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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Public opinion on sentencing in Pretoria

Pitfield, Doreen Jennie 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The study explores the beliefs and wishes of respondents in Pretoria concerning crime seriousness and criminal sentencing in South Africa. It is suggested that in a democracy, the legal system must reflect the values of the individual citizen if it is to achieve a legitimacy based upon the concepts of moral consent and universality, and argues that this can only be achieved when all citizens have a voice. The study undertakes and reports on a survey of 400 units, across race divisions in and around the City of Pretoria by initially emulating, and thereafter extending, the British Crime Survey. The thesis offers seven chapters divided into two primary components. The first component, chapters one to four, systematically debate the historical/theoretical foundations of sentencing practice (both globally and in respect of South Africa), and identifies the inherent problems faced by contemporary criminal justice systems. The study utilises sentencing literature to provide an in-depth appraisal of theoretical paradigms and, thereafter, evaluates the successes and failures of various sentencing options. The second component, chapters five to seven, unpack the Pretorian research in relation to various other foreign research surveys, and culminates by offering a South African sentencing guide (severity index) based upon the research findings. The findings identify the people of Pretoria to be punitive. Respondents are shown to regard rape and driving whilst over the legal alcohol level causing the death of an innocent victim as the most serious crimes, followed by deliberate murder, selling illegal drugs and terrorism. Percentage differential between these "most serious" crimes is negligible. Many respondents indicate long prison sentences or the death penalty for these specific offences. Overall, Blacks prefer imprisonment whilst Whites are shown to be more conservative and more amenable to other sentencing options. Gender differences in relation to seriousness and sentence scores are slight, but females and the older age group are noted to be more fearful of being victimised even though this fear is not supported by actual victimisation rates. The study justifies the motivation fot the inclusion of public opinion into sentencing policy by recording a 72 percent positive response to people involvement in the sentencing of offenders. / Hierdie navorsing verken respondente in Pretoria se menings en verwagtinge aangaande die erns van misdaad en vonnisoplegging in Suid·Afrika. Die uitgangspunt is dat die regsplegingstelsel veronderstel is om die waardes van die gemeenskap te reftekteer, gebaseer op die konsepte van morele eenstemmigheid en universaliteit, en argumenteer dat dit binne 'n demokrattese bestel slegs kan realiseer as alle inwoners inspraak daarin het. Die navorsing en rapportering gaan oor 'n opname van 400 eenhede in en om die stad Pretoria oor rassegrense heen. Die Britse misdaadopname het as vertrekpunt gedien vir die ontwikkeling van die opname. Die tesis bestaan uit sewe hoofstukke wat verdeel is in twee hoofkomponente. Die eerste komponent, hoofstukke een tot vier, debatteer sistematies die histories/teoretiese begrondings van die vonnisopleggingspraktyk (beide globaal en ten opsigte van Suld-Afrika), en identifiseer die inherente probleme waarmee kontemporere strafregsplegingstelsels gekonfronteer word. Die navorsing gebruik vonnisopleggingsliteratuur om 'n in-diepte beoordeling te maak aan teoretiese paradigma om die sukses en mislukking van die verskillende vonnisopleggingaopsies te evalueer. Die tweede komponent, hoofstukke vyf tot sewe, behels die navorsing in Pretoria in vergelyking met verskeie ander buitelandse navorsingsondersoeke en bereik 'n hoogtepunt deur 'n Suid-Afrikaanse vonnisopleggingsgids (ernsindeks) voor te hou, gebaseer op die navorsingsbevindings. Die navorsingsbevindings identlfiseer respondente van Pretoria as strafgeorienteerd. Respondente beskou verkragting en bestuur van 'n motor terwyl die persoon se alkoholbloedinhoud oor die wettige perk is en die dood van 'n onskuldige slagoffer veroorsaak, as die ernstigste misdade. Dit word gevolg deur opsetlike moord, die handel in onwettige dwelmmiddels en terrorisme. Persentasie afwykings tussen die "ernstige" misdade is onbeduidend. Menige respondente is van mening dat lang termyne van gevangenisstraf of die doodsvonnis vir hierdie misdade toepaslik is. Oorhoofs gesien, verkies Swartmense gevangesetting, terwyl blankes meer konserwatief maar ook meer ontvanklik blyk te wees met betrekking tot ander vonnisopsies. Genderverskille in verhouding tot die erns- en die vonnistellings is gering, maar vroue en die ouer ouderdomsgroepe vertoon groter vrees vir viktimisasie, alhoewel hierdie vrees nie ondersteun word deur werklike viktimisasieratio's nie. Hierdie navorsing onderskryf die motivering vir die oorweging van die gemeenskapsmening in formulering van vonnisopleggingsbeleid met die resultaat dat 72 persent respondente gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid in die vonnisoplgeging voorstaan. ' / Criminology and Security Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

The impact and influence of the constitutional court in the formative years of democracy in South Africa

