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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detecting Gender : Images of the Contemporary Woman in Crime Fiction by Patricia Cornwell and Peter Robinson

Sims, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den här studien har sitt fokus inom krimnalromangenren. Det finns två huvudlinjer. Först koncentrerar studien sig på vilka strategier två kvinnliga protagonister är tvungna att anta för att nå yrkesmässig framgång i en mansdominerad miljö. För att var mer specifik så undersöks Chief Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta från serien om Scarpetta av Patricia Cornwell och D.S Annie Cabbot från serien om Inspector Banks av Peter Robinson och deras förhållande till auktoritet, makt, äktenskap och moderskap. Fin-de-Siècle ger den underliggande definitionen av kön genom sin skeva syn på vad som anses vara normen för kvinnlighet. Kvinnan förväntades då att centrera sin existens inom hemmets sfär som den perfekta hustrun och modern. Hon ansågs dessutom vara olämpliga för en yrkeskarriär då hennes hälsa var alltför vacklande och tänkandet dominerat av känslor snarare än förnuft.</p><p>I denna uppsats argumenteras för att spår av detta sätt att tänka om kvinnan fortfarande står att finna i de aktuella romanerna. Protagonisterna tvingas därför att öppet utmana dessa normer för att nå framgång.</p><p>I överesnstämmelse med argument presenterade av Judith Halberstam i <em>Female Masculinity</em>, ger studien dessutom exempel på hur de valda protagonisterna blir bestraffade på grund av sin ovilja att följa den etablerade normen av kvinnlighet. Bestraffningen tar sig tre uttryck: psykologiskt genom att protagonisterna kritiseras, ignoreras och undervärderas; yrkesmässigt, genom att ifrågasättas rättsligt och genom anklagelser om allvarlig inkompetens, samt fysiskt genom att bli offer för sexuella övergrepp. Eftersom protagonisterna agerar enligt de traditionella normerna finns en indikation på att dessa normer fortfarande lever.</p><p>Som slutsats anges att även om hundra år har passerat sedan fin-de-siècle och etablerandet av de könsnormer som här nämns agerar protagnisterna enligt dessa. Karakteriseringen av Scarpetta och Cabbot är dessutom beroende av den tradition som finns etablerad inom kriminalgenrenvilket begränsar uttrycket av kön. Studien föreslår att kategoriseringen av kön i två kategorier enbart: män och kvinnor, är alltför snäv och att könsdefinitionen behöver utökas. I studien framkommer att de kvinnliga protagonisterna anses vara icke-typiska kvinnor eller homosexuella genom sitt sätt att utmana den traditionella synen på kvinnlighet.</p> / <p>This study maintains a focus within the genre: crime fiction.  There are two main strands. First, there is an exploration of what strategies are adopted by two female protagonists to achieve professional success in a male dominated setting. More specifically, it investigates Chief Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta from the Scarpetta-series by Patricia Cornwell and D.S Annie Cabbot from the Inspector Banks series by Peter Robinson and their relationship to authority, power, marriage and children. The Fin-de-Siècle provides the basis for the under-lying definition of gender through its skewed formulation of female norms. Women were to centre their existence within the domestic domain of life as perfect wives and mothers. Furthermore, they were considered unsuitable for professional commitments due to fragile health and domination of emotions over reason. In this essay it is argued that, in these novels, traces of these expectations regarding the nature of womanhood are still current and that the protagonists have to challenge these openly to reach success.</p><p>Secondly, in agreement with claims by Judith Halberstam in her work <em>Female Masculinity, </em>the study exemplifies how the selected protagonists are portrayed as punished because of their disobedience to the pre-established norm of womanhood. This punishment takes three forms: psychologically, by being devalued, criticised and ignored; professionally, by being legally questioned and accused of severe incompetence and physically by being victims of sexual assault.</p><p>The conclusion states that, in spite of a century having past since the establish-ment of the norms of womanhood referred to here, the female protagonists act accordingly which indicates that these norms are still current. Furthermore, the portrayal of Scarpetta and Cabbot is dependent on the genre in which they belong which limits the possible expression of gender. It is suggested that the gender categories: men and women are too narrow and that the definition of woman needs to be extended.Within the characterisation of the two prota-gonists in the study there is evidence that they are considered atypical women or homosexuals because of their opposing the traditional views of womanhood.</p>

