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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“IVA-rollen är ingen sprutpumpsroll, utan en människoroll’’ : En intervjustudie om att tillgodose psykosociala behov och bemöta patienter med suicidalt beteende inom intensivvården

Willehadson, Fredrik, Östergren, Alicia January 2024 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING  Bakgrund: Patienter med suicidalt beteende uttrycker att avsaknad av en god vårdrelation kan öka risken för suicidalt beteende. Sjuksköterskor beskriver det som komplext och utmanande att vårda och bemöta patientgruppen och upplever en avsaknad av kunskap. Inom intensivvården riskerar psykosociala behov att nedprioriteras då medicinska behov ofta har ett större fokus.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvård bemöter patienter med ett suicidalt beteende samt hur de tillgodoser deras psykosociala behov.  Metod: Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer hölls med specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvård. Intervjustudien hade en induktiv ansats och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Resultatet visar att specialistsjuksköterskan eftersträvade ett respektfullt, ickedömande och lugnt bemötande till patienter med suicidalt beteende. Kommunikation, delaktighet och förtroende beskrevs som viktiga aspekter för att skapa en god relation med patienten. Psykosociala behov tillgodosågs bland annat genom kommunikation, närvaro och tillgodoseende av fysiska behov. I resultatet framkommer även faktorer, som tidsbrist och synen på rollen, som påverkade bemötandet och hur psykosociala behov tillgodosågs.  Slutsats: Trots en strävan om ett bemötande som skapade en god vårdrelation och en positiv inställning till att tillgodose psykosociala behov förekommer faktorer som påverkar omvårdnaden av patienter med suicidalt beteende negativt. Att uppnå personcentrerad vård av patienter med suicidalt beteende inom intensivvården är idag en utmaning och att uppmärksamma detta är avgörande för att förbättra vården av patientgruppen. Studiens resultat kan ge ledare och personal inom intensivvård insikt i hur omvårdnaden bedrivs för denna sårbara patientgrupp med omfattande psykosociala behov. / ABSTRACT  Background: Patients with suicidal behavior express that the absence of a good caring relationship can increase the risk of suicidal behavior. Nurses describe it as complex to care and interact with the patient group and experience a lack of knowledge. In intensive care, psychosocial needs risk being deprioritized as medical needs often have a greater focus.  Aim: The aim was to describe how nurse specialists in intensive care interact with patients with suicidal behavior and how they meet their psychosocial needs.  Method: Eight semi-structured interviews with nurse specialists in intensive care were conducted. The interview study had an inductive approach and was analyzed with qualitative content analysis.  Results: The results show that nurse specialists strived for a respectful, non-judgmental and calm interaction with patients with suicidal behavior. Communication, participation and trust were important aspects to create a good relationship with the patient. Psychosocial needs were met by communication, being present and meeting physical needs. In the results, factors appeared such as time constraints and the perception of the role, that affected the interaction and how psychosocial needs were met.  Conclusion: Despite ambitions of interactions that create a good caring relationship and a positive attitude to meeting psychosocial needs, factors appeared that affect the care of patients with suicidal behavior negatively. Achieving person-centered care of patients with suicidal behavior in intensive care is challenging and this observation is crucial to improve care. The study can offer leaders and personnel in intensive care insights in how care is conducted for this vulnerable patient group with vast psychosocial needs.

The role of psychosocial counselling in the lives of parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities treated at Tygerberg Academic Hospital

