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Evaluation of State‘s Financial Benefits from Centralization of Public Procurement (the case of Lithuania) / Viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinės naudos valstybei vertinimas (Lietuvos atvejis)Šerpytis, Karolis 18 January 2012 (has links)
World financial and economic crisis encouraged government institutions to find ways for more efficient organization of public procurement. Therefore there is growing interest in public procurement centralization process. In the dissertation there are analyzed economic, management and law aspects of public procurement centralization. The aim of the dissertation is to create a model for evaluating state’s financial benefits from centralization of public procurement and to evaluate these benefits in the case of Lithuania. By generalizing scientific literature there are abstracted elements influencing formation of financial benefits from centralization of public procurement, also there are advantages and disadvantages of public procurement centralization being analyzed. By synthesizing scientific knowledge of purchasing management and auction theory, few hypotheses are raised to explain differences in prices between centralized and decentralized public procurement. Empirical research of public procurement centralization was conducted and based on research results evaluation of Lithuanian state financial benefits from public procurement centralization was carried out. Also causes of price differences between centralized and decentralized public procurement were defined. Generalization of research results enabled to do prediction of development for public procurement centralization. / Pasaulyje 2008 metais kilusi finansinė ir ekonominė krizė paskatino valdžios institucijas ieškoti būdų, kaip efektyviau naudoti valstybės biudžeto lėšas, skirtas viešiesiems pirkimams. Todėl susidomėjimas viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimu pastaruoju metu labai padidėjo. Disertacijoje nagrinėjami ekonominiai, vadybiniai ir teisiniai viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo aspektai. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – sukurti viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinės naudos vertinimo modelį ir remiantis šiuo modeliu atlikti šios naudos vertinimo tyrimą viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo Lietuvoje atveju. Disertacijoje, apibendrinus mokslinę literatūrą, išskiriami veiksniai, lemiantys viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinę naudą, taip pat analizuojami pirkimų centralizavimo pranašumai ir trūkumai. Sintetinant pirkimų valdymo dalyko ir aukcionų teorijos žinias, iškeliamos hipotezės paaiškinančios skirtumus tarp kainų centralizuotuose ir decentralizuotuose viešuosiuose pirkimuose. Darbe atlikti keli empiriniai viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo tyrimai, kurių pagrindu įvertinta viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo Lietuvoje finansinė nauda. Taip pat nustatytos kainų skirtumo centralizuotuose ir decentralizuotuose viešuosiuose pirkimuose susidarymo priežastys. Apibendrinti tyrimų rezultatai leido pateikti viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo plėtros prognozę.
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Viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinės naudos valstybei vertinimas (Lietuvos atvejis) / Evaluation of State‘s Financial Benefits from Centralization of Public Procurement (the case of Lithuania)Šerpytis, Karolis 18 January 2012 (has links)
Pasaulyje 2008 metais kilusi finansinė ir ekonominė krizė paskatino valdžios institucijas ieškoti būdų, kaip efektyviau naudoti valstybės biudžeto lėšas, skirtas viešiesiems pirkimams. Todėl susidomėjimas viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimu pastaruoju metu labai padidėjo. Disertacijoje nagrinėjami ekonominiai, vadybiniai ir teisiniai viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo aspektai. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – sukurti viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinės naudos vertinimo modelį ir remiantis šiuo modeliu atlikti šios naudos vertinimo tyrimą viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo Lietuvoje atveju. Disertacijoje, apibendrinus mokslinę literatūrą, išskiriami veiksniai, lemiantys viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinę naudą, taip pat analizuojami pirkimų centralizavimo pranašumai ir trūkumai. Sintetinant pirkimų valdymo dalyko ir aukcionų teorijos žinias, iškeliamos hipotezės paaiškinančios skirtumus tarp kainų centralizuotuose ir decentralizuotuose viešuosiuose pirkimuose. Darbe atlikti keli empiriniai viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo tyrimai, kurių pagrindu įvertinta viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo Lietuvoje finansinė nauda. Taip pat nustatytos kainų skirtumo centralizuotuose ir decentralizuotuose viešuosiuose pirkimuose susidarymo priežastys. Apibendrinti tyrimų rezultatai leido pateikti viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo plėtros prognozę. / World financial and economic crisis encouraged government institutions to find ways for more efficient organization of public procurement. Therefore there is growing interest in public procurement centralization process. In the dissertation there are analyzed economic, management and law aspects of public procurement centralization. The aim of the dissertation is to create a model for evaluating state’s financial benefits from centralization of public procurement and