Detecting Gender : Images of the Contemporary Woman in Crime Fiction by Patricia Cornwell and Peter Robinson

Sims, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
Den här studien har sitt fokus inom krimnalromangenren. Det finns två huvudlinjer. Först koncentrerar studien sig på vilka strategier två kvinnliga protagonister är tvungna att anta för att nå yrkesmässig framgång i en mansdominerad miljö. För att var mer specifik så undersöks Chief Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta från serien om Scarpetta av Patricia Cornwell och D.S Annie Cabbot från serien om Inspector Banks av Peter Robinson och deras förhållande till auktoritet, makt, äktenskap och moderskap. Fin-de-Siècle ger den underliggande definitionen av kön genom sin skeva syn på vad som anses vara normen för kvinnlighet. Kvinnan förväntades då att centrera sin existens inom hemmets sfär som den perfekta hustrun och modern. Hon ansågs dessutom vara olämpliga för en yrkeskarriär då hennes hälsa var alltför vacklande och tänkandet dominerat av känslor snarare än förnuft. I denna uppsats argumenteras för att spår av detta sätt att tänka om kvinnan fortfarande står att finna i de aktuella romanerna. Protagonisterna tvingas därför att öppet utmana dessa normer för att nå framgång. I överesnstämmelse med argument presenterade av Judith Halberstam i Female Masculinity, ger studien dessutom exempel på hur de valda protagonisterna blir bestraffade på grund av sin ovilja att följa den etablerade normen av kvinnlighet. Bestraffningen tar sig tre uttryck: psykologiskt genom att protagonisterna kritiseras, ignoreras och undervärderas; yrkesmässigt, genom att ifrågasättas rättsligt och genom anklagelser om allvarlig inkompetens, samt fysiskt genom att bli offer för sexuella övergrepp. Eftersom protagonisterna agerar enligt de traditionella normerna finns en indikation på att dessa normer fortfarande lever. Som slutsats anges att även om hundra år har passerat sedan fin-de-siècle och etablerandet av de könsnormer som här nämns agerar protagnisterna enligt dessa. Karakteriseringen av Scarpetta och Cabbot är dessutom beroende av den tradition som finns etablerad inom kriminalgenrenvilket begränsar uttrycket av kön. Studien föreslår att kategoriseringen av kön i två kategorier enbart: män och kvinnor, är alltför snäv och att könsdefinitionen behöver utökas. I studien framkommer att de kvinnliga protagonisterna anses vara icke-typiska kvinnor eller homosexuella genom sitt sätt att utmana den traditionella synen på kvinnlighet. / This study maintains a focus within the genre: crime fiction.  There are two main strands. First, there is an exploration of what strategies are adopted by two female protagonists to achieve professional success in a male dominated setting. More specifically, it investigates Chief Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta from the Scarpetta-series by Patricia Cornwell and D.S Annie Cabbot from the Inspector Banks series by Peter Robinson and their relationship to authority, power, marriage and children. The Fin-de-Siècle provides the basis for the under-lying definition of gender through its skewed formulation of female norms. Women were to centre their existence within the domestic domain of life as perfect wives and mothers. Furthermore, they were considered unsuitable for professional commitments due to fragile health and domination of emotions over reason. In this essay it is argued that, in these novels, traces of these expectations regarding the nature of womanhood are still current and that the protagonists have to challenge these openly to reach success. Secondly, in agreement with claims by Judith Halberstam in her work Female Masculinity, the study exemplifies how the selected protagonists are portrayed as punished because of their disobedience to the pre-established norm of womanhood. This punishment takes three forms: psychologically, by being devalued, criticised and ignored; professionally, by being legally questioned and accused of severe incompetence and physically by being victims of sexual assault. The conclusion states that, in spite of a century having past since the establish-ment of the norms of womanhood referred to here, the female protagonists act accordingly which indicates that these norms are still current. Furthermore, the portrayal of Scarpetta and Cabbot is dependent on the genre in which they belong which limits the possible expression of gender. It is suggested that the gender categories: men and women are too narrow and that the definition of woman needs to be extended.Within the characterisation of the two prota-gonists in the study there is evidence that they are considered atypical women or homosexuals because of their opposing the traditional views of womanhood.

EU-stadgans tillämplighet på skattetillägg och skattebrott : En fråga om rättssäkerhet? / The EU Charters's applicability on tax surcharge and taxcrime  : A question of legal certainty?

