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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les réfugiés protestants de la Châtellenie de Lille en Hollande (milieu XVIème - début XVIIIème siècles) / Protestant refugees from Lille Châtellenie to Holland (middle XVI-early eighteenth centuries)

Desrousseaux, Alain 07 December 2016 (has links)
Il s'agira d'étudier plus précisément le refuge huguenot ‘’nordiste’’' qui s'est créé en Hollande des années 1580 au milieu du XVIIème siècle. Le protestantisme était très actif et dynamique dans les anciens Pays-Bas. Les classes sociales les plus actives étaient souvent protestantes. Suite à la révolte des Pays-Bas qui éclata en 1566, la répression espagnole provoqua des départs forcés vers l'Angleterre et les Pays-Bas. A Leyde, après la levée du siège espagnol et la libération de la ville en 1574 des réfugiés protestants issus des Pays-Bas du sud, encore espagnols, vinrent s'installer dans cette ville. Notre objectif est d’étudier ces réfugiés issus des territoires constituant actuellement le Nord-Pas de Calais et plus particulièrement la châtellenie de Lille, en analysant leur origine sociale, leur migration et leur activité à Leyde. Nous étudierons leur intégration dans la société d'accueil, leur apport au dynamisme des Pays-Bas et de la ville de Leyde en particulier, leur contribution à l’Age d’Or culturel des Pays-Bas. Par ailleurs les Eglises du refuge avaient gardé des liens avec les communautés restées en France. Des réfugiés issus de ces territoires ont eu une destinée exceptionnelle. Certains sont partis de Leyde vers le nouveau monde et ont contribué au peuplement de l'Amérique et de l’Afrique du Sud, créant notamment New-York. Nous chercherons également à dresser un inventaire plus complet de ces destinées exceptionnelles. Compte tenu de l’étendue du sujet nous insisterons principalement sur la châtellenie de Lille. / It is relevant to study more specifically the Huguenot '' northerner '' refuge which was created in Holland on 1580s to the mid-seventeenth century. Protestantism was very active and dynamic in the old Holland. The most active social classes were often Protestant. Following the revolt of the Netherlands which erupted in 1566, the Spanish repression provoked forced departures to England and the Netherlands. In Leiden, after the lifting of the Spanish siege and the liberation of the city in 1574 Protestant refugees from the Netherlands from the south, still Spanish, came to settle in this city. Moreover the end of persecution, stopping persecution in the country had allowed the return of some of them. The aim is to study these refugees from those territories which constitut now the Nord-Pas de Calais and specially the châtellenie of Lille. In doing so, their social origin will be analysed, as well as their migration and the activities in Leiden. It is relevant to study their integration into the host society, their contribution to the vitality of the Netherlands and the city of Leiden in particular, their contribution to the cultural Golden Age of the Netherlands. Besides the churches of refuge had maintained ties with communities remained in France. Some refugees from these territories had an exceptional destiny. Some left Leiden to the New World and contributed to the populating of America and South Africa, including the creation of New York. It will also provide a more complete inventory of these exceptional destinies.

Missiologiese evaluering van die ontstaan van die Pinkster Protestante Kerk

Bruiners, Henrico Ferdinand Oswald 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die Pinkster Protestante Kerk (PPK) is deel van die wereldwye Pinksterbeweging en het op I 0 Oktober 1958 ontstaan uit die Apostoliese Geloofsending (AGS), die grootste Pinksterkerk in Suid-Afrika. Verskeie redes kan toegedig word vir die ontstaan. Eerstens was daar die doelbewuste poging van die AGS om die struikelblokke uit die weg te ruim ten einde as kerk deur die Nederduitse Gereformeerde kerk erken te word. 'n Tweede hoofrede was die party-politieke bedrywighede van pastoor Gerrie Wessels, 'n lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die AGS. Die skrywer toon aan hoedat rassisme en Apartheid beslag gekry het in die ekklesiologie en missiologie van die PPK. Daar is tans vier aparte outonome rassekerke. Rassisme is die hoof oorsaak vir 'n onverenigde kerk. Deur die loop van die kerk se geskiedenis was daar vyf konstitusionele opsette ten einde eenheid te laat realiseer, maar sender veel sukses. 'n Sesde konstitusionele opset, een PPK, word tans beding. / The Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC) is part of the worldwide Pentecostal Movement and originated from the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM), the largest Pentecostal Church in South Afiica, on October 10, 1958. There are various reasons that contributed to the birth of the church. Firstly, the AFM removed on purpose the obstacles that stood in the way in order to be acknowledge as a church by the Dutch Reformed Church. The party-political involvement of pastor Gerrie Wessels, an Executive Council member of the AFM, was the second main reason. The writer indicates how racism and Apartheid took root in the ecclesiology and missiology of the PPC. At the moment there are four separate outonomous race churches. The main reason for a not united church is racism. The church had five different constitutions in the course of her history in an attempt to bring forth unity, but without success. A six constitutional design for one PPC is currently being negotiated. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Sendingwetenskap)