to evaluate these benefits in the case of Lithuania. By generalizing scientific literature there are abstracted elements influencing formation of financial benefits from centralization of public procurement, also there are advantages and disadvantages of public procurement centralization being analyzed. By synthesizing scientific knowledge of purchasing management and auction theory, few hypotheses are raised to explain differences in prices between centralized and decentralized public procurement. Empirical research of public procurement centralization was conducted and based on research results evaluation of Lithuanian state financial benefits from public procurement centralization was carried out. Also causes of price differences between centralized and decentralized public procurement were defined. Generalization of research results enabled to do prediction of development for public procurement centralization.
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An Assessment of the Public Sector Planning Process of the Implementation of Capital Projects in the Ohangwena Region, Namibia.Jeremia, George Tileinge. January 2009 (has links)
<p>This research study focuses on the way the Namibian public sector plans and implements capital projects, mainly in the Ohangwena region, and the Ministry of Health and Social Services in general. The research results show that the planning and project process is not clear and that options need to be considered for the improvement thereof. It is observed that often some of the identified and approved capital projects are not implemented and, if implemented, this is typically done in two or three years. Most parts of Ohangwena are comprised of sandy roads, especially the north-eastern area of Ohangwena which represents a large part of the region. Distances between health facilities and the scarcity of transport make it difficult for the community to easily reach the nearest health facility. The primary objective of this study is to perform an assessment of the planning process in the public sector for the implementation of capital projects and its effectiveness with regard to the planning and implementation of identified capital projects. From the outset, the critical issue is not only implementation, but also how the Ministry plans its capital projects for successful implementation. Interestingly, no research has been done before on this topic in Namibia. Against this background, officials (planners) that are directly involved in capital projects design were interviewed at the district, regional and national levels of the Ministry. The research investigation found that, in general, the planning and project processes in the Ministry are good, but a number of weaknesses were observed in the implementation process. The findings of the study showed that capacity in the Ministry, in terms of skills and technical expertise, are among the main causes of delay in the implementation of capital projects, particularly in the region and in the Ministry in general. The research found that lack of technical expertise in the Ministry and the limited capacity of those responsible for capital projects initiation and implementation, especially at the District and Regional level, have a substantial influence on most of all the weaknesses observed in the system. In this regard, specific recommendations were made regarding the prioritization of the necessary posts and building capacity at the operational level</p>
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Kompetensutveckling av personer i ledande befattningar : En studie om mentorskapets inverkan på ledarskapetSimonsson, Peter, Renér, Carl January 2014 (has links)
Title: Leadership development of individuals in management positions Authors: Carl Renér and Peter Simonsson Institution: Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics Program: Human Resource Management Course: Business administration – Organization including thesis, 15 credits Supervisor: Olle Duhlin (Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics) Examiner: Mikael Lundgren (Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics) It is widely known that the role of managers may result in stress and a heavy workload. As a result of this negative effects organisations have to counteract and find new solutions and systems to facilitate and assist leaders in their work. A popular method for leadership development has come to show both in research and in practice, especially in recent years, this popular method is known as mentoring. This form of leadership development is often applied in so called mentoring programs. The question remains regarding however mentorship and mentoring programs can affect the participant’s leadership development in a positive way. The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of how mentoring can be used as a tool for leadership development of individuals in managing positions. To answer this question, a qualitative method was used to gather the data and the empirical data was collected by nine semi-structured interviews with participants in the program. We have used an abductive approach to examine how the programs participants have perceived the program. The study shows that mentorship is a well functioning method for leadership development of individuals in management positions. In our case study the results have shown that mentoring programs can be used as a tool for personal development. We have come to the conclusion that it requires dedicated participants and a structured approach in the execution of such a program.