Witbooi, Lizzie Gladys 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil(Rehabilitation))--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Having a child with neurodevelopmental disabilities has a significant impact on the well-being of parents, including experiencing distress and enduring emotional, financial and physical pressure, due to caring for their. They require formal and informal support systems. Formal support includes counselling services. The purpose of the study was to determine what role psychosocial counselling at Tygerberg Academic Hospital (TAH) plays in the lives of parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. A descriptive, qualitative approach was followed using semi-structured interviews that focused on the participants’ experiences and perceptions regarding their psychosocial needs and counselling. Eleven parents participated in the study. They were sampled purposively. Emerging themes were identified through content analysis of interviews. The themes identified were: - Emotions; - Parents’ life and relationships; - Lack of support systems to deal with the pressure of care giving; - Social workers; - Challenges with regard to compliance with healthcare provision; and - Gaps identified. The interviews found that parents received no psychosocial counselling at TAH. This was a disappointment to participants. They indicated feeling very isolated and emotional, and experiencing psychological burnout, while such social work services provided focussed on applications for social grants and patient healthcare treatment. Parents identified a great need for counselling services at the hospital as they believed counselling would assist them to work through emotions, address psychosocial needs, find coping strategies and identify available resources within their communities, which would be beneficial to the psychosocial functioning of the whole family. The parents also identified a need for parent support group services at the hospital. The initiation of this service and support groups for parents is recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om 'n kind met neuro-ontwikkelingsgestremdhede te hê, het 'n beduidende impak op die welstand van ouers, insluitend spanning en verduur van emosionele, finansiele en fisieke druk, as gevolg van die versorging van die kind. Hulle benodig formele en informele ondersteuningsnetwerke. Formele ondersteuning sluit beradingsdienste in. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal wat die rol is van psigososiale berading by die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal in die lewens van ouers van kinders met neuro-ontwikkelingsgestremdhede. 'n Beskrywende, kwalitatiewe benadering is gevolg deur gebruik te maak van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude wat fokus op die deelnemers se ervarings en persepsies ten opsigte van psigososiale behoeftes en berading. Elf ouers het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die deelnemers was doelgerig geselekteer. Temas is geïndentifiseer deur die inhoud van die onderhoude te analiseer. Die temas was as volg: Emosies; - Ouers se lewens en verhoudings; - Tekort aan ondersteuningstrukture om die druk van versorging te hanteer; - Maatskaplike werkers; - Uitdagings met betrekking tot nakoming met gesondheidsorgvoorsiening en - Identifisering van gapings. Die onderhoude het bevestig dat ouers geen psigososiale berading by Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal ontvang nie. Dit was teleurstellend aan die deelnemers. Hulle is geneig om geïsoleerd en emosioneel te voel en beleef ook psigiese uitbranding, terwyl maatskaplikewerk dienste hoofsaaklik fokus op toelaagaansoeke en die pasiëntgesondheidsorgbehandeling. Ouers het 'n groot behoefte aan beradingsdienste by die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal geïdentifiseer, omdat hulle glo dat berading hulle sal help om deur emosies en psigososiale behoeftes te aan te spreek, baasraakstrategieë te vind en beskikbare hulpbronne binne hul gemeenskappe wat voordelig sal wees vir die psigososiale funksionering van die gesin te identifiseer. Die ouers het ook 'n behoefte vir ouerondersteuningsgroepdienste by die hospitaal geïdentifiseer. Die inisiasie van beradingsdienste en ouerondersteuningsgroepdienste word aanbeveel.