Le contrôle de gestion dans l'Assemblée évangélique chrétienne du salut pour tous (AECST) : apport des sciences de la gestion à la praxéologie pastorale

Béry, Leontes 10 1900 (has links)
La crédibilité des Églises évangéliques a été mise à rudes épreuves par les temps qui courent si l’on se fie à ce qui est rapporté autant dans la presse écrite que dans la presse parlée à la grandeur du pays. L’un des principaux facteurs alimentant la quasi totalité des opinions négatives sur ces lieux réputés être « lieu de la rencontre entre les croyants et le Divin », c’est le manque de rigueur dans la gestion de leurs différentes activités. En dépit des rumeurs et des soupçons, certaines Églises essaient de se démarquer des mauvaises pratiques qui ne font que miner la réputation de la plupart d’entre elles. Afin d’amener les lecteurs sur des pistes éclairantes, je vais problématiser et proposer, de façon succincte, les différentes étapes du contrôle de gestion dans une Église évangélique grâce à l’observation et à l’analyse de cette pratique. Mon observation portera sur une Église, en particulier, qui en est à sa douzième année de fonctionnement et qui connaît une importante croissance au fil du temps. En tant que Pasteur de cette Église, tout en m’inspirant de mes expériences personnelles dans la gestion de diverses équipes d’employés dans la Société de Transport de Montréal (STM) , je vais esquisser les grands traits des valeurs privilégiées qui ont été à la base de ce succès. / If it is possible to trust the information reported as much in the print media as in the speaking press in our days, to the size of the country, the credibility of the evangelic Churches was put in hard test. When we consider what has been identified to be as one of the man factors feeding most of the negative opinions on these renowned places to be « space of the meeting between believers and the Divine », it is the rigorous lack in the management of their various activities. We are agreed to say that in spite of the rumours and the suspicious certain Churches are trying the best of what to be done in order to distance themselves from bad practices which are undermining the reputation of most of them. My intent is to bring the readers on enlightening tracks by proposing briefly the various steps of the strategic management control in an Evangelic Church through the observation and the analysis of this practice. That observation will set its focus on a particular Church, which is in its twelfth year of functioning and which now experiencing an important growth over the time. As Pastor of this organization I will try to refer to my managerial working experience with several teams of employees in the « Société de Transport de Montréal » (STM)2 in order to outline the privileged values which were at the root of this success.

Les théologies contextuelles dans le Pacifique Sud au XXe siècle. Analyse des conditions de production d'un discours religieux en situation / Pacific Islands’ Contextual Theologies in the in XXth Century. An Analysis of the Production of Religious Views in Situation