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Komandinis darbas Lietuvos viešajame sektoriuje - mitas ar realybė (komandinio darbo organizavimo metodologijos aspektu) / Teamwork in the public sector in Lithuania – myth or reality (in the aspect of teamwork organization methodology)Semeškevičiūtė, Edita 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti ir įvertinti komandinio darbo organizavimo Lietuvos viešajame sektoriuje ypatumai (prielaidos ir sąlygos). Teorinėje darbo dalyje apžvelgtos komandinio darbo vystymosi istorinės prielaidos, atskleista komandinio darbo reikšmė organizacijos vystymuisi, analizuojami komandų formavimo etapai, organizavimo sąlygos, tokio darbo efektyvumą įtakojantys veiksniai bei organizavimo svarba Lietuvos viešajam sektoriui. Metodologinėje dalyje sukurtas tyrimo modelis, vaizduojantis analizuojamos teorinės tyrimo koncepsijos sąsajas su empiriniu tyrimu, iškeltos tyrimo hipotezės, pagrįsti tyrimo metodai. Analitinėje dalyje atliktas Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės komandinio darbo organizavimo ypatumų empirinis tyrimas, siekiant nustatyti ir įvertinti darbuotojų požiūrį į komandinio darbo organizavimą jų organizacijoje, atskleidžiamos organizavimo sąlygos, trūkumai bei pateikiamos šios darbo formos tobulinimo rekomendacijos. / Master‘s thesis is to analyze features of the teamwork organization in Lithuanian public sector (its assumptions and conditions). Theoretical part of the paper outlines historical assumptions of the teamwork development, there are team building stages analyzed as well as organizational conditions and factors influencing the efficiency of the organization, and the overall importance of the organization to the public sector in Lithuania. Methodological part of the study creates the model of analysis which examines the theoretical and empirical links between research concepts, there are initiated hypotheses of the study and research methods are based. Analytical part shows the empirical analysis of the details and features of teamwork organization in the Klaipeda City Municipality. This analysis assesses attitude of the employees towards teamwork organization in their organization. There are revealed conditions of the organization and its weaknesses. There are also recommendations for the improvement of this work formed.
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The city scorecard for effective performance management at the Johannesburg Metro Council / Edward Pola Mmapulana.Mmapulana, Edward Pola January 2010 (has links)
Citizens of South Africa expect that the policy and regulatory changes introduced by government will be translated into tangible service delivery. Elected representatives, in particular, must demonstrate that national, provincial and local government are capable of managing public resources in a way that deliver benefits to its citizens. The ex- President Thabo Mbeki often used to speak about performance-driven public sector and has referred to the critical role that local government will play in this process. Municipalities which are at the coal-face of service delivery are being challenged to demonstrate their ability to execute both basic as well as enabling services crucial for social and economic growth and development. This challenge finds expression in the requirement that municipalities are expected to report on their performance, from both a civic and policy perspective. The present government is taking performance of government officials and politicians seriously. The Government has created a new ministry in the Presidency called Performance Mortitoring and Evaluation that will assist in ensuring that government performs better. The President of South Africa Mr. Jacob Zuma said that performance management works only if there is a mechartism to hold the people responsible and accountable
City of Johannesburg (COJ) therefore looks at the effectiveness of City Scorecard (CS) in terms of performance management at the City of Johannesburg for enhanced performance of employees. The improved performance of employees is imperative for effective service delivery to communities.