Maduna, Penuell Mpapa 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to assess the impact and influence of South Africa's Constitutional Court in the first two years of our democracy. To achieve this objective, some of the definitive and controversial cases already decided by the Court have been selected and analysed in an attempt to glean some jurisprudential perspectives of the Court. It focuses on the work of the Court over the past two years. It deals with the evolution of South Africa into a democracy, and analyzes the South African legal system prior to the beginning of the process of transformation. It briefly surveys the evolution of our constitutional system, dating back from the pre-1910 colonial period and provides a broad outline of the legal system in the post-April 1994 period of transformation. It analyzes the Court from the point of view of, inter alia, its composition, jurisdiction and powers. The Court is also contrasted with courts in other jurisdictions which exercise full judicial review. The Court's emerging jurisprudence is examined. A review is made, inter alia, of the Court's understanding of, and approach to, the questions of the values underpinning the post-apartheid society and its constitutional system, and constitutional interpretation. The right against self-incrimination and South African company law and the two relevant Constitutional Court cases are discussed. The collection of evidence by the State and the constitutionality of provisions relating to search and seizure and the taking of fingerprints are looked into. The Court's approach to statutory presumptions and criminal prosecutions; some aspects of our appeals procedures; an accused's right to be assisted by a lawyer at state expense; the question of a fair trial and access to information; capital punishment; corporal punishment; committal to prison for debt; and the certification of constitutions is analyzed. Two of the cases in which the provinces clashed with the national government on the distribution of posers between provinces and the national government are discussed. The conclusion is that the Court has, overall, hitherto acquitted itself well in the handling of particularly the controversial quasi-political questions that arose in the cases it has decided. / Constitutional, International and Indigenous Law / L.L. D. (Law)

Narrative accounts of the involvement of victims and perpetrators in mob-justice related incidents : a Limpopo case study

Mpuru, L. P. 02 1900 (has links)
Increasing incidents of mob justice have left a trail of murders that remain unsolved in the rural areas of South Africa. As such, little attention has been given to the experiences of victims and perpetrators involved in mob justice related incidents in these areas in particular. The purpose of this study was to examine narrative accounts of the experiences of victims and perpetrators engaged in mob justice associated incidents in the Diphale village, Limpopo. Twenty participants, consisting of 14 perpetrators and 06 victims, were chosen through sampling techniques, like, convenience and snowball sampling. A qualitative approach was adopted using semi-structured interviews as the key research instrument. The semi-structured interviews were conducted with 09 perpetrators, and two focus groups involving 06 victims and 05 perpetrators. Data was analysed using thematic analysis to interpret data collected from the participants. The findings indicated that unsolved crime leads to persistent mob justice activities in the Diphale village. The findings in the study were further bolstered through the provision of recommendations aimed at preventing future mob justice activities. The recommendations highlight proper service delivery, including community development, and the reduction of corruption and bribery. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

Die inhoud van ouerlike gesag, quo vadis?

Venter, Ivanda 30 November 2005 (has links)
Through the centuries the parental authority has dwindled from the absolute power of the father to the rights of autonomy of the child. At present in the South African law the parental authority is still largely determined by the common law and can be described as the sum total of rights and obligations which parents enjoy in relation to their children. Guardianship and custody are the separate incidents of parental authority. The Child Care Act 74 of 1983, The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996, The Guardianship Act 192 of 1993, The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996, the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 by South Africa on 16 June 1995 and case law have contributed to increasing limitations on the exercise of parental authority. A balance needs to be found between the parental authority and the rights of the child to ensure that neither is absolute. Parents need to respect the evolving capacities of the child and children need to respect the guidance of the parents. / Jurisprudence / LL.M

Challenges and factors contributing to learner absenteeism in selected primary schools in Acornhoek

Mboweni, Lawrence 01 1900 (has links)
Learner absenteeism is one of the major precursors to poor academic performance. If learners miss school, they do not learn and ultimately they fail or drop-out. Notwithstanding, this problem does not receive the attention it deserves. A literature study, which reviewed research findings concerning absenteeism in South Africa and selected countries, provided a framework for the ensuing empirical inquiry. A qualitative study using in-depth interviews, focus group interviews, document review and observation as data gathering techniques focused on two selected primary schools with a high rate of learner absenteeism in the Acornhoek area of Mpumalanga, South Africa. Participants were purposefully selected as information rich candidates: absentee learners, parents of absentee learners, teachers and school principals. Learner absenteeism negatively impacts effective professional practice, that is, teaching and learning. The study concludes with recommendations to prevent learner absenteeism in order to improve teaching and learning in South African primary schools. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Adolescents' perspectives of discipline problems at a secondary school in Gauteng

De Atouguia, Desiree Anne 06 1900 (has links)
Problem behaviours amongst adolescent learners continue to affect the goals of effective education. The current study sought to investigate adolescents’ perspectives of discipline problems at a secondary school in Gauteng. A mixed method research design was followed during which questionnaires, focus groups and interviews directed the empirical investigation. The findings revealed two areas for addressing and improving the discipline problems of the secondary school, namely improving extrinsic factors and improving the current discipline system. Based on the findings, it was suggested that the school encourage greater parent involvement and improve parent-teacher communication. Creating a positive school identity and developing teachers further was proposed. An improved discipline system based on a positive learning approach was recommended. This included clarifying the discipline system to all role players, standardising discipline procedures throughout the school and improving follow up procedures regarding learner discipline. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Sentencing the juvenile accused