Vidal, Gilles 16 February 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est une analyse descriptive de la théologie contextuelle protestante contemporaine dans le Pacifique Sud insulaire. Elle privilégie une approche interdisciplinaire faisant appel à l’histoire, la socio-anthropologie, la missiologie et la théologie. La première partie s’intéresse de manière diachronique à l’émergence de cette nouvelle théologie dans un contexte de décolonisation et de régionalisation du christianisme à travers le réseau œcuménique des Églises du Pacifique, des années 1970 aux années 2000. Trois figures de proue de la théologie océanienne contemporaine sont étudiées en détail : Sione ‘Amanaki Havea, Sevati Tuwere, Ama ‘amalele Tofaeono. La deuxième partie est une approche synchronique et typologique des thèmes abordés par la théologie contextuelle dans le Pacifique : le discours sur Dieu proprement dit, l’image du Christ se dégageant d’une christologie océanienne, la théologie « de la célébration » et « la théologie de l’identité ». L’utilisation théologique de symboles culturels tels que la terre ou le pays (fenua / vanua), le kava, la case, l’igname, etc. y est examinée ; de même que le rapport entre religion et culture ainsi que le recours à la tradition. La troisième et dernière partie porte sur la question théorique de la contextualisation de la théologie, l’origine du terme et du concept ainsi que ses limites dans une perspective œcuménique. Elle reprend également la question de l’articulation entre la culture et la théologie dans le contexte contemporain de la mondialisation du christianisme. / This Ph. D. Thesis offers a description of contemporary contextual Pacific Islands’ theology. The methodological approach is interdisciplinary, drawing on history, sociology and anthropology, missiology, and theology. The first part is a diachronic study of the origin of this new kind of theology in the context of decolonisation and regionalisation of Christianity through the Pacific Churches’ ecumenical network from the 1970’s to the 2000’s. The thoughts of three contemporary Pacific theologians are presented in detail: Sione ‘Amanaki Havea, Sevati Tuwere, Ama ‘Amalele Tofaeono. The second part is more synchronic, proposing a typology of specific theological themes in the Pacific: the different representations of God, Christology, “Theology of Celebration”, “Theology of Identity”. The purpose of this part is to work on cultural symbols like the land or homeland (fenua / vanua), kava, traditional hut, and yam, among others, and to study the link between religion and culture and the use of tradition. The third and last part deals with the theoretical issue of contextualisation in theology, the origin of the word and of the concept of contextualisation as well as its limits from an ecumenical point of view. This section also takes into account the problematic of the connection between culture and theology in the contemporary context of a globalised Christianity.


PAULO SAMUEL ALBRECHT 06 December 2013 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho procura resgatar a importante contribuição de Filipe Melanchthon para o movimento reformatório europeu do século XVI, trazendo uma biografia de sua vida e carreira, abordando aspectos centrais de sua teologia e a como eles também ajudaram a moldar o discurso reformatório a partir de Wittenberg para toda a Europa. De maneira especial, enfatiza-se a historiografia de Melanchthon desde a época da Reforma, procurando desfazer-se rótulos e juízos de valor infundados sobre a sua pessoa, especialmente no que se refere a ser considerado um auxiliar sem grandes contribuições originais ou, pior ainda, um traidor da causa luterana. Busca-se, ainda, apontar para os novos rumos atuais da pesquisa teológica sobre a sua pessoa na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, com o intuito de estimular a pesquisa sobre este assunto também no Brasil. Ao final, verifica-se que a Melanchthon foi destinada uma posição obscura na pesquisa histórica do movimento reformatório europeu, o que não condiz com a grandeza e a importância de suas contribuições para aquela época e também daquilo que pode servir de estímulo ao refletir teológico atual. / [en] This work’s purpose is to highlight the great contributions to the Reformatorial Movement in Europe during the XVI Century by Philip Melanchthon. So, it brings a biography of his life, as well as it underlines some of the basic aspects of his theology and how they helped to shape the message of the Reformation from Wittenberg to all Europe. Mostly, it focuses on the historiography of Melanchthon from Reformation’s time on, in order to clear up misunderstandings and biased labels that were imposed on him, above all that he gave no original contribution and – even worst – that he was a traitor inside the Lutheran ranks. It also tries to point out the new directions that Melanchthon Research is taking in Europe and in the United States, in order to foster the research on this topic also in Brazil. In the end, it becomes clear that a rather obscure place was assigned to Melanchthon in the historical research of the Reformation, what is not appropriate considering the extent of his contribution then and how much it can foster theological thinking today.

Imprensa protestante na primeira república: evangelismo, informação e produção cultural - O Jornal Batista (1901-1922) / Protesting press in the first republic: evangelism, information and cultural production O Jornal Batista (1901-1922)

