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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ikonografie provinění a trestu v řeckém a římském výtvarném umění / The Iconography of Crime and Punishment in Greek and Roman Visual Arts With Special Regard to Female Transgressors

Vacinová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The enemies are at the gates. Being dazzled by their golden jewels - or perhaps fascinated by their handsome leader - a girl makes a pact with them and betrays her city and her own kin. However, instead of the promised reward, she is killed by her beneficiary. In a particular variant of this story, the girl's name is Tarpeia and the city is Rome, the agreed reward are golden bracelets of the hostile Sabines and the murder weapons are their shields being worn - surprise! - on their left arms together with the jewels. The rendering of this scene in the Roman visual arts is of the primary interest of this thesis. As a particular event linked tightly to the legendary history of Rome, the Punishment of Tarpeia is generally believed to lack any closer iconographic parallels in the Etruscan and Greek arts; sometimes it is even supposed that the traitress is portrayed as a kind of heroic figure, not a negative one. Having analysed the surviving scenes of the Punishment of Tarpeia, I put that opinion into question suggesting they were artificially designed and composed in full accordance with the traditional imagery of the trespassers in the Greek and Etruscan visual arts. To support my assumption, I turn to scrutinize the compositions as well as minor details of contentually related scenes in the Greek and...

Dohled probačního úředníka nad klientem užívajícím návykové látky / Supervision of a probation officer over a client using addictive substances

Dočekalová, Dita January 2020 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 1. lékařská fakulta Studijní program: Specializace ve zdravotnictví Studijní obor: Adiktologie Dita Dočekalová Dohled probačního úředníka nad klientem užívajícím návykové látky Supervision of a probation officer over a client using addictive substances Abstract Vedoucí závěrečné práce Mgr. Pavlína Gabrhelíková, Ph.D. Praha, 2020 ABSTRACT Background: This diploma thesis deals with the supervision of a probation officer at the Probation and Mediation Service clients who are also users of addictive substances and committed crime under the influence of these substances. It is not obligatory for a probation officers to have an addictological education, but due to the increasing number of drug-related crime, supplementing knowledge in this area is desirable. The focus of the work is qualitative research, which consists of analyzing documents and describing casework with my clients using addictive substances. Objectives: The aim of this work is to show, based on independent case reports of my selected clients of the Probation and Mediation Service, who are substance abuse users, that addictological knowledge of probation workers, namely work with motivation and realistic matching, can be a protective factor at work with this type of clients. Sample: The issue will be demonstrated on...

Dohled probačního úředníka nad klientem užívajícím návykové látky / Supervision of a probation officer over a client using addictive substances

Dočekalová, Dita January 2021 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 1. lékařská fakulta Studijní program: Specializace ve zdravotnictví Studijní obor: Adiktologie Dita Dočekalová Dohled probačního úředníka nad klientem užívajícím návykové látky Supervision of a probation officer over a client using addictive substances Abstract Vedoucí závěrečné práce Mgr. Pavlína Gabrhelíková, Ph.D. Praha, 2021 ABSTRACT Background: This diploma thesis deals with the supervision of a probation officer at the Probation and Mediation Service clients who are also users of addictive substances and committed crime under the influence of these substances. It is not obligatory for a probation officers to have an addictological education, but due to the increasing number of drug-related crime, supplementing knowledge in this area is desirable. The focus of the work is qualitative research, which consists of analyzing documents and describing casework with my clients using addictive substances. Objectives: The main objective of this work is to demonstrate the application of key addictology skills in the specific conditions of the Probation and Mediation Service, during supervision with addictive substance abuse users. Sample: The issue will be demonstrated from the results of working with three clients of the Probation and Mediation Service, who have been given suspended...

Domácí vězení v prvém roce účinnosti nového trestního zákoníku. Prvé poznatky a zkušenosti z aplikační praxe; porovnání s úpravou a praxí v SRN / Home arrest in the first year of the effectiveness of the new Criminal Code. First experience of the application practice, compared with the treatment and practice in Germany

Krchňavá, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with home arrest, its legal regulation in the new Criminal Code of the Czech Republic and its application practice in the first year of effectiveness, taking into account the amendment of this regulation in the second year of effectiveness and at the same time providing a comparison with the treatment and practice in Germany. For a better understanding of the topic, the thesis introduces at the beginning the new division of criminal offences according to their seriousness and the system of sanctions brought up by the new Criminal Code. The thesis then deals with home arrest as a new alternative punishment; the aim of alternative punishments is outlined and the historical regulations on the home arrest are stated there for the sake of interest. The main part of this thesis is represented by chapters dealing with legal regulations on home arrest and its execution, taking into account the recent amendment of this law. After that, the thesis deals in detail with controlling the home arrest execution by the Czech Probation and Mediation Service workers and with shortcomings of the controlling resulting from the missing electronic monitoring. In the following part, treatment and practice of home arrest in Germany is described as compared to the legal regulations in the Czech Republic....