Yeldham, Casey January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Uppsatsen behandlar EU-stadgans tillämplighet på det svenska dubbelförfarandet, påförande av skattetillägg och utdömande av straffrättsliga påföljder vid oriktig uppgift. Framställningen baseras på gällande lagtext vid 1 december 2011, men hänsyn har även tagits till lagförslaget avseende den nya skatteförfarandelagen, SFL, som avses träda i kraft den 1 januari 2012.  Besvarandet av syftet sker ur ett svenskt perspektiv med beaktande av rättssäkerheten för den enskilde. Det klargörs att EU-stadgans ställning innebär att den skall ha företräde framför motstridig nationell rätt. Vidare kan kravet på klart stöd som HD har uppställt för att underkänna det svenska dubbelförfarandet med stöd av Europakonventionen, inte upprätthållas vid EU-stadgans tillämpning. Ett sådant krav skulle strida mot rättssäkerhetskravet på en bestämd rättskällehierarki, och därmed inte tillförsäkra den enskildes rättssäkerhet. Kravet på likabehandling vid rättstillämpningen för att tillförsäkra den enskildes rättssäkerhet innebär dock inte att det föreligger ett krav på EU-stadgans tillämpning i alla mål avseende det svenska dubbelförfarandet vid oriktig uppgift. Detta eftersom det inte finns anledning att anta att HD eller HFD gör en annan bedömning än den HD nyligen har gjort i NJA 2011 s. 444, trots de konkreta unionsrättsliga anknytningarna i målet. Slutligen klargör uppsatsen även att det emellertid finns skäl att anta att EU-domstolen skulle kunna komma att göra en annan bedömning än HD. Mot bakgrund av EU-domstolens uttalande i praxis om medlemstaternas skyldighet att även inom området för direkt beskattning iaktta unionsrätten vid utförande av olika sanktioner, samt medlemsstaternas lojalitetsplikt, anförs det att artikel 50 i EU-stadgan därför bör tillämpas på det svenska dubbelförfarandet vid oriktig uppgift. Likväl föreligger det inget krav på EU-stadgans tillämpning på det svenska dubbelförandet, med hänsyn till den enskildes rättsäkerhet, ur ett svenskt perspektiv. / Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the EU Charter’s applicability on the Swedish double parallel system regarding tax crime and tax surcharge, from a Swedish viewpoint, with consideration for the individual’s requirement for legal certainty. The thesis is based on current law as of the 1st of December 2011, however due account is taken to the new law proposal for the Swedish Tax Assessment/Payment Act, which is expected to be in force on the 1st of January 2012. Also, the thesis clarifies the EU Charter’s supremacy over national law. Furthermore, it is shown that the Swedish Supreme Court’s (HD) requirement for “clear support” in the European Convention to bypass national Swedish law cannot be upheld in respect to the EU Charter, as this would conflict with the requirement for a set legal hierarchy to fulfill the individual’s adequate legal certainty. The Swedish Supreme Court has found that the EU Charter can not be applied to the Swedish double punishment system, regardless of concrete facts in the case being related to EU-law. However, the condition of equal treatment with regards to legal certainty does not result in an absolute requirement for the EU Charter’s applicability on the Swedish system, as there is no evidence that the Swedish Supreme Court will change its assessment of the matter at hand. Nevertheless, it is argued that there is ample reason to believe that the Court of Justice would make a different assessment of the issue, considering the Court’s previous statements with respect to the member states responsibility to regard EU Law even within the field of direct taxation. Therefore, the thesis concludes that although there can be no absolute requirement to apply the EU Charter to the Swedish system, with regards to legal certainty, the EU Charter should nonetheless be applicable.