Adamovicz, Anna Lucia Collyer 04 August 2008 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade do século XIX, as missões batistas norte-americanas passaram a realizar campanhas evangelizadoras em diferentes cidades brasileiras, com o intuito de promover uma reforma no sistema religioso local, cujas bases ideológico-doutrinárias se estabeleceram ao longo de três séculos de presença hegemônica da Igreja Católica. O movimento batista foi introduzido no cenário religioso da Nação em 1881, ano a partir do qual pregadores enviados pela Junta de Missões Estrangeiras passaram a se fixar no país, em virtude da aprovação da criação de uma frente missionária permanente no Brasil. Diante de semelhante perspectiva, o projeto na área de Publicações não restringia o seu campo de atuação aos centros urbanos, áreas onde o grau de escolaridade de seus leitores era potencialmente mais elevado. O consenso em torno da idéia de que a criação de um veículo de informação de alcance nacional contribuiria para o crescimento qualitativo e quantitativo das Igrejas (quantitativo no que se refere à abertura de novas congregações e qualitativo no que concerne à implementação da formação religiosa e intelectual dos fiéis), viabilizou a fundação do Jornal Batista, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no ano de 1901. O compromisso com a evangelização do povo brasileiro, o zelo com o aprofundamento do conhecimento bíblico e com a instrução dos crentes e o propósito de fornecer informação sobre os acontecimentos do mundo contemporâneo, a luz do Cristianismo, foram os fundamentos orientadores de o Jornal Batista, principal órgão desta Imprensa denominacional e principal objeto de investigação da pesquisa proposta. / Since the second half of the nineteenth century North American Baptist missionaries began to accomplish evangelistic campaigns in different brazilian cities: their widest objective was to promote a profound reformation in the local religious system, whose ideologicdoctrinal basis had been established in the course of more than three centuries of Roman Catholic Church hegemony. The Baptist movement was introduced this religious scenery in 1881, seeing that in the same year the first preachers encharged of settling a permanent mission site in Brazil were sent to this nation by the Southern Baptist Convention of the United States. Among the pioneer missionaries, the consensus toward the idea that the creation of a national reach communication vehicle would contribute to the quantitative growth as well as to the qualitative development of the churches, occasioned the foundation of the Baptist Journal (Jornal Batista) in Rio de Janeiro, on January 10th of 1901 (the term quantitative growth refers to the enlargement of this mission field with the opening of new congregations while qualitative development is attributed for the prospective improvement of both religious and intellectual instruction of their members). The commitment with the evangelization of the brazilian people, the zeal concerning the deepening of their biblical knowledge and the purpose of providing information about contemporary events in the perspective of the evangelical faith were the guiding principles of the Baptist Journal. During the first two decades of the brazilian republic it remained as the main medium of communication held by this denominational press. It consists on the prime investigation object of the present research

João Calvino e Santo Agostinho sobre o conhecimento de Deus e o conhecimento de si: um caso de disjunção teológico-filosófica / John Calvin and St. Augustine on knowledge of God and self-knowledge: a case of theological and philosophical disjunction

Oliveira, Fabiano de Almeida 23 September 2010 (has links)
Santo Agostinho e João Calvino são pensadores representativos de dois momentos históricos distintos da cristandade, e figuram entre aqueles que ajudaram a moldar, de forma determinante, os contornos da tradição cristã de pensamento a qual representavam. A despeito do lapso temporal que os separa, João Calvino foi muito influenciado pelo pensamento de Agostinho em virtude da presença marcante da teologia e espiritualidade agostinianas na atmosfera intelectual e religiosa do século XVI, sendo boa parte destes influxos, produto da apropriação direta de Calvino de aspectos do pensamento de Agostinho, por meio do contato in loco com suas obras. Estes influxos diretos e indiretos do pensamento de Agostinho sobre Calvino resultaram em muitos paralelos e similaridades teológico-filosóficos. Um dos temas comuns a estes dois pensadores cristãos foi o da centralidade da doutrina do conhecimento de Deus e do autoconhecimento. Na verdade, ambos definem a natureza do projeto sapiencial e beatífico humano em termos de aquisição deste duplo conhecimento. Portanto, a principal finalidade deste trabalho é apresentar a relevância que a doutrina da cognitio Dei et sui desempenha na proposta teológico-filosófica de ambos os pensadores, bem como estabelecer uma análise de suas fontes, natureza e características. Este trabalho visa demonstrar, também, que apesar de haver similaridades e paralelos estreitos entre Calvino e Agostinho no tocante aos aspectos gerais que envolvem a doutrina do conhecimento de Deus e do autoconhecimento, existem distinções incontornáveis naquilo que concerne aos meandros específicos desta matéria, como aquelas disjunções relacionadas à natureza e às características específicas da dinâmica interna deste duplo conhecimento. / St. Augustine and John Calvin are thinkers representing two different periods in the history of Christianity, remarkably appearing among those who helped to shape up the contours of the Christian tradition of thought they represented. Despite the time gap that set them apart, John Calvin was greatly influenced by the thought of Augustine due to the strong presence of Augustinian theology and spirituality in the intellectual and religious atmosphere of the sixteenth century. Most of these inputs were the product of Calvins direct assimilation of certain aspects from Augustine\'s thought through in loco contact with his works. Such direct and indirect inflows of Augustines thought on Calvin resulted in many theological and philosophical parallels and similarities. One theme common to both Christian thinkers was the centrality of the doctrines of the knowledge of God and self-knowledge. In fact, both Augustine and Calvin define the nature of the human sapiential and beatific project in terms of attaining this dual knowledge. In this context, the present study aims to present the relevant role the doctrine of cognitio Dei et sui plays in the theological and philosophical views of both thinkers, as well as to develop an analysis of its sources, nature and characteristics. In addition, this work demonstrates that although there are close parallels and similarities between Calvin and Augustine with regards to general issues surrounding the doctrines of knowledge of God and self-knowledge, there are compelling distinctions as far as the particulars of this subject are concerned; such as disjunctions related to the nature and specific features of the internal dynamics of this dual knowledge.