There were numerous protests all over the country between January and August 2009 including COJ against poor service delivery by different municipalities. It is therefore essential to identify the impact of City Scorecard on performance management of municipal employees. There is a close relationship between performance management and service delivery. The needs and expectations of the community are considered in Integrated Development Plan that assists the top Management of COJ to develop strategic objectives for the City. The priorities are established by the Mayor, commonly known as
Mayoral priorities. The needs, priorities and strategies are combined, monitored and measured through City Scorecard (CS). The community is a yard stick of City Scorecard. The satisfaction of the community is a means to ensure that municipal officials are performing and rendering effective and efficient services to communities. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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The city scorecard for effective performance management at the Johannesburg Metro Council / Edward Pola Mmapulana.Mmapulana, Edward Pola January 2010 (has links)
Citizens of South Africa expect that the policy and regulatory changes introduced by government will be translated into tangible service delivery. Elected representatives, in particular, must demonstrate that national, provincial and local government are capable of managing public resources in a way that deliver benefits to its citizens. The ex- President Thabo Mbeki often used to speak about performance-driven public sector and has referred to the critical role that local government will play in this process. Municipalities which are at the coal-face of service delivery are being challenged to demonstrate their ability to execute both basic as well as enabling services crucial for social and economic growth and development. This challenge finds expression in the requirement that municipalities are expected to report on their performance, from both a civic and policy perspective. The present government is taking performance of government officials and politicians seriously. The Government has created a new ministry in the Presidency called Performance Mortitoring and Evaluation that will assist in ensuring that government performs better. The President of South Africa Mr. Jacob Zuma said that performance management works only if there is a mechartism to hold the people responsible and accountable
City of Johannesburg (COJ) therefore looks at the effectiveness of City Scorecard (CS) in terms of performance management at the City of Johannesburg for enhanced performance of employees. The improved performance of employees is imperative for effective service delivery to communities.
There were numerous protests all over the country between January and August 2009 including COJ against poor service delivery by different municipalities. It is therefore essential to identify the impact of City Scorecard on performance management of municipal employees. There is a close relationship between performance management and service delivery. The needs and expectations of the community are considered in Integrated Development Plan that assists the top Management of COJ to develop strategic objectives for the City. The priorities are established by the Mayor, commonly known as
Mayoral priorities. The needs, priorities and strategies are combined, monitored and measured through City Scorecard (CS). The community is a yard stick of City Scorecard. The satisfaction of the community is a means to ensure that municipal officials are performing and rendering effective and efficient services to communities. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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Stuck in the Middle With You : En kvalitativ studie om förutsättningarna för mellanchefer inom äldreomsorgen i privat och offentlig verksamhetBlomfeldt, Fredrik, Näsman, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
The position of middle-management is a role where the manager is at risk of being caught between its management and its employees. Elderly care is an industry that has been discussed a lot, to a large extent on how businesses should be managed and by whom it should be conducted. Middle-management in the business of elderly care thereby possess a vulnerable position in a controversial industry. In this study the aim is to investigate the managers' roles and tasks in both the public sector and the private sector in elderly care. It also aims to examine whether there are differences between the roles and how they in such cases is manifested. Previous researchers treats middle-managements role in elderly care as uniform for both sectors and focuses on the conditions and challenges. The theoretical background of the thesis is partly Ritzers McDonaldization to explain efficiency work in elderly care and Goffman's theories of social roles between the managerial role. The study was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with nine interviews conducted, divided of five respondents in the public sector and four in the private sector. The result shows that the conditions for middle-management in elderly care for both sectors are similar in most cases, for