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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulação e concorrência nos setores nos setores de infraestrutura: análise do caso brasileiro à luz da jurisprudência do CADE / Regulation and competition in public utility sectors: analysis of the Brazilian case in light of CADEs case law.

Patrícia Regina Pinheiro Sampaio 09 May 2012 (has links)
Esta tese é o resultado de um estudo empírico relativo à interrelação entre defesa da concorrência e regulação no Brasil, com ênfase nos setores de infraestrutura que enfrentam a falha de mercado conhecida como monopólio natural. A hipótese de investigação reside em afirmar que, apesar do fato de que nestes mercados geralmente há um único agente econômico, e que os mesmos encontram-se sujeitas à regulação estrita por uma agência especializada, ainda há espaço para a intervenção das autoridades de defesa da concorrência. A fim de confirmar essa hipotese, examinamos as decisões da autoridade brasileira de defesa da concorrência (CADE) nos setores de infraestrutura, e fim de avaliar se o CADE efetivamente intervém em tais mercados. A pesquisa incluiu a análise de atos de concentração, bem como as decisões acerca de condutas anticompetitivas envolvendo agentes atuantes nos setores de concessão de ferrovias, rodovias, portos, transmissão e distribuição de energia elétrica, telefonia fixa, saneamento, distribuição de gás canalizado e transporte de gás natural. A pesquisa comprovou que não há diferença significativa entre a percentagem de intervenções em atos de concentração observados nos setores regulados de infraestrutura e a percentagem de casos em que o CADE determinou o desfazimento ou impôs restrições à aprovação de operações na generalidade dos mercados. Em matéria de infrações às regras de concorrência, a percentagem de condenações e acordos de cessação de práticas, considerados em connjunto, observados nos setores de infraestruturas foi superior àquela obervada nos mercados não regulados. O resultado da pesquisa confirma que as autoridades de concorrência devem continuar a ser as principais implementadoras da política de defesa da concorrência em setores regulados de infraestrutura. Embora as intervenções CADE tenham ficado restritas a setores de meios de transporte e de telefonia fixa, a jurisprudência mostra que as preocupações antitruste verticais e de natureza conglomerada que podem surgir nos mercados regulados de infraestrutura justifica essa intervenção. A última parte da tese é dedicada a discutir as perspectivas da defesa da concorrência nos mercados de infraestrutura, no Brasil, incluindo a aprovação da nova Lei de Defesa da Concorrência (Lei 12.529/2011), e discutir a que compete decidir acerca de conflitos de competência ou de interpretações confliantes e irreconciliáveis entre o CADE e as agências reguladoras. / This thesis is the result of an empirical study that addresses the intersection between competition and regulation policies in Brazil, especially involving industries that face the market failure known as natural monopoly. The hypothesis investigated is that, despite the fact that in these markets there is usually only one economic agent and that they are subject to strict regulation by a specialized agency, there still remains room for intervention by the competition authority. In order to confirm this, we have reviewed the case law of the Brazilian competition authority (CADE) on public utility sectors, aiming at assessing whether CADE had intervened in such markets. The survey included mergers and acquisitions, as well as investigations regarding infractions to competition rules, involving agents active in railroad, road, port, electric power transmission and distribution, fixed telephone, sewage, gas transportation and distribution markets. The research revealed that there is no significant difference between the percentage of interventions in concentration acts observed in these regulated markets (jointly considered) and the percentage of cases that CADE has not approved or has imposed restrictions to their approval in all markets. In terms of investigations regarding offences to competition rules, the percentage of condemnations and agreements to cease practices in regulated markets actually overcome that observed in unregulated markets. The result of the investigation confirms that competition authorities should remain to be the primary enforcers of competition law in regulated sectors. Although CADEs interventions were actually restricted to markets involving means of transportation and fixed telephone, we could observe that the case law provides evidence that antitrust vertical and conglomerate concerns may arise in public utility regulated markets generally considered. The final part of the thesis is dedicated to debate the perspectives of competition defense in public utility markets in Brazil, especially in view of the passing of the new competition statute (Rule 12,529/2011), as well as to discuss who is the authority empowered to decide conflicts of understandings between competition and regulation authorities.

A universalização do serviço de energia elétrica acesso e uso contínuo. / The universalization of electric energy service - access and continuous use.