Pratiques liturgiques d'Églises luthériennes et réformées en France : vie liturgique, dynamique communautaire et identité ecclésiale / Liturgical practices in Lutheran and Reformed Churches in France : liturgical life, community dynamics and ecclesiastical identity

Charras-Sancho, Joan 10 September 2015 (has links)
La liturgie a longtemps été considérée comme un marqueur identitaire fort des Églises luthériennes et réformées, qui avaient pour tradition de produire leur propre liturgie dont l’usage, normatif, ne variait pas. Les mutations socio-religieuses des dernières décennies, couplées avec les unions d’Églises en cours, ont révélé la grande diversité de liturgies mises en œuvre dans les paroisses d’une même Église. Cette diversité interroge particulièrement trois aspects ecclésiologiques : la vie liturgique, dans ses fondements et ses pratiques, la dynamique communautaire et notamment la place faite à la liturgie dans son déploiement et enfin l’identité ecclésiale, afin de savoir dans quelle mesure la liturgie traduit ou participe d’une identité. Le travail de recherche mené dans le cadre de ce doctorat part de ces trois volets pour dégager des critères liturgiques initiaux et transversaux pour les confronter aux données de terrain afin de mesurer l’écart entre ce qui est important dans la perspective théologique des Églises de la Réforme, ce qui est mis en œuvre dans les paroisses et ce qui est perçu par les paroissiens. / Liturgy has long been considered as a strong feature of the identity of Lutheran and Reformed Churches. It was their tradition to produce their own liturgy with a standardised and unvarying usage. Over the last few decades, social and religious changes, coupled with on-going unions between Churches have demonstrated the wide diversity of Liturgies used in the parishes of any one Church. In this diversity three ecclesiological aspects come particularly to the fore: liturgical life, in its foundations and practices, community dynamics and especially the place give to liturgy within this and finally ecclesial identity, in order to find out how far liturgy is a an expression of or an active part of identity. The research work carried out as part of this doctorate uses these three subjects to establish initial and transverse liturgical criteria and then compares these with data gathered in the field in order to assess the gap between what is important from a theological point of view for the Churches of the Reform, what is practiced in parishes and what is perceived by parishioners.

Imprensa protestante na primeira república: evangelismo, informação e produção cultural - O Jornal Batista (1901-1922) / Protesting press in the first republic: evangelism, information and cultural production O Jornal Batista (1901-1922)

