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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Private copying in the digital environment

Karapapa, Stavroula January 2009 (has links)
Digitalisation and the internet have enabled ordinary individuals to make copies of copyrighted content easily, costlessly and with no degradation in terms of quality. While digital private copying is permitted in Europe under Article 5(2)(b) of Directive 2001/29/EC, it represents a major challenge to the interests of the copyright owners and a thorny issue in the context of digital copyright. Despite the fact that all EU Member States, with the exception of Ireland and the UK, have incorporated a statutory limitation for acts of private copying in their national statutes, there is legal uncertainty as to the scope of this limitation. To be permitted, the use of copyrighted content ought to be private and non-commercial; these concepts, however, do not translate well in the digital environment. For instance, one can only wonder whether facebook friends qualify as a private circle and whether downloading works for free from file-sharing networks is a non-commercial act. This thesis provides answers to these questions and determines the actual scope of the private copying limitation. Yet, perfectly lawful private uses of copyrighted content may have an aggregate impact on the interests of the rightholders in the digital environment, where these activities are more widespread. To deal with the digital impact of private copying, Directive 2001/29/EC sets forth a twofold approach; while private copying is premised on condition that the rightholders are compensated for the unauthorised uses of their works, at the same time, the application of technological protection measures is rigorously protected. We examine the efficacy of these approaches in dealing with digital private copying and their adequacy for policy reasons. This thesis concludes that, even though private copying is permissible under the set of conditions laid down by Article 5(2)(b) of Directive 2001/29/EC, its legitimate exercise is jeopardised in the digital environment due to the fact that this limitation is not mandatory. This means that the ability of end users to make private copies may be either technologically or contractually restricted. Yet, the private copying limitation is a manifestation of the fundamental right to privacy, which prevails over copyright enforcement. We therefore urge for an explicit declaration of the imperative status of the private copying limitation against technological or contractual constraints.

Využití vodních toků a ploch v urbanizovaném území venkovského prostoru / The use watercourses and waterbodies within an urbanised countryside area

Šímová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Water is an integral part of our life and waterways and areas were and still are an essential part of the public space of our cities and municipalities. We can find public space in every seat and we meet with the water on many of them. The water in public spaces appears in a different form. Whether these are minor elements, such as fountains, drinking water features, or larger water flows and water area. The water in the public space has its indispensable role. It is well known that its presence has a great impact on the well-being of man. Despite the fact that water is really important in the Interior of human settlements, over the years, water has disappeared on many places from public spaces, due to the technical development and development of settlements. The development of human settlements and public spaces takes place constantly from the time they were established. In recent years, the viewpoint of their importance is significantly changing and lot of the seats are aware of their value. The public space is like a living room of the city, thus a representative place. That´s why, the reconstructions of public space are quite often in recent years with use of water elements. The phenomenon of water surfaces is a factor which affecting the sustainable development and quality of life. Public space is not only an important functional element in the big cities. It has a great importance for smaller municipalities too. And just on them the thesis is focused. Their public space is often neglected. As well as water features in the surrounding area, which are uncared-for or extinct. Water in the form of water courses or water bodies have a great potential, in which a lot of possibilities is hidden, with which you can work in the urbanized areas. The goal of this thesis is to find a new role for the watercourses and water areas to be integrated into public space and public space, thanks to this, become a representative and functional part of the village once again.

Schutzmaßnahmen vor dem Wolf

Walther, Regina, Franke, Hanno 10 November 2014 (has links)
Für einen sicheren Herdenschutz in Gebieten mit frei lebenden Wölfen ist der Einsatz von Herdenschutzhunden in Kombination mit Elektrozäunen zu empfehlen. Der Umgang mit Herdenschutzhunden erfordert Sachkenntnis und Verantwortungsbewusstsein. Die Broschüre erläutert Unterschiede zum Hütehund, beschreibt Grundlagen der Sozialisierung und die wichtigsten Rassen. Im zweiten Teil werden Untersuchungsergebnisse zu verschiedenen Varianten der Elektro-Umzäunung dargestellt, insbesondere zur benötigten Arbeitszeit beim Aufbau der Netze. Im Ergebnis der Analyse wird eine übersprungsichere Variante empfohlen, die mit vertretbarem Zeitaufwand aufgebaut werden kann und den Herdenschutz gewährleistet.