Sérgio Kinya Fugimoto 19 April 2005 (has links)
Com base nos dados do IBGE, estima-se que aproximadamente 2,4 milhões de domicílios brasileiros não têm acesso ao serviço de energia elétrica. Ainda, projeções da Aneel indicam que, após a alteração dos critérios determinados pela Lei nº 10.438/2002, o número de unidades consumidoras classificadas na subclasse residencial baixa renda passou de 8 para 14 milhões. Conforme estimativas atuais, são necessários recursos da ordem de R$ 7,3 bilhões para equacionar o acesso à energia elétrica daqueles domicílios, bem como de aproximadamente R$ 1 bilhão por ano para compensar as distribuidoras pela perda de receita decorrente do aumento do número de consumidores baixa renda. Os dois aspectos são complementares na conceituação da universalização, na visão do autor. Deste modo, este estudo apresenta uma visão sistêmica sobre ambos os aspectos da universalização: a garantia do acesso físico e do uso contínuo; sendo este último considerado como as condições para a manutenção do acesso ao serviço de eletricidade por meio de uma tarifa social ou de programas compensatórios. O objetivo principal dessa dissertação é, então, analisar e avaliar as normas legais e os regulamentos que norteiam as políticas públicas de universalização dos serviços de energia elétrica, como também dos que indiretamente interferem nessas ações, buscando identificar eventuais necessidades de sua complementação ou mesmo de sua alteração. Para isso, mostra-se a evolução recente das ações do Estado, da legislação pertinente e da regulamentação promovida pela Aneel para cada um das duas vertentes da universalização. Apresenta-se também a dimensão dos recursos financeiros envolvidos, identificando os possíveis impactos decorrente da nova regulamentação da subclasse residencial baixa renda e também do programa de universalização Luz para Todos. / IBGE data has shown that approximately 2.4 million Brazilian households do not have access to electricity service. Moreover, Aneel´s projections indicate that, after the alteration of the criteria determined by Law 10,438/2002, the number of households classified as low income residential subclass has increased from 8 to 14 million. Further studies imply that R$ 7.3 billion would be necessary to enable those 2.4 million households to have access to electric energy, as well as R$ 1 billion per year to compensate the utilities for the loss resulting from the increase of low income consuming domiciles. The two aspects are complementary as for the universal electricity service, in the vision of the author. Hence, this work proposes to overview both aspects: to ensure physical access and the continuous use through social tariffs or compensating programs. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze and to evaluate the regulations which guide the public policies of universal electricity service in order to identify whenever its complementation or its alteration is required. Thus, this study shows relevant government policies and Aneel regulation as well as necessary resources, possible and likely impacts to improve the current situation.

From Public Pipes to Private Hands : Water Access and Distribution in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Kjellén, Marianne January 2006 (has links)
In cities around the world, public water systems have increasingly come to be operated by private companies. Along with an internationally funded investment program to refurbish the dilapidated water infrastructure, private operations were tested also in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Only about a third of the households, however, are reached by the piped water system there; most households purchase water from those with pipe-connections or private boreholes. Thus, water distribution was informally privatized by way of water vending long before formal private sector participation began. This thesis explores individual and collective endeavors in water development, distribution, and access, along with the global and local influences that shaped the privatization exercise. With regard to the lease of Dar es Salaam’s water system, the institutional set-up has been found to mix the British and French models, having influenced the local situation through development assistance and conditionalities tied to loans. The institutional contradictions may have contributed to the conflictive cancellation of the lease arrangement. Due to the public utility company’s lack of operating capital and investment planning, infrastructure development has responded mainly to immediate individual demands, resulting in a spaghetti-like network and structural leakage. The long-standing under-performance and low coverage of the piped water system have forced many people to devise their own ways to access water. This thesis argues that the individually-devised artisan ways of water provisioning constitute the life-line of Dar es Salaam’s water system. Yet, they also undermine and divert resources away from the collectively-devised industrial form of piped water provision.

A Study of The Management Performance of Taiwan Power Company and also The Manipulation Situation of Human Resources of Nuclear and Fire Station in Taiwan Power Company

Lee, Ming-Dao 21 August 2003 (has links)
Power business is a somewhat special business¡CIt has no stocks. Because of this, power business is classified into inherent monopoly business for a very long time before. Nowadays, most governments of developed countries changed their point of view; they modified the relevant law and began to allow more than two power companies to run on the same power supply area since few years ago. Taiwan's government is affected by this thinking and doing in 1990 and adopted it later since 1994. Firstly, they permitted private power stations built by private enterprises in1995. Since then, domestic power business is treated as a ¡§step by step open¡¨ business. Different from what other Independent Power Station (So called I.P.P.)has done, Taiwan Power Company has adopted the policy of allocating their maintenance crew in each nuclear and fire power station instead of establishing a dependent sub-maintenance company or outsourcing maintenance job to other power station maintenance contractor as the other I.P.P.s. has done¡C This is indeed a quite controversy policy even inside the Taiwan Power Company. But most of the members and representatives of workers Union are against any relocating crew or changing policy and even stronger. The policy of privatizing Taiwan Power Company and open competition of electricity-providing is determined definitely by R.O.C. government, still the progress of it is not very clear to the relevant stakeholder. However, the competence of Taiwan Power Company will be needed much more than ever. And the operation cost and management performance is therefore a major and important factor to the position of Taiwan Power Company in the future electricity market. This research is intended to study only benefit of cost-down and efficiency-rising element of the electricity power company and its nuclear and power station, it concerns nothing to do with any social topics such as working right of the crew , opinion and attitude of the work union and the like.

