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Den livsviktiga anknytningen i skuggan av missbruk : En systematisk litteraturstudie om barnets anknytning i förhållande till deras missbrukande mödrar / The Essential Attachment in the Shadow of Abuse : A Systematic Literature Review on Child Attachment in Relation to Their Substance-Abusing MothersCameron, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine how a child's attachment is influenced by having an alcohol- or drug-abusing mother. The importance of secure attachment for a child's positive development, made exploring the issues surrounding substance abuse, and its impact on the child's essential attachment, of great interest. A systematic literature review was conducted to analyze the published research on the topic. The results provide valuable insights into attachment, maternal substance abuse, and related risks and protective factors. Furthermore, the findings shed light on the increased vulnerability of children whose mothers have engaged in substance abuse before, during, and after pregnancy, indicating a higher likelihood of developing insecure attachment patterns. However, it is important to note that there is no consensus among researchers. Some results suggest that children growing up with substance-abusing mothers do not necessarily exhibit insecure attachment or develop problems later in life due to the substance abuse. The gathered empirical evidence, however, supports the effectiveness of interventions targeting substance-abusing mothers in promoting security in the child's attachment. Nevertheless, it is crucial not to solely focus on interventions for mothers, but also to consider the measures that can be offered to children in unfavorable home environments, with the best interests of the child as a central principle in social work.
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Facteurs prédisant les trajectoires éducatives des jeunes en milieu défavorisé dans leur transition vers l’âge adulte : variations en fonction du statut d’immigrationLampron-de Souza, Sophie 06 1900 (has links)
Un nombre croissant d’adolescents issus de l’immigration fréquentent les écoles secondaires du Québec. Malgré les défis que ces élèves peuvent rencontrer sur le plan économique, plusieurs poursuivent aux études secondaires et postsecondaires au début de l’âge adulte. À partir d’un échantillon de 384 jeunes fréquentant 12 écoles de milieu défavorisé au Québec, cette étude vise à cibler certains facteurs individuels, familiaux et communautaires à l’adolescence susceptibles de prédire la poursuite dans les trajectoires éducatives (études secondaires ou postsecondaires) comparativement aux trajectoires hors de l’éducation au début de l’âge adulte. Également, elle vérifie si ces facteurs sont différents de ceux des jeunes non issus de l’immigration. Ces facteurs ont été recueillis par le biais de questionnaires sociodémographiques et sur l’indice de prédiction du décrochage scolaire. Les trajectoires éducatives et hors de l’éducation ont été récoltées par la méthode du calendrier ciblant les dates de début et de fin de chaque occupation. Des analyses de régressions logistiques multinomiales suggèrent des liens directs entre différents facteurs individuels, familiaux ainsi que communautaires et la poursuite dans les trajectoires éducatives. Des analyses de modération ont révélé l’effet plus marqué des facteurs communautaires tels que la participation aux activités parascolaires et dans la communauté chez les jeunes issus de l’immigration. Les résultats de cette étude peuvent guider les praticiens à choisir les meilleures cibles d’intervention susceptibles de promouvoir la résilience scolaire des jeunes issus de l’immigration et non issus de l’immigration résidant en milieu défavorisé. / A growing number of adolescents from immigrant backgrounds have been attending high schools in Quebec. Despite economic challenges faced by some of these students, many of them continue to secondary and post-secondary studies in early adulthood. Based on a sample of 384 youths attending twelve economically disadvantaged schools in Quebec, this study aims to find specific certain individual, family, and community factors during adolescence that can predict educational trajectories (secondary or post-secondary studies) compared to trajectories outside of education in early adulthood. It also examines whether these factors differ from those from non-immigrant background. These factors were collected through sociodemographic questionnaires and the School Dropout Prediction Index. Educational and non-educational trajectories were collected using a calendar method targeting the start and end dates of each occupation. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed and suggest direct links between different individual, family, and community factors and the pursuit of educational trajectories. Moderation analyses was also carried out and the results revealed a stronger effect of community factors such as participation in extracurricular activities among immigrant youth. This study can guide practitioners in selecting the best intervention targets to promote the academic resilience of immigrant and non-immigrant youth residing in economically disadvantaged areas.
