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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure financière des sociétés d'assurance en France : entre déterminants traditionnels et référentiels prudentiels / Capital structure of French insurance companies : from traditional determinants to prudential regulation

Abdoune, Radouane 08 December 2014 (has links)
Afin de maintenir la stabilité du secteur financier et le dynamisme des autres secteurs del’économie réelle, les sociétés d’assurance sont amenées à renforcer leur soliditéfinancière et leur solvabilité. Cependant, malgré l’importance de la question du niveaudes fonds propres dans la solvabilité des sociétés d’assurance et dans la stabilité globaledu secteur financier, elle n’a fait l’objet que de quelques rares tentatives d’analyse. Dansce contexte, l’objectif principal de notre thèse est d’analyser les déterminants de lastructure financière des sociétés d’assurance françaises et l’effet de l’intégration de larégulation prudentielle dans la formation de leur niveau de fonds propres. A cette fin,nous mobilisons les théories du compromis et du financement hiérarchique dansl’élaboration de notre modèle théorique qui est ensuite testé empiriquement auprès d’unéchantillon de compagnies d’assurance françaises sur la période 2006-2012. Lesprincipaux résultats empiriques démontrent que la réglementation prudentielle influencele niveau des fonds propres dans les compagnies d’assurance françaises. / To maintain the stability of the financial sector and the dynamism in the other sectors ofthe economy, the insurance companies have to improve their solvency and manage theirrisks. Despite the importance of the issue of the level of capital in maintaining the overallstability of the insurance companies sector, it has been the subject of a very fewresearches. In this context, the main objective of our thesis is to analyze the determinantsof the financial structure of French insurance companies and the effect of the integrationof prudential regulation in the formation of their level of capital. To this end, we use TOTand POT to develop our theoretical model that we then tested empirically in a sample ofFrench insurance companies in the period 2006-2012. Our main empirical result is thatprudential regulation affects the determinants of the level of capital in the Frenchinsurance companies.

Analyse des approches prudentielles de la gestion des risques bancaires : quelques constats économétriques sur les banques africaines / Analysis of the prudential approaches of bank risk management : some econometric analysis on the african banks

Garba, Moussa 14 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à la littérature sur les normes prudentielles de la gestion des risques bancaires,la causalité entre le développement financier et la croissance économique et enfin les hypothèses del'aléa moral et de la réglementation du capital des banques. La crise des Subprimes de 2007 aparadoxalement permis de souligner une fois de plus les lacunes des normes prudentielles Bâle I etBâle II, du fait de ses différentes conséquences sur les systèmes bancaires mondiaux. En adoptantune démarche économétrique et en exploitant des données de panel sur un échantillon des banquesd’Afrique subsaharienne et du Maghreb, nous avons utilisé plus particulièrement la technique decausalité au sens de Granger et celle d'estimation GMM afin de mener des études empiriques surcelles-ci, notamment la causalité entre le développement financier et l’économie réelle d’une part, larelation entre le capital et la profitabilité (risque) des banques d’autre part. Les résultats soulignent ladépendance entre certaines variables de la profitabilité des banques et la croissance économiqued’une part, et d’autre part les comportements des banques africaines, en termes de la détention ducapital et à la prise excessive des risques, cadrent parfaitement aux hypothèses de l’aléa moral et dela réglementation du capital du comité de Bâle. / This thesis contributes to the literature on prudential risk management in the banking sector,causality between financial development and economic growth and finally, the study of moral hazardand the regulation of the capital of banks. The Subprime Mortgage Crisis of 2007 paradoxicallyDépôt de thèseDonnées complémentairesmade it possible to once more highlight the inadequacies in the Basel I and Basel II prudentialstandards, because of its various consequences on the global financial system. We adopted andapplied the Granger causality test and the GMM estimation method to panel data on a sample ofbanks in sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, in order to conduct empirical studies, in particularon the causality between financial development and the real economy on one hand, the relationbetween capital and the profitability (risk) of banks on the other. The results highlight thedependence between certain variables describing bank profitability and economic growth on onehand, and those describing the characteristics of African banks on the other, in terms of capitalretention and excessive risk taking. This coincides perfectly with the study of moral hazard andcapital regulation set by the Basel Committee.