Cassim, Fawzia 11 1900 (has links)
The abolition of corporal punishment in S v Williams and Others 1995 (3) SA 632 (CC) provided the state with the impetus to consider alternative sentencing options. Unsystematic efforts by the government to reform the juvenile justice system have failed abysmally. The government was forced to review its policies on juvenile sentencing. An examination of international trends reveals the imposition of stricter measures of punishment for serious and violent juvenile offenders. Community-based sentencing options are used mainly for first-time offenders. The focus has also shifted from punishment and retribution to prevention and treatment. It is advocated that serious and violent juvenile offenders be incarcerated in secure-care facilities and/or juvenile prisons and that community-based sentencing options be utilised for first-time offenders. The government should also design programmes that deal with situations that lead to crime and delinquency / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.M. (Law)

Penologiese ondersoek rakende voorvonnisevaluering / Penological investigation concerning a presentence evaluation

De Villiers, Elizabeth Ann 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie verhandeling is 'n poging om 'n teoretiese-prinsipiele uiteensetting te gee omtrent voorvonnisevaluering vanuit 'n penologiese gesigspunt. Met voorvonnisevalueringsverslae word daar gepoog om op 'n sinlike manier beide positiewe en negatiewe elemente van die individuele oortreder se persoonlike- en maatskaplike agtergrond en huidige situasie aan die lig te bring naamlik kenmerke van sy gedragspatrone sowel van sy sterk en swak eienskappe. Die hoofdoel van voorvonnisevalueringsverslae en voorvonnisondersoeke is om regters, landdroste en howe behulpsaam te wees met die bepaling van 'n gepaste en ge"individualiseerde straf. Sonder basiese en deeglike kennis van die oortreder as persoon sal enige verhoorhof in die duister 'n vonnis ople en die kanse vir 'n gepaste straf sal skraal wees. Benewens die wesenlike groei en belangstelling in voorvonnisevelueringsverslae wat deur proefbeamptes of korrektiewe beamptes voorberei word pleit verskeie skrywers vir die gebruikmaking van hierdie evalueringsverslae in die strafregsplegingstelsel veral wat betref jeugdiges, eerste oortreders en ernstige oortreders. / The dissertation will attempt a theoretic fundamental exposition of the role of the presentence evaluation as seen from a penological perspective. With presentence evaluation they attempt to take into consideration the positive as well as the negative elements which are present in the individual's personal and social background for example their day-to-day behaviour. The main purpose of the presentence evaluation report and presentence investigation is to aid the judges, prosecutors and the court in determining a suitable and individualized punishment. Without basic and complete knowledge of the offender as a person the court will not be able to deliver fair judgements and the changes that a suitable punishment will be given is limited. Due to a positive interest in this presentence evaluation report several writers insist of making use of this evaluation report in the criminal law justice system especially where youth, first time offenders and major offenders are concerned. / Penology / M.A. (Penologie)

Crime prevention and sentencing : a practical penological perspective

Muthaphuli, Phumudzo 08 July 2013 (has links)
No abstract or keywords allocated in thesis / Department of Penology / D.Litt. et Phil.

Ethical issues in the bioprediction of brain-based disorder

Baum, Matthew L. January 2013 (has links)
The development of predictive biomarkers in neuroscience is increasingly enabling bioprediction of adverse behavioural events, from psychosis to impulsive violent reaction. Because many brain-based disorders can be thought of as end-states of a long development, bioprediction carries immense therapeutic potential. In this thesis, I analyse issues raised by the development of bioprediction of brain-based disorder. I argue that ethical analysis of probabilities and risk information bioprediction provides is confounded by philosophical and social structures that have, until recently, functioned nominally well by assuming categorical (binary) concepts of disorder, especially regarding brain-disorder. Through an analysis of the philosophical concept of disorder, I argue that we can and ought to reorient disorder around probability of future harm and stratify disorder based on the magnitude of risk. Rejection of binary concepts in favour of this non-binary (probability-based) one enables synergy with bioprediction and circumnavigation of ethical concerns raised about proposed disorders of risk in psychiatry and neurology; I specifically consider psychosis and dementia risk. I then show how probabilistic thinking enables consideration of the implications of bioprediction for two areas salient in mental health: moral responsibility and justice. Using the example of epilepsy and driving as a model of obligations to protect others against risk of harm, I discuss how the development of bioprediction is poised to enhance moral responsibility. I then engage with legal cases and science surrounding a predictive biomarker of impulsive violent reaction to propose that bioprediction can sometimes rightly diminish responsibility. Finally, I show the relevance of bioprediction to theories of distributive justice that assign priority to the worse off. Because bioprediction enables the identification of those who are worse off in a way of which we have previously been ignorant, a commitment to assign priority to the worse off requires development of and equal access to biopredictive technologies.

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