Instituições Para Idosos, Uma Nova Cultura Estudo de Caso: Solar Ville Garaude

Greven, Paulo 14 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:47:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PAULO GREVEN.pdf: 12070633 bytes, checksum: cf91d06cb70d823be9b6df8856b625af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-14 / This essay handles the discussion on the process of human aging. The attendance offer is respectful and shows dignity towards the elderly. It is a theme that seeks to open up space for a debate on a new vision other than what is aging in the 21st century. It is a case study, whose hypothesis is tested by means of a qualitative research done on elders which are hosted in an enterprise that is specifically designed for this age cluster. This research attempts to comprehend why and how the elder decides to venture out of his establishment to live in a hotel-residence, using the interviews with a group of elders living in the Solar Ville Garaude institution, located in Alphaville, district of Barueri, state of Sao Paulo, as backbone for the research. It analyses how the institution ministers to their bio psychosocial needs, using the method of participative observation. The analysis of the results consolidates itself within parameters defined by bibliographic researches and documentaries on the matter of aging and is complemented by the daily work experience of the researcher in institutions that are concentred on this segment. It discusses a question that shows itself to be valid in view of the constant increase of this population. It still reflects the importance of caring, creative and innovative attendance to this social group by the public and private institutions, avowing the value of respecting and even surpassing the basic principles of caring for elderly, fragile or active, in his moment in live and in his singularity. It is a calling towards a new culture, one in which the individual awareness of eudaemonia is the main parameter / Quais os motivos que levam o idoso, por vontade própria a sair de casa para morar em uma instituição de longa permanência? Esta foi a pergunta guia da entrevista feita a um grupo de 10 idosos de condição sócio cultural de classe média e alta, com 60 anos ou mais, de ambos os sexos, hospedados em um empreendimento voltado para essa faixa etária, conferindo se a proposta de uma casa construída, administrada e voltada para os cidadãos mais velhos, é viável. Analisa como a instituição, Solar Ville Garaude, localizado no município de Barueri, estado de São Paulo, atende suas necessidades biopsicossociais, usando o método da observação participante.Entre os principais motivos que levam o idoso a sair de casa para morar em um hotel-residência, podemos elencar: solidão, sensação de insegurança, dificuldades quanto a acessibilidade, cansaço em relação à administração da casa, percepção de fragilidade e medo de não ter a quem recorrer, além de relatos de estados de depressão. A análise dos resultados se apóia em parâmetros definidos a partir de pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais sobre o processo de envelhecimento e é complementada pela experiência do trabalho diário do pesquisador na instituição. É relevante e significativo entender por que e como o idoso com poder aquisitivo de padrão classe média, decide sair de sua moradia e morar em um hotel-residência. Questão que se mostra válida em vista do constante aumento dessa população. A pesquisa reflete ainda sobre a importância do bom atendimento, criativo e inovador, a esse grupo social pelas instituições públicas e privadas. Ressaltando o respeito e a superação dos princípios básicos de atendimento ao idoso, frágil ou ativo, em sua singularidade, e com diferentes situações de dependência. A moradia fora da residência familiar possibilita boa qualidade de vida, permitindo ao idoso e à família novos laços relacionais e atendimento satisfatório. O caso estudado mostrou que a instituição é um local de inclusão, apresentando a possibilidade de uma nova cultura de acolhimento ao cidadão que envelhece, em que a sensação individual de bem-estar e felicidade seja o parâmetro principal. Um ensaio que abre espaço para a discussão de uma nova visão sobre o morar no século XXI

Étude des perceptions du trouble de stress post-traumatique parmi des militaires canadiens et leur conjointe

Gallant, Audrey 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Besoins psychosociaux des mères d’enfants atteints de cancer durant la trajectoire de la maladie : une revue intégrative des écrits

Gouissem, Yosri 05 1900 (has links)
Les besoins psychosociaux des parents d’enfants atteints de cancer est un concept qui a été étudié dans les années antérieures. Toutefois, malgré la pertinence des résultats de ces écrits scientifiques, il subsiste un manque de consensus en ce qui a trait aux besoins de ces parents. Notons que les conséquences négatives de la parentalité d'un enfant diagnostiqué avec un cancer sont généralement plus prononcées chez les mères, ce qui fait en sorte que le but de cette revue intégrative vise à établir l’état des connaissances entourant leurs besoins psychosociaux. Le Modèle humaniste des soins infirmiers – UdeM (Cara et al., 2016) a été choisi comme cadre conceptuel, afin de permettre une vision holistique centrée sur la personne. La méthode proposée par Whittemore et Knafl (2005) pour la conduite des revues intégratives a été utilisée en respectant les cinq étape suivantes: 1) l’identification du problème; 2) la recension des écrits; 3) l’évaluation des données; 4) l’analyse des données; et 5) la présentation des résultats. Vingt-et-un articles ont été retenus, la majorité (14/21) étant de bonne/très bonne qualité. Les résultats des écrits scientifiques retenus proposent deux grandes catégories de besoins psychosociaux chez les mères d’enfants diagnostiqués avec un cancer : les besoins liés au soi en tant que mère (qui sont d’ordre émotionnel, social, spirituel, ainsi que des besoins de sécurité) et les besoins liés à l’état de santé de l’enfant (qui englobent le besoin d’être présente au chevet de son enfant et le besoin d’être rassurées quant à son état de santé). Les résultats dressent un portrait pertinent et approfondi du phénomène. Ils mettent en lumière la plus-value de l’infirmière dans l’accompagnement des mères d’enfants atteints de cancer, et ce, durant toute la trajectoire de la maladie. Cet accompagnement implique pour l’infirmière de prendre en compte la culture de la mère (y compris la dimension sociale et spirituelle), quel que soit la phase de la maladie de son enfant. Ainsi, il est suggéré que l’infirmière, selon ses valeurs humanistes, soit vigilante à la liberté de choix des mères et de maintenir une posture holistique, adaptée à la situation. / The psychosocial needs of parents of children with cancer is a concept that has been studied in previous years. However, despite the relevance of the results of this scientific literature, there remains a lack of consensus regarding the needs of these parents. Noting that the negative consequences of parenting a child diagnosed with cancer are generally more pronounced for mothers, this integrative review aims to establish the state of knowledge surrounding their psychosocial needs. The Humanistic Model of Nursing – UdeM (Cara et al., 2016) was chosen as the conceptual framework to allow for a holistic person-centered view. The method proposed by Whittemore et Knafl (2005) for conducting integrative reviews was used, following its five steps: 1) problem identification; 2) literature review; 3) data assessment; 4) data analysis; and 5) presentation of results. Twenty-one articles were selected, the majority (13/21) being of good/very good quality. The results of the selected scientific literature suggest two broad categories of psychosocial needs in mothers of children diagnosed with cancer: the needs related to the maternal self (which correspond emotional, social, spiritual, and safety needs); and the needs related to the child's health status (which include the need to be present at the bedside and the need for reassurance about the child's health status). The results provide a relevant and in-depth portrait of the phenomenon. They highlight the added value of nurses in accompanying mothers of children with cancer, throughout the pathway of the disease. This support implies that the nurse must consider the mother's culture (including the social and spiritual dimension), whatever the phase of her child's illness. Thus, it is suggested that the nurse, according to her humanistic values, be vigilant to the mother's freedom of choice and maintain a holistic posture, adapted to the situation.

