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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’évolution du droit de la commande publique en France et en Italie à l’aune du P.P.P. / The Evolution of Public Procurment Contracts in France and in Italia in the light of P.P.P. / L’evoluzione del diritto dei contratti pubblici in Francia e in italia alla luce del P.P.P.

Wilinski, François 11 December 2015 (has links)
Expression globalisante des moyens d’action du secteur privé au service du secteur public, le partenariat public-privé pourrait être appréhendé comme révélant l’effritement des catégories notionnelles des contrats de commande publique. Cependant, le partenariat public-privé n’a pas remis en cause l’unité de la matière. Au contraire, les instruments juridiques du P.P.P. la renforcent. Cette analyse se vérifie aussi bien en France qu’en Italie et cette étude se propose d’analyser la signification juridique du phénomène dans ces deux pays. Les évolutions induites par la notion s’inscrivent dans cette logique. La démarche comparatiste utilisée permet alors de comprendre les tenants et les aboutissants de cette évolution et s’inscrit dès lors comme une contribution à la théorie générale des contrats publics. / Holistic expression as a means of action by the private sector to further the public sector, the publicprivate partnership could be perceived as revealing the erosion of the notional categories of public procurment contracts. However, the public-private partnership has not called into question the subject unity. In fact, on the contrary, the legal instruments of the PPP strentgthen it. This analysis can be verified in France as well as in Italy and the present study offers to analyse the legal signification of the phenomenon in both countries. The development induced by this notion confirms this trend. The comparative approach enables to understand the whys and wherfores of the development and formspart of the general theory of public contracts. / Espressione globalizzata dei mezzi d’azione del settore privato al servizio del settore pubblico, il partenariato pubblico-privato potrebbe essere visto come rivela la dislocazione delle categorie del diritto dei contratti pubblici. Tuttavia, il partenariato pubblico-privato essa non pregiudica sulll'unitàdella disciplina. Invece, gli strumenti giuridici del P.P.P la rafforza. Questa analisi è confermata in Francia e in Italia ed lo studio permette di analizzare l'importanza giuridica del fenomeno in i due paesi. L'approccio comparativo utilizzato permette di capire questa evoluzione e può essere percepitocome un contributo alla teoria giuridica dei contratti pubblici.

Le cinéma italien en France : histoire, société et diffusion : étudiées à travers les œuvres de Emanuele Crialese, Matteo Garrone et Paolo Sorrentino / Italian cinema in France : history, society and the impact of its dissemination : studied through Emanuele Crialese's, Matteo Garrone's and Paolo Sorrentino's movies / Il cinema italiano in Francia : storia, società e impatto della sua diffusione : analizzate attraverso le opere di Emanuele Crialese, Matteo Garrone e Paolo Sorrentino

