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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-degenerate Two Photon Gain In Bulk Gallium Arsenide

Turnbull, Brendan 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the nonlinear phenomena known as doubly-stimulated, non-degenerate two-photon emission (ND-2PE) in Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). 2PE refers to the simultaneous emission of two-photons as electrons move from the conduction band in a direct gap semiconductor to the valence band. Following the same path for describing one-photon emission (1PE) we describe 2PE as a product of the irradiance, and the negative of the loss which in this case is two-photon absorption, , the negative coming from the population inversion. We attempt to observe 2PE by using a frequency non-degenerate pump-probe experiment in which a third beam optically excites a 4 µm thick GaAs sample. We use nondegenerate beams in hopes of utilizing the 3-orders of magnitude enhancement seen in twophoton absorption (2PA) by going to extreme nondegeneracy (END) to enhance 2PE. GaAs is chosen due to the availability of the appropriate wavelengths, the maturity of the GaAs technology, its use in optoelectronic devices and its ability to be electrically pumped. During the experimental development we learn how to effectively etch and manipulate thin GaAs samples and model the transmission spectrum of these samples using thin film transmission matrices. We are able to match the measured transmission spectrum with the theoretical transmission spectrum. Here we etch the bulk GaAs left on the sample leaving only the 4 µm thickness of molecular beam epitaxial grown GaAs plus additional layers of aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs). These samples were grown for us by Professor Gregory Salamo of the University of Arkansas. iv Using the pump-probe experiment on the 4 µm GaAs sample, we measure the change of the 2PA due to the presence of optically excited carriers. The goal is to reduce the 2PA signal to zero and then invert the 2PA signal indicating an increase in transmission indicative of 2PE when the population is inverted. Our results show that we achieve a 45% reduction in the 2PA signal in a 4 μm thick GaAs sample due to the excited carriers. Unfortunately, we currently cannot experimentally determine whether the reduction is strictly due to free-carrier absorption (FCA) of our pump or possibly due to a change in the two-photon absorption coefficient. We measure the transmission of various wavelengths around the bang gap of GaAs as a function of excitation wavelength and achieve a transmittance of ~80% which we attribute to possibly be one photon gain (1PG) at 880 nm. We also go to cryogenic temperatures to concentrate the carriers near the bottom of the conduction band and improve the theoretical gain coefficient for 2PE. Unfortunately, we do not observe a measurable change in 2PA with the addition of optically excited carriers. Along with FCA of our infrared pump we suspect that the difficulties in this first set of experiments are also a result or radiative recombination due to amplified spontaneous emission reducing our free carrier density along with the fact that 4 m is too thick for uniform excitation. We now have 1 m samples from Professor Gregory Salamo which we hope will give better and more definitive results

Synthesis and Study of Higher Poly(Acene)s: Hexacene, Heptacene, and Derivatives

Mondal, Rajib 02 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Electronic and Vibrational Dynamics of Heme Model Compounds-An Ultrafast Spectroscopic Study

Challa, Jagannadha Reddy 08 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Two-Photon Polarization Spectroscopy of Atomic Cesium Using Circularly Polarized Light

Fisher, Dave S. 17 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Rare-gas clusters in intense VUV laser fields

Georgescu, Ionut 09 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A hybrid quantum-classical approach to the interaction of atomic clusters with intense laser fields in the vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) has been developed. Much emphasis is put on localized electrons, those quasi-free electrons which localize about the ions and screen them. These electrons set a time scale, which is used to interpolate between the quantum, rate based description of photon absorption by bound electrons and the classical, deterministic description of the cluster nano-plasma. Typical observables such as total energy absorption, electron and ion spectra are in very good agreement with the experimental findings. A scheme to probe the multi-electron motion in clusters with attosecond laser pulses is introduced. Conventional final state measurements in the energy domain cannot provide information about earlier states of the system due to the incoherent nature of the dynamics. Time-delayed attosecond pulses in the extreme ultra-violet (XUV) are used to probe the transient charging of the cluster ions during the interaction with the laser by measuring the kinetic energy of the electrons detached by the probe pulse. This information is otherwise lost at later times due to recombination. Knowledge about the transient charging would also shed more light on the still controversial subject of the energy absorption mechanisms in the VUV regime. Moving to shorter duration of the excitation, the characteristic time-scales for ionization and plasma equilibration are inversed. An attosecond laser pulse in the VUV regime creates a dense, warm nano-plasma far from equilibrium. Time-delayed attosecond pulses in the XUV probe then both the creation and the relaxation. The latter shows the breakup of the Bogoliubov hierarchy of characteristic times, indicating strongly-coupled plasma dynamics and drawing parallels to the relaxation of extended ultra-cold neutral plasmas with millions of particles.

Spatial Dynamics of Wave Packets in Semiconductor Heterostructures / Räumliche Wellenpaketdynamik in Halbleiterheterostrukturen

Meinhold, Dirk 11 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the first study of the damping of a Bloch oscillating wave packet by Zener tunneling to above-barrier states [1]. We investigate the time evolution of an below-barrier subband Wannier-Stark wave packet in a strongly coupled GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice (SL) with shallow quantum well barriers by optical interband spectroscopy. We use a sub-100 fs homodyne pump-probe technique which is sensitive to the intraband polarization. The presented experimental data unambiguously show an electric field-dependent continuous decrease of the intraband coherence time. Besides the continuous field-induced damping of the intraband polarization, we observe the signature of resonant Zener tunneling of a Bloch oscillating wave packet between discrete states belonging to below and above-barrier bands. This coupling manifests itself as a revival of the intraband polarization [2]. The experiment is modelled in two aspects. First, in a 1D single-particle calculation the wave functions the BO wave packet is composed of are derived. Here, the inter-subband dynamics are found to be given by the energetic splitting between nearly-degenerate below and above-barrier states. The wave packet tunnels from the below-barrier band to the above-barrier band while remaining coherently oscillating. At this time, it is spatially spread over more than 100 nm...