Wandel im Betonbau: Aktuelle Herausforderungen

Breitenbücher, Rolf, Wiens, Udo, Omercic, Mirsada 10 November 2022 (has links)
Der Bausektor wird von Politik und Öffentlichkeit als einer der größten Verbraucher von Ressourcen und als Verursacher hoher CO2-Emissionen wahrgenommen und steht deshalb bereits seit längerem im Fokus von Klimaschutz- und Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussionen. Zur Unterstützung der im „Grünen Deal“ der EU und im Klimaschutzgesetz (KSG) der Bundesrepublik vorgezeichneten ambitionierten Ziele hat der DAfStb eine Roadmap „Nachhaltig bauen mit Beton“ erarbeitet. Diese beinhaltet konkrete kurz- und mittelfristige Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele, aus denen dann weitere langfristig angelegte Vorhaben (Forschung, Richtlinien, Normung) entwickelt werden.

Analysis of Information Security Risks and Protection Management Requirements for Enterprise Networks.

Saleh, Mohamed S.M. January 2011 (has links)
With widespread of harmful attacks against enterprises¿ electronic services, information security readiness of these enterprises is becoming of increasing importance for establishing the required safe environment for such services. Various approaches are proposed to manage enterprise information security risks and to assess its information security readiness. These approaches are, however, not adequate to manage information security risks, as all required information security components of its structural and procedural dimensions have not considered. In addition, current assessment approaches lack numerical indicators in assessing enterprise information security readiness. Furthermore, there is no standard approach for analysing cost versus benefit in selecting recommended protection measures. This thesis aims at contributing to the knowledge by developing comprehensive Enterprise Information Security Risk Management (EISRM) framework that integrates typical approaches for information security risk management, and incorporates main components of key risk management methodologies. In addition, for supporting phases of the proposed EISRM framework, analytical models for enterprise information security readiness assessment and cost-benefit analysis are developed. The practical evaluation, using the proposed enterprise information security readiness assessment model has been performed depending on a developed investigation form that used to investigate nine enterprises inside Saudi Arabia. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in assessing and comparing enterprises information security readiness at all levels of the model, using numerical indicators and graphical representations. The EISRM framework and the analytical models presented in this research can be used by enterprises as single point of reference for assessing and cost effectively improving their information security readiness.

Individers uppfattning om Covid-19 : En kvantitativ undersökning om individers riskuppfattning kring Covid-19 viruset och deras motivation att skydda sig mot smitta. / Individuals’ perception of Covid-19 : A quantitative study of individuals’ risk perception of the Covid-19 virus and their motivation to protect themselves against infection.