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COVID-19 och fysisk aktivitet : -Hur beskriver människor med genomgången SARS-CoV-2 infektion sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå och allmänna hälsotillstånd före insjuknandet, samt hur de upplever att det har påverkat deras sjukdomsförlopp?Koutcherovsky, Deniz January 2022 (has links)
COVID-19 pandemic has exposed both strengths and weaknesses in world communities and particularly put a severe strain on health care. It is widely accepted that lifestyle factors are an important piece of the puzzle in preventive work against infectious diseases. One of these lifestyle factors is physical activity (FA) that positively affects people's well-being and has a strengthening effect on, among other things, the immune system. The purpose of the study was to investigate how people that have had SARS-CoV-2 infection describe their FA level and general state of health before the illness and how they feel that it has affected their disease course. A total of 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted during the period FebruaryMarch, which were then interpreted using content analysis as a tool. During the analysis work three main categories were identified: Well-balanced FA level, Relatively good general health, Experience of COVID-19 and FA significance. Most respondents perceived themselves as physically active to a greater or lesser extent. Respondents' perception indicates that FA has an important role in facing COVID-19 disease. Results indicate an increasingly accepted view in research that FA can act as a protective factor against SARS-CoV-2 virus / <p>Betyg i Ladok 220613.</p>
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Att förstå: Barn och unga vuxnas skärmanvändning : En litteraturöversikt kring skärmanvändningens påverkan på barn och unga vuxna / Understanding: Screen Use Among Children and Young Adults : A Literature Review on the Impact of Screen Use on Children and Young AdultsZerat, Valdemar, Hasselberg, Malin January 2024 (has links)
Supervisor: Nina Lindén Åkerlund Examiner: Staffan Bengtsson This study aims to investigate the impact of screen use on children and young adults. Previous research regarding screen use among children and young adults is compiled in a literature review in the form of a scoping review. The results have been thematically analyzed with the help of the SOC-theory (sense of coherence) and ecological systems theory. The results show that screen use has both positive and negative aspects that can be understood through factors of risk and protection which are prevalent on individual, group and societal levels. The study contributes to the understanding of the impact that screen use has on children and young adults and is particularly relevant in relation to social work.
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The influence of the mother-child relationship on the development of resilience in the learning disabled childLeigh, Amanda Jane 31 August 2007 (has links)
Exploring the resilience construct is highly relevant for the field of learning disabilities. Resilience is a dynamic process of adaptation that involves interactions between a range of risk and protective factors. This research presents recent learning disability and resilience literature, focussing on the risk and protective factors in the lives of those with learning difficulties. Children with a learning disability often have associated emotional, behavioural and social difficulties that may become major obstacles to positive future outcomes. Historically little attention has been paid to the experiences of mothers of children with a learning disability and how the mother-child relationship may or may not foster the development of resilience in the learning disabled child. This research explores the issue within a qualitative framework / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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The influence of the mother-child relationship on the development of resilience in the learning disabled childLeigh, Amanda Jane 31 August 2007 (has links)
Exploring the resilience construct is highly relevant for the field of learning disabilities. Resilience is a dynamic process of adaptation that involves interactions between a range of risk and protective factors. This research presents recent learning disability and resilience literature, focussing on the risk and protective factors in the lives of those with learning difficulties. Children with a learning disability often have associated emotional, behavioural and social difficulties that may become major obstacles to positive future outcomes. Historically little attention has been paid to the experiences of mothers of children with a learning disability and how the mother-child relationship may or may not foster the development of resilience in the learning disabled child. This research explores the issue within a qualitative framework / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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Syskons band i våldets spår : En tvärsnittsstudie av våldsutsatta barns självskattade kvalitet i syskonrelationer / Sibling Relationships in the Wake of Violence : A Cross-sectional Study of Self-Reported Sibling Relationship Quality in Children Subjected to Child MaltreatmentJakobsson, Timea, Möllerström, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Syskonrelationen är den längsta relationen i livet. Därtill utgör syskonrelationen en viktig arena för barns utveckling. Trots detta finns det få studier där syskonrelationen undersöks i relation till barnmisshandel. I följande studie undersöktes skillnader i den självskattade stöd- och konfliktnivån i syskonrelationen, mellan barn som rapporterade svår barnmisshandel och barn i en kontrollgrupp, samt om kön förändrade dessa skillnader. Vidare undersöktes om stöd- och konfliktnivån påverkade den upplevda nivån av psykosomatiska