Privatizace vězení v USA: důsledky a limity převodu kompetencí státu do soukromých rukou / Prison Privatization in the United States: The Limits and Consequences of the Transfer of Public Power into Private Hands

Kršková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Prison Privatization in the United States: The Limits and Consequences of the Transfer of Public Power into Private Hands analyzes selected consequences of prison privatization in the United States. Although the prison privatization in the US is considered a modern phenomenon, the private sector was involved in corrections from the very early history of the US. Therefore, the thesis introduces the history and philosophy of private sector involvement in corrections. The thesis then examines the factors that led to the decision to privatize prisons, namely overcrowding of prisons, other political factors, and so-called PIE-program that enabled interstate trade with prisoner-made goods. Further, it provides detailed statistics to illustrate the steep rise in the prison population. It also addresses the question of cost-savings and efficiency and it provides examples of specific factors that influence economic performance of private prisons. Important part is dedicated to the growth of prison-industrial complex characterized by the overlapping interests of bureaucracy, politicians and private prison companies that lead to increased pressure to maintain or increase the prison population. In the final chapter, the thesis analyzes the consequences such as increasing tax burden; demographic...

Brott och straff i lättläst adaption : En komparativ analys av Fjodor Dostojevskijs Brott och straff och romanen i lättläst bearbetning / Crime and punishment in easy-to-read adaptation : A comparative analysis of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and punishment and the novel in easy-to-read adaptation

Wahlström, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
In the current landscape of Sweden, easy-to-read literature demand is surging. But the opinions of its shape and form are being questioned: is this type of literature in reality easier to understand, or is the removed content in fact making it less comprehensive? The study’s purpose is to analyze easy-to-read literature’s ability to manage complex motives, and if it changes the reading experience from the original. To attempt that, the study uses a comparative analysis of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and punishment and its easy-to-read adaptation, written by Johan Werkmäster. To understand how Werkmäster’s adaptation manages complex motives, the comparative analysis uses three motives from Professor George Strem, who argues that Crime and punishment is built on suffering, humility and the ideal of the Superman. To answer whether the easy-to-read version changes the reading experience or not, the study uses Professor Rita Felski’s terminology of chock and Anna Nordenstam and Christina Olin-Scheller’s identification.   The analysis shows that the easy-to-read version of Crime and punishment maintains the main story but excludes the ideal of the Superman, which alters the understanding of suffering and humility. As a consequence this also means Felski’s chock is replaced by Nordenstam and Olin-Scheller’s identification, showing that the reading experience is indeed changed.    The conclusion is that the changes in the adaptation cause problems regarding the reader’s ability to understand Raskolnikov. The result also leads to question what the most important factor is when reading easy-to-read literature. Whereas the authors and publishers argue that literacy and motivation is essential to the target audience, Felski and Nordenstam and Olin-Scheller claim that the reading experience is more important. This shows the need of more science in this area to create a consensus of what easy-to-read literature should be, and how it best helps the readers develop their reading ability.

The Korean Tattoo Culture : An Historical Overview on the Development and Shift of Perception on Tattoos in Korean Society / Den koreanska tatueringskulturen : En historisk översikt över utveckling och förändring av uppfattningen om tatueringar i det koreanska samhället

Glietsch, Friederike January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the development and shifts in perception of the tattoo practice. For centuries, the negative image of tattoos has been manifested in Korean society and has only shown visible changes in the past two decades. In recent years, the topic of tattoos in South Korea has become notably more popular and broadly discussed. To give a structured and detailed historical review of the tattoo custom in Korea, two articles in Korean by Kim Hyŏng-jung (2013) and Yi Tong-ch’ŏl (2007) served as main sources. By conducting a semisystematic review with a qualitative approach, the accessed data was examined, compared, and synthesized. The results show that the tattoo practice, although still not fully accepted by all, has gradually developed into its own culture in contemporary South Korean society. / Syftet med denna studie är att analysera utvecklingen och det varierande synsätt på tatueringar. I århundraden har den negativa bilden av tatueringar festats i det koreanska samhället och bara under de senaste två decennierna har en märkbar förändring skett. De senaste åren har tatueringar blivit mer populära och diskuterade. För att ge en strukturerad och detaljerad bild av tatueringar i Sydkorea har två artiklar på koreanska använts som huvudkälla, Kim Hyŏng-jung (2013) och Yi Tong-ch’ŏl (2007). Genom en semi-systematisk översikt med en kvalitativ metod har insamlad data blivit granskad, jämförd och sammankopplad. Resultatet visar att tatueringar fortfarande inte är helt accepterade av alla men att de gradvist har utvecklats till en egen kultur i Sydkoreas samtida samhälle.