Macroeconomic stress-testing of banking systems: survey of methodologies and empirical application / Macroeconomic stress-testing of banking systems: survey of methodologies and empirical application

Šimečková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with stress testing as a process that helps to assess the impact of potential adverse shocks on the soundness of a financial system. First section is dedicated to non-technical discussion about stress testing and to some methodological issues. The main focus lies on the system-wide macroeconomic stress testing. The empirical part of the thesis is a contribution to macroprudential analysis of the quality of the aggregate loan portfolio in the Czech Republic. This study adopts a vector autoregression model applied to the Czech banking sector in order to judge its stability and present some evidence on macroeconomic variables affecting the Czech banking system. As a measure of the strength of the loan portfolio is used the stock of non-performing loans vis-à-vis total loans in the sector. The thesis follows the widely used methodology and seeks to identify significant macroeconomic risk factors affecting the loan portfolio quality. The latter part aims also to forecast the most likely development of the loan portfolio.

Consumer Protection; Efficient and Effective Bank Regulation in Zimbabwe

Kaseke, Melissa Chinyangarara January 2018 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM (Public Law and Jurisprudence) / Zimbabwe is a Southern African country which has witnessed frequent bank collapses in the last two decades. This has eroded consumer and business confidence in the banking sector due to the irreparable financial prejudice suffered by most sectoral consumers. The side effect of this lack of trust in the sector has been the hoarding and preference of cash in most, if not all transactions, as opposed to the use of plastic money. Between April 2015 and March 2016, it is estimated that between US$3 billion and US$7.4 billion was circulating outside the banking system in the informal sector thus exposing the depth of mistrust crippling the banking sector. Together with other factors beyond the scope of this study, it is submitted that this lack of trust and confidence in the sector has contributed to the current cash shortage which, according to Latham and Cohen, has left .a black hole in the financial system that's crushing the rest of the economy'.

Reclassificação dos ativos financeiros e os possíveis impactos nos indicadores prudenciais e de rentabilidade dos bancos brasileiros / Reclassification of financial assets and possible impacts on prudential and profitability ratios of Brazilian banks.