problem hos barn som rapporterade svår barnmisshandel. Studien genomfördes på ett urval av 1 392 pojkar och flickor mellan 15-16 år, med data från projektet Longitudinal Research on Development in Adolescence (LoRDIA). Barn som rapporterade svår barnmisshandel upplevde signifikant lägre stödnivå och signifikant högre konfliktnivå i sin syskonrelation, än barnen i kontrollgruppen. Skillnaderna var signifikanta både för pojkar och flickor, men pojkar upplevde ett signifikant lägre stöd i sin syskonrelation än flickor. Nivån av syskonstöd och syskonkonflikt påverkade emellertid inte nivån av psykosomatiska problem hos barn som rapporterade svår barnmisshandel. Effektstorlekarna var små i majoriteten av resultaten, vilket tyder på att syskonrelationer är komplexa fenomen som vid sidan av barnmisshandel och kön, även påverkas av en rad andra faktorer. Resultaten diskuteras i ljuset av tidigare forskning och i relation till anknytningsteori, kompensationshypotesen, kongruenshypotesen och könssocialisation. / The relation between siblings is one of the longest throughout the life span. Moreover, the sibling relationship constitutes an important context for children’s development. Nevertheless, in the context of child maltreatment, it remains largely understudied. In this study, we examined the differences in self-reported sibling support and sibling conflict, between children who reported severe child maltreatment and children in a control group, as well as if these differences were affected by gender. Furthermore, we examined whether the level of sibling support and sibling conflict affected the extent of psychosomatic problems experienced by children who reported severe child maltreatment. The study was conducted on a sample of 1 392 boys and girls between the ages of 15-16, using data from the research project Longitudinal Research on Development in Adolescence (LoRDIA). Children who reported severe child maltreatment experienced significantly less sibling support and significantly higher sibling conflict than the control group. These differences were significant for both boys and girls, although boys experienced significantly less sibling support than girls. The level of sibling support and sibling conflict, however, did not affect the extent of psychosomatic problems in children who reported severe child maltreatment. Effect sizes were small in the majority of the results, suggesting that sibling relationships is a complex phenomenon that, besides child maltreatment and gender, may be affected by a number of other factors as well. The results are discussed in light of previous research, and in relation to attachment theory, the compensation hypothesis, the congruence hypothesis, and gender socialization.
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[pt] A violência psicológica é uma forma de violência contra mulher que pode
ser definida como causar dano emocional à mulher que a prejudique e perturbe
seu pleno desenvolvimento ou que vise a degradar ou a controlar suas ações,
comportamentos, crenças e decisões, mediante ameaça, constrangimento,
humilhação, manipulação, isolamento, chantagem, ridicularização, limitação do
direito de ir e vir ou qualquer outro meio que cause prejuízo à sua saúde
psicológica e autodeterminação (Lei Federal número 14.188, 2021 Art. 147- B). Este
trabalho é uma reunião de artigos científicos cujo objetivo principal é
compreender os fatores preventivos (de risco e de proteção) que envolvem a
violência contra a mulher; compreender, descrever a violência psicológica contra
a mulher (o fenômeno e o seu conceito), a sua presença ou ausência na literatura, e
suas possíveis consequências. Para além disso, buscou-se articular e deixar um
caminho preparado para a possibilidade de um agir para além da denúncia do
sistema dominante e algumas ideias do que fazer diante disso e de pensar que
elementos podem ser colocados para que políticas públicas possam ser
desenvolvidas com vista a minimizar o problema da VPCM. Por meio da
metodologia da revisão teórica, da revisão sistemática de literatura e da revisão
narrativa, foram elaborados 3 artigos. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a
necessidade de maior destaque para a violência psicológica e os fatores
envolvidos na mesma, assim como apontam a necessidade de um maior
investimento e reavaliação do papel dela no fenômeno da violência contra mulher. / [en] Psychological violence is a form of violence against women that can be defined as causing emotional harm to a woman that harms her and disrupts herfull development or that aims to degrade or control her actions, behaviors, beliefsand decisions, through threat, embarrassment , humiliation, manipulation,isolation, blackmail, ridicule, limitation of the right to come and go or any other means that causes harm to their psychological health and self-determination(Federal Law number 14,188, 2021 Art. 147- B). This work is a collection of scientific articles whose main objective is to understand the preventive factors (risk and protection) that involve violence against women; understand, describe psychological violence against women (the phenomenon and its concept), its presence or absence in the literature, and its possible consequences. Furthermore, we sought to articulate and leave a path prepared for the possibility of acting beyond the denunciation of the dominant system and some ideas of what to do in the face of this and to think about what elements can be put in place so that public policies can be developed with a view to minimizing the problem of VPCM.Through the methodology of theoretical review, systematic literature review and narrative review, 3 articles were prepared. The research results point to the need for greater emphasis on psychological violence and the factors involved in it, as well as the need for greater investment and reassessment of its role in the phenomenon of violence against women.
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