La faute lucrative / Lucrativ fault

Fournier de Crouy, Nathalie 22 September 2015 (has links)
Notre étude a pour objectif d'une part de comprendre pourquoi dans notre système juridique, certaines fautes peuvent profiter à leur auteur et d'autre part de les empêcher. Pour ce faire, dans une première partie, nous qualifierons la faute lucrative. Cette étape de qualification nous permettra de mettre en lumière l'unité de la notion de faute lucrative, en dépit de sa diversité de visages ; unité reposant sur des caractéristiques qui lui sont propres. A travers l'examen de chaque composante de la faute lucrative, nous mettrons en exergue les failles du Droit qui alimentent les stratégies spéculatives sur la violation de la règle de droit. La diversité de l'élément légal nous amènera à ausculter différentes disciplines du droit privé, dont principalement le droit pénal, le droit de la concurrence et le droit de la responsabilité civile. Les insuffisances de chacune de ces disciplines nous conduiront à proposer la reconnaissance par le Droit, de la faute lucrative, dans toute son singularité afin d'en ajuster le régime. Cette consécration en droit positif s'effectuera par la création d'une nouvelle circonstance aggravante, le dol lucratif, en droit répressif et l'assimilation de la faute lucrative à la faute intentionnelle ou dolosive en droit de la responsabilité civile. Cette réception de la faute lucrative en Droit justifiera l'élaboration d'un régime adéquat à la faute lucrative, poursuivant un objectif de dissuasion. Dans une seconde partie, nous proposerons donc un régime dissuasif, conçu à la lumière de la théorie économique de la dissuasion. Ce dernier reposera sur des modalités substantielles et procédurales, garantissant à la fois l'efficacité et l'effectivité de la sanction dissuasive. Au titre des premières, il s'agira d'augmenter le quantum chiffrable de la sanction, afin qu'il devienne au moins égal au profit illicite. Mais pas seulement : il s'agira également d'aggraver le quantum non chiffrable de la sanction, de sorte que le coût d'une faute ne puisse pas être intégralement anticipé, maîtrisé par les opérateurs économiques. Inévitablement, l'objectif de dissuasion des sanctions aura pour effet d'aggraver la responsabilité de l'auteur d'une faute lucrative. Aussi les modalités confiscatoires et dissuasives devront être passées au crible de la qualification de sanction répressive. Il en résultera une distinction nette entre le champ de la dissuasion et celui de la répression, le premier étant plus large que le second. Une sanction civile non répressive, simplement normative pouvant donc être dissuasive. Notre thèse a donc pour objectif de proposer une méthode de traitement des fautes lucratives afin de renverser le rapport coût-avantage d'une violation de l'ordre public. / Under french law, some faults can provide to their author more than the fault costs to them. In others words, some faults can procure an illegal profit because Law doesn't confiscate it or not efficiently. For example, it can be a cartel on prices, a violation of private life by a paparazzi magazine, or a fraud on consumer goods.... The aim of our thesis is twice. Fistly, we will try to understand why such behaviour is possible : what is the legal classification stage, after which we will propose a definition of lucrative fault in tort law, criminal law and competition law. Secondly, we are going to suggest a legal processing, method to deter this misbehaviour, what is the second step of our demonstration. Thus, in support of the economic model of deterrence by Gary Becker, we will determinate the conditions of effectiveness of a public punishment and of a private punishment. Among them, we will make the difference between the choice of the punishment and the probability of being decided.

Lien entre la légitimité perçue de la violence subie dans l’enfance et les comportements violents à l’égard des enfants du point de vue de pères québécois

Jamal, Farah 10 1900 (has links)
La transmission intergénérationnelle de la violence envers les enfants et les perceptions reliées aux expériences personnelles de violence dans l’enfance ont été peu étudiées auprès de la population générale et encore moins auprès des pères. L’objectif de la présente étude est de déterminer le lien entre, d’une part, la fréquence rapportée de la violence physique sévère vécue dans l’enfance et la légitimité perçue de cette violence et d’autre part, la violence physique mineure et psychologique envers les enfants au sein de la famille actuelle de 204 pères québécois. Les données sont issues de l’enquête sur la violence familiale dans la vie des enfants du Québec réalisée en 2004 par l’Institut de la Statistique du Québec. Il y a un lien significatif entre la fréquence rapportée de la violence physique sévère vécue dans l’enfance et sa légitimité perçue, ainsi qu’avec la violence envers les enfants dans la famille actuelle des pères. Les pères rapportant avoir souvent ou très souvent vécu de la violence physique sévère dans l’enfance ont actuellement des enfants qui vivent plus de violence psychologique que ceux qui en ont parfois vécu. Plus les pères considèrent la violence physique sévère vécue dans l’enfance comme méritée, plus leurs enfants vivent de la violence psychologique. Enfin, les enfants des pères qui considèrent la violence subie comme parfois méritée vivent moins de violence physique mineure que ceux des pères qui la considèrent comme souvent ou très souvent méritée. Les implications pour la recherche et la pratique sont discutées. / Intergenerational patterns of violence against children and perceptions of childhood abuse have not been studied a lot among general population or fathers. The objective of the present study is to determine the link between frequencies of childhood severe physical violence and its perceived legitimacy (first), and minor physical and psychological violence against children in actual family (second) in a sample of 204 fathers from Quebec. Results indicate a significant link between frequencies of childhood severe physical violence and its perceived legitimacy, and violence against children in actual family. Fathers who have often or very often lived childhood severe physical violence have children who suffer more psychological violence than fathers who have lived it sometimes. The more fathers think that childhood violence was deserved, the more their children suffer psychological violence. Finally, children of fathers who think that childhood severe physical violence was sometimes deserved suffer less minor physical violence than those of fathers who think that it was often or very often deserved. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property / Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property