Almeida, Diana Lúcia de 14 September 2010 (has links)
Motivados pela crença de que um único conjunto de normas contábeis tecnicamente robusto seria fundamental para maior transparência nas informações, redução dos custos de capital, eliminação dos custos de adequação das demonstrações financeiras para outro conjunto de normas, redução dos riscos e, consequentemente, atração de mais investimentos, em 2002 o FASB assina o acordo de convergência com o IASB, no qual os órgãos se comprometem a desenvolver conjuntamente padrões contábeis compatíveis e de alta qualidade, que possam ser usadas no ambiente doméstico e internacional. A norma IAS 39, por ter sido considerada complexa desde sua emissão, já havia entrado no escopo de revisão conjunta entre o IASB e o FASB. Entretanto, a crise financeira de 2008 trouxe à tona algumas fraquezas da norma e ambos os órgãos foram pressionados a acelerar o processo de sua revisão. Em resposta à crise, o projeto foi dividido em três etapas, das quais a primeira é sobre classificação e mensuração dos instrumentos financeiros. Como parte do projeto, em novembro de 2009 foi emitida a IFRS 9 Instrumentos Financeiros. Esta norma introduz novos requerimentos para a classificação e mensuração dos ativos financeiros. Dentre as mudanças as quatro categorias de mensuração dos ativos financeiros - valor justo pelo resultado, mantido até o vencimento, empréstimos e recebíveis e disponível para venda foram eliminadas e introduzidas duas categorias - custo amortizado e valor justo. Tal alteração instigou uma análise sobre seus possíveis impactos. Nesse sentido, este trabalho procurou analisar, dentro do contexto da introdução da IFRS 9, se a mudança na classificação dos ativos financeiros introduz alteração estatisticamente significativa nos indicadores prudenciais e de rentabilidade dos bancos no Brasil. Para isso foi focada a reclassificação da categoria disponível para venda para a categoria valor justo. A amostra é não probabilística e formada por 38 bancos brasileiros. As variáveis operacionais são: Índice da Basiléia, Índice da Basiléia por Capital Nível I, Índice de Imobilização, Retorno sobre Ativos (ROA) e Retorno sobre Patrimônio Líquido (ROE). A estratégia de pesquisa utilizada foi a simulação e a significância das médias dos resultados de cada indicador, antes e depois da simulação, foram testados estatisticamente por meio do teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Os resultados indicaram que não há variação da estrutura do Patrimônio de Referência (PR) e, portanto, não há impacto no Índice de Imobilização. Com relação ao demais indicadores, a reclassificação dos ativos provoca um aumento estatisticamente significativo na média do Índice da Basiléia, enquanto as médias do ROA e do ROE reduziram. Para a média do Índice da Basiléia por Capital Nível I não há evidências estatísticas de variação significativa. Todos os resultados da pesquisa consideraram um nível de confiança de 95% e o respectivo nível de significância de 5%. Contudo, considerando que os testes estatísticos se basearem numa amostra não probabilística, os resultados encontrados são extensivos apenas aos bancos componentes da amostra. Este estudo contribuiu adicionalmente ao debate sobre o uso de reclassificações para fins de gerenciamento de resultados, concluindo que a IFRS 9 é mais restritiva, quando comparado à IAS 39 após emenda de 2008. No que tange aos objetivos da revisão da IAS 39, percebe-se uma melhoria, em especial ao reduzir o número de categorias de classificação dos ativos financeiros, apesar de ser ainda cedo para afirmar que a mudança introduzida pela IFRS 9 reduziu a complexidade da IAS 39. Por fim, nota-se um movimento de convergência entre as normas contábeis e prudenciais, apesar de divergências entre ambas ainda permanecerem. / Driven by the belief that only one technically robust set of standards would be fundamental for increased transparency in information, reduced capital costs, eliminated costs to adapt financial statements to a new set of standards, risks reduction and, consequently, by the attraction of international investments, in 2002 FASB signed a convergence agreement with IASB, according to which the bodies agreed to work together to develop compatible and high quality accounting standards that could be applied for both domestic and cross-border financial reporting. IAS 39 has been considered complex since it was issued and had already been included in the scope of revision by IASB and FASB. However, the 2008 financial crisis emerged IAS 39 weaknesses, being both bodies pressured to accelerate the revision. In response to the crisis, the project was divided in three phases and the first one regards to classification and measurement of financial instruments. As part of the project, in November 2009 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments was issued. The new standard introduces new requirements for classification and measurement of financial assets. Among the changes, the four categories fair value through profit and loss, held to maturity, loans and receivables and available for sale were eliminated and two categories were introduced amortized cost and fair value. This change instigated an analysis about its possible impacts. In that sense, this research aimed to analyse, within the context of IFRS 9, if the change in financial assets classification introduces statistically significant changes in the prudential and the profitability ratios of banks in Brazil. To that end, the reclassification from available for sale to fair value was focused. The sample is non-probabilistic and contains 38 Brazilian banks. The variables are: Total Capital ratio, Tier 1 ratio, Fixed Assets to Regulatory Capital ratio, Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The research strategy used is simulation and the mean significance of each ratio results, before and after the simulation, was tested by the non-parametric Wilcoxon test. The results show no variation in regulatory capital structure, thus, there is no impact on Fixed Assets to Regulatory Capital ratio. In relation to all other ratios, the reclassification makes a statistically significant increase in Total Capital ratio mean, while ROA and ROE means reduced. On Tier 1 ratio mean there is no evidence of statistically significant variation. All the results of this research took into account reliability level of 95% and the respective significance level of 5%. However, considering that the statistics tests are based on a non-probabilistic sample, the results refer solely to banks in the sample. Moreover, this research contributed to a debate about the use of reclassification for earnings managements, concluding that IFRS 9 is more restrictive when compared to IAS 39 after 2008 amendment. Regarding the objectives of IAS 39 revision, an improvement was perceived, specially because the reduction of the numerous financial assets classification categories, despite it is too early to state that the change introduced by IFRS 9 has reduced IAS 39 complexity. Finally, it can be noticed a convergence movement between accounting and prudential rules, despite some divergences that still remain.

Regulação sistêmica e prudencial no setor bancário brasileiro / Systemic and prudential regulation in the Brazilian banking sector

