personnage apparaît véritablement comme la métaphore de son époque. / The goal of this work is to study the figure of the doctor in XIXth century Russian literature, through two data: first of all the presentation of the character within the different artistic trends and then, the development of his image through the historic data which highlight the development of scientific thought and medical theories dominating intellectual circles. In the chronological analysis of the character, we based the work on more than thirty five authors and selected approximately two hundred works. This approach allowed us to establish, on one hand a recurrent image through the professional prism; and on the other hand to establish the steps of its evolution in the aesthetic system of each author. Due to the historical study of sciences, we drew up the link between the two fields – medicine and literature. At each period marked by scientific transformations, we wanted to demonstrate that literary output seizes this new data and enforces the image of the doctor. The romantic authors, attracted by the vogue of occult sciences, gave birth to a mystical character. In the literature of the 1860’s, made aware by Reflexes of the Brain by Sechenov who transforms medicine into the symbol of new times, the character becomes active and a real bearer of scientific notions: from now on he features as the center of the narrative subject. Therefore this research determined the specificity of the image of the doctor which is formed under the influence of scientific thinking that the authors adapt in their works. The character, situated at the crossroads of literature and science, truly appears as the metaphor of his era.

Att måla upp ett bedrägeri : En översättning från engelska till svenska om bedrägeriet som lurade nazisterna / The Painting of a Fraud : A Translation from English to Swedish of a Fraud That Fooled the Nazis

Höglund, Saga January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av en längre översättning av förordet samt de tre första kapitlen ur den populärvetenskapliga boken The Forger’s Spell (2009) från engelska till svenska. Till det följer ett avsnitt med kommentarer på översättningsproblem som uppstod under processen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att etablera en lämplig översättningsprincip sett till faktorer som textens genre, position i polysystemet och stilistiska drag samt att skapa en målspråksanpassad översättning. Det översättningsteoretiska ramverket består av Even-Zohars (2012) polysystemteori, där översatt sakprosa befinner sig på en sekundär position i det svenska litterära systemet, vilket pekar mot en målspråksinriktad översättning. Vidare bygger det också på Nidas (2012) dynamiska ekvivalensteori, vars mål är att skapa en ekvivalent läsupplevelse för målspråksläsaren. Ramverket, tillsammans med en analys av källtexten låg till grund för översättningsprincipen som var att skapa en målspråksinriktad översättning. Något som framkom i processen var det faktum att denna översättning innebar en överföring mellan tre kulturer och några intressanta problem uppstod relaterat till detta. Syftet med uppsatsen uppfylldes, en teoretiskt förankrad princip etablerades och en översättning utformades nära utefter den, vilket resulterade i en målspråksanpassad, dynamiskt ekvivalent översättning. / This essay contains a longer translation of an excerpt from English to Swedish of the popular science book The Forger’s Spell by Edward Dolnick, with comments on translation issues that surfaced during the process. The purpose of the essay was to establish a translation principle, suitable for the book’s genre, position within the polysystem, stylistic features as well as creating a target language-oriented translation. The theoretical framework for the essay consisted of Even-Zohar’s polysystem theory, by which translated non-fictional prose has a secondary position within the Swedish literary system. This points to it being translated in a target language-oriented manner. It also builds upon Nida’s dynamic equivalence, by which the goal is to create an equivalent reading experience for the target language reader as the source language reader had. This framework, combined with a textual analysis performed on the source text laid the foundation of the translation principle, which was to create a target language-oriented translation. The fact this translation meant a transmission of three different cultures emerged during this process, and some interesting problems related to this needed solving. The purpose of the essay was fulfilled, a theoretically grounded translation principle was established, and a translation was produced closely from it which resulted in a target language oriented, dynamically equivalent translation.