Lankau, Matthias 20 November 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Der erste Teil widmet sich der Fragestellung inwiefern formelle Gruppeneigentumsrechte Herkunftsgemeinschaften vor unautorisierten Verwendungen ihrer traditionellen kulturellen Ausdrucksweisen (TKAs) schützen können. Kapitel 2 und 3 führen hierzu einen ökonomischen Vergleich fünf so genannter sui generis Rechte zum Schutz jener TKAs durch und leiten Politikempfehlungen ab. Zum einen bilden die Beiträge eine Rangfolge der Transaktionskosten, die bei Verhandlung über Verwendungen der TKAs entstehen können. Zum anderen vergleichen die Kapitel, ob die Schutzpräferenzen der Ursprungsgemeinschaft durch die Modelgesetze geschützt wären. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass ein Prinzipal-Agenten-Problem auftritt sollten staatliche Behörden über zu viel Verhandlungsmacht verfügen. In diesem Fall werden Bürokraten eher ihre eigenen Interessen als die der Eigentümer der TKAs durchsetzen. Letztendlich existiert zwischen beiden Effekten ein klarer Trade-Off: Je mehr ein Gesetz die Schutzinteressen der Ursprungsgemeinschaften schützt desto höher sind seine Transaktions- und somit sozialen Kosten. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit behandelt – auf Basis ökonomischer Laborexperimente – den Fragenkomplex wie Gruppenmitglieder öffentliche Güter im Kontext kulturellen Eigentums – so wie TKAs – bereitstellen. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf dem Einfluss sozialer Identität auf das Ausmaß an positiver sowie negativer Reziprozität der Individuen als Determinanten der sozialen Wohlfahrt. Die bedingte Kooperation der Gruppenmitglieder sowie das gegenseitige Bestrafungsverhalten untereinander bilden hierfür Maße für positive und negative Reziprozität. Kapitel 4 zeigt, dass Individuen unter dem Einfluss sozialer Identität grundsätzlich divergierende Kooperationspräferenzen abhängig davon mit wem sie interagieren aufzeigen. Auf Basis eines Within-Subject-Designs und mehreren ein-Perioden Spielen in Strategiemethode, zeigt der Beitrag, dass Individuen in identitäts-homogenen Gruppen (In-Group) die Präferenz für eine höhere bedingte Kooperation und weniger Eigennutzorientierung als in einer heterogenen Gruppe (Out-Group) zeigen. Zusätzlich neigen Individuen in heterogenen Gruppen eher zu einem vollständigen Trittbrettfahrerverhalten. Somit könnten Politikinstitutionen, die den Zusammenhalt einer Gruppe betonen, die soziale Wohlfahrt steigern. Auf der Basis eines zehn-Perioden-Spiels zeigt Kapitel 5, dass hauptsächlich vergleichsweise höhere Erwartungen an die Kooperation der Mitglieder in einer In-Group als an die in einer Out-Group Wohlfahrtsgewinne in homogenen Gruppen im Zuge mehrperiodischer Interaktionen auslösen. Die bedingte Kooperation – hier die Erwiderung der eigenen Erwartungen an die Kooperation der Gruppenmitglieder durch eigene Beiträge – ist hingegen in In- und Out- Groups ähnlich. Insgesamt belegt dieser Beitrag somit, dass Erwartungen der Individuen der entscheidende Faktor für das Beitragsverhalten der Gruppenmitglieder unter sozialer Identität ist. Kapitel 6 analysiert inwiefern die Möglichkeit einer gegenseitigen Bestrafung die Kooperationsbereitschaft unter dem Einfluss sozialer Identität ändert. Hierzu verwendet der Beitrag ein-Perioden-Spiele in Strategiemethode sowohl mit als auch ohne Bestrafung. Es zeigt sich, dass die Antizipation einer Bestrafung in heterogenen Gruppen zur größten Anhebung der Kooperationsbereitschaft führt, was am deutlichsten durch das Verhalten der Free-Rider ausgelöst wird. Darüber hinaus hebt die Bestrafungsinstitution unterschiede in der Kooperationsbereitschaft zwischen homo- und heterogenen Gruppen auf, die sich typischer Weise zugunsten homogener Gruppen verlagert. Letztlich deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass im Vergleich zu einer Situation in der ausschließlich eine Bestrafungsinstitution vorliegt, eine zusätzliche Identitätszuschreibung die Wohlfahrt zusätzlich erhöht. Mit Fokus auf negativer Reziprozität untersucht Kapitel 7 die Frage inwiefern soziale Identität das Bestrafungsverhalten gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern beeinflusst, die weniger zum öffentlichen Gut beitragen als der Bestrafende. Hier zeigt sich, dass Mitglieder identitäts-homogener Gruppen seltener und in geringerer Höhe bestrafen, als es in heterogenen Gruppen der Fall ist. Darüber hinaus ist das Bestrafungsverhalten in heterogenen Gruppen signifikant stärker durch Ärger-ähnliche Emotionen motiviert als in homogenen Gruppen. Insgesamt zeigt der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation, dass Identitätszuschreibungen sowohl positive als auch negative Reziprozität beeinflussen und somit die soziale Wohlfahrt bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter – auch im Kontext kulturellen Eigentums – beeinflussen. Diese Ergebnisse sind demzufolge für Verhaltensabschätzungen im Rahmen von Politikempfehlungen relevant, die sich auf Situation mit dem Charakter öffentlicher Güter beziehen.