Pinto, Gustavo Mathias Alves 03 May 2011 (has links)
O objeto do presente trabalho é o diagnóstico do arcabouço regulatório pátrio destinado à prevenção de crises bancárias, quais sejam a regulação sistêmica e a regulação prudencial, e como as transformações ocorridas no sistema financeiro na segunda metade do século XX o afetam. A partir desse estudo, o trabalho pretende demonstrar que, embora a regulação sistêmica e a regulação prudencial no País tenham incorporado avanços notáveis nas últimas décadas, ainda há falhas significativas a serem corrigidas e desafios a serem enfrentados. Se por um lado o atual arcabouço regulatório é marcado por exigências e controles mais rigorosos que os encontrados em outros países, por outro lado, constam também inúmeros instrumentos de resgate a bancos sendo aplicados de forma desordenada, sem regras claras, com pouca ou nenhuma prestação de contas, e até mesmo desvirtuando o propósito original de alguns desses instrumentos. A presença de uma multiplicidade de mecanismos de resgate com tais características é uma preocupante fonte de risco moral no mercado. Outrossim, o exame das transformações ocorridas no Sistema Financeiro Nacional nas últimas décadas evidencia que as dificuldades enfrentadas por autoridades bancárias em outros países, como o fenômeno do grande demais para quebrar e o monitoramento do risco sistêmico em um contexto de conglomeração financeira, já são uma realidade no País, representando desafios para a regulação sistêmica e a regulação prudencial, e provocando a reflexão sobre as consequências desses movimentos no setor bancário nacional para o arcabouço regulatório vigente. Em conclusão, o trabalho pretende demonstrar que, apesar de seus inegáveis méritos, a exaltação ao arcabouço regulatório pátrio em face de seu desempenho considerado positivo na crise financeira recente deve ser vista com temperamentos, e que a atuação das autoridades bancárias nos próximos anos deve ser mais centrada na correção das falhas identificadas e reflexão sobre os desafios apresentados. / The study aims at evaluating the national regulatory framework designed to prevent banking crises (e.g. systemic and prudential regulation), and how the transformations that occurred in the financial services industry throughout the second half of the 20th century affect it. Based on this analysis, the study intends to demonstrate that, albeit the systemic and prudential regulation in Brazil have incorporated important developments over the last decades, there still are significant flaws that need to be fixed and challenges to be faced. If, on the one hand, the current regulatory framework is marked by demands and controls that are more rigorous than those adopted by other countries, on the other hand, the mechanisms designed to rescue distressed banks are being applied in an unorganized manner, without clear rules, little or no accountability, and even distorting the original purpose of some of these mechanisms. The presence of this variety of rescue mechanisms with such characteristics is a concerning source of moral hazard. Furthermore, the examination of the transformations in the financial system in recent history shows that the challenges faced by banking authorities in other countries, such as the too big to fail phenomenon and the complexity of monitoring systemic risk in the context of financial conglomerates, are also present in Brazil, creating challenges to the current regulatory framework, and claiming a reflection on the consequences of such transformations in the national financial services industry. In conclusion, the study aims at demonstrating that, despite its unquestionable merits, the exaltation to the Brazilian systemic and prudential regulation in light of the countrys performance in the recent financial crisis should be analyzed with caution, and that the role of the banking authorities over the next years should be focused in fixing the flaws identified in the analysis and reflection over the challenges discussed throughout the study.

Recherche sur la sécurisation des marchés financiers dans l'espace OHADA / Research on securing financial markets in the OHADA space

Ndiaye, Aminata 19 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis la mise en place des marchés financiers dans l’espace OHADA, les autorités communautaires ont entrepris de sérieuses réformes visant à assurer la protection de l’épargne publique et éventuellement la confiance des investisseurs. À ce titre, l’instauration d’un climat des affaires fiable et efficace constitue l’un des défis majeurs posés par le marché financier de l’UEMOA, de la CEMAC et du Cameroun. Il apparaît dès lors indispensable d’envisager un modèle d’organisation et de fonctionnement ainsi que des règles de marché apte à répondre à la fois au souci légitime de développement des marchés concernés et au besoin de sécurité des investisseurs nationaux et étrangers conformément aux standards financiers internationaux. Il faut noter que les marchés financiers dans l’espace OHADA présentent des acquis considérables en termes de sécurisation des acteurs et des opérations financières, même si beaucoup reste à faire surtout dans le cadre de la répression des délits boursiers. L’étude de ce sujet était aussi une occasion d’aborder la diversité des sources applicable aux différents marchés financiers dans l’espace OHADA. Un simple regard sur le droit OHADA à travers le prisme de l’acte uniforme relatif au droit des sociétés, laisse apparaitre une faible implication de cet organe dans le processus de sécurisation des marchés financiers dans l’espace intégré. Dans un souci d’harmonisation, il est souhaitable que l’OHADA adopte un acte uniforme relatif au droit des marchés financiers. Un tel instrument juridique est destiné non seulement à assurer l’uniformisation du droit applicable à tous les marchés financiers mais aussi à pallier aux systèmes de renvoi réciproque / Since the establishment of financial markets in the OHADA zone, the community authorities have undertaken serious reforms to ensure the protection of public savings and possibly investor confidence. As such, the creation of a reliable and efficient business climate is one of the major challenges facing the financial markets of WAEMU, CEMAC and Cameroon. It therefore seems essential to consider an organisational and operational model as well as market rules capable of responding to both the legitimate concern for the development of the markets concerned and the need for the security of domestic and foreign investors in accordance with International financial standards. It should be noted that the financial markets in the OHADA zone have made considerable progress in terms of the security of stakeholders and financial transactions, although much remains to be done, especially in the context of the combat against stock market crimes. This study also provided an opportunity to address the diversity of sources applicable to different financial markets in the OHADA zone. An examination of the OHADA law through the prism of the uniform act on company law reveals the low level of involvement of this body in the protection of financial markets in its integrated area. For harmonization purposes, OHADA needs to adopt a uniform act on financial market law. Such a legal instrument is not only intended to ensure the standardization of the law applicable to all financial markets but to also offset mutual referral systems