INTERNSHIP REPORT Butler County Department of Environmental Services

Sackenheim, Adam Michael 06 August 2004 (has links)
No description available.

O conceito dogmático-jurídico de serviço público brasileiro : análise acerca da estrutura conceitual disposta na Constituição de 1988

Dias, Cassiano Aristimunha January 2017 (has links)
A noção pátria de serviço público é concebida a partir dos conceitos de serviço público e de serviço de utilidade pública oriundos, respectivamente, da França e dos Estados Unidos da América. Esses conceitos foram introduzidos no Brasil por ação doutrinária à luz da Constituição de 1891. Parte do resultado dessas discussões foi positivada no texto constitucional de 1934. A partir daí o tema figurou em todas as Constituições subsequentes. A Constituição de 1988, assim como as que a precederam, não veicula um conceito material de serviço público expresso em uma fórmula. A estrutura constitucional do conceito de serviço público é bastante complexa. O atual texto constitucional trata de serviço público em variados sentidos, os quais são dimensionados de formas diversas de acordo com as atividades abarcadas. Esses sentidos e dimensionamentos foram construídos ao longo da história constitucional, razão pela qual sua compreensão exige a análise dos textos das Constituições precedentes. Em linhas gerais, serviço público aparece no texto constitucional em três sentidos, quais sejam: o material, o orgânico e o formal. O sentido material é dimensionado nas acepções ampla e restrita. É no interior desse sentido, no qual a expressão serviço público significa atividade, que estão situados os critérios orgânico, formal e material, oriundos da tradição francesa. No âmbito do sentido material situam-se as maiores dificuldades e divergências sobre o tema. No sentido orgânico, serviço público se refere aos órgãos e entidades do Estado. No sentido formal, serviço público é um regime jurídico atribuível às competências materiais de cunho prestacional e natureza econômica do Estado. É no âmbito desse sentido que se encontra a função do conceito de serviço público. Alternativamente ao regime jurídico dos serviços públicos, a Constituição de 1988 prevê o regime jurídico de direito privado. Nesse regime jurídico a potencialização da concorrência é o elemento central, o que exige o desenvolvimento de mecanismos que facilitem o acesso pelos particulares ao setor. Tal acesso é facilitado pelo uso da autorização. A competência pública exercida pelos particulares por meio de autorização configura-se como serviço de utilidade pública à brasileira. A partir dessa estrutura conceitual é possível melhor compreender a noção de serviço público no âmbito dos Estados-membros e municípios e os modos de ação desses entes federados no domínio econômico. / The Brazilian concept of public service is created from the French notion of public service and the American notion of public utility. These ideas were introduced into Brazilian Law by doctrine following the Constitution of 1891. Part of the results of the debates stirred by the use of the diverging concepts got incorporated to the text of the Constitution of 1934. From then on, every subsequent Constitution addressed the issue. The Constitution of 1988, like the ones that preceded it, does not present a substantive concept of public service. The constitutional structure of the concept of public service is thoroughly complex. The current constitutional text treats public services in different senses, which are managed according to the activities comprehended by it. These senses have been constructed throughout our constitutional history, and for that reason, their comprehension requires an analysis of the preceding Constitutions’ texts. In broad lines, public services appear in the Constitution in three senses, which are: the substantive, the organic and the formal. The substantive sense is measured in broad and strict meanings. It is in the core of the substantive sense, in which public service means activity, that the French-born organic, formal and substantive senses are situated. It is regarding the substantive sense that the greatest difficulties and divergences concerning the theme arise. In the organic sense, public service refers to the public organs and entities. In the formal sense, public service is a legal regime attributable to the positive substantive competencies and the economic nature of the State. It is in regards to the substantive sense that the function of the concept of public service takes place. Alternative to the public services’ legal regime, the Constitution of 1988 also includes a private law legal regime. In this alternative regime, the increase of competition figures as central element, which demands mechanisms to enable private access to the area. Such access is facilitated by use of authorization. The public competency exerted by private initiative through authorization is known as Brazilian public utility service. From that conceptual structure, it is possible to better understand the notion of public service in the scope of member-states and counties, as well as the courses of action adopted by these federate entities on economy.