Anna Lucia Collyer Adamovicz 04 August 2008 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade do século XIX, as missões batistas norte-americanas passaram a realizar campanhas evangelizadoras em diferentes cidades brasileiras, com o intuito de promover uma reforma no sistema religioso local, cujas bases ideológico-doutrinárias se estabeleceram ao longo de três séculos de presença hegemônica da Igreja Católica. O movimento batista foi introduzido no cenário religioso da Nação em 1881, ano a partir do qual pregadores enviados pela Junta de Missões Estrangeiras passaram a se fixar no país, em virtude da aprovação da criação de uma frente missionária permanente no Brasil. Diante de semelhante perspectiva, o projeto na área de Publicações não restringia o seu campo de atuação aos centros urbanos, áreas onde o grau de escolaridade de seus leitores era potencialmente mais elevado. O consenso em torno da idéia de que a criação de um veículo de informação de alcance nacional contribuiria para o crescimento qualitativo e quantitativo das Igrejas (quantitativo no que se refere à abertura de novas congregações e qualitativo no que concerne à implementação da formação religiosa e intelectual dos fiéis), viabilizou a fundação do Jornal Batista, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no ano de 1901. O compromisso com a evangelização do povo brasileiro, o zelo com o aprofundamento do conhecimento bíblico e com a instrução dos crentes e o propósito de fornecer informação sobre os acontecimentos do mundo contemporâneo, a luz do Cristianismo, foram os fundamentos orientadores de o Jornal Batista, principal órgão desta Imprensa denominacional e principal objeto de investigação da pesquisa proposta. / Since the second half of the nineteenth century North American Baptist missionaries began to accomplish evangelistic campaigns in different brazilian cities: their widest objective was to promote a profound reformation in the local religious system, whose ideologicdoctrinal basis had been established in the course of more than three centuries of Roman Catholic Church hegemony. The Baptist movement was introduced this religious scenery in 1881, seeing that in the same year the first preachers encharged of settling a permanent mission site in Brazil were sent to this nation by the Southern Baptist Convention of the United States. Among the pioneer missionaries, the consensus toward the idea that the creation of a national reach communication vehicle would contribute to the quantitative growth as well as to the qualitative development of the churches, occasioned the foundation of the Baptist Journal (Jornal Batista) in Rio de Janeiro, on January 10th of 1901 (the term quantitative growth refers to the enlargement of this mission field with the opening of new congregations while qualitative development is attributed for the prospective improvement of both religious and intellectual instruction of their members). The commitment with the evangelization of the brazilian people, the zeal concerning the deepening of their biblical knowledge and the purpose of providing information about contemporary events in the perspective of the evangelical faith were the guiding principles of the Baptist Journal. During the first two decades of the brazilian republic it remained as the main medium of communication held by this denominational press. It consists on the prime investigation object of the present research

Missiologiese evaluering van die ontstaan van die Pinkster Protestante Kerk

Bruiners, Henrico Ferdinand Oswald 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die Pinkster Protestante Kerk (PPK) is deel van die wereldwye Pinksterbeweging en het op I 0 Oktober 1958 ontstaan uit die Apostoliese Geloofsending (AGS), die grootste Pinksterkerk in Suid-Afrika. Verskeie redes kan toegedig word vir die ontstaan. Eerstens was daar die doelbewuste poging van die AGS om die struikelblokke uit die weg te ruim ten einde as kerk deur die Nederduitse Gereformeerde kerk erken te word. 'n Tweede hoofrede was die party-politieke bedrywighede van pastoor Gerrie Wessels, 'n lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die AGS. Die skrywer toon aan hoedat rassisme en Apartheid beslag gekry het in die ekklesiologie en missiologie van die PPK. Daar is tans vier aparte outonome rassekerke. Rassisme is die hoof oorsaak vir 'n onverenigde kerk. Deur die loop van die kerk se geskiedenis was daar vyf konstitusionele opsette ten einde eenheid te laat realiseer, maar sender veel sukses. 'n Sesde konstitusionele opset, een PPK, word tans beding. / The Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC) is part of the worldwide Pentecostal Movement and originated from the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM), the largest Pentecostal Church in South Afiica, on October 10, 1958. There are various reasons that contributed to the birth of the church. Firstly, the AFM removed on purpose the obstacles that stood in the way in order to be acknowledge as a church by the Dutch Reformed Church. The party-political involvement of pastor Gerrie Wessels, an Executive Council member of the AFM, was the second main reason. The writer indicates how racism and Apartheid took root in the ecclesiology and missiology of the PPC. At the moment there are four separate outonomous race churches. The main reason for a not united church is racism. The church had five different constitutions in the course of her history in an attempt to bring forth unity, but without success. A six constitutional design for one PPC is currently being negotiated. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Sendingwetenskap)

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