從營運模式策略探討壽險業之經營 - 以保德信人壽為例 / On managing life insurance business: a business model driven growth strategy - the case of Prudential Life insurance company of Taiwan inc.

蘇幸玲 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣壽險業自1987年開放美商進入市場,及1993年開放國人設立保險公司後,產業蓬勃發展,截至今年止,已有逾30家壽險公司,競爭激烈。在此競爭的情況下,如何開創公司的藍海,避免在紅海裡廝殺,公司的營運模式策略將會影響公司未來的發展;且因壽險商品本就屬不具專利權的金融商品,同業間商品的模仿甚易,再加上金融產業疆界日益模糊,跨業交叉銷售成為一新趨勢,故壽險公司之競爭大部份決定於公司的營運模式的選擇與發展。另,就以LIMRA在2003年對美國壽險公司CEO的調查中顯示 ,該調查的最高管理階層認為,其未來工作中面臨四項最大的挑戰,其中營運模式、通路發展即為其中之一,可見該要素對現今公司策略的重要性。 因此,各家公司採取何種營運策略、模式,實就影響該公司的營運績效與未來成就;並且從該公司的營運模式策略,可以觀之是否能永續經營。尤其,壽險產業是確保客戶人生的風險保障,提供客戶長期承諾的行業,經由所提供的服務,使保戶能獲得財務上的安全,並且得到心靈上的平和。壽險公司能如何能信守對客戶的長期承諾,而不是短線經營,短期獲取利益,實值得好好深思與探討。 本研究將透過國內壽險市場的發展與現況分析,試歸納出目前壽險產業的營運模式,並藉由個案公司保德信人壽的研究,分析其營運模式策略與該公司之經營績效。且透過個案公司與其他公司-全球、紐約人壽的經營指標比較,及金融海嘯對其影響之因素,來探討在不同營運模式策略下,各自的營運成效,並試著從中研究、探尋壽險業較適之營運模式。 另經由此研究對個案公司及對壽險業,提出個人的淺見與建議,以供個案公司、業界做為日後的參考,並亟盼未來我國壽險市場運作能更加健全與蓬勃發展。 關鍵字:保德信人壽、壽險顧問、營運模式、策略 / Since its opening up to American insurers in 1987 and then to private domestic insurers in 1993, the Taiwan life insurance industry has thrived and now consists of more than 30 firms engaged in fierce competition. Given such a competitive market, it is crucial to develop blue ocean strategies and avoid price wars. Business strategies and corresponding business models will have an important impact on the future of a firm. As life insurance is not a patented financial product, it is very vulnerable to imitation by other firms. Moreover, the boundaries of the financial sector are becoming less defined and cross-industry selling is the latest trend. As a result, competition among life insurers is mainly determined by the selection and development of business models. According to a 2003 survey conducted by LIMRA on CEOs of American life insurers, management at the highest level believed that business models and distribution channel development would be the greatest challenges for them in the future, highlighting the importance of these factors on companies’ strategy. Therefore, the selection of business strategies and models has a real impact on the current and future performance of a firm and reflect its potential for sustainable development. The life insurance industry is in the business of offering long-term risk protection, providing the insured with financial security and peace of mind. How life insurance companies can focus on keeping their promises to clients over the long term, as opposed to simply seeking short terms gains, is a subject worth considering. This study will analyze the current state and development of the domestic life insurance market and summarize the business models presently employed. A case study of Prudential Life Insurance Company of Taiwan will further provide an analysis of its business model and performance. A comparison is made between the case study and other firms, including TransGlobe and New York Life Insurance Taiwan, and with respect to the impact of the financial crisis in order to discuss individual performance under different business models and propose optimal business models for life insurers. Keywords: Prudential Life Insurance Company of Taiwan, Lifeplanner, Business model, Strategy