Guidelines towards an ecosystemic support programme for HIV and AIDS orphans in the Fezile Dabi region / Mookho Emily Dhlamini

Dhlamini, Mookho Emily January 2011 (has links)
In the absence of support programmes for HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region this research set out to design guidelines towards an ecosystemic support programme to support HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region. The literature review revealed that HIV and Aids orphans experience a wide range of support needs. Their psychosocial needs impair normal development due to unhappiness, stress, stigma, discrimination and a lack of care, love and support. In addition to this, emotional needs, which emanate from a lack of security and safety manifest in sadness, disruptive behaviour, poor relationships, poor self-image and isolation. Socio-economic needs expose them to poverty and being vulnerable to child labour with little reward, and deprive them of opportunities to obtain a proper education. All the above-mentioned problems lead to educational needs that manifest in poor school attendance, poor concentration, learning breakdown and dropping out of school. In addition to this, physical needs that stem from malnutrition caused by poverty and a low standard of living have an impact on the physical growth and health of the HIV and Aids orphans. In order to find out whether the abovementioned discussion holds true for HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region, qualitative, phenomenological research by means of structured individual interviews was conducted with a convenient and purposive sample of 43 Black HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region. The focus of the interviews was to gain a better understanding of the support needs that these learners experience due to HIV and Aids, and to explore how they are supported in dealing with these needs. The empirical research revealed that the HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region who took part in my study experience psychosocial, emotional, socio-economic, educational and physical needs. Many of the needs, in the absence of strong community-based support in the region, are not supported adequately. Despite the identified needs, the data revealed strong tenets of resilience among the participants who took part in the study. In contrast to the literature, the findings of my study revealed that a number of the HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region apparently manage to establish good social relationships that help them cope with their problems. Furthermore, they aspire to obtain a good quality education and have ambitions and goals in terms of their future careers that they would like to achieve. Based on the literature review and the interview data, guidelines towards an ecosystemic support programme for the HIV and Aids orphaned learners in the Fezile Dabi Region were designed. / PhD, Learner support, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Guidelines towards an ecosystemic support programme for HIV and AIDS orphans in the Fezile Dabi region / Mookho Emily Dhlamini