Söderström, Terese January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19 viruset upptäcktes i slutet av 2019 i Kina och har sedan dess drabbat miljontals människor runt om i världen. Smittspridningen har i omgångar ökat och skyddsåtgärder samt restriktioner för att förhindra den har införts. Det kan vara påfrestande för en individ att ställa om sitt liv och det kan även komma att tära på ens motivation att upprätthålla det nya livet som består av nya rutiner, förändringar i beteende och en distans från det liv vi, för över ett år sedan, var vana vid. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur individers riskuppfattning kring covid-19 viruset, hur deras motivation att skydda sig mot smittspridningen ser ut samt hur de implementerade skyddsåtgärderna uppfattas ha fungerat för att minska smittspridningen. Metoden som användes för att genomföra studien är en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som publicerades på sociala medier där totalt 135 antalet respondenter deltog i undersökningen. Enkäten genomfördes av personer från nio av Sveriges 21 län, och majoriteten av urvalet befann sig i Värmlands län. Den insamlade data presenteras med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik. Studien visar att respondenterna anser att andra människor i samhället eller i deras närhet, löper större risk att bli smittade av viruset än vad de själva gör. Det visar även att respondenterna är motiverade att skydda sig mot smitta, dock verkar respondenterna ha varit mer motiverade i början av pandemin jämfört med vad de är nu. Slutligen så visar studien även att respondenterna uppfattar skyddsåtgärderna som effektiva och många av dem vidtar de aktivt. / The Covid-19 virus was discovered in late 2019 in China and has affected millions of people around the world. The spread of infection has increased in stages and protective measures as well as restrictions to prevent it have been introduced. It can be stressful for an individual to change their life and it can also erode one’s motivation to maintain the new life which consists of new routines, changes in behavior and a distance from the life we, over a year ago, was accustomed to. The aim of this study was to investigate individual’s risk perception of the covid-19 virus, what their motivation to protect themselves against the spread of infection looks like and how the implemented protection measures are perceived to work to reduce the spread of infection.  The method used to conduct the study is a quantitative survey that was published on social media where a total of 135 respondents participated in the survey. The survey was conducted by people from nine of Sweden’s 21 counties and most of the sample was in Värmland County. The collected data are presented using descriptive statistics. The study shows that the respondents believe that other people in society are at greater risk of being infected by the Covid-19 virus than themselves. The respondents are motivated to protect themselves against infection, however, the respondents have been more motivated to follow the recommendations at the beginning of the pandemic compared to today. Finally, the study also shows that the respondents perceive the protection measures to be effective and actively abide by these.

La crise des exceptions en droit d'auteur : étude paradigmatique / The crisis of exceptions in copyright law : paradigmatic study

Piatek, Dariusz 13 December 2016 (has links)
La condition, la forme et la justification théorique des exceptions sont aujourd’hui au coeur du débat sur l’avenir du droit d’auteur. L’objectif primaire de ces normes particulières est de garantir la cohérence du droit d’auteur. Et pourtant les chercheurs s’accordent sur la nécessité de leur reconceptualisation.Cette thèse a pour but de découvrir la signification, les origines et les conséquences de la crise qu’engendre le ressentiment à l’égard des exceptions aux droits de l’auteur dans leur forme actuelle. Tenant compte d’une certaine fragilité axiologique de la matière, elle essaie d’appréhender les phénomènes étudiés selon une posture épistémologique neutre. À cet égard, la théorie des paradigmes scientifiques lui offre un cadre d’analyse scindé en deux. La reconstruction de l’état normal et voulu des principes élaborés par la tradition française du droit d’auteur en matière des exceptions permet de repérer les signes de leur dépassement par la réalité juridique mouvante.De cette analyse résulte d’abord le modèle d’une exception cohérente, internalisé par le droit d’auteur objectif qui a complètement résolu le conflit entre la création et la consommation des oeuvres de l’esprit. Cette image est ensuite confrontée à des forces destructrices ayant leur origine dans des normes extérieures au droit d’auteur objectif. Celles-ci se substituent aux exceptions prévues par le droit d’auteur et remettent en question l’idée de son autarcie.L’idylle du droit d’auteur autosuffisant n’est toutefois pas une utopie. Entre l’état normal et la maladie des exceptions se noue un lien dialectique. Vus ensemble, ces deux éléments s’éclairent réciproquement, de sorte que la crise qui les résume devient un processus réversible. / The condition,shape and theoretical justification of copyright exceptions are at the heart of the debate on the future of copyright. The main objective of these particular rules is to ensure the consistency of copyright law. Yet, researchers agree on the need of their reconceptualization.This doctoral thesis aims to explore the meaning, origins and consequences of the crisis that brings resentment toward copyright exceptions in their present form. Taking into account a certain axiological fragility of the subject, it tries to apprehend it in the respect of a neutral epistemological posture. Therein, the theory of scientific paradigms offers a framework split in two. The reconstruction of the normal and wanted state of the principles developed by the French tradition of copyright in the field of exceptions allows to identify the signs of their violation by the changing legal reality.This analysis reveals, on the one hand, the model of a consistent exception, internalized by the copyright law which completely resolved the conflict between creation and consumption of works of the mind. On the other hand, this image is faced with the destructive forces that originate in the norms that are external to copyright law. These replace the copyright exceptions and, therefore, question the idea of its autarchy.The idyll of the self-sufficient copyright law is, however, not a utopia. A dialectical link can be traced between the normal state of exceptions and their illness.Seen together, these two elements illuminate each other, so that the crisis that summarize them becomes a reversible process.