New Zealand's experiment with prudential regulation : can disclosure discipline moderate excessive risk taking in New Zealand deposit taking institutions? : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy at Massey University, Albany

Wilson, William Robert January 2009 (has links)
The New Zealand economy in the period up to 2006 provides an opportunity to assess an alternative disclosure based approach to the prudential regulation of deposittakers, in a market free of many of the distortions which arise from traditional regulatory schemes. The overall objective of this research has been to assess the effectiveness of the prudential regulation of New Zealand financial institutions and judge if the country is well served by it. Analysis of New Zealand’s registered bank sector suggests public disclosure adds value to New Zealand’s financial system. However, the significant relationship found between disclosure risk indicators and bank risk premiums was not as a result of market discipline, rather it is argued self-discipline was the mechanism, demonstrating bank management and directors are discharging their duties in a prudent manner. A feature of the New Zealand disclosure regime for banks is the significant responsibilities placed on bank directors; directors are then held accountable for their actions. Findings in the management of banks were in contrast to non-bank deposittakers, where disclosure was judged to be ineffective, and of no practical use due to its poor quality. The management of non-bank deposit-takers appeared to receive very little oversight from depositors, their trustees or official agencies. As a result, many appear to have managed their institution in their own interests, with little consideration given to other stakeholders. Failures which occurred in NBDTs from 2006 resulted from deficiencies in the prudential regulation of these deposit-takers, demonstrating the severity of asymmetric information and moral hazard problems which can arise if prudential regulation is not correctly designed and management interests are not aligned with other stakeholders. The New Zealand disclosure regime will never guarantee a bank will not fail, nor should it try to do so, but it should assist the functioning of a sound and efficient financial system. To this end, it is recommended that the Reserve Bank, in re-designing the regulatory framework for NBDTs, hold the management and directors of NBDTs similarly accountable, while also incorporating regular disclosure and minimum prudential standards. Governments have an important role to play in ensuring the financial system is efficient.

New Zealand's experiment with prudential regulation : can disclosure discipline moderate excessive risk taking in New Zealand deposit taking institutions? : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy at Massey University, Albany

Wilson, William Robert January 2009 (has links)
The New Zealand economy in the period up to 2006 provides an opportunity to assess an alternative disclosure based approach to the prudential regulation of deposittakers, in a market free of many of the distortions which arise from traditional regulatory schemes. The overall objective of this research has been to assess the effectiveness of the prudential regulation of New Zealand financial institutions and judge if the country is well served by it. Analysis of New Zealand’s registered bank sector suggests public disclosure adds value to New Zealand’s financial system. However, the significant relationship found between disclosure risk indicators and bank risk premiums was not as a result of market discipline, rather it is argued self-discipline was the mechanism, demonstrating bank management and directors are discharging their duties in a prudent manner. A feature of the New Zealand disclosure regime for banks is the significant responsibilities placed on bank directors; directors are then held accountable for their actions. Findings in the management of banks were in contrast to non-bank deposittakers, where disclosure was judged to be ineffective, and of no practical use due to its poor quality. The management of non-bank deposit-takers appeared to receive very little oversight from depositors, their trustees or official agencies. As a result, many appear to have managed their institution in their own interests, with little consideration given to other stakeholders. Failures which occurred in NBDTs from 2006 resulted from deficiencies in the prudential regulation of these deposit-takers, demonstrating the severity of asymmetric information and moral hazard problems which can arise if prudential regulation is not correctly designed and management interests are not aligned with other stakeholders. The New Zealand disclosure regime will never guarantee a bank will not fail, nor should it try to do so, but it should assist the functioning of a sound and efficient financial system. To this end, it is recommended that the Reserve Bank, in re-designing the regulatory framework for NBDTs, hold the management and directors of NBDTs similarly accountable, while also incorporating regular disclosure and minimum prudential standards. Governments have an important role to play in ensuring the financial system is efficient.

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