Determinants of economic preferences

Dreber Almenberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2009 Sammanfattning jämte 6 uppsatser

Understanding impulsivity : molecular genetic and environmental influences

White, Melanie Jade January 2008 (has links)
Features of impulsivity underlie multiple psychological disorders. The body of work examining impulsivity has largely focussed on self-report measurement and has incorporated psychological constructs without reference to the broader biological factors that may influence impulsive behaviour. Two studies were conducted to examine whether environmental stress and genetic status associated with dopaminergic and serotonergic function (DRD2, ANKK1 and 5HT2AR genotypes) were predictive of dimensions of impulsivity and risky behaviour (alcohol use). The two studies used a multi-method approach in a non-clinical community sample of young adults (aged 17-25 years). Dopamine is integral to the two leading theories of impulsive personality, Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and Cloninger's Psychobiological model of personality. Dopamine plays a crucial role in reward reinforcement circuits in the brain. The A1 allele of the ANKK1 gene (also referred to as TaqIA of the DRD2 gene region) and the CC genotype of the C957T polymorphism of the DRD2 gene have both been associated with reduced D2 dopamine receptor density in key structures linked to brain reward. In addition, a strong body of evidence implicates their involvement in a number of clinical disorders associated with impulsivity. Serotonin function has also been associated with impulsivity in Cloninger's theory and there is also evidence of associations of two polymorphisms of the 2A serotonin receptor gene (5HT2AR T102C and -1438A/G SNPs) with impulsivity. Acute and chronic forms of stress are also important correlates of impulsive behaviour and the two studies directly examined the relationship between genotype, stress and impulsivity. Study 1 (N=180) utilised a cross-sectional design and examined interactions between these polymorphisms and chronic stress exposure on key impulsivity dimensions of reward sensitivity, Novelty Seeking and rash impulsiveness. Participants completed psychological questionnaires measuring chronic stress, dimensions of impulsivity, mood and substance use and provided mouth swab samples of buccal mucosal cells for DNA analysis. The study confirmed the association between A1 and CC allelic status and chronic stress being associated with harm avoidance and sensitivity to punishment. This suggests a role for both dopamine and background stress in impulsive behaviour. Study 2 (N=73) built upon this questionnaire research in the laboratory by utilising experimental psychological paradigms of impulsive behaviour and experimentally manipulating acute stress. Study 2 employed a mixed experimental design with a sub-sample of those studied in the cross-sectional sample. These behavioural paradigms included pre- and post- stress induction administration of the Card Arranging Reward Responsiveness Objective Test (capturing behavioural approach in the presence of reward cues, presumed to reflect reward sensitivity) and post-induction delay discounting and response inhibition measures. Study 2 confirmed the role of one of the two dopamine-related polymorphisms, with those with A1+ allelic status demonstrating lower reward responsiveness prior to rest or stress induction, which was overcome in the second administration of this task, independent of environment. A1+ allelic individuals also demonstrated significantly poorer response inhibition independent of stress, further confirming the association between A1+ allelic status and impulsivity. Those with CC allelic status showed an increase in reward responsiveness only in the stress induction condition. Together, results from the two studies inform the development of a multidimensional model of impulsivity that captures gene-environment influences on discrete aspects of impulsive personality and behaviour. Further refinement of this model may lead to the development of more effective customised prevention and treatment interventions for clinically disordered impulsivity. The implications of dopaminergic systems and stress in understanding disorders such as ADHD and substance dependence are discussed.