Cavaleri, Giuseppe 21 October 2017 (has links)
Nous pouvons appréhender le Cinéma comme un vecteur culturel capable de cristalliser les us et coutumes d’une société, ou comme un outil susceptible d’en manifester les aspirations. L’industrie cinématographique italienne demeure parmi celles qui ont su imposer dans l'imaginaire des publics des œuvres venues aussitôt enrichir le patrimoine culturel mondial. De nos jours, sa présence internationale est plus modérée, et le rayonnement de ses œuvres ne dépasse que rarement les limites nationales. Les quelques auteurs tels que Emanuele Crialese, Matteo Garrone et Paolo Sorrentino ont su gagner une visibilité désormais incontestable, leur permettant de devenir le symbole d’un cinéma italien contemporain renaissant. Les contenus de leurs filmographies sont le résultat de formes cinématographiques tout aussi riches que variées, et leur influence semble capable de modifier et de mettre à jour l’imaginaire des passionnés de culture italienne. Nos travaux veulent étudier et comprendre l’impact de leurs œuvres au sein d’un pays comme la France. À travers une étude qui se veut historique, sociologique et économique, nous analysons la représentation du réel dans l’histoire du cinéma transalpin, un idéal intellectuel qui semble intéresser particulièrement les publics français. Puis nous nous consacrons aux contenus de nos trois filmographies de référence, pour en extrapoler les données socio-politico-économiques. L’étude de l’impact de ces œuvres sur les critiques cinématographiques français conclut ces travaux, qui se penchent également sur la distribution et l’exploitation de ce cinéma, présent non seulement dans les salles de l'Hexagone, mais diffusé parallèlement au sein de nombreux festivals. / One may approach cinema as a cultural vector which can either give shape to the habits and customs of a given society or reflect its yearnings. The Italian film industry is one among those which have produced movies which entered the global cultural imaginary. Nowadays, its international presence has been reshaped and Italian films do not easily shine beyond the national frame. Artists such as Emanuele Crialese, Matteo Garrone or Paolo Sorrentino have managed to achieve an undeniable visibility, and have become the symbol of a reborn contemporary Italian cinema. The content of their filmographies are the result of film shapes that are as rich as they are diverse, and their influence seems able to alter and to update the imaginary of italian culture connoisseurs. The purpose of our work is to study and understand the impact of their masterpieces on the French audience. Through a historical, sociological and economical study, we will analyse the representation of reality in the history of Italian cinema : an intellectual ideal which seems to have been of interest especially to the French spectators. Then we will focus on the content of these three specific directors’ lifework in order to examine social, political and economical data. Finally, we will conclude by observing the impact these films have had on French experts such as film critics. This study also deals with the distribution and the running of these specific directors’ films not only in the cinemas but also when aired in various film festivals. / È possibile concepire il Cinema come un vettore culturale capace di materializzare gli usi e i costumi di una società, o suscettibile di manifestarne le aspirazioni. L'industria cinematografica italiana dimora tra quelle che hanno saputo imporre delle opere entrate istantaneamente nell'immaginario collettivo, e ciò su scala mondiale. Oggi, la sua presenza a livello internazionale è stata ridimensionata e la diffusione delle sue opere oltrepassa raramente i confini nazionali. I rari autori del calibro di Emanuele Crialese, Matteo Garrone e Paolo Sorrentino hanno saputo acquisire una visibilità oramai indiscussa, permettendo loro di diventare il simbolo d'un cinema italiano contemporaneo rinascente. I contenuti delle loro filmografie sono il risultato di forme cinematografiche tanto ricche quanto varie, e la loro influenza sembra capace di modificare e aggiornare l'immaginario degli appassionati di cultura italiana. Queste ricerche vogliono analizzare e comprendere l'impatto delle loro opere in un paese come la Francia. Attraverso degli studi storici, sociologici ed economici, queste ricerche analizzano le forme rappresentative legate al reale presenti nella storia del cinema italiano, un ideale intellettuale che sembra interessare in particolar modo i pubblici francesi. Inoltre, esse si consacrano all'estrapolazione dei dati socio-politico-economici contenuti nelle tre filmografie a cui facciamo riferimento. L'analisi dell'impatto di queste opere sui critici cinematografici francesi scelti come pubblici, concludono queste ricerche che si dedicano in egual modo alla distribuzione e alla commercializzazione di queste opere, presenti non solo in sala, ma diffuse inoltre in molti festival.

Gender Equality in Urban Planning : A Crucial Factor for Real Inclusive Development

Podestà, Livia January 2023 (has links)
Cities are growing at unprecedented speed, with all the challenges this global trend poses, from macro environmental and social level to individual level. Today the vast majority of women worldwide living in urban areas do not have the same access as men to public spaces and to services that the urban area offers. Furthermore, women often feel more unsafe in public spaces than men, and gendered violence and harassment in public spaces is a problem that is pervasive and widespread globally.  Women have historically been omitted in the urban planning process, with the consequence that cities do not respond to their needs, lives, activities, experiences, and in the worst cases discriminate and segregate them. Consequently, the access to cities’ public services is limited for women and young girls, and so are also their economic and political powers- an important democratic issue. My research explores how systematically including the gender mainstreaming perspective at an early stage in urban planning and adopting participatory bottom-up communication processes that give voice and empowerment to the marginalized, could be a decisive factor in developing inclusive and accessible cities for all, against discrimination and segregation.  Putting the gender equality perspective at the centre of the communication of designing/redesigning/transforming urban areas is therefore strategic to the implementation and success of an inclusive social development for all, both in the Global South and in the Global North.   Keywords: urban planning, public spaces, gender, gender mainstreaming, gender equality, inclusivity, accessibility, social equity, urban justice, participation, democracy.

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