Ultrafast exciton relaxation in quasi-one-dimensional perylene derivatives / Ultraschnelle Relaxation von Exzitonen in quasi-eindimensionalen Perylenderivaten

Engel, Egbert 07 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with exciton relaxation processes in thin polycrystalline films and matrix-isolated molecules of the perylene derivatives PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride) and MePTCDI (N,N'-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-dicarboximide). Using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, transient absorption spectra, excitonic relaxation in the lowest excited state subsequent to excitation, and exciton-exciton interaction and annihilation at high excitation densities have been addressed. Transient absorption spectroscopy in the range 1.2eV-2.6eV has been applied to thin polycrystalline films of PTCDA and MePTCDI and to solid solutions of PTCDA and MePTCDI molecules (monomers) in a SiO2 matrix. We are able to ascribe the respective signal contributions to ground state bleaching, stimulated emission, and excited state absorption. Both systems exhibit broad excited-state absorption features below 2.0eV, with dominant peaks between 1.8eV and 2.0eV. The monomer spectra can be consistently explained by the results of quantum-chemical calculations on single molecules, and the respective experimental polarization anisotropies for the two major transitions agree with the calculated polarizations. Dimer calculations allow to qualitatively understand the trends visible in the experimental results from monomers to thin films. The broad excited state absorption band between 1.8eV and 2.0eV allows to probe the population dynamics in the first excited state of thin films. We show that excitons created at the Gamma point relax towards the border of the Brillouin zone on a 100fs time scale in both systems. Excitonic relaxation is accelerated by increase of temperature and/or excitation density, which is attributed to stimulated phonon emission during relaxation in k-space. Lower and upper limits of the intraband relaxation time constants are 25fs (resolution limit) and 250fs (100fs) for PTCDA (MePTCDI). These values agree with the upper limit for the intraband relaxation time of 10ps, evaluated from time-resolved luminescence measurements. While the luminescence anisotropy is in full accordance with the predictions made by a luminescence anisotropy model being consistent with the exciton model of Davydov-split states, the pump-probe anisotropy calls for an explanation beyond the models presently available. At excitation densities 10^(19)cm^(-3), the major de-excitation mechanism for the relaxed excitons is exciton-exciton annihilation, resulting in a strongly reduced exciton life time. Three different models for the microscopic behavior have been tested: a diffusion-limited annihilation model in both three and one dimensions (with diffusion constant D as fit parameter) as well as a long-range single-step Förster-type annihilation model (with Förster radius RF as fit parameter). For PTCDA, the latter two, being structurally equivalent, allow to fit a set of multiexponential decay curves for multiple initial exciton densities with high precision. In contrast, the three-dimensional diffusion-limited model is clearly inferior. For all three models, we extract annihilation rates, diffusion constants and diffusion lengths (or Förster radii), for both room and liquid helium temperature. Temperature dependence and orders of magnitude of the obtained parameters D or RF correspond to the expectations. For MePTCDI, the 1D and the Förster model are in good agreement for a smaller interval of excitation densities. For a initial exciton densities higher than 5 x 10^(19)cm^(-3), the 3D model performs significantly better than the other two.

Ultraschnelle, lichtinduzierte Primärprozesse im elektronisch angeregten Zustand des Grün Fluoreszierenden Proteins (GFP) / Ultrafast Elementary Events in the Excited State of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)

Winkler, Kathrin 24 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Spatial Dynamics of Wave Packets in Semiconductor Heterostructures

Meinhold, Dirk 13 May 2005 (has links)
This thesis presents the first study of the damping of a Bloch oscillating wave packet by Zener tunneling to above-barrier states [1]. We investigate the time evolution of an below-barrier subband Wannier-Stark wave packet in a strongly coupled GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice (SL) with shallow quantum well barriers by optical interband spectroscopy. We use a sub-100 fs homodyne pump-probe technique which is sensitive to the intraband polarization. The presented experimental data unambiguously show an electric field-dependent continuous decrease of the intraband coherence time. Besides the continuous field-induced damping of the intraband polarization, we observe the signature of resonant Zener tunneling of a Bloch oscillating wave packet between discrete states belonging to below and above-barrier bands. This coupling manifests itself as a revival of the intraband polarization [2]. The experiment is modelled in two aspects. First, in a 1D single-particle calculation the wave functions the BO wave packet is composed of are derived. Here, the inter-subband dynamics are found to be given by the energetic splitting between nearly-degenerate below and above-barrier states. The wave packet tunnels from the below-barrier band to the above-barrier band while remaining coherently oscillating. At this time, it is spatially spread over more than 100 nm...

Vibrational relaxation and dephasing of Rb2 attached to helium nanodroplets

Grüner, Barbara, Schlesinger, Martin, Heister, Philipp, Strunz, Walter T., Stienkemeier, Frank, Mudrich, Marcel January 2011 (has links)
The vibrational wave-packet dynamics of diatomic rubidium molecules (Rb2) in triplet states formed on the surface of superfluid helium nanodroplets is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Detailed comparison of experimental femtosecond pump–probe spectra with dissipative quantum dynamics simulations reveals that vibrational relaxation is the main source of dephasing. The rate constant for vibrational relaxation in the first excited triplet state 13Σ+g is found to be constant γ ≈ 0.5 ns−1 for the lowest vibrational levels v [less, similar] 15 and to increase sharply when exciting to higher energies. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

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