Financial Analysis of a Large Scale Photovoltaic System and Its Impact on Energy Demand in Kiribati

Korimara, Roman 04 July 2011 (has links)
Kiribati, a small and low lying island country located on the equator, is vulnerable to impact of Global Warming. In response, Kiribati¡¦s Government continues and remains firm to fight the increase of pollution gases. Rather than just fighting using words, Kiribati seriously takes into consideration issues which promote the use of clean energy in all aspects. .This thesis emphasizes the use of large scale photovoltaic (PV) installation as a clean energy source that may help contribute in the total energy demand for this island. Here, a large photovoltaic generation system as a Distribution Generation (DG) to feed main utility network (i.e. PUB) on the island, assumed to be constructed in the National Main Stadium (NMS) at Betio Town as the DG Interconnection site, is analyzed. This PVGS has been investigated from two different perspectives: 1) Independent Power Producer (IPP) point of view, which is the design of the selling price of PV power generation and 2) Utility point of view, which is the design of saving costs incurred from PVGS contribution. PV power generation is simulated according to the hourly solar irradiation and temperature provided by the Weather Office in Kiribati. The cash flow of annual power generation, the operation and maintenance costs and the capital investment cost of the PVGS are then used to derive the payback time (PBT) and the internal rate of return (IRR) for the PVGS under different selling price of PV power generation. The voltage variation and the system losses of the distribution feeder, which serves the National Stadium, are also evaluated by executing the load flow analysis for the impact analysis of the PVGS. Results indicate that the reduction of voltage variation and system¡¦s losses can be obtained with the PVGS installed to provide the dispersed generation for the local loads. However, the PVGS penetration is limited due to the violation of voltage variation introduced by the large intermittent PV power generation. The selling price of PV generation has to be designed according to the conditions of solar irradiation and temperature so that sufficient incentives can be provided.

Research About The Laws And System Of The Electricity Liberalization In Taiwan

Chang, Chun-Te 30 July 2005 (has links)
Electricity power is an irreplaceable resource in industry for a country. Enough and steady-offered electricity is also the support to develop not only traditional industry but high technology industry. Taiwan is a place, where is lacking of natural resources. There is only 3 % of which can be self ¡Vcontained. In fact, electricity power plays one of important roles in achieving ¡§Economic Miracle of Taiwan.¡¨ Basically, electricity power embraces three parts of power generation, power transmission, and distribution. And it is managed by the way of vertically integration. Traditionally, electricity power is assorted into public utility because of its huge principal and social resources, even concerning with the economy and society of the country and is governed and controlled by the government. Whatever country promotes electricity liberalization, the government and the academic put their eye on foster the total efficiency of management through market mechanisms. Electricity liberalization has been working for more than twenty years. Of course, there are some successful cases, for example, like England, Australia, and etc. They do benefit from increasing the occurrence, the efficiency, and decrease the price after operating electricity liberalization. As to Taiwan, the government has the same policy on it, too. The amendments are under discussion in The Legislative Yuan. By referencing to electricity liberalization of other countries and comparing their experiences with Taiwan, the questions below are searched in this thesis. First, does the policy in Taiwan really satisfy the essence of electricity liberalization? Second, could power generation, power transmission, and distribution of the electricity industry be operated by vertically integrated way? After electricity liberalization, it is important that how to do could get good combined with competition of the market, the offer of steady electricity and the society justice. If not, how to modify the rules would satisfy the needs of country development and expectations of the society.

Efficient city logistics : Can travel patterns of goods and people be intertwined?

Merkel, Pontus January 2015 (has links)
Optimizing city logistics is a topic of great importance for big cities today. Even though the environmental- and economical consequences of the increasing goods transportation fleet has been present for quite some time, actions from affected stakeholders has not been taken until just recently.  In this brief 9 week project the aim has been to,  from a design point-of-view, in this complex topic, give a suggestion and raise a discussion onto how goods transportation in cities can be made in the future.  The basic idea is to get the consignments as close to the consignees and their travel patterns as possible. Public transportation networks are an existing grid where people are moving around and can potentially be used for combined transport of goods and people. The outcome of this concept is focusing on light parcel delivery towards private consignees, due to the increasing e-commerce trend. By using small transporter vehicles connected to buses, light parcels can be distributed throughout a city and easily accessible for consignees at the bus stops.  The transporter vehicle developed through this project aims to conceptualize connectivity and integration between mobility and parcel delivery services, to ease the every day life of urban citizens as well as decrease the environmental- and economical impacts which the distribution vehicle-fleet of today entails.  The design of the transporter vehicle is an interpretation of how a autonomous distribution vehicle can look like in a future city environment where the integration of public-utility-vehicles is of greater importance.

O silêncio das paredes-a descoberta de Benvindo Ceia (1870-1941)

Bispo, Maria Teresa Freire January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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