A case study of stakeholders' perceptions of the management implications of the discipline provisions of the 1996 Schools Act in a rural Eastern Cape high school

Luggya, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
South Africa's education management system has undergone a long history of transformation from the promulgation of the Bantu Education Act of 1953 to the realisation of democracy, and in this context, the South Mrican Schools Act (SASA) of l996. Apartheid legislation and the new democratic legislation have had a profound impact on the education leadership and management of schools, in which authoritarian management practices have been replaced by democratic management practices. However, democratic management practices have not yet had a significant effect in the leadership and management of schools, especially in the schools of previously disadvantaged areas. This thesis seeks to examine perceptions held by education stakeholders in the light of the rights of students as stipulated in the discipline provisions of the Schools Act of 1996, in one of the rural high schools in the Northern Region of the Eastern Cape Province. One of the most important discipline provisions is the ban on corporal punishment in schools. My intention in carrying out this research was not to generalise my findings but to understand the experiences and perceptions of the stakeholders in this school regarding the discipline provisions of the SASA. The data suggest that authoritarian education practices, especially corporal punishment, are still a factor in the maintenance of student discipline in this rural school. Stakeholders still believe in the use of corporal punishment as the only way of maintaining discipline and an orderly environment for teaching and learning. Such beliefs, assumptions and values concerning the use of corporal punishment are held by the principal, teachers, students and parents and have not changed since 1996. Beliefs, assumptions and values on the exclusive use of power by the principal on issues of suspension and expulsion are still being held by the above stakeholders in the school. The vision of the SASA that schools become autonomous institutions with democratic leadership and management practices does not seem to be practical because of the centralisation of power in the hands of the Provincial Head of the Education Department. This centralisation of power denies the principal and other stakeholders of the school the power to decide on crucial matters like the expulsion of misbehaving students, because it is the provincial Head who decides on the seriousness of offences committed by misbehaving students and subsequent expulsions. Apart from the location of power in the Provincial Head of the Education Department, the stakeholders of this school are also powerless on expulsion of students, or any other form of punishment because of the implication of the "right" to education in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The education department has to devise programmes that change the beliefs and assumptions of stakeholders on corporal punishment and decision-making on expulsions and suspensions. Unfortunately corporal punishment persists because parents use it in the home and support its use in school. Programmes on alternatives to corporal punishment are required for the smooth implementation of the SASA.

Způsoby řešení kázeňských problémů začínajícím učitelem na 1. stupni ZŠ / Methods of a beginning lower primary school teacher in dealing with disciplinary problems

MELKOVÁ, Blanka January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce the way in which beginning teachers perceive and solve disciplinary problems. This work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the theoretical knowledge that includes the characteristics of the child at primary school level, the personality of the beginning teacher and the teacher in general, discipline, imprisonment, educational problems and the theoretical idea of solving school problems. In the second part, we rely on the results of a mixed research survey, which was carried out through quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research seeks to find out what disciplinary problems are going on exactly where teachers face problems, who or what helps them most, about what types of children have preaching problems, and how teachers address the issue of religion. Qualitative research deals with specific issues and a subjective approach to their solution. The diploma thesis is based on the GAJU institutional project (GAJU 154/2016/S) "Preparing students and fresh graduates of PFU to solve educational problems of pupils."

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