Dhlamini, Mookho Emily January 2011 (has links)
In the absence of support programmes for HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region this research set out to design guidelines towards an ecosystemic support programme to support HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region. The literature review revealed that HIV and Aids orphans experience a wide range of support needs. Their psychosocial needs impair normal development due to unhappiness, stress, stigma, discrimination and a lack of care, love and support. In addition to this, emotional needs, which emanate from a lack of security and safety manifest in sadness, disruptive behaviour, poor relationships, poor self-image and isolation. Socio-economic needs expose them to poverty and being vulnerable to child labour with little reward, and deprive them of opportunities to obtain a proper education. All the above-mentioned problems lead to educational needs that manifest in poor school attendance, poor concentration, learning breakdown and dropping out of school. In addition to this, physical needs that stem from malnutrition caused by poverty and a low standard of living have an impact on the physical growth and health of the HIV and Aids orphans. In order to find out whether the abovementioned discussion holds true for HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region, qualitative, phenomenological research by means of structured individual interviews was conducted with a convenient and purposive sample of 43 Black HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region. The focus of the interviews was to gain a better understanding of the support needs that these learners experience due to HIV and Aids, and to explore how they are supported in dealing with these needs. The empirical research revealed that the HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region who took part in my study experience psychosocial, emotional, socio-economic, educational and physical needs. Many of the needs, in the absence of strong community-based support in the region, are not supported adequately. Despite the identified needs, the data revealed strong tenets of resilience among the participants who took part in the study. In contrast to the literature, the findings of my study revealed that a number of the HIV and Aids orphans in the Fezile Dabi Region apparently manage to establish good social relationships that help them cope with their problems. Furthermore, they aspire to obtain a good quality education and have ambitions and goals in terms of their future careers that they would like to achieve. Based on the literature review and the interview data, guidelines towards an ecosystemic support programme for the HIV and Aids orphaned learners in the Fezile Dabi Region were designed. / PhD, Learner support, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Hospice a péče orientovaná na potřeby jejich klientů / Hospices and Care Based on Individual Needs of the Patient

SEKYRKOVÁ, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
This diploma work deals with hospice and a quality of care given to the clients of the hospice, that fully covers complex needs, changing during a life limiting illness, taking in account the dignity of the human being to the very last moment of his life. This care is a promise for a man, that he won´t be alone in the burdensome moments of his life. There are a hospice management and various forms of hospice care in Czech Republic described in a theoretical part of the work. This chapter is to be a handbook for providing companionship to the dying person and is to draw our attention not only to the changing priorities of the dying person and to stages, that he is to go through, but to an irreplaceable role of a caregiver at his bed. In a practical part of this work there are investigated the attitudes of the caregivers in hospice and public to the process of dying of the human being. The founded results of the research show, that people finding themselves in a final stage of the life-limiting illness change their priorities; the spiritual needs become more important, especially to attain a peace with self, with other people; clients trusting in God long for consilience with God; the results of the research show however, that most public is not familiar enough with the problem of dying and death, and that there is generally low knowledge on how to provide companionship to the dying person.

The psychosocial well-being of teenaged orphans in a rural community, Kwazula-Natal

Gumede, Phiwayinkosi Richmond 11 1900 (has links)
Dealing with HIV and AIDS and parental illness and death are realities many teenagers have to face, yet little is known about their psychosocial well-being. This study gauged the psychosocial well-being of teenaged orphans in a rural area in KwaZulu-Natal. Using a narrative approached, data were collected by means of interviews. The study examined the nature of social support available to teenaged orphans and their subjective experiences of well-being. Findings suggest that these teenagers were confronted with drastic changes before and after the deaths of their parents. The ramifications of these and the different ways of coping with orphanhood were explored. Foster parents and other care-givers were found to provide differentially in the needs of the teenagers and this impacted on their well-being and coping. This study extends the literature on children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS by considering the specific experiences of teenagers. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

An exploration of the psychosocial needs of orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS in Gokomere, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe

Bande, Evidence 02 1900 (has links)
The study explored the psychosocial needs of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) affected by HIV and AIDS in Gokomere, a rural area of Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe. The participants of the study included OVCs, caregivers and members of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and faith-based organisations (FBOs). The data was gathered using semi-structured in-depth interviews and a focus group discussion. The audio-taped data was transcribed, coded and interpreted to generate themes, categories and sub-categories. The main psychosocial needs of OVCs affected by HIV and AIDS were found to be the need for relationships, succession planning, social protection and emotional and spiritual support. Kinship care emerged to be the most important form of care for OVCs while home-based care and child-headed households emerged as new forms of care for OVCs. This study recommends that coordinated efforts by the government, NGOs/FBOs/CBO and the community at large is needed to address the challenges facing OVCs affected by HIV and AIDS. / Health Studies / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

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