Hur uppnås balans i styrningen av en organisation med konkurrerande logiker? : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på straff och vård

Larsson, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Att med fokus på obalans och balans öka förståelsen för hur konkurrerande logiker hanteras i styrningen av kriminalvården i Sverige. Metod: Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt där 7 semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med öppna frågor, där den enskilde individen har fått beskriva sin upplevelse av straff och vård. Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats då en kontinuerlig växelverkan mellan teori och empiri har gjorts. En analys har sedan genomförts, baserat på det empiriska resultatet och den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat & slutsats: Ur organisationens perspektiv, uppnås balans mellan de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård genom att anstalten försöker motivera klienterna till förändring i tankesätt och handlingsmönster, och erbjuder klienterna arbete, programverksamhet, utbildning, fritidsaktiviteter, och har samarbetsavtal med externa organisationer inför frihetsförberedande åtgärder som permissioner och utsluss. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit till ökad förståelse hur de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård hanteras med hjälp av styrmedel, med fokus på obalans och balans. Ur studien framkom att den öppna anstalten omfattas av styrmedel som påverkar balansen mellan straff och vård, där obalans är dominerat av straff, balans mer balans mellan straff och vård. Studien kartlagde styrmedel som påverkar balansen mellan obalans eller balans, styrmedel som orsakar obalans, och styrmedel för att uppnå balans. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En fördjupad studie hur styrmedel hanteras på en anstalt av högre säkerhetsklass med fokus på obalans och balans mellan de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård, och jämföra med de resultat som framkommit i denna studie / Aim: Focusing at imbalance and balance increase the understanding of how competing logics is managed in the management by the correctional care in Sweden. Method: The qualitative study was made with a hermeneutic starting, with 7 semistructured interviews which were made, and where the individual respondents described their own experience of punishment and care. The paper uses an abductive approach where a continuous interaction between theory and empirical data has been used. The analysis was based on the empirical result and the theoretical frame of reference. Result & Conclusion: From the perspective of the organization, balance is achieved between the two competing logics “punishment” and “care” thanks to the prison trying to motivate the prisoners to change their thoughts and behaviours, and to offer the client work, different programs, education, leisure activity, and to have cooperation contracts with external organizations before freedom preparing actions like permissions. Contribution of thesis: The study has contributed to an increased understanding how the competing logics punishment and care manages with help by controls, focusing at imbalance and balance. Out of the study it emerged that the low-risk prison comprises by controls like affect the balance between punishment and care, where imbalance is dominated by punishment, balance more balance between punishment and care. The study maped controls which affect the balance between imbalance and balance, controls which cause imbalance, and controls to reach balance. Suggestions for future research: Further study would be how controls managing at a prison of higher security focusing on imbalance and balance between the competing logics of punishment and care, and compare the results with the results from this study.

Knowledge Production, Capital Punishment, and Political Economy

Colucci, Alex R. 25 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Rosenblom Petersson, Jeanette January 2023 (has links)
Background: The Swedish penal code has viewed self-induced temporary insanity, caused by intoxication, depending on which Sociology of Punishment is currently active. Starting from a lenient view of drug-induced insanity in the Middle Ages towards a harsher penal climate today.  Aims: This thesis aims to investigate how the Courts of Appeals views self-induced temporary insanity. Specifically, the investigation highlights how the courts navigate between the conflicting rationalities governing criminal intent on the one hand and drug abuse on the other. Results: A thematic analysis using NVivo showed that the Court of Appeals verdicts are inconsistent regarding sentencing when addiction is involved. The results also show a lack of knowledge about addiction as an illness within the Court of Appeals and that the courts sentence substance abusers much harder than others with temporary insanity. The thesis concludes that the Rule of Law is at risk when inconsistent verdicts are commonplace.

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