Fantastično v románu Nikdo se nedívá Josého Luíse Peixota / Fantastic in the novel Blank Gaze by José Luís Peixoto

Rubešová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to define narrative scheme and elements of the fantastic in the novel Blank Gaze (Nenhum Olhar, 2000) by a Portuguese writer, José Luís Peixoto. His works have been considered part of the mythic narrative current, which, according to a common definition, often draws attention to deformed values of today's society. For José Luís Peixoto, the fantastic, from a modern perspective, or neofantastic, an alternative means for expressing a need for belief in today's society. This fact becomes the main and timeless legacy of the work, and the reader does not be aware of details of religious rules. After the introduction the thesis focuses on outlining the literary and historical context of contemporary Portuguese prose. The second chapter also pays attention to the biography and bibliography of José Saramago, both politically and ideologically involved author. Similarly to Peixoto, in his works he touches the human essence and presents unconventional reflections about values of present society. The third chapter tries to introduce Peixoto as an autor of Blank Gaze. It also mentions him as the laureate of the 2011 José Saramago Prize - a reward which is awarded to Portuguese writers younger than thirty five. The fourth chapter discusses the beginning and development of...

Topic modeling on a classical Swedish text corpus of prose fiction : Hyperparameters’ effect on theme composition and identification of writing style

Apelthun, Catharina January 2021 (has links)
A topic modeling method, smoothed Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is applied on a text corpus data of classical Swedish prose fiction. The thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, a smoothed LDA model is applied to the corpus, investigating how changes in hyperparameter values affect the topics in terms of distribution of words within topics and topics within novels. In the second part, two smoothed LDA models are applied to a reduced corpus, only consisting of adjectives. The generated topics are examined to see if they are more likely to occur in a text of a particular author and if the model could be used for identification of writing style. With this new approach, the ability of the smoothed LDA model as a writing style identifier is explored. While the texts analyzed in this thesis is unusally long - as they are not seg- mented prose fiction - the effect of the hyperparameters on model performance was found to be similar to those found in previous research. For the adjectives corpus, the models did succeed in generating topics with a higher probability of occurring in novels by the same author. The smoothed LDA was shown to be a good model for identification of writing style. Keywords: Topic modeling, Smoothed Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Gibbs sam- pling, MCMC, Bayesian statistics, Swedish prose fiction.

Podoby lásky v próze Jozova Hanule. Teologická interpretace uměleckého textu / The ways of love in the prose Jozova Hanule. Theological interpretation of artistic text

Hojdová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The ways of love in the prose Jozova Hanule The work deals with the theological interpretation of prose works Květa Legátová Jozova Hanule and looking for his referral options due to the different forms of love, which presents Benedict VXI. in the Encyclical Deus caritas est. In theological perspective focuses on how it is represented in the work of eros and agape and their relationship. On this basis, I try to show how the above prose refers to the mystery of transformation of man and definitive finding his personal identity in a community of unconditional love with another person and participate in the sharing of the eternal Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Through the theory of ignition in the text affected by three plane plot of the story. In each of them the protagonist encounters an amendment to another form of love, which is gradually determined. Build and during his life journey from Brno to Želary discovers first love erotic and later meetings with selfless love, agape gradually grows into the fullness of perfect love, which combines eros and agape. Keywords ways of love, erós, agapé, communion of love, theological interpretation of literature, prose Jozova Hanule

Tanzanian prose in the early 90s

Gromov, Mikhail January 1996 (has links)
Taking a closer look at Tanzanian prose in the early 90s, it can be said that it has preserved the main structural features which had taken shape within the previous two decades of its development. One of these features is a more or less rich system of genres (short story, novelette, novel). Another is a traditional division into `popular` and `elite` literature. This division had already been noted by many researchers in the 70s and the 80s, although they used different terms for it; e.g , popular and serious literature (Bertoncini 1989), popular and standard literature (Ohly 1990), riwaya-pendwa and riwaya-dhati (Mlacha and Madumulla 1991), and others.