example responsibilities and economic impact and that middle-management in both sectors experience a lack of time. However, there are certain areas that differ slightly, for example it is described by the private players that they have a better financial situation than their rivals in the public sector. It is also clear from the thesis that there may be other influential factors, for instance whether a home for the elderly run by public sector is exposed for competeition, or if a privately elderly care-unit is owned and fully run in-house. / Mellanchefsrollen är en utsatt roll där chefen riskerar hamna i kläm mellan sin ledning och sina medarbetare. Det är ett stressfyllt arbete. Äldreomsorgen är en bransch som diskuterats mycket, till stor del kring hur verksamheter ska skötas och i vilken regi den ska bedrivas. Mellanchefen inom äldreomsorgen besitter därmed en utsatt roll i en omdiskuterad bransch. I den här studien syftas att undersöka mellanchefers roller och arbetsuppgifter i den offentliga sektorn och privata sektorn inom äldreomsorgen. Syftet är även att undersöka om det finns skillnader mellan rollerna och hur de i sådana fall tar sig uttryck. Tidigare forskning behandlar genomgående mellanchefsrollen inom äldreomsorgen som enhetligt för båda sektorerna och redogör för förutsättningar och utmaningar. Den teoretiska bakgrunden i uppsatsen är dels Ritzers McDonaldization för effektiviseringsarbetet inom äldreomsorgen och Goffmans teorier om sociala roller för mellanchefsrollen. Studien är genomförd genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer där 9 intervjuer har genomförts fördelat på 5 respondenter i offentlig sektor och 4 i privat sektor. Resultatet visar att förutsättningarna för mellanchefer inom äldreomsorgen inom båda sektorerna är likartade i de flesta fall, bland annat gällande ansvarsområden och ekonomisk påverkan samt att de i båda sektorerna känner stor tidspress. Vidare finns det vissa områden där det skiljer sig åt en aning, exempelvis redogör de privata aktörerna för att de har en bättre ekonomisk situation. Det framgår även av uppsatsen att det kan finnas andra påverksansfaktorer, bland annat om en verksamhet är konkurrensutsatt eller om verksamheten privat drivs i egen regi.
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Two practices and one Act: Mangling tecnologically mediated transparency.Brown, Pamela Anne 05 December 2013 (has links)
During a municipal election in 2010, Canadian citizens used a blog to enact an ad hoc campaign funding disclosure request of all candidates. After the election, the municipality implemented formal legislation requiring campaign funding disclosure on their own website. This thesis is a case study that explores how two technologically mediated transparency practices were constituted within and outside the scope of legislation. I draw on Andrew Pickering's (1995) notion of the mangle of practice and Karen Barad's (2003) concept of intra-action to conceptualize these transparency practices as a mangle of entwining intra-connected phenomena. In my exploration of policy in practice I deconstruct transparency practice through a discussion of how transparency mechanisms and social media characteristics intra-act and transform each other into a practice that supersedes the original intent of the ad hoc request and formal legislation. This research queries assumptions about transparency practices and contributes to establishing an interdisciplinary methodology for policy evaluation in technologically mediated environments. / Graduate / 0617 / paganda@gmail.com
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Sustainability of private sector in solid waste collection: a case of Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaKassim, Salha M. January 2006 (has links)
This research examines the sustainability of private sector participation in urban service delivery in developing countries. The solid waste collection service in Dar es Salaam – Tanzania was used as a case study. Municipalities in Tanzania have not been able to cope with the rapid generation rate of solid waste coupled by the rapid urbanization. This resulted in a relatively large quantity of solid waste remaining poorly managed and uncollected, which left an obvious gap for other stakeholders to participate in service provision. The private sector took the opportunity, in the early 1960s, to fill the gap left by the public sector in service provision. The research found that there are factors affecting the sustainability of the private sector, which include: support from the public sector; capacity from the private sector in terms of collection vehicles and equipment; households’ attitudes and behaviour regarding the privatization of the service; the awareness and participation of households in the service; and involvement of households in decision-making. The research also identified that there is a missing-link between the households, public sector administration and the private sector. The research concludes that, taking into consideration the above factors, the proposed guidelines formulated in this study illustrate ways in which private sector involvement in solid waste collection in urban developing countries will be sustainable.
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