Teisinių ir techninių intelektinės nuosavybės apsaugos formų suderinimas / The compatibility of legal and technical protection measures of intelectual property

Meizeraitis, Mantas 06 February 2008 (has links)
Darbe detaliai apžvelgiamos intelektinės nuosavybės techninės apsaugos formos, įvairios jų klasifikacijos, iš kurių šiame kontekste svarbiausias yra skirstymas į aktyvias ir pasyvias techninės apsaugos priemones. Darbe išsamiai analizuoti apsaugos mechanizmai, skirti intelektinę nuosavybę saugančių techninių apsaugos priemonių teisinei apsaugai, pradedant 1996 m. PINO autorių teisių, fonogramų gamintojų ir transliuotojų sutartimis, 2001 m. ES direktyva dėl autorių teisių ir gretutinių teisių informacinėje visuomenėje tam tikrų aspektų suderinimo, baigiant įvairių valstybių (įskaitant ir Lietuvos) nacionaliniu teisiniu reguliavimu. Atliktos teisinės informacijos analizės pagrindu atskleidžiamos intelektinės nuosavybės teisinių ir techninių apsaugos priemonių suderintos ir nesuderintos sritys ir daroma išvada, jog teisinės apsaugos mechanizmas, pasirinktas sureguliuoti techninių apsaugos priemonių naudojimą ir kitus susijusius veiksmus, buvo netikslus ir nepasiteisino, kadangi daugelis valstybių nacionaliniu lygiu skirtingai ir neatsižvelgiant į pirminius tikslus interpretavo ir įgyvendino techninių apsaugos priemonių teisinės apsaugos nuostatas. Praktinis situacijos tyrimas atskleidžia neigiamą visuomenės ir teisių gynimo institucijų požiūrį į pasirinktą teisinės apsaugos modelį ir į techninių apsaugos priemonių naudojimą apskritai, kadangi techninės apsaugos priemonės sukelia daug problemų teisėtiems intelektinės nuosavybės objektų naudotojams ir nedaro poveikio asmenims... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master Paperwork thoroughly overviews technical protection measures of intellectual property and various classifications of them and determines the main differentiation in this work context – i.e. classification to active and passive technical protection measures. This paperwork also deeply analyses legal protection mechanisms of technical protection measures, starting WIPO Copyright, Phonogram producers and broadcasters treaties of year 1996, continuing to European Union directive on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society of year 2001 and finishing the analysis of the national legal regulations of different world countries, including Lithuania. Under the basis of the analysis of the legal information, the author reveals harmonized and incompatible areas between legal protection of intellectual property and technological protection measures and concludes that the legal protection mechanism, which was chosen to regulate the usage and other related actions of technological protection measures, was not correct and did not serve the purpose, because many countries diversely and without seeking primary goals of WIPO treaties interpreted and implemented the provisions of the legal protection of technological protection measures. The practical survey of the situation reveals negative opinion of society, scholars and justice institutions concerning the chosen legal protection model and concerning the usage of technological... [to full text]

Činnost povodňových orgánů správního obvodu ORP Týn nad Vltavou prováděná v souvislosti s povodňovými opatřeními. / The activities of flood protection authorities of the administrative district of Týn nad Vltavou performed in connection with flood protection measures.