Language, Rhetoric, and Reality in Elizabethan Prose Friction

Stephanson, Raymond Alexander 09 1900 (has links)
Pages 19 to 23 have been omitted because of Revision / Elizabethan prose fiction has been virtually ignored for a long time. The question of rhetoric in this fiction is an extremely complex issue, and studies which have examined this aspect are usually stylistic analyses that fragment the works by dissecting isolated passages for stylistic data concerning an author's manipulation of particular schemes and tropes. This approach has often tended to ignore the possibility that larger ideals and attitudes may underlie the use of rhetorical figures (i.e. elocutio) in particular passages. While this dissertation does not attempt to resolve the problems of the relationship between rhetorical training in the grammar schools and Elizabethan fiction, or between the English vernacular rhetorics and Elizabethan fiction, it offers some idea about what these writers thought about rhetoric beyond its status as ornamentation. This thesis tries to discover what these writers thought about the possibilities of rhetorical training --that is, about its moral status as an art of persuasion. In my view, the major writers of Elizabethan prose fiction dramatize the abuses of verbal skills; they explore some of the techniques of deception, distortion and manipulation that are afforded by rhetorical training. The subject-matter of this fiction is largely concerned with verbal methods of persuasion that manipulate and distort, that rely on false logic and dishonesty; these writers are concerned with rhetorical attempts to change the face of the "real" world in order to justify a particular idea, action, or belief. My thesis explicates the prose fictional works of Gascoigne, Lyly, Sidney, Nashe and Deloney with this theory in mind. As well as suggesting the ways in which rhetoric is handled as a subject in a variety of fictional contexts, my thesis also explicates the rhetorical strategies which these authors themselves use to involve their reader in evaluating rhetoric. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Lady Of The Lake And Chivalry In The Lancelot-grail Cycle And Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur

Ewoldt, Amanda Marie 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the Lady of the Lake as an active chivalric player in the thirteenth century Lancelot-Grail Cycle (also known as the Prose Lancelot) and in Thomas Malory's fifteenth-century Le Morte Darthur. To study the many codes of chivalry, particularly in regard to women, I use two popular chivalric handbooks from the Middle Ages: Ramon Lull's Book of Knighthood and Chivalry, Geoffroi de Charny'sKnight's Own Book of Chivalry. Traditionally, the roles of women in medieval chivalry are passive, and female characters are depicted as objects to win or to inspire knights to greatness. The Lady of the Lake, I argue, uses her supernatural origins and nature to break with female chivalric conventions and become an instructress of chivalry to King Arthur's knights. As a purely human character, her power would be limited. As a guardian fairy and/or enchantress, the Lady is allowed to exercise more autonomy

Adjectives as Elements of Style in the Prose and Verse of the <i>Izumi Shikibu nikki</i>

Stirek, Lindsey 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.


ALINE RODRIGUES GOMES 03 March 2009 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho procura estabelecer uma análise diacrônica da obra do escritor português Carlos de Oliveira no que diz respeito a evolução de seus mecanismos de escrita tendo como pano de fundo a elaboração de uma estética neo-realista. Da estréia na literatura com a publicação de Casa na duna, em 1943, até a maturação de seu estilo com Uma Abelha na Chuva, em 1953, pode-se perceber a evolução dessa estratégia de escrita, pela qual o autor busca traçar um panorama do período politicamente conturbado que vivia Portugal no início da segunda metade do século XX, bem como oferece ao leitor mais atento uma inúmera quantidade de matizes estilísticas, remetendo, dessa forma, ao quadro estético do Neo-Realismo português. É a partir de um olhar mais atento à superação da análise da referida estética, que este trabalho chegará à conclusão de que o autor transcende os moldes neo-realistas, por construir uma obra cuja opressão física, psicológica e financeira, foi muito bem representada pela operação de uma mimesis mais atenta de Carlos de Oliveira. / [en] The following work aims to establish a diachronic analysis of the process of writing of the Portuguese author Carlos de Oliveira, and it will be held towards the new-realism mechanisms. His first novel published in 1943, Casa na Duna, up to his mature style in the novel Uma Abelha na Chuva, published in 1953, it can be seen the evolution of his strategy of writing in which the author tries to build a perspective from the tough political process that Portugal was going through during the second half of the twentieth century. This analysis objects to present the reader a great amount of stylistic views that has to do with the Portuguese New-Realism. In order to present a wider overview, this thesis will conclude that the author goes beyond the new-realism`s barriers to build a novel whose physical, financial and psychological oppression, was well- represented by Carlos de Oliveira s mimesis operation.

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