HLAVÁČ, Roman January 2012 (has links)
At the beginning of my thesis, the risk of floods in the territory of the Czech Republic is generally characterized which is followed by basic legal documents governing flood protection. The characteristics of the territory on which this thesis focuses is presented in the next section, which is describes in detail the administrative district of the municipality with extended powers (MEP) of Týn nad Vltavou, the basic description of its hydrological basin and waterways and, of course, the flood profile of the individual municipalities. The following section explains the term of flood, classification of floods and a detailed description of flood risks within detail the administrative district of the MEP of Týn nad Vltavou emphasizing the risk of formation a special flood. This is followed a list of complex activities and measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the threats to the health, lives and property of the citizens, society and the environment during floods. It also discusses planning in the field of flood protection and the classification of flood plans. Emphasis is placed on the documentation of flood protection of the administrative district of the MEP of Týn nad Vltavou that is associated with the activities of flood protection authorities. The section discusses in detail their activities during floods as well as when there are no floods. The function of flood committee of the MEP Týn nad Vltavou is mentioned detailing the description of activities of its individual members. The objectives of this thesis were aimed at finding out about the level of prepared flood protection documentation processed, analysing the activities of flood protection authorities and examining their knowledge about the issue of flooding. All the objectives were directed to the administrative district of the MEP Týn nad Vltavou and its flood protection authorities. Through a sociological survey among the flood protection authorities of the administrative district of the MEP Týn nad Vltavou that was conducted in the form of an anonymous questionnaire testing their knowledge in the field of flood protection. The results obtained were subjected to statistical evaluation, which, together with graphical representation, is of part of the thesis.

La responsabilité administrative des personnes publiques découlant des ouvrages de protection contre les inondations et submersions marines / The administrative responsibility of public figures arising from flood protection and marine submersions

Hequet, Nicolas 20 January 2017 (has links)
En application de l'article 33 de la loi du 16 septembre 1807 relative au dessèchement des marais, la responsabilité du maintien et du contrôle de la bonne sécurité des digues relève du propriétaire de la digue. Au fil des ans, plusieurs textes sont venus préciser et renforcer les obligations en matière de gestion et d'entretien des digues contribuant au sentiment de sécurité que peuvent conférer ces ouvrages. Toutefois, alors qu’elles sont censées protéger les populations, les digues ont progressivement été qualifiées d’« ouvrages de danger » du fait du risque inhérent à leur rupture, conduisant à l’émergence d’un « risque digue » qui reconnaît juridiquement les limites des travaux de protection et de correction des cours d’eau et des rivages, et même leur contribution involontaire à la production de désastres. Les inondations et submersions marines qui sont survenues au cours des deux dernières décennies ont en effet illustré une importante situation de défaut d’entretien des digues sur l’ensemble du territoire métropolitain dont l’origine a pu être identifiée au travers d’une structure de la propriété des digues complexe, avec de multiples intervenants, l’absence pour de nombreux propriétaires riverains de volonté ou de moyens d’investir les sommes nécessaires pour la protection des digues, dont les enjeux dépassent souvent la protection de leurs biens et, en conséquence, pour pallier les carences des propriétaires de digues, une substitution des collectivités territoriales, sans que fût nécessairement mis en œuvre des moyens financiers suffisamment conséquents, et sans que celles-ci mesurent toujours à quel point elles engageaient leur responsabilité / In accordance with article 33 of the 16 september 1807 act relating to the draining of marshes, owners of dams are legally responsible for maintaining and monitoring the dams’ security. Various laws have clarified and strengthened the management and maintenance duty of dams over time to provide a sense of security. Despite the fact that the dams are built to protect people’s security, they have been considered as “hazardous structures” due to the potential risk of collapse. In addition, the legal concept of ‘dams disaster’ has emerged and been established, recognizing the limits of water proofing works as well as improvement and maintenance works and legally recognizing even unexpected disasters. Flooding and submersions occurred during last two decades demonstrated a significant lack of adequate maintenance for dams throughout the mainland France. The cause of lack of maintenance can be attributed to a complicated structure of ownership, which include many stakeholders and also to the owners’ unwillingness or lack of funding to make investments required for improvement and maintenance works. But, these stakes often go beyond the protection of their property. Furthermore, the responsibility of dam owners has been allocated to local authorities to offset deficiencies, but it was done so without preparing financial measures necessary for maintenance works and fully assessing the level of funds needed

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